#chill matsu
flowerakatsuka · 2 months
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i've been meaning to draw kuroba in the chill matsu style for a while now and finally found the motivation to finish the sketches i had sitting in my wips!
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chockmatsu · 1 year
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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doing my part for atstutodober O7
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carrionsong · 1 year
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xime's inspiration/brain problems list :] JSVGNBYUS IS THIS ANYTHING.... does anyone understand. where am i
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cold-neon-ocean · 2 years
currently can’t sleep bc anxiety so I’m writing comforting brotherly Baatar and Bolin dialogue 
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
Cant believe i had a work meeting on my day off... But everything is coming up aero....
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blue-orb · 2 years
This is still Alpha Sapphire verse.
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magmaredorb · 2 years
Truly, nothing is as pretentious as 'energy vampire.'
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inkyycapp · 4 months
Yokai!matsu kidnapping reader..? It ticks a few things at once. Oh! Oh! They're kidnapped cos they were found injured, but even after they've healed the yokai brothers (seperately) refuse to let them go.
Cough, cough. I love this, cough.
You're getting hcs too.
Slight notice! I did some minor research for this, but even then I'm still unsure !! If anything is wrong please do tell me !!
(Uh so, really bad weather rn. Wifi going in and out and tornadoes lurking around, so, like that's rad ig !! Forgive me.)
Tw/Cw: Injuries, slight mention of blood, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome if you squint, manipulation(?), desperation, spelling/grammar(?), probably a little or a lot ooc I'm terrible at telling !! Forgive me !!
Youkai!Matsu x Injured!Reader
( Yokai!Matsu but used Youkai for letter colors..:D )
Small reader context !!
For whatever reason you're in the mountains doing whatever your mortal self does up there. A sharp pain shoots through your leg causing you to slip. Your foot set off a bear/fox trap. A group of bandits or just overall bad people--who one would assume set the trap--find poor injured you.
You don't have much on hand. Maybe you have a weapon, maybe you don't. But, regardless of how hard you fight, there are just more of them the there are of you.
-He doesn't hate humans, but he doesn't actively like them either. He's more neutral about it.
-Like, he wouldn't go out of his way to help/save them, that's way too much work for him. But, he also wouldn't go out of his way to kill someone unless they really pissed him off.
-Doesn't really understand humans, but somewhat understand and takes a small liking to bits of their culture and activities.
-Actually fairly in with the times, but doesn't really try enough to be in with the times, y'know?
-Obviously takes part in gambling with the humans regardless of the time period.
-He finds that you're injured and probably not going to make it out of the situation alive.
-While at first he's slightly indifferent about your situation, he recognizes you from the village below. He probably asked for money and you gave it to him, or maybe you work at one of the place he frequents, but for whatever reason, he may be persuaded to help.
-You're already unconscious and he can't help but feel pity for you. Pretty nasty leg injury. Maybe he should help.
-And, so, he does!
-After attending to your Injuries best he could, he decided to wait for you to come around. He'll admit, the patch up was sloppy, but it did the job, that's what matters.
-Eventually, you'd come around and find yourself face to face with the devil himself. Whether fearful or not, this would take some...adjusting.
-Compared to the known sterotype, he seems more lax and less...demonic.
-He finds you interesting. Somehow, that curiosity hadn't faded one moment since he's found you. Expect some questions personal, even perverted, or not.
-Dislikes when you get up or move around without his help. Though, more chill and just lightly scold you for straining yourself.
-Then, soon, one day you're all better. But, he doesn't want you to leave. How strange. He didn't think he'd be this...attached to someone like yourself. Not like that, bit it's weird to him.
-He had seen humans come and go--grow old and die. He's never been this comfortable with humans before he'd met you. He doesn't want you to leave. Will you ever see each other again after you part ways? Probably not, but he doesn't want to take that chance.
-So, you can't leave just yet.
-Karamatsu loves humans/humanity the MOST out of this list. He often tries to be 'in' with the culture no matter the time period. He goes through many "phases" trying to be what the humans deem is cool in certain points of time.
-He loves to collect and tell stories that humans tell, though can sometimes stretch it a little for a more theatrical performance.
-He often tries to interact with people and walk amongst them. But, it usually never goes well.
-His brothers often tease, but he's restless in his search for a human Karamatsu boy or girl.
-When he found you in the snow plains, a red staining the snow around you, he didn't hesitate to check out the scene.
-A group of people trying to take advantage of a defenseless Karamatsu boy or girl !! Of course he felt the need to intervene and help the poor soul.
-He manages to scare off the bandits, but by the time he gets to you, you're already out. It pains him to see such a beauty in so much pain.
-Karamatsu, without so much as a second thought, takes you somewhere much safer. A nice small cabin deep in the woods. That's where he nurses injured you back to health.
-At first, you're probably shocked, but maybe around the first week mark, you'll probably get used to it. If not, don't worry! You'll have a long time to adjust!
-He's very curious about you and the humans you surround yourself with. His knowledge of the culture is a little outdated, not by much. Still, it's nothing compared to understanding the real thing.
-He doesn't like when you try to get up. You need to recover. You'll probably hurt yourself! Don't worry, he'll do it for you!
-Honestly, just wants you to be safe. By far, you're the first human that he's ever gotten this close with--both metaphorically and literally.
-He just wants to keep you safe. There are monsters lurking both human and spirit. Surely you know.
-Karamatsu had already taken a liking to you since he met you, but over the time of your recovery, he's grown too attached to let you leave.
-You'll stay, won't you?
-Also kind of neutral, more lenient towards pretty humans. It's so painfully obvious, his brothers tease him about it, though he's incredibly indenile.
-While claiming he doesn't have an obvious leniency towards pretty humans, it is obvious to literally anyone. Including the mortals down in the villages.
-Choromatsu won't go out of his way to harm anyone he considers "pretty or cute", though his idea of pretty and cute is complicated! Not always about looks, but mannerisms, actions, etc.
-He spots you before. And, he folds at first glance. It's not difficult to be encouraged to help you. You're practically a sparkly treasure to be collected and safe guarded.
-But, then he watches as you're injured self begins to get surrounded by the group that seemed to have caught you.
-Choromats had quickly intervened, chasing off the group (probably off a cliff), before returning back to you.
-Laying in the snow, you were out cold and didn't seem to respond at all, your pulse being the only thing noting you're still alive.
-Won't deny, he was absolutely panicking at first, figuring out how to clean your injures properly.
-Eventually, he does somewhat figure it out, and once you're stable he takes that time to breathe. And, well, admire your sleeping form. Not in a creepy way, but just studying you.I
-When you do come around, he's trying and failing with his words for a moment.
-Takes care of you, and while he does often nag you, he's more so worried about how your recovery is coming along.
-Tends to kinda hover, keeping a close eye on you, telling you to lay down and get rest and that he can do whatever it was you wanted to get up to do.
-Will refuse to let you get up and do anything for yourself. Why have you do it when you have him? A literal waste, really!
-Even if he sees your coming around and the healing process is moving quicker than he wants, he still refuses to let you do anything.
-Now comes the time when you're ready to leave the nest. Pun.
-He obviously begs you to stay, much without words. Choromatsu doesn't want you to go now that he's oh so attached! You can't go. You won't leave, will you?
-Please don't leave .
-Ichimatsu, opposed to Karamatsu, probobly hates humans/humanity the most on this list.
-Often times, he was the cause of some humans lost or missing on the mountain. Though, he wouldn't go out of his way for anything unless angered or maybe he just felt malicious that day.
-Humans find him captivating despite his dislike for them. Even so, he won't admit it, but they do fascinate him on some occasions.
-He spots the bandits first, then you after he gets rid of those loud bandits that woke him from his nap. He considers getting rid of you, too.
-But, you're asleep. And, it seemed your leg is caught pretty badly. It doesn't seem like you'll be able to move far with your leg like that. You'll probably be dead in a matter of hours. He doesn't have to do a thing.
-No, he doesn't feel bad for you. Not one bit. You're just an unlucky human caught by the foot like some poor rabbit.
-Ichimatsu does somehow end up carrying you off elsewhere--somewhere more comfortable. Don't be mistaken, he may be helping you, but no further than this.
-Once you're safe in the small cabin, he does the bare minimum with your injuries and once your stable, he leaves.
-You'll wake up alone, and it'll probably be like that for maybe a few hours before you're visited by a stranger.
-Ichimatsu takes care you you between visits, though he doesn't speak to you often. You're probably scared being so close to a monster like himself.
-But, you grow comfortable in his presence and attempt to talk to him. Something he finds real odd, but almost sweet. He still doesn't talk to you though, but he almost wants to.
-His visits grow more frequent, and he even began bringing you gifts. Like dead animals. But, it's the thought that counts!
-He ends up more attached than he would've liked to admit. And, unlike some people on the list, he's more blunt that you remain here with him.
-You'll be stuck with a monster trash like him, but at least here he can keep you warm and fed.
-You're staying put. There's no reason for you to leave anyways.
-Honestly, it doesn't matter to Jyushimatsu. He's fairly friendly to any and all who walk in his path. Many run, but it doesn't bother him much.
-Though, if he had to love one thing about them, he absolutely loves their sports and activities. Often goes with Karamatsu to go take part in "human activities".
-But as one can assume, they get comically outed.
-Is fairly kind opposed to some on this list. He won't go out of his way to harm humans regardless how he feels, though when it comes to helping it's a 50/50. Normally at least tries. But, if he doesn't like you, he'll probably just watch with a lead stare.
-When he found you in the snow, you were surrounded, and he had accidentally hit one of the people with a baseball. Completely by accident. But, kinda thinks maybe the accident wasn't that much of an accident.
-Ends up completely making a fool of the group when leading them away. But, he quickly returns to where you had been laying.
-Similar to Choromatsu, he panics at first and is so unsure about how to go about this situation. Obviously he doesn't want to make it worse, but he really doesn't want you to die.
-He carries you off to the small cabin to tend to your wounds. It's sloppy patch-job, but it's alright.
-Watches you while you sleep. Pokes you now and again. When you don't move for too long Jyushimatsu does tend to panic a little but settles when you finally take in that breath of air.
-When you do wake up, he's happy you're up and not dead. Sure, he may not feel too bad if you died, but only because he didn't have a close enough connection to care, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't care.
-Jyushimatsu tries to stay the entire time your recovering. While he does hover a little, he's more considerate of your space.
-Does whatever he can to make you laugh. Whether it's acting out a skit, telling jokes or just being goofy.
-Doesn't care if it makes him look dumb. As long as he at least gets a smile out of you it doesn't matter.
-Gets way too attached way to quick. And, when you're all better, he gets a little (lying) clingy.
-Whines and may even howl like a kicked puppy. Might even do tricks if it gets you to stay.
-Don't leave yet!!
-Todomatsu doesn't hate them, but he doesn't care for them either, similar to Osomatsu. However, he's more in with their culture, more so than Karamatsu. Only because he thinks it's cute.
-Prefers some time period clothing to others and can tend to stand out, but language is definitely up to date.
-He views humans/humanity as beneath him, or simply to play into his enjoyment. He has no issues getting rid of anyone that doesn't gives him what he wants out of an interaction. Absolutely stone cold.
-He spots a few humans gathering around, and grows curious as to what grabbed their attention.
-Their wares seem to interest him. Then, there's you. After disposing of the others, he's left with unconscious you. What to do with you.
-Well, you could be useful. You'll pretty much be indebted to him for saving you. Or, at least you should be.
-So, he drags you away from the scene, tenderly caring to your wounds, putting on a sweet and kind persona.
-When you awaken, he greets you gently, coming forward as the one who saved your life after he found you on the brink of death in the snow.
-Skeptical or not, you come around and thank him however you would. Already gaining praise from you. Admittedly, the praise feels...nicer than it should. He brushes it off, what else can he get from you.
-He slyly asks you questions, gaining more information of your personal life over a week, maybe two.
-You get up to do something, and being the ever so kind savior, he takes you back to bed, doing the task for you instead. Not that he wants to. He's playing the long game with your little life.
-But, you thank him, telling him just how kind he is. Todomatsu can't help but grow addicted to that feeling. Being appreciated and validated.
-Slowly, but surely, he begins to grow a bit (a lot) attached. He didn't think it was possible. But, soon he doesn't see you as just a human, but as you.
-Once you get better, he does contemplate poisoning you to get you to stay. Not much to kill you, but enough so he could still take care of you.
-Todomatsu doesn't do it. But, he has heavily considered it.
-He will try his damndest to get you to remain in this little cabin with him.
-You can't go yet! You need him!
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So funny that Osomatsu and Karamatsu are my favorites in general, but Todomatsu is my favorite to write for, and Jyushimatsu is my favorite to draw. What.
I still dislike Choromatsu. There is no reason for it.
Anyway if you're here, try Arizona RX Energy Herbal Tonic Tea. It's so damn good. That's all lmao !!
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Hello, I wanted to write something comforting because I was feeling sentimental so please take Matsus and some acts of self-care that they do for you: Osomatsu would make sure that you had something to eat/had some water. He's not judgmental if you forget, and he won't ask necessarily if you did or didn't so as not to put pressure on you. His way of making sure you're taken care of is letting you know he's grabbing something and coming back with something he knows you'll enjoy (with something to keep you hydrated). If you eat along with him? Great! If not, no worries, he'll stash it in the fridge for later. Point is to make sure you have some sort of nourishment. He'll even give you a little "Cheeeers~" with whatever drinks you have to show he's genuine, but that he's still your goofy Osomatsu. Karamatsu enjoys brushing your hair for you should that be something you're okay with. It's an act he's always enjoyed himself/has helped with his more anxious times when Matsuyo would brush his; if it's something you struggle with, fear not - he's got you. He does a pretty good job at taking care of his own hair so he's equipped to wash it and dry yours too if that's something you're interested in. If just a simple brushing sounds like a nice idea, then by all means, allow him to be of comfort to you. Don't be alarmed if he hums softly as he combs through your hair, it tends to be something he does when he's relaxed and using his hands for something gentle. He will check in with you to make sure he's not hurting you and every once in a while he may even ask to braid your hair if you have the length for it! Choromatsu will make sure you you have a comfortable space accessible always. If you're finding yourself overwhelmed in any way, Choromatsu does his due diligence as someone who cares about you and gets you outta there to get you to somewhere much more comfortable. Maybe that place is back home or a bookstore if you need something quiet. Should the quieter places not be good choices, maybe you'll go somewhere with a little more natural ambience like Akatsuka Park or even Chibita's oden stand. He's all about you feeling secure when you're out and about, especially when you’re with him. Ichimatsu strikes me as someone who is very much about you getting plenty of rest. Ichimatsu does not play about his sleep and he definitely does not play about YOU, so he's dedicated to making sure that you're well rested. Unlike how he treats his brothers however, he's much more softer with you. He'll lay down for naps here and there, patting the spot next to him so you can lay with him. He keeps things around the bedroom that he knows make you comfortable: certain scents, maybe a specific set of plushes/pillows, or even one of his hoodies if that makes you cozier. He's not pushy about when you sleep at night, but you'll find that he does little things here and there to gently coax you into better sleeping habits when he can. A big plus: he's a cuddler no less. So expect gentle back rubs as you snuggle or a little shimmy so he can hold you just a little closer while you both rest. Jyushimatsu is set on making sure you get fresh air. We all know that he enjoys being outdoors quite often; even if you're not the biggest on outdoorsy things, that's okay! He'll offer to just go on a walk with you or chill at the riverside and watch clouds if that's okay. His giant smile grows twice as wide when he sees the sun shining on your face, and seeing him happy makes it almost impossible not to smile back. He expresses how nice it is to spend time with you just being outside doing nothing and he finds little things to do or see within your comfortability that actually make your time outside worthwhile. Todomatsu helps you tap into your more creative outlets. Since he's got a resource to find things to do and places to go - he wants to help you take care of yourself by leaning into doing things that bring you joy. Do you enjoy painting? Perfect, he knows a place for that. Maybe you like baking or cooking? Come over, he'll have ingredients ready for you guys to make things together. If you like photography: wonderful, he does too and he’d be more than happy to show you some of the best sights to take pictures of. Anything that speaks to you creatively, Todomatsu wants to show that he completely supports you and enjoys being a part of the things you enjoy doing.
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flowerakatsuka · 1 month
💕 kuroba first date outfit
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the place kuroba and karamatsu go on their first date to is a pretty expansive garden and requires a lot of walking so the outfit they go with is on more casual comfy side. they definitely put how comfortable it is to move in to the test after having to outrun the rest of the sextuplets trying to sabotage kara's confession plans.
( also, i envision him wearing the outfit from the 2nd anime paradise cafe collab on that date. )
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sloppykyuu · 1 year
matsu brainrot right? yea hes all big n chill, but just imagine him being so horny n shit - but its just been the first few times to have sex with you, and absolutely being the great boyfriend he is, he doesnt know exactly the way to say he wants to fuck you in a loving n great manner - so just imagine, hes super horny n ur just in his lap facing him, playing w his hair but ur ass is jus all on his clothed dick like that n hes all hard. u being the best gf u are, begin to tease him, one thing leads to another, n ur hand is so lovingly wrapped around his cock - jus going up n down so sensually he cant help but wrap his arms around u and burry his face into the crook of ur neck. hes so quiet, trying to not let those sweet moans escape as ur soft hand, that feels 10x better than his calloused ones, is just making him feel so good - dont even get me started on the way ur jus cooing at him like a big baby 😭😭🤓
He's never felt so in love. Bathed in a low, golden light- his pretty girl sitting on his lap, fingers running through his curly hair, gently scratching his scalp. He's purring like a cat, eyelids hanging low and a lazy smirk settled on his lips. It feels so good and your plush ass nestled against his crotch only adds to the bliss.
"Mmm," The tip of his tongue pokes out to wet his lips. His lips lift into a smile when he hears you giggle at his soft moans.
"Feel good 'sei?" he nods his head slowly, he looks as if he's seconds away from passing out.
He thinks that it doesn't get better than this. Nothing could top this, until, he feels your hips shift forward slightly. Until he sees the way you're looking at him when he peaks an eye open and sees you biting back a smirk. He thought it couldn't get better until he really feels you roll your hips into his. Rubbing your heat right onto his crotch. The friction makes his head tip back, large, calloused hands slide up your thighs to grab at your hips to guide your movements.
A grunt grumbles in his chest when he feels your lips on his neck, gently nipping and sucking on the skin. Your hands move down his chest to his sweatpants and palm his clothed bulge. His hips jerk at the feeling of your hand stroking him. "Fuck," he's already sounds breathless.
His eyes roll into the back of his head when he finally feels your hand reach into his pants and pull out his hard length. His eyes open just in time to watch you spit onto the head of his cock before your thumb spreads it around the tip and down the rest of his length. He lets out of breathy moan when your hand slides back up and you set a steady pace of stroking him. "Fuck, baby- oh-," he pinches his eyes shut and brings his head back off from the couch to rest in the crook of your neck. "Please, fuck, please don't stop." he moans into your skin.
"Yeah? That feel good, baby?" you coo gently.
"So fuckin' good, so fuckin' good." he whines. His teeth gently sink into your neck, fingernails dig into the skin of your hips. He wishes it could last forever- your soft hand stroking him so much better than his own ever have, your quiet words in his ear guiding him to his all too soon release. Sticky, hot ropes of his cum shoot onto his chest and your hands and his body slumps even more onto to you as he comes down. His arms lift up to wrap around you body and pull you into him. Ignoring the mess he's made, just needing to be as close to you as possible. He'll worry about that later.
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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god...super annoying!!! imagine sharing a drink with your friend. scratch that best friend. scratch that boyfr
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osomatsuconfessions · 1 month
Trying to be positive here .
Always liked the Matsus cause they're more relatable for me then most main characters in anime. Not being particularly "good" but not evil, being kind of directionless, ect. They may not be perfect but could all have good traits for people who selfship. Oso's and Jyushi would both be tons of fun and make one laugh. Whether you share Choro's own interest or not, he'd understand and I think be supportive of your own hobbies. Ichi is good to chill and just be.(Also gotta love a man with a soft spot for animals). Maybe Totty on a relaxed outing or something. It's just supposed to be fun
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rgco413 · 1 year
Chill Matsu Mutsugo ✨ 100 Yen Shop Collaboration ✨ Transparents
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diamond-dangeresque · 2 months
Day 1 — Race
1327AE, Divinity’s Reach
Chihiro sits on his family’s brownstone porch, dressed in a white shirt held together by leather strings and loose slacks, lamenting the heat of this summer season. The cup in his hand offers little solace of cooling as the ice inside melts and dilutes the chilled tea. His cherished violet blindfold sits around his neck, blocking sunlight but also soaking in sweat. In a few days the anniversary of the botched “Queen’s Jubilee” will come ‘round. Jennah will probably try to host it again, promising better security this time around. Human security specifically; clockwork knights will be toned down in favor of paid actors and actresses, a boon to the local troupes and the Tyrian Actors Guild both. There will be free food yet again. There will be free drinks yet again. Fun and festivities for all involved.
He wants nothing to do with this mess. Not since last year. Because of last year. Even with the profuse apology letter from the Queen herself, and the pretty bouquet she’s sent to go with it. It’ll be good mulch for the communal garden.
Instead, he heads back inside and lets his niece Matsu know they’re heading out in thirty minutes; she hollers back confirmation from somewhere on the second floor, no doubt picking out clothes she won’t sweat herself to death in. Good. He heads to the bathroom in the cellar, the coolest room in the two-story office-home by far, and gets ready to clean himself up. A good distraction from the heat. A great distraction from the festivities winding up in a few days. In the isolation of the bathroom, walls insulated thanks to dirt and stone and wood, Chihiro holds back an ugly sob. He smells the smoke again. The charred flesh. Sees the pieces.
No, he tells himself. Strikes himself twice on the cheeks, jaw tingling. Grandma told me herself. I keep going.
Keep going. Keep moving. Stay strong.
Hanae’s family moved to Kryta decades ago fleeing the persecution of the hermit empire. Their ancestors were heroes. Literal fucking heroes. Saved Cantha from Shiro. Saved Cantha again from Reiko. Aided the Sunspears when Nightfall opened portals all over Kaineng City. And what was their thanks? For the older sister to be chased out of her own home. According to Grandma, ‘Sumiko wasn’t even allowed to bury her sister, who died alone somewhere in Raisu Palace.’ And yet, where this would destroy most other people, Sumiko moved on. Kept moving. Decided Kryta wasn’t too bad and moved there. Settled down. Founded a nice family on the back of what wealth she could take with her. Left behind her old moniker of ‘Hero’. A cursed title best left buried.
(Well, buried until he dug it back up.)
The story of Sumiko Yadora, assassin-turned-monk-turned-hero, was one of many tales barked about during the Queen’s Jubilee. A grand celebration of “Humanity’s resilience,” Queen Jennah says. A microcosm of Humanity as a whole: perseverance through tragedy. Endurance through horror. Life past misery. Humanity’s story is one unending, one full of trials and tribulations, but always with an answer at the end, always with a resolution to the conflict ahead. Chihiro would almost buy the tale if he didn’t understand the Queen to be full of shit.
He takes a deep breath. In, out. In, out. Takes off his clothing with wanton care, but delicately undoes the knot of his blindfold and sets it on a table away from his clothes. Matsu and he would make their first of hopefully many yearly visits to Hanae, Niko, and Qin Xue at the Commons Columbarium over by the local temple of Grenth.
He hopes Matsu will be of strong enough will to see her aunty and her brothers again. He knows he won’t be. But he’ll try.
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