#afk arena angelo
exhaustedbluegacha · 7 months
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I just watched Just Esperia Things..
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ghostlylicious · 2 months
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the gilder genes kinda crazy (RUSHED SKETCH DO NOT LOOK AT THE LYRE HELP)
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helenapsent · 2 years
Oh, and by the way, here's one of those moments where those furry, woolly men defend poor Eluard, who STILL MANAGES TO CONJURE PROTECTION FOR TIDUS, OTHERWISE GOD FORBID
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honey-makes-mogai · 2 years
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Angelocharic -
A gender related to the character Angelo from AFK Arena!
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changeling-droneco · 5 days
I finally gave in and started to play afk journey, it’s alright, I used to play a lot of afk arena as a kid so I recognize a lot of the fighters and have some grasp of strategy HOWEVER there is a great injustice being done to me
Where’s my cringefail f tier favorite Angelo?!
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theproperweirdo · 3 months
How would you describe the differences between Afk Journey Lorsan, Lyca, and Eironn with Afk Arena Lorsan, Lyca, and Eironn?
I started playing afk journey, and I can't help but feel like some of the wilders are out of character
Whewww this was a long one 😩😩 sorry for leaving u for a bit, my exams ended and I’m sick rn :,( below are just my brief thoughts on specific characters that are in both Arena and Journey.
This post has an analysis on Lyca and Lorsan, then I just try and make some backstory explanations for Niru, Thoran, Rowan, and Satrana for Journey Lore goers.
This post is for anon but also anyone interested in the changes they’ve made between Arena and Journey! Feel free to add more 🙏🙏
What I think they’ve done is taken one or two traits from a character, and tried to make it the main focus of their personality. But it takes over the entire character, and ultimately leaves them a bit flat. I think they tried to make the wilders “emotional” but ended up scraping their intellectual and leadership traits. Not to say they’re idiots now, but they don’t have the same depth as before.
Lyca is more emotionally charged when we talk to her now, more than in arena. Her original story makes sure we know she’s a kind, nurturing person, capable of bringing out the best in others. In arena they delve into her personal relationships with others a lot, but aside from Eironn appointing her in charge while he leaves, she doesn’t have the same energy. She does try to bring Eironn into the group more so he can learn to rely on others, but the storyline was more like her trying to help a friend than her unearthing a talent or trait. She doesn’t hold herself to the same standards, saying she will “enter competitions where winning is secured.” Vs Lyca in Arena, who— although losing faith in herself— fights against the words of everyone else and believes in own abilities. In Journey, she’s the leader of our group. But in Arena, she’s truly the leader of the dusk watch, and a strong voice for everyone in the dark forest. Attached some screenshots to try and help explain my thoughts below
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I’ve talked about ALorsan vs JLorsan before, but I think I can refine my thoughts from then. He’s always been sort of.. air headed? A little aloof but very smart, and always very connected to the environment around him. JLorsan however, is pretty much ready to throw down with everyone. He makes quips at his friends often, causes mischief, and helps battle enemies during the story. ALorsan is definitely the opposite for me. Always a laid back, accepting individual, who feels well put together. He rarely gets mad, and when he does, it’s because he feels people’s wellbeing’s are at stake. He’s described by Rowan as a “calm monk” and I think that sums it up well. He’s a little detached from reality, but it’s because he’s always absorbing nature and listening to what’s around him. I like him in Journey, but he loses his deep connection with the world, and although he still has it (somewhat), it’s clearly not as present anymore. Below are some story tib bits I nabbed from Rowan, Rigby, and Lorsan’s story in Arena in case anyone wants to read them.
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I feel like I saw the main changes in those two, but I’ll add some other characters too 🫣
If you know about Rowan’s story in arena, skip the following paragraph ⬇️⬇️
Rowan’s character has stayed pretty consistent between the two games, but I feel like they leave out a lot about his backstory. As (I assume) most arena lore-ians know, Rowan’s father was a regular guy who— through his wits and good investments— became Esperia’s youngest and wealthiest noble. He had 2 sons, Angelo his oldest (hippie bard), and Rowan his youngest. They were raised to understand that money can be gained and taken easily, and that they need to know how to be self sufficient despite their wealth. But Angelo didn’t want to be a noble, and ran away to travel the world and spread his songs. Everything fell to Rowan, including an engagement to the Kings daughter Peggy (yeowchhhh). But Rowan felt dissatisfied that everything would just fall into his lap. He wanted to reach the top on his own, so he could come back and feel like he truly proved himself.
Almost none of this is included in game! Journey only writes about how his father is the richest noble, and that Rowan was born incredibly rich. They did manage to keep the honest and empathetic traits he holds himself to as a business man though, so I’m only here to say— WHY DIDNT THEY ADD IN HIS ENTIRE BACKSTORY 😭😭 we literally meet Peggy in game but they don’t end up elaborating on why they’re “engaged” or why Rowan “ran off.” If you don’t play arena, you’re left to assume he’s a rich kid who’s out in the world doing business. GAHHHHH 😢😢 Screenshots of his story belwo
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They do the same to most of the others too, where they don’t include any of their previously established lore.
Niru was an army solider, who was away from his wife and kid often. He was around the dead enough that he began to dabble in necromancy before he was discovered and promptly executed. But a little before that, he managed to cast a spell that would bring him back to life. After that, he goes back to his Wife (after their kid died!) and resurrects his kid INFRONT OF HIS GRIEVING WIFE 😭😭 in arena he travels with his family to lead lost souls home, but if I were his family I’d be a just a teensy bit angry.
Thoran was once a very generous and loving king. He was beloved by his kingdom, and cherished peaceful times. His brother Edwin however, was a warmonger and wanted to bring back glorious battle. Thoran disagreed, and so Edwin gathered those under his influence and assassinated both Thoran and their Sister, Theowyn, along with all his adversaries. But Thoran’s loyal guard (gay ass) was brought back to life by Queadam, who had him perform a ritual to bring back his king. Now a graveborn, Thoran was filled with hate and anger. He ordered a mass execution of his entire kingdom, then brought them back to life under a curse that swore they’d all be loyal to him. This branches out into OTHER characters who aren’t in Journey lmao
Satrana had specifically her job altered. Now she’s what i assume is a wandering diviner. Before, she was a temple disciple under the mauler temple’s elder. Before that, she was a slave who was constantly abused. She fled, and Antandra was the one who saved her. This is also why Antandra is an exile, she believed in helping everyone and went against the temple’s elders. So in the end, Antandra was exiled for helping a girl, one who was eventually taken in by the temple itself. Crazy. I know there’s a storyline update in Journey about them now, but there’s also one in arena so if anyone could tell me about it I’ll exchange info
Also Brutus ⬇️⬇️
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Okay I’m still sick so that’s it 😢😢 all in all, they really simplified most characters, or left out chunks of their story. Heartbreaking
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magicofthepiper · 5 months
If the AFK Journey translators are leaning into Conservativism = Bad mentality, there's going to be a lot of cognitive dissonance because of how this franchise explores faith and tradition.
This game glorifies theological conservatism, at least on an aesthetic level. There's a lot of characters that are extremely devoted to their dieties and whose character is deeply tied to the practice and maintenance of tradition. Yet, it doesn't take long to find that within each faction, there's plenty of cynicism and rebels.
Let's just take a look at the Lightbearer Faction for now. Despite their name being Lightbearers, implying that they consider themselves the only beings that bear the Goddess Dura's light/life-force, there are plenty of skeptics, agnostics, and/or atheists. Hogan has shown shades of skepticism, and I was surprised when in Arena's second anniversary event, Angelo ( Rowan's elder brother ) mentioned not believing in gods.
However, I see Lucius, he's right there. In his white armor, with his hammy voice lines, and the little animation that pops up when he earns the "Talented Tank" title where his kind eyes look at the player. He's also accompanied by Journey's Temesia, who, in their newer render, their circlet looks like a cross has been scarred upon their forehead. She wishes to repent for her sin of showing "mercy" to another, disobeying Temple orders. These are devout characters.
Now, I expect these characters to be saintly. They're followers of Dura, Goddess of Life. Dura and the other Celestials are generally viewed positively. When AFK Arena released, the lines of good and evil were simple. Early Campaign chapters and Voyages had simple narratives about expelling the Hypogeans and Graveborn invading the Lightbearer regions and causing chaos.
However, as the lore expanded and more characters were introduced, it became more complicated.
In Arena's scattered lore, I have the impression that Lucius's belief in the clergy at times falters and I remember in Belinda's Ascension event, Eluard mentioned that the clergy were whispering amongst themselves that Belinda was going wayward. Belinda is extremely devoted, and the pious Eluard maintained faith in her, but it shows how easy the clergy can become suspicious of their own.
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The Order of The Light isn't always portrayed positively. Arena's Cecilia is a devout nun and inquisitorial agent who will not faulter to dispose of anyone deemed a heretic. Niru is just one of many characters who was a Lightbearer executed for practicing the dark arts, but arose as Graveborn to serve Quaedam.
However, what's even more shocking is that there's a little girl dressed like a maid in Arena named Rosaline. Her parents were executed not for practicing the dark arts but for merely unwittingly housing practitioners of it. She has been orphaned and trained into a life of servitude due to zealotry with judicial power.
Not to mention, in more recent lore developments, we've been introduced to The Secret Society of the Crow. An organization that turned away from Dura and The Order of The Light in order to train children that seem to possess an ability to harness the dark arts. This has led to Lightbearers that can tame Hypogeans. What's more, the ruling monarch of the Lightbearer Empire offers them his support, for he fears that the The Order of The Light's authority threatens his.
Again, in Arena, you have a good mix of conservatives and rebels in nearly each faction. Also, what exactly would be conservative values would vary for each faction. For Lightbearers, you have your gallant Lucius and your shadowy Scarlet; for Maulers, your warmongering Brutus and your peacemaking Skriath; for Wilders, you have your sagely Arden and your hot-blooded Eorin; for Graveborn, you have your devoted Niru and your defiant Treznor; for Celepogeans you have your eternally clashing arch-rivals Orthos and Zolrath and your condemned partners/lovers Gavus and Eugene.
More important than condemning or uplifting conservativism is that the game makes peace and unification an ideal. Even Hypogeans are sometimes included in these more peaceful and celebratory events. But in practice, peace aligns more with Wilder traditional values over, say, the Maulers who quickly fall into infighting unless united by unanimous acceptance of a principle authority figure.
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gretelsfifthcousin · 1 year
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AFK Arena characters born in June
Greetings Adventurers!
As summer is upon us, Calimon is bringing new vitality to Esperia! The Field of Stars lighting our path this month is Calix. As the altar's chalice is brimming with dews, the devout mortals worship it while the constellations of stars shower it with blessings.
Here are our birthday heroes for the month: Raku, Skriath, Thesku, Vedan, Arden, Lucius, and Angelo. Let's wish them––and all adventurers celebrating this month too––a very happy birthday!!
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venhydey · 3 years
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Mirangelo spam ✨
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mad-raven · 5 years
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This was gonna be for something bigger but I didn’t like how the rest of it turned out, so have a drawing of Angelo and his cat!
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This man looks nothing like his portrait??????
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mysaldate · 2 years
Just a lil opinion meme
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I know about the typos, I didn't make the template.
@ Antandra fans, you know what you did.
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ghostlylicious · 10 months
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how angelo really became popular
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helenapsent · 2 years
I continue to nervously pour out my seventh sweat while watching my fighters fight: My 140's take out the 148's on the first go, I'm just stunned
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As for my favorite trio and my team in general:
Eluard continues to shake on Tidus (once he didn't have time to put a protective field on him, as he died in the first seconds, and Brutus had to save Eluard alone again); Tidus and Brutus - everything is clear with them; Shemira's gone on vacation, so she's being replaced by Nevanthi with her self-legendary power; and Angelo… it's just Angelo. He's hanging out, he's fine, he's on his wavelength as usual, he's just getting high on both life and the occasional suicide
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aventisz · 2 years
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Fawkes and Angelo from AFKArena. A.k.a. my babies.
I have so many drawings of them I'll make an entire fancomic, just you wait.
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wayfarerxiii · 2 years
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I took the afk arena hero personality test and got Angelo! I'd love to see the other results too
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