#ceithlenn of the crooked teeth
yxorul · 1 month
I need to get all the Farryn content out of my system before college fucks me over, so here are some doodles of her (featuring my takes on Gwenna, Gorthos, and Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth.)
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My gay tinted lenses were on the entire time I drew these, Farryn's just real pretty okay 💕 (EOM also is just an excuse to practice gore drawings) Also love that her state of being is just weird lust and feelings of doom, that, and she has a possessive streak to her. She really said that Gwenna belongs to her and not the earth, and she's so real for that
Gorthos (and Farryn to an extent) gives me Nowhere King vibes, and that influenced my take on him :p
I miss her, chat 🙏 I can't believe she got caught up in a custody war between Gorthos and Ceithlenn 😔
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professor-azran · 20 days
Ok random spirit here to give you the rundown on Ayla’s family.
Her dad is a vampire. Her pa is possessed by a demon. Her Uncle Briggsy is a zombie pirate. Her Mom is a priestess of Shar. Her mama is a satyr Druid who basically worships decay. And Yorgrim is a buff orc who’s dead but also not. William Van Brunt is a thrall of Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth (who definitely isn’t Sarnax’s fault) and I think that’s it :D
Sweet Hells.
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the-kutlass-kratch · 3 months
Do you think him being so amped to bite and be bitten is like. Do you think that’s related to Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth or was he just like that in life.
please dont ruin this for me … i already thought it was over when yorgi found out like he did …
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oh-atlas · 3 years
ophelia's no good very terrible time with the party session 7
this one's a little late and probably a little bit shorter because a) it was mainly a combat session and b) i was in a weird headspace and didn't take that many notes so i'm compiling this from memory a week later and my liveblogging. it was a great session with luce haunting the narrative and i'm wailing
correction from last recap is that since we didn't end up taking a long rest, this was the NIGHT of day 4 and we're starting day 5 next session.
song of the session: nightclothes by radical face
we started off by trying to take a long rest. kregga and ophelia were on first watch and played the very fun game of continually shifting around the fire because ophelia scooched away from kregga every time kregga tried to get close to talk. kregga commented on how a few sessions ago coco had said she had heard stories about someone like ophelia when she was a kid and was like "so you must be pretty old then" and ophelia was like "old enough i guess" and kregga goes "if you're fey you've GOTTA tell me."
ophelia: 👁👄👁 no
i took this as an opportunity for ophelia to actually share some lore i got awhile ago but didn't have a reason to bring up because i didn't think ophelia really understood WHAT fey were and what she was smelling and she and kregga talked about weird fey smell and ophelia told her about smelling the same thing downriver from argynvost (the drowned village 👁👄👁)
coco has a nightmare where she hears the siege of argynvost happening, and presumably argynvost dying. She wakes up and takes damage/her hit points are reduced.
and we all remember FUCK. NIGHT HAG. Inmis rolls a good enough arcana check to understand that it's weird magic nonsense and that we should get moving. We start moving through towards the windmill. Ophelia pops her rite of the dawn and stays with Ireena so that Ireena has light to see at night 😭
On our way we run into a circle of standing stones. Ophelia walks kind of into them and uhhh realizes she's standing in human teeth ☠️, I back The Fuck Up and we roll some religion checks to determine that this is an offering to Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth 👁👄👁 idk who that is but fear. It sounds Irish which means Fey Bullshit but its also obviously fey bullshit bc Hags.
Inmis casts decompose on all of the teeth which is metal as hell, fuck it up
We head up to the ol' Bonegrinder and see the coven gathered around a caldron, chanting and Grinding Up Luce's Fingerbones To Put Into The caldron. I Was In Pain.
Kregga rolls a great perception check and sees through the illusion with her weird fey-eye bullshit that GREATLY compels me. Side note is I'm super excited that this session confirmed I was kind of right about Kregga's stuff. I had narrowed it down to fiend or fey, leaning more fey, last session but this truly confirmed it which is sick.
combat highlights include
ophelia is getting bullied endlessly, i start by making three saves, WIS, CHA, CON, each correlating to a shitty effect on hallowed ground. I pass WIS which would've given me disadvantage on attacks. Fail CHA and CON which makes me take damage every time i move closer to the bones and i'm vulnerable to all damage. So that's how I ended up on 4/59 HP over the course of one round and accidentally knocked myself on my second turn by trying to get closer. The whole time Luce's necklace is glowing and burning Ophelia even more than normal and all of her veins are Visibly Glowing Bright White. It's VERY sexy. Ophelia got knocked twice, both times because of me LMAO, and once during the fight, but never had to make death saves. Despite it being a really hard fight for her where she largely didn't contribute, it was fantastic storywise and I had a lot of fun. When Ophelia went unconscious she was falling (ironic) and saw a glowing hand reaching towards her. 🙃 my dm confirmed after session that it was luce's
Kregga had the insane strategy to use her sledgehammer to Break The Blades off the Windmill and got to suplex a hag into the caldron, got to repeatedly break blades of the windmill off and I'm pretty sure almost half the damage done to the hags was because of fall damage from Kregga ☠️ She got 2/3 kills on the hags and gave herself the new title Hagsbane- good for her, it's metal as hell.
Flare hasted Coco and a Hasteed Coco is a Terrifying Thing. Coco also used her tief magic for the first time and cast Darkness on one blade of the windmill where Morgantha (Head Hag) was and effectively disabled her for most of the fight. Coco also got the kill on Morgantha w/ a psychic blade.
Inmis harried the shit out of Morgantha by following her around with a Spiritual Weapon Scythe ☠️
The Hags did get off a chain lightning on everyone but Ophelia bc Ophelia had already parkoured up onto the windmill ( she did not stay there for long she did in fact fall ☠️) and their spell components were flavored as crushing up Luce Andral's bones. Which Did. Inflict Damage Onto ME. Every Single Time. I was So Sad and Stressed.
We put together that they didn't even steal a fully intact skeleton anyway, so despite them actually grinding up and taking more of her bones it's not as bad as it could've been.
I Do The Thing. I Touch The Bones. Ophelia has a flashback to a memory of when she was in her and Luce's childhood bedroom and they were playing together casting shadow puppets on the ceiling. Ophelia gets knocked unconscious by touching the bones and when she comes to, she has Lichtenberg scarring up her left hand and forearm. She does the basic math and understands Luce + Luce = Luce. She is Not Okay.
i wrote a thing about it here
Party puts the bones in the bag of holding so we don't have to double-back to Vallaki before we go to Ravenloft and we end session taking a long rest in the windmill the party Technically Owns but also mostly destroyed lmao.
Next session: Going By Barovia-Town and Dinner at Ravenloft. And our session is (probably) going to take place on Valentine's Day. LMAO.
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