#but like. it still fits yaknow
nnugatoryextravagance · 16 hours
For the sake of sharing more system shenanigans:
1. We had to put Sludge in a large tupperware dish until it calmed down
2. This is apparently not the first time we have had to put Sludge in a tupperware dish over safety concerns
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thesickestfuckr · 5 months
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yoshistory · 6 months
Ok I'm just gonna post a bunch of names I've had whirling around in my head for like ever. So here goes: Finch, Wren, Sparrow, Clifford, Orson, Dylan, Mondegreen, Leviathan, Coelacanth, Ptarmigan, Phoebe, Penelope
Idk. Something warm and green and white and 🍊 and brown and like light through a window. Does any of those names feel like a name I would have
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Christopher Eccleston is soooooo hot he's so hot
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dealingdreams · 1 month
Qimir's motivations might be a little uncertain. Like all we really know for sure is what he's told us. He wants freedom, freedom to be allowed to practice his power as he sees fit, he wants an acolyte, and he wants the power of two. That said, here just my thoughts.
I think when Mae was asking Qimir about his master aka him, he was actually answering her with some truths about his actual master Plagueis. "He collects people...i owe him" etc...best lies have some truths. Which i have concerns cause we know Palps ends up being Plagie's apprentice and later murderer. Plags did go thru some folks before he found the perfect fit for his world domination plan.
Qimir just doesn't really strike me as someone who is power hungry tbh. i know we techically dont know him well enough yet...but i mean the dude really only attacks when he's threatend. he seems more wounded animal than sith mastermind. so why the power of two...why an acolyte? i think his speech about an acolyte killing the dream...is in relation to how the Jedi at this point in time are the authority on teaching younglings how the force works. they say how and if that power can be used, even going so far as to say that without their teachings, your connection to the force weakens. so having someone showing force capabilites without being a Jedi is kinda a slap in the face to that teaching. Especially if that person can kill a Jedi without the use of a weapon. Like damn..the Jedi aren't that powerful after all yaknow. I think it's just a big fuck you to the Jedi tbh.
He's just wants to be a hot philosophy professor guys
As for the power of two, that is basically the Sith end all be all. He's not a Sith Lord yet...he hasn't taken/been given a name. I really think the only reason he would want the power of two is for his safetly...again he reads as wounded and lost to me...not power hungry. A lot of his choices seem to be made with whatever happened with Vernestra in mind. His shoto blade, which is similar to a saber Luke had in the comics(?) i think...was built to block lightsaber whips. His helmet blocks a Jedi's ability to read his mind or sense him fully. Add in the genuine fear on his face when he sensed Vern...something happened there and it left him so wrecked it's still effecting him all these years later.
Now here is where i think he's fucked.
I do think that he cared about Mae. In fact i think he wanted Mae to succeed and had she not betrayed him I do think he would have continued to train with her. I do also think that he was interested in Osha from the jump, but i dont think at any point he would have tossed Mae to the side for Osha. I think this for the same reason I dont think Qimir was trying to replace Mae with Osha. I think he sees the twins as very different people and has a very different dynamic with them. I think he seized the opportunity with maybe pulling Osha to his side...weither he would have done that had Mae remained his pupil who knows.
Qimir and Mae's dynamic is basically In-Laws lol.
I joke but no i think there was a distance between Qimir and Mae. There was a power imbalance between them. Simply master and pupil. Why he never showed her his face we could only guess. Personally I think it was a combination of him not trusting Mae fully and in case she got caught and a Jedi like Sol or Vernestra went into her Mind. He was simply protecting himself once again. Still he created the persona of Qimir to be a companion to Mae. He still taught her, still assisted her, but did it in an unitimitating way. So yeah I think he cares about Mae. Also just fyi, no I don't think he would have killed her when he found her and Osha at the tree in the aftermath of Sol's death.
So back tho to how he's fucked...Osha...hopefully literally fucked by Osha in the future but also like...he's fucked lol. He never had the choice with showing Osha his face, but he did have a choice on how vulnerable he was with her. We know from literally everyone confirming it that he wasn't manipulating her. He felt a connection to her, felt like she would understand him and he could understand her. That they were the same. I dont for one second see a power imbalance playing out between them. I think many of his actions prove that he views her as his equal. So thats one of the many ways he's fucked. the rule of two doesnt like that very much so i think Plagie might have some issues with that.
I think i could see them like playing master and pupil cause it's safer that way...but honestly they are fucked truly.
anyways ending the rant kinda abruptly lol :P
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bodycountgame · 1 year
it's already the middle of august (what the fuck??) so just wanted to drop in and say hi! post a lil update, check in etc
i am still working on body count, but in tiny weeny little snatches of time that i have now in between work and taking care of bébé and (if i can fit it in) myself.
i've decided that i won't be going back to patreon for the foreseeable future - i just don't have the time to make it work and if i want body count to be a fun little hobby for myself then i don't want to try to monetise it, yaknow? it had sort of become a source of stress and pressure and i have enough of those elsewhere, so i don't need another hahaha.
here and there i've also been working on some simpler projects just to help get back into the right head space, but who knows if they will turn into anything i want to share in the future. shout out to post-apocalypse WIP and parties WIP, maybe one day you'll even get named! i really enjoyed working on a shorter thing for neo-twiny jam, so i might even do more itty bitty twine stuff, who knows.
anyway, i know the ideal update would be like 🎉wooo i've written a billion words yeehaw🎉 so sorry i don't have anything juicier, but yeah. still alive! still tiptapping my laptop keys whenever i can.
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 5 months
thick as blood
sweet as milk
chapter 4 (parts seems juvenile)
a few days have passed and you finally cleaned your home, the bathroom was a lot nicer now and yes to Francis's odd dismay your apartment looked like a green house, today was rainy so you stayed in writing thank you letters to your neighbors.
Francis was at his last stop. he walked up the steps of a very nice new home, one of those buy to build homes he's seen on Sears catalogs (look it up, very cool)
he knocked on the door with his foot as he carried more milk than a normal household would use, the door opened via a very pretty woman in a blue polka dot dress and blue sweater "Francis! you got my call" she opened the door wide as he walked passed her placing the jug crate on the counter "you wouldn't believe how many cakes the school is asking of me" she continued following him in filling up a glass of lemonade "isn't your husband a baker?" he asked nodding as he took the drink from her "he's too held up with catering the convention that rolled in" she answered folding her arms standing across from him "but I did want to spring something up on you...we've known each other for a bit would you say?" she asked almost in a whisper. Francis stopped mid sip nodding slowly thinking of the million things she was about to say "right...you know my daughter Amelia" she walked passed him into the living room, Francis followed even more puzzled "she's 15 now no?" "yes" god why was she being so vague? "sit, please" she pointed to her pristine yellow couch "you see my daughter got a cat and as funny as it is now we're sad to say she's deathly allergic" she awkwardly laughed "you don't know anyone who would want one hm?" he stared blankly at her for a moment mentally cursing her for freaking him out "Joan, I don-...actually I do know someone in the need of a companion" Joan's eyes sparkled a little "great! Johnny bring the cat" she called upstairs and a few moments later a little boy still in his pajamas carried down a small kitten in his arms "milkman! your taking my sisters cat?" he asked running over to him, the poor kitten wiggling around as he did so "yes i am" "but cats are for girrrllss ewww" Johnny laughed passing the poor sleepy thing to him
"I'm giving it to a girl, but no cats are for men too." francis pet it gently "my dad says sooo" the little kid huffed "ok back to your room." Joan pulled his ear on the way back to the hallway going into his room coming back moments later with bags and a litter box "toys, litter, litter box, and food. its still too small for solid foods so, a little baby formula warm water and the kibble should be good" she pointed to each bag explaining how it worked before sitting down on the armchair beside couch. “ so we’re giving it to a girl, not to fit the stereotype, but is this lady in another home you deliver to?”Joan snickered slapping his knee, hoping that Francis will get the joke, Francis kind of did , but like everyone else Joan couldn’t read him “ She’s my door lady. She actually saved the building from an dopple attack a few nights ago.”he told Joan inspecting the small fluff ball “oh wow must be an intimidating woman” Joan said imagining a large gruff woman with a killer stare, if Francis could read her mind he would’ve laughed but he continued “she seems the type to have a pet.” He got up carrying the bags and box on his hip heading for the door “thanks for the gift Mrs. Wilde” Joan got up to open the door for him “Yaknow Francis, in old Viking tradition gifting a cat to a woman is a symbol of courtship” she said raising a brow hoping to fluster the brick wall “…I don’t think she’s of Viking origin” he said back making Joan face palm “but that is interesting, you were a mythology major?” He asked placing the items into his truck wrapping the kitten in a jacket before gently placing it in the passenger side “ I was, but you know how it goes. You think you’re going to live a life of independence and then you get married to a baker.” Joan looked at the horizon saying that. Francis looked at her with a softened gaze before she snapped to reality “sorry, I hope she loves the cat, and I hope the goddess freya doesn’t get any ideas haha” Joan turned around fixing her sweater hearing Francis as she got to her door “…..your still a mythology major.” He turned around getting into the truck driving off. Joan still at the entrance, smiling in acknowledgment.
Back at your apartment, the twins were back gossiping to you about model drama you could barely understand while they randomly asked questions about you, “ oh and Eliza got fatter so now we all have to weigh before booking! Can you believe it?? Let the girl eat a little extra cake at her mom’s funeral!” Selenne laughed sipping her tea “oh speaking of, miss mia wants us to help her with the wedding venue! Everyone in the building is invited. ” Elenois shook you a little clearly excited “I forgot they were fiancées, since they live together anyway” you giggled pouring another cup for everyone “ y/n! You didn’t tell us you were a max traditionalist~” Celine pointed at you, smiling “ of course not it’s just since they live together. My brain just automatically thinks that.” You felt a little embarrassed but the twins were known to make people sweat for fun. “ Miss Mia wants to have it during the summertime so we have a long time to prepare.” Sel sat back looking out the window “ good thing she doesn’t want it during the spring. It’s so rainy here.”
Francis knocked at the door the cat meowing, he knew it was hungry so it was a perfect opportunity to teach y/n how to care for it, you opened the door smiling then looking straight at the dramatic kitten meowing loudly “ you found a cat?” You asked getting on your toes to see it closer making Francis die of cuteness on the inside thinking to himself ‘she really did that almost automatically, how adorable’ mentally slapping himself he lowered his hand passing the kitten to her, y/n didn’t know if the cat was tiny or Francis hands were huge because it really fit in the palm of his hand only it’s a little leg spilling out, grab the sweet thing, putting it to your chest “aww poor baby, I bet your hungry” he spoke softly, almost afraid to burst its ear drums with your normal tone, Francis look down at you now getting the picture.
he was attracted to you.
You were smaller than him which every 1950s man wants from a partner and you look beautiful doing everything mundane like if he took a picture at a random moment, you would look like a model no matter what. As if someone directed you in that exact pose. And you dressed nicely. He Longed to see you in more colorful items, just to see your features shine brighter. He stared at you in his mind lovingly
But you looked back up to see the most stern look with furrowed brows “um…did I say something?” you got nervous stoking the cat for comfort “ the cat is hungry but do not feed it milk. That is a myth.” he spoke plainly opening one of the bags putting the food items on the table “ baby formula, warm water, and a little bit of kibble is good for the cat, what will you name it ?” He asked sounding pretty excited about the name part “ maybe we should feed it first and then think of a name” you said leading him into the kitchen with the supplies “hiii francy” the twins waved as he did back before they giggled to themselves “he was absolutely fucking her with his eyes “ selenne pushed her sister’s shoulder whisper yelling “ shutup, that’s so not appropriate!” El covered her mouth, both trying their hardest not to laugh too loud.
You and Francis came back from letting the cat eat sitting on the couch, the twins took the cat from you to pet and prod, “it might scratch” Francis pointed “ let them, I heard prodding pets is a good thing because it makes them more tempered” y/n poured him some tea “you had pets before?” He asked thanking her for the tea “we need to hear some y/n lore” Sel nodded “ I didn’t have pets, but my grandparents did, dogs cows, sheep, wasn’t a farm. It was more like a ranch. My parents live in the city like this one and they never really liked animals” you said studying your tea leaves “ Where is your family?” El asked rubbing the kittens belly “ across the country, I have a cousin who lives here. They are really busy.” You looked out the window at the rain. You didn’t want to tell them the whole truth. “We can understand, it seems everyone in this building has busy lives, aside from the housewives” Francis said ”your right” you nodded “oh have you heard about the wedding?” El asked Francis “no, wedding? You two are getting married?” He asked a little frantic “no no we’re not throwing out our careers yet. Mia’s and Dr. aftons wedding!” Selenne rolled her eyes “oh, yes the doctor asked me to be in the grooms party, I think his bachelor party will be at the bowling alley” "yeah sounds like Dr. afton" Sel sighed "mia still doesnt know what she wants, but she does wanna vote so we all have fun!" El smiled surveying the room, francis was staring at his tea cup but you were in the conversation completely "anyway we forgot we have a alot of calls to make love ya bye" she placed the kitten in your hands before pulling her sister out of the apartment "lets give the love birds forced time alone" she whispered to her twin closing the door behind them
"odd" francis glanced at the door
"yeah, hope everythings ok" you sighed looking down at the cat as he stared at you
“Name?” Francis asked clearing his throat “no idea…I’ll think about it” you placed the kitten on the couch as it played with the tassels on the pillow “well, I’m going to head home, tell me when you name her, I’m excited to know” he said you got up and smiled walking him to the door “of course Francis, thank you for the gift” you blushed opening the door hoping for anything “Yaknow I heard that a man giving their loved one a cat is a proposal in Norse mythology” he said grabbing your hand and kissing it “but neither of us are of Viking blood I don’t think ” (sorry if you are) he walked to his door and you stared holding your hand kissing it softly to feel his lips in spirit
A few weeks had passed and you were on a late shift again. The cat followed you around the building so in turn she now had a bed in the office, it 9pm and you had to wait for 5 of the residents to come home late from a press party
Natasha was in the office playing with the cat “do you have a name for her yet?” She asked making it chase a mouse on a string “no…suggestions?” You pulled out a list of names residents have considered passing it to the little girl “hm..” she wrote a few names even her own “…no Natasha” you said crossing out hers, she shrugged and went back to the cat, time passed and you got a little worried turning on the radio, the twins giving you which channel had the convention/press party coverage. You listened in, and rolled your eyes at the sounds of officials and other higher ups giving empty speeches, a knock at the door made you jump looking up to see natcha with her arms folded staring at her daughter “so. This is what you do at bedtime now? I thought I had more time before you started sneaking out” she held her temple sighing you got up feeling guilty for not even asking Natasha if she even asked her mom to be with you “I’m sorry I just assumed since it’s Friday um, I should have called you ma’am” you looked down seeing natcha look back at you with the ‘mom look’ “no don’t apologize, I should have checked on her earlier but I was busy cleaning, Natasha. Room. Now. And I’m taking your record player tomorrow” she said it so calmly, no yelling just a sweet calm yet stern tone “aww mom!! I’m gonna be bored all day!” Natasha folded her arms pouting “ too bad so sad. Up.” She pointed out the door and Natasha walked still pouting “so sorry you had to see punish my child y/n” natcha said fixing her house coat “no no don’t worry about, I just wish my parents were as calm as you are” you smiled seeing another resident walk over, Francis looked over “something happen?” He asked standing near natcha at the doorway, you could see her side step to not touch him. Her face contorting slightly but fixing itself “Natasha sneaked out to play with the cat n the doorman” she said side eyeing him “nat? Sneaking out? She’s 11” he said just kind of knowing? You felt your stomach drop a bit…hoping they couldn’t tell “she’s 12 in a week.” Natcha stated before walking off “goodnight everyone.” She went back to her sweet tone, there it was. The way he turned to look at her, it shot you in the heart a bit “your still working?” He asked walking in, the cat rubbing against him purring “a few of the residents are still not here, neither is the night shift” you looked away from him with a sour look on your face, you felt so stupid. You two were not a thing and also haven’t even kissed yet and here you are assuming a broken family and getting jealous of a woman who’s only ever shown you kindness not to mention fed you. Francis could tell you were reeling from something but didn’t know how to approach “…I can make you a coffee, I got donuts from a friend today” he walked over placing his hand on your arm “you look tired” his warm hand and gravily voice from just waking up made you feel better yet worse, “your one to talk” you smiled trying to let go “so mean” he let go “ I’ll be back” he walked off, you watching the way he moved Lowkey checking the sway of his ass but quickly looking away. The cat sat at the desk ‘listening’ to the radio with you as you gave it scritches “what about Lucy? Mimi? Tiger?” You read off the list of names to the feline hoping it would give some type of approval but you were sure if it nodded you would scream. Francis came back placing a coffee and a muffin and donut “pick” he said pointing, you grabbed his hand pointing it to the chocolate muffin “ I don’t want to be up all night via sugar and coffee” you smiled taking a bit “thank you” you covered your mouth he hummed taking the donut kissing your head before walking out. God you want to fly and throw yourself out a window at the same time, two people walked in, the pilots. Both disfigured and grotesque slamming the papers against the window making you jump “let us in. Miss door man.” One said somehow with a stitched mouth “eat my ass.” You said back making the younger one angry trying to get to you through the paper hole. Fuck I ran out of spa
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lovelybunnigum · 5 months
charlie redesign concept
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i really liked the idea of her being like a goat and also the doll thing sounded cool too so shes a goat doll hybrid rn
design is outdated cus now she has two sets of horns
also one set of horns can turn into snakes just cus i really wanted to add in snakes to her design
outfit is inspired by male lolita fits cus like lolita is kinda doll like yaknow but still wanted it to kinda look like a uniform
also changing the eye in her mouth thing
idk what but yeah
and she has a tail
in her normal form shes mostly furry and flesh and shi with the doll joints still visible but in fuller demon form her skin, fur, thing hardens to be like the smooth surface of a dolls skin
again design is outdated and i want to try to take another stab at it, see if i can improve anything
chat please tell me if any ideas here are stupid or not, critism wanted and needed
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dkmbookworm · 1 month
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Oh my god so this topic exactly is why I dont see diomedes fitting in with epic. Like im a HUGE fan of him (and odypendio) and I could see him being in Ithaca in some post-canon even in the epic canon but he is just not A Character in Epic to be encluded in ody's time in the trojan war as as close as he is in the source material yaknow
Oh definitely. I think it’s fun when I see works include diomedes in a future/post-canon fic or comic. But Jorge is trying to keep his story self/contained to the odyssey itself because it creates a clearer storyline to work with
Most people have read the odyssey in hs and have a decent understanding of its plot, but by composition the Illiad wasn’t covered as much outside of notes (at least in my school’s case). He already has to juggle a lot of characters and storylines and musical themes and motifs, so this just makes it easier for him as an indie creator + he is retelling his story to get the theme he wants across most.
It’s why he has been explicitly clear that epic cannot be supplemental material over reading the odyssey. You will fail, he took creative liberties for his retelling. To say the least about translating a character for a modern audience within the setting itself
Just think of how much it takes in terms of the set up to have a character who opens the story with killing a baby. And still walk out of it sympathetic after that. We have an entire trope around “wouldn’t hurt a child” for villain character and Odysseus explicitly goes against this. Because we have the set up that he is being faced with trolley problems throughout his journey “the blood on your hands is something you won’t lose, all you can choose is whose”. Violence is inescapable in this world and you have to make a decision about whose blood is going to be spilt, your own or someone else’s.
But this kind of falls apart if you consider the original illiad as canon to this and see what ody was during the actual war. He was already ruthless, downright cruel at times. And this has been memed on plenty in cases where diomedes comes back into the story to recount what they did together in the war. If the illiad was adapted, any idea of what happens specifically has to come from Jorge as this is his version of Odysseus and would need to fit into his storyline/character progression for him.
The death of Iphigenia, abandoning Philoctetes, enslaving Hecuba, etc. All these things contradict actions/decisions Odysseus takes in the story and it makes sense to leave them out in this context.
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heartscrypt · 1 year
For the miraculous au
would it not be silly and goofy if when not as superheros and in their like school. normal teenage life. like. yaknow. in canon. jamil has a big (in denial) crush. bc hes ladybug. idk where im going with this
i love your miraculous jamiazu au i think thats the main idea from this ask
using this ask as an excuse to pull out the love square map (i'm actually fucking crazy)
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OK SOOOO. so. i was not kidding when i said the love square was different from the show. ive kind of swapped around the dynamics from the original to fit the characters better
everything under a read more so as to not intimidate anyone with how severely ill i am about them
jamil -> azul: in contrast to the mlb canon jamil will NOT have a big ginormous stalker crush on azul. in fact he does not like azul and will often clam up / go quiet around him. will excuse himself from interactions with the other and generally avoid the hell out of him because he thinks the other is so clearly hiding something and he does NOT want to get wrapped up in it
azul -> jamil: think pre-book 4 incident where azul's had an eye on jamil for a very long time. if anything he has the big ginormous stalker crush. but honestly its not full on crush territory (yet) because jamil refuses to talk to him and he hasn't interacted extensively with the other. however does think there is something going on with jamil avoiding him and relentlessly pursues him in response
scarab -> léopard: scarab just instinctively works better with léopard by his side. there's sort of an implicit trust between the both of them that the other is fully capable of whatever they set out to do which is. really nice. and they rely on each other in the heat of battle which is strange because scarab's ego means he often takes a lot of shit on himself under the idea that he's the only one who can do it. but also léopard is just an enigma to him because they'll work so well in battle but out of battle léopard's constant flirting gives scarab a headache... but it's also kind of flattering. in a way. because léopard is constantly Looking for him and shows a lot of interest in who he is as a person which doesn't happen a lot for scarab in his civilian form
léopard -> scarab: léopard is a mercenary which means that he's not partners with scarab. he just happens to "run into" the other "by coincidence" (not coincidence) and you know. he's so benevolent. why not help scarab out with the akuma. he is charmed by how much scarab is NOT like a hero. scarab thinks like a villain and is unafraid to use and manipulate others in order to accomplish his goals. but the end result is perceived as heroic of him. léopard wants him so bad for this it is fucking CRAZY he thinks scarab's capabilities and range are so attractive and will constantly make passes at him whenever they cross paths
jamil -> léopard: from jamil's experiences with léopard as scarab, jamil finds that léopard may actually be tolerable when he's not flirting constantly. jamil's still not keen on letting this guy save him from akumas (because jamil is scarab and by god if léopard ever finds out he saved scarab in civilian form he's going to be so full of himself) but he trusts léopard and is willing to let his snarkier side show, more than he usually does when he's jamil
léopard -> jamil: léopard is ecstatic at the fact that jamil is actually talking to him. yes it might take a whole other secret identity and a leather bodysuit to do so but. you know. a win is a win. uses his position as léopard to pry for more info from jamil, but it's always a push/pull back and forth where jamil seems to tolerate and even occasionally be amused by hus presence but will shut him down once he gets too close. his infatuation with the other in civilian form is fed by these small interactions he has with the other that shows there's more to jamil that meets the eye
azul -> scarab: azul is scarab's biggest supporter. naturally. praises the superhero's diligence and duty to the city loudly and vocally to anybody who will listen, and wants to get scarab involved in his future business ventures. may intentionally put himself in situations where the other will come save him so he can entrap the other into talking with him in civilian form to see if he can get any more clues into scarab's identity. also desperately tries to impress scarab when unable to transform with the skills he learned from being léopard.
scarab -> azul: scarab, drawing off his experiences as jamil, finds azul's persistence a little daunting and definitely a danger to his secret identity. however it's also odd to see a second side to azul pop out when he's trying to impress scarab. almost cute. if he didn't fail so much at it. gets scarab reconsidering his civilian form's thoughts on azul because azul somehow seems Less fake or. worse at being fake whenever jamil is scarab.
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 6 months
Hank Voight x Reader (Kinda)
So this is just a thing I wrote. Not sure what to call it. It’s not really a love story x reader or anything, it’s just that you’re the reader, yaknow? Anyways, trigger warning for violence cause we see the dark side of Voight in this one.
Have fun, and my requests are open if anyone has any other ideas. :)
“Voight.” The name rolled off his tongue like a hot knife cuts through butter. His demeanor was calm, almost stoic as he looked you over, up and down, reaching a hand out to shake yours. You reciprocated, giving him your firmest handshake, his gravely voice making your knees weak as it rung in your ears.
“(Y/N),” you replied. “I’ve heard your name around. Good to finally meet you.”
He hummed. “Then you know why I’m here,” he stated, his eyes meeting yours, staring into your soul.
“Yes,” you replied, sitting and leaning back in your chair. You were in your home office, with all your files around you. Files of people. You were the person who knew everything about everyone. You motioned to the files as you spoke. “You want to know about someone.”
“Not just anyone. I want to know about you.”
“Me?” You hummed, faking an expression of shock. You knew Sergeant Voight was there to arrest you. You just weren’t sure why he came alone. You hadn’t seen any other cars, undercover or otherwise, outside or around your house. Glancing to your security cameras on your computer, you still found only his vehicle outside your house. You hummed and looked back up to him. “And yet, you’ve come alone.”
He sat down in the chair facing your desk, taking out his pistol and messing with it nonchalantly, as if it weren’t a deadly weapon. He continued to look at you as he did, which made it even more eerie. “I need a file from you, first.”
“You know that my information is extensive, and it certainly isn’t free, Voight. So, the question isn’t if I can help you, but if you can do something for me.”
Hank hummed again, holstering his pistol and looking over you, as if debating two different scenarios in his head. His eyes roamed your figure, which was relaxed, your hands folded in front of you as you leaned to one side of the chair, elbow resting on the arm of it. Just as his eyes danced over your body, yours took their run at his. His arms, hidden by a light coat, were resting on his legs. His hands, tan from the fading summer’s sun, folded in front of him on his knees. He sat now with one leg up on the other, ankle on his thigh as he leaned back to examine you.
You already knew everything about him, and yet, seeing him in-person was so much different than you had expected. Your file on him had become your side project, of sorts, and was very large. Every witness report, every allegation, every case he worked. You had been building this file for months now, and had enough dirt on him to fill a small house. You knew everything about him. Yet, when your eyes came back to meet his, you were looking at someone unpredictable. Someone you couldn’t place.
“What would you want?” Voight asked, bringing you back to reality.
“My charges dropped. That’s the reason you’re here now, isn’t it? To arrest me in case I didn’t behave? I want my record expunged.”
He huffed a bit, putting his leg down so he could lean forward. “Your record expunged? Have you seen your record?”
“In fact, I have. My services aren’t free, Voight. And if you’re after the file I think you are, that’s just the start of my price.”
“You drive a hard bargain.”
“Yes, I do.” You stood up first, folding your arms in front of your torso. “So, that’s the first thing.”
“That’s going to take time.”
“I’m sure I can find another buyer who will be willing to work faster.”
He stood up to face you, leaning forward on your desk, looking you over again now that you were standing. You wore jeans that fit just right and a tshirt which showed off your chest and arms just the way you liked. Your lips pulled into a smirk as you leaned down on the desk to face him just the same. “So, what will it be, Henry?”
He seemed to falter as you used his birth name, but put his demeanor back the way it was. “(Y/N), we can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s up to you.”
“I don’t play nice,” you hissed, walking around your desk to face him, pushing his shoulders. “Now, get out of my house.”
“I still have a warrant for your arrest,” he growled in reply, letting you push him, but immediately reciprocating by using one hand to push you back into the wall instead. “You’re going to come with me.”
“And I’ll spill all of your dirty secrets to your coworkers.” You pushed back against him, but he was strong. Stronger than you thought a man his age to be. He had you pinned against the wall, inching closer and closer with every word.
“Nobody will believe you,” he replied, shaking his head, but that notion only made you scoff.
“You’re bluffing. I could think of at least four people who want to tear you out of that position. They would listen to me. I’d give them everything.”
His body pressed onto yours, pushing you further into the maroon painted drywall behind you. You huffed, but his body pressed closer and closer until you felt like you couldn’t breathe. His face was mere inches from yours, your breaths mixing as they expelled from your lungs. Your heart raced, but you could feel the adrenaline pump through his body all the same.
“Sounds like we’re in a stalemate,” he growled again, leaning forward to your ear. “One of us will break, and it will be you. Or, you could just give me the file and this would all go away.”
“I’m not giving you the file, and you’ll never get to it,” you huffed again, moving your hands up to push his shoulders back. He pulled back at your silent command, just a little, so he could see your face again. His deep brown eyes met yours, and you shuddered, seeing his exact intentions in that moment.
“I tried to be civil.”
That was the last thing you remembered hearing before he pulled you from the wall, slamming you down on the desk. Your head throbbed in protest as you felt his weight lean over you again. He pinned your hands behind your back, gripping your hair and craning your neck backward. You cried out at the uncomfortable sensation, whimpering beneath him, but refusing to relent. Pulling you up again, he pushed you backward against the wall. You hit with a soft thud before groaning, trying to catch your breath as you used the wall for support.
Voight moved over to you, grabbing your hair again and pulling you up, pulling you to the kitchen a few rooms over. You fought as much as you could, but your strength was no match for his. His face was stone cold as he pushed you into a chair, grabbing some zip-ties from his pocket and tying down your wrists and ankles. You tried to protest before he could get all of them fastened, but he slapped you hard, then punched you in the gut, making you wheeze as the air expelled too quickly from your lungs. You felt like you couldn’t breathe for a moment, getting a little lightheaded. You looked up at him when you regained yourself, swallowing hard as you realized he had gotten a butcher’s knife from the drawer.
“Last chance,” he said, walking over and teasing the skin on your face with the blade. “Give me the combination to your safe.”
“You’ll never get it if you kill me,” you said, rolling your eyes at him.
He pressed the blade into your skin, slowly moving it along your cheek to draw blood. “Kill you? No.” He leaned down in your ear, pulling the knife away and pressing the tip of it against your thigh. “But you’re going to wish I had.”
Suddenly, he brought the knife up, then stabbed it with full force into your thigh, pulling away and leaving it there, sticking out. You gasped and cried out in pain, hot tears coming to your eyes. You swallowed hard, breathing rapidly. “F-Fuck you, Voight!”
“You wish,” he huffed in reply, getting a steak knife from the drawer. “You’re going to full of holes by the time I’m done with you. I’m sure one of them will satisfy me.”
You could hardly believe the audacity of the man before you. You’d known him inside and out, all of his dirty secrets were yours, but you could’ve never known how horrible he actually was, deep inside. How morbid he was. Yet, he still slept at night without issue. It was something he nearly bragged about.
He raised the second knife, bringing it down in your forearm. You felt it go all the way through and into the wooden arm of the chair. You screamed in pain, in which he hit you again in the face, grabbing your collar and jostling you, making it hurt worse. “The combination!”
You spat at him, growling in protest, and he took a small moment to look at you before pushing his hands into your face, forcing you to crane your neck back uncomfortably, not to mention his fingernails digging into your skin, leaving deep scratches. You cried out again in pain, trying to escape his grasp. When he finally pulled away, he moved around your kitchen, looking for something else.
He emerged from a drawer with kitchen scissors. If you didn’t fear this man before, you sure did now. The way his eyes darkened as he moved toward you, footsteps heavy, had you shivering. Your heart pounded in your ears, louder and harder than ever. Tears rolled down your cheeks from the pain you’d experienced thus far, but he had no sympathy for you. This was survival for him. You had everything. Everything that could burn him.
You watched as he came to you, flinching and wondering what he was going to do, but when he took your pinkie finger between the scissor blades, you panicked. “W-Wait, WAIT!” You screamed, panting. You knew Voight was serious enough to actually do it, which pushed you to break. “It’s 01-25-73!”
He looked at you for a moment before pulling back, putting the scissors on the counter. You let out a deep breath as he walked away, letting your chin drop to your chest in relief. “Fuck!” You cried, not knowing what would happen next. For all you knew, he would kill you anyways.
Voight left the room and walked into your office, opening the safe and gathering all of the folders. There were about ten thick folders worth of information. He left anything else you’d had in the safe, only taking what he came for. He came back and put them on the counter, humming and looking down at you. “You didn’t have to make it this hard.”
“Fuck you!” You screamed, pulling against the zip ties. “Fucking psychopath!”
Hank hummed. “Maybe.” He walked over, using the scissors to cut one of your wrists, then leaving them just out of your reach on the counter. He grabbed the files and walked out of the house. You could hear him get into his SUV, start it, and promptly drive away.
“Bastard!” You screamed, having to hurt yourself more to be able to grab the scissors, then cutting yourself loose. You pulled the knives from your limbs, limping to the bathroom to get your first aid kit, collapsing on the floor. As you patched yourself up, you couldn’t help but think of him, and how you’d just given up everything. He hadn’t taken your money, or any of the files on your desk. He’d taken only one.
His file.
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
I’ve been holding back this ramble forever but the food episode makes me tear up and i NEED to talk about it.
The food episode was the only episode I really couldn’t watch as a kid. I remember being horrified by it. to this day i still feel uneasy thinking about it, even though it doesn’t scare me in the slightest anymore. the reason i feel uneasy now isnt because im scared, its because to me its the saddest episode of the whole series and makes me want to punch walls. when i was younger i didnt notice a lot of the things ive noticed now, and every time i watch the episode i notice even more.
a lot of people talk about this episode as if red guy ran away and wants nothing to do with the house, that he’s trying to save the other two by bringing them to his world. while i dont think this is a wrong or bad interpretation, considering it’s understandable, id like to talk about my own interpretation. i dont think red guy even knew how he left. keep in mind he just exploded and then woke up in an office. there’s absolutely nothing suggesting he ran away on purpose. all he wanted was for colin to shut up, he wasnt intending to find the room he found. this itself isnt an interpretation, its a fact, BUT how he feels about it and what he does in the red guy world is completely up to interpretation! mine is that he wants to go home instead of trying to get the other two out of it. lemme explain ok hear me out:
throughout the entire food episode red guy is constantly popping up in the background somewhere. hes drawn behind windows and his head is in the microwave in one shot. when duck knocks the camera over for a split second you can even see his legs as it falls. the leg thing is what really got me, because most other times he was simply drawn. but those were his actual legs standing in the kitchen. to me it represents the fact that he isnt actually there but is “haunting” the other two. they dont really remember him but they can see him out of the corners of their eyes. hes blurry and far away but they KNOW someone is there (or WAS there, i should say). but on his end i think it could represent how hes still there in his head, how hes still singing songs and shit like that despite being out of that world. he says he hated that world, that hes allergic to music, but now that hes gone from it its stuck in his head. he misses the music. he misses his friends. hes still there in spirit.
before i continue id just like to say that, no, the main three INCLUDING RED GUY dont always want to leave the house. especially when they have to leave the others behind. whenever theyre off somewhere they usually want to go back home, yellow guy even said “i want to go home” word for word once. but he also said “no more songs” these things can exist at the same time guys. they can not want to drown in oil but still want to live in their house, yall realize that right? thats a huge theme in the show, that the house and the main three have a very complicated relationship. they dont want to leave their home they just want it to, yaknow, NOT EAT THEM. so i think red guy wanting to come home isnt at all out of character. and he doesnt like the red guy world anyway, why would he take his friends there when theyre wacky as shit and wouldnt fit in there or enjoy it at all? also id like to make the point that he doesnt know what’s happening in the house (at least not the seriousness of it) until he sees the machine. so him trying to save the other two from getting munched makes no sense to me personally. AGAIN THO THIS IS JUST MY INTERPRETATION!! YOURS IS VALID TOO AND I LOVE YOU!!!
But anyway continuing on, ducks reaction especially makes me insane. whenever i see how duck acts in episodes like “jobs” when he starts freaking out and trying to get the first aid kit for yellow guy im reminded of this episode. duck really does love his friends at heart. he doesnt want to leave the house, he sees no point, but to me the reason he doesnt want to leave is BECAUSE of his friends (or at least one of the reasons). in the tv series duck has a whole argument with red guy about leaving, and while some people say this duck is different than webseries duck i have to disagree. i think duck wouldve always argued about staying, but i also think hed always want to leave if red guy did. duck always switches up as soon as something is “wrong”. he always wants to stay until one of his friends is acting weird/hurt/missing and then suddenly the world isnt right and he doesnt want to be there. not only that but he will do everything in his power to fight against the things keeping him from his friends or hurting them, even if it means risking his own life. he knew some weird shit was going on every time he answered the phone, but despite that he continued answering anyway. he interrupted the songs and pushed things away and kept running to the phone, being disobedient and not giving a damn. this isnt unusual for duck, but it makes me especially ill, because he acts very confused as well. hes very upset, not mad like he usually is but genuinely upset and worried. most likely because of how hazy his memory is. my favorite scene of the series is when he pushes over the camera and says “i dont want to do this anymore” it rips my heart apart hes just like me fr. it also comes back to the transport episode, where hes like “well the song wasnt that great but at least it was funny. nobody gets TOO hurt by these songs and stuff so who cares? why leave?” i think hes always thought this way, the reason he says “i dont want to do this ANYMORE” is because suddenly the world has shifted. suddenly things are much more sinister and make even less sense. suddenly he is in genuine danger, and he isnt coming back this time. things have gone too far now, and he tries tearing down reality itself to get out, but unfortunately hes just not strong enough.
i also like to think that the food is singing about red guy the whole time, not actually food, and how he deserves punishment, and if you end up like him youll be punished too (which is exactly what happens to duck for answering the phone) “the bad, not-healthy foods are very rude! and must leave through the catflap!” isnt that what red guy did? he wandered too far and saw what he shouldnt have so he was sent away. also the steak says “you need to know whats right from wrong” which doesnt go with the rest of the song at all and seems to be directed at duck specifically. it seems more like theyre trying to keep duck and yellow guy in line rather than teach them about food. when they say “you shouldnt eat food from a strangers plate” considering the previous lyrics and the context before the chanting i think theyre talking about not believing what youre told by “strangers” (aka the non-teacher characters) theyre saying not to listen to whatever red guy is trying to say, to not answer the phone, to not end up like him. or at least thats what i think anyway.
lastly, the ending. yellow guy sitting in the kitchen alone, in the dark, covered in blood while the phone loudly rings is probably the most haunting part of the series to me. remember what i said about not being scared? well i LIED. this scene specifically still scares the fuck out of me. it fills me with genuinely painful dread. the scene where he looks over at the phone, hearing it but not getting up to answer it and letting it ring until red guy gives up is heartbreaking. im not sure if yellow guy even knows what’s happening in this scene, but hes been taught by now to NOT ANSWER THE PHONE. so he doesnt. and the teachers leave him alone with the phone because theyre confident he wont answer it. and theyre right. it breaks my heart just looking at it. in the next episode he ends up fighting back just like duck did, but just like duck, he cant truly do anything. it really puts into perspective how powerless all three of them are. god it ruins me. all they wanted was to know what the biggest thing in the world was, and now theyve been torn apart for wandering too far. cries and sobs
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lostonehero · 2 months
PLEASE elaborate on the werewolf Elias idea omfg
That sounds so interesting
Hope you're ready for a lore dump
So Elias 7th born werewolf actually a big terrifying wolf during the full moon
Elias can not grow facial hair and has little to no body hair, which is incredibly rare, and he's thin and small, which again is abnormal for a natural born werewolf first off, so he is easily mistaken as human
Second fears are entirely separate from this supernatural side so Jonah has no fucking idea about any of it and thinks it's fake and doesn't exist because again removed from the fears or the fears have a bastardized version of the creature (ex stranger changling hunt wolf end vampire etc etc)
Jonah doesn't choose who his eyes get placed in the Beholder does (this is cannon to my fics fight me) so the whole things happens and Elias isn't dead surprise they are sharing a body. Jonah doesn't let Elias have control.
Jonah gets settled and can't marry Peter because Elias is born male. Move in together in the span of two weeks.
(Fun fact another cannon to my fics. Jonah is originally a Trans man. I just wanted to put that out there)
Elias is throwing alarm bells as it gets closer and closer to the full moon. Jonah thinks he is crazy and doesn't understand why he isn't gone yet.
Peter likes that Elias is in their, spices things up, but he does roll with the werewolf thing and uses every version of a puppy nickname.
Elias is basically trying to force himself in control and tries amd fails to get Jonah to get Peter to leave right until the moon rises
The morning after comes
Elias has control
Jonah is fucking confused and slightly scared to see everything a mess Peter has bloody bandages on.
"I told you to eat more, but noooo I'm the fucking crazy one." Elias huffs as he puts a pair of boxers on in the mess. "I'm crazy werewolves aren't real. Like here's your fucking proof asshat."
Jonah is too stunned to fight back for control, which he won't get until Elias lets him
"I haven't turned anyone since I was born and you fucking ruined that." Elias finds his phone through the mess and dials a number he knows by heart. "Hush up you damn vic- edwardian cunt." He sighs. "No, Oliver, I wasn't talking to you. Look, it's complicated. I'll text you the address, and yes, I did turn someone, but like, I'm also possessed by one Jonah Magnus.... yes, I know.... well how the fuck was I suppose to know I would get his eyes? Ok... yeah, that would be great. No, I can clean up. You don't have to help it's not as bad as I thought.... yeah that would be nice... what do I owe you? Don't give me that just because... fine, fine, you're right... thanks, man."
Time passes Peter is carried into bed and tea is placed on the bedside table and the apartment is cleaned before there is a knock.
"You got an end avatar to help us?" Jonah stares at Oliver, who answers the door.
Elias sighs heavily. "He's not just an end avatar, Jonah. Oliver is a vampire he was turned around the black death, and not one of the fear ones. Sorry, I'm still getting used to sharing a body. You can come in. I just finished cleaning, Peter is inside in bed, but he still hasn't woken up. He just got the fever yaknow."
Oliver steps in holding up two large bags. "I got all the stuff you need for yourself and him. You look like shit."
"Thanks." Elias sighs, taking a bag. "The asshole wouldn't listen when I said eat more, and I just barely started to get a bit of fat on my body too. That's gone. At least I know all his suit fittings are ruined."
Oliver sighs, but it sounds like a wheeze. "I'll look over Peter for you. Hopefully, he isn't having a bad reaction to the bite. Oh yeah, let our group know the whole deal with Jonah and sharing a body. I also got the paperwork started for Peter when he feels well enough to well you know grip what happened."
Elias nods. "Yeah, I get it."
Jonah has no idea what is going on and is freaking out
This entire conversation Jonah is freaking out and Elias is just ignoring him
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asherthehimbo · 11 months
Arm day
changbin x gn!reader
tried to keep it as vauge as possible when it came to description, only specific is that the reader is smaller than Changbin in terms of muscle
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•It started with you wanting to get more fit without doing cardio because you hated it, so, so so much. Well, I mean, you didn't hate running or going on a walk but running on a treadmill?? forget it
•You knew you wanted to change something about your body, but you weren't sure what, that's when you remembered, you have a gym rat of a boyfriend.
•Your first plan of action was to observe him, so you went to the gym with him telling him you wanted to see his routine, not entirely true, not a lie either.
•While he was distracted you managed to get yourself a subscription, you had committed, no going back now.
•You would go every day after work, telling him that your hours had changed, you wanted to surprise him, build enough muscle to be able to keep up with his routine so you two could train together, your only problem? you HATED doing arms. more than cardio, ok maybe not more than cardio but still, it was close.
•But still, if you wanted to keep up with your boyfriend you needed to do this, you don't know where this urge to workout came from, but it was welcomed.
•While you were struggling at the gym, your boyfriend was struggling at home, you had told him your work schedule changed, that he understood, but when you came home you were always sweaty, out of breath, didn't want to touch him until you've had a shower, which was weird because you've NEVER refused a welcome home hug from Binni, ever.
•This caused your dramatic boyfriend to draw even more dramatic conclusions. When you came home that day tired out of your mind because not only did your boss give your ×2 the work today, but you also upped the sets in your usual routine, you didn't immediately notice that something was off with Changbin.
•It was only after you showered, dressed in Pajamas, and ate dinner with Binnie in front of the tv did you notice something was off. So, as the caring partner you were, you decided to ask .
•"Everything okay? you're weirdly silent, babe."
•"I don't know why don't you ask your new lover?"
•cue the confusion. After an hour of reassuring him that you in fact were not cheating on him, especially not having sex everyday after work, he decided to ask. "Well then what are you doing?"
•You knew the work excuse wouldn't hold up forever, but you wished it would have lasted longer than this. "Well… remember when I went with you to the gym a few months ago? I kinda wanted to start training, too. But I didn't want to tell you because I wanted to get in shape enough to follow your routine so we could go to the gym together, like a couple activity. With your traveling and my work, we can't have as many dates as we usually would, so I thought this would be fun. I wanted to surprise you, yaknow? You already do so much. I thought you would like this. But now it's ruined :/"
•You didn't look at him while you said it, but after the words left your mouth and you glanced up at him, he was staring at you with his eyes filled with so much adoration and the biggest smile, you were sure his cheeks were going to hurt later.
•Before you could even try and say another word, he grabbed your face and gave you a very long kiss. You had to tap his chest to let him know that 'hey, humans need oxygen dummy'
•"What was that for?" "I just love you so much" "I love you too Bin, but aren't you mad?"
•He was in pure disbelief, why would he be mad, you were actively trying to participate in something that was a big part of his life, you were showing him that you cared. Instead of answering he just pulled you next to him, in a tight hug and wouldn't let you go.
•Once you were in his grip he stopped in his tracks, squeezing you a few times, until he spoke again "If you were building muscle why are you wearing baggy clothes?"
•You stare at him dumbfounded, "I did tell you I wanted to surprise you, It wouldn't be much of a surprise if you saw growing muscle Bin." ok, yeah, that checked out.
•The next day Changbin excitedly jumped up and down in the gym, showing you off to the staff going "LOOK, LOOK, LOOK AT MY PARTNER" you didn't see the need since they already knew you, but let him have his fun nonetheless, he was to cute to stop.
•Sadly today was arms :(, you hated this, or so you thought. Watching Changbin work on his arms, completely forgetting about your own workout you came to a conclusion.
•Maybe arm day wasn't that bad.
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Stray kids masterlist | Home page
Notes: I wrote this while at the gym :) It's cringy and doesn't completely make sense, but because of the reaction to my Jongho drabble, I got the motivation to write something so here is this.
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I have to admit, I have no idea how you manage to translate. I just had a translation exam and... yeah.
"Urge", that's probably "recommander de urgement" (sic). "Recommander" feels too much like an advice you can just discard. "Conseiller" (advice)? Ditto. Well, let's go with recommander. Wait, how do I spell it? "Urgamment?" (sic), "urgeamment?" (sic) how do I even spell "urgant" (sic)? "Urgeant" (sic)? It feels weird with the e. It's probably urgant (sic). [A few seconds later...] Wait, no, it's urgent! So is it "urgemment" (sic)? Let's write that.
[Sees a second "urge"] err... "Conseiller" really feels too mild. What could it be?
"Conseiller" nope.
"Recommander" no.
"Conseiller" NO!
"Pousser" nope, that one is too much of an active action.
"Inviter" oh. Yeah. That fits.
Then I had several occurances of "how do I write this French word?" Précédemment/Précédamment, démarrer/démarer...
i forgot you havent seen me go mad because of translating yet. hm. [one example], [another better example] of my madness. and also [an example of what a dissection of intention] looks like when i do it and another of [what sentence deconstruction] looks like when i'm stuck
fam. i've been translating for nearly 2 years now. got dozens of thousand of published words behind me, some more thousand unpublished. i am used to the madness and the suffering of it. and i am not alone in the process. i call friends to ask whether something sounds aight, i use [deepL] for when im stuck on a particular word, [context reverso] when an expression escapes my mind. i do not rely on my faulty brain or the guys in my head alone.
hate translation exams with your heart as i hate the summer ❗❗❗ world's worst way to test translation capabilities
like just with your example word "urge". no word is ever divorced from its context in an actual translation setting! whether you're working with books, poems, medication instructions, package labels, or anything you could think of, they all exist in a context that provides expected vocabulary! just being given a word on its own also strips it of expected word class, like "urge" can be a verb or a noun, and in french those would be entirely different words yeah? a noun would be "une envie/un désir" and a verb would be "inciter/exhorter"! Give Me Context To Work With!!
as for spelling, i always think of my professor's favorite phrase: french is just vibes trying to look pretty. except for the set-in-stone rules yaknow (-o at beginning, au middle, eau end, CECI for when C is pronounced S and G isn't hard, etc.)
and i still dont know when it's leur or leurs in any given setting.
conclusion: it comes with experience *shrugs*
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fluffypotatey · 11 months
also. i was thinking abt ur analysis on soysauce duo’s relationship, and how macaroni and mk’s relationship has that more direct progression in terms of caring about each other/mentorship, and also that it gives me a very nice opening to talk about my favorite line in s4: “Nice tail, kid,” from macaque in 4x09.
just. like. that’s the first nice thing anybody’s said about this terrifying new monkey form, and it’s so important that macaque says it. in a past season, that would’ve been a taunt, but here it’s about as close to sincere as macaque ever gets, and how it shows that the character development from s3 has stuck, that he isn’t just here to be a dick. yaknow??? <- frantically gesturing at a red string board with the clown wig firmly fitted on
*nods at board and takes her own red strings from her pocket* yeah, yeah exactly
they're relationship is literally "hey kiddo" (derogatory) to "hey kiddo" (affectionate). every insult that Macky threw at MK in the past (which was really just a backhanded compliment), now hold sincerity and geniune compliments to it. and you know what? THEY'RE DYNAMIC ALSO FLIPPED!!!
like, if you think about it, both MK & SWK's dynamic and MK & Macky's dynamic have flipped. it's Macky now who's trying to reach out and be friendly with MK still distrustful and throwing barbs (which Makcy takes in stride bc....fair is fair tbh) and yeah 100% agree that Macadoo's comment on MK's monkey form being the 1st positive one is a big deal and super important.
the previous ones coming from:
Ink!MK, who used that form to highlight how dangerous MK is to his friends and the world and will be the catalyst to its end;
Sun Wukong, who ignored the issue and was trying to placate MK. which, to be fair, was needed because Mk was not in the right mind, but SWK's mitigation (i think is a better word bc Wukong did acknowledge but was trying not to make a big deal out of it) ended up aggravating MK further because, once again, he feels like his pain and issues are being deflected.
and MK's friends, Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, and Mei, who were also overwhelmed by the events but weren't even sure how to react to MK's new burst of power.
and then you have Macaroni, who, if we remember, was unaware of the events that just transpired (at least, i think he was unaware bc he made a joke about Wukong being a lazy ass, which would be a low blow if Macartney was aware of everything in 4x08). all Macackle gets is MK pleading at him to stop with the taunting and THEN JUST GIVES UP ON WHAT HE WAS SAYING BECAUSE HE'S EXHAUSTED AND FEELS USED AND BROKEN AND CONFUSED AND MAYBE IF MAC DOES TAUNT HIM AT LEAST ONE THING OF HIS LIFE IS TYPICAL AND-*gets taken off the stage*
*comes back but now covered in scratches and blood* sorry, uh, what was i saying?
ah yes,
the fact that it is Macandy who comments on it (he is shown to be shocked about it and knows that something is up) and just a simple "uh, you have a tail now," it's "nice tail by the way."
no questions about how it happened, no concern over what transpired. just an acknowledgment of it and a positive one which is the complete opposite of what MK's been shown because it is the part of him that is supposed to be bad and chaotic and the Harbinger. it can't bring good or be something hopeful....can it?
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