#also for anyone curious that eye screenshot is from appetite of a people pleaser by ghost ouo
articskele · 4 months
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anyway :D I imagine/plan a lot of stuff involing Jame-joe and his twin's doll bodies, enough that i made this ref (though i'm still deciding on their interior, maybe it'd be cool if they had some sort of mock skeleton in their torso but idk yet
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they can like, feel touch but generally speaking they don't feel pain the way humans do. Like removing a limb isn't painful and so they'd do so frequently for stuff like reaching for things, I think Joey-janes would be the one giving Jame-joe a hand more often then the other way, not for any particular reason other than i want them to have distinct roles in their duo. despite being magically reinforced they're not made for like, harsh conditions or extended athletic ability so it doesn't take too much to break them, they're ball jointed with a few joints being exceptions so I think Jame-joe keeps a 'first aid kit' if you will of stuff for quick repairs (extra finger joints, a little wire hook for pulling elastic back into place, a sewing kit of course, and a bag of pixie-dust that can temporarily hold the magic that makes them together until they can get it properly repaired.
while Jame-joe handles repairs (when they're on their own) between them, Jame-joe only cares about being functioning/practicality so any other doll-body-Maintenace goes to Joey-janes
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also just: sound effects: they could have a mario movie style emotional hug but instead it's all just *clink* *creek* *clankity*
anyway! I still have a lot of development on this story to do but i got a solid couple of other character concepts and just came up with the strange but i think might go hard idea of a vampire-snow white? if I'm going with a fairy-tale setting i might as well have fun with fairy tale characters lol
Absolutely loving the notes on what every little part is made of down to the blush! And the choice of onyx for the eyes is really nice since it's super opaque and shiny looking when it's polished
I looked it up and some of them have these bright white bands so I'm picturing a doll with like, that effect where an eye has an extra circle around it? Like this!
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Pffft someone's like "oh you're so cute I could just pinch your cheeks" and then they go to do it but it doesn't work since the face is solid and the doll is just looking at them with a deadpan expression akjflkdsfsdf
The little first aid kit is so silly and charming I love it :D I love the whole idea of Jame-Joe prioritizing practicality while Joey-Janes seems like the type to fret over little tears and stains in clothing lol- They seem like a good duo ouo
Kasjfksd the potential for sound effects is amazing- Ooh and vampire Snow White sounds banger! I can't help but think of Flutterbat and fruit bats lol
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