#but ill be fine im sure 😊
ivydarkrose · 11 months
Thank you everyone for the birthday messages and well wishes 💖🎉
You're all so sweet! ✨
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faaun · 6 months
i think if i painted my ex situationship i'd be cured it's the most shallow but intense connection i've had w anyone i think i am so obsessed w how she looks i want 2 photograph her/paint her forever rant in tags but ive talked abt it b4 so feel free to ignore
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taissaswifelowkey · 29 days
Yellowjackets calling/texting you pt.ii!
a/n: DAMNN okay so i really need to figure out how to insert hyperlinks without it showing the whole thing 💀💀 also in pt i, i mistakenly added jackie TWICE instead of including lottie :(( my bad. ig it’ll be up to us to interpret who’s who 😭
i also decided to do a modern timeline for once!! proofread and as usual feedback is always welcome and enjoy 🥶💯💯
italics = texts, dialogues will be known with quotation marks
warnings: mentions of canon elements! they’re light spoilers but i’d rather be safe than sorry about ruining the show for someone. self-indulgent but you already know it yellowjackets gay propaganda 😎‼️‼️
modern timeline
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📚 with meetings, galas and interviews and both of your conflicted schedules taissa doesn’t always have time to be with you (even though you’re often her plus one!) you’re not that much at the house at the same time but she’ll always text you to check up on you, making sure you and sammy are okay. ive said this once and ill say it again, ms turner is an avid ellipses and ok user. also uses the 👍 emoji
I made pasta!!
👍 Nice.
I might come home late…
Whose body do I need to bury??
i think she’ll also send you motivational quotes, or something related to philosophy. or anything that reminds her of your relationship. she can be simultaneously romantic and so nerdy, you love it
You know what this reminds me of? A certain quote of Socrates.
You talk about that guy more than you do about me 😒😒😒
🛹 if im thinking idealistically, it would be random texting with van. anything from memes, to weird statements, to memes again. but if you want my solid truthful opinion? i think she’s not really that big on technology. will mostly call you for hours using her vintage landline. you two however do keep contact with each other in any way when you’re apart, or when she’s on yj business
This TikTok has me rolling and sobbing
TikTok as in…the clock? Why would it make you cry? Are you okay?
phone calls when you are away! she loves hearing your voice :(( and you love hearing her laugh. she swears it’s awful but you like it in a “i like that laugh, hahaha” way. but back to idealist thinking, she would honestly use a list of emojis to communicate like
What’s happening?
I’m saying yes for the groceries get with the times 🙄😒🫤
🕷️ nat will forget to answer your text messages but she’ll still answer you as soon as she remembers? or she’ll just reply to you in person. otherwise than that she’ll take pictures of anything that reminds her of you. idk why but i think she texts in all caps unintentionally. would also have a few typos
Omg are you okay?
would use all sorts of emojis in any context but according to her interpretation. it leaves you confused most of the time like what does 🦵 mean???
🎀 hear me out…same as van i feel that adult lottie doesn’t use her phone that much??? i mean sure a few texts here and there but it’s not allll the time. HOWEVERRRR if, let’s say you’re on some trip or something, she will call/text/facetime you every now and then. would also text you right after calling
Heyyy how are you 🥰🥰🥰
Good :)) and you?
Great but I just miss you
It’s only been 30 secs since we hanged up lot 😭😭
is the type of person to send you recommendations on outdoors or indoor activities like “we should do this 🥰🥰🥰”
🦉 misty is a serial texter (when she has time, being a nurse and a secondhand dexter takes up a lot of time) so, sporadically, you’ll have messages. pictures of her coffee, or to gossip with you and minion memes. im telling you your inbox are spammed with facebook memes to the point of it being slightly concerning? also uses acronyms and 😂🤣
LOL check THIS out I am ROFLING 😂😂😂
This is the 10th minion meme in a day 😭😭
will also correct you. is literally ☝️🤓 but it’s something about those asterisks and corrections that brings a smile to your face
🪵 shauna is basically your virtual reminder. you hardly even use the notes app. sends you voice messages and expects you to reply with the same format. sends you pictures of what she did throughout the day
Look at what I found in our garden today!!
Aww that’s a cute bunny can we name it Mayfield
WILL and WILL expect you to answer directly, or at least answer 10 minutes after. of course that not apply when you’re busy but if she’s doing the groceries and you’re at home you can answer, right? right???
🧸 voice messages with jackie taylor. like, podcasts. lots of tiktok memes, insta reels, just like lottie she will send you couple activities and be like we should do this omggg 😍😍😍 uses emojis, sometimes will spam you and WILL expect you to answer her too.
Hey beautifullll 🥰
Hi :)
Can you pls listen to my voice memo
Jax it’s three minutes long 😭😭
So??? It’s a signed masterpiece LISTEN TO IT
i think she’s also the type to send you playlists but also random recommendations, not just couple stuff. like clothing, jewellery, or makeup if that’s your thing. if you two are apart expect lots of 1 hour facetimes and thirty minutes of texting right after
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sophiie2000 · 3 months
Hi! I loveee your writing! If it's fine with you I'd like to request a crossover of Irresistible Mistake & OISY. It's where Shunichiro and MC are already married but MC is from the Miyoshi Concept of OISY & didn't meet as a fling. So the scenario is like this Shunichiro has been acting strange since morning. Like he looks at the door often which he was actually waiting for his wife as their in a Collab with them. So their surprised when he hugged & call her wife as they didn't know he's married.
Hey! Thank you so much! It means a lot to know that you've enjoyed my writing! ♡
I LOVED the sound of this scenario, and it had me thinking about how I could do your idea justice! 😊
I hope you enjoy this and I've managed to capture the essence of what you were hoping for! And thank you for trusting me with your idea! ☆
Request Crossover
Shunichiro Tachibana (IM) x MC (OISY)
Word Count ~ 1241
A bustle of nervous energy, thick as a fog, filled the halls of Addison & Rhodes offices. A nervousness unlike any the employees had ever experienced before. It wasn’t the typical anxious excitement from the team preparing for a meeting, or the worried jitters of the new hires about to experience their first assignment.
No. This nervousness was different. Why? Well, for starters because the person who seemed bursting with nervousness wasn’t a new hire aiming to please their bosses, nor was it the team leaders excited to begin a new project.
It was Mr Tachibana. Creative director of Addison & Rhodes. The man who had always been known for his brilliance, calm, collectiveness. A man all within the company look to for guidance.
The man who could face any challenge a project threw his way without batting an eye or displaying any sort of weakness, now strode back and forth, between his office and the conference room where a meeting with another company was scheduled to take place in less than 10 minutes.
He had treaded the same path between his office and the conference room so frequently that morning, it was a wonder he had not left a threadbare path in the carpet on the route he had taken.
Toma and Natsume watched as Mr Tachibana strode once more through the thick doors to the conference room which had already been prepared not once, not twice, but three times this morning after Mr Tachibana had deemed it lacking.
Demands had been directed in all directions. The water is too warm, prepare some more. Also bring a few extra bottles in case the three iced jugs already prepared would not be enough. Also make sure there is hot water available should that be preferred.
The coffee had to be remade, as Mr Tachibana had feared it may be too bitter. Then again, as the second batch seemed too weak. The regular mugs used during conferences had been deemed inadequate by Shunichiro this morning, and so the company’s best were fetched out of storage for the meeting.
Neither Toma, nor Natsume, could decipher why their boss had suddenly become so stressed about a regular initial meeting with another company to discuss a collaboration. Neither had been informed of the meeting being a level that required such anxiety. Had they underprepared themselves? Surely, their already anxious leader would have informed them if they were ill prepared.
Five minutes before the meeting, the employees of Addison & Rhodes required for the meeting filed into the conference room.
Toshiaki entered the room, noting his friends tension offered a quiet chuckle as he attempted to take the empty seat to Shunichiro’s right. The seat he occupied every meeting in which both attended. It had become an unspoken rule that when both were present, the chair at the head of the table, and the one to its right were to be occupied by the duo. However, before he could even begin to lower his body into the seat, Shunichiro stopped him, pushing the chair firmly back under the table. Toshiaki glanced at his friend; eyebrow quirked. Shaking his head, he moved further down the table.  
The other employees, having witnessed the exchange, shared cautious glances. Who could they be meeting? So important that they would be taking the seat directly besides the creative director, rather than sitting at the opposite end of the table, like all previous meetings saw.
The five minutes leading up to the meeting seemed to pass by at a snail’s pace. Mr Tachibana, however, seemed to become even more fidgety.
The employees present had watched him rearrange the placement of his pens, at least, seven times. The latest placement returned them to their initial spots.
His eyes had moved between the door, his watch, and the conference room clock, repeatedly. If he wasn’t watching the clock, he was watching the door.
And when he wasn’t watching the door, he was guzzling glass after glass of ice-cold water down, as though his life literally depended on it.
Finally, the conference room door opened, Kunihiro Kasai, the managing director of Miyoshi Concept entered first. Toma and Natsume shared an even more confused look. Miyoshi Concept were a good company. Toma had had the privilege to work with them on previous works, but neither could imagine why this meeting could have caused their boss so much stress.
Following Mr Kasai into the room was the team he had clearly selected for the collaboration. Kuranosuke Kiba, Shu Hasunuma, Ukyo Senkawa, Eiji Takao.
As the door closed behind Eiji, Shunichiro’s eyebrows drew together. Frustration marred with confusion filling his gaze.
“Is this everyone?” The words almost sound like they’re spoken on a low growl. Disappointment laced in his tone. The Addison & Rhodes employees were tense, silent. You could hear a pin drop despite the full conference room. They had never heard the tone the words were spoken come from their boss before.
Luckily, Mr Kasai didn’t seem offended by the tone in which he had been spoken to. He simply chuckles and shakes his head.
“My apologies, Mr Tachibana, I do have one more member of my team to join us, she –”
Before the other man could even finish his sentence, the conference room door was opening once again, all eyes turned towards the sound, and a pretty, brunette entered the room, a smile gracing her cherry lips, her blushed stained cheeks reddening further as she felt all eyes on her.
However, it was the next moment that seemed to really deepen her blush.
Mr Tachibana’s chair screeched, as it scrapped along the ground, almost falling over in his haste to jump up out of his seat. He seemed to rush towards the woman who had just entered the conference room. Panic flared in the eyes of the employees seated at the table. Was he angry she was late? Surely, he would not react so overtly if he was.
 But it was the next moment that shocked everyone more.
They watched as their boss pulled the woman firmly to his chest, caging her in his arms, and nuzzle his nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling her hair.
“Shun…” The soft murmur of his name, fell from her lips, while she sounded shocked, she spoke his name with such love. Returning his embrace.
“I missed you, Mrs Tachibana”.
Audible gasps ricocheted around the room, appearing to echo around the walls.
Taking her hand in his, Shunichiro led her towards the seat directly beside his own. Pulling her chair out, and directing her to take the seat, before Shunichiro gazed out across the table and took in the shocked expressions on his employees faces.
Shunichiro saw Toma and Natsume with their mouths agape, eyes wide. Toshiaki’s subtle smirk and shake of his head at his friend’s caveman like behaviour despite being at an important meeting.
Yet he simply smiled. His nervousness and excitement from waiting for her to arrive finally dissipating, now she sat beside him. Her delicate fingers fiddling with her documents in front of her. The diamond ring he had put on her finger months earlier, glistening under the conference room lights.
Warmth flooded his chest and with every ounce of pride, Shunichiro loudly declared towards the room, with his eyes firmly fixed on the beautiful woman who held his heart sitting beside him,
“Now my wife is here, the meeting can begin”.
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pav-ia · 10 months
I love angst 😊 So if you're comfortable writing this, can I request Pavia with a male S/O with internalised Homophobia?
this one is rushed cuz i wrote it as soon as i woke up
,, stiff ! ”
CW :: ! ! !
angst no comfort, probably no part 2, internalized homophobia(reader), no pronouns except “you”
this guy was gonna be the death of you.
when you first met him, it was his rude and blunt attitude that had made you laugh for the first time around him. he was very attractive, in a normal way — in a way you wish you were. he was attractive, had a grotesque but funny sense of humor, his fascination with wolves was sweet and his smile was stunning.
slowly, after a few weeks of knowing him, the praise he’d throw at you followed by a snarky remark was no longer lighthearted, instead it was frustrating. the way he’d taunt you, leaning in close to your face caused indescribable discomfort and the way his touches seemed to imprint onto your skin, always lingering was distracting.
the way your heart would stutter when he flashes that grin your way, your veins set aflame when he even brushed against you, when you could feel your face heat up when he said anything remotely nice, it was starting to feel suffocating.
you’d spend extra time in the shower scrubbing at those places that he’d touched, in hopes that you would stop feeling so sick from the aching feeling of.. warmth. your skin was warm and hot and it was wrong.
your feelings were wrong.
same sex couples were not a new concept in italy — theyve been recognized for quite some time and you personally had nothing against it, but that just wasnt what you were. you were straight, your parents raised you to be “normal”, you were the definition of ordinary. you didnt have anything against it, you supported those who were proud of their identity and respected them — you arent interested in men however.
you stopped showing up to meet him so often. you would come up with excuses and show up less and less frequently to your usual routine. you hung out in clubs, chatting up with ladies but you felt so empty.
you felt like shit honestly.
there was something wrong with you. what kind of guy wants to kiss his friend? that would ruin everything between you two. that would make things awkward, that would make him hate you.
the phone was ringing yet you didnt have the energy to go pick it up. the telephone rang, too loud to block out, interrupting your attempts at changing the subject in your head to something other than pavia.
it rang for too long.
a whole hour later, it was still ringing. if he wanted to reach you this badly, you decided to give him a chance at least..
your voice was stiff and hoarse. you didn’t bother putting in an effort to sound energetic or lively — there was no point.
“you sound horrible mio amico! do you need somebody to come over and take care of you?” his voice was teasing, but you werent in the mood.
“im fine, pavia.” you sigh.
“i know you arent. ill be over in thirty or so-“
“seriously, im fine, pavia.” he was quiet for a few moments at your sudden hostile tone, before he whistled through the telephone.
“i know you arent, [name]. you dont need to repay me, i just want to make sure youre doing alright.” his tone was still lighthearted. he was still joking at a time like this.
“dont bother. dont come. i dont want to see you.” you spat before you slammed the phone back into its holder.
in hindsight, he didnt really deserve the rough treatment. he cared for you as any friend should, yet you still let him be the vent for your frustrations.
he didnt come over like you told him to.
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gamblersdoll · 4 months
could u write mahoraga smut pretty please w a cherry on top. 😊
(im so serious, he’s so fine, ion know why ppl don’t write abt him😭.)
imma be honest, i dont see what people see in him, maybe its the monster fucker in yall.
sure, gimmie a minute to think of something, maybe ill make a monster fucker request.
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elliefever · 1 year
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Hi sillys! This is just an introduction to my page, and a kickstart into posting! Im a fic writer from Ao3, and im moving to tumblr in hopes that itll make it easier for me to keep up with writing!
(introduction below cut!)
My name is Eve, (Im 5'7 if you need a mental image) i'm a pansexual poc writer and im 19 as of july 💙
im a pretty open and reasonable person for the most part, and im not really picky about writing requests so feel free to send as many as youd like! im looking forward to interacting with anyone whos interested in my page 😊
with all the boring stuff about me aside, let's talk about what im planning on writing! (if you have any more personal questions about me, dont be afraid to ask them! ill answer to the best of my abilities.)
The Last Of Us
i am a huge tlou fan so i will for sure be writing about it!
Ellie Williams
I LOVE ellie williams so much omggnfjhfhx. ill be writing dealer!ellie, loser!ellie, college!ellie, modern!ellie, and ANYTHING you guys request me to write for ellie! she is my heart and soul and i absolutely love her!
Abby Anderson
abby is so yummy 🤤 ill be writing fics for her too! im not too educated on the different abby aus to write for but i am totally looking forward to writing your guy's suggestions! (and ellabs 😊💙💙)
I LOVE HER so much shes the best. shes 100% gonna make an appearance on my page!
The Walking Dead
Maggie Rhee
Maggie is simply too fine not to write for bro. i love her so much.
Rick Grimes
i can agree he is attractive and if im in a silly mood or get a request for him then ill write some...silly stuff
Daryl Dixon
same thing for rick goes for him too!
Also any other twd characters i decide to write for or get requests for!
Sally Face
i absolutely love sally face.
there's really not much to say revolving this fandom but i love sally and larry so much!
Criminal Minds
im a huge crime show lover lol
Spencer Reid
hes so hot i literally dont understand how he can be so fine. i have a lot of ideas for fics about him and i never see anything like the ideas i have so im hoping itll be good to publish those ideas?
im open to writing for other criminal minds characters too but no one gets me all giddy like spencer does 💙
im honestly really only interested in writing for fiona x fem reader cuz i never see it, but if you guys have any other ideas for stuff i could write for shameless just lmk! 💙
Jennifer's Body
i LOVE this movie so much, i cant wait to write for jennifer and needy and make my gay heart unbreak for them. but also i was thinking, hear me out. what if i wrote an ellie williams fic but like... jennifers body au? like jennifer and needy but instead, ellie and fem reader? just a thought idk! should i?
THAT'S ABOUT IT! or at least all i can think of as of right now!
Things I will write!
Reader loving rock music and nu metal bands!
Reader playing instruments and being super cool
Reader of any gender!
I'll leave room for imagination but ill also put some ideas of reader's outfits for those who want a mental image
Reader having good music taste and a good sense of style
pet names
bold, aggressive, and dickhead reader
pretty much anything in between
Things I will NOT write!
age play, baby talk, uncomfortably cliche submissive reader
i wont romanticize domestic violence or make light of abusive relationship dynamics 👍
emotional whiplash, i want the scenes i write to blend smoothly
piss kinks and foot stuff (and any other really strange stuff)
smut where the characters are minors
let me know if you guys have any questions or anything at all! i hope to be uploading my first fic soon, which should i do first?
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filmbyjy · 1 year
jake: *has left the chat*
hyunjin: heeseung was side eyeing you? BITCH IM GONNA FIGHT THAT 6FT MAN
yn: oh, that’s sweet of you☺️
felix: ooo you deserve a brownie😊
gaeul: gRaNnY👁️👁️ okay fine. fair enough. I am sort of a granny🥲 *goes for a hug*
sunoo: purr everyday💅🏻💅🏻
heeseung: hat? oh! hot. thank you🫶🏻
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raven · 6 months
hi anon from last night here . ive never actually played a persona game;so if you think about it im very vulnerable and mall:eable . which one should i play first
so like maybe dont but i do love them but i did also hate them at first and i disliked royal for most of my time with it. And look at me now. First of all, if you're paying money wait for sales. I played in reverse chronological order and do recommend that way if you are not sold on the series or a fan of janky older games. Soo, start with Persona 5 royal (note: a lot of it kinda sucks but the gameplay is good and the final arc rewrote parts of my brain, and akechi is awesome.) p5r is really good if you like to be critical and a hater but get rewarded at the end of your arduous journey. you dont need to play p4, it's genuinely meanspirited. save it for another time if at all. even if u dont like p5r (or if u do like it ofc) u could give p3 reload a try, if u like that you can play femc's route of p3 portable. and check out the answer all cutscenes or play p3 fes the answer yourself. or play all of p3fes yourself! and then if you're serious you could move onto p1 (sucks to play, i watched videos) and p2 (sucks to play but innocent sin is my bestie). I can give more tips and input on oldsona if you make it to that point.
also if you like p5r, strikers is a fun sequel with a lot of issues and no mentions of royal or any of the characters in it but what can you do, it has heart and soul and sophia. do not play on switch, the performance issues made me physically ill. (every other game is fine on switch, and i played them all including emulated ones on switch, except reload which is not on switch.)(im sure theyre great on steam deck too. persona games being portable is really nice.)
also you can come off anon and dm me if you want some guidance or just to talk about it lol 😊
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Thanks so much for remembering, I'll answer.
hi mommy , I am great and you?
It's ok, you can ask whatever you want, what happened was that I got sick and totally in a bad mood when I get like that nobody can stand me, I turn into an emotional bomb. And I had a kind of ridiculous argument with a friend, it was crazy but we're fine.
I had a throat infection where the glands swelled and I didn't eat anything for days, I only drank, I could barely move my body in so much pain and I had a lot of fever. Well, I'm better now and I don't feel pain. It's because there's a cartoon called "Annoying Orange" she took the reference to offend me by saying that I was worse than Orange, do you believe in such a thing? I told her she didn't offend me and I continued to piss her off some more. You can laugh feel free
Shopping makes me happy, so imagine how you are, and have a great trip.
I'm 19, turning 20 this year
I'm not working at the moment, I'm treating a mental illness that's not too worrying, when I'm cured I'll go back to work. You are 30 years old, right?
I'm okay. Just tired.. hahaha.
Ah i see wow,u went through a lot for a week.. n it was fun a lot..that sucks..im sorry..well im glad that u n ur friend r okay now. 😊
Ah i see..so u r that type of person who is cranky when u r sick? I think when i'm sick, (i cant find the right words for this) i am more whinny n maybe needy in every stuff with someone i feel close. I will still trying to look tough or strong (especially to someone im not really close) but if someone "baby" me, i would love it.haaha.
Oh gosh, infection is the worst.. because it will give u high fever n body ache..
Ah i see.. i actually never heard that show before.. hmm i dont really understand though.. i dont think oranges r annoying.haha.
Well, im not really a shopper though.. i mean it's fun but i prefer just chil at home, listening to music or sleep.lol
Ah i see.. 19 turning to 20. U have a long way but im sure there will be a lot of interesting n great things ahead! Just keep positive thinking n dont give up. 😁
Haha i wish i'm 30.. 😆😅 well, im actually older than 30.. i'm 36 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Where r u from if u dont mind me asking? Im just wondering because u r still awake.. it's either u r a night owl too like me, or we r in differrnt timezone. 😁
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ask-ikepriemma · 2 months
butterfly 🦋 and boba 🧋 anon where are you? why is it only me, the piggy 🐷 anon giving a few asks here 🥹 /j
anyway, another question...on ao3, i've read THAT threesome between YOU, LICHT, AND KEITH 🫣
so what im saying is...what do you think about this? what if...yves is watching you three doing it? leaving all blushing and being real flustered 👀
imagine you being sandwiched with licht and keith...how interesting 🫣
also...imagine yourself having a gangbang with ALL suitors. like they all fight over you, each of them claimed you in their own ways, some even turned possessive wanting you for themselves only showing the other suitors their love on what is theirs, all suitors treat you in different ways either gentle or rough even vanilla or bdsm, and i wish you luck if you'd experienced that. (with consent of course, im against non-consensual stuff-)
after that, ill give you a free wheelchair since im praying for you and your legs 🙏🏼 -- ♿
and remember, NO means NO 🫶🏼.
okay i wanna say sorry right now but...i don't think it's not the time 😞
i feel bad that you have to read all that and forced yourself to answer them...as i said, it's fine for you to not answer it okay 💟
- 🐷
Lol, Reminder that anyone can send asks anytime, just like how I can answer them anytime. There is no pressure~
Anyway~ Licht and Keith, huh? Quite the interesting combination if I do say so myself. 😊Bringing Yves into the mix, oh my goodness, that’s a tea party I will never forget~
Never in a billion years would I think making love while someone else watches to be something considerable. I’d get so flustered but I think that’s the point of it all. Everyone involved would get some type of rise from doing it or watching it.
. . .
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Oh my, oh my lord, whew… I’m not sure I will even be conscious when they are done with me… And with that many men, with their preferences on what part of your body they want to mess with, or how fast or rough they want go, not to mention how… deep, they will go… that will break you for sure, you will become mush in their hands even if some will be more vanilla than others.
Y-yes consent is good. You would need to prepare your body for all of that, holy moly…
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miss-conjayniality · 3 months
itzy pcd.
i meant to post this last week but I’ve been SUUUPER busy and tired lately😪🤧
gosh. what an amazing concert it was! i’m so glad I finally got the chance to see itzy live. I’ve been wanting to see em for a loooong long time now. I got so teary eyed when they played the fan project video commemorating their 5 year anniversary. as someone who casually admired chaeryeong since sixteen and ryujin since mix nine, it makes me so proud to see how far they’ve come since then. goodness. time really flies. it feels like yesterday when they debuted….. im actually quite emotional thinking about it. god I feel so old…I can’t believe it’s been NINE YEARS since sixteen🥴🤢
there were also several lia clips that popped up during the 5th anniversary fan project video and the audience cheered every time a clip of her was shown. that made my heart real soft. I hope she’s doing okay and I certainly hope she is aware of all the love and unwavering support for her even in her absence. 🥹💗
chaeryeong got so shy when everyone wished her a happy birthday. and her reaction was soooo freaking adorable 🥺 I wanted to run up to the stage and give her a hug AAAA OMG!!! I love chaereyeongie so much and I’m so proud of how far she’s come since sixteen. 🤧 it feels like I not only watched her grow but also grew up with her???? like I’m not even chae biased but I hold such a soft spot for her in my heart cuz of sixteen. I had to hold back my tears cuz I was getting so emotional when they wished her a happy birthday……..
the concert was fucking amazing. the seat next to me was empty which meant extra room for me to dance 😊🫰🏼I literally had THEE time of my life. I went fucking MENTAL when they performed kidding me, sneakers, loco, untouchable, wannabe, not shy, escalator, dynamite, as well as ryujin and yeji’s solos. good fucking god. i went absolutely insane for both of their solos. they’re so hot. 🤧 what an immaculate setlist. I just wished mitm and ting x3 were on there too.
and lemme just say……… crown on my head inspires me. the lyrics actually do move me. I was feeling depressed the other day and when I started playing crown on my head, I shed a couple of tears and felt better. the cherry on top is that I was also wearing a tiara as part of my concert outfit 🤣 ahaha……
also….I gotta mention….. one thing about jyp concerts is that they NEVERRRR disappoint!!! 💅🏼 the members and their stage presence is one thing. but the live band takes the performances to another level! having seen skz and twice live, I can attest that i fucking adore attending jyp concerts because of how epic the live bands are. JYP CONCERTS ARE 100% WORTH THE MONEY!!!
and of course the part you’ve all been waiting for - cute butch gurlie!!!!! If ya know ya know…..(see my enha and txt concert posts). THIS IS OUR THIRD CONCERT TOGETHER!!!!!🥹💗at this rate…might as well call these concerts DATES…..and how fitting is it that it’s on pride month!?!?? slay. goodness fucking gracious she is soooo fine. as usual, I tried not to drool when I looked at her. her outfit was gorgeous and was inspired by yeji’s butterfly outfit in the swipe mv 🤤 mine was inspired by the checkmate concept photos because yall know how much of a pink loving princess I am. I even wore a tiara too 💅🏼 I wore a pink shimmery eyeshadow look to match the outfit and tightlined/smudged kohl to add that sexy desi twist to it 🥰 if the eyes are the window to the soul, then I sure as heck hope she saw the window to my pink n’ sparkly, yet dark and hypnotic soul…🤪🫰🏼 lmao.
we were gonna have food together but my dumb ass decided to take too long to get ready 🤦🏻‍♀️and I really didn’t want her to wait so long to eat. so I just told her to go get food at her own pace if she wants. I FUCKED UP THERE YALL!!! 😭 I PROMISE ILL GET UP EARLIER AND GET READY FASTER THE NEXT TIME SHE AND I MEET. but fear not….everything else went well. 😊👍🏼
I also had a poster that said ‘yeji addractive’ (in reference to this iconic moment) cuz y’know…..yeji herself is addractive. LOL anyways, I showed my poster to cbg and she giggled. she said it was so cute 🥹 she took pics of me and everything. 🥹 d’aawwwweee gosh im so soft for her.
the venue was SO nice! it was my first time there and her second time there cuz she saw the rose there before. it had such a cozy vibe to it. once were inside the venue, we were actually quite early!!!! we had coffee together and talked for an hour straight about various topics and I enjoyed every second of it. she asked me about my dhol hobby and how the parade went and I showed her pics 🥹 she loved them and said she wished she was there 🥹
I also showed her pictures of myself from the night before that parade where I was at a volunteer event for my dhol troupe’s org and I was wearing an all green outfit - bright green jumpsuit + trench coat and my green jhumkas. and she was WOWed. she said i look really good and green and she loved my jhumkas 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and to top it all off, of COURSE I showed her pictures of the volunteer award I received from my dhol troupe’s org as a flex 💅🏼 as expected, she was impressed 🥰
also…..WE SAT IN THE SAME SECTION!!!! I didn’t even know this until the day of the concert. 😳holy fucking shit. it’s as if we just VIBE on the same wavelength or smth…..😔🫰🏼we sat in diff rows but it still felt nice that we were at least in the same section ahaha.
and to end things off, we even uber’d back to our places together 🥺 wished we could spend more time 2gether that night iykwim👇🏼😔👇🏼🤭 HAHA JKJKJKJK…..unless????😬 and she said that she’ll go to sleep once I text her that I’m home safely 🥺 we love a caring, chivalrous queenie 🥺💕
I’m just so happy this was our third concert together 🥹 im so glad we spontaneously met through those chaotic lines at enha. im glad we clicked. it feels like ….. destiny!?!??? god that sounds corny af to say but even on a friendship level I just really enjoy her personality and her presence!???
she’s not going to ateez but she IS going to g-idle so uhhh…..ima make sure I show up to that concert looking as ✨ethnic hip✨ as possible in my jhumkas, kohl liner, and MAYBE my faded mehndi (depends how long it stays on after my cousin’s wedding) as a homage to our ethnic queenie soyeon! 🤪💗💕💗💕💗💗 and maybe then, cbg will see me in my fullest desi form. 👀👌🏼 lmao.
pics below!!!! not exactly a face reveal but moreso a body/outfit reveal????? haha peep the skz pc in my phone case too👀👌🏼
I also realized I didn’t take as much pics but took a crap ton of videos but y’all don’t need to see me screaming out the lyrics to sneakers or wannabe cuz HUNNY I sound like a screamo singer 😭💀
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sl33pybug1 · 8 months
That's cute, im glad drawing makes you happy 😊 I'm glad you got to clean up a bit, my place is a total mess in all honesty. Ill try and find some offtime to clean it up soon, I hate messes. 🙁 my day's been fine, I got off earlier than normal cause of all the overtime I've been doing so I've been just sleeping since i got off at 1pm. 😂 how was your day?😊
-Mr. 🧸 anon
It’s ok sometimes we just get a bit behind cuz life’s hectic:) I’m sure you’ll be able to find time to clean up! I’m glad your days been good!! And I’m happy you got some more rest it sounds like you’ve been working hard so you definitely deserve it! My day has been ok I’ve been watching cartoons and just hanging out. Kinda bored to be honest but it’s ok:] thank you for leaving me another ask love talking to you like always Mr.🧸 :3
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tearstoshed4ever · 8 months
"Please, love. Calm yourself. Remember your vow....Things will get better in time." Widow said, trying to console her.
iv tried but al its gotten me is this
emily sniffled
getinering to her arm again
she wiped her tears on the hem of her mothers dress
todays is a very hard day for me
id be 19 today
but inseed im stuck at 18 forever
which in itself wouldnt be so bad
but on top of everthing esle i aslo miss my family
but i never see any of them anymore
im fucking sick of being dead
i want to be alive again
surly there must be some way
Jul 1, 2021 11:47 PM
to revrese this mistake
and let me go back home to my family
she turned back to maggot and widow
maggot was hurt and ready to cry at the of her leaving
widow was alos hurt but maily cause emily spoke like she didnt think they were a good enough family
oh maggot dont u start crying again
i just manged to stop
and widow dont look at me that way
if i hurt your feelings im sorry
u know i think of u as my family
and that i love both more then anything in the world
but i dont belong here
i belonge upstaires
and i think my vow was a mistake
i know i said i would wait as long as it takes but im tired of waiting
i dont want to be patent anymore
iv tried to be happy here but its not working
please tell me is there even the sightst chance i can live again
if so ill anything
Jul 2, 2021 4:47 AM
Maggot and widow looked at each other, trying to come up with an answer. "There's not a way we know dear, not until a human caused a fuss by raising his cousin from the tomb. But that was ages ago." Widow said sadly. "Elder goodnicht might know. But I doubt he would help," maggot suggested
(whars the raising the dead thing from
emilys black eyes lit up and she smiled for the fisrt time that day
"Oh, what a fantastic idea!
she squealed jumping up
ill go see him right now
maggot u stay here with widow
we dont need a repete of last year
(from what?)
(it was from the bible. Jesus raising Lazarus.)
"Gladly. Just make sure she doesn't go petting all those smelly old crows!" Maggot said back.
emily just rolled her eyes that was excaty why she told him to stay
ill be back later
and with that she left the ally
u know u just set her up for dissappment
widow said
shes gonna end up getting her poor little heart crushed
hey i was just trying to help
maggot protested
i know and thats very kind of u
and your one to talk widow your the one whos always trying to keep her hopes up
Jul 2, 2021 7:09 PM
"well somebody has to! Tge poor girl is devastated!" Widow snapped
why are u pissed at me what the hell did i do now
maggot snapped back
Jul 2, 2021 9:36 PM
"I'm not pissed I'm just...I'm afraid for Emily. I didn't mean to take it out on you, love. You're just so darn candid." Widow said
im scared for her to i thought she was over this bullshit
uptill today she seemed fine
no nightmares
no crying
she was eating and talking to people
she wasnt even crying in her sleep anmore
and id know if she was cause i live in her head now
but now shes right back where she stared from
she hasnt left her room all day
she looks like shit
she hasnt eaten
shes crying again
and now shes hurting herself
and wants to leave
i dont think shed even want us as parents
and i know u feel the same cause i saw the look on your face
Jul 2, 2021 11:35 PM
hi! I'm back😊) "We just have to keep trying, maggot. She's got to accept the reality of it all. We have to help her, even if she doesn't want our help. We can't let her become a lost soul, forever longing for life and trapped between two worlds." Widow said softly. Maggot was right. What Emily said, how she reacted had broken her heart. But she couldn't abandon Emily.
crawling over to the pillow she curled up and began to wepp softly
holy shit i havent seen u cry since the furnel last year
wiggling over to her
Jul 5, 2021 4:27 PM
his own hurt feelings resufecing
(Emily or widow is crying?)
emily already left
"I can cry! I have feelings just like anyone else in this family!" Widow so bed
well at least tell me why
your crying
maggot asked hesently storking her head with his tail
he was used to emily crying but not widow
shed always been the strong put though one
Jul 5, 2021 6:46 PM
Smartass as he was
And and as hardass as he tried to act
Deep down he was as emotional and kindhearted as both of his girls were
And knowing the women he loved more then life itself were in pain brought tears to his eyes
Jul 6, 2021 6:01 AM
"oh stop with all that nonsense! You're not failing you're mother. Nobody's pissed at you for leaving. They're all drunk and having a bloody good time. Do they wish you were there, yes? Do they understand why you left, yes? Don't worry about it!" Widow said
and that was enough to finally get though to her
she smiled
your right
im done moping
done crying
and done being depressed
"I'm going to take action! I'll find a husband and finally get out of here!" Emily declared
and u and maggot are coming with me
when i leave
she added
Jun 26, 2021 11:51 PM
She kissed her finger pressed it to widows head then stood up
Come on widow let’s go back to the party and have some fun
Jun 27, 2021 5:48 AM
"As you wish, dearie." Widow smiled. She was happy Emily was trying to move on. Even if she wasn't entirely happy yet, she could be way less sad.
Jun 27, 2021 11:37 AM
and with that they rejoined the party
the end
Jun 27, 2021 4:53 PM
Yay! Are you happy with how it turned out?
yes very
now we gotta do the other prequel
the bday one
Jun 27, 2021 8:27 PM
The birthday one? I've forgotten about that, what was that one about?
its gonna be a follow up to this one
its one year into her death
Oh right, I remember now.
this is where the things hinted at in the last one come in
we start with her alone in her room once again
the ally virabtes with tiny sobs
and sniffls
she sits on the stepsa buring candle in her lap
cold tears streaking down her pale blue cheeks
shes a mess
her beauful blue hair is a scarggly clumpy tangled mess
her mascura caked in the hollows of her eyes
making her look like a very pretty raccon
Jun 28, 2021 12:46 AM
Depressed, the only light she sees is the flame of the candle. She'd never notice how alive fire was. It made her jealous. "I could snuff you out right now, if I wanted." Emily tells it, her fingers coming close to the flame. But the fire is unafraid. It flickers in, as if she doesn't exist
Snilffing she boldly sticks one finger into the dancing flame
She expects to be burned, to feel any type of pain. But there's nothing. It all just feels cold. She's completely numb, everywhere but in the inside
If I touch a burning candle I can no pain
She whimpered
She try’s again with all the fingers of her right hand
Jun 28, 2021 3:55 PM
but just gets the same reselt
scwoling she looks at her left arm
though tearfilled eyes
and and hand
the skin has startd to dry and flake
from always having it sticking out of the ground
the thing her best friends warned her about has happened
"Horrid. Positively horrid." She sighs, looking forlorn. She wants to be sad about it but somehow she knows it's just how it is. There's no use crying over it
shed begain to rot
she drys her eyes with the backs of her hands then picking up the candle pours some hot wax into her open plam
"Nothing. No pain at all" she sighed, not realizing her guardians were approaching
she wanted to get the knife from under her pillow and slash her wrists
still not noticeing them she puts down the candle gets up and goes to her bed
drawing out the knife
to lost inher own mirsty
to notice
she puts the sharp blad to her left wrist and pulls it arcross
black tarlike blood ozzes from the the cut
bringing froth the smell of rot
but once again she feels no pain
if u cut me with a knife its still the same she sniffles and begins to sob again
her tears salting the wound
Jun 28, 2021 6:49 PM
hey what the hell do u think your doing
maggot yells
starling her and making her drope the knife
Jun 28, 2021 9:49 PM
Jun 29, 2021 8:03 PM
so this is what happens if im not in your head all the time
u go and do something stupid like this
malating your pretty skin
and getting blood blood on your dress
sloppy carless stupid little goose
maggot snerred trying to hide how worryed he is
hurt embrassed and deprssed emily flopps sidways on the matresss and weeps into her pillow her bedgallged hair falling over her face
Jun 30, 2021 4:38 AM
(hi, sorry I was gone yesterday. I had a rough day at work and then just went straight to sleep when I got home.) "oh maggot, that's not the way! You're being too rough on the girl!" Widow chides. Quickly she runs over to Emily, creating a web with her spindly legs and putting it on Emily's wound like a bandage. "Rough!? I'm rough! If she wasn't already dead, she would have killed herself! We can't let her harm herself like that or she'll turn to dust before we know it!" Maggot bristled.
the thought of turning to dust made emily cry even harder
Jun 30, 2021 5:03 PM
"Shh! maggot! See what you did!" Widow snaps before turning to comfort Emily. "Don't listen to him Emmy, that won't happen. You'll have to be older than an Egyptian mummy before that happens. You'll never see that far because you're going to find a nice young man before then."
i dont see how now that im fucking rotting emily sobbed sitting up
look at me she wailes thrusting her [ealing arm at them
the cut had ripped off a chuck of skin eposing the bone under nethg
Jun 30, 2021 7:22 PM
more tears spill down her cheeks
Jul 1, 2021 1:15 AM
and her bottom lip quakes
"oh...oh dear, now don't cry! Uhm...perhaps the fancy ladies have something to cover it up! Perhaps needle and thread can do the trick." Widow suggested
well what about this emily whimpered getering to her stab wound that had now decayed to the point that her ribs showed
"I...I'm afraid it's too late for that, dear. But maybe the other spiders and I can repair the dress so it doesn't show?" Widow proposed. "What's the point! It would only get ruined again!" Emily wailed.
this is the wosrt fucking brithday ever she howled bursting into deep gurtter sobs
Jul 1, 2021 5:19 PM
chocking on her own tears
Jul 1, 2021 7:23 PM
"Please, love. Calm yourself. Remember your vow....Things will get better in time." Widow said, trying to console her.
iv tried but al its gotten me is this
emily sniffled
getinering to her arm again
she wiped her tears on the hem of her mothers dress
todays is a very hard day for me
id be 19 today
but inseed im stuck at 18 forever
which in itself wouldnt be so bad
but on top of everthing esle i aslo miss my family
but i never see any of them anymore
im fucking sick of being dead
i want to be alive again
surly there must be some way
Jul 1, 2021 11:47 PM
to revrese this mistake
and let me go back home to my family
she turned back to maggot and widow
maggot was hurt and ready to cry at the of her leaving
widow was alos hurt but maily cause emily spoke like she didnt think they were a good enough family
oh maggot dont u start crying again
i just manged to stop
and widow dont look at me that way
if i hurt your feelings im sorry
u know i think of u as my family
and that i love both more then anything in the world
but i dont belong here
i belonge upstaires
and i think my vow was a mistake
i know i said i would wait as long as it takes but im tired of waiting
i dont want to be patent anymore
iv tried to be happy here but its not working
please tell me is there even the sightst chance i can live again
if so ill anything
Jul 2, 2021 4:47 AM
Maggot and widow looked at each other, trying to come up with an answer. "There's not a way we know dear, not until a human caused a fuss by raising his cousin from the tomb. But that was ages ago." Widow said sadly. "Elder goodnicht might know. But I doubt he would help," maggot suggested
(whars the raising the dead thing from
emilys black eyes lit up and she smiled for the fisrt time that day
"Oh, what a fantastic idea!
she squealed jumping up
ill go see him right now
maggot u stay here with widow
we dont need a repete of last year
(from what?)
(it was from the bible. Jesus raising Lazarus.)
"Gladly. Just make sure she doesn't go petting all those smelly old crows!" Maggot said back.
emily just rolled her eyes that was excaty why she told him to stay
ill be back later
and with that she left the ally
u know u just set her up for dissappment
widow said
shes gonna end up getting her poor little heart crushed
hey i was just trying to help
maggot protested
i know and thats very kind of u
and your one to talk widow your the one whos always trying to keep her hopes up
Jul 2, 2021 7:09 PM
"well somebody has to! Tge poor girl is devastated!" Widow snapped
why are u pissed at me what the hell did i do now
maggot snapped back
Jul 2, 2021 9:36 PM
"I'm not pissed I'm just...I'm afraid for Emily. I didn't mean to take it out on you, love. You're just so darn candid." Widow said
im scared for her to i thought she was over this bullshit
uptill today she seemed fine
no nightmares
no crying
she was eating and talking to people
she wasnt even crying in her sleep anmore
and id know if she was cause i live in her head now
but now shes right back where she stared from
she hasnt left her room all day
she looks like shit
she hasnt eaten
shes crying again
and now shes hurting herself
and wants to leave
i dont think shed even want us as parents
and i know u feel the same cause i saw the look on your face
Jul 2, 2021 11:35 PM
Jul 3, 2021 4:07 PM
(sorry gone on family vacation tty on monday!)
Jul 4, 2021 6:35 PM
(hi! I'm back😊) "We just have to keep trying, maggot. She's got to accept the reality of it all. We have to help her, even if she doesn't want our help. We can't let her become a lost soul, forever longing for life and trapped between two worlds." Widow said softly. Maggot was right. What Emily said, how she reacted had broken her heart. But she couldn't abandon Emily.
crawling over to the pillow she curled up and began to wepp softly
holy shit i havent seen u cry since the furnel last year
wiggling over to her
Jul 5, 2021 4:27 PM
his own hurt feelings resufecing
(Emily or widow is crying?)
emily already left
"I can cry! I have feelings just like anyone else in this family!" Widow so bed
well at least tell me why
your crying
maggot asked hesently storking her head with his tail
he was used to emily crying but not widow
shed always been the strong put though one
Jul 5, 2021 6:46 PM
Smartass as he was
And and as hardass as he tried to act
Deep down he was as emotional and kindhearted as both of his girls were
And knowing the women he loved more then life itself were in pain brought tears to his eyes
Jul 6, 2021 6:01 AM
Jul 6, 2021 4:40 PM
(hi sorry I had a rough day) "Why do you think, Maggot? I keep trying and trying to keep this family together, but nothing I do is working. Emily is kind, but we're not really her family." Widow sobbed.
maggot was shocked at how much she sounded like him
right now
he wanted to tell her she was wrong but he could
so he jusy layed down next to her hugged her tight
and let the tears ran down his cheeks
i guess this means wer not gonna apot her after all are we
he whimperd
Jul 6, 2021 7:31 PM
"No...no maggot. We are. It's just...it's just going to be harder than we thought." Widow sbiffled
he nodded
as she wrapped her eight legs around him
then the two of them just lay there and cried their broken little hearts out
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I might be a little late to the conversation, Im getting the general vibe that some of y'all were a little underwhelmed by the wonka trailer which is totally understandable. I think Im the opposite I really liked the trailer, I thought timmy was pretty good as a young wonka, he was really doing some interesting things on a performance level, ill wait till the movie comes out before I cast my judgement.
I wasnt a fan of johnny depps portrayal, I didnt even think his performance was all that good if were being honest. Timmy is doing his own thing while still paying homage to gene wilders film. Im more optimistic and I think its great timmy is expanding himself as an actor. I dont know how the strong the Wonka IP but I think this movie will do fine, I think timmy will deliver.
Thanks Anon 😊
Yea, I personally didn't see anything wrong with the trailer? But, maybe my expectations weren't on the same level as others. The only thing I expected was for it to be a bit more dark?? But, I'm actually kind of glad that it seems the film will be light-hearted.
I'm not sure what other fans were expecting lol, but yea, it seems some were underwhelmed yesterday. 😅
Honestly? I'm just glad to see Timmy in a different genre for a change. 😊
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scarasun · 2 years
hey welcome back !! i missed you so much actually omg :(( are you doing alright?
hwkdhkws i’ll take your word for it, i’m taking it next year so we’ll see how it goes. i’m currently breathing my way through geometric sequences it’s not horrible but it’s lowkey mind boggling
OMGG YAY!! bro i wld love to see any of your sketches or anything of the sort !! do you have a side blog for art? and maybe i’ll try again,, not sure i tend to jump from hobby to hobby really fast like rn i’m fixated on ted ed riddles 😭😭 but maybe i will go back and try !!
OMG BRO you need to sleep more >:( i know schools stressful and may be keeping you up but sleep is important and it’ll affect you later in the future when you don’t sleep properly. but yeah i see what’s going on, n that’s totally fine but the day you write sm new tag me !! i’m excited to see what you whip up
ahh how have i been? i’ve been okay. feeling really burnt out and tired ngl it’s taking a lot out of me to interact w people i just wanna nap all day ahdkhdd but i’ll be okay !! wbu? drinking water ?
ahh i suppose! a few days ago i made a big move on my crush and i kinda figured out she doesn't like me 😭 i was sad about it for a little but now im better! at least i have a cool story to tell at parties lmao
afhghsh sequences at a higher level are the worst ngl 😭 maybe im just being biased because i hate math but i wish you all the best!! you'll do great!
oh i haven't made one yet (unfortunately)...i haven't been on tumblr a whole lot these days but i really want to get back into it! anyways, i don't think ill make one yet simply because i want to get better at art. but if i do end up making one in the near future, you'll definitely be the first to know!
also what's a ted ed riddle?? i've heard of ted talks but ?? 😭😭
you'll be happy to hear!!! my exams finished earlier this week! i have a presentation to do tmrw and after that, ill be completely free!! so hooray for more writing and art!
ahh ik im not gonna even take my own advice but please remember to rest!! and eat well! i totally understand the burnt out thing, but i guess that just means you have to take some time for yourself and do stuff you enjoy. and yes, i am drinking water 😊 ty for asking!
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