#also if i did block everoyne who disagreed with me it would be pretty funny but not morally wrong innit
txttletale · 1 year
Wow you really did block a black woman for patiently explaining why you were wrong. She even went through the effort of citing sources from black female scholars and you pitched a fit and blocked everyone who dared voice any disagreement. All because you want to defend rapists from mean scary feminists. You are such a brave and stunning ally to black women, especially those who’ve been subjected to sexual violence. Thanks for your service, queen.
i assume you're talking about this addition to one of my posts. i don't think this response proved anything i said wrong, though! firstly because about half of it is citing rabid transphobe lundy bancroft's dreadful book, secondly because the response totally misinterprets what i said in a way that's so bad faith (accusing me of saying that lynch mobs are an anti-rape tool--anyone reading this is free to go and look at the post, in which i did not say that) that i don't think it's worth engaging with.
anyways, i blocked her not because of the response, which i would have been happy to just ignore, but because that response immediately started getting reblogged by radfems. whenever that happens, i block them and anyone they're reblogging from, as is sensible internet safety practice for any trans woman.
i love the phrasing on 'wanted to defend rapists' though. yeah just thought id defend some rapists for a laugh innit. literally doing this mitchell and webb joke but playing it completely straight.
anyway i think you missed the post where i said only niceys asks from now. try sending this ask again but instead being nice to me on the computer ok?
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