#bloggy bloggy blog blog
I walk with confidence until I get within five feet of a bee, whereafter I repeat “oh god oh god please go away” whist shaking like a leaf and perspiring a frightening amount
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rollforfelicity · 1 year
I think I'm doomed to always be a little unhappy with non-D&D seasons of Dimension 20 because they tend to treat any system they're running like D&D.
I'm on episode 2 of Mentopolis (which I'm loving) but Brennan Lee Mulligan keeps treating the checks like D&D handles skill checks. If you miss, nothing happens, and if you hit the DC, you do what you're trying to do. He also keeps getting so close to how Kids on Bikes works by saying "The DC is 8, but if you get a 12, you'll get something extra." That's great GMing, except that's how all the checks work in Kids on Bikes. You're always succeeding and failing by degrees. For example, here's what the rulebook says about hitting the difficulty exactly.
The character succeeds, but just barely. Decidedly, nothing surprising happens — and the player and the GM should make this success as skin-of-the-teeth as possible.
By contrast, succeeding with a margin of 10+ means you succeed "smoothly and easily," and potentially get extra bonuses from this success. But what happens if you fail a roll? There are degrees to it. For example, missing the check by a margin of 1-4 leads to this result:
The character fails, but not too badly. There might be some very, very minor short-term consequences, but these won’t shift the story for more than a minute or two. The character has tried and almost succeeded.
Even if you only fail by a little, something should happen other than "you don't succeed." Sometimes that's the result that makes the most sense, but most of the time the narrative should at least shift enough that the character would have a reason not to try to do the exact same thing again. For example, you try to jump up on a box to get a better view. You fail by a margin of 2, the box breaks when you jump on it. It's not a huge complication, but the PC will have to try another method or move on.
That's also why adversity tokens (they charmingly call them Moxie in Mentopolis) are so interesting. You can spend a few to still fail a roll, but have results be less dire, or spend some to succeed by an even larger margin.
I get that Kids on Bikes is kind of similar to D&D, but it is a different game, and the differences make the experience of playing so much fun.
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cottonpuffbunny · 2 years
Hi sweeties! How have all your days being going?~
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kingdom-of-ire · 3 months
Chilchuck from dungeon meshi is a monaghan lad to me.
Reason 1) Unionised in hard labour setting, say what you will about how under educated monaghan is sometimes but we are damn good at joining a union and sticking with it
Reason 2) half foots are basically just hobbits and hobbits are basically a metaphor for the British, guess what's in Britain? Northern Ireland- where's Northern Ireland? Ulster- who's in free ulster? Monaghan. Hobbits can be a stand in for monaghan lads too
Reason 3) I am from monaghan and I like him.
reason 3 cannot be refuted by anyone
long story short
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uncontestable proof he is from monaghan
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bloggy-art · 7 days
Hi, welcome to my blog. You can call me Bloggy for now! ^w^
Request status: Open!
I've decided to create a drawing request blog for UTMV! I've been wanting to for a while, but I chose to make one now mainly because I want to get over my stress related to drawing. And I like drawing prompts :D
Rules: -No NSFW -No ships with an adult and a child, or an adult with an aged-up child. -No incest -No gore -If you ask for a ship be aware that the end result may be more platonic than you might have wanted -Only send UTMV related requests! Anything else will most likely be ignored. -I'm tired. Please don't expect anything good <3 -I reserve the right to ignore any asks I want to ignore. -Please be patient! Due to irl issues, it may take me a bit to get to your request. -Please be nice. Remember that I'm a human, not a machine that spits out art. -Please don't expect to get anything. There's a chance I'll either realize how stressed I am about giving people art they may not like and hide away, or I'll fall asleep before I see your ask. -Spam will result in you being blocked, no exceptions.
Tips or things you should know: -Don't be afraid of sending in a 'cringe' request. I'm the lord of cringe, you can't beat me. Feel free to ask me to draw your own OCs, or cat versions of characters, or flower crowns, or anything you want but are worried about asking for. -I promise I won't bite ^^ -Quality will vary! I might put a lot of effort into one request and not much in another! This is because sometimes I have more energy than other times. Don't feel bad if I don't pour a lot of energy into yours, you're still getting free art :D -My style changes often, and it changes a lot! The drawings you see me do for others might not look like what you'll get. Don't get mad about that, please.
IMPORTANT: This blog may be up for only a day or it may be up for a while. Who knows. I might dislike it later, or I might like it. So if you like any art I end up doing, I recommend you reblog it so you don't lose it.
Tags for navigation {I only have one right now lol}: Completed request Update
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jayarrarr · 9 months
If you’d told me this time last year that this time this year I’d be where I am right now, I’d have quietly suggested that perhaps the holiday season was getting to your head a bit. Hell, I said it myself, the day I drove down to Houston for the first time: “Ain’t no fucking way my fucking ass is moving to Houston fucking Texas.”
Famous last words.
I ended 2022 in the liminal space of a Schrödinger’s relationship that was simultaneously clearly over and not over yet. I was mentally, physically, and psychically drained. I was also ready to turn over the proverbial apple cart of my life because I knew nothing I’d been doing for the past seven years or so had actually gotten me anywhere I truly wanted to be.
I needed a push. And I got a push. It wasn’t the push I wanted at the time, but pushes seldom are. Do you think when mama bird pushes her fledgling out of the nest there’s a brief second when that little bird is hurtling through the air at terminal velocity and feels betrayed? Coz yeah, it was something like that.
But then, mere moments before that little bird crash lands, those wings start flapping and that little bird soars.
Okay, it doesn’t soar. It ain’t pretty, a fledgling flying for the first time. It ain’t pretty, but it works. And like that little bird, I spent the early part of 2023 discovering who and what I am, and who and what and where I’m meant to be.
Turned out that was Houston fucking Texas.
In my mind, the best relationships are the ones that accentuate and emphasize the parts of you that you love the most about yourself while simultaneously uplifting the parts of you that you maybe don’t like so much and saying “hey���all of this is okay too. Maybe it ain’t my favorite, but it’s part of you, and you’re my favorite, so yeah, I love all of it, even the parts I don’t like so much.”
It seems that to get what you really want, you have to actually ask for it—which is to say, first, that you have to believe that you deserve to get what you want, that you deserve to be loved for everything you are, that you deserve to be fucking happy for once.
The midlife crisis is over. Now we enter midlife ecstasy. I said that last night and, punnage to the side, every exhale has his name written on it. And forever feels like a small word for such an unwieldy and unpredictable thing, but at the same time, even the most active imagination has its limits and I can’t imagine any place I’d rather be or any person I’d rather be with.
Maybe that’s what falling in love really means.
And yeah, feels like I’m a completely different person at the end of 2023 than I was at the beginning of 2023. For all the faults and flaps and failings, this was the year I learned to fly.
©️2023 by Jennifer R.R. Mueller
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shovson · 7 months
wawawawawa why do you follow me?
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multi-fandom-agereg · 13 hours
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ | Kinda important post 🍼
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Due to what was found out by the creator and personal feelings on the show, from this point further I will not be posting hazbin hotel / helluva boss related content anymore. I deleted any requests in my inbox relating to Viv's content and I have no interest in making further content. So please don't go into my inbox and request something from those two shows I have mentioned.
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This was a hard decision for me to do, and after thinking about it for awhile; I've finally decided to just drop my interest in the two shows. This was a hard decision to make solely because I was there since day one when the both pilots dropped. I've stuck with helluva boss since now, and I've watched a couple episodes of hazbin hotel when they released the episodes 3(?) years later. So seeing where the shows are currently hurts me more than it probably should. So no, this wasn't just an easy 5-second decision of mine to make. 4 years of being a fan of both shows, and seeing where the show is now is just a shame.
Even though I'm not a fan anymore, I appreciate the friends I've made who were also fans of this show. People who love this show still, are a system with fictives of hb/hh, users who's blog is themed from those shows, or anyone who likes to reblog hh/hb content is still allowed to interact. I won't tell anyone who is a fan of the shows to DNI, so yeah, just so whatever honestly lol
TLDR; due to the creator + personal feelings on the shows I will no longer post/reblog/or make any content relating to helluva boss or hazbin hotel. I will no longer be accepting requests from those shows. Fans are still allowed to interact though, but I will no longer make content like that myself. So please do not ask me to do so. You will go ignored.
My inbox is open if you have questions about this, but I highly doubt I will go back on my decision. Posts I have made in the past is going to be decided wether or not they stay up. But as of currently they're still on my blog. Thanks for reading<3 I hope y'all understand.
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absentmoon · 10 months
i wish i could run an x reader blog
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natitith · 8 days
Hi hi hi! Guess what? I woke up at 5 am because i had to go to my friend's makeup class to be her model. It will be next Tuesday. I misunderstood her message at 5 am.
@xxxmychemicalratpoisonxxx i am so insane 😝
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cicadaland · 1 month
what's up with those blogs on here that like exclusively post 1990s-2010s myspace facebook etc pictures of tough-looking working class white people
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rollforfelicity · 5 months
It's CRAZY to go back and watch the first ep of Dimension 20 immediately after watching a current ep. The show was obviously great to start but the change in production value is wild. Basic things like the sound, lighting and camera quality. They aren't bad in FHFY but they're very noticeably better in FHJY.
It's honestly kind of comforting as a creator to see that a show I love so much is constantly learning and evolving just like I am (although obviously the first episode is FHFY is a million times better than even my best quality streams).
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cottonpuffbunny · 2 years
Babies day in! This or that ♡
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kingdom-of-ire · 2 months
you guys think anyone ever drunk drove a ford model T?
like- when it was first made you think anyone ever chugged whatever they drank back in those days and went for a spin?
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graysongraysoff · 11 months
anyway terrified that the reason my posts don't get as much engagement on here as they used to isn't because tumblr is dabbling in algorithmic shenanigans or because there just aren't as many people using the platform anymore but because everyone has gotten tired of me individually
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thoselips · 4 months
moovin' blogs :p
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