#bc like. I think on some lvl she Wants to be human? or at least to have a human shape
gumclones · 8 months
it is entirely possible, however, that her family all have bones, at least while in their original forms! this would delight me bc it would handily provide an in-universe explanation for how, due to eight years of art evolution, they’re drawn with subtle attention to anatomical detail that makes them look more human than Finn
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lampshading3 · 2 years
tár 3/3/23
my rating: 7.5/10
i love movies that want you to live with the character, with things happening that dont seem relevant at all but they are bc they at the v least showcase the character being characterized. i feel like a lot of movies pumped out right now want you to live with the memory of x cool fight scene or y funny joke but i really love watching a character be a human being even if theyre terrible at it. and lydia is terrible at it, she may be a decently well regarded composer but shes not a friendly person to ppl she doesnt see as equal to her or who she cant woo into her fanclub. she takes for granted the privilege of an extremely rewarding career and a loving wife and child and a devoted assistant, to the point of near awe inspiring power, until she uses it to needlessly severly harm people who "wronged" her and she loses all those privileges in the aftermath.
i am working on regaining my attention span and patience for longish monologues, and this movie had a few where i ended up spacing out a bit but thats more my fault than anyone working on this movie. i will say tho, as someone with no training or understanding of anything near composing an orchestra, if you can utilize some context clues it isnt difficult to grasp the message past the language.
towards the ending was probably where the movie lost me the most, but this is likely bc its a 3hr movie and i should probably take breaks next time. my biggest issue was just that sometimes i couldnt tell one blonde woman from another and this is also when things changed rapidly. it wasnt hard to follow the plot but i did miss some things that i later realized when sniffing around other ppls responses and critiques of this movie. again, not the movies fault but this is half diary anyways so.
i think cate blanchett was incredible as lydia tár and none of it wouldve worked without her, and the entire cast was amazing in general. and the fact they cast the dresden philharmonic and cate blanchett learned to conduct for this? insane lvls of care were put into this and this awards season overall has been pretty fun to witness with the love creatives are putting into their work.
tár added an interesting element to an interesting topic and ive loved engaging with the movie, but this will not be on my rewatch list for any time soon
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}oh, also obligatory Quetz bc I like hearing you gush about her and I particularly wanna hear about your favorite moment with her{
Here we go! I saved this for last, because it'll be a doozy! Might still get more asks after but still...
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First impression: story time! A while back, I was scrolling through my dash and saw a post with pictures of a bunch of Servants including Quetzalcoatl herself. I don't remember what else was on that post but I do remember the second I saw her there was this very strong emotional reaction for some reason. To this day I don't know why but when I saw her I thought she was absolutely beautiful and an amazing person. After learning a bit more I decided right then and there to play fgo, I was familiar with Fate beforehand and fgo specifically but before that day I didn't have much of an interest. But for some reason just her existence made me want to play to get her. Miraculously the time I decided to play was when Babylonia first dropped and I could roll for her regardless of story progression and I did get her! She's my first 5 star!
Impression now: WIFE!!!! She's the love of my life and the most incredible and amazing goddess in all of existence! Not only does she look amazing, she has an incredible personality, she's crazy nice, she's Hella strong, can be super scary, very tall, and is just in general the best servant there is! (For me at least) everything about her is incredible and I'm so happy to be with her!
Favorite moment: this is interesting. For the most part I think story but I have plenty of Favorite meta moments too. So I'm just gonna share a bunch of stuff real quick. Story wise I'd say the moments after her fight where we launch ourselves at her and she catches us, so we can prove her love for humanity! It shows that she isn't an evil goddess like people thought she was! I especially like it since I know her myths and she definitely isn't evil in anyway! She's been comparing to fucking Jesus! So... definitely not evil. I also love when she unleashed that bigass extinction attack on Tiamat! Quetz harnessing and weaponizing the power of the 2nd most devastating extinction event of earth's history and using to blast a dragon in the face is incredible! It's a bit bittersweet tho, since she's thought to be gone afterwards and it drained A LOT of her mana. For the meta, there's just so many milestones I've reached with her that make me happy when remembering them! Just first summoning her, getting her to lvl 100, getting her to bond 10 and getting that max bond CE, maxing our her skills and so on, every milestone always feels so good! Also recently, in the Ooku event she was the one to finish off Beast Kama and that was pretty great! I also like her X-mas event, but it could be better in a few spots. Like how at the end Bradamante was the one to save the day instead of Quetz and I'm still salty at the lack of rerun for the event.
Idea for a story: good lord there's too many! I want to write so much stuff for me and Quetz together and so on. I guess if I had to pick one specifically, I want to finally see a proper fight against her nemesis Tezcalipoca, and her finally kicking his ass for good! I'm fairly certain it'll happen one day in fgo itself but still...
Unpopular opinion: this will be interesting. If you couldn't tell from the first impression section, I like her design. As a Mexican person myself I genuinely do not see any problems with her having paler skin and blonde hair. I honestly didn't even think about it until I saw others get upset over it. There are actual Latin American people with paler skin and blonde hair, hell my sister has pale skin! She isn't blonde but still! And we aren't mixed race either! And I've seen other Mexican fans not really get upset over it either. It does make some sense, but regardless I'd never change her appearance. That specific design is what first peaked my interest in her and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Favorite relationship: WITH ME!!!! AS MY WIFE!!!! Just her general kindness to the player is so sweet and amazing! That's the kind of woman I love and would definitely want to spend my life with her! She's my absolutely amazing and perfect goddess wife!
Favorite headcannon: I will always stand by the idea that she'd love superhero media! It's already very similar to lucha libre in a lot of ways and I know she'd absolutely love the idea of humans with incredible powers helping the rest of humanity just for the sake of being there for each other! That lines up with her character so well!
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seoafin · 3 years
/&/&@2@3@3 i decided im not opening any socials when im half sleep anymore 😐 BC I JUST NOTICED IT BYE
anyways,,, my thoughts on jjk 146 b4 i log off again // (1)
this chapter just rly sheds a light on why their academic scores are the way they are sjjsjsjsj
on objective judgements of power i have to say i trust maki, who's never rly shown bias, the most among the students ,, when she says yuuta is the strongest, yuuta is the strongest,,, likewise, i sometimes dont trust yuuta, who sometimes doesnt trust in himself 😔
i don't think i have thoughts for this chp that i haven't already considered before ??? *squints* did i miss sth
are non shamans aware of the game tho... they're all just cursed, right, but ,,, do they know it..
i increasingly feel that megumi knows sth and is not spitting it out bc how many times has he very transparently deflected this chapter,, also idk if it was intentional but the way the hokkaido discussion put a bubble right on top of his face
alao how tf do u just casually curse the majority of jpn?? wild,, i hope the ainu do play a significant role down the line tho. i wonder with kurisu hand involvement if we will also see another shaman faction emerge since there's some degree of tieback to religion
and not megumi being blase abt his death! his ‘yeah whatever if i die it'll be fine’ was the least convincing thing ever!!! he’s so casual abt the idea sukuna could use him like,, what are u thinking megumi ,, then again he knows sukuna doesn't want him dead rn
since ppl are talking about nanamis CT,, maybe it's that all CTs belong to a single pool, there can only ever be one holder of the ability at a time so there's a restricted number of abilities and that's what also accounts for the small number of shamans
tengen’s barrier presumably works bc shamans agree it participate voluntarily,, it makes sure CTs remain in the pool. CTs rotate out at certain intervals, checking each other, bc the amount of cursed spirits also rises according to shaman power lvls
which makes me wonder if the golden age was a reaction to sukuna's growth in power, except that his fingers remain, the power is still circulating and kenjaku is out being an asshole. so 10 shadow, 6 eyes, curse manipulation all at the same time is maybe a reaction to kenjaku’s power plays
depends on how many of these super long living shamans there are too,, many of them have elemental powers or powers related to keeping the shaman world in check,, re: techniques and curse manipulation
imo there's also a suggested convergence where at some point a shaman hits critical mass and starts to tip over into cursed spirit territory. like,,, ur cells become so saturated by that cursed energy it starts to eat and replace ur actual mass and cursed spirits with a bunch of cursed energy become more capable of emotional nuance and approach a more "human" feeling ,,, idk. balance is clearly more literal and more relevant than we thought
ainu (irl and probs here too) are an indigenous group that reside in hokkaido. if we’re basing on recent laws and the fact that hokkaido is home to many many sacred sites based on their spiritual belief of gods manifesting as anything from nature,,, so if we look at in from jjk and shaman society perspective, it’s only right that tokyo/kyoto shaman society have no hold on hokkaido.
and based from the tensions in the past due to the government (irl), i doubt ainu shaman tech aren’t as open and prone to control as tokyo or kyoto are
i hope i’m not overlapping my thoughts with phantom seer that i’m catching up to rn bc it also involves shamanism sjsjjeen  - 🐱 (2)
seeing the ainu panel made me excited because I think that that means that the ainu may be getting a special spotlight later on
DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON MEGUMI!!! I WAS SO UPSET!! i know he likely did it to protect yuji and everyone but im still so....like that’s the last thing he wanted. all he wants is to live and protect his friends and tsumiki....
yeah...the last panel had me thinking about nanami’s cursed technique. it would be interesting if CT’s could be traded or smt, but I always thought CT’s were something inherent and unique to the individual but who knows at this point
i want more on the zenin clan politics and how exactly megumi became head. also very very interesting that gojo’s presence was the only thing keeping the “shared” armory stocked. the minute gojo was sealed they took back the weapons and dipped. i wonder why it was created in the first place!!
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randomnameless · 4 years
Heroes characterisation analysis time again, with Seiros bcs i’m trash and I was wondering maybe Seiros’d reveal some stuff about the WoH
Inoue!Seiros wise, Seiros is genki!Rhea
I pointed out in a different post, but I’ll forever regret not being able to have a dual audio. Someone on redshit pointed out how Inoue feels too soft and feminine (?) for Seiros, but for me, it’s the contrary. Leigh!Seiros sounds so monotone.
@ultrakatua​ : you said something about directions given to the VA, and I’m pretty sure Inoue got a different one from Leigh, just by looking at the lvl 40 quote localised Seiros goes :
Your kind are frail, ignorant creatures, incapable of accomplishing anything without the guidance of the goddess.
...Or so I had thought. But I have been forced to realize, meeting the Heroes here, that I was wrong.
You in particular stand apart as well... You are different from the rest. Special in some way.
My instincts are not often wrong...
If you continue to fight for this world, I will fight by your side, as a warrior. As an equal.
And I know the goddess will be watching over you as well. 
Through Google Translate (i know) the localised “my instincts are not often wrong” was originally “ Fufu ... My intuition is right, right?” OG!Seiros sounds more playful than localised!Seiros.
人の子など、 主のお導きなくしては何もできぬ、 脆弱で蒙昧な存在…
…と、思っていましたが、あなたや、 この世界に集った英雄たちを見るにつけ、 その考えが誤りであったと気づかされます。
とりわけ、あなたは他の誰とも異なる 特別な存在に思えてなりません。 ふふ…私の直感は当たるのですよ?
この世界で、あなたがこれからも 戦い続けるならば、私もあなたと対等な 一人の戦士として共に戦うつもりです。
天上におわす女神も、 きっとあなたのことを 見守っていてくださることでしょう…。 
Anyways, back to the dialogue, since I’ve already talked about this, let’s talk about this monstruosity of a Lv 40 Support - remember, in heroes or modern!FEs, if it has an avatar, it must be worshipped “you are so special” “i was lonely before you” *war flashbacks of the Loki-Aversa Forging bonds*.
Also, while FEH can be surprisingly astute with characterisation sometimes, some other times it just fail hard (remember Arvis and his “Hellfire” when Fjalar is seen as a symbol of justice and something to be proud of? Or whatever the fuck were Saias’s lines.)
Back on topic :
“Your kind are frail, ignorant creatures, incapable of accomplishing anything without the guidance of the goddess.”
Funny how I posted “recently” something about Macuil and Indech who have interesting staggering blow’s lines, deriding humans, thinking they’re children or “insignificant creatures”.
Post Zanado she might have shared her bros’s views on humans. And yet it feels odd, because we know Seiros built the canal in Enbarr and apparently accomplished “miracles” so randoms wanted to follow her. Was she sneering at humans while helping them because she thought she had to help them like Sothis did? Or did she help them because it was something she genuinely wanted to do? Or because she was planning to build her army of “frail and ignorant creatures”? Still, this is something she used to believe but she revised her opinion.
“...Or so I had thought. But I have been forced to realize, meeting the Heroes here, that I was wrong.“
Bleh - but point is, Seiros realised she was wrong, even in the canon FE16 gave us. Rhea is legit saddened to fight her loser’s descendant, whatever Willy was, even if he needed her help to create his Empire, he was not a “frail and ignorant creature, incapable of accomplishing anything without the guidance of the goddess” anymore. I won’t bank on every legacy golem being named after a human ally, but you’re not naming uh... guardians after creatures you don’t care at least a little about. if she was saved by a frail, ignorant creature unable to do anything without the goddess’s guidance, then what is she?
So if this is the canon FEH gives us “Seiros sneered at humans before meeting Summoner-chan and the heroes here” I’ll die by my own headcanon that Seiros used to think humans were nothing, then meeting the humans from Enbarr she started to grow fond of them and made that canal and then when she met Wilhelm and his pals (randoms creating her church ?) she grew fond of them as kind of equals.
“You in particular stand apart as well... You are different from the rest. Special in some way.
My instincts are not often wrong... “
There is nothing to extract from this bar “you’re so awesome summoner-chan!” Cruel nod though, now that I think of it : If Seiros trusted her instincts to side with Wilhelm I because dude was, apparently, a good guy, her instincts didn’t warn her 1000 years later Wilhelm’s descendant would turn against her.
If you continue to fight for this world, I will fight by your side, as a warrior. As an equal.
Seiros wishes to fight for the world with someone who fights for the world as well. I don’t know what she means by “fight for the world”, is she talking about someone who has ambitions or it’s the traditionnal “I will fight for the sake of this world” stuff? If they both want to fight for the world, to her, they’re equals.
Also, Seiros sees herself as a warrior. When she retakes this name in CF, it’s because she’s in her “warrior mode”, she’s not the leader of the church anymore.
“And I know the goddess will be watching over you as well.”
Seiros still believes her mom is watching over her :’( But her mom dgaf about anything save for her meatsuit. I was curious so I checked the og script (again, OG!Seiros was given an ellipse, but Localised!Seiros affirms stuff), OG!Seiros is much more reserved about Sothis watching over the summoner.
Status page quotes :
(again, it is jarring to compare just the tone of Inoue!Seiros and Leigh!Seiros, Inoue!Seiros talks much faster, even faster than Inoue!Rhea. Seiros is genki!Rhea confirmed)
Do not be afraid. You may speak openly with me. 
The first thing I thought of reading the “do not be afraid” is how the Bible’s angels often start with “do not be afraid” to the human they’re speaking to, but hey, they look freaky, not like Seiros who, right now, looks like a human with a failed hair dye.
What are you doing? Do you require my assistance? 
Do the teachings of the Church of Seiros hold interest for you? 
Seiros wonder if people are interested in her stuff. I don’t know from what time period this Seiros is, but if she’s from a post war of heroes, why is she asking if people are interested in her Church if it’s apparently the leading dogma in the continent?
If you humbly devote yourself to prayer, even you may receive the blessing of the goddess. 
Leigh!Seiros emphasises the “even you”. I know I’m just a lowly human dude, no need to hammer it! What kind of payer Willy the loser did to receive the blessing of the goddess, hm?
If something precious is stolen from you, you must do whatever it takes to recover it. 
Inoue!Seiros marks a definite change in tone here, she’s not playful or enthusiastic anymore, but pissed. Bar that, the “whatever it takes” part is... something Rhea doesn’t endorse anymore (except when Billy becomes Nemesis 2).
Mother... I wish I could see you again, just once more... 
In FE16 Rhea’s mom is just a gremlin chilling in Billy’s head, never giving a fuck about her even when she recovered her memories (bar the unseen scene where Rhea tells us she talked to her mom and immediately wonders if she should die). But maybe in the FeH verse Sothis can give some fucks about her children? Lol, who am I kidding.
I shall never abandon you. Even if it means staining my hands with blood… 
While this sounds like usual player worship, again it shows Seiros’s willing to do “whatever it takes” sometimes. She’s a bit of an extremist, but became wiser with time.
Tl; Dr :
1/ Seiros is Genki!Rhea
2/ Seiros used to think humans were useless, like her brothers (bar Cichol) until a certain point.
3/ As every young and impressionable person who survived the extermination of her village full of dragons to a man who used her mother’s spine as a sword and douches using other body parts of other silbings as weapons, Seiros is willing to do “whatever it takes” hinting at extremist tendencies, when Rhea, older and wiser, is apparently more willing to compromise, except when someone tries to destroy her home and take away her siblings using her mother’s spine as a weapon
4/ Inoue!Rhea/Seiros >>> Leigh!Rhea/Seiros
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gg-astrology · 5 years
hiii!! i'm that hannah montana but seokjin agenda anon, tell hi to your friend!! the lvl of my satisfaction is impossible to describe, thank you for your service. and yes, you've fulfilled my request!! i really appreciate your efforts, it was on point!! can i request more bangtan things?? only if it's alright with you :| can you do the same ranking for them from ' i'm rich 3$, wine and dine me' to 'i have a rolled blanket as my pillow' *cough* jk *cough*. from that to a simpler lifestyle? thk!
Hey there!! 💕❤️💕 Welcome back!!! 💕❤️💕💕❤️💕 slkskjnsdkjns she saw this and im really glad u like it!! 💕❤️💕💕❤️💕 
U can! 💕❤️💕Me and my friend really like your questions because it’s very thoughtful and fun!! 💕❤️💕 
EDIT: My friend said they interpreted this question differently into ‘how complex vs simple’ their lifestyle is and!!!!!!!!!! maybe we’ll edit and add it in anon if u send in another ask I’ll ask my friend if they want to answer?? I’m sorry!!!!! My 2nd house sun immediately: Wealth  
Please send us more questions, but maybe not this one bc it’s about their personal lifestyle/how they live (+ not their personalities or what they’ve shown us) and it may be treading on 1. making assumptions about their personal life in which we’re in no authoritative position to commentate on  
2. we can obviously talk about how we view them and write commentaries on how we feel/what we think, but there’s also a line where we have to acknowledge people might see us as credible information/authority in our own rights when it’s out in public/shared to an audience 
3. what they’ve shown us clear boundaries between public figures and their audience might be wiser 
4. acknowledging our position of power + influence to the community rather than ignoring the fact that our words have sway will help us in the long-run by making conscious, thoughtful choices on what we could give/bring to the fan/outside community as well. 
I hope this makes sense?? 💕❤️💕 I hope it’s ok if I mulled it over last night and thought I might not – it might not be the best idea to talk about it/put it out there?? 
Please don’t feel bad at all!! 💕❤️💕I really love your questions and I actually wrote as I tried to figure out how to do this (literally just disclaimers before I realized oh maybe there’s no way to do this properly and I shouldn’t??) – I don’t want you to get out of this ask empty-handed, so if it makes it any better – I’ll publish my working through below the read more and you might see what I was working out as I try to answer your question?? 💕❤️💕 
Long commentary on BTS privilege, social inequality + wealth disparities in the real world (disclaimer for this ask?)  +  Working Outs and Why It Didn’t Work ⬇️
Note: From here on below is me writing my thoughts down as I tried to answer the ask, I hope that – even though I couldn’t answer your question – this is a good answer in other regards either way? Hopefully? 
Just a disclaimer note on BTS and this topic as well: In my head I’m immediately going into commentary about social inequality, wealth disparity and how poverty + classism exists in real life. 
Just a quick tangent, but real people suffer from this issue. Our society have consequences when it comes to wealth inequality + the ability to afford basic human amenities (healthcare, living/housing, food, education, transportation, disabilities etc.) 
Even when they’re relatable, BTS are billionaires who knows their position is privileged. Lets - make that clear for a second.  
They still do their best in variety shows where they have to compete/entertain the audience. What I’m trying to say is. I’d rather not ignore/make note that there’s a difference between being privileged, being aware of these issues and still preferring simpler lifestyles for themselves. Than being ignorant and completely insensitive/unaffected from the matter. They’re still privileged, let’s make that clear. And thus, as relatable as they are to the public/audience, they benefit from the social/economical/political power they have given by those around them (their audience, accessibility medias and production).  
In the context that is related (i.e. army joking that BTS fights over ramen) – BTS have never once shown that they’re unaware of their wealth + privilege, even it was a joke – the thing that is missing is the context –  they’re usually seen competing in BTS run/gayo, but it’s produced to let them showcase their dynamic and chemistry  - the prize (commodities/money) was never actually the main focus. 
A highly competitive game with members who know each other well - is actually what these shows are about. 
BTS doesn’t glorify their own wealth, nor have they acted as if they are poor in order to gain relatability or sympathy from the audience/masses (looking at armis 💜 who does this. delete armi 💜) 
It’s a part of why they have fans and why people like them. They’re able to sell products + contribute to relief/charity organizations and advocate campaigns.  Whilst they are in position of privilege compared to others - they’ve never not acknowledged that they could afford to do so for reasonable personal requests (i.e. safety on flights and in airports, security in their home, equipments to perform/produce with, reaching out to audiences that usually never has the opportunity to connect with them despite liking them for a long time, etc.)
I think it’s just important to note - for those who are armys and those who are looking at it from the outside - that this is what we see and why we’re talking about this. 
I just want us to acknowledge that they’re privileged and their lifestyle choices are personal, I think that’s what I’m doing here. 
So, commentary on social inequality of the world we all live in + BTS privilege in all this/disparities. check.
This is going to be disgustingly generalized to an incredible amount because we don’t have houses – to be completely honest, within the context of the question having houses is exactly what we need for these types of answers. 
From a technical stand-point, not having houses when we’re talking about specific contexts within a person’s life (basically why we have so many houses - for different contexts) – will make this reading terribly vague and misleading as well. 
Actually, should we do this at all.. because simply saying oh Taurus/Libra placements would want materialistic things to show x, y, z is incredibly misgiving and is like a blanket statement. Without houses in question, there’s no specification on what it is used for or what kind, or what type of actions/manifestations these signs are going to have in order to express themselves.  
Planets in signs can only do so much to talk about the energy that is being produced – placing them in houses and context, gives them manifestation that doesn’t simply exist in a vacuum by itself.
All placements in a chart make up a cohesive picture of what it is used for, when and where. With only the how/why (placements) — the best I can probably do to answer the question is just explain how it could possibly manifest and why/what reasoning it may have to express itself that way.
While that is something I could? probably talk about. It… just doesn’t answer the question in a way that’s satisfying. This question is really good… and there’s a way to get there and give it the answer it wants. But.. with what we have, it’s a disservice to answer half-right and do a poor job overall, than to actually give the full answer.
Hnnnfghfnhgn there’s also.. some disclaimers on personal life for idols/public figures and how this might.. be almost assuming or intruding on that territory? From a glance it isn’t like it’s not something they’ve not shown us publicly or told us about. But they also didn’t advertise it, and what they do with their personal life/lifestyle– is that something we (as fan) are in anyway, shape or form, capable or have any voice to talk about as if we know what they’re doing? Does that? make sense? 
Like, intruding as in - do we have any authority to tell them to get a pillow or stop drinking wine or something like that. Speculate, on what restaurant they go to/how $$$ it is, or does things that are privileged, things that aren’t going to han river to bike, etc. Can we really pick and choose certain choices they choose to do with their lifestyle, while being completely separated from reality of their other?
Idk.. this is getting complicated.. but maybe sticking to things they are proud of and does talk about openly/happily in their public and professional persona might be better… considering that they should have? a modicum of personal life back to themselves? we could at least do that and choose to respect them right… thats? hm. what’s right.
Fine wine and dine, lavish restaurants and other personal choices on their expenses and love for/lifestyle… maybe.. its for the best if we leave it to their own authority and discretion, over their own private/personal life and what they choose to share with people they know/care for/love. 
I think the end all of it might just be: can I imagine them coming to say to us “army, you know how I am right? I’m like this in my personal lifestyle/choice” – and of what they could say, I don’t think that’s something they may be willing to share without their explicit consent, nor can I imagine it right now if it’s about messy habits or a flaw they may have. So hm. 
The question addresses simpler lifestyle too – we don’t have authority to commentate on JK’s pillow choices, but being exposed like that suddenly might not be something he’s entirely comfortable with or would advertise to others as well? Not to mention, they all seem to not advertise anything that is outrageously privileged that would smack anyone in the face – they’re pretty sensitive to keeping things personal, private, under-wraps. Even when they choose to eat at a well-known restaurant, it’s not in bad-taste or done frivolously. In a way, they all tend to keep a simpler lifestyle about them to not let their wealth + privilege get in the way of their work + connecting to us, focusing solely on what their skills are + performance and music. 
Simply going by that.. is it wise to talk about something we might just choose to show decency/a modicum of respect for the idol’s privacy maybe.. uhhdfjgnn i!!!!!!!!! there’s thoughts and feelings and im just trying to let it out so it makes sense and then i can navigate between it and see what i can do/the right way to talk about it (if it exists)!!
God.. I guess there’s.. no way I can possibly do this?? Considering if I think about it from all sides – I can’t approach it technically, without houses. I literally can’t answer this question, it isn’t about choice because answering this question is directly asking about the houses. So I literally can’t answer correctly. I also can’t – or well, I don’t think the moral issue is ok here when I think further on it. Consequences are inevitable with all posts/production, but optimizing it so that it affects people positively and minimize damage to others is always something to check through. This may not be a good idea, just to do. So maybe not. 
Hhndndhnndf ok,,, gotta,,, write something for the introduction so it makes sense.
Note: I did go through this, edit and write some additional paragraphs to make it make sense. But I hope this? gives you insight or some thoughts to my working process and what I consider/go through when I make these posts as well? Thank u for ur time, I hope it isn’t too disappointing ;;  let me know what u think/how u feel anon I’m sorry I couldn’t do this question but please let me know if you’re ok or not!!!! 💕❤️💕💕❤️💕
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vins-oc-hell · 4 years
Meet the dorks :)
Hhhhhh I’m just gonna pin this for reference in case anyone actually cares. Introduction to OCs I’m currently obsessed with under the cut.
Ciara Clay (she/her): barely-older sister of Caduceus, oath of ancients paladin in my Tal’Dorei campaign. She’s spacey af, but loves making tea for everyone and smiting abominations. Has a fey steed (usually in the form of a golden moose) named Oolong. Confuses the hell out of people because she’s huge and buff and scary, but also the least intimidating personality ever.
Edwina Pennington (she/her): halfling archaeologist/trickery cleric with a strength score of 23. Avandra found her trapped in a tomb and was like, “oh cool, new disaster lesbian to adopt.” Was not ready for the responsibility of being the party’s only healer. In a long-term enemies-to-lovers slowburn with fellow archaeologist/trickery cleric Arrah Beeching, a veeeery depressed dwarf lady.
Elissandra (she/her): half-orc order of lycan bloodhunter. Sweet girl who never wanted to hurt a fly. She was kidnapped from her mother’s tribe and imprisoned in her father’s basement when she was four. One of her tutors was a lycanthrope who bit her intentionally. Full of self-loathing and terror, she fled and ended up building a life with three other children, stranded together on the Forgotten Continent. At the end of the mini-campaign her lycanthropy curse was removed, and going forward I think she might become an oath of redemption paladin. :’)
Erlan Sylralei (he/him): father of my Tal’Dorei campaign’s bard, Pasquelle. He’s a lvl 15 hunter ranger who is quite insightful but canNOT people. Probably autistic. Fell in love and had a baby with a human singer, setting him at odds with the prejudices of Syngorn. He is currently the Highmarshall of Forestry (read: a glorified naturalist with a bow), and trying not to worry too much as his daughter is off picking fights with powerful cults.
Lorelei (they/them or whatever): absolutely feral, illiterate goblin druid. Gender means nothing to a force of nature. Grew up as a beggar in a goblin tribe, found the cave of an ancient druid named Lorelei, took their name, and learned how to do cool stuff. Wildshapes into cute animals to beg for food. Their stats are... horrifically good. Currently running around the Feywild with a rainbow sheep.
Pasquelle Sylralei (she/they): flamboyant disaster lesbian. Lore bard who specializes in avant-garde art in all mediums. First half-elf to be granted accolades by Syngorn’s Voice of Memory for her artistic prowess--a fact that has caused her to become a well-known and controversial figure in the city. Definitely has some PTSD-related issues.
Rayna [Sylralei] (she/her): Pasquelle’s mother, powerful college of glamour bard. Not gonna comment too much on her backstory or what she’s currently doing bc possible spoilers for the campaign I run. But I love her so much and will talk about her and Erlan’s relationship all day.
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kikippe · 7 years
July 2017 (3) 🌻🌻🌻
So, as now we’re still in July 15th, but i think I gotta post the rest until today (3 more i guess) even though it’ll be short but I’ll edit this post and add the question per day as we go! 
ANYWAYYYYYY, today is July 15th! means! It’s been a year since I came to epilogue on stage live jp edition in ngo! *SCREAMS IN ARABIC* first concert after the storms I got year before that got me back to my sense (gig-wise, and life-wise in general lmao, there I type lmao) I’m gonna edit some of audio sounds which I haven’t posted before because I gotta put: miss right, INU, and whalien live somewhere on the web. they’re total gems *cries* AND THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW THAT (if only they care to read this shitty post LMAO)
anyway (9999) lets roll not drool (thafak?)
July 13th:  what you wore today? 
My fav minty green blouse (super light super loose because it’s hot asf i can’t with jp nasty summer hewlp) that i got frm my auntie, i think she bought it at primark lols
Strdivrs’ MOM fitted jeans JUST BECAUSE. Yknow give your thighs a rest :))
Strdivrs’ gucci look a like black loafers bc I am not taetae I couldn’t afford gucci thankyou v much.
My one and only and current fav olivia burton’s black flowery watch that I got from my cuzzy (after threatening him lmao nope jk jk)
With the usual black midi long champ bc i just have one particular bag 🤣🤣 and it has to be black so i don’t have to think how to match (I passed that phase back in uni when I have lotsa coloured FAKE longchamps to match with my omg outfit choices what even 🤣🤣🤣 dark days) at least this one is genuine :)))) because i’m a grown ass woman (really kiki this is how you define grown up?) thats why i just have one. :))).
And i always bring my kuki’s fan in the summer w/ me since last year. (Not something i wear but who cares i just want to mention this important stuff. Ya hear me?) please just deal with my sht
July 14th: how are you creative
UGH. Ok first I’m not good with words let alone writing so I’ll prolly just mess this up while trying to explain my point. Or i’ll miss the point of this question entirely in the middle, or right from the start. My brain though. You’ve been warned. 
Umm, I think I just slightly above of creativity level which the average human being has. I got my own sense of aestheshit (I like to call this one rather than aesthetic bc I AM OBVS NOT) even though it’s not on 10k pins on pinterest or 100k reblogs on tumblr OR 1M likes on instagram level YET. I’d say I could take a good picture bc i love taking picture but it depends on my mood, mostly I focused more on portrait and I think this is just because of my nature on liking human being in general :)). Sometimes I take a decent pict with scenery too :p. Speaking of scenic pict, I love sky the most so I always take beyond extra effort (I guess this is more extra than the average ppl who love the sky as much as me). BUT sadly I still haven’t found the decent rooftop / hills around here to watch the sunset. So mostly I’m channeling my creative ass to take decent pict from my sad sad balcony (BECAUSE IT’S ONLY ON 2nd lvl sad hahah) or in the middle of the sea of jp ppl throwing weird look at this weird af foreigner lifting her phone up just to take the pict of twilight. (but jp has a beautiful twilight in all seasons SIGH I GOTTA ADMIT THS) 
P.S: my creativity lvl in every single aspect of creativity that exists in this world will sky rocket to level 999999 overload in one day before any deadline I have.
P.S.S: I don’t like to use other people picts (like from pinterest or something) to be put in any of my identification (the heck is this? I mean my profile pict or something like that haha, but reblogging is totally a different thing ok bc you TOOK CREDIT FOR THAT) I know this is not related but I just wanna say I respect peoples works (even though they don’t mind, but I’m sure that 85% of em won’t like it) and my works are nothing compare to tons of aestheshit picts out there but at least they are mine and i’m proud of em! :*
July 15th: the best part of summer
full stop. heart eyes. huge grins. and a freaking boom boom heart. 
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