#blood and laugh webcomic
bloodandlaught666 · 5 months
Mortimer being happy for once
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patejaminq · 4 months
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Mortimer (he/any) is agender and gay
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therainnight · 2 years
Me blathering about Omgaverse JaviLloyd. 
Warning: I'm no writer. English is my second language AND this is me blathering about Omgaverse JaviLloyd. 
Of course, there is no beta reader. this is me blathering
hear me out- omega!Lloyd.
Yeah I know he must suit for being beta but I like the chaos of Suho and others that not is baron or baroness, don’t know if Lloyd is omega.
Originally, his death isn’t only because of drinking too much but also consumed heat suppressant pills for a long time and won’t let his body have heat after the first time it happened, and because of that most people think he is beta.
Unfortunately, Kim Suho aka our beloved young master takes his body without this knowing this. He did notice the pill bottle on the bedside table but don’t think too much about it. (In his defense, “it a pill bottle with no label. Who would dare to touch it?”)
The story continues like now it in the novel or webcomic. There was once or twice, Javier noticed a new scent coming from Lloyd. VERY SUS. At first, Javier thinks that Lloyd has a secret meeting with omega to steal the weird knowledge that recently Lloyd possessed but that theory has to drop out because Javier is with Lloyd 24/7 after he picks up Lloyd from passing out on the road on a faithful day.
Lloyd knows only a few things about this second-gender thing. “The knight of blood and iron” is focused on Javier’s knighthood journey more than the second gender. He knows what beta, omega, and alpha are but just that it.
After the mining & ant incident, it the moment that Lloyd learned about his real second gender. He learned from the mouth of his family doctor. At first, the doctor praised Lloyd for his choice of choosing to stop drinking after that he praised him for stopping taking heat suppressant pills and letting his body free for once, doing what it was designed for.
“Heat? What?” Lloyd asked but the doctor didn’t notice and keep talking.
“It’s good that now you consider your health, young master. But just completely stopping consuming heat suppressants immediately is kind of dangerous. I will write a new set of pills for u to stable your system, ok?”
“Oh and please don’t take it the wrong way but now you're out of pills, I think you should consider wearing a collar for your own protection.”
“I know. Sir Asrahan is trustworthy and noble alpha but as you always said to your soldier, safety first! Hahaha” the doctor laughed softly.
Before Lloyd could ask doctors more about this “heat” and pills. Baron and baroness break into the room and hug him while telling how they were glad that Lloyd is awake and safe. After a joyful family drop-down. Baron tells Lloyd that he knows about Lloyd's decision to stop taking heat suppressants. The baron presents Lloyd with a collar with the Frontera symbol on it. He said that ask for a mage to cast a spell cast on it to become invisible when the user wears it.
“I know how much you hate people knowing about it but please, think as to help ease your father and mother’s mind.”
Lloyd was confused but agreed to what the baron and baroness begged him for. Good for Lloyd, He wasn’t alone. Javier was also confused.
Nowadays, young master Lloyd has this- bewitching scent coming right off him. At first is very dilute, if it is not because of his sharp sense and of the time they spend together. He won’t notice it but now it becomes more clear and stronger. It smells like chocolate mostly but also another sweet scent that makes a sweet tooth like Javier crave for some.
On one relaxed night, The one that Lloyd can have a routine like normal people. He finished his bath, ready to put Javier into dreamland but Javier have some business before joining him in his bedroom. Lloyd rolls around on the queen-size bed. Lloyd can’t help but feel uneasy and annoyed with how his bed is.
Everyone would have some moments like this. When you feel like the bed is not right and they fix the bed until you feel comfortable again.
So Lloyd spend time waiting for Javier to fix his bed until he felt satisfied. He fluffs 4 pillows that he has. He keeps arranging it but is still unsatisfied.
‘Tomorrow was my day off!! I will have a good quality night's sleep today!!!’
Before he knows he collects the many pillows and blankets as much as he can. While Lloyd arranges his bed like a madman he notices Javier’s pink pillow on the chair near his bed. He picks the pink pillow up. Look around it. Before hugging it to test the quality of the pillow. Turn out it is perfect!
Lloyd replaced the pink pillow with his own pillow while thinking Javier won’t mind him borrowing this pillow just for one day.
-knock- -knock-
“Master Lloyd. It’s me”
“Ah! Come in.”
Javier didn’t prepare his heart for what he witnessed after he opened the door. The usually normal bed is now full of pillows and blankets. Anyone can see that each item has gone through a lot of calculations to determine where to put it.
‘I- it looks like a nes-‘ before Javier can end his thoughts suddenly Lloyd pops out.
“Ha ha! Lo and behold! This is my fortress!”
“....Young master, what are you doing?”
“...make my bed? ANYWAY! come join me! it's very comfy, you know~? Want to sleep with this big brother tonight~?”
“..with all the respect, sir. I have to refuse- wait. Is that my pillow?” 
"oh-AH. Yes. I will borrow it today! "
"You have a ton of pillow, Sir. Why you must borrow mine? please give it to me"
"What-? Did I just hear SIR KNIGHT ASRAHAN say he can't sleep without his pink pillow? don't worry. I won't tell a soul."
Javier moves closer to the bed with a fortress(?) make of pillows. To be honest, the nest- no- the bed looks very comfy and neat but he can't let himself go along with what this trash human planned.
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Thank you for reading! :3
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dissvicious · 1 year
Triple threat
Heya everyone I hope you're having a wonderful day (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ 💕
I have a few hours to kill at the airport so let's enjoy a little bonus post to my fanfiction Never leave me again (check my pinned post 📌) which I could call: Buggy's offsprings appreciation post ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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Flash forward to years after the fanfiction timeline: Buggy's triplets are now 12 and they all have inherited traits from their father - which make your parenting journey an highway to hell sometimes. Let's meet them ~
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First born of your little clown litter
No braincell - only chaos
He has destruction in his blood.
Very adventurous! Never reluctant to go on a mission.
...Even if you never ask him to come, tho.
Randomly put fires to things, most times by accident.
Golden retriever energy, but a crazy one
He shares his father's laugh
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Natural born leader, she wants to become captain herself later.
Most cautious of the three. She has destructive impulse like her brothers, she just makes sure the twins get caught and not her.
Has a passion for sea creatures, dream of having one as a pet
Growing with Buggy and the twins she ironically became self conscious about her nose, wishing to have a natural red round nose like her father & brothers.
Her axe is made out of wood - for now, to her great dispair.
Have her father's ego and taste for the grandiose.
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The one of the twins who actually have braincells.
Very crafty and imaginative.
Love to invent, craft and test other Buggy's bombs.
For the moment they are pretty inoffensive : smoke bombs and laughing gas bombs mostly.
He crafted Blaze's gauntlets with rusty pieces of armor he found in the big top's hold.
Inherited his father's grumpiness and shitty temper.
As I said some post ago I have the plan to make a little webcomic with them. I have so much fun drawing them ! Hope you like the doodles & stay tuned, next part of the fanfiction is written and I'll post it when I'll have some times. ~(˘▾˘~)
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Scent Match - Part 3
(Note: Started with an anon asking for the phrase prompt, ���Oh. Oh.”)
Summary: When Amber Dyer decided to attend a Creator Con, she never expected to run into Of Wolf and Blood lycan hearthrob, Augustine Prime.
But, there he was, stooping over her table, asking to buy the unflattering drawing of his character. Valuing integrity over taking money from a celebrity and running (though she was sorely tempted,) Amber finishes the sketch and delivers it to Augustine.
However, he continues to doggedly pursue her and entwine their lives.
All because of her scent.
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First Part | Previous Part Masterlist
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The VIP lounge was simultaneously underwhelming and overwhelming. While the environment was remarkably drab - reminding Amber of a sad office party with business-grade navy carpet and neutral grey walls - being in the midst of celebrities brought her anxiety to a heart pounding ten. She was just thankful to have Addie by her side, helping to field questions
She just had to focus on calling the actors by their actual identities, rather than their character's names.
"So, did you think you'd get the Augustine Prime's attention with this drawing?" From across the coffee table, Tarias - Theo Delaney - leaned forward in his chair. A smile spread over his features, his eyes alight with amusement. On the table was the aforementioned drawing.
Amber glanced down at the piece, ignoring how Augustine - from his spot on the floor - watched her so... closely.
For the most part, Augustine simply basked in Amber's presence. He was thankful she agreed to venture into the VIP area. At the time of his request, he hadn't realized he'd be able to inconspicuously take in her scent for an extended time. Augustine had merely wanted her to stay near him.
Now, not only was he committing her scent to memory, but Amber's mannerisms. The way her gaze bounced from one companion to the next, trying valiantly to give them all her attention. She even turned slightly toward whoever spoke, making them aware she was listening. Augustine found his eyes often wondering. Taking in her straight back, but slumped shoulders and the way her hands shifted, her feet fidgeted.
He wanted to skim his hand down her back, release her tension. Or bring her hands to his lips, brush light kisses over her knuckles to still her nerves.
"I didn't know it was him talking to me at first. I was focused on my drawing." As Amber admitted that, Laira - Delilah Moonsbayne, Amber reminded herself - barked out a laugh from her armchair next to Theo. The actress made a flippant comment on Augustine's lack of presence, but Amber didn't acknowledge it.
With her heart still pounding, Amber simply smiled weakly at the woman and let her momentum continue to propel her words, "If l had known he was lurking about, I might not have chosen Montos for vent art."
At her words, Augustine's ears twitched with concern, but Theo beat him in asking, "What were you frustrated about?"
Theo Delaney's intense look of concern brought a soft, awkward laugh to Amber's lips and a lick of heat over her cheeks. It felt odd explaining her everyday gripes to a celebrity.
Thankfully, Addie took over talking duties as she threw an arm over Amber's shoulders. "Despite how talented Amber is, their work - particularly their webcomic - hasn't gotten the attention it deserves."
"I'm not the best at marketing, so it's really just my fault." Amber winced and gave another weak laugh, trying not to sound too self-deprecating.
At her knee, where Augustine had opted to sit on the floor, the actor suddenly snapped his fingers. He smiled up at her, craning his neck as he excitedly asked, "Weren't there books at your table? Hell's Bells or something?"
"Hell's Promise," Amber corrected with a nod. Honestly, she was surprised he'd seen anything other than her little drawing of Montos, given how focused on it he had been. She was lucky he even remembered the commission, let alone invited her into the private realm of celebrities.
He seemed to perk up more, wolfish ears turned toward her in full attention. Something in Amber shivered under his undivided interest. Augustine leaned closer to her, subtly taking in her scent as he prodded further, "Do you have a copy with you?"
Also on the floor, Dsidere - Camry Vainglow - leaned over Augustine. Interest sparked in their wide green eyes as they waved their hand, like a kid hoping to be called on in class. "Yeah! I wanna read it, too!"
Before Amber could break the news that no, she didn't have any of her comics on her, Addie tapped her shoulder repeatedly. "I have some!"
Surprise flicked over Amber's features, turning to her friend. The other woman was riffling around her messenger bag excitedly looking for something. "You do?"
"Yeah, I figured if Augustine actually had come around, I should grab some merch." Triumphantly, Addie withdrew a small stack of Hell's Promise. As she leaned over to hand them to the celebrities, she shot Amber a wink. " You never know! He might become a fan and post about it online, which would be a boon, right?"
"Very smart!" Camry nodded sagely as they and Augustine accepted a book each. Amber tried to hide her surprise and delight as Theo and Delilah also took copies. Along with the books, Addie handed out some stickers, pins, and additional copies of Amber's business card.
Trying to shove off her own excitement - it wasn't even guaranteed they'd even read her comic - Amber opted to give further information. "You can also find the comic online at the website on the back of the book. Online is obviously more up-to-date than hard copies."
Flipping through the pages, Delilah tilted her head to the images before asking, "So what's the story about?"
"Hell's Promise is about a world where witches get their familiars assigned to them and our protagonist gets a hellhound. Which is, like, completely unheard of in this universe." Once again, Addie took the verbal reins, leaning over Amber as she spoke to Delillah with pure excitement. "So the witch starts poking about and unravels a long forgotten prophecy which may or may not involve saving the world."
"Interesting," singsonged Camry as they flopped onto the floor, stomach to the carpet and Hell's Promise splayed open for reading.
"I like to think so," Amber said, just before her phone went off. She blinked, momentarily rerouting her thoughts before realizing it was her own device. Digging it out of her pocket, the phone continued chiming as more notifications rolled in. Confused, she stared at it, trying to understand what was going on.
"Wow, someone is popular." Addie leaned closer, peeking curiously at the device vibrating in Amber's hand. "What's going on?"
"I honestly don't know." Amber's eyebrows furrowed, realizing it wasn't just one app going off. It was all of her social media. If it had just been her texts, it could have been an emergency involving her friends or even the few family that still spoke to her. However, it was as if someone lit a fire in all of her apps.
Why was she suddenly getting so many notifications? Had something she posted riled up people to the point of hunting her down online presence down across multiple platforms? She couldn't even think what she had last posted that would be met with any level of vitriol, specific or general. That didn't mean much, though.
When she realized the reason for the attention, her heart jumped while her stomach plummeted.
She was tagged across multiple platforms by @TheAugPrime. The post, in question, was a selfie of Augustine - taken mere minutes ago - holding up her comic and flashing an attractive grin to his camera. The caption read "Check out this comic by @AmbDyArt! Just got a copy and can't put it down." Following his statement, he even linked to the places Hell's Promise was hosted on.
Startled, her eyes wheeled to Augustine. Embarrassment and dismay, among other indescribable feelings, spiked a fire up her spine. "That's not even true. You haven't even read it!"
"It's not a lie, either. I haven't put it down, since Miss Kline handed it to me." He winked with a grin, waggling the still-held comic in the air. Immense pride puffed out his chest over that little workaround.
Beside Amber, Addie gave a giggle-snort. "He has a point."
"B-but he hasn't read it yet." Amber briefly turned to her friend, shock and betrayal faintly coloring her voice before she turned back to Augustine. "What if you don't like it?"
He gave a lackadaisical shrug, but his smile never faltered. Even as an inkling of uncertainty colored the far parts of his thoughts, a part of Augustine couldn't help but enjoy her reaction. It was unbearably adorable. While he hadn't read the comic yet, he had flipped through it and could feel Amber's care put into the art. "I'm sure I will. You made it."
"You don't know that though!" She wanted to grab him and shake him. How could he just give her a free recommendation so easily? What if he read her comic and found it to be utter trash? Hell, what if his fans read it and deemed it garbage? Further "what ifs" spun around her head with every notification buzz her phone shuddered with.
Something in her expression must have finally struck Augustine. His ears drooped a little, confusion and hurt softening his features.
Oh, he had fucked up. Something in his chest sank, staring up at Amber's flustered horror. Before he could think of something to say or apologize, Delilah had reached over to Amber, patting her on the shoulder. "Sweetie, don't try to make sense of him. He does shit like this all the time."
"Would you like me to delete my post?" He held up his phone, thumbs poised over the screen as if it would just be a matter of thumb taps to erase the posts. Causing her strife had been the furthest thought from his mind. Augustine knew what his celebrity endorsement could do for a small brand, though. He had just wanted to help her.
"I... I don't know." Conflict swarmed Amber's thoughts. It just felt like a lie, but wasn't that marketing? He hadn't actually lied, hadn't given an actual review. Just posted a photo of himself with the book. That alone had her own social media suddenly aflame.
Even if he deleted his posts, there were bound to be screenshots already circulating. Some of those emails pouring into her inbox might be from news outlets, as well. She didn't even want to think about the rumor aspect in what he had just done.
Staring helplessly at her phone, she watched as notifications rolled in from ExaGram, Bumblr, Cheepter, and more. With a shake of her head, she sighed and set her phone to Do Not Disturb mode before tossing it back into her bag. She'd deal with the mountain of notifications later.
"You should've asked before posting that." From beside Augustine, Camry nudged his side. He glanced down to his co-star, still sprawled on the floor with the comic book open. "Some people don't like their timelines blowing up, all because of your mug."
Again, Augustine realized he should have known better. He often forgot. Even when he barely started his acting career, his family's notoriety and wealth - and predisposition to conventional attractiveness - meant he'd always had a following. With drooping ears, he sighed and cast an apologetic look to Amber. "Sorry, Miss Dyer."
"It's fine! You were just trying to be nice." Augustine's puppy dog eyes worked on someone, at least, as Addie wrapped an arm around Amber's shoulders. She gave a laugh, giving her friend a little shake as she pointedly said, "Right, Amber?"
"Yeah, it's fine. I'm just..." Amber sighed once more, pressing her hands to her warm cheeks. Her cool palms helped to ease the fires of anxiety still churning inside her. She suddenly felt foolish for her reaction. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she centered herself before allowing her hands to drop and looking at Augustine once more. "I'm not used to so much attention on my socials."
Augustine rose to his knees from his crosslegged position, edging closer to Amber again. She tensed, seeing his hands rise briefly to touch her knee. Some sense made him drop his hands, but earnestness still glittered in his eyes. "Let me make it up to you by treating you to dinner."
"Weren't you going to ask her out anyway?" Delilah grinned as Augustine shot her a dirty look. The fact she sat in an armchair and he knelt on the floor razed at his pride, but he ignored it. Just because he planned to eventually ask Amber out to eat didn't mean his colleague had to throw him under the bus like that!
Blessedly, Amber's friend ignored Delilah's interjection. She was all excitement as she bounced a little on the couch. "Food sounds great! We were just talking about what to get for dinner before you caught us!"
Watching Augustine's features shift from somber to excited made Amber feel a little bad for how she had reacted to his post. With that feeling, another wave of frustration swept through her. She'd been acting ingracious to him and the other OWaB cast. After all, just because they were celebrities didn't mean they weren't persons, with flaws and feelings and understanding. Other than talent and luck and connections, they were no different from her. Mostly.
With that thought in mind, Amber turned to the others and smiled, determined to extend the olive branch of friendliness. "Are the rest of you going to join us?"
No one caught the momentary fall of Augustine's expression when Amber posited her question. Nor did they see his further gloom as his castmates chimed affirmatives. It was only a blink of disappointment, before he schooled his expression back into a smile.
There'd be time to talk to Amber alone, he reminded himself. He was just happy for the continued time together.
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Next Part | Masterlist
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I also love, love, love comments, tags, and reblogs! Seeing readers' reactions motivates me.
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thedarkone121 · 5 months
Rachel, ever so slowly, raised her head up so she could stare Doctor Jekyll in the eye. The saturated brown eyes met hers and at once, the strained smile fell away. Something close to fear had entered his eyes.
Good, he understood that this was no laughing matter. 
“I am taking her to the tailor shop,” she began, her words slow and clear so that the idiot doctor could understand her. “And I am going to make sure she’s getting dressed properly . If I need the money to buy her new dresses, you’re the one that’s going to be paying them. You hear me, Doctor?!” 
“Yes ma’am!” Jekyll squealed as he shrunk back. Rachel didn’t realize she was almost nose-to-nose with him. Now, on a normal day, Rachel wouldn’t dare get all up in her boss’s face like that. But the outrageous fury she felt coursing through her blood was enough to override the repercussions. 
“Wha’s a tail-er?” Anne-Marie’s confused voice piercing the air managed to break Rachel out of her rage.
Right, there was work to be done.
New chapter is up guys! And boy, was it a long one. 28 pages on the Google Docs...
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smoke-and-silver · 8 months
How did you come up with your Ifrit / Bernadette content? I would love to hear 😁
It's so flattering that people are interested in them, thank you so much!
I actually didn't plan for Ifrit to make more than one appearance. Initially I wanted to do some little slice of life scenes around the ministry, and I just picked a random ghoul for that introduction scene with a nun first meeting a demon.
When I started drawing Bernadette it was out of a desire to draw an older character than I usually would. I'm 24 and having that first "oh god am I getting old" panic so I started drawing an older woman as a comfort, then she took on her own character as I drew more. :3
For the little comics I wanted something playful, like those early 2000s cheesy goth webcomics where the blood is all played off for laughs--like the repeated joke of Bernadette killing her ex husband. I get a lot of inspo from campy domestic horror flics like Serial Mom (1994).
--and then, I thought it would be sweet for an older lady to get some love, and Ifrit was already there from that first comic, and I kept growing more attached to him too, and the content just got sappier from there. :P
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penwrythe · 4 months
I have thoughts around the discussion of mature writing for adult media.
My project World of Relics is for adults, so it's good to see how this discussion goes since I really don't want to struggle writing WOR as an adult webcomic (Rise of Relics) and anthology (The Mundane Realm) series. I think the reason why Hazbin and TADC feels immature that they have the nostalgia of edgy kids and teens media with occasional mature themes being the inspiration, but not really fully embracing those themes from an adult's point of view. It would explain in part why they feel immature for something that suppose to be for adults.
Note: this is an underdeveloped thought, still processing it so critique is welcomed and good thank you.
This is not to say you cannot take inspiration from kids/teens media, this is more to say how does it effect how you perceive/write/create adult media. Is adult media "shocking fact that the characters are stuck somewhere unusual", "randoms s*e*x joke the 5th time in an episode", and "it's mature because shocking thing you don't see in kids media"?
Or is adult media about recognizing both the mundane and extremes of adulthood, with no escapism from certain extremes, understanding the moments of joy, pain, sorrow, etc has more to them than brief moments but instead history and context behind all of that in an adult's life.
Taking a moment to review what I been viewing and reading so that I can understand how to write World of Relics:
--Animated Series--
JJBA - Stone Ocean*
Carol and the End of the World*
Blue Eye Samurai*
Blood of Zeus*
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon*
--Books (both YA and Adult/New Adult)--
The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter*
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin*
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Legendborn Series by Tracy Deonn (YA, but still handles mature themes well)
Oathblood by Mercedes Lackey*
The asterisk is for media I'm not just reading for enjoyment but learning how to handle the form of storytelling it presents. Without making this post too long, I feel gravitated to these media not for ~what shocking situation the character is in~ but the familiarity of their experiences to mine or to other people's life experiences they faced. Some more extreme than others (especially Blue Eye Samurai, Blood of Zeus, The Rage of Dragons, and The Fifth Season), the extremes of trauma, strife, hardship, discrimination, and destruction in these stories have an weight to them beyond the shock of violence or death, or the existential crisis. Like, there's no cry laughing, but there is quiet moments of grief and pain, the yearning of better days, desires of vengeance and justice. There's a substance to them that feels more thought out than what I feel from TADC Hazbin.
Note 2: I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, I love TADC. Yes, there's only two episodes out right now, but like I want more than what it presents.
Note 3: Yeah, I'm comparing apples to grand pianos, but I believe there's no harm in asking for more. I believe adult indie animation can do better, for now we have stepping stones that will help build the foundation for the next generation of adult animation. ~looking at Lackadaisy here since I'm a reader of their comic, that will most certainly be the next step if you know how it goes.
In addition to this, I will admit with my project WOR, I have concerns it might not be taken seriously as adult media, not because shocking edginess (there's a sprinkling of that here and there), but ...my characters are mostly talking object people set in a fantasy world. I have decided on certain things about them: despite them having human souls, sexuality is nearly vestigial in their species so all attraction is romantically driven -they are an asexually reproducing species, and almost all cursing/swearing will sound mostly mundane to us humans -no one says M*therf*cker but will using Blazing Hell, Broken Blades, Rusted Hell, Dirty Rags, etc (similar swears to how The Fifth Season does swearing in relation to earth and fire, WOR handles swearing to the material makeup of Objectkind - as well how biases of Hardy objects have of Fragile objects), and other things.
But, I knew, after awhile of reading and watching, what kind of story I wanted and how it appears to other people. If you like, person reading this very long post, I welcome you to read the following:
// Mild Spoilers for Rise of Relics and a little for the Mundane Realm
Note 4: The characters in Rise of Relics were gods turned to their relics after their realm was destroyed by the Inversion Event. So, if you are familiar with my story, its all baleful polymorph, almost everyone gets turned. If you are uncomfortable with that trope (due to certain past depictions in media), I suggest not reading anything World of Relics please. ~also, I'm Black soooooo, its alright! Everyone's dead lol. I equalized it!
Note 5: Also in the old draft of Chp 3 sample (its updated rn, just look at the Worldofrelics tag), Nicodemus is a crystal ball, Nikey is a trident. The flashback was before the Inversion Event. Just want to put this there in case confusion.
Do these examples of my WOR project:
Feel mature?
Feel as though, despite maybe a shocking thing or too, there's more to what's presented?
What of the characters? How do you feel about them in the situation? What about the implications of the situation they are in?
Does the voice (narration of Altostratus or how the characters in RFR Chp 3 speak and behave) feel like they are adult characters, or characters in general regardless of age, exist in a mature adult setting?
How do you empathize with them in their situation? Do you expect them to just react constantly to the events in the story in one type of way? Or do you expect as they develop over time, they adapt, struggle, and grow beyond just where they started?
If you imagine these characters in real life, would they be like what the story presents them as (in both examples, characters are above the age of 18 - from 32 to thousands of years old (read late 60s -early 100s in human years in relation to this question)?
Does it feel like at any point this could appeal to children (not because talking objects, but other reasons)? How do I improve upon that to appeal to Adults (by not adding swearing or se*xual stuff, but mature themes without making light of whatever topic I'm trying to handle)?
Giant Robot Monster Hot or Dear god, this old girl Flammin went through so much I hope they are happy with their trident wife? (they won't be, lol, oh they won't be)
Do you interpret Nikey as an angsty teen/20s or someone in their early 30s just trying to make sense of the world that died around her? (Okay, not obvious in chp 3, but give me your thoughts anyway)
Sexy Tumblr Old Man or This old man was a criminal and may have hurt people deeply and wrestling with that fact, knowing that one day he will face someone who was hurt by his actions? (still writing out Gwenny's lore, just hinting at this point tho)
Okay, I ran my fingers on this too long lmao. But yeag, tell me what you think. May the discourse begin.
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quasiquack666 · 5 months
I haven't used Tumblr in years so I keep forgetting that it's a great place to share the shitstorms in my head. And I have many shitstorms
Anyways, I've been working on thoughts for a Beautiful Monsters (Jex Lane) x Eleceed (Webcomic) crossover. Although it's pretty much Eleceed characters in the BeMo lore
Side tangent, but wow if Eleceed had even half the worldbuilding of BeMo, it would be such a phenomenal webcomic
Note for Eleceed fans who read this: Do not pick up BeMo unless you're willing to wait for the series continuation LMAO. Blood Prince has been pending for six years (since 2018), this is your warning in case this post gets you interested in the books
Kayden: Vampire Lord — Kayden would definitely be a vampire lord for this crossover. Probably has like three blood pouches. As for his age, I'm thinking at least around Prescott's age, 3000+ years — For his vampire lord ability, I think wings suits him. On the other hand, I could take an argument for him having an ability similar to Karlene (Hound Mistress) where he turns into a bunch of shadow cats. In this case, the cats would be these massive creepy things with long fangs and are basically intangible unless Kayden makes them tangible (for example, during the moment he strikes). Extremely hard to deal with and kill — Kayden is well-known as a particularly brutal lord who is constantly looking for fights. Incubi/Hunters do not want to cross paths with him, but even other Vampires and allied Shifters likely stay away — He lived a solitary lifestyle in an underground cavern before finding Jiwoo — Kayden's sire is long dead, likely killed during the Sanguine Dominar attacks, or during the last Demon Incursion — He and Kartein are ex-lovers separated by the vampire-incubus war. They're both old enough to have caught the tail end of the peace between the two species, when neither species fought. But soon after the Sanguine Dominar came along, then the war started, and the rest is history. They secretly still find each other hot but it's been hard to reconnect with the war still going on
Jiwoo: Vampire — In this crossover, Jiwoo was born a human. Yujeong remains human, but after some incident, Jiwoo nearly dies and Kayden saves his 'life' by turning him into a vampire. Jiwoo took care of injured Kayden, so this is Kayden's repayment — As Kayden's sired child, Jiwoo is fairly powerful for his age even with one blood pouch. Once he turns into a lord, maybe he can become one with the shadows and sneak around. Or perhaps he gains wings and is the fastest flier — Kayden is extremely protective of his sired child, as any sire is. Jiwoo is sweet and bright for a vampire, and still longs to see the sunrises. Kayden wishes to get him a dayring so he can walk in the sun again, but due to their rarity it's not going to be easy
Kartein: Incubus — Kartein's species was the first I thought of! He's definitely incubus, an old one past his third transformation. Kartein is around Kayden's age at 3000+ — He has the ability to scan and is able to push his soavik power into other incubi to feed them (as a reference to his healing in Eleceed) — Kartein is also a warrior incubus, in reference to his combat abilities in Eleceed. He's a pretty average size there, about seven feet tall. His horns and wings are white at the roots and yellow at the ends, with the slightest hint of light blue at the very tips — Also I hate that all descriptions of Malarath fit Kartein as well. I considered making them related in this crossover, but that's so evil to Kartein (but maybe I should just for laughs). If I did though, I'd make him a cousin or something. Because making him Malarath's son/grandson is way too evil — "He was tall and thin with high, arrogant cheekbones. He had smooth, golden hair that fell long past his shoulders. His eyes were the palest blue [he] had ever seen". Do you see what I mean? That could literally be describing Kartein or Malarath and you would never know the difference
Pluton: Wolf Shifter — Of course, Pluton has to be the wolf shifter. Which, in fact, is different from a werewolf in BeMo lore — Pluton is also quite old for a shifter and managed to survive into modern day despite the shifter wipeout — Not that much is revealed on shifters in the BeMo lore yet, so I can't say a lot here
Wooin: Witch — He's the apprentice witch to Delein (who is also a witch). He has a lot of control over his magic despite his young age
Iseul: Wolf Shifter — A wolf like Pluton. Very cute, for a wolf
Jisuk: Vampire — Jiwoo's first vampire friend. Jisuk is a fair bit older than Jiwoo though, closer to 100 years old — He challenges Jiwoo and helps make him strong enough to defend himself in this new world
Jiyoung: Vampire Lord — Jisuk's older sired sister (they share a sire). She's a relatively young but powerful lord, maybe 400-500 years old or so — She's a typical lord with wings as her lord ability — Perhaps she is an ex-Hunter, which makes her particularly effective against the incubi-hunter side
Subin: ??? — Frankly, I am unsure for Subin. The lore for BeMo is somewhat lacking on the vampire side, so it's hard to think of other species that the vampires get along with (so she could be friends with Jiwoo). It's pretty much just other vamps, shifters, witches, and gargoyles. And she ain't no gargoyle for sure LOL. Then who knows when Blood Prince is coming out, so I might just leave her undetermined for now — Then again, I could make her a succubus so their group could represent some peace between different species. In this case, she would be about Jisuk's age. Her horns and wings would be black at the root, grey in the middle, and ice blue at the tips
Gestella: Vampire Lord — A lord older than Kayden and super powerful (maybe 3500+). Her lord ability is the ability to turn into smoke and choke out her enemies, poison the smoke, or generally harm with that
Inhyuk: Human — A human who serves Jiyoung's household willingly. He's old for a human and had his life extended by Jiyoung's sire, and now Jiyoung herself. He's maybe about 800+ years old
Jurion: Incubus — Heir to the Patrick household, also a warrior incubus, between seven and eight feet tall. His horns and wings are deep blue at the roots and fade to bright green at the tips — He's very much a simp for Jiyoung even though he knows it's wrong due to the war. Even so, he's yearned for her for at least a century (he's a little older than Jiyoung, maybe 600-700 years old)
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starsfic · 2 years
Prompt: Spicynoodles with Red helping and working through MK’s pregnancy hormones
Anon: Red Son recording his relationship progress with Xiaotian starting with him not realizing he has a crush on him to him holding his child to close to him as he nuzzles them and Xiaotian
“Baba’s crying.”
That was one of the last things you wanted to hear when you walked into your home. Red blinked at his daughter. Huiying stared back, her little monkey tail swishing back and forth as she held her DBK plushie. “Why is Baba crying?” he decided to ask.
“I dunno.” Very helpful. She gave a little shrug at his unimpressed stare. “He was cleaning up the office and said he found something of yours.”
Red raised a brow. “Something of mine?” That…didn’t really explain anything. As far as he knew, he didn’t really have anything that would make Noodle Boy cry. Maybe some awkward attempts at first courting gifts, but nothing else. “Okay, then. I’ll go see if he’s alright.”
Huiying nodded. “Okay, Bama.”
The office upstairs was split down the middle. On one side was Red, where he took business calls and questions about his patents. On the other was Xiaotian’s side, where he took and answered emails about commissions or the JTTW webcomic that had been his main source of income for the past few months. It was also their storage closet, which would explain the cleaning.
But not the crying.
“Noodle Boy?” he called, knocking on the doorway. “I’ve got your snacks!” Pregnancy gave Xiaotian the munchies. A sniffle was his answer. Sitting on the floor, his Noodle Boy stared up at him with watery eyes. “What’s wrong?” Red said, raising a brow. “Are you hurt?” Xiaotian shook his head. “...is it hormones?”
Xiaotian managed some twist of a nod and a shake. “You…you love me.” he whimpered.
That sounded weird. “I would hope so, considering we’re about to have two children together.”
“That’s not what I mean.” Xiaotian wheezed, a fresh stream of tears rolling down his cheeks. “You…” He gestured at the box he was holding. “You love me…”
What was he looking at? Red sat next to him, setting the bag of snacks aside, before peeking into the box. The moment he saw what was in the box, his blood ran cold. Old-fashioned audio logs sat there, with a player on top. The date on the log was the most recent one, recorded three years ago.
“You weren’t ever supposed to see these.” Red moved to grab the box and yank it out of reach, but Xiaotian grabbed it first. “C’mon, Noodle Boy, they’re embarrassing…”
“If you don’t think Xiaojiao doesn’t have pictures and videos of me mooning over you,” Xiaotian wiped at his face, a laugh escaping him. “Then you’re wrong.” Red opened his mouth and then paused. That was a fair point.
“Baba? Bama?” The two turned to see Huiying in the doorway. “Is Baba okay?”
Xiaotian held out his arms and their daughter was already moving into his arms. “Baba’s okay, sweetie.” He kissed her brow. “Bama and I were just talking about doing something special for the baby.”
Shit. Red couldn’t say no. Not with those faces staring at him. He nodded. “Yes.” He said, grabbing at the box. Yep, his recording equipment was packed up in here. “Just give me a moment...”
Soon enough, the recorder was ready.
“Huiying, can you say today’s date?”
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There was this comic, called sinfest perhaps you heard of it, that I used to follow, not because it was good, it was full of transmisogyny and the author raging about woke culture and sex work as well as antisemitism, but because it was so stupid and incompetent that it was fun to mock it. But started this year it just went all out on the antisemitism, basically every strip was full blown blood libel and conspiracy theory about Jewish controlling the world and murdering people. Even using the Palestinian genocide as proof that he is right. It's not even horrible in a "so stupid is funny" way anymore, it's just horrible.
Oh yeah, I have a friend who was a fan of it when it was actually good, and we used to trade reddit parody comics laughing at how stupid it was. It was horribly bigoted, but it was horribly bigoted in a way that was fun to mock ("the woke police" who use dildos instead of guns but are still supposed to be threatening, the alien invasion where the aliens don't actually do anything). Then the war in Gaza kicked in and suddenly all those aspects vanished in favor of elders of Zion the webcomic and like.....there's nothing to mock there, it's just horrifying.
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bloodandlaught666 · 5 months
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patejaminq · 1 month
A reminder that i have a webcomics on webtoon in 19 century setting!!! I'm still working on the rest of the scene 2 of act 1! For now you can read scene 1 and first half of scene 2!
Blood and Laugh | WEBTOON (webtoons.com)
You can also have a sneak peak on some of new pages on my boosty for a little payment just to support this project! (not necessary ofc! All pages will be available on webtoon when they all are done)
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lokiinmediasideblog · 7 months
Can you recommend me Loki books? (as in novels, not norse mythology textbooks)
I am not sure if I rated these correctly in terms of audience maturity. But I tried lol.
Valhalla comics-Peter Madsen
Fun slap-stick re-tellings of the Norse myths. Children oriented?
Loki (2004) aka "Blood Brothers" by Robert Rodi & Esad Ribic
It's my favorite Marvel!Loki comic of all time. It altered my brain chemistry. You can read it for free on the links in my pinned post.
The graphic novel version of Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman.
There's also this webcomic I found as a teen that's ongoing to this day and I need to go back to following:
Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Being Good by Louie Stowell
Diary of a Wimpy Kid but with Norse mythology! What's not to love about that?!
Eight Days of Luke-Dianna Wynne Jones
The book that inspired "American Gods."
Odd and the Frost Giants-Neil Gaiman
A boy named Odd encounters Odin, Thor, and Loki who have been turned into animals.
Runemarks duology-Joanne Harris
Just keep to the first two books. You'll hate the rest. Let's just say it dealt horribly with Eating Disorders and Harris should have done research on heavy topics before writing about them. Her Loki in the first two books is very enjoyable and he rules over goblins for a while, among other things. I also thought the way rune birthmarks worked in here was fun.
Norse Mythology-Neil Gaiman
It's an entertaining overview of the myths. If you're unfamiliar with them it's a good place to start.
Black Wolf: The Binding of Loki-Una Verdandi
I don't recommend if you want a soft!Loki or one that remains a decent person. Loki is interesting and feels like a force of nature. But let's just say he's like the Joker with all that implies. But I thought it was a worthwhile read (very long). It has probably the best Sigyn depiction I've encountered. She feels like a real person! I go more in detail here. I'd pay attention to the things I warn about in case they're deal-breakers or triggers. My review is not spoiler free but contains warnings.
American Gods-Neil Gaiman
Has very interesting premise and a multiple pantheons existing at the same time. It's fun how the deities adapt to the USA and modern times.
The Goddess of Nothing at All-Cat Rector
This book is basically a Norse myth whump fic. I would avoid if that's not your thing because I can see how someone else might hate it. I know I like it because making fictional characters suffer is my guilty pleasure. You won't be laughing at the mythology-based Loki memes. I don't think it's perfect. For example, I dislike that they have to make Loki's every action "justified", such as cutting Sif's hair because Sif called him fantasy racism slurs. Let him be a bit of an asshole just because. The disproportionate punishment makes it difficult not to sympathize with Loki either way. I don't know how I feel about her Sygin. It's the 2nd best Sygin I've seen yet in books. She has a personality, is likeable, and is not a doormat, but something about her and this Loki feels sanitized to me. Like the author was checking boxes for Sygin and Loki. I don't know how to explain it.
Father of Monsters-A. B. Frost
Short read. Loki is a loveable little shit that gets the Aesir into trouble and takes one for the team to get them out of it. I really liked this characterization and it had cute illustrations of Loki, Angrboda, and Jormungandr.
The Nine Worlds Rising Series-Lyra Wolf
They're not perfect. I think her Loki is very funny and likable but too sanitized. And Sigyn has no flaws other than caring too much for her no-good brother while the other goddesses are evil witches. But the author has a very comedic writing voice that is highly enjoyable and keeps the stakes high so that you want to keep on reading. I also like how one of the books starts with a very vengeful Loki and draws comparisons to Lucifer. Thought that was cool. Also, some reactions to some reveals didn't land the impact as well as they should. They do tease the Odin/Loki abusive relationship, but not with the toxicity I wanted, and Odin goes on a redemption path a bit too soon for my liking (while making all the goddesses evil witches...). There's also a lot of anachronistic language in here, such as Loki mentioning a Chihuahua.
Books I haven't read but I know of their existence:
Loki-Melvin Burgess (I saw a Sigyn stan complain about it, but I am not sure how seriously to take her complaints because she said shipping myth!Loki with say Balder or Thor or Odin was "incestuous" because Loki is Odin's "blood brother" despite Loki being unrelated to everyone but Narfi and Nari on Asgard). My standards for Loki don't require that Loki be a paragon of morality, unlike hers. UPDATE: A mutual told me it's horribly transphobic and has rape apologia.
Harbinger of the End-Nicki Chapelway (I've seen praise from Logyn shippers for this one)
Loki: Nine Naughty Tales of the Trickster by Mike Vasich
I saw an excerpt with a rather humorous joke, but the one other Mike Vasich Loki book I read bored the hell out of me. So I haven't given it a chance for that reason.
The Blackwell Pages by Kelley Armstrong and Melissa Marr
It's a children's book series where the descendants of Thor and Loki are the protagonists.
I might have some revies in "LokiBookClub" tag.
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cairoscene · 2 years
went like a not insignificant distance into your blog because I can feel the batfamily consuming me and eating my heart and so on. haven’t ever read or watched or played batman however. as I trust your opinions Where do you suggest I start
omg welcome. i have recently been afflicted with something similar so i do have recs!! in terms of canon — which i will say i have middling opinions about, and i'll admit that i haven't really read any comics older than the 90s — i'll recommend the comics that really got me In Trouble: Batman: The Knight (2021). 10 issues by Chip Zdarsky and Carmine Di Giandomenico. this remains my batman holy grail. it's about bruce's journey to becoming batman and focuses on pivotal experiences in his education. it also features my favorite hot sexy murderous ex husband, minhkhoa khan. also, and most importantly, has some of the best written bruce and alfred interactions that i've read.
Nightwing (2016) #78—. by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo. idk this was one of the first ones i read and i just really enjoy the punchy art and the action and the dialogue. from my understanding from #78 onward, the issues are trying to maybe breathe more life and color into nightwing's stories, and for me it works. it's just super fun and cute and i love dick grayson.
Dark Knights of Steel (2021). another Tom Taylor, this time with Yasmin Putri. idk if you told me a year ago that i would be into reading a DC fantasy AU where superman is a prince and batman is his loyal guard i would have laughed in your face. but it's really very fun and the art is excellent. i have quibbles about the worldbuilding, but the robins make it worth it. the robins feature and they are delightful. excellent brainworm material overall. it's still ongoing and i'm not sure how many issues are planned.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022). this one's by Mark Waid and !!! Dan Mora (whose art i cannot stress enough makes me cry) and it's set to be 10 issues, there's one more coming in december. it's got great sort of vintagey vibes and is just really really fun, featuring dick grayson robin who i would run into a burning building for.
for batman proper i'll say i've been kind of cherrypicking issues to read, but i read a good long run of Batman (2016) starting with #102 because, you guessed it, it's the introduction of minhkhoa khan, aka the ghost-maker. i also enjoyed the Fear State saga (#112-117), but most recently i've been very into the recent issues by Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez starting with #125, which sets up a conflict between batman and failsafe—an AI bruce himself created in case he ever needed to be taken down. so far the failsafe saga has given me:
bruce badly beaten and bleeding <3
the whole family banding together to try to stop failsafe
batman zur-en-arrh, which is like, if batman fell into a bucket of colorful paint
so, so many tim drake feelings
just to name a few.
PHEW so for non-comic media, i recommend:
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures. a webcomic from Webtoon by CRC Payne and Starbite. new episodes every week and they're FREE and they focus on slice-of-life family stuff and some character-centric episodes, which is all i've ever wanted really. this was the first batman thing i read, which kicked me off into looking into canon more, resulting in this hilarious set of messages to my friend spanning probably no more than a few hours:
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for movies, i don't tend to vibe with the characterization of bruce (and damian. and dick. and talia..) but i enjoyed Batman: Bad Blood (2016) and Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010). also Please Watch The Lego Batman Movie. seriously it's really good and fun
for video games, i've only played Batman: Arkham Knight (2015) out of the legendary series of games by Rocksteady. but man is it A Game (admiring). i also do have a lot of fun playing Gotham Knights (2022) because it's focused on the kids in the batfamily, but i will admit that it sure is A Game (derogatory).
jesus this is getting long. in terms of fic, i would probably have to make a separate post for all of the fic that's lit my brain on fire but you can check out my fic rec tag here on tumbo and my public bookmarks on AO3 for some of my favorites. i also highly endorse all of the fics in @vinelark 's batfam fic rec thread on twitter.
thanks for this opportunity to gush incoherently and i hope this helps <3
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soft-for-xie-lian · 10 months
Hi 🤗 how are you? How is it going? Hopefully you have a good day today. So, if you dont mind me coming in here to ask, pls what is purple hyacinth about and what do you like about it/why do you like it so much personally? Im curious 🥰 and thank you!
omg hi!!!!! I have had a good day thank you! And I hope yours has been well, too! ^-^
I'm am DELIGHTED to talk about Purple Hyacinth thank you so much for the ask omg this is going to be long I hope you're okay with that hahaha
Purple Hyacinth is a webcomic on the website/app Webtoon. It is free to read. The authors are Ephemeris and Sophism, and Sophism does the bulk of the artwork :)
Right off, I think the premise of it is really good. The main character Lauren can hear when people lie. Because of a tragedy that took her best friend when they were kids, she becomes a cop to fight the group that caused it, teaming up with an assasin who unwillingly works for that group and hates his job lol. This means we have a traumatized main cast with tragic pasts, slow burn enemies to lovers between the main character Lauren and the assasin, and a delicious mystery to watch them solve as they try to uncover the leader of the Bad Group's identity so they can be taken down.
Start reading for the tropes, stay for the heart. My favorite thing about stories is when they have heart. I love that this webtoon is so character focused. The plot is really good I love watching them follow leads and have had moments where I was like "oh my god no fucking way." but the way the characters live in the plot is my favorite bit. The friendships? Flawlesly written. I'm not sure how to say too much without giving spoilers, but let's just say Lauren's friend Kym can recognize her in a dark room it's so good and yes the authors use that to make you cry. We've got some "family isn't just blood" themes here, too, with Lauren and her childhood friend Will.
(the story is also sprinkled with memes and makes me laugh so much. I refuse to read something if it can't be silly and make me ugly chuckle at least sometimes and PH DOES IT)
There's self loathing, there's characters who make decisions and mistakes because of their trauma, there's characters comforting each other, there's really good fight scenes, there's some ACAB and talk about privilege, there's some queer rep--there is just so much to talk about and appreciate about with this story.
OH MY GOD AND THE SOUNDTRACK (which is on Spotify and I think Apple Music under the artist's name Sophism) this webtoon is a cinematic experience at times
thanks again for the ask! i've been swimming in circles in my head without anyone to talk to about it haha. i absolutely love it, but I will warn you, while there are two and a half seasons out, we're on hiatus haflway through season three because Sophism is dealing with a chronic illness. it is planned to make a return in spring of 2024, but there's no guarantee, as we all want Sophism to put her health first. that being said, I really think it is still worth reading, and I can't believe it isn't more popular. I'd 100% buy physical copies if the authors ever go that route
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