#curt c creamer
robboyblunder · 6 years
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Though war took the only family I had, strangely enough in the end it changed me in ways I never thought I could, and I found a new family despite it.
I did a little history-photo-series of my ODST character Roy Prince because I felt inspired to! I also have been meaning to draw him with his new squad lmao. His first squad from left to right is Private first class Shelley, Gunnery Sgt Hanson, and Lance Corporal Dogwood. his NEW family which is my lovable ODST team I adore from left to right is Private first class John Johnson, Private First Class Curt C. Creamer, JubJub the Unggoy, Khoza ‘Kadomai the Sangheili, and lance corporal Marlin Fish.
Roy was a lance corporal sniper ODST who spent many years fighting with his first squad but one day lost them all as well as his eye. After the funeral, he fought with depression and his life being drastically changed with reassignment. eventually he was given his new squad with a leadership role, and now lovingly guides them and protects them (even their annoyingly lovable grunt).
anyways I hope you guys like this as much as I do, enjoy! More about my squad under the cut!
(please don’t repost or use these images, and leave my description; thanks!)
John Johnson- 6 ft tall - eager to please and will always follow orders being a bit of a kiss-ass type. he’s very peppy, optimistic, and friendly and will always try to make the best of things but is jumpy, easily upset, and very empathetic. he tries to be proper and mature but loves his friend to pieces and is diehard loyal.
Curt Cordelia Creamer- 6′ 3″ tall - Sharp minded and intelligent with machines, he’s an excellent pilot, mechanic, and engineer who loves machines. he’ll put them together and take them apart in all kinds of ways, and gladly take any chance he can get to keep his feet off the ground disliking exercise despite being a soldier. he’s gained a bit of a chub from this, and is pretty calm and immovable trying to keep his team mates calm and in line but he’s a crowd follower and not much for being on his own. he and his partner jubjub get into shenanigans in the garage quite a bit..
Marlin Fish- 5′ 11 (one inch taller than prince) - lazy and easy going, he’s always quick to joke and slow to get moving but once he’s serious he’s the second best human soldier on the squad to prince. hard to get through to, once he trusts someone he becomes die-hard loyal, but getting him to open up without scathing sarcasm and rejection is harder then prying a rusted foot thick metal door open. he’s a proud owner of a sangheili tooth necklace, a trophy thanks to the one that dared to bite his arm. he tends to be the first to get into trouble with his sarcasm and outgoing attitude and lack of a filter sometimes.
JubJub- ??? I have no idea how tall he is. 4ft something- enthusiastic and very narcissistic, he believes he is a prodigy that humans bow to and consistently reminds them of this. he loves to shout his name at anyone for no good reason really, and loves being by creamer’s side because he’s his favorite human (see: minion) who helps him with building fun machines. having been given mercy from creamer he’s forever loyal to him and loves his new family despite them being so big and ugly! (at least to him)
Khoza belongs to @scarecrane, ask them about him!
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forever-rogue · 5 years
The Edge of Thirty - Part 2
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Summary: Everyone seems to be getting married, having babies, or “growing up.” Except Y/N. Suddenly at almost thirty, reality seems to be crashing down on her – and hard. Nothing seemed as daunting as turning thirty…until she met Gwilym Lee anyway.  
A/N: Fam, fam, fam, thanks for all your support on part 1! Y’all literally make me feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside. I hope you enjoy part 2! Taglist is open! xx
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader
Word Count: 6k (get a drink and snack!)
Warnings: Language
“You look like shit,” Ben almost laughed as Y/N entered the teacher’s lounge, looking like she wanted to be anywhere but there. She put her hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side, flipping him the bird. Another teacher passing through saw their exchange and scoffed at the two of them; she was older and clearly a no nonsense type. She didn’t appreciate young educators and believed that the old regime was best left in place.
“Well you sound like a shitty friend, Benny boy,” she sighed as she took a furtive glance at the coffee pot. The coffee was communal, and the janitors swore it was cleaned every evening, but it somehow still managed to look dirty and undesirable. But she wanted a caffeine boost and knew she wouldn’t have time to head to any cafe to get a fresh cup, “what are the chances of death if I drink some of this?”
“I’d wager they’re pretty high,” he raised his eyebrow as he took a sip from the Starbucks cup in his hand. Unlike her, he had left himself enough time to stop by and get himself some java, “but I don’t know if I could take on a class of twenty seven-year-olds by myself with the aid of a good coffee.”
“Well, I suppose it’s a risk I’m willing to take then, isn’t it?” she grabbed her own mug out of the cupboard and poured some of the dark liquid into it. Grabbing some of the sad powdered creamer the school provided, she dumped a heap in the cup, watching it float on top like a miserable lump, “not all of us have the luxury of setting our own hours and only dealing with a small number of students per day, Dr. Jones. You should have texted me to let me know you were doing to grab a coffee!”
“Sorry, love,” he smirked at her, making sure to take a long sip before casting a wary eye at her pathetic looking copy, “didn’t realize you’d only have five minutes to spare. Rough morning?”
“Quite, yes,” she answered, trying to incorporate the cream into her coffee with vigorous stirring. It made no difference, refusing to mix much, leaving her with a slightly sweetened and gloppy mess. Sighing, she dumped the whole thing into the sink and gave up on the situation. Ben watched her with a slight smirk, vowing that he’d go and get her a cup, “Deacon wasn’t having anything this morning, and I could barely get him to go on a walk this morning. I was out of underwear, and my fridge was empty. On top of that,  I had forgotten to set my alarm. A great way to start a new week, no?”
“Ooof,” was all he said as he tried to keep himself from laughing. She nodded at him, groaning as the bell ranging, signaling that she was officially late to first period. Her little ones were probably already seated and eagerly waiting for her. There were a lot of things she wasn’t but there were a lot of things she was  - and a teacher that her students adored was one of them, “better get going. I’ll catch up later. You want your usual coffee?”
“Would you, Ben? You’d be a huge lifesaver,” she called over her shoulder as she rushed out of the lounge and down the hall to her small classroom. He looked at his watch and shook his head, both in silent amusement and concern. He had a few hours before his first counseling session, so he figured he’d go now and get her the coffee before settling in for the day.
“Good morning my little love bugs,” she called out in an excited voice as she entered her classroom. Her students looked at her with smiles on their little faces, excited to see their favorite teacher, “now, we all know Mondays are hard, especially after a long weekend, right? How about we go hard and talk about what we did? And then, if you’re all really good, we can watch a movie this afternoon! I’ve got my personal favorites - the Lion King and the Aristocats!”
“Miss Y/L/N, will you tell us about your weekend?” Jenny, one her favorite students asked. She knew she wasn’t supposed to have favorites, she had been the kindest and sweetest little thing from the start. Y/N’s eyes widened for a moment, and but she quickly swallowed the lump in her throat, “can you tell us about Deacon?!”
“You guys really want t meet Deacon, huh?” she asked, happy for the diversion she provided. Her weekend was really appropriate for a bunch of children, unless it was the extremely censored version. Her kids all gave her words of encouragement - they loved hearing about her tiny dog with the big personality, “let me tell you lot this, Deacon, or Deacy if you prefer, really wants to meet you all too. I’ll make you a deal - if you’re all good this week, and Deacon behaves for me, I’ll bring him in on Friday. And if we can get your parent’s permission,  we can talk him for a walk to the park.”
“You’re the best, Miss Y/L/N!” Jenny clapped her little hands excitedly as the rest of them cheered. She always believed that learning wasn’t just done in the classroom with books and texts, but through real world experiences. That and she loved her kids and Deacon. She figured the two would go together well.
“And you, my little snuggle bugs, are the best as well,” she took a seat atop her desk so she was facing them, and reached behind her, grabbing the book she had been reading to them. It was Harry Potter, she couldn’t resist sharing one of childhood favorites with them. Perhaps they were too young for it, but she their little faces light up whenever she started reading to them, “now. Who remembers where we left off? What’s happened to Harry?”
“Good afternoon, Dr. Jones, Miss Y/L/N,” the head teacher gave them a curt nod as he passed them in the hall, where they were walking to Ben’s office. They both murmured a quiet hello, keeping their heads down and close together to not attract any more attention.
While Mr. Crickle had no problem with Ben, who he regarded as ‘brilliant’ and a ‘breath of fresh air’ he had never been a huge fan of Y/N. He would never admit it, but there was something about him that strongly suggested it, something about the air and tone he adopted around her.
“Oh, Miss Y/L/N?” he turned on his heel just before the duo could escape into Ben’s office. They exchanged a nervous glance, and Y/N turned around, plastering on a big fake smile.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Crickle?” she kept her tone even and low, not wanting to give away the fact that her heart was thumping wildly against her ribs. Ben cast a nervous glance between the two of them, hoping Y/N would keep her mouth shut and not pick any argument.  
“I just wanted to let you know that there might be some visitors in the your classroom this week or next-”
“Visitors? What does that even mean?”
“Inspectors of sorts. They make sure you’re keeping control of your class and performing your duties as a teacher. It happens with every teacher at some point. It’s just a little bit of quality control, to make sure you’re providing the best for the students,” he eyed her curiously, as her eyes narrowed in suspicion. He took a step closer towards her and cleared his throat, lowering his ever so slightly, “word from some of the other teachers has it that they say you yesterday morning, intoxicated in public. Those are not the types of value we support here.”
“I was not drunk in public!” she almost shouted, immediately infuriated by his words. 
“I’m not accusing you of anything, Miss Y/L/N. I’m just letting you know what has been shared with me,” for claiming he wasn’t accusing her of anything, his tone was very accusatory. She wanted to make a smart remark and chide him, but she bit her tongue and swallowed her words, “and I’m telling you ahead of time of your visit. Tread lightly, Y/N, for your own sake.”
He walked away without another word, leaving Y/N standing there, mouth agape as she tried to process what had just transpired. Ben reached for her arm and pulled her along with him, ushering into his office and locking the door behind them.
“What the hell was that?!” she asked as she flopped into one of the chairs opposite his desk. He pushed the coffee he had procured closer to her as he sat down, letting out a long sigh. Y/N was livid - how dare someone just accuse of things they had no clue about?
“It was really odd,” he agreed, watching her closely to gauge her reaction, “but he does make a point.”
“Which is what, exactly?” she scoffed at her, crossing her arms over her chest. Wasn’t her best friend supposed to be on her side?
“You can’t go around all willy nilly in public. People watch, observe, and notice things all the time, even if you’re aware. Would you really want to risk your career?”
“I wasn’t drunk, Ben! Just...a little hungover. I wasn’t even making a scene,” she insisted, trying her best to defend herself, “I’ll bet it was that awful-”
“Y/N, drop it,” he insisted, running a hand over his face in exasperation. Sometimes it was hard to get through to her, especially once she had one view on something. She glowered at him, but remained silent, deciding not press the issue, “just keep your head down and stay to yourself. You’re a great teacher, Y/N, your kids adore you, and you’ve got nothing to worry about. You just need to watch that mouth sometimes.”
“I know, Ben, I know. Sometimes it’s just frustrating,” she sighed, tapping the coffee cup against her lip thoughtfully a few times, “everyone’s suddenly got an issue with me. But it’s fine, I suppose. I know who I am, even if others don’t.  And please, Dr. Jones, don’t give a lecture right now. I’m trying, okay?”
“Alright, fine. So, are you ready for this evening?” Ben asked as Y/N gratefully sipped on the hot coffee, made just to her liking from him. He was sat in this chair, legs crossed on the desk as the sunlight steamed in behind him. If he hadn’t been her lifelong best friend, she probably would have been attracted to Ben. He was smart, kind, obviously gorgeous, and caring. What more could a woman ask for? She needed someone like Ben, she decided, someone like him, but not him.
She took a long sip from her sweet, creamy coffee, racking her brain, trying to figure out what this evening was. Ben regarding her curiously, already deducing that she had completely forgotten their plans. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, she set down her cup and nodded, “yup. Totally...looking forward to it. Can you text me the details so I can have them for later?”
“You’ve completely forgotten haven’t you?” he grabbed his phone and resent her the details which had been long lost in their group chat. She shrugged her shoulders lightly, giving him a shy smile, “oh Y/N, what am I going to do with you? We’ve had this planned for weeks.”
“Totally forgotten is a strong way of putting it,” she responded but Ben wasn’t having it, rolling his eyes at her as he leaned looked up at the ceiling, “but don’t worry, I won’t make a fool out of myself and be drunk in public like I apparently was yesterday. Which I wasn’t I swear, just hungover, which is a big difference. I’ll limit myself to one drink, yeah?”
“Probably a good idea,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was about to open his mouth to say something else, but the school bell rang again, signaling the end of lunch, “better get going, love. Don’t want to be late and make a bad impression. Remember - they’re all watching you!”
“Oh haha, Ben, very funny,” Y/N stood up, grabbing her coffee and throwing her head back with a long groan. She wasn’t ready to go back and spend the rest of the afternoon teaching. Her mood had gone from good to foul, and she didn’t know if she’d be able to pull herself out of the funk. But she’d do it, for the sake of her job and the rest of her students, “I better get going though. As much as I hate Crickle, I care about my kids, and they do deserve the best.”
“Have fun, lovey,” Ben commented as he started pulling out some files from his desk, ready for his afternoon counseling sessions. Without looking up and skimming over his notes, he raised an eyebrow, “see you tonight. Don’t forget and come dressed appropriately.”
“You’re a wanker,” she commented before walking out the door and sticking her tongue out at him. He didn’t look up from his reports, but instead flipped her the bird. She huffed and slammed the door, starting the trek back to her classroom.
Tugging down the dress she had decided to wear for the evening’s dinner, Y/N wondered if she should run home and change first. It was probably just borderline long enough, but she didn’t want to push it and have someone make a comment. Tonight wasn’t about her after all, it was all to celebrate Lucy and Rami’s upcoming nuptials and Becca and Joe’s exciting announcement.
Y/N knew she should be happy and excited, but right now she wished she was anywhere else in the world. Namely, she wished she was at home with Deacon, snuggled up in blankets and watching a movie on Netflix, preferably with a carton of ice cream. A list of excuses popped into her mind, but before she could act on any of them, an around was thrown around her shoulders, followed by the boom of Joe’s familiar voice, “Y/N! I’m so glad you were here! We were all just getting settled in.”
“Hi Joey,” she forced a smile on her face as she embraced him. He was a sweetheart and a genuinely kind person, so before long, her smile became less tense, “a big congratulations to you and Becca. I’m so happy for the two of you. I can’t wait to meet the little bean!”
“Well, it’ll be some time before that but we’re really excited already,” he grinned at her, leading her to the table that they had reserved for their little group. She took a scan around the restaurant and noted that they were separated off from the bar. Very close, but it’d be hard to sneak off to grab a drink if necessary.
She scanned the bar and noticed that it seemed to be a usual crowd of suspects - old men looking for younger women, middle aged women looking for younger men, and a few students milling about. There was only one individual who looked out of place; a tall, lanky man sitting on the end, a book in front of him and what appeared to be a glass of whisky in his hand. 
Almost as though he felt Y/N’s gaze linger on him, his head popped up from the book and he glanced over at her, his brilliant blue eyes peeking over the top of his smart glasses meeting hers. Her cheeks immediately turned a bright crimson, matching the color of her dress. Luckily, she was spared from any more awkwardness by Lucy almost knocking over with a big hug.
“Hi Luce,” Y/N laughed lightly as she threw her arms around the willowy, lithe blonde, “I see you missed me. I’ve missed you too, it’s been what, a total of two weeks?”
“Two weeks is too long not to see your best friend,” she chided her jokingly, pulling out a chair on the of table and ushering her into it. Y/N slid into the seat, looking around at her friends, all of whom were sitting across from each other. Ben and Tess, smiling at each like giddy school children, Joe and Becca, who were leaning forward and speaking in low tones to each other, and Rami and Lucy, excitedly going on about their wedding plans. All of that left Y/N by herself at the end, normally a place of reverence, where the head of the party would sit, but today it felt empty and hollow. Like she was an afterthought, all by herself among the happy couples.
She felt more alone than she had in a long time, looking at all of her friends, so happy and in love, while she sat there by herself, trying to take a smile on her face as she interjected a few words here and there. Y/N wanted to be salty and annoyed, but she knew it wasn’t anyone’s fault - they didn’t intentionally keep her out of the conversations they were having. It was just how things happened when everyone was in a relationship.
Instead Y/N ate her meal in relative silence, making a comment here and there, smiling at all the little anecdotes everyone was telling. Joe was going about how they tried for their baby, oversharing as usual, which caused Becca to turn into a red faced mess, while everyone else got a good laugh in. Lucy and Rami continued to fill everyone in on last minute changes to their wedding plans, including having to hire a new caterer for various reasons, and reminding everyone of their duties.
Not able to take it for much longer, Y/N dabbed at her mouth, throwing her napkin on the table. She excused herself, saying she was just going to the bathroom, but no one paid her much mind; Lucy gave her a smile and a nod and Ben just gave her a wave of acknowledgment.  
Backing away from the table slowly, no one even gave her a second glance as she flitted across the restaurant and straight for the bar.  She hadn’t ordered a drink with dinner and she had promised Ben that she would only have one. So…getting a drink at the bar counted as the one, right? At least that’s how she decided to explain herself if any of them caught her. They were so engrossed in their own conversations, they probably wouldn’t even have noticed if she’d run through the place stark naked.
Spying an open spot near the end, that same end the handsome man from earlier had been sitting at, she quickly slipped onto the stool. Letting out a slow sigh, she flagged down the bartender.
“What can I get for ya, darling?” she asked, giving Y/N the once over, along with a small smile. It was like everyone could sense that something was wrong with her.
“Jack and Coke is fine,” she answered, and the woman nodded, quickly going to work on the simple drink. Y/N pulled out her phone, scrolling through her Instagram feed as she waited for the sweet dark liquor she was desperately craving.
“Here you are then, sweets,” she said as she slid the drink towards Y/N, handing her a napkin. Y/N reached for a few notes to pay for the drink, but the woman shook her head, refusing to take the money, “it looks like you need it, lovey. I saw you over there, and it didn’t look like much fun. Hopefully this makes your night a little better.”
“Ahh, a sweet, sweet charity drink,” Y/N let out a genuine chuckle for the first that evening as she picked up the drink and saluted the bartender. She gave her a wink before turning to the other patrons at the bar, “thank you!”
Y/N took a sip from the glass, savoring the sweet flavor of her favorite poison. Parts of her her were mildly concerned that someone would see her having a drink on a weeknight at the bar, but the larger part of her didn’t care. One drink wasn’t enough to cause any harm, and if someone wanted to fight her on it, she’d gladly do so.
Turning her attention back to her phone, she continued scrolling through the day’s feed, intrigued by what all of her friends were up to. Everything seemed to be weddings, babies, and engagements these days. Sometimes it was enough to cause her to go mad, but she took it with a grain of salt, knowing she should be happy for them, and not sad and bitter. They’d be happy for her after all, should the time ever come. 
“You look like you’ve had a long day,” although the voice was warm and velvety, it still startled her, and she almost dropped her drink surprise. She heard a chuckle as the seat next to her creaked, and she could feel a body next to her,. She had a sinking feeling that she knew exactly who it was, “sorry, love, I’d thought you’d heard me coming.”
Locking her phone, she set it and the drink down, slowly turning to the man next to her. Her heart almost stopped when she took him in up close -  he was even more handsome and breathtaking up closed than from a distance. A well chiseled face with the just the right amount of stubble, and eyes that were ocean blue sat behind a stylish pair of glasses, and the perfect hair. She easily spotted his long legs, marking him as all, and noted that he had impeccable taste in clothing. He could have easily told her that he was Prince Charming and she would have believed him.
“I-I...ugh, I…” she continued to gawk at him, rendered speechless by his beauty, feeling naked and vulnerable under his striking gaze. Racking her brain for words, or any sort of semblance to words, she seemed to be frozen, “didn’t hear...you..”
“What’s the matter? Cat for your tongue?” there was a smirk on his face, one that showed that he clearly knew of the effect he was having on her. She was a little surprised by his brazen boldness, but there was something about it that left her yearning for more.
“Handsome. You’re very handsome,” she finally blurted out, immediately realizing her mistake and hiding her face in her hands. There went any chances she had with him. He let out a warm chuckle, taking a sip of his own drink as her face turned bright red. After a few moments, she groaned, sneaking a side glance at him, “and now I’m mortified, simply mortified.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Simply Mortified. This isn’t going as bad as you think,” he gave her a wink as she slowly uncovered her face. A compliment and bad joke all in one, “besides, you’re very beautiful yourself.”
“I am?” she asked, a surprised look on her face. She felt like a mere peasant compared to his seemingly ethereal beauty.
“Indeed you are,” he confirmed, leaning in a little closer to her so his knee brushed against her, sending a shiver down her spine, “I’m Gwilym. Gwilym Lee. But please, call me Gwil.”
“A Welshman, eh? Very interesting,” she angled her body so she was leaning into him slightly, feeling slightly more bold,  “it’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N,” he smiled at her, tapping the rim of his glass against hers, the two of them taking a drink in unison. Setting down his glass, he watched her curiously for a few moments. There was something undeniable about her that left him wanting more, “you’re here with your friends, and yet you’re here at the bar with me. What an odd turn of events.”
“It’s…complicated,” she gnawed on her bottom lip, casting a nervous glance back over at their table. None of them seemed to have noticed that she was gone, engrossed in their own little worlds.
“Try me,” he pressed her and she turned back to him with a half smile on her face. He was forward that was for sure, but it wasn’t odd or uncomfortable, like it would have been with almost any other man.
“How much time have you got?”
“You’ve got me for as long as you want,” he rested his arm on the table, his head perched on his hand as he watched her, “I think I can handle it.”
“When you’re scared off and ready to run for the hills, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she poked at his chest before turning her gaze back to her friends, “those are all my best friends. Well, Ben, Becca, Lucy and I have been beat friends since we were children. Ben is the blonde and the one across from him is Tess, his longtime girlfriend. The middle are Becca and Joe, they’ve been married for almost two years and have just announced that they’re expecting their first baby. The ones on the end are Lucy and Rami, they’re getting married in a month.”
“And then there’s you,” it wasn’t a question but rather a statement. She turned to him, raising her eyebrows along with a shrug, letting him know he was correct. He leaned close as he looked her over, “no partner? I presume no baby on the way by the fact that you’re drinking and I see no ring on your finger, so I suppose no wedding bells are in your near future.”
“I’ve got it,” she smirked at him as he cocked his head at her, “you must be a clairvoyant…some kind of sexy psychic! You nailed it all.”
“You’ve gone and figured me out already,” he threw his back with laughter. She really liked the sound, she decided. It warm and musical and she hoped she’d be hearing a lot more of it, “touche, mademoiselle. I’ve got you read like a book and you’ve exposed me. But tell me, what’s the problem? You seem close to your friends.”
“They’ve all got this thing in their heads that since we’re all going to be turning thirty within the next year, we all need to suddenly change,” she sighed, drumming her fingers along the bar top, “they’ve all got things going on and then there’s me. I haven’t changed enough I suppose. It’s only thirty, not death.”
“Trust me, you can survive thirty,” he gave her a big smile before reaching over and tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, “I’ve done it. Not that hard.”
“How old are you then?” she asked, wishing he’d keep playing with her hair. His simple touch had been electric, “don’t tell me you’re some sort of young looking old man! I’m not into grandpas, just so we’re very clear!”
“Thirty-five,” he answered before finishing the rest of his glass. Her eyes widened, but she tried not to give away her surprise. It was older than she thought, but not old, all things considered in the gran scheme of things, “does that scare you?”
“Not at all, old man,” she joked, nudged his knee with hers, “it’s middle aged at best.”
“You’re a naughty brat, aren’t you?” he laughed, but there was a hint of lust in his voice. He was careful with each word he chose, each one selected with purpose. She bit her lip, squeezing her legs together a little tighter to stop the familiar tingle that she felt starting.
She mentally smacked herself - this was exactly the type of situation she needed to be avoiding. She too finished her drink before looking back at him, “you might have to find that out. But tell me, what does this middle aged man do?”
“I’m a Professor-”
“Oh fancy,” she smirked at him, “I’m a teacher too, but I don't go around calling myself professor! Perhaps I should..it’s got a whole mysterious, sexy thing to it, doesn’t it?
“As in I teach English Literature at Chelsea College,” he finished and she stopped her teasing. He wasn’t joking when he said professor, “but yes, I’m a teacher for all intents and purposes.”
“How very smart,” she leaned a little closer to him, “the glasses really give off the sexy professor vibe. I’m sure all your little students might just fall at your feet, fighting for your attention. Oh Mr. Lee I need your help, can I see you after class?”
“I’ve had my fair share of offers,” he admitted, reaching over and pulling her stool closer to him. She didn’t fight him at all, “but I haven’t entertained them. I don’t date my students. Most of them are too young anyways. I keep business and pleasure separate.”
“I’m sure your girlfriend must appreciate that,” she tested the waters a little bit, suddenly hyper aware of how close his body was to hers. Her body was screaming at her to just reach out and touch him, but she fought her impulses.
“You really think I’d be here right now, chatting you up if I had a girlfriend?” he raised a curious eyebrow at her. 
“A lot of men would,” she shrugged. She’d known plenty of them. 
“I’m not like that, Y/N. That’s one thing you should know,” he was whispering now, close so only she could hear him, “I’m not usually like this at all.”
“Like what? Chatting up random girls in bars?” she joked but he nodded, giving her a shy smile. She was compelled to believe him; for his brashness, he had an air of innocence and sweetness about him, “then what are we doing here?”
“Honestly, I’m not quite sure,” he admitted, thoughtfully running a hand over his beard. He wasn’t lying to her; he almost never even approached women when he was out. That had been left behind in his twenties, and even back then it had been a rare occurrence.
But there was something about Y/N, her honesty, lack of concern of the opinions of others, an almost vulnerable quality that attracted him to her. She was like a siren, and he was a poor fisherman, lost to her call already.
“What do you want to be doing then?” she asked, her voice low as she watched his pupils expand slowly as she caught him sneaking a glimpse at her ample cleavage. She knew where this was going, she could see it clearly. She had been there plenty of times before. Part of her was excited, but part of her screamed to stop.
“Do you want to...” he started, but didn’t seem to be able to finish. He didn’t have to. She nodded and bit her lip, contemplating her actions. 
“Let me tell them I’m leaving,” she said, sliding off of the warm bar stool slowly. He nodded, watching her walk back over to her table of friends, wondering if he was making the right decision. He wasn’t looking for a one night stand, sincerely hoping that’s not what this turned into.
“Y/N! You’ve been gone for a while,” Lucy said as she spied Y/N walking back over. Y/N had done her best to put on a pained face, clutching her stomach to make it look like it was upset, “what’s the matter, darling?”
“I’m really not feeling well. I’m not sure if it’s something I ate or what,” she lied, furrowing her brow, “I hate to do this, but I think I’m going to go home and rest. It’s a lot of pain right now.”
“Are you sure?” Rami asked, “I can give you a ride home-”
“No, no, please don’t put yourself out for me,” she stammered, trying to maintain her facade, “it’s not a long walk. I’m sorry guys, but I’ll see you all later. Have a great rest of the night!”
Her friends murmured a round of goodbyes as she gave them a wave before leaving. She spotted Gwil at the bar, and jerked her head towards the door, signaling for him to follow her out once she was already there so no one would see them leaving together.
Once she got out into the cold evening air, she let out a shaky sigh of relief. There was a mixture of emotions coursing through her veins, but mostly she was excited. Excited to go home with a man she had just met, a man that she probably should have just avoided in the first place. But something about Gwil was different.
“Hey,” he smiled when got outside, and saw her waiting for him. A tiny part of them thought she might have just run for the hills and left him there, but she hadn’t. At his full height, he was tall, and lanky, even more than she had originally thought, “your friends okay with you leaving?”
“I don’t think they really noticed much. They’re too absorbed in their own little worlds,” she shrugged, pulling on her jacket, “but it’s no bother. I just don’t fit into their world as much anymore.”
“Whose world do you belong in?” he asked as they started walking down the street in the direction of his flat.
“Mine,” she said as he put an arm around her, a warm, soft feeling. Deciding to be coy, she continued, “and tonight - yours.”
As soon as they walked into Gwil’s flat, a cozy and minimalist space, which she immediately decided she liked, he had her pinned against the door. His knee was between her legs, her already short dress riding up a little bit, his hands gently touching her face, running a thumb along her cheekbone. Her hands had found their way to waist, watching him closely observe her.
“You’re very beautiful, Y/N,” he said softly before he achingly slowly closed the distance between them, crashing his soft lips onto hers. He tasted slightly of whisky, but it was a pleasant taste as they moved in perfect unison, like their mouths were made for each other. He pulled back from her lips, ghosting a hand along her jawline, “ like a classical work of art. So, so beautiful.”
“And you’re just a handsome drunk fool,” she bit back a moan as he started to pepper kisses along her jawline, making his way down her neck, nipping at the delicate skin.
“I’m a fool to be sure,” he murmured, looking back up at her, pressing a kiss to her lips, “handsome is debatable. But I am not drunk, nowhere near, and I know you’re not either.”
“I don’t want this to be anymore drunken mistake,” she responded, taking his face in her hands, and kissing him with a fervent passion, enjoying the light tickling and scratching sensation from his beard. She wondered just how good that would feel between her legs, how could he would make her feel.
“It won’t be,” he promised, putting his hands on her hips, and moving to pick her up. She did so, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist as he started off in the direction of his bedroom as he kissed every exposed inch of her skin. She reveled in his expert touch, how he seemed to know exactly what to do.
“Gwil,” she moaned as his hands slid onto her bum, giving it a good squeeze, “jesus christ.”
“Tell me what you want, pretty girl,” he asked, as he laid her down on his amply sized bed. He started to unbutton his shirt as she hungrily watched him. She just gawked at the sight in front of her, marveling at how perfect he seemed to be. He noticed her staring and chuckled lightly, “you’ve got to use your words and tell me what you want.”
“You,” she breathed out as he started to discard his pants, leaving him in only his boxers, where his erection was already clearly evident. He already looked well endowed. 
The next words out of her mouth surprised even her. Normally she’d tell a man boy to just go on and fuck her, hoping it wouldn’t be too awkward or weird.. But Gwil wasn’t just a boy, or any man, he was a different creature entirely. She started to slide her dress over her bodily before whispering, “make love to me please.”
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robboybot · 6 years
I was curious so i looked into the names of halo reach’s marine and odst NPC’s and it turns out they all have names from people who helped work on the game and i’m dying that’s hilarious and amazing
the reason I looked into it is because I was trying to remember one I really liked that had the last name ‘creamer’ and I was like I love that name it’s great
I accidentally read it as curt c. creamer instead of realizing the c was short for curtis so I read it like ‘curtsy creamer’ so I love it
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robboybot · 6 years
I love caboose to pieces but I need a new mascot for my blog... and I want it to be my personal ODST who I named Curt C. Creamer after the guy who worked on halo reach because Curtsy Creamer is too good of a fuckin’ name to pass up (the guy’s middle initial isn’t actually C though that was me misreading it at one point but it’s so much better that way)
i shall have a new icon soon-ish when i stop feeling too sick to draw!
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