#Weiss x Yang
bugsbiann · 1 year
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freezerburn divorce hearings
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lyddieowl · 8 months
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they're so country boy + city girl coded. yang is such a gentleman (also weiss being short in every universe is my favourite thing)
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weisscoldglare · 1 year
Fell asleep on the couch
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ahn1zos · 1 year
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Frezeerburn ❄️🔥
:) request from twt
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walpywalpy · 7 months
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A kiss in the dark.
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leeleebug3 · 1 year
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Gay people :)
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 months
one crumb of freezerburn content please
One Crumb of Freezerburn content coming up!
Tbh Freezerburn is not my top fave but I do like the concept of Yang and Weiss having a cool relationship and being closer with elegance and brawn bringing them in tandem with attacks and cover. Especially to cover either Blake or Ruby. (Sorry I like Bumblebee and White Rose)
I'll give you my opinions on what they might do in their relationship!
Weiss will absolutely brush and style Yang's hair to be more out of the way of her fighting. She dares not try and cut it after she saw a few loose hairs fall to the floor.
Yang loves teasing Weiss and Weiss tries to flirt or fight back but Yang loves seeing her face turn red with embarrassment.
Weiss will watch from a far as Yang punches the ever loving crap out of a punching bag and bust a few open from time to time. Even with the new arm.
Yang does like being dressed up by Weiss but is more of the tomboy girly side of stuff. She'll wear dresses but it's not her fave thing.
A mix of boxing/martial arts and ballet/figure skating makes for an interesting fighting combo
Yes Yang is Dom but Weiss tries.
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randombook4idk · 10 months
pov: ur a freezerburn shipper who's tired of the divorce jokes
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bridgyrose · 8 months
Weiss and Ruby are the best of friends, thick as thieves etc. People around them think they're an adorable couple, which couldn't be farther from the truth. So they decide to wingman for each other to get with their real loves. A simple Freezerburn & Ladybug oneshot prompt for you to consider.
(I went ahead and actually made this one a one shot instead of two smaller parts)
“I need your help to get a date with Yang.” 
Ruby nearly spit out her coffee, quickly swallowing it and nearly choking in the process. She coughed a bit as she tried to get air to go down the right pipe, clearing her throat a bit. “I-I dont think I heard you right. I thought you said you wanted a date with Yang.” 
Weiss sighed and handed a napkin over to Ruby. “You heard right.” 
“Okay, why?” 
“Well, for one, I think she’s actually fun to be around. We spent, what, five years all living together in a dorm and an apartment before finally splitting off? Besides, it would get people to quit thinking we’re together.” 
“You’re… not wrong…” Ruby let out a defeated sigh and took another sip of her coffee. It had been something that always bothered her when others assumed that she and Weiss were together, though it wasnt like they had given anyone much thought otherwise. Even with a rocky start, it didnt take long for her to get close to Weiss and become nearly inseparable with her. “Fine, I’ll help you get with Yang, but you need to help me get a date with Blake.” 
“Deal,” Weiss answered a bit too quickly. 
“Wait, you’re serious?” 
“Of course I am.” Weiss flashed a smile at Ruby. “But first, we’ll need to fix your style.” 
Ruby looked over herself, looking over her corset and cloak. “What’s wrong with what I wear?” 
“Nothing, but if you want to catch Blake’s eye, then we’ll want to change things up a bit. A bit more color, we keep a corset but find one that’ll fit you better for casual wear than the combat corset you wear. And your cloak-” 
“I’m keeping the cloak.” 
“-we bring into a casual look too.” Weiss pulled out her scroll and started to look up a few stores to go to. “But we need to make sure it looks different from your huntress gear. Right now, you look like you’re ready to go on a mission at the drop of a hat.” 
Ruby raised a finger to argue, then lowered it when she thought more about it. She had been gungho about being a huntress and she didnt quite remember when her wardrobe had started to delve more into her huntress gear, and a change in style might help. “If you’re so sure this will work, why do you need my help getting a date with Yang?” 
“W-well, I…” Weiss looked away, hiding her blush. “I… dont… actually know how to talk to her and I needyourhelpwiththat.” 
Ruby smirked a bit as she watched Weiss almost shrink in her seat as heavy blush started to cross her cheeks. “I dont think I’ve ever seen you like this.” 
“I dont always have to be prim and proper, you know.” 
Ruby winced a bit with how annoyed Weiss had sounded, but she put her mug down and smiled softly at her friend. “I know, but you always seem to have an air of properness to you. Even when you were crushing on Neptune, you still kept yourself acting like everyone was going to judge you for how you acted. But now, you look like the person you’ve been hiding beneath all of that. Shy, nervous… like a teenager.” 
“I havent been a teenager in years-” 
“I dont think you ever were a teenager.” 
Weiss pulled away, faking being offended. “I was too!” 
Ruby giggled a bit and stood up. “If we’re going to get you a date with Yang, we should start by getting you to talk to her.” 
“Fine, but that means we’re taking you shopping for Blake.” 
“Wait, hold on, I didnt agree to that.” 
“You didnt, but you cant ask Blake out looking like that.” Weiss took Ruby’s hand and grinned. “Besides, you did agree to my help.” 
Ruby nearly yelped as she was pulled out of the cafe by Weiss as they made their way from store to store, trying to find a look that better suited her. It almost felt like a whirlwind to her as she was shoved straight into a changing room with skirts, shirts, belts, boots, and scarves practically being thrown at her. Finally, she had a moment to stare at herself in the mirror, black jacket with studs down the arm, a dark red shirt with a few black roses around the hem, a plaid skirt with chains around the waist, fishnet tights, and combat boots. “I feel… naked.” 
“But you look great,” Weiss said as she started to clean up the rejected clothes. “And you look more casual and less like a huntress.” 
“Y-yeah, but my cloak and corset-” 
“You can still wear your corset under the shirt if you really need it and we can stitch one of your extra cloaks into the inside of the jacket if that makes you feel a bit more comfortable.” 
Ruby sighed and nervously pulled at the loose shirt she wore. Most of her clothes had always been tight, hiding her arms to make them look thinner, a corset to keep everything in place, a cloak to hide how broad her shoulders had gotten, and now as she looked at herself, it had felt as if a wave of dysphoria had struck. All she could see were how broad her shoulders were with the jacket, the skirt was a little shorter than she liked, toned arms looked more like Yangs had a few years ago at Beacon not hiding the muscle she had built up over the years. She nearly jumped as she felt Weiss put her hands on her shoulders, feeling her press into her from behind. 
“I promise, you look great,” Weiss said in a quiet whisper. “I know you’re not exactly confident about who you are yet, but you have features that other women have spent years trying to emulate too. Besides, its just for Blake, right? Once you have your date with Blake, you never have to look back at this outfit.” 
“Yeah but-” Ruby looked away from her reflection for a moment as she tried to find the words she had wanted to say. Of course she was nervous about what Blake would think, and while she trusted Weiss, there was still the small voice in the back of her head that kept telling her that Blake wouldnt want her, that she was too different. The breath she didnt realize she was holding left her lips as she felt Weiss hug her from behind, moving her arms around her shoulders. 
“You shouldnt worry about what Blake thinks about you. She knows about you and if that was ever a problem, then she would’ve made that known before. Right now, all you need to focus on is being yourself when we get her to ask you out.” 
“And you know you can talk to Yang about the movies you like, right?” Ruby asked as she leaned back into Weiss. “She likes those same cheesy romance movies you do.” 
Weiss blushed and pressed her face into the back of Ruby’s neck. “This is about you right now, not me. I’ll… I’ll ask Yang when I’m ready.” 
“And you think I’m ready to ask Blake?” 
“Then when I talk to Blake, you talk to Yang.” Ruby took a deep breath and slowly released it as she tried to calm her racing heart, staring at her reflection in the mirror. “That way we can still be there for each other without making things awkward.” 
“Fine.” Weiss pulled away and checked the price tags of the clothes that Ruby wore. “When were you thinking then?” 
“Tomorrow at the fair.” 
“Dont you think that’s a bit cliche?” 
“Yang and I go every year, and this year Blake will actually be here for it.” Ruby smiled a bit and took the jacket off. “Worst case, we dont actually ask but we still are able to have a bit of fun.” 
Weiss paused for a moment, then nodded. “Alright, I’ll hold you to it.” 
“Maybe you can spend some time with Weiss,” Ruby said as she walked through the fairground entrance with Yang, nervously adjusting the jacket she wore as she pulled up the hood of the cloak she sewed into it. “I know we normally hang out together-” 
“Sure, I dont see a reason why not,” Yang said. “Its not often I get to hang with her and this would be a better chance than any.” 
Ruby smiled a bit. “That’s great!” 
Yang looked over at Ruby. “You… seem a bit excited about that.” 
Ruby paused in her step and rubbed the back of her head. “I-I wouldnt say excited, just happy that you and Weiss can spend a bit of time together.” She pulled out her scroll and frowned a bit when she noticed a text from Weiss that she’d be late. “Though, from the sounds of it, she’s going to be late anyway.” 
“Then that gives me a bit of time to beat you at a few games until she comes around.” 
Ruby grunted a bit as she felt Yang ruffle her hair, nearly messing up the ponytail she had taken her time to get right. “Can you warn me when you do that?” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” Ruby pulled her hood down and fixed her ponytail, taking a bit of time to look around. “Why dont we check out one of the shooting galleries?” 
“And let you beat me that easy?” Yang asked. “If we do the shooting gallery, then you have to take me on at the High Striker. An easy win for an easy win.” 
“How about we go on a couple rides instead while we wait?”
“Wait on who?” Blake asked as she walked over with Weiss next to her. “Sorry we’re a bit late, Weiss took a little extra time to get ready.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes. “No more extra time than I normally do.” 
Ruby blushed a bit as she looked over at Blake, looking away for a moment to hide it with her hood. “Well, since we’re all here, then we can have a bit of fun.” 
“Rubes, you and Blake have fun,” Yang said as she took Weiss’s hand. “Weiss and I’ll be over by the spinning teacups.” 
“Wait, hold on, we cant leave them just yet!” Weiss protested as she was dragged away. 
Ruby smiled a bit as she listened to Blake giggle at the sight, nervously tapping her foot on the ground. This had been exactly what she had wanted, and yet, no matter how many times she had thought about being alone with Blake, her heart still pounded in her chest and the words she wanted to say were stuck in the back of her throat. She felt her cheeks heat up a bit as her blush deepened, and all she could do was nervously straighten out her jacket until she heard Blake speak. 
“I guess it’ll just be you and me for a bit,” Blake said with a smile as she reached for Ruby’s hand. “Weiss said you wouldnt mind if that was the case.” 
“O-of course I dont mind,” Ruby said as she gently squeezed Blake’s hand. “A-actually, I… I was hoping that you and I could be together for a bit. I-” she looked away and took a breath to try to calm her heart as it pounded in her chest. Her hand started to feel a bit sweaty as she became more nervous, every part of her wanting to rush away like normal. “And I was hoping that we… could go on a date. Together. You and me without Yang or Weiss-” 
“I’d love to.” 
I’d love to. The words practically rang around Ruby’s mind as she relaxed a bit, a goofy grin crossing her lips as she took a step closer to Blake. “Then why dont we play a few games before we do any of the rides? I hear the shooting galleries have some decent prizes today.” 
“Planning on winning me a prize already?” Blake asked with a blush. 
Ruby nodded and looked towards Weiss and Yang, watching them talk in line for the teacups. She looked back towards Blake and started to lead her to one of the shooting galleries, feeling a bit more confident. “You cant go to the fair without winning a prize. And since you havent been able to make it around in the past, I want to make sure tonight’s a good night for you.” 
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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charteringg · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how Weiss has never been so vulnerable with anyone, but Yang. Throwing herself in Yang’s arms telling her how much she missed her. How easy it was for Weiss to open up to Yang during their talk together. Then Yang for once finally knowing what it’s like to be wanted instead of left without a word and having someone who wants to be there for her
Yang is Weiss’s comfort and Weiss is someone who would never leave Yang intentionally and wants to be there for Yang when she needs it and not leave her like everyone has in Yang’s life
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pin-poo · 1 year
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some pairs sketches i did (1/?)
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dragynkeep · 1 year
Why do you think it would've made sense for freezerburn to become canon?
i think they've just had more of an interesting dynamic together, complete with moments where they actually seem to have these in depth talks that we're begging for from the show itself.
weiss is a major part of yang's healing journey when they finally reunite, weiss is also the only one that yang doesn't blame for leaving her because that's not what weiss did & she can acknowledge that. when we finally get their reunification in v5, it's chock full of romantic tropes including "rescuing the princess", "meeting the family", "hand touch to calm your lover down" & the entire scene of raven & yang has weiss as a consistent there to keep her grounded.
even when ruby, yang's own sister, doesn't know how to handle yang's trauma & upset surrounding beacon & blake: weiss does. weiss allows her a space to vent out her feelings before reminding yang that she is there for her.
& it doesn't go just one way, yang is also the only person weiss opens up to about her family history before they go to atlas. yang was also pretty much the only one willing to go toe to toe with weiss on her behaviours that weren't acceptable without having to put her own identity on the line: yang stood up to weiss's overbearing nature in the earlier volumes because she could.
the communication between these two has always been top notch, especially since they were chosen as the doubles for the beacon tournament & even after the vytal festival when blake, yang's supposed love interest, doubts yang & believes that she would be capable of brutally maiming someone: weiss doesn't. weiss immediately gets on blake for even entertaining the idea & that loyalty never wavers in the show, as well as vice versa.
there have been other things like their romantic coded playful bickering in regards to the dance, yang & weiss always seeming to gravitate towards one another whenever they're in a scene together & other things in their designs as well as yellow / blue / white just being the perfect colour scheme. yang's original colour scheme also featured blue instead of purple.
even when you contrast the songs of this ship vs the "canon" ship: looking at "home" vs "all that matters" or even "worthy" in the most recent volume, the tones are completely different.
home plays when yang & weiss reunite & weiss's knight, the protector in a time of great stress, practically floats away because she knows that she's safe with yang. the song itself talks about feeling safety in the other person, finding that feeling of home & security, of not having to wonder or worry about what will happen next.
conversely: all that matters is a song of a traumatized person abandoning their boundaries so the person they cared for won't further harm them emotionally. it's laying down all her self respect & care just so she can try & cling onto them. even the follow up of "worthy" only seems to double down on this in now both of them, that have been so conversely toxic with each other in this relationship versus with other people, are now "worthy" of this love which is such a damaging viewpoint to take.
so yeah, all in all i think freezerburn thrives because it's not written consciously as a canon relationship with romantic undertones, but they are there nonetheless & they're more convincing than whatever we got for the main ship. which only seems to echo what miles has said in a recent cameo where they find writing romance "hard" which. sounds like a skill issue to me lmao.
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lyddieowl · 2 years
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hello!! today i offer you freezerburn doodles! tomorrow? who knows
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jmgangel · 1 year
You know that one RWBY Chibi episode where Yang is like “Ugh, Weiss, you’re always so mean” and Weiss is like “Deal with it?” Yeah they were supposed to kiss afterwards but it got cut for time. Trust me, Roosterteeth told me.
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walpywalpy · 1 year
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brockleejones · 1 year
There’s nothing more annoying then people constantly saying freezerburn is divorced-coded or divorced when those two have never fought once or argued in the show. It’s such a forced dynamic that’s not even funny. They literally have no divorced tension whatsoever and Yang and Weiss have always got along with Yang being the only person Weiss didn’t have beef with at the start. Blake and Weiss have more of a divorced energy then them and even Ruby and Weiss to some extent during volume 1
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