#caption stolen from hill
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quick, follow that trail-
gifed for me by @readyforthegarden
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igottatho · 4 months
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News. Didn’t sleep much last night so I’ll have to do captions and more detailed stuff later, my sincere apologies.
Here’s a sumup for Feb 22, 2024:
Norway has divested $500 million from Israel bonds. A huge win for BDS movements. More info and the original tweet thread can be found here.
Hundreds of protestors begin again in the Bay Area, directly to Biden’s fund raiser in SF. All of the standalone images are from this event, as reported by Kqed, found via Instagram here. Descriptions for images are attached to each. Entire post contents are as follows: “kqednews Protesters demanding a cease-fire in Gaza gathered Wednesday night near a fundraiser in San Francisco for President Joe Biden's 2024 campaign. Hundreds of activists filled Alta Plaza Park as part of the demonstration organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Protestors chanted "free, free Palestine" and "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" and urged the president to end U.S. aid to Israel. "How dare he visit San Francisco only to rake in cash, ignoring residents of a city which passed a ceasefire resolution with a supermajority?", said Suzanne Ali, a Palestinian Youth Movement member, in a written statement. "While Biden charges donors $100,000 for a ticket to his cocktail party, bombs labeled 'Made in the USA' are raining down on civilians in Gaza for the fourth consecutive month, killing over 13,000 Palestinian children and counting." "We are demanding that there is a permanent ceasefire now," said Party for Socialism and Liberation member Ramsey Robinson, who spoke at the protest. "That's our money, stolen from the people, stolen from the taxpayers, and we want to let Joe Biden know that we know that." President Biden is reportedly making multiple campaign stops in San Francisco and Los Altos Hills between Wednesday and Thursday. But Robinson thinks that other than "the tiny number of the super rich," Biden isn't popular in the Bay Area. Read for more details at kqed.org/news”
Girl Scouts have received funding from Raytheon Tech and has made “stay neutral” merch. We hates a neutral ass bitch, sorry Girl Scouts, not sorry. Full story, from @prem_thakker : “Wow—Girl scouts wanted to make bracelets to help aid Palestinian kids. @girlscouts leadership threatened them, saying they must "stay neutral." After it was pointed out there've been similar efforts for Ukraine, they pivoted, saying the troop didn't follow "approval processes:” Prem then displays another image which says: “The last sentence hit her hard: "Unfortunately, if this direct violation of the organization's governing documents and policies continues, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri and Girl Scouts of the United States have no other choice than to engage our legal counsel to help remedy this situation and to protect the intellectual property and other rights of the organization." "I got a little scared; I'm not gonna lie," she said. "I wondered, what are they going to do to me?* For years, she had strived to give these girls the opportunities she had missed out on herself. The troop had formed a sisterhood, growing up together since kindergarten. Abuhamdeh reached out to the other parents. They decided the organization's values didn't align with what they were trying to teach their daughters.” I’m unclear where this image/quote was taken from, presumably from the original reporting of STLtoday.com
There’s additional tweets from Prem, which talk more about Girlscouts & weapons contractors here. The images at source are screencaps (from the girlscout website) which I’ll share here:
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The last two images are the most important; the first depicts an image of a Palestinian boy holding a blanket he has apparently salvaged from rubble. The tweet from @Times of Gaza reports at 2:50 am of Feb 22, “Day 139 | During the past 24 hours: 9 massacres committed by the Israeli occupation • 97 people killed • 132 injured.” At 10:52 am @Times of Gaza reports: “UPDATE | 23 people killed in the Deir Al-Balah airstrikes. The death toll is expected to rise.”
This continued loss of life is irreplaceable and my heart mourns for them. FREE PALESTINE please God.
Eta: I added text to all images for my comrades who need it. I also added a couple new images for Girl Scouts info (I had to remove a redundant img of the Kqed insta, in order to include this info). Please LMK in the notes if it’s more helpful/ easier for yall for img notes or directly in my post. My brain is fried, I’m sorry this is such a haphazard post.
Biden and Raytheon info will have to wait til tomorrow. I also hope to get some info/ articles up about Israel and diamond trade - responsible for a huge portion of Israel’s GDP and stolen exploited resources from the Congo.
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uncloseted · 2 years
Of course U won’t let think Anything of it as a White women But me and many others of People of color Who are black are obviously Gonna feel a type of way about it.. Even if it’s her mom or family She should have educated then and let Them know to not wear those Hats.. She knows people are gonna dig it’s the internet she Can’t be that stupid. I Dont get why white people always have to voice their opinions on black people issues
I'm totally sympathetic to the frustration and upset that people feel when they see people wearing right-wing imagery. I want to be clear that I'm also not happy about those images, and I don't think she should have posted the one that she did. But what I don't understand is what people are hoping to gain by "calling her out" or what they think she should have done differently.
We don't know what conversations Sydney had behind the scenes with her family members. Maybe she's been trying to educate them and told them not to wear those hats or that shirt. Maybe she asked them not to wear them because she knew people were going to dig up pictures on the internet, and they wore them anyway. Maybe her family accused her of trying to make the day all about her needs as a celebrity and refused to take them off. We have absolutely no idea what her relationship to her more conservative family is like.
We also have no idea what her family's relationship to that imagery is like. They could be anywhere on the spectrum from, "we're liberal but thought the hats were funny" to "we believe the election was stolen and would vote for Trump a third time." They could be anywhere on the spectrum from, "I support Black Lives Matter but also know a police officer who was killed while on the job, so I think Blue Lives Matter is also important," to "I'm fully against Black Lives Matter and think white people are the REAL victims here." All of those points on the spectrum are wrong, of course, but some are worse than others and we have no context with which to interpret what that situation looks like behind the scenes.
And for sure, she could have not posted that picture. She probably shouldn't have posted that picture, especially since there were so many others that were totally fine. But what is the real harm that we're accusing her of committing here? Is it associating with a potential Trump supporter without clearly disclaiming that she doesn't support their views? Was she supposed to write a caption that said, "no better way to celebrate my momma than a surprise hoedown! DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP OR HIS POLICIES, BLACK LIVES MATTER. I AM TRYING TO CHANGE MY FAMILY'S MIND ON THESE ISSUES"? Or is it possible that dragging Sydney Sweeney over publicly showing that she has a potentially racist family member really more about virtue signalling that we would never do that because we know it's wrong? Is it possible that it's more about this purity that the left insists on, rather than getting justice for any harm we feel has been committed? Is it possible that people have decided Sydney Sweeney is annoying and have started looking for reasons to dislike her that are disproportionate to anything she's actually said or done?
The point that I'm trying to make isn't really about Sydney Sweeney or that picture. It's about the way the left (as a whole) cannibalizes itself for the sake of moral purity. Is this really what everyone wants to put their energy into today? Is Sydney Sweeney's 8th birthday photo for her mom really the hill we all want to die on? Wouldn't this energy be better spent calling out the actual Republicans in question, or at least gently calling people in on how to be more sensitive? The internet pile-on is counterproductive to any actual goals the left has, and in a very real way I think it's pushing people away from wanting to engage on these types of topics at all.
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lightsonparkave · 3 years
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HAPPY TWO-YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO LIGHTS ON PARK AVE! 🎂🎉 In celebration of LoPA’s birthday (August 22, to be exact), all of the prompts from the previous year are up for grabs.
Round 24 will end on August 31, 11:59 PM ET (what time is that for me?).
As always, you’re free to jump in whenever you’d like during the round, a wide variety of work types is accepted, and there are no minimum work requirements. Unfinished works and works for other fandom events are allowed. You can find more information about Lights on Park Ave and the participation guidelines here.
Here are all 149 prompts. Go crazy and have fun! 🎈
A quote about being infinite in the present moment from The Perks of Being a Wallflower
“Vellichor,” the the strange wistfulness of used bookstores
“How long is forever?” dialogue from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
“Time” - Hans Zimmer (Inception OST)
A quote and gifset from Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival (2016) about the nonlinear structure of time
Agnès Varda’s portraits when she was 20, 36, and 80 years old
A John Irving quote about what time does to the people who matter to us
Ten traveling back to see Rose on New Year’s Day in 2005 before he dies and reincarnates in Doctor Who
Future inventions in 2015 as seen in Robert Zemeckis’s Back to the Future Part II (1989)
A quote about what time does for wounds
A photoset of various liminal spaces
Illustration of a black cat in front of a red-lit house with the caption, “They say no one is living here—but the lights come on, once every year”
A photoset of Victorian-era spirit photography, an art form that attempted to capture the ghost of a deceased loved one
Information on the famous Mojave phone booth, a lone telephone booth in the middle of the desert that received calls from all over the world
Rosemary Ellen Guiley’s The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits Third Edition’s definition of “witching hour”
Illustration of a ghost train on an abandoned trestle bridge in the Pacific Northwest
A quote by Isabel Allende about spirits coming out at night in the library
Gifset of the spirit world in Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away (2001)
Illustration of a neon roadside sign of a motel that only appears at night by a long-forgotten highway
“Pacific Coast Highway” - Kavinsky
A gifset quote from The Twilight Zone (1959)
Scenery from Twin Peaks season 1 (1990)
A quote about something shifting into a strange, new place inside of a person from Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
A quote about being lost and found by someone special by Sue Zhao
A photo of the Mildred, wrecked off Gurnard’s Head, Cornwall in 1912
A quote about ephemerality and the beauty of it from Troy (2004)
Two paintings of people visiting ruins by Caspar David Friedrich
A quote about desire and loss by Lara Mimosa Montes
A photo of an overgrown, abandoned conservatory
A passage about what disappears and what remains in ruins from Suicide by Édouard Levé
Dialogue about gratitude for people who aren’t meant to stay in your life but shape who you are from BoJack Horseman
A scene from Fleabag where the Priest chooses God over Fleabag and gently tells Fleabag that her love for him will pass before they part ways
A prayer to St. Anthony, patron saint of lost things, people, and souls
Oscar Wilde’s tomb in Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, covered in lipstick kisses from admirers
Photos of a cemetery statue in Austria, wrapped in branches and dead leaves, holding a single flower
A gifset of Kevin on the phone, telling Chiron he’ll cook food for him from Barry Jenkin’s Moonlight (2016)
Buttercup’s monologue to Westley about how she would do anything for him from The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Gifs of Merlin saying that he was born to serve Arthur from BBC’s Merlin
An excerpt about giving all of oneself to someone despite what it costs from House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
A gifset of various times Jaime and Brienne demonstrate their loyalty to and love for each other in Game of Thrones
A gifset of all the different ways Cliff is there for Rick in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
A gifset of Nadia deciding to be by Alan’s side no matter what in Russian Doll
“Devotion” - Ocean Vuong
A gifset of Bond comforting a traumatized Vesper in the shower in Casino Royale (2006)
A gifset of Sookhee refusing to leave Hideko, saying her job is to look after her in Park Chanwook’s The Handmaiden (2016)
A dreamscape gifset and quote about repressed thoughts in dreams and the Internet from Satoshi Kon’s Paprika (2006)
A gifset of Mitsuha and Taki finally meeting in their own bodies in a dream from Shinkai Makoto’s Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) (2016)
A quote by Tinker Bell telling Peter Pan where he can find her and where she’ll always love him in Steven Spielberg’s Hook (1991)
The scene where Keating tells his students that poetry, beauty, romance, and love give life meaning in Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society (1989)
An animated illustration of a storefront called “Hauntings” with a flickering “99¢ dreams” neon sign
Various dreamscape scenes and a quote about ideas being the most resilient parasite from Christopher Nolan’s Inception (2010)
A quote about how all living beings must dream to survive reality from The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
A comic about people we love taking turns to visit us in dreams every night
Lovers and Sleeping Couple, two drawings by Egon Schiele
A quote about belief in a better world by Robert Frobisher to his lover, Rufus Sixsmith, in Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
A quote about the feeling of falling in love lingering when you wake up from a dream in Alexis Dos Santos’s Unmade Beds (2009)
A photo of subway graffiti by an unknown author insisting that they’ll never give up making the world a better place to live in
A scene about how to return a stolen kiss from Daniel Ribeiro’s The Way He Looks (2014)
A line about kissing someone the way a flower opens from “I Know Someone” by Mary Oliver
A gifset focusing on showing affection and care through hands from Park Chanwook’s The Handmaiden (2016)
A passage about two people leaving invisible marks on each other through the accumulation of touches over the years from A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood
Two conversations about never being touched before and only being touched by one person from Barry Jenkins’s Moonlight (2016)
Going from yearning to touch someone but stopping oneself to being allowed to touch them from Richard Linklater’s Before trilogy
Moving art of two bodies made of stars and the cosmos embracing
A quote about maintaining sanity by touching someone but being separated despite proximity from The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
A line about proving that one still exists and is real through touch from On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
Different touches between Villanelle and Eve expressing violence, threat, sexual tension, comfort, and companionship in Killing Eve
A juxtaposition of two scenes from Wong Kar-wai’s In the Mood for Love (2000) of Su Li-zhen rejecting and accepting Chow Mo-wan’s hand
A compilation of marble sculptures by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Syd (Chris Evans) trailing kisses down London’s back in London (2005)
James Baldwin talking about how art helps you discover that people before you have experienced the same thing as you and you are not alone
Dr. Brand saying that love transcends time and space in Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar (2014)
Nadia and Alan meeting for the first time as they’re about to die and relive the same day again in Russian Doll
The loneliness of losing everyone by having a long life as expressed by Ten in Doctor Who
The doomed eternal time loop romance of Simon and Alisha from Misfits
A quote by Edvard Munch about becoming eternal through the flowers that grow from his body after death
Nagai Kei recalling the traffic accident that killed him and triggered his immortality, making him one of the rare persecuted humans to possess the power, in Ajin
A collection of moments from Jay Russell’s Tuck Everlasting (2002)
A quote by Mary Wollstonecraft hoping for something that lasts inside the heart
Various scenes with Jack Harkness from Doctor Who
Aya telling Asou-kun to live on and live forever as she nears the end of her life in 1 Litre of Tears
An excerpt about the immortalization of the self through love from “Love of the Wolf” in Hélène Cixous’s Stigmata
A collection of scenes from the Black Mirror episode “San Junipero”
Naoko telling Toru to always remember her and remember that she existed in Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Dom explaining to Ariadne that he uses the PASIV to dream as it’s the only way that he can be with his wife and children in Christopher Nolan’s Inception (2010)
“I’m Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense” - Danez Smith
A line about wanting to forget how much you loved someone and then actually forgetting from Bluets by Maggie Nelson
“Perhaps the World Ends Here” - Joy Harjo
“In Time” - W. S. Merwin
“By Small and Small: Midnight to Four A.M.” - Jack Gilbert
“Magdalene: The Addict” - Marie Howe
“Wild Geese” - Mary Oliver
“Morphology 2″ - CJ Scruton
“20″ from Moscow in the Plague Year by Marina Tsvetaeva
“To Hold” - Li-Young Lee
“I Loved You Before I Was Born” - Li-Young Lee
A poem about longing for someone through worlds by Izumi Shikibu
A gifset of Marianne and Héloïse falling in love from Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
“Make Me Feel” - Janelle Monáe
A quote about living in longing being better than realizing that longing from 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
“I Want You” - Mitski
Orpheus and Eurydice in Hades - Friedrich Heinrich Füger
Long definition of the word “saudade”
Definition of the word “hiraeth”
“Something About Us” - Daft Punk
Two lines about burning quietly from the poem “The Pillowcase” by Annelyse Gelman
A conversation about wanting each other after decades of separation from Pedro Almodóvar’s Pain and Glory (2019)
A Hanahaki disease mood board
“Shrike” - Hozier
Two lines about wanting someone to return from Herakles by Euripides
“Love of My Life” - Queen
“Eyes, Nose, Lips” - Taeyang
A screenshot of Kathy and Tommy holding onto each other desperately from Mark Romanek’s Never Let Me Go (2010) and a quote from Kazuo Ishiguro’s eponymous novel
“Perfect Places” - Lorde
A piece about realizing you’ll never be this young again, but it’s the first time you’re this old by Kalyn Roseanne Livernois
A conversation between Neil and Mr. Keating about Neil feeling trapped and unable to live the life he wants because of his father from Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society (1989)
An excerpt about being too young to know how to love properly from Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor” - Arctic Monkeys
Elio’s father telling Elio not to try to rid himself of his sorrow and pain—and with that joy—which he feels so strongly because he’s so young from Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman
A quote about how everything feels final to young people because they’re experiencing it for the first time from Middlemarch by George Eliot
Lara Jean telling Peter that she had to make it seem like she liked him to deal with her love letter fiasco in Susan Johnson’s To All the Boys I Loved Before (2018)
Rue and Jules dancing together and partying it up in Euphoria
“Le Plongeoir” by Laurent Roch
A quote about being pushed into adulthood and not being ready from Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
A photo of a roller rink illuminated by pink and purple lights
Pastel photo series of Coney Island by Mijoo Kim and Minjin Kang
“Hips Don’t Lie” - Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean
“Young Dumb & Broke” - Khalid
Different moments accompanied by the letter to Mr. Vernon at the end of detention from John Hughes’s The Breakfast Club (1985)
Various scenes and a quote about growing up and realizing life isn’t like a fairy tale from Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
Stills of the young lesbian couple in love from the music video of “You Know” - Jaurim
Lines by Effy about her emotional and mental struggles from Skins
Nathan chiding the group for not taking advantage of their superpowers as young offenders from Misfits
A passage about giving into passion and losing control from The Secret History by Donna Tartt
“Thot Shit” - Megan Thee Stallion
An aesthetic photoset of the Greek god Dionysus
A quote about living for ecstasy rather than balance from From a Journal of Love by Anaïs Nin
A photo of an anonymous person in nothing but a silk robe and lingerie
A photo of Donatella Versace lounging in a chair, surrounded by shirtless, muscular men sunbathing around her in Capri, Italy in 1994
An aesthetic photoset based on The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The music video for “Heartless” by The Weeknd
A plea for summer to never end from Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman
“Plastic Love” - Mariya Takeuchi
A gifset from the music video of “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd, a continuation of the “Heartless” music video
“XS” - Rina Sawayama
A gifset from the music video of “Body” by Mino
Photos of people dancing at the legendary Studio 54
Photos and a description of the party scene at Studio 54
Chris Evans and Evan Rachel Wood hooking up in a car in the “Gucci Guilty Black” commercial
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calumrose · 4 years
Trigger [Police/Gang!AU] Chapter 3 || C.H
A//N: Haven’t got very much to say this time which makes a change! So... yeah... here’s chapter 3! Enjoy!!
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Word Count: 9.2k
Summary: Eloise Gray and Calum Hood, not two people you would ever think to put together. What started as a ploy for power turned into a romance, resulting in the realisation that loving your enemy may not be such a bad thing after all.
Previous Chapters: Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
26 Days Left
The small café bustled around her; people engrossed in the art of conversation, blinded to the passing of time as they spent their hard-earned money on overpriced coffee and small sandwiches. She sat at the small table in the corner, the cold metal of the chair beneath her squeaking with every adjustment she made to her position, her hand wrapped around the cheapest coffee she could muster the courage to purchase to avoid conversation with a stranger who would make her presence known to be unwelcome in the small business unless she bought something.
Her phone lay on the dark wooden table, the device open on her rather empty Instagram account, the few people she followed sharing photos she had already witnessed a thousand times before, the sight now boring her to the bone. She clicked on the icon which took her to her own profile, her eyes looking over the few posts she had made over the years, the last one being a year after her dad died. The single photo stood out in comparison to the others, the photograph bringing a smile to her face while also conducting nothing but pain in her heart. She had shared a photograph of a happy day; the smiles of both her parents as they stood with Eloise between them on a hill, the view behind them breathtakingly beautiful. The caption was something that she had debated over for hours when she decided to post it, it constantly being edited and changed until she settled on her decision of a simple ‘I miss you’. A small yet powerful combination of words that spoke louder than any actions could for her.
Eloise quickly swiped the app to a close, sighing quietly to herself as she listened for the sound of café door opening, the little bell stationed above the door frame making it an easy thing to track. It wasn’t her usual scene; a café like this one. It was nice but she didn’t belong there, feeling as though she was a stranger in her own city within these brightly painted walls. She had to remind herself that there was a reason as to why she was here, a reason to why she had pushed herself out of bed this morning and ventured into Queens for the second time that week. She sipped on the bitter dark liquid, the patterned mug in her hands warming her nicely as she patiently waited, her foot steadily tapping against the black panels of the floor, the lingering taste on her tongue rekindling why she wasn’t the biggest fan of coffee most days.
The café door squeaked as it was pulled open, the sound of New York traffic momentarily being heard before it was overpowered by the ringing of the small golden bell as the door brushed against it. The suction of the door connecting with the frame once again lingered in the café as two more bodies joined the already crowded business. Eloise’s eyes followed them as they walked inside, the familiar broad shoulders and caramel skin catching her attention as she watched the tall man walk about to the counter to place his order. Her eyes fell to the woman who stood by his side, noting the difference in their height, watching their body language as they joked with one another and discussed the menu in front of them. She had hoped to find him here alone but with another body to grace her presence with, she guessed she would just need to pluck up the courage and get it over with sooner than expected.
She cleared her throat as she stood from her seat, leaving her warm coffee on the table as she took a steady few steps towards the small bannister that separated the seating area from the queue of people who waited to order at the counter. She braced her hands against it, leaning forward slightly as she braced herself to grab his attention. God, what was she doing…
“Hello stranger,” She called out, the corner of her lips tilting upwards at the sight of his shoulders freezing, his body slowly turning in place as their eyes met one another’s in a familiar dance. Fake feelings, Eloise, remember fake it! “I was wondering if I could grab you for a chat quickly,” Her brown eyes fell to the woman who stood beside him, a friendly smile gracing her lips as she nodded over in the direction of the table she was sat at previously, “I’ve got a table where we could talk if you’re not too busy?”
Eloise’s chest released a deal of tension she didn’t even realise was there at the sight of his nod as his smooth voice accepted her offer, “I’d like that.”
The faded sound of his voice could be heard over the crowded conversations of the café as he called to the woman that he came with to grab his order, naming it as his ‘usual’, as he excused himself through the growing queue of customers before walking over and talking a seat opposite where Eloise sat at the petite table in the corner of the café. She couldn’t help but notice his attire; admiring the crisp, white button-up shirt, his black slacks and coinciding black boots which oddly worked with the formal fabrics on his body, the main claimant of her attention though, was the jacket he wore: a charcoal coloured pea coat. The fabric accentuated his broad shoulders, the structured lining of the coat only highlighting his mesmerising stature, making him seem as though he was more muscular than he actually was. He looked good. Actually, scratch that, he looked gorgeous, and Eloise couldn’t deny that.
“I know you said you’d find me, but I won’t lie, I didn’t expect you follow through,” His chuckle echoed in her ears, his gentle eyes finding hers from across the table, “You had me nervous that I wouldn’t see you again if I’m completely honest,”
She grasped the mug of now-cold coffee in her hands, lacing her fingers around the cold ceramic as she stared up at him, “I just wanted to thank you again for the other night and apologise again for leaving you with an almighty pair of blue balls,” She couldn’t hold back her giggle at the final words, “I do feel a little bit bad about that you’ll be glad to hear.” She noted how his cheeks at heated her words, the thought of that night briefly dancing across his mind.
“Speaking of that night, I asked you a question before you left but you seemed awfully rushed and I don’t believe you gave me a proper answer,” He teased, his eyebrows raising as his eyes watched while her own chocolate ones burrowed into his.
“From what I can recall, I told you I would think about it,”
“And I’ve decided that I’m not taking that as a valid answer, sorry, but I don’t make the rules,” Calum smirked, “The CEO of first dates doesn’t do ‘maybes’.”
Eloise had to fight the smile spreading on her face at his stupid response, every muscle in her face pressing against the urge to laugh at his terrible line.
“The CEO of first dates?” She rolled her eyes, “Really? Could you not have just said you would like a straight answer instead of throwing out that god-awful joke?”
“It made you smile though didn’t it?” He noted the corner of her mouth twitch, knowing she was fighting a smile that he had easily enticed, “So that’s a win in my book.” He was still such a smooth talker, although she couldn’t say the same about him when he was drunk.
Eloise wanted to scream at the smug smile on his face, trying to remind herself that he was a police officer, and this was all part of a plan. None of this is genuine, she kept telling herself, it’s all part of a game.
But why shouldn’t she have fun with it? Why not enjoy it while she could? Who was Eloise to deny herself a bit of fun and no feelings. No true feelings anyway.
“I guess for the sake of your reputation I better give you a ‘yes’ then,” Eloise smirked as she spoke, sipping on the disgustingly cold drink in her hands, “Can’t have you handing back a poor report to Mr. CEO.”
“He and I both greatly appreciate your cooperation, and just to show our appreciation, I’ll let you pick where we go for dinner.” Calum’s smirked matched the one wore by Eloise.
“How kind of you,” The mocking tone of her voice only enticed Calum further, “But going for dinner isn’t my style, I don’t really fit into the typical little black dress and fancy suit dinners that I’m sure you’re used to.” It was as if her body was on fire as he stared at her, the heat radiating of her hands almost as hot as the temperature the coffee previously steamed with. “Why don’t you surprise me? I’ll let you take some control.”
The way those words rolled from her tongue had Calum’s stomach doing flips, his eyes flickering for the glimpse at her lips as her tongue poked out at the final letter. Something about the girl who sat opposite him tantalised him, the way her fingers curled around the ceramic mug taunted him, the way her eyelashes fluttered with every blink made him feel things he didn’t even know were possible.
“What time will I pick you up?” The question came from his lips before he had even thought it through, his breath quite literally being stolen at the sight of her.
“Eager, are we? What if I’ve got plans tonight?”
“Cancel them.” It came out as more of an order than a friendly suggestion, his voice deepened as his stare hardened on her. His tone was the perfect mixture of silk and sandpaper, Eloise becoming fascinated by the contrast.
Her eyes held their stare out with his midnight ones, her hand grabbing hold of the napkin that sat scrunched up on the table before she held her hand out for him, “Have you got a pen?”
Calum couldn’t even register his hand reaching into his pocket, searching for the tool before his eyes dropped to her hand scribbling on the white tissue in front of him. She smiled as she pushed the napkin and pen back towards the tall god, standing to her feet as she placed the pen in the pocket of his shirt that peeped out behind his jacket, her teeth gaining a delicate hold on the inside of her bottom lip. “Let me know what time you’re coming, and I’ll send you the address. I guess I’ll see you tonight, lover boy.”
Words hadn’t even had a chance to form in Calum’s throat before she made her way outside and left the café, smirk spread across her face as she turned left onto the busy street of the city. The sun beat down on her face as she walked, Calum’s eyes following her as she soon disappeared out of sight, leaving him sat at the table with nothing but a cold coffee and messy napkin in midst. His let his eyes drop from the chair she once sat on, the ink that littered the scrunched piece material on the table catching his eye as he read the text quietly to himself, registering the pattern of numbers were in fact a phone number. She had left her phone number.
A single corner of his lip upturned as he shoved the tissue into his pocket, smirking slyly to himself at the thought of her. He couldn’t do anything else but smile or smirk when it came to her: a total stranger.
“You look pleased with yourself,” A voice called out, a takeaway cup of coffee being placed into his eyeline as his hands reached up to grasp it, his eyes glancing up to meet with Nikki’s, the woman he had abandoned at the front of the café. “But then again, when aren’t you?”
Calum rolled his eyes as he stood up, taking the food bag from her in his other hand, following her out of the café as they called their goodbyes to the owner before heading back to Nikki’s car. It was their weekly trip out of the precinct for lunch, treating themselves to their favourite sandwich from one of the best cafes in the city.
“What did she want?” Nikki’s voice cut the silence as they climbed into the vehicle. The smell of fresh bread and coffee filled the car rather quickly as their doors closed, the smell being one that Calum loved, a small comfort that made a great impact.
“She has a name, y’know,” Calum smirked as he unwrapped his sandwich, resting his left ankle on his right knee the best he could due to the small space within the car, “And it’s nothing big, I met her a few days ago so it was just a friendly chat.”
“Uh huh,” Nikki’s dark eyebrows raised as she turned in her seat, taking a gentle sip of her coffee from the black takeout cup. She could see the way Calum avoided answering her question in full, admired the effort but wasn’t stupid enough to let him off that easy. “Something about her has clearly got you smiling, Cal, and I want to know what, especially considering she doesn’t typically give people things to smile about.”
Calum’s brows furrowed at her final sentence, his eyes catching hers from the side as he took a bite of his well-compact sandwich. He chewed the contents, turning his head to give his partner an uneasy look, unsure of what she meant. Nikki knew this look; she had gotten to know it all too well over the years.
“You do know who she is right?” Nikki choked out, placing her coffee back into the cupholder of her car, holding her still-wrapped sandwich in her hand, turning further in her seat so she sat with her full attention facing Calum, “Eloise Gray? Does the name ring a bell?”
Nikki couldn’t ignore as she watched the hamster wheel inside Calum’s head began to spin, letting him piece together the few pieces of the small puzzle before a subtle wave of realisation hit him. His mind going back to the briefing he received at the station not too long ago.
“She’s Thomas Gray’s daughter, Calum, she’s a Gypsy King,” The name spat from Nikki’s tongue like a blow-dart, “And with the current case Charlie’s got going on, I don’t think it’s the best idea that you’re seen with her. It’s asking for trouble, and I’m not just talking about if Charlie were to find out.”
He kept his face calm and collected, the realisation setting in of why her name sounded so pretty being spoken from his lips. Not only did beauty drip from her name, or her eyes cause Calum to feel as though he was drowning, he had seen her before without even realising. She was in dozens of police reports that he had looked over and passed to other officers, handing them to the newly established gang unit to sort. He swore he could hear the silent clock of the car radio begin to tick as silence swallowed him, the images of the pretty brunette flashing across his mind like a laser light show.
Calum was aware of the outbreak that would occur if his Lieutenant were to discover his casual sit down with Eloise alone, never mind the innocent drunken night they had shared together. Although they were innocent to bystanders, Calum knew the true extend of his feelings between them; she was a Rubik’s cube he couldn’t solve, and he wanted to keep going back for another try. What puzzled him was that he didn’t under why he kept wanting to go back. Why he wanted to try and crack her. There was a level of infatuation he hadn’t experienced before, and it intrigued him.
“Don’t worry about it, Nik, it’s just a drunken thing that’ll fade into nothing in a few days,” Calum shrugged, picking up a fallen piece of cucumber from his sandwich, popping it into his mouth as he chewed, “Charlie doesn’t need to know nothing that doesn’t affect his case.”
“I just hope you know what you’re doing, Cal, if anyone found out you had even spoken to one of those gang bangers you know what would happen,” Her words laced with fear for her partner. Her rough hand coming to rest on his shoulder as she squeezed it, the war going on behind his eyes visible to her as she sat opposite him within the confined space. “She’s dangerous. You need to forget and erase her, don’t let a girl like her flash a smile and make you her lap dog.”
26 Days Left
The drive to his apartment was almost as pretty as him she noted, luxurious tall buildings lining the roads into the Queens; the city coming alive with energy in the early evening. Eloise couldn’t stop telling herself how crazy she was for not cancelling this date when she received his text, telling her that he would pick her up just after seven that evening. She had to remind herself multiple times as she got ready that it was part of the plan that she had to follow through with. She reminded herself that once they got the shipment, she could forget Calum existed and disappear. That’s what kept her willing to follow through with the ploy, the taste of freedom and tranquillity on the tip of her tongue and she was dying to for a bite.
Eloise subconsciously dissected Calum’s attire for the evening, noting that he clearly hadn’t changed from he had finished his shift, coming straight from the precinct to come and collect her. His coat had been discarded in the backseat, the white sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows, revealing the familiar black ink along his arms that lit an unbecoming flame in her stomach. He had loosened the top few buttons of the shirt, although she had noticed from the café, he had never buttoned the top two anyway, allowing for a more rugged and free spirit to be perceived of him as he drove.
She wondered if anyone else knew that he was out a date? Did they know it was with her? Eloise couldn’t help but wonder if the woman from the café this morning had asked about her? What did Calum say? Would she be mad if he didn’t tell anyone? She couldn’t be, not really. All the Gypsy Kings new about her whereabouts tonight, that being because she was technically ‘working’, which wasn’t a lie.
She couldn’t help to feel underdressed compared to Calum, even though he only wearing what he wore to work that day. She compared his white shirt and slacks to her dark jeans and oversized acid-wash black sweatshirt, the lace strap of her bra poking out where the material slumped down her shoulder. She didn’t dress for dates, what she was supposed to wear?
“Should I be worried about what you have planned?” Her eyes glanced at his focused expression before they met the road ahead, watching as they passed by a park, the sound of gentle discussion buzzing around the space from the low volume of the radio. “Please don’t tell me you’re taking me to an assault course to put me the through my paces or something.”
Calum couldn’t hold back his small laugh, shaking his head as he turned down the road to his right, continuing on his journey to their destination. “As much as I would love to see you attempt to jump one of those 8ft walls, I’m not exactly dressed for it, but maybe next time.”
“Next time?” She repeated, smirking playfully as the colour of his cheeks deepened at the realisation of his words, “We’re not even ten minutes into this date and you already think you’ll be getting another one? You’re confident, I’ll give you that.”
“Is that a yes to another date I hear?”
“It’s a maybe,” She responded, slowing down the words as they left her lips, feeling his eyes on her as they recalled their previous brief discussion of ‘maybe’ not being a valid answer.
The road Calum drove down began to familiarise with Eloise, her eyes recognising the street signs and the flowers that decorated the lampposts. She caught sign of a graffiti artist on the corner, a can in his hand as he stood back and admired the work he had created. It amused her, sitting in a car with a police officer, witnessing an act of vandalism, being a criminal herself, and feeling nothing but admiration for the artwork in her sights.
Calum couldn’t stop himself from thinking how different she was from that first sober morning they had together, the distance between them seeming cold as she desperately looked for an excuse to leave. Almost as if she were afraid of what she had done with him that night. But now, she seemed confident, full of attitude and ready for whatever would be thrown her way. She seemed as if she was ready to have fun, to enjoy herself with his company. That’s what he hoped anyway.
She could feel his eyes practically burning the side of her head at her response, his reaction to it delayed due him driving but now that he was parked, he could give his full attention. She removed herself from the car before he had a chance to speak, smirking to herself before closing the door behind her and stepping onto the grass next to his drive. The house brought back memories Eloise could only lie and say she wished to forget, memories of a secret night that no one else knew the true events of. “So, what have you got planned for this first date then? If we’re back at your place and you’re not dressed for an assault course, what could you possibly have in mind? Game night? I promise you I could kick your ass in a round of Mario Kart,”
“Will you get this stupid idea of an assault course out of your head? I can assure you that I have a plan for tonight, and it includes no running and no climbing, I promise you that. And fortunately for me by the sounds of things, no Mario Kart either.”
“Shame.” She whispered, sending a wink in his direction before she turned on her feet, making her way up to the front door of his home, hearing his own footsteps follow closely behind her.
He opened his door to reveal the familiar space to her, a space where she panicked on a different night and had set herself up for the position she was in currently. She walked inside after some gentle coaxing from Calum, removing her shoes and leaving them by the door as she followed him into the open plan living room/kitchen.
“You can make yourself comfortable and there should be some drinks in the fridge, I’m just going to quickly get changed, so I shouldn’t be long.” He excused himself, quickly disappearing down the grey hallway Eloise remembered all too well, the photograph flashing across her mind as she watched his body disappear behind the neutral coloured wall of his hallway.
Eloise stood there alone in the house of the respected detective, her warm brown eyes looking around the walls that surrounded her as she took a few silent steps and admired the home. It was nice, she couldn’t deny it. It was really nice. It seemed so homely, so warm and comforting, the complete opposite to her apartment. She felt as though she didn’t need to worry about the boiler packing in when she stood in this house, assurance being silently given that it would be never a problem, neither would any leaking taps or a broken cupboard door beneath the sink.
Tip tap tip tap tip tap tip tap… The noise clicked in Eloise’s ears, the sound reminding her of nails against a keyboard at a computer. Her eyes searched the room, trying to source where the repetitive clicketing was coming from. She turned around, looking towards the glass sliding door next to the TV, hearing the low repetitive sound as she turned. What was that noise? She turned again, looking towards the dining room table, remembering the individual chair where she found her jacket that morning. Tip tap – there it was again! She sighed as she looked around, her brain not being able to piece together where on earth the tapping was coming from. It was a small bark that vibrated through the room which made her suddenly realise. She leaned over the kitchen island to find a small black and white pooch sitting as he looked down at the metal food bowl in front of him.
It was a dog all along. Eloise released a sigh of relief as she walked around the kitchen counter, smiling as she knelt down next to the pup, reaching her hand out slowly, turning it so he had an opportunity to give her a sniff and decide if he would befriend her or not. In all honesty, Eloise didn’t think he cared at this point. The only thought on that little guy’s mind right now – dinner. She chuckled as he gave an inquisitive sniff, his big cow-like eyes staring up at her with a tilt of his head before he looked back down at his silver dish, brushing it with his nose and causing it to collide with the island, the clashing sound echoing briefly in the room.
“Duke, man, we get you’re hung- Oh, you’re down there!” Calum stopped himself midsentence, registering Eloise sitting cross-legged next to the hungry pup.
“I didn’t know you had a dog,” Eloise spoked as she stroked the dog, Duke’s, head before hauling herself to a stand, lifting his food bowl as she handed to Calum over the island-top, “If I’d known you had a dog, I would have said yes to a date a lot quicker. He’s adorable.”
“You hear that, mate?” Calum laughed, looking down at his canine friend, “You’ve got more lady luck than your old man.”
“He’s your secret weapon.” Eloise joked, giggling lightly as she leaned on the counter and watched as Calum fed the small pup.
She couldn’t help her eyes from drifting over to the pot that sat on the countertop on the other end of the kitchen, her curiosity getting the better of her as she moved towards it, her nose beginning to sense the smell of spices as well as a million other delicious smells that drifted from the pot. “What’s this?” She asked, reaching to lift the lid before Calum stopped her.
“That’s actually leftovers from last night,” He chuckled, “I was gonna order some takeout for us as I don’t have much in the cupboards and it seems easier to order in than make something that I don’t know if you’ll actually like.”
“What are they leftovers of?” She asked him, ignoring his idea of takeout as she lifted the pot lid, smiling to herself as she examined the food inside. It looked so good - definitely more appealing that a cheap takeaway.
“I had tried out a new recipe that I found online. I attempted to make Mongolian beef, and it ended up being edible, but I would still say takeout tastes better.” He tried to tactfully excuse Eloise from the kitchen, subtly trying to place the lid back onto the pot. He seemed to be embarrassed at his attempt at cooking.
“It probably tastes better than anything I can cook,” She shrugged, looking at him with a comforting smile, “Why don’t we just eat the rest of this? ‘T means we don’t need to wait for the food to eventually arrive, we just need to heat this up and cook some rice or something to go with it.”
“El, we don’t have to do that, there’s a pizza place literally around the corn- “
“You can order pizza if you want, but I’m gonna have some of this. Now, where do you keep your bowls?” She walked further into the middle of the kitchen, beginning to pull open cupboards as she searched for a bowl to heat her meal in.
Calum watched on as she searched, her hands collecting utensils that she thought she would need, placing them out onto the kitchen counter. “Am I not supposed to be treating you for a first date? But instead I’m letting you eat leftovers from my own dinner last night.”
“You can try and stop me, but just know it won’t end well for you.” She shrugged; a teasing smile hidden from Calum as she turned to spoon some of the aromatic heaven from the big pot into a smaller one.
He contemplated trying to stop her, to insist that he buy them a pizza, but something told him there was no changing her mind. She seemed persistent in eating what he had prepared the previous night and she seemed happy to embrace his attempt at cooking something new.
“For god’s sake Calum, just eat with me please,” She sighed, a hint of frustration teasing her voice as Calum stood there with his phone in his grip, seeming to still be contemplating ordering some form of takeaway, “Luckily for you I am the master of reheating food, so sit back and let me work my magic.”
Eloise smiled widely as she place her empty bowl down on the coffee table, smiling at Calum as he ate his last few bites. “You’ve seriously got some hidden talent in the kitchen, that was so tasty.” She smiled widely, taking a sip of her beer before she rested it back down on the coaster.
“I’m glad you liked it, it’s nice to have someone else’s opinion who I can actually understand,” He laughed, “Duke will eat almost anything he can get and as much as I can appreciate his excitement by him wagging his tail I have to admit some human validation is nice.”
Eloise took his empty bowl from him, piling with hers before sitting back on the couch, turning so she faced Calum fully, her legs curling beneath as she admired the man sitting opposite her in his laid-back attire. The navy t-shirt he wore hugged his torso beautifully, the skinny jeans clinging to his legs in all the right places as he sat on the couch, head resting against his fist as he rested his focus on her.
“So, how long have you lived in New York?” She asked, trying to kick off a conversation in the hopes of avoiding awkward small talk. “When I met you that night, I noticed your accent was a bit varied, if you get what I mean, there was a hint of something in there that I couldn’t quite work out,”
He couldn’t stop the small chuckle that he let out at her comment. “I moved here when I was 18, lived in Los Angeles briefly before coming here, and before that I lived in Australia for years as it’s where I grew up,” He smiled as he talked about where he had been, “Left Sydney to try and find something new elsewhere, discovered that the New York Police Academy were taking applications, thought to give it a shot, and now all these years later, I’m here.”
Eloise noted the pride he seemed to carry when he talked about where he came from, talking about his journey from where he started to where he is now, elaborating throughout their discussion, talking about his family; his parents who still lived in Australia while his sister who lived in London for the past few years. His family seemed very well travelled, having been all over the world to visit one another and spend holidays together.
She noted to herself that she needed to ask more about his job – it was the whole reason why she was even here. Although she had to keep reminding herself of that every time she cracked smiled at him.
“Being a cop in New York must get pretty hectic. I can’t imagine the kind of things you see on a daily basis,” She spoke out, her hands cradling her beer as she tilted her head and watched while he listened, “This city is full of different kinds of people; killers, drug dealers, rapists, every imaginable kind of scum… this city is littered with them and we live amongst them while you guys risk your lives trying to catch them in order to protect the people who live here. It’s something to truly be admired.” She registered his nod as a response to her words, her sigh shallow as she took a breath and readied herself to ask another question, “What kind of investigations do you lead in your department anyway, if you don’t mind me asking? Do you guys specialise in certain areas or is it just whatever comes your way?”
Was she sounding too interested? Maybe. Did she care? No. She wanted to know what and who she was dealing with. She had a job to do, this was her way of gaining intel; information she could use to her advantage at a later date.
“A few different matters tend to come our way: homicides, narcotics, things like that. We’ve recently expanded the gang unit as well, that now comes through our precinct, so we keep track of what goes on behind the scenes of gangs like the White Wolves, the Calavera’s, the Ryders,” He listed off a few notorious names, watching as her eyes kept in line with his, “The unit specialises in taking down the groups of criminals in the city, and those three are only a selected few of who we’re chasing.”
Eloise’s heart hit rock bottom at his words, praying he didn’t notice her breath pick up as she tried to keep her composure, watching as he sighed and went to take a sip of his own beer that he had grabbed from the table. She knew they would be after the Gypsy Kings as well, silently thanking her lucky stars that he didn’t mention them. Yet.
But Calum knew she was relieved at the absence of her own gang’s name, having noticed as her body language had subtly changed as he talked about the purpose behind the hunt. Calum knew who she ran with and it surprised him that he wanted to tell her that he knew, but was it worth it? To sell himself out all because he thought she was pretty and thought she may actually like him? Was Calum enough of a mug to believe that a violent, pretty, young girl could be attracted to a law-abiding detective? Maybe.
“Why do you want to hunt them out so badly?” She asked, mentally slapping herself as soon as the words left her mouth, “Let me rephrase that, surely some are more dangerous than others, why not just go after the ones who cause physical harm to the innocent? If they aren’t hurting anyone, is it such a bad thing that they give themselves an odd name and call themselves tough?”
“It is when the Lieutenant’s obsessed with them,” He returned, “Especially Charlie, I mean, he’s got this fixation on capturing them all. He claims he wants to make New York a safer city but it’s getting out of hand, I think… I think he needs help, but no one has the guts to tell him he’s taking it too far. He wants revenge against the those who had wronged the city and it seems as though he’ll go to any length just to get what he wants.”
Eloise’s chest hitched at the acknowledgement of the police Lieutenant. His face being one that she couldn’t forget, one that brought back a sickening twist within her stomach as she recalled the times she had been graced with his presence in the past.
“I know someone like that,” She admitted, smiling sadly as she stared down at the bottle in her lap, “Someone who’s so hungry for control, for power, that something which starts of as a reasonable demand becomes such an unhealthy obsession. It causes them to blur the boundary lines of what’s reasonable and what’s flat-out wrong.”
Calum’s eyes noted how her eyes seemed to drift, wondering what she was thinking as she sat there on his couch. Her body tensed as she thought back the times years ago when she was dragged into the station, her wrists burning as they remembered the nipping sensation of the handcuffs, the tight grip of larger hands on her forearms as she was dragged and pushed into interrogation rooms. It felt as though someone had lit Eloise on fire, her chest igniting as the memories flowed through her body as if they were as fresh as yesterday.
The Australian’s eyes watched as her body worked at calming itself, sitting back and watching as he gave her a moment that she didn’t know she needed, his memory travelling back to earlier that day.
Calum sat at his desk, his curiosity getting the better of him as he urged to pull up her file on their system. He achingly denied that Nikki’s words had impacted him in some way, the word dangerous resonating in the back of his mind. But Calum knew better than to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his head when his curiosity spiked. He wanted to know just how dangerous she was claimed to be; to see if he should fear the girl who he was supposed to see later that night.
The office was quiet for a change, many of the officers being out on a call or already having taken their lunch break. His fingers worked on his keyboard, his teeth barely nipping at the inside of his lip as he searched through the database on his screen. His eyes briefly scanned the first new names that opened up, sighing as he filtered through the text, finding the file that he debated opening. The click of the mouse dimly echoed in his ears as another window opened on his screen, a picture of a young brunette making itself present alongside a detailed history. Calum couldn’t help but notice how young she looked in the mugshot on screen, her eyes dull and broken, her lip nursing a rather aggressive cut along it, her hair was shorter; the colour still as vibrant as he had been a witness to that morning.
The words in the file then caught his attention, the long list of recorded events blurring together as Calum sifted through them. He skimmed over the word ‘possession’, reading the briefing that detailed that a collection of evidence didn’t hold together at trial and she was released with a non-guilty verdict at 18. Another record was found detailing an altercation when she was 16 in a subway station, being arrested for brandishing a weapon, not many details on that arrest other than she was bailed out by her uncle due to her young age. He read the history of her troubled demeanour, noting her aggression during questioning as well as aggravation towards numerous officers.
The family link caught his attention next, his eyes scanning over the blue hyperlink that stood out on the white page. His hand trailed the mouse over the screen, opening the link before he could argue with himself. His brain kept repeating, ‘If you’re going on a date with a criminal, you should know what to expect’ when really what it wanted to say was something along the lines of ‘You’re crazy. You shouldn’t go’ but her beauty intrigued him, as did everything else about her.
What was so fascinating about a troubled girl? What did she have that made Calum want her?
He was greeted with two newly opened windows on his computer, both labelled as deceased files. He took an uneasy breath, rolling his lips inside of his mouth as he picked the one of the left side to investigate first. He couldn’t hold back the expression of grimace at the photograph of the body on the cold morgue slab, sighing as he quickly minimised it, being left with the detailed document that came with the file. He read over the name, a regrettable sigh of realisation leaving his nose as his eyes followed down, reading the notes containing the tragic story and medical history of the woman in the photograph and how she had met her end. Calum’s heart tugged with sorrow at the thought of a woman, so young, meeting a brutal ending like what he had read. His dark eyes read each word with haste, the detailed description of her injuries bringing images to Calum’s mind he couldn’t bear to picturise.  
Further down the page, he found details of when her body was examined by the medical examiners; stating that she suffered severe blunt force trauma to her head, as well as a bullet to the temple before she was abandoned and left to bleed out where she was found. His stomach erupted in nerves, his mind thinking of his own family and trying to think what he would do in that situation, but he couldn’t even begin to interpret what that would be like. His eyes caught sight of the final few words on the page of the open file, reading them with intent as he pieced together what was in front of him.
The body of Natalia Gray was discovered in the evening of September 17th in 2007 by her daughter, Eloise. The 11-year-old phoned the emergency services, explaining that her mother was hurt and needed help. She mentioned that there had been some shouting as unknown men came into her home, resulting her mother ushering her in a cupboard beneath the stairs in order to protect her. Natalia was DOA. Cause of death depicted as gunshot wound to the head, labelled as murder. Details of examination were handed over to Lieutenant White for pending investigation.
Examination: September 18th, 2007
Calum released a disappointed sigh, scanning over Charlie’s title a few times as he continued down the document, expecting to find further recordings of the investigation into the murder of this woman who he learnt to be Eloise’s mother, but what he found was nothing. The file ended abruptly and had remained unchanged since the input date back in 2007. Why wasn’t it investigated further? If her death was ruled as a murder, then why was there no case file attached? Calum couldn’t help but fear that his Lieutenant’s craze for the Gypsy Kings ran so deep that his blood had turned cold. His distaste clouding his morals as he discarded a murder investigation of a child’s mother, tossing it to the side as if it was an insignificant gum wrapper. He swallowed an apprehensive breath that had hitched in his throat, his eyes staying trained on the lit-up window in front of him as he made the decision to continue.
His fingers worked as he closed the file, removing it from his screen before his dark eyes met the remaining open window on his monitor, letting out a deep breath as he prepared himself to read what he could only imagine would hold the same amount of tragedy as the first file. The name was the first thing to be seen, the name of the notorious Thomas Gray welcoming his brown eyes, as two pictures appeared that were attached to the document; one being a mugshot while the other matched the one of the lady before: his cold face as he lay on the chilling metal table of the morgue. His eyes followed through the endless stream of words, skimming the graphic details of the inhuman acts he had committed throughout the years. Calum fought with the logical side of his brain that battled with the human side, trying to block it out as he attempted to read the file as if he were an outsider looking in on a damaged family, watching as a story unfolded before him.
He noted the numerous narcotics dealings the man had hijacked, the murders he had been associated with, and the endless list of robberies he had conducted across the city and also out of state. Calum had heard the stories of what he had done throughout his time with the Gypsy Kings, the stories circling the throughout every inch of the city, but Calum never expected to see it in writing. Did Eloise know about all of this? He didn’t understand why she was his first thought when it came to this. Maybe because it was her dad? Maybe there was another reason why his heart ached at the thought her suffering with this knowledge…
Calum acknowledged the few straggling officers walking around him, ignoring what he could only dread they would say if they were to see him pulling up old files that had no affiliations with the investigations that he was currently leading.
His eyes caught the closing statement of the examination, letting them draw to a close, his eyelashes brushing against his cheeks as he let out an almost broken sigh, his head hanging low as he broke contact with the screen midsentence. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. The words stung without him realising, his body somehow numb to the pain of his heart as he thought of the girl he barely knew. How could someone witness what she had seen at such a young age, on more than one occasion, and carry on? Calum couldn’t comprehend it.
But neither did Eloise, but Calum was yet to learn that.
He let his head rest in his hand as he continued to read the sentence from where his eyes had broken from, his gut twisting almost painfully as he pushed himself to come to the end of the string of brutal words.
Thomas Gray’s body was discovered in the living room of his own home on 4th April in 2011. He was found by his daughter, Eloise, when she returned from a shopping trip, but the emergency services were contacted by an older male who remained nameless. Thomas was found with a Glock 17 in his hand with the chamber empty, a hole found in the left side of his head that matches the bullets that belong the weapon. Gunshot residue was discovered on his hands and clothes, the impact of the shot coming from a short distance resulting in a quick death. Thomas was DOA. Cause of death depicted as suicide. Details of examination were handed over to Lieutenant White for pending investigation.
Examination: April 7th, 2011.
Again, the notes were passed to Lieutenant White once the examination was complete. And again, Calum found that the file ended abruptly; no further investigation notes and no case file attached. Both deaths seeming to have been brushed under a rug and forgotten. Something didn’t feel right, Calum could sense it. Even the examination date seemed to have something incredulous about it. His nimble fingers worked as he closed Thomas’s file, his brown eyes suddenly meeting Eloise’s younger ones as he was graced with her picture yet again. He must’ve forgotten to close her lead.
Nikki’s warning of Eloise replayed yet again, almost as if now it made some sort of sense. Of course, she was dangerous, she was a grieving young woman who had to grow up without her parents. A young woman who had forgone a great tribulation, one that Calum could only imagine that burdened her with great pain and suffering.
Calum couldn’t help but wonder if she spoke to people. If she spoke to someone about the deaths of her parents or if she even acknowledged them?
Who was he kidding, of course she acknowledged them, you fool!
Eloise thought about them every day, he had no idea of the pain that she suffered for years, it only growing more intense as each year passed. And Calum couldn’t help but to, deep down, have the inkling, the desire to be the one to heal her.
For a man who hadn’t even learnt where in New York the girl called home, he couldn’t stop his heart from wishing to be the home that she searched for.
He couldn’t tear his eyes from her lips as they pressed against the lip of the bottle, her head craning back, giving him a full view of the expenditure of her neck, the faded bruises from their night together still fresh in his mind as he thought of the areas they covered, reimaging the process of painting her skin once more. “What’re you staring at, hm?” She smirked, her eyes sparkling beneath the yellow-toned overhead light.
It was as if something took over him, something took control as he let himself submit to the urge that was burning inside him. Calum’s eyes seem to darken with hunger as he watched her lips move, every syllable announced with perfection, the teasing tone of her voice rippling through him as she looked at him. It was enough to throw him off his game, and boy did it.
“An unhealthy obsession.” He spoke softly, their gazes settling on one another for slightly longer this time, her eyes catching his lips briefly as the tip of his tongue poked out the lick along the bottom bit of flesh. She tried to swallow the growing lump in her throat as casually as possible, praying she somehow didn’t grab any more of his attention as she felt the heat down her back begin to rise as his eyes burned into her own.
Calum couldn’t stop himself, his body and voice moving too fast that his brain couldn’t keep up. He hadn’t felt an urge this strong before, as if something were pulling him towards her, the pull so strong that it was impenetrable. The cliché of ‘it’s so wrong it’s so right’ was rather fitting for the attraction but it was so much more than that. Calum felt the pull to her like a magnet, like a duck to water, it felt so natural to him and he didn’t understand why.
“It’s not good for you, y’know,” She whispered, her voice surprising her as it held up, unable to fight the flutter in her chest as he moved towards her, his hand prying the green bottle from her fingers as he returned it to the coaster on the coffee table, his own bottle being placed next to it, meanwhile his eyes never losing their gaze with her dark ones. “It can destroy you and everything you love if you let it. So, are you really willing to dance with the devil just to get a taste of what you want?”
“I’ll dance through hell a thousand times over if it means I can kiss you right now.”
Their faces were mere inches from each other, their warm breaths mixing together as they froze in place, the tension between them in the room clouding both their judgment. The plan was working perfectly for Eloise but her mind didn’t even cross it, her constant reminders of it being strictly business were nowhere to be heard as her eyes searched his, finding the dark abyss within them and it becoming somewhere she desperately wanted to explore.
Something inside of both of them screamed at them to stop but they couldn’t hear it over the sound of their hearts thrashing in their ears, the world around them seeming as if it was non-existent; all that breathed around them were their bodies as they slowly closed the distance between them. It felt as if her breath was stolen as his lips connected with her pink flesh, Eloise’s heart almost crashing to a halt as his hands cupped her delicate face as he kissed her.
It wasn’t like their first kiss together in the back of the taxi, instead it being much like the kisses they shared when they had laid in bed and held one another, their brains on a gentle buzz from the alcohol they had drank at the club, but even then, this time it was better.
Her hands found the collar of his shirt, unsure of what to do with the limbs, unsure of where to place them. Why did this feel so wrong but so right? Why did Eloise’s head scream for her to pull away, but her heart told her to keep going?
Han’s voice screamed in her ears as Calum continued his gentle assault on her lips. She tried to block it out, playing it off as telling herself that it was part of the plan, that it was the scheme they had arranged. So, why did her heart hurt every time she said it? Why did a piece of guilt eat at her as if she were lying to herself every time their lips connected in a beautiful kiss?
Could Eloise- No of course not… Eloise was loyal to the Gypsy Kings, having devoted her life to their cause – although she didn’t know what that really was. She dedicated every day to making sure the gang moved forward, that their legacy continued to grow. She wasn’t about to let a crush get in the way of that, or was she? Why did the voice in her head scream at her to tell him the truth already, as if she had just placed a dangerous bet down at the roulette table in Las Vegas? Why was she listening? Surely, she couldn’t betray those who kept a roof over her head, she couldn’t rat them out to the police after not even a day of this plan being put into action.
For the amount of times Eloise was told to get out of her head, she certainly basked in it too often.
She let a soft moan slip as she felt his fingers slide with ease into her hair at the back of her head, a gentle sting resonating in the back of her skull as he tugged at it without realising. She couldn’t help the excited shudder than rippled through her as one of his hands found her thigh, the smooth touch gliding up the material of her jeans as it found her waist, the nimble fingers of the handsome Australian slipping beneath the oversized sweatshirt, his warm touch meeting her hot skin in an enticing dance. Eloise couldn’t ignore how her heart rattled within the imprisonment of her chest, the feeling reminding her of how a hammer repeatedly bangs against a nail, the force almost painful against her ribcage.
The feeling excited her but also petrified her; an estranged hum in her stomach at the sensation he created. Eloise allowed herself to get lost in the kiss, Calum’s hands only grasping her waist as he lifted her with ease, settling her in his lap, never allowing a moment for their lips to detach as she pressed herself against him. Their fronts connected as Eloise straddled the handsome detective, her mind blurring as for a moment she forgot where she was and why she was doing this in the first place, allowing herself to become lost in the world of Calum, travelling down an unknown path on an uncharted adventure with no way of knowing how she was supposed to go back. And she didn’t entirely mind.
Tag List: @steviemae​
51 notes · View notes
Tumblr "dom" blogs be like:
Black background with red letters
Avi of them in an ill-fitted suit sitting on their bed in grayscale
"Welcome to my tWiStEd fUcKeD uP mind..."
No age indicator anywhere
Stolen porn in grayscale
Stolen porn in grayscale
Stolen porn
Stolen porn
Stolen porn in grayscale
Painting of 4 wolves on a hill
Those belt gifs from camdamage, but stolen
Stolen porn
Another pic of a wolf that says "I can only trust one person: the alpha inside me"
~~Reblog if you don't mind if your followers send you naughty confessions~~
Stolen porn in grayscale
Stolen porn
SWer's OC with their caption replaced by some rando saying "That's daddy's nasty little fuck toy 😈💦"
Pic of a Do Not Disturb sign in black and white that says "Don't worry. It's consensual."
Stolen porn
Stolen porn in grayscale
Stolen porn
Another wolf pic
23 notes · View notes
Okay I couldn’t get my xkit replies to work even before the new activity page, so I’m doing this by hand from my email. Hopefully this will work. Some of these are old. Apologies if you left a reply you wanted a response to that I’ve missed here. 
@usagifuyusummer​ replied to your photo post: 
Reminds me of Silent Hill 4. One of the hauntings you can get, is the sofas in the room turns flesh/bloody like. I wonder if this is just a miniature model or a large set.
Ooh sounds creepy! I looked it up and this is small, but larger than a miniature: 95x98x106cm + 75x50x40cm. 
@darkness-and-cookies replied to your photo post:
That's a sketch... of a butchered... corpse...
It sure is! I’m not sure if this reply is disgusted or awed by this fact. If the former, let me know how I can tag it so you can avoid seeing stuff like that in the future! I have more anatomy art in the queue but not all of it is this intense, so filtering out the “scientific illustration” tag would block out a lot of other, less grotesque stuff too. 
If the latter, here is a cool fact that people who know better are welcome to correct me on: for a while in Europe surgeons and artists practiced using literal cadavers, sometimes stolen from graveyards. It started in the Renaissance and continued into the 19th century. 
@45mq replied to your photo post:
Maybe you should correct the caption you put a D instead of the B ;)
Oh dang thank you! I’ve fixed it :) 
This is from a reblog but I loved it, so: @lactosepulp reblogged your photo post: 
me hands after taking my noodles out of the boiling water
11 notes · View notes
amiplayingright · 5 years
Tumblr media
Stolen from facebook
(ID: a still from the episode of King of the Hill where Hank buys Bobby plant growing supplies, not realising it’s from a weed shop. Caption reads “First of all, yes I have gold. I kill Mummies n’ Dragons older than this whole gad dang town. Second, I want REAL potions. None of that cheap dang alchemy trash or basic healing potion from the “Player’s Handbook.” I got enough Platinum in my haversack to put yer entire economy on its ass, I tell you what” End ID)
36 notes · View notes
chalantness · 5 years
fic: Meet Me Under the Spotlight - part iv
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~4800 Characters: Steve/Natasha and the ensemble Summary: A continuation of that celebrity social media au no one asked for.
A/N: During my little "writing hiatus" in December, when I thought about which stories I really wanted to revisit, this was definitely at the top of my list. I had a lot of the "plot" for the 'Marvelous' show in this 'verse planned in my head while writing the previous installment, and I had a lot of fun finally sharing it with everyone in this piece! There's less cast interaction because I have such a focus on the plot of the show itself, but I still enjoyed the change of angle for this chapter.
Read On: [ ao3 ]
The Cast and Crew of ‘Marvelous’ Take to Instagram to Give Fans a First Look at Mid-Season Finale
January 1, 2018. 2:09 AM PST.
We’re all still a little bummed that we won’t be ringing in the New Year with the fourth episode of Marvelous Season 4 tonight like we were supposed. (Thanks, CW, for pushing back the schedule because you thought we would need a week to recover from our New Year’s shenanigans, but trust us: we Marvels would’ve happily been on our couches to watch that new episode, hungover or not.)
But at this point we should’ve known that something was up. Because in true Marvelous fashion, at the stroke of midnight, the official Marvelous Instagram gave us our first looks at the mid-season finale, which is scheduled to air two days before Valentine’s Day. And if that wasn’t reason enough to expect the mid-season finale to be one of the most romantic episodes yet, these surprise Instagram posts are all the proof we need!
SPOILER ALERT! The rest of this article contains screenshots of episode stills from the Marvelous mid-season finale, Episode 9, “Shot Through the Heart” taken from the official Marvelous Instagram profile.
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff sitting on the bed of a plain room in an unknown setting. Steve is braiding Natasha’s hair, now dyed blonde, the two of them smiling and talking close together as Natasha plays with the diamond ring on her finger.]
MarvelousOfficial Redhead or blonde, Cap will always be smitten with Widow’s hair. Now that’s what we call love! #MarvelousSneakPeeks
View all 952 comments
JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Wanda Maximoff in a grocery store setting, disguising herself in a beanie and sunglasses as she stands in between aisles. She’s looking off to the side, wary, with one hand over her stomach.]
MarvelousOfficial Scarlet Witch just can’t catch a break, can she? #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Thor Odinson sitting shirtless on a stool while Maria Hill stands behind him, cutting his hair, the two of them laughing over something.]
MarvelousOfficial If you heard a sniffle, that’s us crying over the loss of those glorious blonde locks. #MarvelousSneakPeeks
View all 828 comments
JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Sharon Carter, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, and Sam Wilson in an unknown laboratory setting. Sam and Tony are standing at a table of equipment parts, watching as Sharon speaks to Pepper in front of a holographic monitor displaying schematics for the new Iron Man suit model Pepper is wearing.]
MarvelousOfficial Looking good, Pepper ;) #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Clint Barton in a café setting, wearing a disguise of a hoodie and sunglasses as he sits with the Mystery Agent, guest star Laura Barton. On the table between them is a photo which looks eerily similar to the farm setting from Hawkeye’s dream sequence in the Season 4 Premiere.]
MarvelousOfficial Friend or foe? We’re not even sure if Hawkeye knows... #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Pietro Maximoff and Bucky Barnes outside at night, huddled together and talking seriously on the porch of a cabin in an unknown mountain location. In Bucky’s hand is the ring Quicksilver had given to Scarlet Witch during Season 2 to help focus her control over her powers, which is shown with the gem broken in pieces.]
MarvelousOfficial We sure hope that Scarlet Witch won’t be needing that anymore. #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Peter Parker, T’challa T’chaka, and guest star Shuri T’chaka shooting on location, Peter and Shuri talking animatedly while gesturing to a device secured to Shuri’s wrist while T’challa watches with an amused smile.]
MarvelousOfficial If you thought Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were the only real life siblings that get to play siblings on screen too, then think again! #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
Just like every other seasoned Marvel, we were ready to theorize the hell out of these episode stills! And we still will. But don’t forget, we’ve got five whole episodes between now and the mid-season finale to account for.
Which episode still was most surprising for you? Let us know in the comments below!
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Wanda Maximoff and Newest ‘Marvelous’ Guest Star Shuri T’chaka Dish on Working with Siblings
WATCH: ‘Marvelous’ Behind-the-Scenes - Choreographing Black Widow and Spider-Man’s Training Room Spar Sequence
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 25       It’s the most #Marvelous time of the year, so we’re bringing back #MarvelousLiveTweets with the cast for tonight’s episode, 4x03 “Before Dawn”!
T’challa T’chaka @ttchalla - December 25       Next time, let’s not put the cat in a tree. I still have scars from those branches... #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 0:55 clip of Black Panther perched in a tree at night between the branches as an armored truck drives underneath, which Black Panther jumps onto, alerting the driver and passenger of his presence. The passenger hurries to shoot at him out of his window, but Black Panther’s suit ripples in purple light as the bullet bounces off, and he stalks up the truck.]
Pietro Maximoff @theothermaximoff - December 25       I’m not crying, you are #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 0:45 clip of Falcon driving the jeep into the Facility hanger with the rest of the Team waiting. Winter Soldier helps a battered Scarlet Witch out of the back seat, and Quicksilver speeds to their side, enveloping his sister in a hug that she instantly melts into, her body beginning to shake as she starts to cry. Winter Soldier swallows as he watches, feeling helpless.]
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat - December 25       Just tell him already!! #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 1:25 clip starting with a flashback from Season 2, with Captain and Black Widow driving through the country in a pick-up truck. Captain tells her to take her feet off of the dash, to which Widow teasingly replies that she didn’t realize manners applied to stolen cars, earning a laugh from the Captain. Widow continues to watch him as he keeps his eyes on the road, but then his smile grows soft as he glances at her, knowing she’s watching. She pulls her feet off of the dashboard and hugs her knees to her chest, smile widening as she looks out her own window. Then the flashback is cut off as, in present time, Captain calls Widow’s name in the kitchen and snaps her from her memory. He asks what she was thinking about, and she hesitates before saying she was wondering what she has to say to get him to make her dessert. It’s obvious he knows this isn’t entirely true, but he smiles and lets it slide.]
Thor Odinson @corethor - December 25       Sorry finding my powers almost killed you, but if it’s any consolation, losing them almost killed me too @littlewandamaximoff #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 1:05 clip of Agent Hill sitting at Scarlet Witch’s bedside with Thor standing beside them. Scarlet Witch tries to recount in as much detail as she can remember about her captor and what she saw in his laboratory, then looks at Thor, her eyes watering as she admits that she saw the device that stripped him of his powers. Thor and Agent Hill look at each other, recalling the incident where Agent Hill found him doubling over in pain in the training room, and neither look surprised when Scarlet Witch goes on to tell them about the device exploding in reaction to her powers and collapsing the entire structure. Guilty, she tells them that she hadn’t sensed its energy anywhere in the wreckage afterward, but Thor reassures Scarlet Witch that it’s not her fault, taking her hand and squeezing it gently.]
Clint Barton @cbarton - December 25       If you think my wife trying to kill me on screen is indicative of our off screen marriage.. you might be onto something #MarvelousLiveTweets           [Video Attachment: 0:55 clip of a ballet studio with girls dancing to a routine of classical music. The Mystery Agent (guest star Laura Barton) from Hawkeye’s dream sequence stands in the corner watching them as a woman’s voice off-screen comments how beautiful their potential is, how each of them is a clean slate. But no one’s mind has been quite as malleable as hers, to which the Mystery Agent turns to face the speaker, revealing her as an unknown blonde woman in a black catsuit similar to the one the Mystery Agent wears. She then announces that “they’re ready for us”, and the Mystery Agent takes one last moment to watch the girls before following the blonde woman out of the room.]
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn - December 25       If this was an obligatory holiday episode, I would’ve fought for a mistletoe kiss right here #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 1:45 clip of Captain in the training room, rapidly beating into a punching bag, unaware of Black Widow walking over to him with a wary expression. His hits quickly grow harder and more violent, until Widow braces her hands against the bag, giving him resistance that snaps him from his trance. His fist slackens, lingering on the bag as the beginnings of a smile form on his lips, before he blinks and glances away. When she asks him what he’s thinking about, he hesitates, then admits that she always had a knack for sneaking up on him, referring to her habit of doing so before she lost her memories. Then he meets her gaze with a real smile this time, small but still there, and says that he’s glad that at least some things haven’t changed. Widow holds his gaze for a moment, then Captain gently turns her by her shoulders so that she’s standing in front of him, facing the punching bag, and tells her to show him what else she might remember, and she smiles widely as she starts punching the bag with swift hits.]
WATCH: ‘Marvelous’ Sneak Peek #1 - 4x04 “Simple Lives” - Scene: Captain and Iron Man in the training room
Marvelous CW - Published on December 25, 2017 - 984,203 views
Access Entertainment! Exclusive: Newlyweds Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff Dish on Surprise Wedding
December 30, 2017. 9:58 AM PST.
The confetti and champagne had only just started to settle from our celebration over their engagement, but it seemed like Marvelous co-stars Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff weren’t done making us swoon! As everyone was busy tearing into festive wrapping paper and jolly stacks of pancakes on Christmas morning, the cast and crew of Marvelous were online, posting picture after picture of Rogers and Romanoff’s surprise wedding ceremony on the Santorini Coast - taking place only a month after Rogers proposed!
“It’s been three years in the making, so why wait?” Rogers had joked when he and Romanoff called into the Access Entertainment! studio for an exclusive phone interview this morning to serve us all the juicy details. “It’s no secret that I’m impulsive, I know what I want and I go for it, you know? But even before she said yes, even before I bought the ring, we knew there was no waiting for either of us. When it’s right, it’s right.”
Did they know they were getting married when they hopped on that plane at the start of the mid-season filming hiatus? “More or less,” Romanoff laughed. “There wasn’t any announcement or anything, but I went to Jane [Foster, head of costume design for Marvelous] and asked her how realistic was it for her to pull dresses for me without this public mayhem coming about, and then by lunch everyone knew. They were the ones to choose Greece, actually.”
We’re guessing everyone was more than happy to follow? “Of course,” Rogers shared. “If we even attempted to elope, they would’ve ambushed us. But that was always the plan. We talked about it for filming, actually, when Nick [Fury, writer/producer of Marvelous] for Cap and Widow’s wedding in the show - we based it off of them but also a little what we wanted for me and Nat in terms of intimacy and having it outside in some destination place. So having everyone with us like that was always going to be the plan.”
So where are the lovebirds now? “Not in Greece anymore, so sorry if you were already on your way,” Romanoff teases. “We flew in, spent a few days with everyone sight-seeing and eating everything after the wedding, and now we’re somewhere quiet and cozy. We’re soaking up the sun now before we come back and hit the ground running to finish up [filming Marvelous] Season 4.”
Now if only Captain and Widow can turn their “dream” wedding into a real one this season, then our lives would be complete!
“Well, we know he [Captain] gets a ring on her finger, so who knows,” Rogers laughed, referencing the stir caused when Rogers and Romanoff were spotted filming on location at a Toronto shopping mall back in October. Romanoff was spotted wearing an impressive diamond ring on her left hand, and when asked by fans if the ring had to do with the show, Romanoff responded with a coy and cryptic “What do you think?” that we Marvels have spent far too much time wondering about.
Well, until we get a real Captain and Widow wedding, we have plenty to swoon over for Rogers and Romanoff’s ceremony!
What did you think of their beautiful Santorini wedding? Let us know in the comments below!
Related Articles:
Here’s Every Photo from the Cast and Crew of ‘Marvelous’ at the Rogers-Romanoff Wedding
‘Marvelous’ Then vs. Now: From First Appearances to Mid-Season Finale Transformations
Most Anticipated ‘Marvelous’ Guest Stars Returning to Season 4
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - January 5       Only 3 days away! #MarvelousSneakPeeks #MarvelousScripttoScreen 404 “Simple Lives” written by @nickfurry ft. @iambuckybarnes @littlewandamaximoff             [Image Caption: Screenshot of a script that reads:
Scarlet Witch turns her palms upward, watching the red wisps spiral out from her fingertips as the overlapping whispers in her head grow louder. Her mind is bombarded by flashes, nonsensical and overwhelming, and she slowly starts to spiral, the walls closing in on her, her powers humming louder as if about to explode out from inside of her...
      WINTER SOLDIER (O.S.)             Scarlet?
Scarlet Witch startles when she feels someone touch her, gasping as another memory slams into her - clear and crisp this time, she watches through Winter Soldier’s eyes as his hand just barely misses the Captain’s and he begins to fall, as if being sucked into the snowy blizzard swirling around him. Scarlet Witch is engulfed in his fear, nearly drowning in it - but a rough shake of her shoulders snaps her from the empathetic link, and she realizes she’s on her knees and so is Winter Soldier, his grip on her arms the only thing keeping her upright. He looks visibly shaken, but still in a better state than she is.
      WINTER SOLDIER             How long?
Scarlet Witch begins to deny, but Winter Soldier doesn’t give her a chance.
      WINTER SOLDIER             (worried for the answer, but insistent on hearing it)             How long has it been this bad?
      SCARLET WITCH             I’m fine.
      WINTER SOLDIER             I felt what you felt, and that wasn’t fine.             (softer this time, pleading)             How long?
Scarlet Witch melts into his embrace, exhausted and entirely defeated, and Winter Soldier holds her like he’s terrified she’s about to break.
      SCARLET WITCH             Since the lab... They did something to me. They broke something in me and I’m... I’m terrified.
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - January 5       Okay, just ONE more... #MarvelousSneakPeeks #MarvelousScripttoScreen 404 “Simple Lives” written by @nickfurry ft. @stevefrombrooklyn @iambuckybarnes              [Image Caption: Screenshot of a script that reads:
Cut to Winter Soldier and Captain in the kitchen, sitting at the island with two cold mugs of tea in front of them, untouched. Both are hunched over in their chairs across from each other, pensive and feeling out of their depths.
      WINTER SOLDIER             All I can do is just watch her suffer. I couldn’t save her from becoming a science experiment in that lab, can’t save her from her own head...
      CAPTAIN             That makes two of us.
      WINTER SOLDIER             What a couple of sad sacks we are. At least Widow seems to be coming around.             (back-pedaling, realizing what he’s said)             Not that that’s better than losing her memories to begin with...
      CAPTAIN             No, you’re right. It’s still an improvement. I’m getting parts of her back.
Despite the somber conversation, Winter Soldier gives the Captain a knowing look.
      WINTER SOLDIER             ‘You’ are? It’s like that now?
      CAPTAIN             It’s always been. Just took a while to realize it.
Winter Soldier nods, his amusement softening into genuine happiness that Captain has finally caught onto the big picture.
      WINTER SOLDIER             About damn time.
[Image Caption: Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, and Sharon Carter photographed sitting together in their set chairs in full costume. Wanda’s brunette hair is now dyed a fiery light red, Natasha’s red hair is still dyed blonde - as was previously revealed on her guest appearance on The Late Night Show in early December - and Sharon’s blonde hair has been darkened to golden brown.]
littlewandamaximoff A brunette becomes a redhead, a redhead becomes a blonde, and a blonde becomes a brunette... We’re a little mixed up, but still oh so glad to be back on set for #Marvelous Season 4B! @nataliaromanov @carters13
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JANUARY 7, 2018
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Thor Odinson posing together with their arms crossed as they stare each other down. Steve’s once clean-shaven face now has the beginnings of a beard, and his hair has grown out a little more. Thor’s long hair has been cut short - as was previously speculated in glimpses of photos from Rogers and Romanoff’s wedding posted to Instagram in late December, then confirmed when episode stills from the mid-season finale were released to reveal a scene of Maria Hill cutting Thor’s hair.]
thorodinson Spoiler alert: the season finale will be a battle of our beards. (Another spoiler alert: I crush @stevenrogers into the ground.)
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JANUARY 7, 2018
[Image Caption: Clint Barton, Tony Stark, and Pepper Potts on the Facility control room set. Clint is decked in a new version on his stealth suit, his hair now shaved on the sides and cropped short on top; Pepper wears a new Iron Man suit model, holding the helmet in her hands; and Tony stands in between them, posing with an exaggerated frown on his face.]
thetonystark Am I the only one that doesn’t get a dramatic transformation this season?? @cbarton @pepperpotts 
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JANUARY 7, 2018
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff sitting at a table at craft services, with Natasha laughing as she sits in Steve’s lap and Steve smiling up at her as he plays with a chunk of her blonde hair.]
MarvelousOfficial Don’t worry Steve, we miss the red, too! @stevenrogers @nataliaromanov #Marvelous #MarvelousSneakPeeks
WATCH: Newlywed ‘Marvelous’ Co-Stars Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are Cozier Than Ever as Season 4 Resumes Filming
AE! News - Published on January 8, 2018 - 905,258 views
A ‘Marvelous’ Way to Get Psyched for the New Year!
December 28, 2017. 10:14 AM PST.
Marvels everywhere were a little (okay, a lot) disappointed when the CW announced they would be pushing back their airing schedule to skip over New Year’s week, meaning that we would wait an extra week between Marvelous Season 4, Episode 3 “Before Dawn” and Episode 4 “Simple Lives”, which would have premiered on New Year’s Day if the network followed its regular airing schedule.
But of course the team at Marvelous knew the perfect way to make it up to us. Not only did they release the official episode synopses for the remaining lineup of Season 4A this morning, but they also announced that the network would be officially renewing Marvelous for a fifth season!
We never doubted it for a second, but there’s nothing quite like the sweet sigh of relief when you hear the word “renewed”!
(Screenshots taken from the official Marvelous Twitter account.)
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       It’s official, Marvels! Our favorite heroes will be BACK for Season 5!!! #Marvelous
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Margaret E. Carter @mspeggycarter             Yes, you heard right: #Marvelous is officially renewed, and my director’s chair will be right next to @nickfurry all season long!
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Tony Stark @thetonystark             What’s better than Season 5? Season 5 with @twopeasinpott and @jamesrhodesisland as SERIES REGULARS. Finally! #Marvelous
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Wanda Maximoff @littlewandamaximoff             Season 5, here we come!!! So blessed and psyched to have another year working with my favorite people on the planet!! #Marvelous
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn             This show has brought me some of the best moments of my life, and also brought me the love of my life @therussianprincessnat - can’t wait to see what this next chapter brings us! #Marvelous
Now that you’re all properly hyped, here’s our official episode guide for the remaining lineup of Marvelous Season 4A:
SIMPLE LIVES - Season 4, Episode 4
Captain (Steve Rogers) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) struggle to reach an agreement when Iron Man suggests that they use Hawkeye’s (Clint Barton) stolen designs to engineer more weapons, which leads to Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) intervening. Meanwhile, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) turns to the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) as her grip on her powers grows more unstable, and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) tries to test her skills by undergoing training with Agent Hill (Maria Hill), Agent 13 (Sharon Carter), and the Director (writer/producer, guest star Nick Fury).
Air Date: January 8, 2018
MIND GAMES - Season 4, Episode 5
While Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) are performing tests on Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) in an attempt to cure her of the effects suffered from experimentation, a fluctuation of her powers affects several members of the Team caught in its current. Trapped within alternate realities inside their own heads, Thor (Thor Odinson) rejoices having his powers back as a mythological king with his brother Loki (guest star Loki Laufeyson), father Odin (guest star Odin Borson), and mother Frigga (guest star Frigga Asgard) still alive and by his side, though at a grave cost; Captain (Steve Rogers) is thrown back in time to a quiet civilian life where he and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) share a son, though the appearance Crossbones (guest star Brock Rumlow) takes a turn for the worst; Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) governs a peaceful utopian city, until a ghost from his past (guest star Erik Killmonger) threatens to destroy it; and Iron Man enjoys an extravagant lifestyle with Rescue (guest star Pepper Potts) at his side, but he quickly discovers that the absence of War Machine (guest star James Rhodes) has terrifying implications.
Air Date: January 15, 2018
WIDOW’S BITE - Season 4, Episode 6
After discovering a possible way to lure out the Mystery Agent (guest star Laura Barton) that left Iron Man (Tony Stark) for dead and appeared to Hawkeye (Clint Barton) in his dreams, Hawkeye recruits Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) and Falcon (Sam Wilson) to track her down, though the reappearance of an unexpected threat (guest star Yelena Belova) gets in their way. Meanwhile, the Captain (Steve Rogers) and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) grow closer as they aid Spider-Man (Peter Parker) in upgrading the Team’s stealth suits. Elsewhere, Agent Hill (Maria Hill) is joined by Thor (Thor Odinson), Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff), and Iron Man to pursue a lead on the organization that had abducted Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff).
Air Date: January 22, 2018
COUP DE FOUDRE - Season 4, Episode 7
With the Team away, Captain (Steve Rogers), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) are left to defend themselves when the Facility comes under attack. Meanwhile, when Agent Hill (Maria Hill) fails to return to their rendezvous point on time, Thor (Thor Odinson) grows restless to find her, and Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) call Agent 13 (Sharon Carter), Falcon (Sam Wilson), and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) for reinforcements. Elsewhere, Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) runs into a familiar face (guest star Nakia Shauku) as he carries out a special mission from the Director (writer/producer, guest star Nick Fury).
Air Date: January 29, 2018
GOD’S RIGHTEOUS MAN - Season 4, Episode 8
After fleeing the wreckage from the attack on the Facility, the Captain (Steve Rogers), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes), and Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) seek refuge in a place that brings back ghosts from the Captain and Winter Soldier’s pasts. Elsewhere, Agent Hill (Maria Hill) continues to nurse her wounds with Thor’s (Thor Odinson) care as Iron Man (Tony Stark) reunites with Rescue (guest star Pepper Potts) and War Machine (guest star James Rhodes), who finally gives the Team some good news. Meanwhile, Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) and Malice (guest star Nakia Shauku) reunite with Man-Ape (guest star M’Baku Jabari), who reveals that Golden Jaguar (guest star Erik Killmonger) has resurfaced.
Air Date: February 5, 2018
SHOT THROUGH THE HEART - Season 4, Episode 9
When Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) reunites with the Team with his sister (guest star Shuri T’chaka) at his side, she proves to be the missing piece that Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) need to complete their blueprints, while Agent Hill (Maria Hill) and Thor (Thor Odinson) come to a realization that could change the Team’s next course of action, and the Captain (Steve Rogers) and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) unearth vital secrets within the Team’s past that could give them an advantage. Meanwhile, Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) confides in the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) about a secret that they fear may threaten Scarlet Witch’s (Wanda Maximoff) newfound control over her enhanced powers, though unknown to them, she is unnerved by a secret of her own. Elsewhere, a risky meeting between Hawkeye (Clint Barton) and the Mystery Agent (guest star Laura Barton) brings out a shocking revelation. 
Air Date: February 12, 2018
Is your head spinning? Because ours certainly are!
Which episode are you most excited to see? Let us know in the comments below!
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[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff standing on the beach in front of a gorgeous sunset. Steve is in a black tuxedo and Natasha is in a flowing white dress, one of her arms draped around Steve’s neck as she holds her bouquet between them. Steve holds Natasha in his arms, their heads are angled together as the camera catches them mid-laugh.]
littlewandamaximoff A perfect picture to capture a perfect day :’) @stevenrogers @nataliaromanov 
View all 2,942 comments
DECEMBER 25, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers in a tuxedo, sitting in a chair in the bridal suite as Natasha Romanoff stands behind him in her wedding dress, her hands covering his eyes as she leans in to speak into his ear, both of them smiling widely.]
ohsnapwilson He wanted to be traditional, but also missed the sound of her voice after 3 hours apart. If that’s not straight out of an epic date night movie, I don’t know what is.
View all 3,027 comments
DECEMBER 25, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers in a tuxedo and Natasha Romanoff in her wedding dress as the couple dances under a canopy of flowers and twinkling lights against an evening backdrop by the beach. Steve’s head is bent with his face pressed into her hair, one of his hands holding onto one of hers as the other rests at her hip, holding her close as she laughs against his shoulder.]
View all 4,965 comments
nataliaromanov You are the best surprise of my life.
DECEMBER 25, 2017
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn - January 10       @therussianprincessnat hey.. i love you :)
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat - January 10       Replying to Steve Rogers:             i’m sitting right next to you, you dork
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat - January 10       Replying to Steve Rogers:             ps. i love you too :)
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hunterpearl289 · 3 years
Titles for All Of Yourneeds
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Public domain image blog. Later titles for Muslim rulers were emir and sultan. Other Muslim titles include sherif, a hereditary title; pasha and bey, originally military titles but later given as a civilian nonhereditary honor; and sheikh, a title of respect variously given to tribal chiefs, heads of religious orders and colleges, and town mayors. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Titles in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Always up to date with the latest patch (9.0.2).
This is the complete Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, as supplied electronically by the US Dept. of Labor, provided, as a public service, by
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ITA, makers of DOT and O*Net for Windows.
You can find a job title and job description in a number of ways. To browse by job category, click on the CONTENTS tab above. To browse the alphabetical index click on a letter of the alphabet at left. Or search for anything by clicking the SEARCH button above or the ? button at left.
Bibliographic Citation
National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Occupational Classification and Analysis. DICTIONARY OF OCCUPATIONAL TITLES (DOT): PART I - CURRENT POPULATION SURVEY, APRIL 1971, AUGMENTED WITH DOT CHARACTERISTICS, AND PART II - FOURTH EDITION DICTIONARY OF DOT SCORES FOR 1970 CENSUS CATEGORIES (Computer file). Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (producer), 197?. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (distributor), 1981.
Related Publications
Middle Name
Miller, Ann R., Trieman, Donald J., Cain, Pamela S. and Patricia A. Roos (eds.). 1980 WORK, JOBS, AND OCCUPATIONS: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE DICTIONARY OF OCCUPATIONAL TITLES (Final report to the U.S. Dept. of Labor from the Committee on Occupational Classification and Analysis). Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
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Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to title: tittle
InProperty Law, a comprehensive term referring to the legal basis of the ownership of property, encompassing real andPersonal Propertyand intangible and tangible interests therein; also a document serving as evidence of ownership of property, such as the certificate of title to a motor vehicle.
In regard to legislation, the heading or preliminary part of a particular statute that designates the name by which that act is known.
In the law ofTrademarks, the name of an item that may be used exclusively by an individual for identification purposes to indicate the quality and origin of the item.
In the law of property, title in its broadest sense refers to all rights that can be secured and enjoyed under the law. It is frequently synonymous with absolute ownership. Title to property ordinarily signifies an estate in fee simple, which means that the holder has full and absolute ownership. The term does not necessarily imply absolute ownership, however; it can also mean mere possession or the right thereof.
The title of a statute is ordinarily prefixed to the text of a statute in the form of a concise summary of its contents, such as 'An act for the prevention of the abuse of narcotics.' Other statutes are given titles that briefly describe the subject matter, such as the 'Americans with Disabilities Act.' State constitutions commonly provide that every bill introduced in the state legislature must have a single subject expressed by the bill's title. Congress is under no such restriction under the U.S. Constitution, but House and Senate rules do have some guidelines for federal bills and statutes. Many, though not all, federal statutes have titles. How to use function generator.
Under trademark law, if a publisher adopts a name, or title, for a magazine and uses it extensively in compliance with the law, the publisher may acquire a right to be protected in the exclusive use of that title. A trademark of the title can only be acquired through actual use of the title in connection with the goods, in this example, the magazine. Merely planning to use the title does not give rise to legally enforceable trademark rights.
Title Insurance; Title Search.
West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
n. 1) ownership of real property or personal property, which stands against the right of anyone else to claim the property. In real property title is evidenced by a deed (or judgment of distribution from an estate) or other appropriate document recorded in the public records of the county. Title to personal property is generally shown by possession, particularly when no proof or strong evidence exists showing that the property is belongs to another, or that it has been stolen or known to be lost by another. In the case of automobiles and other vehicles title is registered with the state's Department of Motor Vehicles, which issues a title document ('pink slip') to the owner. 2) the name for one's position in a business or organization, such as president, general manager, Mayor, Governor, Duke. 3) the name for a legal case, such as Eugene Chan v. Runabout Taxi Company, Inc. which is part of the 'caption' of the case. (See: real property, personal property, title search, pink slip, caption)
See Full List On En.wikipedia.org
Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
in general terms a title to an asset relates both to a person's right to enjoyment of that asset and the means by which that right has accrued and by which it is evidenced. Thus, for example, a stock or share certificate is evidence of the right of the person named therein to ownership of the specified amount of stock or shares. In relation to land, titles may be either registered or unregistered. The Land Registration Act 1925 provides for four types of registered title, each backed up by a state guarantee; the different types of title correspond to the extent of that guarantee. These are an absolute title, a good leasehold title,
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a possessory title and a qualified title. Registration with an absolute FREEHOLD or leasehold title confers a full guarantee against claims arising before or after first registration; registration with a good leasehold guarantees that the LEASE is valid but does not guarantee that the freehold or other superior interest out of which the grant was made is valid; registration with a qualified title guarantees against all claims except those deriving from a specified instrument or specified circumstances.
In the case of land subject to the Land Registration Acts, a proprietor's title is constituted by the entry of his name on the register; the LAND CERTIFICATE that is issued constitutes evidence of that title.
In the case of land not subject to the Land Registration Acts (see UNREGISTERED LAND), title is shown by tracing transactions affecting the land from deeds that constitute a good root of title, ending with the deeds transferring the land to the current owner. The deeds relating to each of these transactions are referred to as links in what is known as the chain of title; the last link, obviously, is the conveyance to the current owner. For a deed to qualify as a good root, it must:
(1) deal with the whole legal and beneficial interest in the land;
(2) cast no doubt on the validity of the title;
(3) relate to a transaction for valuable consideration; and
(4) relate to a transaction effected at least 15 years before the date of the transaction sought to be effected.
In relation to GOODS, an inaccurate summary of the detailed legal rule that follows would be to say that a seller or supplier in relation to other suppliers of goods promises the buyer that the buyer will be the owner of the goods and be able to enjoy the fruits of that ownership. In a contract of sale of goods other than one in which there appears from the contract or is to be inferred from its circumstances an intention that the seller should transfer only such title as he or a third person may have, there is an implied condition on the part of the seller that in the case of a sale he has a right to sell the goods and in the case of an agreement to sell he will have such a right at the time the property is to pass. There is also an implied warranty that:
(1) the goods are free, and will remain free until the time when the property is to pass, from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the buyer before the contract is made;
(2) the buyer will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known.
In a contract where it appears from the contract or is to be inferred from its circumstances that there is an intention that the seller should transfer only such title as a third person may have, there is an implied warranty that all charges or encumbrances known to the seller have been disclosed to the buyer before the contract is made. In such a contract there is also an implied warranty that none of the following will disturb the buyer's quiet possession of the goods, namely: Chapter 2dynamicsmr.s learning website.
(1) the seller;
(2) in a case where the parties to the contract intend that the seller should transfer only such title as a third person may have, that person;
(3) anyone claiming through the seller or that third person otherwise than under a charge or encumbrance disclosed or known buyer before the contract is made.
TITLE, legislation That part of an act of the legislature by which it is known, and distinguished from other acts the name of the act. 2. A practice has prevailed of late years to crowd into the same act a mass of heterogeneous matter, so that it is almost impossible to describe, or even to allude to it in the title of the act. This practice has rendered the title of little importance, yet, in some cases, it is material in the construction of an act. 7 East, R. 132, 134; 2 Cranch, 386. See Lord Raym. 77; Hard. 324; Barr. on the Stat. 499, n.
TITLE, persons. Titles are distinctions by which a person is known. 2. The constitution of the United States forbids the tyrant by the United States, or any state of any title of nobility. (q.v.) Titles are bestowed by courtesy on certain officers; the president of the United States sometimes receives the title of excellency; judges and members of congress that of honorable; and members of the bar and justices of the peace are called esquires. Cooper's, Justinian, 416'; Brackenridge's Law Miscell. Index, h.t. 3. Titles are assumed by foreign princes, and, among their subjects they may exact these marks of honor, but in their intercourse with foreign nations they are not entitled to them as a matter of right. Wheat. Intern. Law, pt. 2, c. 3, Sec. 6.
TITLE, literature. The particular division of a subject, as a law, a book, and the like; for example, Digest, book 1, title 2; for the law relating to bills of exchange, see Bacon's Abridgment, title Merchant.
TITLE, rights. The name of a newspaper a book, and the like. 2. The owner of a newspaper, having particular title, has a right to such title, an an injunction will lie to prevent its use un lawfully by another. 8 Paige, 75. See Pardess. n. 170.
TITLE, pleading, rights. The right of action which the plaintiff has; the declaration must show the plaintiff's title, and if such title be not shown in that instrument, the defect cannot be cured by any of the future pleadings. Bac. Ab. Pleas, &c. B 1.
A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“Two Men Held As Gangsters,” Border Cities Star. Septembr 18, 1930. Page 05. ---- Accused of Resisting An Officer as Result Of Gun Battle ---- ROY HEAD IS CLEARED --- Stolen Radio With Bullet In It Is Located At La Salle --- Two men who are now held in the county jail are believed by police to be members of a gang responsible for several recent house and warehouse robberies at the Border, and to be the ones who engaged in a gun fight with a Sandwich ;policeman a week ago.
ROY HEAD CLEARED Roy Head, of 516 Bruce avenue, who was picked up for investigation, was released today when police learned that he was not in any way connected with any of the alleged offfenses.
The men held are Kenneth Threapleton, 26, of 861 Pillette Road, East Windsor, and Frank Warren, 39, of 140 Bridge avenue. Both are on remand until Monday on charges of unlawfully resisting and obstructing an officer.
Police are attempting to link these men with the theft of five radios from the warehouses of Baum & Brody and Meretsky & Gitlin. It is believed that one or more of these radios was in the car from which two shots were fired at Constable Murray Webster, of Sandwich.
Sandwich and East Windsor police found Threapleton’s car in a Windsor garage a few days after the gun battle. The car was perforated in four places with bullet holes.
Constable Webster fired six shots at the car from which shots were fired at him, and the assumption is that the bullet holes in the rear of the Threapleton car go to show the accuracy of his aim.
RADIO SET FOUND The subsequent discovery in LaSalle of a radio set which was drilled by a bullet is taken to indicate that the Threapleton car contained at least one of the stolen machines when it was pursued by Constable Webster. This set has been identified as one of the stolen radios.
As yet, no charges involving the use of firearms have been laid against either Threapleton or Warren. Warren claims that he new saw Threaplton before.
The gun fight that had such far-reaching consequences started when Constable Webster pursued a car that did not have a rear marker. Sighting the officer, the occupants of this machine ‘stepped on it.’ The Sandwich constable followed the fleeing car out Seven Mile Road, and was fired on as he turned into LaSalle near Turkey Creek Bridge.
The constable returned the fire, but was forced out of the race when his car heated and came to a stop. A bullet fired from the car ahead punctured the radiator on the police machine.
AUTO MARKER FOUND A license plate issued in Threapleton’s name was found the next morning in Sandwich West, where the bullet-riddled machine is believed to have one into a ditch as the driver misjudged a sharp turn. Threapleton was suffering from a cut on an ankle when arrested in a Campbell avenue house Saturday.
Threapleton was arrested and his car discovered by Sergeants Gerald Fitzgerald and James Hill of Sandwich, and Inspector Charles Johnson, of the East Windsor police. Detectives James Campbell and Thomas Maxwell, of Windsor, arrested Warren.
Photo caption: ABOVE is the bullet-riddled car of Kenneth Threapleton, 861 Pilette Road, East Windsor, who is acccused with Frank Warren, 140 Bridge avenue, of resisting an officer following a running gun battle on the Seven Mile Road last week in which the car of the officer, Constable Murray Webster, of Sandwich police, was disabled by a bullet through the radiator. Threapleton’s car was found in a Windsor garage, with four bullet holes in it. Below it is a radio receiver, said to have been stolen from a Windsor firm, was in the Threapleton car and stiopped one of the bullets.
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fandom-smut-shots · 7 years
True Intentions
"You're part of Mal's gang. Uma wants information and she has no moral qualms about how to get it."
A/N: I originally thought of this story with Harry in mind, but I've been reading Gil fics recently and he's such a cinnamon roll I changed it. Plus if I'd left it Harry, this book would be very Harry-centric, which doesn't bother me but I wanted to write other characters.
It isn't based on either movie. I guess it would be set before the first one because everyone lives on the Isle but I don't write around the movies.
You sauntered down the crumbled streets of the Isle alongside your four best friends. A giggle fell from your lips as Jay regaled you with an intriguing anecdote about how he'd stolen roses from the Queen of Hearts' garden and given them to his date. Mal was unimpressed, Evie was swooning, and Carlos was taking mental notes.
The five of you were blissfully unaware of a certain pair of eyes watching your every move.
"I need information," Uma grumbled to herself, one eye squeezed shut as she held a spyglass to the other, peering through the lens. She lowered the tool and exhaled a frustrated huff.
"How are ya gonna get it?" Harry inquired around a mouthful of cold fries.
Uma hopped down from her perch by the window and sauntered up to the counter where her first mate and third-in-command were stationed. "I've got to find the weak link in her gang. Mal would never talk."
"Evie's too loyal," Harry mused.
"I don't think Jay pays enough attention to know anything important," Uma continued.
"And Carlos is too much of a fraidy-cat," Harry concluded.
"That leaves (y/n)," the sea witch's daughter determined. "I have to trick her into giving in. She can't know that I'm plotting against them."
"And how are ya gonna do that?" the Scottish pirate inquired. "It's not like ye or I can just up and ask her what Mal's weakness is."
Both of their gazes turned towards Gil, the clueless member of their trio. He was shoving poorly fried fish into his mouth, unaware of the conversation his superiors were having.
"Gil," Uma decided. "He's friendly and unassuming. If he doesn't mention anything about us, (Y/n) won't suspect a thing."
"Ye think he can pull it off?" Harry wondered skeptically. "He's not the sharpest sword on the ship. He'll forget he's not supposed to say something and blow the whole plan."
A sadistic smirk crossed Uma's lips. "I'll make sure his focus is entirely on (y/n)."
Harry raised a brow as he watched his caption disappear to the back of the shop, wondering what exactly she had up her sleeve.
You turned around in search of the voice that had just called your name. Your four friends stopped with you, cautiously wondering who was calling you.
A tall blond came into view, excitedly sprinting towards you and trying not to trip over his own boots.
"Gil?" you greeted in confusion. What did the son of Gaston want with you?
"(Y/n)," he breathed, slowing to a stop, a dorky smile on his lips. "Glad I found you."
"What do you want?" Mal, ever the untrusting one, demanded.
"I just wanted to talk to (Y/n)," the blond replied innocently. His gaze shifted from Mal to you. "Privately?"
You turned to your friends. "Go on ahead. I'll be fine."
"Call if you need us," Mal stated before turning away and gesturing for the others to follow.
You turned back to Gil. "What did you need to talk to me about?"
He took your hands in his, and you couldn't deny how your chest fluttered at the contact.
"I really like you, and I was wondering if maybe there was any way you'd wanna go out with me?" His innocent eyes gazed into yours, and perhaps if you'd been able to spend more time with the pirate, you'd have known that his eyes weren't supposed to be glazed over with black like they were now.
"I'd love to," you murmured, staring up at him.
He grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist. A giggle fell from your throat as he lifted you up and spun you around. Gil had always been a friendly one.
He set you back down with a smile. "I have to go, but I'll pick you up tonight?"
You nodded. "That sounds nice."
He leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. He then turned to sprint back to the shop, presumably so Uma wouldn't kill him for leaving in the first place.
As you stood still, staring in the direction Gil had taken, the other four returned to question you.
"So?" Mal inquired. "What did he want?"
"He asked me out," you breathed, still unable to believe it had happened.
Evie squealed and threw her arms around you. "You have to let me pick your outfit!"
Mal rolled her eyes at her friend's excitement, pulling the blue-haired girl off of you. Chewing your lip to hide your grin, you followed your friends back to your hangout.
Uma grinned as she peered into her spyglass. Everything was working according to plan.
Over the next few months, you and Gil grew to be inseparable. He took you on surprisingly romantic dates (you supposed you should have expected as much from the son of Gaston, but Gil was a little slow on the uptake and very talented at missing hints), and he even proudly announced that you were his when someone had tried to flirt with you.
Your friends all accepted that Gil wanted nothing more than to love and adore you, and they began letting him hang out with the group.
Gil was seated at the counter inside Ursula's Fish and Chips, discussing Uma's plan to overthrow Mal's gang.
"What have you found out?" the captain inquired, leaning forward on the counter.
"Hmm?" Gil hummed in response, looking up at her with a dreamy expression.
Uma rolled her eyes. "Mal and her gang. You're supposed to be gathering information. What have you found out?"
"Oh, that." The blond shifted in his seat as though he were suddenly uncomfortable with the topic. "Not much. I mean, nothing you didn't already know."
Uma narrowed her eyes at her third-in-command. "Weaknesses. Secrets. Anything I can use. Think, Gil!"
You happened to be shuffling by the shop when you heard Uma raising her voice. You knew her crew well enough to know that most of the times she raised her voice, it was aimed at your boyfriend.
You leaned against the wall by the door, trying to listen in.
"How could you have spent so many months wooing (Y/n) and still gained no useful information?" Uma shrieked.
You clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle a gasp. Information? What in hell did she mean?
"I dunno," Gil shrugged, not very concerned by his captain's rage. "They just don't have any weaknesses."
"I don't believe that," the captain growled. "I think you just forgot your mission. Did you get so wrapped up in distracting (Y/n) that you distracted yourself, too?"
"What's she talking about?"
All eyes turned to you as you boldly stepped into the stop, your gaze lingering on Gil's shocked face.
"What are you doing here?" Gil questioned.
"You answer first," you replied, your voice shaking no matter how hard to tried to sturdy it. "What does Uma mean about getting information? Are you... Have you been using me? Is that why you asked me out in the first place?"
"Aye, lass," Harry cut in, silencing Gil's protests. "I'm afraid he's been leading ye on. He never really had a thing for ye."
Tears formed in your eyes though you tried to bite them back. "I can't believe I was so stupid." Turning on your heel, you bolted out the door, tears pouring down your face as you sprinted down the alley.
"(Y/n)!" Gil shouted. He rose from his seat to follow you, but a hand tightly gripped his wrist. Harry tugged him back to his stool, resting his hook on the blond's shoulder to keep him there.
"Gil," Uma said, snapping her fingers to get his attention. He looked up at her with a broken expression that was most comparable to a kicked puppy. The captain leaned forward, gazing into the blond's eyes.
"I'll be damned," she breathed. "He's really fallen for her. Look at his eyes."
Harry turned the blond so that they were face to face. He let out a snort. "Aye, I see it. The spell's worn off. How long do ye think it's been?"
"It wore off after a week," Gil replied numbly.
"So you've been trying to win her heart for real," Uma concluded. "That's why you wouldn't give up any information."
"I didn't want you to hurt her," Gil explained. "And I didn't get any information. We don't talk about Mal and her weaknesses when we're together."
Uma exhaled a huff, walking in a circle with her hands on het hips. She should be infuriated that her loyal pirate had betrayed her, but deep down, she knew she couldn't get in the way of love.
Slamming her hands on the counter, she groaned. "Forget the plan. Go get your girl."
Gil's face lit up at the thought. "Really?"
Uma nodded. "Really. Before I change my mind."
The blond jumped off the stool and took off outside, running as fast as he could towards the one place he knew you would be.
You sat on the grassy hill of the park. Well, if it could be called a park. It was just a large piece of land with a lot of dead grass and one poorly cemented walking path.
It was your thinking place, a fact you'd shared with Gil during your second date when he'd let you choose the location. You always found yourself sitting atop the grassy hill, knees pulled up to your chest, arms wrapped around them, head up and eyes gazing at the sky.
The only difference now was that your face was buried in your knees, tears staining your clothes as you sobbed into the empty air.
"(Y/n)?" a soft voice called. You froze at the sound. You knew that voice.
"I thought I'd find you here," Gil murmured. You felt a presence drop down beside you, but you couldn't bring yourself to unfold.
"Will you talk to me? Please?"
The broken tone in his voice caught your attention, and you reluctantly lifted your head to look at him. His expression conveyed that he was as upset as you were by this turn of events.
"Can I explain?" he asked softly.
You offered him a small nod in response.
"Uma spelled me," he began. Your lower lip quivered, and he immediately noticed. "Wait, please don't cry! She spelled me so that I would ask you out. She wanted to use me to get information on Mal so she could overthrow her and her gang. But the spell wore off after a week. And I fell in love with you. Really. Everything that's happened these last few months... It's been amazing. And it's been real. I love you, (Y/n). And I never want to hurt you."
You chewed your lip as you looked at him. "I love you too."
The brightness of his grin could rival the sun. He lunged forward, wrapping his arms around you and tackling you to the ground. You let out a laugh   as you fell back, lifting your arms to wrap around him as well. He peppered kisses all over your face, finally landing on your lips. You hummed as you returned the kiss.
There was no doubt about it. You could feel the love and admiration in that single gesture. Gil was in love with you, and you with him.
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Robert Daniels on 812 Film Reviews: ‘Song Without a Name:’ Melina León Delivers an Achingly Mournful Debut
Rating: 3.5/4
Every mother remembers the first time they held their baby, their child’s first cry, and how they soothed their son or daughter into their new world. For a time in Peru, many working class mothers had the treasured moment snatched away from them by pernicious healthcare workers. Taken at birth, their children were trafficked for money to different countries, and unknown families, without a trace. Peruvian filmmaker Melina León’s debut, Song Without a Name (or Canción Sin Nombre), is a minimalistically intimate drama detailing the theft of newborns and the mothers left to mourn without a body.   
With regards to the film’s scope, easy comparisons exist between Song Without a Name and Alfonso Cuarón’s masterful Roma. Both black and white dramas contend with the prospects of motherhood, and the emotional trauma of losing one’s child. Their central subjects involve working-class indigenous women and the cultures surrounding their respective villages. In Song Without a Name, a scene involving the blessing of dance attire is infused with both Christian and local beliefs, while the celebration of the village’s 17th Anniversary is decorated by more dance, costumes, music, and songs of Peru’s Indigenous culture. Though the segments are partly shot in a vérité-style, León imbues the realism of these scenes with measures of formalism by melding asynchronous sound with slowed images.  
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Both films are also set in countries dealing with internal political unrest. Roma features segments reflecting the turmoil of the “Dirty War” in 1968 Mexico City, which led to street protests for land reform. In Song Without a Name, the 1988 Peruvian government helmed by the populist president Alan Garcia, at the time serving the first of his non-consecutive terms in office, witnessed a sharp increase in inflation of up to 400%. León’s film opens with a series of archived news stories reporting rising bus fares, the escalating cost of power and medicine, and the increased frequency of dynamite attacks, murders, and looting. Curfews were in place. Bribes drove the country’s bureaucratic “progress.” Moreover, both films are contingent upon memory. Roma’s milky black and white cinematography actualized the director’s distant childhood impressions, while León’s narrative takes inspiration from the reporting career of her journalistic father Ismeal, who investigated a similar child trafficking case. 
However, barring the basic narrative comparisons, Song Without a Name features a strikingly different emotional tone. Georgina (Pamela Mendoza), the narrative’s focal point, is of a lower economic status than even Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio). She has no benefactor. Instead, she earns a living by selling potatoes in the town’s market; and calls a shack at the base of a hill, whose walls are so thin the wind might as well be a house guest, her home. Without money to visit a real hospital, she decides to conceive her baby at a free clinic, only to have her infant daughter stolen by her nurses, and then sold on the black market. The drama’s most catastrophic scene witnesses Georgina dragged away by her nurses as she yowls for her daughter. When they lock her out of the facility, a hole in the wall in a nondescript office tower, the sound of her fist bagging upon the clinic’s door, accompanied by her screams, is soul draining. 
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Georgina spends much of the film, a narrative co-wrote by Michael J. White, searching for help amongst an endless bureaucracy, who primarily see her as worthless. She not afforded any help until she comes upon a young taciturn reporter in Pedro (Tommy Párraga, delivering a quietly assured performance). The reticent journalist believes Georgina. He sets about investigating her case, discovering a vast conspiracy at the heart of the government, which puts his safety at risk. Beyond losing her child, the ultimate fright, the film’s reliance on faceless and nameless silhouettes striving to survive the barren landscape of the Andes, gives the drama a tone of horror.  
León tries to balance the two characters: Pedro tending to a blossoming romance, and Georgina watching as her boyfriend Leo (Lucio Rojas) drifts away and becomes embroiled in the resistance group “Shining Path,” which kept Peru under a state of violence during the 1980’s — yet sometimes her film veers too heavily toward Pedro. Instead, Georgina remains a ghostly figure. And isn’t developed beyond her plaintive screams for her daughter. Nevertheless, with Pauchi Sasaki’s evocatively plucked score, and the patient editing by León, Manuel Bauer, and Antolín Prieto — which relies on deep compositions and long takes utilizing pans, tilts, and tracks — Song Without a Name is the quiet cry of the unrealized. Though we might know the film is hopeless, the final shot, Georgina singing, is meant to give the audience some relief. Even so, León’s impressive debut is a sorrowful elegy, a funeral without the body, and a beautifully wrought lament to the voiceless.  
Song Without a Name is currently playing in theaters and virtual screenings.
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mhsn033 · 4 years
PC Andrew Harper: A death that sparked an outpouring of love
Image copyright FamilyHandout
Image caption PC Andrew Harper used to be killed while responding to a legend of a quad bike being stolen by masked males
It used to be a killing that sparked tributes internationally and an “outpouring of love” for a police officer who used to be killed within the line of responsibility.
PC Andrew Harper used to be “doing no bigger than his job” when he used to be dragged for bigger than a mile to his loss of life after his toes got caught in a strap trailing boring a suspect’s getaway car.
As news broke of the 28-365 days-outdated’s loss of life, a wave of anguish and love spread in some unspecified time in the future of the country for the officer, who had currently married his childhood sweetheart Lissie.
The newlyweds had been waiting for their honeymoon within the Maldives.
Image copyright PA Media
Image caption PC Harper married his childhood sweetheart Lissie four weeks before his loss of life
On the night of 15 August 2019, PC Harper responded with a colleague to a 999 name a pair of quad bike theft, despite it being four hours past the head of their shifts.
The males were on their arrangement dwelling – they did now not need to acknowledge – but they made a name to transcend the decision of responsibility. It used to be a name that will presumably maybe payment PC Harper his lifestyles.
Nearly a 365 days on from his loss of life, three teens – Henry Long, Albert Bowers and Jessie Cole – had been chanced on guilty of the manslaughter of PC Harper. They were cleared of his execute.
At the time of the killing final 365 days, Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged the officer’s loss of life used to be “essentially the most remarkable reminder that police officers up and down the country place apart themselves at threat each day to lend a hand us protected”.
Forces up and down the land held a minute’s silence for “Harps”, who used to be described as a “dearly loved and revered colleague”, who used to be a “hero”.
Football groups held silences before kick-off and the officer’s plight of initiating of Wallingford in Oxfordshire embellished store windows with ribbons representing the “thin blue line”.
Image caption Wallingford grew to modified into blue for Andrew Harper
“No one’s been given a script… it lawful perceived to assume lend a hand,” acknowledged PC Harper’s friend Andy Ledbury, who place apart up a blue ribbon outside his plant nursery.
“It be been in point of fact emotional for these that knew him, but we did now not realise how necessary americans felt the identical anguish,” he told the BBC.
In the weeks following, PC Harper’s widow and relations led a “Roam of Respect” engaging thousands of motorcyclists, while 20,000 epaulettes and badges from in some unspecified time in the future of the enviornment were extinct to manufacture a 55toes (17m) lengthy mural.
Mrs Harper acknowledged the “the messages, make stronger and kind phrases” had been “overwhelming”.
She positioned his police helmet on his coffin in some unspecified time in the future of a funeral provider at Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford, after colleagues and crowds lined the streets of town to pay their respects.
Image copyright PA Media
Image caption Many of of motorbikes packed out RAF Benson to pay tribute to PC Harper
But while his colleagues mourned the loss of life of 1 among their have, detectives were required to push emotions apart for the execute investigation.
Det Supt Stuart Blaik, the senior investigating officer within the case, acknowledged his group did now not like an “terrible lot to roam on within the very early levels”.
The detective acknowledged the “self-discipline used to be repeatedly going to be figuring out who used to be within the automobile at that particular person time”, attributable to it being extinct by several other americans.
Image copyright PA Media
Image caption Officers lined the streets because the cortege travelled thru Oxford
At some stage within the investigation, police officers and group took 1,250 statements, visited bigger than 1,000 properties and pursued 1,122 traces of inquiry.
At the birth 10 males, outdated between 13 and 30, were arrested on the Four Homes Corner caravan space, before Long, Bowers and Cole went on trial accused of execute on the Venerable Bailey in March.
The trio admitted conspiring to lift a quad bike along with Thomas King, 21, from Basingstoke.
For the first time, jurors heard the predominant points of PC Harper’s brutal killing – many of which were too graphic for e-newsletter.
On the opposite hand, the trial collapsed attributable to the coronavirus lockdown.
Image copyright Fb
Image caption Henry Long, Albert Bowers, and Jessie Cole (l-r), all from travelling households, left college successfully before they were 16 and had a lengthy history of stealing
Because the retrial began in June, new jurors were positioned 2m (6ft 6in) apart, while individuals of the press and the general public followed lawsuits on screens in neighbouring courtrooms.
This new jury heard how Long, 19, Bowers and Cole, every 18, had hitched a Honda quad bike to the lend a hand of a Seat Toledo at a dwelling attain Stanford Dingley, Berkshire, and made off into the darkness because the automobile’s proprietor dialled 999.
The teens soon chanced on themselves face to face with PC Harper and PC Andrew Shaw, who were in an unmarked police BMW.
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Media captionPeter Wallis dialled 999 to voice he can also compare “four masked males” brandishing weapons
As Long drove in some unspecified time in the future of the police car to flee, PC Harper got out of his automobile and tried to apprehend Cole, who had unhitched the bike and used to be working boring the Seat driven by Long.
“Unwittingly” stepping with every toes into the trailing tow-strap, the officer became “lassoed” to the automobile as it sped off and dragged him lawful over a mile before he became unexcited from the automobile and died within the road.
Colleagues only realised it used to be one amongst their have who had been killed attributable to his police uniform, prosecutor Jonathan Laidlaw QC acknowledged.
Image caption The strap PC Harper got caught in used to be connected to a Seat Toledo
The prosecution’s case used to be that it might well probably presumably presumably had been “glaring” to the defendants they were dragging PC Harper boring, but they determined no longer to discontinuance.
To drive at such speeds and “look to throw the officer free” used to be a “obvious indication there used to be an device in all three to stop him”, Mr Laidlaw told the jury.
After being arrested in some unspecified time in the future of raids within the early hours of 16 August, the three teens denied being eager, before changing their tales when confronted with compelling proof.
Long, from Mortimer, Reading, pleaded guilty to manslaughter but denied execute and acknowledged he did no longer know PC Harper used to be connected to the automobile.
Bowers, of Moat Conclude, Bramley, and Cole, of Paices Hill attain Reading, confirmed they were passengers within the Seat, but denied ever seeing the police officer.
Det Supt Blaik acknowledged the defendants made a “awake decision” “no longer to abet the police” and acknowledged their household and chums had tried to “frustrate” the investigation.
Image copyright TVP
Image caption PC Harper used to be dragged for bigger than a mile by the automobile
Jury protection
Security in some unspecified time in the future of the first trial into PC Harper’s loss of life used to be stepped up after police uncovered a region by “mates of the defendants to intimidate the jury”.
Court docket cases were halted to focus on measures to safeguard jurors after somebody within the general public gallery used to be seen pointing at them.
Mediate Mr Justice Edis dominated it predominant to position measures in plight to produce sure that the jury used to be no longer intimidated, even supposing the threat used to be “low”.
He authorised measures to produce a internal most enviornment for jurors to make exercise of in some unspecified time in the future of the trial and ordered that anyone using the general public gallery must present photographic identification.
After four weeks of proof and 12 hours, 22 minutes of deliberations, jurors acquitted all three defendants of execute.
The jury chanced on Bowers and Cole guilty of manslaughter. Long had beforehand admitted the identical offence.
Det Supt Blaik acknowledged PC Harper “paid the final designate” for going beyond the decision of responsibility, but added “that is what police officers kind up and down the country, day in and day out”.
“We roam in the direction of be troubled, we don’t stride some distance flung from it,” he acknowledged.
Image copyright Thames Valley Police
Image caption PC Harper died after his ankles became entangled in a tow-strap connected to a car
Mrs Harper acknowledged her husband used to be the “kindest, most lovely, most selfless particular person you may presumably maybe ever meet”.
“I must be offended that your job took you some distance flung from us but I do know you in point of fact liked it and repeatedly wanted to lend a hand all americans protected, especially me,” she acknowledged.
“Our superman, our bodyguard, our gentle at nighttime. My God we can leave out you.”
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newsfact · 3 years
‘Real Housewives’ star Dorit Kemsley breaks silence following home invasion: ‘A terrifying ordeal’
“Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Dorit Kemsley broke her silence after she was the victim of a home invasion last week. 
The LAPD confirmed to Fox News the burglary occurred at 10:50 pm on October 27. There were three male suspects and an unknown amount of property was stolen. Kemsley’s children were home at the time, but she noted in an Instagram post late Saturday that neither they nor she was harmed during the incident.
“As you all know by now I have been through a terrifying ordeal, one that no parent or person should ever have to experience,” she began her statement. “I’ve received so many messages of love and support and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It’s truly overwhelming. My kids are unaware of what happened, they slept through it and I thank God for keeping my kids and myself from being physically harmed.”
Kemsley then asked the public for some space as she and her family look to get back to normal and heal as soon as possible.
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‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ star Dorit Kemsley was the victim of a home invasion. (Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)
“My family now needs to start the healing process. I have thrown myself straight back into work as I want our family to return to normality as soon as possible,” she added. “With the love and support of my husband, my incredible family, friends, fans and followers, I am confident this is the right thing to do whilst I independently work through the trauma.” 
She concluded by thanking the Los Angeles Police Department for “their care and attention.”
“More than anything, I’m feeling blessed that my kids and family are safe. Truly grateful for the messages of love and support from you all who have reached out,” she captioned the post. 
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Dorit Kemsley broke her silence following a home invastion incident at her California home. (Jean Baptiste Lacroix/Getty Images)
The reality star’s comments echo those made by her husband, Paul Kemsley, on Friday. Paul took to his own Instagram to share an image of Dorit and their two young children. He took the opportunity to tell his followers that their children are safe and thank the public for the outpouring of support. 
The couple has lived in the 9,000-square-foot home since 2019. They purchased it for $6.475M.
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Dorit Kemsley and Paul “PK” Kemsley each updated their Instagram followers following a burglary incident at their home. (Greg Doherty/Getty Images)
It features “6 bedrooms, 7 full and 3 half baths. Inside, floor-to-ceiling glass doors open to a backyard with a pool, cabana, putting green, and a sports court. Additional features include a screening room and 3-car garage,” according to post on social media when it was listed for sale. It has since been taken off the market.
According to reports, the burglars broke in by shattering a glass door. 
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The post ‘Real Housewives’ star Dorit Kemsley breaks silence following home invasion: ‘A terrifying ordeal’ first appeared on NEWSFACT.
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welldresseddadblog · 5 years
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«Blank page. Thousands of stories to tell. About my life, my dreams, my passions. The book of my life, the paragraphs I’m writing every day is my favorite book to flip through. I love my life. And I love looking at things from my perspective and through my eyes which lenses I carefully shaped to see the world the way I want to. I chose my standpoint. I picked the views. And I know it was my responsibility to do so. I had no idea what I was doing most of the time. Each and every step was improvised. But I did a good job moving forward. And I’m proud of myself for that. My intuition, the strongest, most accurate compass has guided me well and will always show me the right direction. And my job is to tune in, hold the steering wheel, hit the pedals, but most importantly to enjoy the ride. #ONANDOFFTHEMAT» Important notice: This caption was stolen in it’s entirety from @sarahticha. Is it more inspiring than my usual efforts? (at Biggin Hill, Bromley, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0YoRFxIjyw/?igshid=10ud4jm4ikx6e
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