bohemian-nights · 1 year
I’m kind of curious what’s your take on the whole Daenera situation?
Sigh. There is a part of this fandom(I’m looking at you Team Green) who straight up hates Daenera’s guts and view her as unnecessary to the narrative since it ruins the union of the two factions. I disagree with this….in part.
I think Daenera is needed due to house Velaryon was treated. The show has treated them deplorably, but even in the books, they get a pretty sh*tty hand dealt to them(they never rise to their former glory).
So Ser Vaemond having the last laugh from the afterlife by having his granddaughter become queen is a satisfying conclusion in my opinion.
No here is the part where I agree with Team Green. I don’t think Jaehaera should’ve died. I think GRRM should’ve kept what he started which is to have Jaehaera and Aegon unite Team Green and Team Black instead of having Daenera come into the picture as the mother of Aegon’s children.
This brings me to a character who I think is totally irrelevant(and stands in the way of House Velaryon getting the ultimate last laugh) Lara Rogare.She’s the one who should’ve died or not existed in the first place. She’s a rando. She does not connect with the Damces narrative (family against family) cause she's a rando.
Her relationship with Viserys is creepy as hell(her father held him hostage). She just has no real purpose in this story other than to pop out some kids and then abandon Viserys(I’m sorry to anyone who likes her, but pick a better character to like).
Daenaera should be Viserys Jaehaera. That’s a better story.
So Jaehaera lives. She and Aegon have babies. Lara dies before she can give Viserys any children. Daenaera marries Viserys. They have babies who will eventually inherit the throne. Ser Vaemond gets the last laugh. The Greens and the Blacks are united. The Dance has come full circle. Everyone is happy(sorta)🤷🏽‍♀️
I’m actually hoping that this is the one thing HOTD retcons. Lara really doesn’t need to exist(especially since the boys have been aged down). Just keep Jae and Aegon together and have Daenaera marry Viserys.
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