#anyways Im going to go eat soup
amphirrhvx · 2 months
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non bloody version
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jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
do yall have favorite soups?
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stardust-sunset · 1 month
lowkey glad i got my wisdom teeth out now because im getting used to barely eating and i know once school starts im gonna have to start getting back in the rhythm of one meal a day because i don’t do lunch (vent in the tags mb)
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lethxia · 1 year
headcanon time. aizawa eats a lot.
the only reason he doesn't use the lunch break for eating is because it "saves time" to deal with both lunch and dinner at once, aka absolutely clearing off three times the amount of whatever hizashi gets them both for dinner.
nemuri sees the shit ton of empty takeout boxes on the teachers dorm dining table one night and goes "u invited the kids over for dinner???" and aizawa shoots her a weird look from the couch where he's getting ready to take a nap and wake up in time for all that energy to go into patrol, replies "no?????" nem just. points at the trash. aizawa says "oh yeah. yours is in the fridge. i finished off the rest." nemuri stares at him and back at the pile. this man just ate like quarter his weight in spicy ramen.
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
being sick when you live alone SUCKS what do you MEAN I have to make my own soup :(
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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arakawa wouldve wanted this for me
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1roentgen · 9 days
#incurable yap disease#i wonder if theres a medicine that makes people shut up bc surely i need it. i just feel bad for talking a lot idk but ig i just wanna#i wanna eat/drink something but i dont know what#maybe i want an ice cream#popsicle stick#if i go to 711 i will probably buy alcohol lol#i had bamboo soup and baozi for lunch today#wasnt that much but im not hungry rn#bored#im currently reading ‘the myth of sisyphus’ by camus#its pretty dense for me i gotta say. although a lot of it so far does resonate very much#i also cant help but compare many points to some basic buddhist#concepts. For example suffering being an inescapable fact of the indifferent universe and the ‘weariness’ or ความเบื่อหน่าย that arises#in rare moments of clarity#philosophy is kind of a lot to get into but i drive myself crazy by thinking so much anyway may as well give my brain actual substance yk#honestly it just feels like my thoughts are sludge these days#horrible mixture of unidentifiable shapes and liquids#ie egotistical angstlord nonsense and brainrot internet memes#there is nothing worthwhile or interesting in my head so i am not a worthwhile or interesting person when u really get down to it#i read a quote recently somewhere; how u spend ur day is how u spend u life#theres gotta be something more than this state of non-oblivion#if i die right now#well no thanks to me but ive had a pretty good life. so i wouldn’t say it was all wasted#but i just dream of something more. existence at another level#something more purposeful#man i got a stomachache maybe i am hungry#watch me say all this then change nothing
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
back home and my washing is done and I need to eat lunch and do my ironing and then I've done all the tasks on my list and I can spend the rest of the day having a mental breakdown and then go straight to sleep woohoo
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br1ghtestlight · 2 months
i used to eat healthier bcuz i was living with my grandparents who actually know how to cook and who had homecooked meals almost every single night. Anyway i do miss their cooking but also there were SO MANY potatoes. somewhat related but i wish i knew how to cook their homemade soup i want soup right now. NOT canned soup
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ragingtwilight · 10 months
EVERYTIME I feel like im starting to feel better my body just turns around and flips me off
mf sends me off w a shove down the stairs, nausea, sweating/tremors, headache, confusion, dizziness, it pantsed me, it stole my lunch money, it gave me a swirlie, i cant fuckin win
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jiyoos · 9 days
one of my managers triggered my ocd so bad and now i feel like everyone at work secretly thinks i am a horrible person and i want to quit and i know it’s not real but like!!!!!!
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mojaves · 10 months
i need to be turned into clay and moulded into a vase
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bylertruther · 2 years
i'm not a scientist so idk what Actual Science there is behind this concept to back up my feelings, but i highly doubt we'll have an actual time loop plot / Serious Time Travel in s5. i just don't see how it would make sense in the lore they've established thus far.
time stopped in the upside down and it didn't affect the rightside up, so what good would will manipulating time again do? the rightside up kept aging and everything has already happened. if whatever happened in the upside down timeline could affect the rightside up, we would've already seen it happen, no?
vecna is associated with clocks, yes, but is he as obsessed with time itself as some people think him to be? when you consider his statements as a whole, it seems that his problem lies mostly in society's imposition on natural structures; or, the rat race and the checklist we're all expected to tick off as we go throughout life; aka, forced conformity. his beef is with societal pressures and how they alienate those who don't wish to abide by society's arbitrary rules.
he wants out of the rat race. he wants to feel in control of his life. he wants to be freed of the constraints of time and the milestones society expects you to have achieved by whatever age. he wants to be allowed to be different, as he naturally is, and not punished, shamed, or alienated for it; or, as he later is, used / weaponized for it.
that's why he talks so much about purity and how humanity spoils things. that's why he targets those who are "other". that's why he wants to burn everything down and "reshape the world into something beautiful".
he literally says these things. overall, his entire shtick is that he opposes conformity and believes his otherness is what makes him superior. as such, he wants to tear society down and rebuild it. this world cast him out and so he wants to reshape it into one where he has a place that isn't beneath someone's boot.
he taunts his victims with a grandfather clock, because he first manifested his powers by stopping one of its hands. it's also an unsettling psychological warfare tactic: he's telling his victims that their time is running out and he's coming for them; they can't stop it, because time waits for no one.
he talks at length about destroying what already is to build something new. the only two people that he wanted, and potentially still wants as could be the case with the latter, by his side in these endeavors were eleven and will--two characters that are inherently different from their peers and whose plots in this show have almost always centered around their otherness. eleven was the one super-powered girl who has had to fight monsters and save them time and time again, often at the expense of learning what it means to be a person and what it means to be herself. will had traumatic experiences inflicted upon him by vecna, but even before that we are made aware that will was treated differently due to his sexuality. they are the only two that vecna has ever identified with and deemed worthy of living in his new world.
this show has always been about embracing your otherness. right now, it seems we're dealing with a villain who has taken this to the extreme and has let his experiences turn him into a monster; aka, "evil is a relay sport when the one who's burnt turns to pass the torch". reducing his character, that is to say his ambitions and overreaching part in this grand story, to someone that wants to stop time and can be stopped by just going back and erasing everything feels... inconsiderate to the story as a whole, as well as the efforts that have been made to explore trauma and how it affects us all.
the point isn't that we can just go back and undo what went wrong and be swell again. that doesn't align with the heart of stranger things. the point is, and always has been, that you are more than the awful things that have happened to you; that you can always learn and grow from your pain; that there is a way out of the cave and it'll be worth it once you get there.
we're not going to have a time loop, because that's cheap and reductive and solves nothing. it undoes all of the growth and learning that these characters have undergone. not only that, but we know that time being manipulated in the upside down doesn't change anything on the rightside up.
this isn't strictly or literally about time and stopping it. it's about how you can't keep people in cages and expect them to turn out fine and obey for the rest of their lives without losing their humanity in the process. it's about tearing things down and making something of the wreckage. it's about being broken and building yourself back up stronger not in spite of your broken bits but because of them. it's about how sitting in your pain and letting it consume you can either turn you into the very same monsters that caused your pain in the first place or have you feeling stuck while everyone else goes on with their lives.
vecna's life was stolen from him before it ever even began. he wants complete and total control over all life, because he's never felt in control of his own life. he wants to reshape the world, because he's never been allotted a space of his own in it. he wants to break the order of things, because his kind, those that are different, have always been forced to conform or be punished for daring to be themselves in a world that tells them they're inherently wrong. he's associated with time, because he had years of his life stolen from him when he was kept prisoner in the lab, and because he's seen the way that the rat race makes monsters of men. he hates humans, because they never once treated him like he was one, too.
we can't just pick one detail and base his character or the entire show around it. you're not seeing the bigger picture when you do that.
he's looking to create a new world from the rightside up's ruins and there's only one character on this show that we've seen do that.
vecna is all about darkness, destruction, and despair.
will is all about light, life, and hope.
stop hyper-focusing on time.
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zippers · 11 months
wish i could gain weight without eating 😭😭😭 like a sims slider i just wanna gain like 15 pounds in 15 seconds is that too much to ask of my body?!?! apparently
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nick-eyre · 2 years
For me Christmas is about confusing my relatives they can not comprehend why I want to see the Turkeys heart but not eat it
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
what if i ate something besides toast and saltines 🤔
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