#could also be sylvia
virtkha · 4 months
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lord dominator pwns peepers live 4k
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^ obvs her
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fictionadventurer · 8 months
How did Treasure Planet manage to come up with the greatest aesthetic in all human history? Victorian elegance plus space-age flair, with just enough dirt and grime and wear and tear to make it feel real? A combination of traditional and computer animation that perfectly embodies the movie's blend of old and futuristic? How does it get any better than that?
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flownwrong · 4 months
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5x05 Mirrors // 5x09 Lagrange Point
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relicsongmel · 2 months
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Over 2 years later and I still can't believe Gamefreak forced bisexuals all over the world to do the impossible and make a choice between THESE TWO
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yellow-yarrow · 2 years
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Disco Elysium Jean-Francois Lyotard: Libidinal Economy Mark Fisher: Postcapitalist Desire
I found it really interesting how the Return/revolution is called Girl Child Revolution, and wondered if there was a reason for it being gendered like that. After reading some chapters from Libidinal Economy I thought there were some parallels here. I'm not sure if this is really in the text, this is more of a web-weaving post.
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letojessica · 2 years
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what is memory?
arrival, dir. denis villeneuve // a letter excerpt to her mother on 21 january 1951, sylvia plath // the persistence of memory, salvador dali // progress, franz wright // euphoria, cr. sam levinson
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lloydfrontera · 2 days
when theo and sylvia have their first child rakiel spends the entire pregnancy suggesting silly names, getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on and as he tries to take their minds off any complications that could come up from a child being born from two different species that aren't always biologically compatible. he's pretty sure he loses any naming rights he ever had for the rest of his life some time around the sixth or seventh month but it's worth it when he gets a soft snort from his brother or an amused eye roll from sylvia.
he is not prepared when theo carefully puts into his arms a tiny bundle of blankets wrapped around an even tinier baby and tells him his name is Adrian.
he will spent the next couple decades holding a grudge over the fact no one warned him beforehand and he therefore spent his first ever meeting with his nephew ugly crying the entire time. there went his chance of being the cool uncle >:c
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sysig · 1 year
For Requestober: Would you please draw some platonic/ambiguous fluff of Commander Peepers with Wander and/or Silvia? ^^
I love the grumpy little guy, he deserves all the love in the world <3
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Day 4 - Don't tempt me
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soullessjack · 5 months
i know we’re balls deep in destiel again But since revival talk is upon us again can i possibly pitch to anyone my jack guesses . Pretty please
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ayoyoungg · 27 days
Because I got sucked into the drama on Twitter, I watched Popstar Academy (would not have otherwise):
First, I hate survival shows. I’m just like keep that stuff within the company and start showing us material once you’ve chosen the people for the group. I know every company goes through that process of selecting people for the debut group but I’m not a fan of seeing it.
Reason I say this is because I understand & get people having star power or certain people always being in the lineup because they fit what the company is looking for. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. In fact I think that’s the industry. But the way this show was formatted and presented to the girls, they went in thinking something else. Which I’m not sure what they were pitched vs if it was naïveté. (Also, it seems like only a small percentage of the girls were actually familiar with or fans of kpop, just an observation).
Having like 8 or so trainees join LATE, and picking trainees that didn’t even have singing or dancing background was certainly a choice. Like the show made the initial training group feel like a pre-training to get the girls where they need to be for the actual training/show. It’s a typical Netflix thing but I feel like some of the later trainees could’ve really benefitted from being there from the start. Especially since the show had some of the girls really starting from ground 1.
It turning into a survival show halfway through was VERY messed up, especially considering how many girls kept asking before they agreed to the program if it would be a survival show. That contract must have either been very vague with the wording or small font or something.
As the program was happening live, I think I only saw the Buttons performance. I wasn’t paying much attention to the program because I wasn’t interested. That said, the survival show didn’t even make sense if it was solely based on the performances & whatever content the girls chose to post on social media. I understand wanting to gauge fan interest in the girls but like idk have test groups? They should know any time there’s fan voting it’s biased as hell. There should always be a percentage taken into account with fan voting vs judge voting. But anyways, what makes this survival show weird is that part of what affects choosing favorites in other survival shows (like p101) is that you get to see the trainees interact with each other. Even though mnet evil edits, you see through the show who has leadership skills, who’s caring, who’s hardworking, who gets along, who’s improved, etc. All of that was missing when the program was live?! (unless I’m wrong) We’re only learning this stuff through the documentary. I’m only using this as an example but the girls were so shocked Manon scored high, but viewers didn’t know about the missed practices & stuff. Had viewers known, would Manon have scored so high? Who knows (she def has it girl + charisma, so very likely, but you see my point)
On Manon, as I alluded to before, I think it def would’ve been better if she were in that starting trainee group. While some things were missed due to covid which is excusable, it seems that other classes/training were missed just because. It has me curious if something serious irl was going on or what the cause was, but I suppose that’s her business. Classes/training are important. Personally, it would affect my choice of a bias if I knew that they skipped a lot and broke rules such as missing curfew a lot. That said, I do appreciate that she does show up & out when the time calls for it. I’m not sure if the girls really did isolate her or if anyone at least made an attempt to check on her. I understand the frustration of someone who consistently breaks the rules not getting penalized in some way. I’m glad Manon held herself accountable and really showed up at the end.
This program being in partnership with Hybe is so…🙃 to me. For example, Bang PD discussing the plateau in trainee growth and urging them to debut faster. Meanwhile Hybe groups are on blast about their short trainee times and the need to develop skills further. We start seeing more & more injuries in the girls and it’s like maybe if they took the time to further their training and learn how to properly do things, the amount of injuries could lessen. And then the emphasis on social media, developing a fandom, and discussing the parasocial relationship — felt very Hybe. Like yes social media skills are needed but the way they discussed creating the fandom was kinda 🙃 to me. Like the fandom is going to form. Those who were less comfortable/confident/familiar with posting on social media were at a disadvantage. And with them suddenly being thrown into a survival show, it’s not like they were prepared to appeal themselves to the public yet. I don’t think it should have been so important for them to necessarily be good at social media yet. That’s something I think could have been saved for the debut group (or maybe if they KNEW from the beginning it’d be a survival show with that type of format, more of the trainees would be those good at social media). But with how this survival show was formatted, social media was the only way to learn anything about their character.
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ezekiel13 · 1 month
I hated poetry until I was 13
Do you know what made me stop?
I sat next to this girl in English. We did not get along. She threatened to kill me a few times, standard stuff.
She hated it when I recited the poems we learnt. So I started memorising them. (We did not have to. We had to know quotes for our GCSEs)
And in memorising some of the poems to annoy this girl I hated, I gained an affection for them and started to understand them
And then when I was 15 and in my English GCSE I:
1) Did much better than I thought possible because of how much effort I put in, all of which stemmed from a petty hate
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om0000 · 3 months
do u guys think sylvias reluctance to believe in redemption despite basically being a former "badguy" who was redeemed w the power of friendship is cuz she still didnt fully forgive herself or cuz she just has common sense
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fallow-grove · 10 months
still thinking about brennan lee mulligan's "evil is boring" quote as applied to cartoon villains. because he's right. in this story he's right many times over. evil is boring and lonely and miserable. what's interesting is the things that get in the way
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inlovewithfairies · 2 years
Ok but mother superior being a polyglot and switching words mid sentence, and the girl's just catching up and someone just listening to the chats of cat cradle and hearing a bunch of nuns switching over more than 5 languages while trying to discuss where the fuck they left the toaster
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
Possible November Reading
Emma by Jane Austen
The Heir of Redclyffe by Charlotte M. Yonge
Sylvia's Lovers by Elizabeth Gaskell
Something by Wilkie Collins
Something nonfiction
A book about bookshops
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csoisoi · 2 years
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poor iruarmy</3 a part of the danger list
its nice to see the magical tools research batra go from a storage-room batra (its kirio era) and the batra where it was like, a delinquent's hide out (Baal era, i forgot what the batra was known for in his time), to a batra that's now popular due to the fireworks last year and also a dangerous batra that other batras have to look out for
also jazz is a part of the new magic development batra if i remember correctly! i wonder how he's gonna fair as a member of the 2nd batra in the danger list!
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