#certified skeleton post
kharak-the-skeleton · 22 hours
*throws 40 fake skeletons on the ground*
*exitedly runs over*
*closely inspects them*
*visible disappointment *
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underchargedau · 1 year
I love the floofy gote kunal so much x3 i wish for him to be floofier :3c
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And then, suddenly-
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exeggcute · 9 months
well it's been almost six months which I think is long enough to break my posting embargo, so, uh: guess what! I got liposuction lol. specifically hip/thigh lipo to quell some pretty wicked dysphoria that stemmed from having such a feminine silhouette… and I have to say I'm really, really pleased with the results.
tbh my initial plan was to keep things under wraps for good which is why I haven't said anything about it yet (and even as I'm typing this up I keep debating whether to post it or trash it)—partly because I was/am worried people might Act Weird about it and partly because I get a little embarrassed talking about bodygendershit in general. but here we are. one reason I do feel compelled to finally share, other than being super happy about how everything went, is that I haven't encountered a lot of discussions about body sculpting as a possible avenue of gender-affirming care (although, to be fair, maybe I just haven't been looking in the right places) and I figured at least one person out there would be interested to learn about what I did and where I've ended up so far.
anyway. pics/details under the cut—nothing even remotely risqué (or yucky), I just know that body image stuff is fraught + not everyone is eager to hear surgery talk.
to be precise: I got tumescent liposuction of the inner and outer thigh, plus this ultrasound thing to help the skin shrink. a different surgeon who I consulted (but ultimately did not go with for a number of reasons) said that even if I got the results I wanted from lipo, which he claimed was unlikely, the affected skin would look loose/baggy/weird forever... and that surgeon was wrong on both counts lol. my elasticity was great bitch!!!!
they didn't take out that much fat overall, only eight pounds or so, but it's way more about the Where than the How Much. my actual surgeon (who kicks ass btw) said lipo isn't that great for weight loss per se, and what it's really good for is sculpting targeted areas—so basically exactly what I did. six months post-op I actually weigh about the same as what I did pre-op, but the distribution has held steady; more weight goes to my stomach now and less, proportionally, goes to my hips since there are fewer fat cells in that area now. so my silhouette retains its new shape!
the overall change is admittedly on the subtle side, since I'm pretty short and have wide hip bones (and you can't change your literal skeleton) but it's still gone a looooooong way. the main thing I requested from my surgeon was "I want to fit in men's pants" and boy did he deliver.
also a good place to note that if you're in the las vegas area looking for a plastic and/or cosmetic surgeon—this guy is board-certified in both btw—then I absolutely have the guy for you. feel free to DM me for details. lipo is clearly his specialty (and it shows!) but he also does a lot of breast revisions/mastopexy (i.e., fixing implants that other surgeons did a bad job putting in), regular implants, and face work (particularly facial feminization surgery). one thing that sold me on this guy was an enthusiastic yelp review from a local stripper who said he hid the incisions for her breast lift in her armpits so none of her clients would notice that she'd had work done... a true master of his craft
okay you've scrolled enough so I'll give you what you're here for lol. I don't have many pre-op pics because I was obviously unhappy with how I looked and was not taking full-body selfies on a regular basis, but here's a few I took ~2 weeks beforehand:
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these super thin men's joggers were my go-to dysphoria pants, to the point where I bought five pairs in different colors, but now they're so baggy on me that they have the opposite effect and make it look like I have wider hips than I do. so I retired them from my wardrobe...
...except not immediately because I had to wear compression garments 24/7 for the first three months post-op and these joggers were just loose enough to comfortably wear a medical girdle underneath them at all times, 110° degree temperatures be damned. (not that I was going out much for the first month since I was soooooooooooo fucking bruised and sore lol.) here's a few post-op pics in the same style pants:
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(first pic is less than 24 hours post-op, about to go to my follow-up appointment, looking greasy as fuck because I wasn't allowed to shower yet; second pic two days post-op and also post-shower, thankfully; third pic is about a month post-op.)
so, like, CLEAR improvement already. I will not be posting pictures of my black-and-blue-and-swollen-all-over legs but considering how puffy I was from getting internally pummeled with a cannula it's wild that I still saw improvement literally as soon as I came home.
recovery was obviously not a blast in the moment but I got off easy, all things considered. I was supposed to get drains put in and was Not looking forward to that at all lol. the first thing I asked when I woke up after surgery was "how many drains?" because they weren't sure if I'd end up needing two or four, but it turned out the answer was zero. no drains!!!
I did have to lie with my feet elevated for the first two weeks straight, and had major bruising that receded over the first month (you could barely see my regular skin underneath all the mottled spots), but little to no nerve pain, no weird complications, and I was more or less back to normal after six weeks. also noelle took very very good care of me and was brave about injecting me with blood thinners so I wouldn't get clots and die :)
when I went into it I was fully expecting to get huge vertical scars up and down the sides of my legs (and had made peace with it!) but instead I wound up with four tiny incisions like this, each less than two inches long:
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what's totally crazy is that the scars are basically Gone now. like even when I'm trying to find them I struggle to locate the ones in the front. I joked to noelle that if someone did an autopsy on me they might not figure out that I'd had cosmetic surgery, especially since the skin on my thighs is back to its normal color and texture. (in this scenario I like to imagine that it's dana scully giving me the autopsy and I'm in an x-files plot where instead of regular lipo I got alien lipo and mulder figures it out purely by accident.)
with lipo it can take up to a year to see the full results but I already feel so much fucking better in my body that seeing old pre-op pics throws me for a loop. and I can absolutely wear men's pants now—pants for short and stocky men, to be fair, but actual regular men's pants and not exclusively Pants For Men With Huge Butts And Legs. which is the only style I could even hope to fit in before. and even then it was a stretch.
big pic dump of shitty mirror selfies taken over the last few months:
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(also I really debated sharing this one but I already included it in the yelp review I left my surgeon so fuck it: here's a tasteful before-and-after in my undies where you can see my bare legs for easier comparison. left pic is one week pre-op, right pic is about five months post-op. including it as a link instead of embedding it in the post in case your boss happens to be reading over your shoulder at this very moment. also this is the one and only time you will ever see me stripped down on tumblr dot com so don't get used to it lol.)
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zatdummesmadchen · 2 years
Did someone already do this?
Just curious, also if someone already did this, do tell me so I can delete this post.
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irlwakko · 1 year
I kind of hate that my safety sign post has gotten so popular because so many of the notes are like “why would you need a sign to tell you this” “they had to put up/change that sign because of dumb people”. Firstly, the point of my post is not to laugh at “dumb people”, and I find it really disrespectful to the possible dead/injured to do so, and secondly that’s just not true! At all! These signs were made BECAUSE smart, good, well-meaning people have died, and it’s our job to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
For example, let’s look at the sign that started it all:
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[ID: a white sign posted at the entrance of a dark underwater cave. On the left side of the sign is a black-and-white sketch of the Grim Reaper beckoning the reader in with an outstretched finger. At his feet lie two skeletons of dead divers in full equipment. A third living diver, apparently out of air, desperately reaches for one of the skeletons’ respirators. On the right side of the sign is black text. The text reads: “STOP. Prevent your death! Go no farther. FACT: More than 300 divers, including open water scuba instructors, have died in caves just like this one. FACT: You need training to dive. You need cave training and cave equipment to cave dive. FACT: Without cave training and cave equipment, divers can die here. FACT: It CAN happen to YOU! There’s nothing in this cave worth dying for. Do not go beyond this point.]
This sign is not directed at “dumb people”. This sign is directed at people who don’t know how dangerous underwater caves can be, which is a lot of people and even a lot of certified divers. It’s directed at people who, through no fault of their own, don’t know something, and need to be informed. The first FACT line even outright states that open water scuba instructors, people who know so much about scuba that they’re certified to teach others, have died in the caves not knowing how dangerous it was. The second line informs the reader that they need cave training and equipment to cave dive, because cave diving is so different from open-water diving. If these caves weren’t marked, it would be so dangerously easy for a diver to assume their open-water training and equipment are sufficient. These caves can be so deceptive that even by the time someone realizes they’ve made a mistake, it’s already too late. This sign is not saying “You’re dumb for wanting to go into this cave.” or “You’re dumb for not knowing the rules of cave diving.” It’s saying “Smart, adept people have died here, and we don’t want you to die too, so here’s what you need to know.”
And, for what it’s worth, people can be “dumb” sometimes. People can make mistakes. People can have bad ideas. People can desire to do dangerous, self-destructive things. That shouldn’t cost them their life. They should get a fair chance to be informed too. A drunken would-be cliff diver deserves a warning sign about steep cliff edges and cold and rocky waters just as much as a family with small children just coming to see the view does. They all deserve to live.
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possibly-god · 11 days
Christoph Osterberg – the Shrink
(1975 – 25/2000 – 50)
Escaping the chaos of post-WW2 Germany, Dr. Ludwig Hesse emigrated to America, briefly living and practicing medicine in a German immigrant community, and even more briefly being married to fellow migrant Ursula Osterberg.
Their marriage was one of momentary convenience and desperation – when Ludwig skipped town after the Skeleton Incident, Ursula was almost happy to see him go, until she discovered she was stuck with a rather permanent reminder.
Practically from birth, Christoph was a stubborn, sarcastic little shit who drove his mother up the wall with his endless questions, bottomless well of back-talk, and insistence that her “little girl” was Very Much Not That.
It certainly doesn’t help matters that he’s transitioning into mini-Medic – picture Herbert West from Re-Animator (with a sprinkle of Dr. House’s personality) and you’re most of the way there.
While hiding in the basement one day, 11-year-old Christoph found a bunch of old medical textbooks and pulled a volume on the brain, beginning a fascination with the mind’s many mysteries and points of failure.
Christoph considers college the point at which he “traded up” in life – Zephaniah Mann University is where he cut contact with his mother and stepfamily, and where he met his best friend, Hedy.
Christoph and Hedy rapidly partnered up – she helps him formulate new drugs, he helps her assess her designs’ safety, and in ’73 they got married for tax benefits (and other reasons, none of them romantic).
Christoph had long since forged every single piece of legal identification to correct his gender, so their courthouse wedding went off without a hitch – hardly the most hazardous thing he’s done, considering he also brews his own hormones and performed his own top surgery.
He submitted a paper on the self-surgery experience to several medical journals but none of them believed him.
Despite his many wild and widely-known theories on abnormal and para-psychology, Christoph received his Bachelor’s with flying colors and has continued on to ZMU’s medical program with a focus on psychiatry and neurology.
His personal biochemistry studies sparked an interest in the potential medical uses of Australium, leading him to drunkenly dare Hedy to get him enough for proper experimentation – a dare that would lead her to revolutionize nuclear physics and get them and several others kidnapped.
Medic was initially quite skeptical of Christoph, and vice-versa, but once their many mutual interests and disdain for their ex-family were established, they quickly bonded as Queer Men of Mad Medicine.
Medic’s doves love him. He tolerates them (he loves them).
Between new dad Medic, new father-in-law Engineer, new basically-stepdad Heavy, new basically-aunt Zhanna, and new basically-stepbrother Patrick, Christoph somehow manages to take the sudden influx of relatives in stride.
His favorite pastime on base is psychoanalyzing the mercs – oh, the case studies he could write. He also regularly volunteers to babysit the twins (more on them later) to run twin-telepathy studies on them.
After the OHM incident wraps up, Christoph completes med school and residency to become a certified psychiatrist – though finding places that will hire him is a challenge. (At one point some MKUltra holdouts attempt to recruit him, but he turns them down – their methods are far too primitive).
Medic, Heavy, and the rest gladly fill his stepfamily’s spot in Christoph’s life – he’ll rarely admit it, but he didn’t realize how much he missed that kind of support.
On his 50th birthday, Hedy (still his wife of 27 years) invites him to join her at Team Fortress International, where he can practice freely and they can work together again. He accepts, signing on as the Shrink.
Next up – a Brooklynite brawler and angsty adolescent…
TF2K Master Post
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acceloracewear · 1 month
An Essential Guide About Kart Racing Gear
Kart racing is a simple, exhilarating, enthusiastic sport that necessitates exactitude, proficiency, and appropriate apparatus. The right kart racing gear is essential for both safety and performance, whether you are a novice or an expert driver. This post outlines the needed equipment that could help you thrive on track.
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Safety with the helmets
Helmet is one of the most important pieces of kart race gear that many people don’t realize. In case you collide, your helmet prevents damage to your head whilst it can also help you maintain concentration and peace of mind during an emotional race. Search for helmets that have been certified according to standards like Snell or FIA. A well-fitting helmet should fit tightly but not uncomfortably and allow ventilation to keep you cool even under pressure.
100% preventive racing suits
For those who love kart racing, a racing suit does not only look pretty but is also an essential part of your equipment. Racing suits are made out of flame-resistant materials such as Nomex, which protects during fire incidents. A good guideline to follow when choosing one should be about its fit; it has to be comfortable enough with no limitations on movements. In order to increase safety, it’s advisable to select a suit that has reinforced parts on elbows and knees since these are high impact areas. The best is the custom kart racing suits.
Some of the finest gloves
Steering wheel gripping in your race car always needs special gloves that give you more safety on the hand. Glove selections should come from long-lasting materials such as leather or synthetic fabrics featuring treated palms and fingers. Such gloves not only act as a safety tool for your hands but also act to make them more manageable when driving around corners and increasing comfort levels too. According to our point of view Skeleton Racing gloves are the best ones.
Support and safety with the boots
Karting boots or shoes are made particularly for foot and ankle support and defense purposes. These shoes must permit good grip on the vehicle pedals as well as reinforcement to resist any impact on them. With boots that are both flexible and hard-wearing, one should be able to control his or her kart easily and comfortably, too.
100% protection with neck braces
As a crucial trait of safety for any insane person who is interested in karts or racing activities, we forget about them more often than not when making provisions for our racing kits. During a race, these help to support the neck, thus avoiding any neck injury. Maximum effectiveness is achieved when the neck brace is made out of materials compatible with your helmet and the racing suit.
For your own safety and performance on the track, it is crucial that you invest in high-quality kart racing gear. Each component, be it a helmet or racing suit, through gloves and boots right down to neck braces, plays a fractional part in making sure that your racing experience is both memorable and safe. Right gear means improved performance on the course while making one feel more at ease about their game as well.
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Seeing the Skeleton: The Crucial Role of Orthopedic X-rays - A Blog By Prognosys Medical System
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Introduction: Orthopedic X-rays are the foundation of diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, providing a window into the intricate world of bones, joints, and soft tissues. They play a crucial role in everything from diagnosing fractures and arthritis to guiding surgical procedures and monitoring recovery.
What Do Orthopedic X-rays Reveal?
• Fractures: X-rays clearly show breaks in bones, their location, severity, and displacement. This helps determine the best course of treatment, whether it is immobilization, surgery, or other interventions. • Dislocations: X-rays reveal when joints are dislocated, showing the misalignment of bones. This information is vital for realignment and stabilization. • Arthritis: Changes in bone structure, joint space narrowing, and bone spurs are visible on X-rays, indicating the presence and severity of arthritis. • Tumors: X-rays can detect abnormalities in bone density and shape, suggesting the possibility of a tumor. Further imaging studies are then used for confirmation and staging. • Degenerative Conditions: Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other degenerative conditions can be monitored with X-rays, allowing healthcare providers to track progression and adjust treatment strategies. • Pre- and Post-Surgical Assessment: Orthopedic X-rays are essential for planning surgical procedures, assessing the effectiveness of treatments, and monitoring healing post-surgery.
Beyond the Bones:
While primarily focused on bones, X-rays can also provide valuable insights into soft tissues:
• Soft Tissue Injuries: X-rays can reveal tears or calcifications in tendons and ligaments, offering valuable information about the extent of soft tissue damage. • Foreign Bodies: X-rays can detect foreign bodies embedded in soft tissues, aiding in their removal.
The Power of Technology:
Advancements in X-ray technology, such as digital imaging and 3D reconstruction, enhance accuracy and provide more detailed information. These innovations allow for more precise diagnosis and planning for personalized treatment strategies.
Conclusion: Orthopedic X-rays are a critical tool for understanding and managing musculoskeletal issues. They provide a clear picture of the inner workings of the skeletal system, guiding healthcare professionals in providing effective treatment and ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients.
About Prognosys Medical Systems: Prognosys Medical Systems is a Medical Imaging and Telehealth Products and Solutions Company. We design every x-ray product to be the safest product with lowest or negligible radiation (Radiation Conscious) and is proudly Made in India.
Our ISO 13485-certified manufacturing facility, combined with our products holding international certifications from the US FDA and CE, affirms our expertise as a leading manufacturer specializing in high-end medical devices for radiology and imaging solutions. Its business operations range from High-frequency X-ray, Digital Radiography System, C-Arm, Tele-Radiology, Telemedicine, Home Health, and M-health Solutions and Accessories.
Click the links to Know More about Prognosys Medical Systems Product Range.
Contact us for more information: – Content Team Prognosys Medical Systems [email protected]
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Difference Between Italian Coral & Japanese Coral
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Introduction Coral is a beautiful and valuable gemstone that has been used in jewelry and decorative pieces for centuries. It comes in a variety of colors, with white coral and red coral being two of the most popular. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between white coral and red coral and their benefits and uses. Composition White coral is a calcium carbonate, while red coral is a calcium carbonate with a small amount of iron oxide. Both types of coral are formed from the skeletons of marine animals and are found in the ocean. Color White coral is, as the name suggests, white or off-white in color. Red coral, on the other hand, is a deep, rich red color. The color of red coral is due to the presence of iron oxide. Benefits and Uses: White Coral: White coral is believed to have several benefits and uses. It is said to promote good health and alleviate anxiety and stress. It is also believed to promote creativity and help with decision making. In jewelry, white coral is often used in necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Red Coral: Red coral is believed to have several benefits and uses as well. It is said to promote courage, strength, and vitality. It is also believed to help with blood circulation, respiratory issues, and digestive problems. In jewelry, red coral is often used in necklaces, earrings, and rings. Price and Rarity Red coral is generally more valuable than white coral due to its rarity and the difficulty in harvesting it. Red coral is primarily found in the Mediterranean Sea, while white coral is found in several locations around the world, including the Mediterranean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea. Cultural Significance Both white coral and red coral have cultural significance in different parts of the world. In many cultures, red coral is believed to protect against evil spirits and bad luck. In some cultures, white coral is associated with purity and innocence. Conclusion While white coral and red coral may look similar at first glance, they have distinct differences in their composition, color, benefits and uses, price and rarity, and cultural significance. When choosing between the two, it is important to consider your personal preferences, budget, and the specific qualities you are looking for in a gemstone. Whether you choose white coral or red coral, both are beautiful and valuable gemstones that will add a touch of elegance to any jewelry piece. Instagram Gallery 7621 851 7289 270 2489 575 7602 774 8910 784 2090 982 2415 488 1458 642 3321 237 8025 277 6849 525 5491 398 7466 606 9916 611 9622 749 2100 134 5592 948 6618 367 Recent Posts - What to know before wearing a Garnet stone? - What is Blue Sapphire? Why Blue sapphire is the most Powerful Gemstone? - Can I wear Emerald stone (Panna) without consultation? - Unheated Ruby vs. Heated Ruby Coral For you - 5.80 Carat Certified Natural Cylindrical shape Red Coral Rated 5.00 out of 5 ₹10,000.00 ₹5,800.00 - Natural Original 14.29 Carat White Coral Gemstone ₹84,000.00 ₹42,870.00 - Certified Natural 6.65 Carat Cylindrical shape Red Coral Stone Rated 5.00 out of 5 ₹40,000.00 ₹19,950.00 Contact Us FIND YOUR BEST STONE FROM BELOW COLLECTION Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Emerald Ruby Opal Amethyst Catseye Blue Topaz Yellow Topaz Feroza Garnet Malachite Pearl Red Coral Akik White Coral Peridot Citrine Aquamarine Round CVD Cushion CVD Oval CVD Princess CVD Heart CVD Emerald CVD Radiant CVD Asscher CVD Baguette CVD Pear CVD Marquise CVD Round HPHT Cushion HPHT Oval HPHT Princess HPHT Heart HPHT Emerald HPHT Radiant HPHT Asscher HPHT Baguette HPHT Pear HPHT Marquise HPHT 1 Mukhi 2 Mukhi 3 Mukhi 4 Mukhi 5 Mukhi 6 Mukhi 7 Mukhi 8 Mukhi 9 Mukhi 10 Mukhi 11 Mukhi 12 Mukhi 13 Mukhi 14 Mukhi 15 Mukhi 16 Mukhi 17 Mukhi 18 Mukhi 19 Mukhi 20 Mukhi 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Garbh Gauri Shankar Savaar Sidhha Mala Jaap Mala Indra Mala Ganesha Ganesha Read the full article
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Orthopedic Surgery Kota: Cost and Complications
If you suffer from any kind of orthopedic injury such as hip dislocation, knee injury, broken elbow or rotator cuff, and if you experience pain or numbness that persists or worsens by any physical activity, you may be a candidate for orthopedic surgery.
Orthopedic surgery deals with the correction of injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system and its attachments- bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, peripheral nerves and connective tissue. Hip Replacement Sugeon in Kota
The term orthopedics encompasses a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments for all musculoskeletal and athletic injuries and conditions.
Some of the popular orthopedic operations include arthroscopic surgery of the knee, hip replacement, replacement of knee, partial replacement of knee, shoulder surgery, spine surgery, carpal tunnel release, back surgery and repair of fractures in hand, foot and ankle.
Surgery to repair rotator cuff tendons, reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), disc surgery, debridement of a joint surface and neck & elbow replacement are also common procedures.
Today, a majority of orthopedics operations are performed arthroscopically, in which an orthopedic surgeon makes only a small incision and uses delicate instruments to make the repairs.
An orthopedic fast facts page by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests that musculoskeletal symptoms including pain, soreness, discomfort, cramps, limitation of movement, stiffness and swelling were the second biggest reason for hospital visits in 2006. It also states that more than one in four Americans are living with musculoskeletal symptom, with back and knee injuries the most prevalent impairments.
Risks and Complications
Undoubtedly, orthopedic surgery can be an ideal answer to fractures, dislocations and injuries that arise in the skeleton and its attachments.
However, orthopedic surgery, like all other surgical procedures, involves risks of excessive bleeding, infection, and allergic reaction to anesthesia. Risks specifically associated with this surgery include inflammation at the site where foreign objects like pins, implants or wires are implanted inside the body, surgical wound infection, and damage to nerves or to the spinal cord during the surgery.
The patient may also experience persistent pain, swelling, redness, drainage or bleeding and infection in the surgical area, which may result in slow healing and incomplete or no restoration of pre-surgical function. Sports Injury Doctor in Kota
Understandably, it is of utmost importance that you get your orthopedic surgery done at the hands of a highly skilled, well experienced and board certified orthopedic surgeon, who is trained to assess and treat disorders of the bones, joints, and ligaments of the human body.
For a successful surgery, a person's willingness to comply with rehabilitative therapy post surgery is equally important. The length of time that rehabilitation is needed depend on many factors, including the patient's age & general health, severity of the injury and extent of the surgery.
Orthopedic surgery and treatment cost may vary from country to country and clinic to clinic. As well, the price also depends on factors like what type of surgery you choose as well as experience of the surgeon and the reputation of aesthetic clinic you elect to get the surgery done.
In the Western and European countries the typical waiting time for an orthopedic surgery is up to three or six months, and to have this operation done privately it would cost you a fortune.
Getting the surgery done abroad can be the solution to this problem. In many developing and newly industrialized countries like India, Thailand and Mexico you can expect to pay only a fraction of the cost in your native country.
By travelling to these countries for orthopedic surgery such as knee or hip replacement surgery, shoulder surgery, spine surgery, back surgery and hand & foot surgery, you could make substantial savings even after adding in the cost of flights, holiday, accommodation, meals and local transportation.
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medinmotion · 2 years
Common Problems Treated With The Help Of A Physical Therapy Specialist
A physical therapist is a specialist who has extensive knowledge of the biomechanics of your body. So, if they find any deficiency in your physical movement, they can identify the leading cause of it and accordingly provide you with treatment.
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Further, a specific bodily area loses strength after an injury or occasionally needs the energy to heal from surgery. Therefore, you can treat those same regions and relieve muscle tension without experiencing pain with the aid of a physical therapist in Texas.
People are seen to benefit from physical therapy for a stress-free recovery in a unique way following post-operative treatment. You can quickly relieve pain and advance toward wellness with the aid of a few exercises that are concentrated on the affected area. 
In this article, we will talk about different ailments that can be easily treated under the guidance of a physical therapist.
Sports injury
Some specialized sports injuries can be easily treated with the help of physical therapy specialists in Texas. For instance, the right programme customized by a certified expert can help you heal from fractures. Additionally, you can practice prevention techniques for quick and secure treatment.
Back and neck pain
Chronic pain, which you typically experience in your neck or back, is a constant disruption of daily life. It could last for months or even years. Thus, physical therapy specialists in Texas aid in the promotion of mobility and the treatment of pain.
People frequently experience lightheadedness and vertigo, which can occasionally cause dangerous falls. They may sometimes experience it frequently or generally. But by balancing it with physical treatment, you can prevent it. 
Swelling results from the extra fluid that continued to circulate in your bloodstream after it became lodged in your lymphatic system. Complete decongestive therapy, or CDT, is used by the physical therapist in Texas to reduce emphysema and prevent further fluid accumulation.
Muscular Dystrophy
Your skeleton and muscles deteriorate and weaken as you age or experience different ailments. However, you can treat this by doing mobility exercises and considering supporting frames under the guidance of experts. 
The number of people experiencing a concussion is rising daily. Many individuals are unaware of the benefits of physical therapy in treating various trauma symptoms. The signs include headaches, dizziness, and balance issues.
A programme for managing brain injuries and concussions is available to everyone. Furthermore, you can participate in the activity even if you foresee the possibility of trauma.
The degeneration of the joint surface, which causes inflammation inside the joint, is a symptom of arthritis. Your arthritis pain can be lessened with therapeutic intervention. A physical therapist helps enhance the joint's general functionality.
Physical therapy specialists in Texas can help you stop the headaches frequently brought on by skeletal problems. These conditions include tense muscles, restricted neck motion, disc disease, lousy posture, and back stiffness. Depending on your issue, your treatment may consist of everything from posture training to using a hot water bag.
It is a low back issue that may cause discomfort to travel down one leg. Physical therapy specialists in Texas can use various non-surgical treatments to treat this additional disorder category. Muscle energy techniques and core strengthening exercises may be recommended as a course of treatment by the therapist.
Parkinson's disease (PD)
This is a neurological disease with progressive mobility problems.The disorder can bring on acute motor limitations and tremors. Similar to how physical therapy sessions and resistance training can be used to treat this illness. 
You will feel a lot better by getting physical therapy, regardless of the illness you are dealing with. Even if chronic pain results from a routine job or surgery, it aids treatment. It  may occasionally be required as part of your treatment for severe medical conditions.
We at Medicine in Motion provide an experienced team of physical therapy specialists in Texas who offer affordable, quality, comprehensive care to patients. Visit our official website to learn. 
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webwingalpha · 3 years
Unaffiliated Stories: Onward
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@frxemriss​ @vicegrips-fr​ @glasswing-flutter​ @naranciag-fr​ @lumoselm-fr​ @wyvernrising​
(If you want to be added to my lore pinglist let me know! And also let me know if you want to be pinged for bios as well!)
The Skydancer’s clawed feet padded softly over the short grass as he made his way southwards. He had no particular destination in mind, nowhere he planned to go; he just needed to keep moving. Away from wavy and goldenrod grass that felt soft underneath his feet, away from the nearly-always cloudless sky and fluffy, warm-coloured trees. And especially… especially away from the towering and pale gold ruins and buildings that he saw at nearly every turn. He honestly couldn’t do this anymore.
The Sunbeam Ruins were just a mess of bad memories to Skelston now. He couldn’t stay. Just about everything reminded him of something he didn’t want to keep remembering. His previous kingdom and its fall, being in hiding for years upon years underground, the clan who took him in when he re-emerged getting destroyed by the very same thing that destroyed his previous home, and then, the great and foul-smelling beast that resulted in him fleeing further north. It was not rare for one of those memories to show up behind his eyelids when he slept each night.
In fact, the foul beast rampaging over the lands was a reason why he refused to take to the skies, even if it would make his journey faster. It didn’t feel safe. Even if it was miles and miles away now; he could still occasionally hear distant roars, or see elemental blasts streak through the air when he glanced backwards. Neither of those failed to get him to increase his pace for a while. Skelston had never expected to ever see the fabled “emperor” he had heard of in stories over the years, and he really wished he hadn’t.
It had been days since Skelston had begun traveling, and he was finally feeling like he was getting at least somewhat close to out of the light-kissed land entirely. It was only midday, so there were several hours of travel left, and he was able to see the top of the largest buildings that resided in the Hewn City on the horizon. Good. He was going to skirt around it, for there was absolutely no way he was wandering into that cursed place again, but it was a good sign. After all, they were located at the southernmost part of the Sunbeam Ruins, along a lot of the southern border. He was close. He was going to get out of here. Hopefully sooner than later.
Skelston kept traveling, opting not to sleep that night in order to get there faster; it was doubtful he’d be able to sleep for long anyways. He made a longer berth around the City than he originally planned, not wanting to be that close to it when nightfall inevitably hit. He had been told since he was a mere hatchling that it was a very bad idea to be near it at night, after all, and he was not risking it even now. It felt like he didn’t have good luck, all things considered, and going closer was just a disaster waiting to happen.
Roughly two days later, his claws hit the dry, cracked grounds of the Expanse as he landed from a short flight across the divide between the two territories, and after a quick check to ensure that the pearl of one of his former mates that he had managed to retrieve from the ruins of his kingdom before he started his journey was still safe in the bag around his shoulders, Skelston was off again. He still had no idea where he wanted to go or what he planned to do, just that he wanted the Ruins far behind him. That was the only important thing.
And thus, he resumed his travels. As he continued on, Skelston kept to himself, avoiding obvious clans and staying as far away from other traveling dragons as he could. Thankfully, in this harsh, arid desert, sightings of other dragons were few and far between. He didn’t mind the heat, being a fire dragon, so he also kept to traveling during the day for the most part when he did decide to sleep, and that also likely helped keep his sightings of other dragons to a minimum.
Going on this long journey alone gave him a lot of time to think and reminisce, especially considering the fact he wasn’t able to sleep much at times thanks to either a nightmare or just the inability to fall asleep to begin with. His mind was on both things past and present. How did he become the ruler of a kingdom for years to… this? Run out of two homes by the Shade, Tainted, lost, and with no home to call his own, no friends or allies to spend time with. He had no idea where he wanted to go, even if it might look that way to others observing him; he was just wandering aimlessly. He had managed to leave the Ruins, away from bad memories and monsters, but what was he going to do next? He hadn’t traveled in Sornieth in a long, long time. He had no idea what things were like now.
Not to mention he had no interest in joining a clan at this point in time. He wasn’t just going to allow another clan to fall to the Shade; after two times of having to flee a clan due to the Shade overtaking everything, it felt like he was cursed. And what if he was? He wasn’t going to put that burden on another clan and cause even more dragons to die. Too many dragons had died due to him and he didn’t need any more blood on his hands.
It was still so strange though, going from a ruler, surrounded by his people, to this. Isolated, alone. A stark contrast, and it was likely he’d never get used to it. He would just have to cope, though, at least for the time being.
Skelston finally made it to the top of the next dune, one that was significantly larger than the last few, stopping to catch his breath. Traveling was not something he was used to, at least not by foot, and there wasn’t any way he was flying while he was in the Expanse; it wasn’t safe with the territory’s tendency to get storms. His front leg with the old shoulder scars burned from the journey so far, his back leg ached due to yet another storm on the horizon, and he let his gaze wander that direction briefly to see how close it really was. He wasn’t a fan of how chaotic this place was; he couldn’t wait until he was free from worrying about the nearly constant storms of the Expanse.
He really needed to figure out where to go and what to do. He couldn’t wander aimlessly like this forever. He felt so lost after all the things that had happened, like he had lost all purpose. He needed a purpose, he needed something to occupy his mind, and most of all, he needed to find out where he belonged now. 
Skelston closed his eyes, feeling the wind whip his mane around as he stood there, contemplating on what he should do next. At the very least, he needed a destination. He was not staying here; this was most certainly not a place he wanted to stay in the long term.
After a moment, he let his eyes open, his gaze trailing to the south. Just past the grey sands and dark clouds was lava and black rock: The Ashfall Waste. Where he had been born eons ago, a place he didn’t spend much time in before he was whisked off with his father to the Ruins because their original home wasn’t safe anymore. It had been so long since he had even set his eyes upon it.
And now that he was not on the move or sleeping, Skelston could swear he was feeling a pull towards it. Maybe that could be his destination; it sounded right. It sounded perfect, actually.
He would figure out what to do from there. Traveling and wandering, yes, since clans were a no-go for now. He was not risking the life of another clan. Not again. He had seen so much death over the years. It was not a thing he was fond of.
That’s what he could do. He could start targeting the Shade, himself. He had heard of Shade Hunters; dragons who specifically train to hunt down and kill Shade creatures. He liked that idea; hitting them first instead of letting them attack clans. He could help keep clans safe from the dark, lurking shadows.
So that was it then. He had a purpose. He would strike the Shade down himself, keeping them from being able to hurt any other dragons. Sure, this would mean he’d likely not stay in the Ashfall Waste in the long run, but it still was a start, a destination.
Feeling renewed with a strong purpose, Skelston slowly made his way down the large dune after glancing towards the next impending storm. It felt nice to know what he wanted to do now; he just needed to get to the Waste first. Hopefully it wasn’t too much farther.
He wasn’t going to avoid the Shade any longer. He was going to confront it head on, straight for the throat. Sure, he couldn’t eliminate it entirely by himself; he was likely never going to make a dent in the population, but hell, he was tired of hiding. No more.
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foxin4jar · 4 years
I’m stoned and wearing a corset and it feels like I’m being hugged from behind by a skeleton and I’m sobbing now gib me skelecuddles pls
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loop-hole-319 · 3 years
R/Users of Reddit who was the weird kid at your school and what made them the weird kid?
 Boy, do I have a story for you
For a little bit of context, I live in Amity Park, yes, the most haunted place in world. Yes, ghosts are real if you want to fight me on that do it somewhere else this is not the page to do so.
The kid is the son of the town weirdos, God I could go on and on about that family’s antics, But I will save it for a later post. The two parents are ghost hunters and have two kids one older daughter and one younger son. The eldest daughter is a certified genius, she plans to study in psychology and beat the school record academic intelligence or something, she even saved my ass from having to retake algebra. She is going places; she'll end up in one of those great women magazines.
Her younger brother on the other hand... is an interesting fella.
He was pale as a a sheet of paper and had black hair and bluest eyes that I had ever seen, I do not know even how to begin to describe the shade of blue that his eyes were. They were such an intense blue that there was no way for them to be natural, although sometimes they would shine green if the light hit them just right.
I think he also had Tapetum lucidum. I found this out the hard way when there was a power outage. I had just gotten out of the bathroom when the lights flipped off and was rushing to my classroom for safety, (ghost attacks often mean power outages) I had turned the corner and saw him opening a closet door and made the mistake of making eye contact with him. Those were the most intense 30 seconds of my entire life, and that's saying something living in a town where there are supernatural creatures attacking almost daily
But his eyes, I will never get them out of my head. Although it was dark in the hallway I could see his irises clearly, they were almost glowing. I will never forget the way I felt, it is what I imagine to be facing down a lion or Panther, there was an oppressive feeling on my chest and the air grew cold, I swear to myself I could see my breath. I was literally frozen in fear, then he slipped behind the door and the feeling instantly cut off. I ran the rest of the way to my classroom and never told any of my classmates about my encounter.
We started our freshman year together and he was a normal kid until halfway through the first quarter. Apparently, he got into some kind of lab accident, no details were released although it took out the power grid for about half the city. It must have Fucked him up or something because when he got back to school all of his shit went downhill. He must have had some kind of nerve damage because for the first month and a half after the accident he would constantly tripped over nothing and just collapse in the middle of the hallway. Oh he was also short he never grew an inch past freshman year I think it has to do with the accident he was in, maybe damaged part of his skeleton or something.
 He also would drop stuff all the time including his pants, I remember he dropped so many beakers in the science room that he was banned from holding anything fragile and they actually had to order an entire new set to replace the ones he broke.
But then the ghost started showing up and he took it to whole new level. He carried around this soup thermos thing 24/7, he never left it anywhere always stayed by his side even to the bathroom.
The kid would go to the bathroom all the time and then just disappear and not come back sometimes for the whole school day. it got to the point where teachers would deny him access to the restroom but he would get up and leave anyways. But yeah when he did come back to class, he always looked like he had gotten run over by a bus multiple time.
I remember one time my friends and I we're headed to the bathroom to vape and saw him running down the hall and enter the restrooms ahead of us, when we got there, we the entirety of the boys room and he was just gone, vanished like fucking Houdini.
When he was in class, he was always either sleeping or just nervously sitting there like someone was about to attack him. He always looked so tired and whatever the teacher called on him he always shut up like a damn rocket.
I remember one time in class we were doing silent reading, this was one of the few times that he was actually in class and awake. When something crashed through the window, I think it was one of his parent's inventions and it focused in on him like a heatsinking missile and cracked him right in the back of the head knocking him out right there and then. His parents had to pay for the window damage.
or he also would constantly be targeted by the anti ecto devices that were installed in the school, he claimed to have ecto-contamination. but this just raised concerns about his home life and lead multiple people to speculate that his parents were experimenting on him. He profusely denied these claims.
Another time he came into class with a glowing arrow sticking through his leg when asked about it he just waved it off and said it would be fine.  
He threw up in the middle of the hallway, his vomit was glowing, and it eat about an inch into the floor. On multiple occasions he would enter the classroom bleeding profusely, deny that he was bleeding and then sew himself up in the back of the classroom.
 He also got bullied a lot by one of the football players at the school, they would always stuff him into the lockers, but he would always manage to somehow magically teleport to his next class sometimes even before I got there.
One time he punched a ghost, and another he cursed my friend out in some language that nobody was able to identify later on. I do not think it was a human language.
He would also carry around ectoplasm in a separate thermos and drink it for lunch. One of the jock bullies stole it from him and chugged the whole thing before realizing what was in the container, he was sent to the emergency room to have his stomach pumped and had severe chemical burns down the back of his throat and entirety of his stomach. Apparently the ectoplasm had been “weak” so it had less of an effect, what if it was “stronger” he might have had to have his stomach removed or been placed on a feeding tube. No charges were successfully pressed.
He had also been banned from bringing lunch from home as it came to life and attacked students and staff on multiple occasions.
The bitch was cold as ice to, I'm not talking about cold as in personality. No his skin was freezing to the touch. His friends literally used him as their own personal air conditioner during a heat wave last summer.
But aside from his eyes the biggest thing that made him weird was actually something pretty useful.
His Bladder. It was more accurate at predicting ghost attacks then the highly advanced technology specifically designed for doing so, it came with a 99% accuracy. The 1% is the times he actually had to go to the bathroom.
He also had his own stalker who accused him of being Phantom, the town superhero who was a ghost. although everybody thinks that he is just gay for the guy. But honestly, I think he's on to something not necessarily him being a half ghost superhero who lives with ghost hunters which is stupid but that guy is definitely not 100% human.
He still is super gay for him though.
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gorbo-longstocking · 3 years
ohhhh can i ask for an imagine! im a certified vet nurse and i just quit my old super toxic job to a better one m. how does each skeleton like to celebrate their s/os big achievements, anyone want to do anything special? (my faves are stretch, red, edge, and mutt 😎)
aaaaaa omg congratulations thats so awesome, i hope your new jobs going great!! :DD
ok so, i only did those four since they're your favs and i wanted to focus on them the most, but let me know if you want me to do the others. >:3
- bro you guys are popping the biggest bottles, it is going to be a party of a life time. your life is taking a turn for the better, that’s something red believes deserves a full celebration. he’s not usually one for something so physically taxing, parties for him tend to be casually chilling with a flew close friends. to him, leaving behind a toxic environment is a great accomplishment, one he will happily get off his ass to celebrate.
- he’s usually a pretty frugal guy, he doesn’t like spending big bucks. not tonight though, he’ll wholeheartedly consider renting a limo if you’re down for it. he’s never been in one, but it sounds like a blast and a half. everything is on him, you aren’t paying for anything.
- if you’re not down for big celebrations, no big deal. something smaller he’d do is buy some take out from your favorite place, find a hill in the middle of nowhere, and set off some fireworks while y’all eat a good meal. if you’re cool with it, he’d probably pull up reviews on google of your old workplace and dramatically read them out loud, like your own personal roast sesh.
- good thing you quit your job. if you told edge any of the dirty details, it’s very likely he would have “taken matters into his own hands”. he’s very happy for you and absolutely believes this calls for a celebration.
- edge doesn’t have a lot of experience with parties, a fact he will expect you to be surprised by considering he is very popular and highly sought out, so he will keep things lowkey. with your permission, he will make a facebook post singing your praises and absolutely condemning your old workplace. a majority of his facebook friends are neighborhood moms who’s kids he babysits, so trust me, you have an army on your side.
- as much as he’d like to cook for you, he cooks for you every night, and celebrations should be special. he takes you out to the best fine dining restaurant he can find (if you check his google history he literally searched “BEST FANCY RESTAURANT NEAR ME”) and makes sure you’re well fed and well taken care of. he later buys you a gift, with advice given by said neighborhood moms, to show you how proud he is of you.
- he’s super proud and crazy happy for you, this is great. a new chapter in your life that will lead to bigger and better things. stretch’s idea of a celebration is driving past your old workplace and making faces at it. that’s what he calls catharsis. he definitely wanted to egg the building, and depending on how cool you are with that, the two of you do, or you easily shut him down.
- to celebrate, stretch bakes you a cake, whatever flavor you want. the two of you can run to the store and pick out the ingredients. even something as small as grocery shopping he makes a total blast. you’ve barely been in the store five seconds and you’re both leaning on each other in the freezer section, laughing so hard neither of you can breath.
- the cake celebration and party quickly devolves to the two of you dicking around in various stores. you know that part of the shopping cart that babies sit in? yeah, the whole thing ends when stretch gets stuck in one and you guys get kicked out. thankfully, you still have your ingredients, and his baking skills are spectacular. the cake was well worth the wait.
- mutt’s idea of a celebration would be something to do at home or somewhere quiet. parties are very loud and very crowded, two things that spell disaster for him sensory wise. he’ll order delivery, your choice, and you guys will have an epic movie marathon. over the past few weeks, he’s compiled a list of every movie you’ve so much as mentioned you wanted to watch and has (pirated) bought every single one.
- the two of you spend the night cuddling, although he makes sure to focus the affection on you by running his fingers through your hair or massaging your shoulders or scratching your back. whatever you want, he’ll do. he’ll even let you borrow his jacket for a day or two. it’s near impossible to get him out of it, its one of his comfort items, but he knows that a common thing in relationships is wearing your partners clothes.
- something small you could do is going outside and stargazing. the night sky is beautiful, it always helps him put life into perspective, and he’d like to share that with you. you guys make up your own constellations, giving them stupid names and laughing together until the sun comes up. it’s easy to forget to sleep when you’re having fun with someone you love.
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