#Tripp Toad
sweetness-pop 3 years
What do you Star Fox fans think of Slippy's son x Peppy's granddaughter for future games?
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kurtthefuzzyman 3 years
so i鈥檓 going out with my friends on an emo picnic and i was halfway through putting on my tripp pants and i lost all my confidence so then i put on my normal clothes and realised i just accidentally dressed like toad from xmen evolution- like help this is a daily occurrence we have the same style-
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bumpytoad 3 years
I'm not trying to look "cool" or be "cool." I'm not like those kids who used to look a little bit edgy and grew out of it. I never wanted to be one of them as a child as much as I just wanted to be uniquely me. Sometimes I was lumped with them because I looked different and they were the closest thing to compare me to, but I was a whole different category to what they were trying to do. Hanging out in groups and fitting in wasn't even anything that interested me, though I mostly stayed with the Special Ed/emotional support kids if you can call that a group.
I was always one who was truly different, not just trying to be "edgy cool." Some might even think I look stupid -- I don't know. How should I know? I'm just saying that I'm not trying to be "cool" in the least.
I actually want to look weird and truly bizarre and different, if that's what NTs want to think I look like. After all, what's wrong with being different, no matter how different? That might mean that I look like a freak to many in society. But this is my expression -- it's who I am and want to be.
I admire folks like Elaine Davidson. I like excess. I like flamboyantly expressing myself. My makeup is my favorite way of truly expressing myself when I want to be truly put together.
For clothing, I like to wear what I like, such as tshirts with themes involving science or animals like sharks, toads, insects, slugs, mushrooms, Earth Day tshirts and such. I like black capri sweatpants, camo joggers, black loose drawstring pants, and joggers that are black with flamboyant or interesting prints, iron-on patches, and chains, straps, spikes, safety pins, etc. I am a koumpounophobe -- I hate to wear buttons or snaps. I like Tripp pants a lot and therefore I have some (You can hide the snap or button enclosure.) but I prefer something more stretchy (Meaning no buttons or snaps) and less heavy, but with the style of Tripp pants. I always wear a black headband and a frog beret hat, a wild boar tusk necklace and a wolf teeth necklace. I wear a bracelet all the time that's made of yak bones, and other bracelets made of ox bones, a shark tooth, and a deceased scarab beetle or spider.
I love whiteface and red down my cheeks or very thick black eye makeup聽that forms points down my nose and temples, and black lipstick. I love looking like a creature and I love B-grade science fiction horror films about creatures and animals. I love extravagance in my cosmetics. I am Autistic and don't want to look "cool" -- I want to look weird and Autistic. It's an Autistic form of expression of who I am. It's authentic, like how tribal paint is raw and real, and not putting on a "cool" twist to it.
And I'm not saying that all alternative identified folks are Autistic-- but we are definitely neurodivergent and see things differently. We are different, and we therefore identify differently.
I embrace being truly different and I'm proud of it. It's not about being shocking or for attention, either. I don't care if you think I'm an eyesore just because I'm not trying to be Gothic while still reflecting a lot of mainstream beauty standards.
It's not about being rebellious, but I have to rebel and take a stand when who I am is threatened.
I'm not "trendy edgy." It's offensive to me to be thought of this way. I don't want a bunch of cool seekers to be part of it (Well... I don't want this to be the impression that identifying in this way garners.). Actually, they can do what they want. Everyone can do what they want. Just let me have my dignity and respect.
I like real freaks... those who are proud to be different and not in the "cool" way at the time. I don't do it to impress anyone.
If I'm Gothic, I'm like the originals with the whiteface. I'm not some toned down hybrid. I was always the weirdo that got laughed at. I don't have "cred." I'm not "cool." I'm socially awkward and strange.
It's the mainstream that made it "cool." They were conventionally attractive and Neurotypical, and they stole it from us who are truly different. They made it into something of their own. I don't want that.
I don't like the boring bland Instagram makeup that's meant to pass as Gothic. If you like it, I'm not judging you and just because you like it doesn't make you part of the problem. But I prefer more creative and wildly different makeup, more whiteface, SFX makeup, and a DIY approach to makeup, face paint, and body paint. Go as wild as you like -- self-expression is extremely important.
I like stuff like out of side shows, not "different in a cool way." I prefer Nosferatu to Dracula, though I'm not big into vampires -- I'm just using an example to illustrate my point. I prefer the supposed "disabled look." Looking "like a retard" or "stupid" (The reason I'm using these insulting examples is because I've actually been called these things before.) is not an insult to me -- well, yes, it most certainly is, but I'm just saying that I don't want to look like a "cool" Neurotypical. I'm cool just the way I am.
For my idea of alternative or Gothic, I don't want it to have a contemporary twist, or look like the hot new thing that's actually a watered-down version to appeal to the fashionable. Just stop.
I want acceptance and respect, but I want it as I am. There is a real deal identity that I have. I'm not just a trend hopper. I like the original true expression that wasn't meant to be polished up and NT. Please don't confuse me for that.
I have a marginalized identity. It's not that I like being marginalized, but I'd rather be true to who I am. I have to admit the truth that alternative identities are and/or have been marginalized. Don't marginalize those who are different. Don't call us freaks. I'm not advocating or embracing the term or trying to reclaim it. I'm only using words like "weird" and "freak" and "bizarre" to make a point. Respect alternative identities.
Being different is a positive thing and words like freak are thrown around like slurs towards those who look very different from the norm. It's offensive. I am against lookism and alterophobia. We need to fight for our rights to be ourselves. We need a movement to be able to express ourselves any way we like (as long as we're not committing hate speech through our expressions) without fear and shame. Being alternative is an identity.
While there was a fad for a while mostly with Gothic things, those who are alternative as an identity are a very small minority and always have been. When the media latches onto something as fresh and new, it becomes a big thing for a while with folks wanting to be relevant by being part of it. After the hype dies, they grow out of it. The media reinvents things that have been around for a long time as fresh and new. The media also takes alternative identities and hypes them up and creates a demand -- a commodified culture. The media can be very harmful.
Many of us who are alternative have multiple alternative identifier labels. One individual can be alternative in more than one way. And Autistic folks are more likely to be alternative as well as any kind of identity that is less common.
To sum up, I want my dignity. My way of being is a civil and human right, and is not up for debate. All I ask for is respect. Try to understand -- please have some empathy.
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we-are-richmond 7 years
Guys just imagine the TWAU and TWDG AU
Javier Garcia as Sheriff Big B Wolf Eleanor as Snow White Tripp as The Woodsman Lee as Bluebeard Kenny as Mr. Toad Duck as Toad Jr (shhhh) Kate as Beauty David as Beast Carley as Nerissa Francine as Holly Vernon as Ichabod Carlos as Dr. Swineheart Luke as Jack Conrad as Gren (their bar) Ben as Flycatcher Carver as the Crooked Man Troy as Georgie Bonnie as Vivian Lilly as Faith (idk) Arvo as Tiny Tim Ava as Bloody Mary (I can't begin on how much I love Mary) Badger as Jersey Devil Joan as Aunty Greenleaf Clint as Butcher (irony) Wyatt as Dee Russell as Dum (idk either)
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sweetness-pop 3 years
Star Fox 3rd Gen Trio Redesign Ideas
Marcus McCloud:
路Of course still keep his fox fur in that beautiful azure blue shade as his mother Krystal McCloud's. With some of that golden brownish-white fur like his father Fox McCloud's. Definitely keep the apple green eyes on Marcus. Skinny, muscular & built. Now for the new differences should be are having his golden brownish-white hairdo be a slight spikey mohawk at the back while at the front keep the signature swirl. & Have Marcus actually being so tall, his height can almost reach senior advisor Falco Lombardi's. Imagine Nintendo revealing that James McCloud, Marcus' paternal grandfather was very tall, but unfortunately......his son did not inherited that height at all & instead was so short(but not too short). So.......the grandson ends up being tall, meaning that......it skipped a generation......much to Fox's dismay. Marcus McCloud's age: 19 years old.
路For his Star Fox jumpsuit, what if instead of the orange, Marcus could wear gold? Think about it, gold & blue are a rich colorful combination. In fact, I think those colors fit Marcus more. Blue fur & a golden jumpsuit. Red bandana around his neck too please. I also think he'd definitely not only wear those familiar black fingerless gloves with the golden knuckle studs, but also have his jacket sleeves rolled up too hehe, like father, like son. & Put a blue upside-down triangular stone on the top of Marcus' metal boots.
Tripp Toad:
路He should still have orange skin & sky blue eyes. The orange skin should be from great-grandma Toad's & that could be why granduncle Grippy Toad is orange. As for the sky blue eyes, obviously from father Slippy Toad. Although, imagine if Slippy were to have hair, but just shaves it off, then I'd definitely see the green frog being a red-head(like a carrot top or even ginger), so that his 1st born son can be a red-head too. Now for the only add-on for Tripp's redesign should be freckles, which can be a trait that he'd inherit from his mother Amanda Toad who should have freckles for her redesign by Nintendo. Keep him still round & short too. Have his official name be revealed as Tripp Toad. His age: 18 years old(19 around the fall season).
路I am thinking that his jumpsuit should still be blue except in a different shade like perhaps Tripp would look good in neon blue, you know like one of the joy-cons for the Switch. Red bandana around his neck. What do you think? Dark brown fingerless gloves with silver knuckle studs. Put a green rectangular stone on his metal boots. Oh & definitely make Tripp keep that cowboy hat.
Ruby Grey:
路& Finally for Peppy Hare's granddaughter, imagine her's being the most different out of the 3rd gen trio's redesigns. What if when her father is finally revealed, Nintendo will actually make the father of Peppy's granddaughter turning out to be.............Bill Grey? Yup Bill Grey x Lucy Hare who'd be Mrs.Lucina Hare-Grey btw. Pairing name: BILUCY. If this ends up being the case in upcoming SF games, then that would make Peppy's grandchild a hybrid character of half-canidae from her bulldog father & half-leporidae from her rabbit mother. Her redesign can be of grey & cream-colored fur, the grey from Bill & the cream from Lucy's secondary fur below her brownish-grey fur, which should be Peppy's daughter's redesign for when Luce is reintroduced in future SF games. Make the bilucy daughter have really short cherry blossom pink hair, which should be from Lucy, style up the sakura-colored tuft in a style of curly bangs. & What would add such a lovely touch is giving Peppy's granddaughter fringes on her forehead shaped into a heart, you know like Chibiusa Tsukino aka Sailor Chibi Moon. She has a pretty slender body. She's a bit shorter than Marcus & much taller than Tripp. However, much to her biggest dismay, she also has a really.....small....chest(yeah unfortunately, she has a complex about her under-endowed "assets")& that can be a feature possibly inherited from mama Lucy. Now as she'd be a hybrid, Ruby would actually look more of a rabbit than a dog unlike other hybrids that show traits from both parents like my ocs, Violett Lombardi & Ace Lombardi who are the pheasant-domestic shorthair gryphon children of Falco Lombardi & his wife Katt Monroe who'd be Mrs.Kathrene Monroe-Lombardi. Because of this, a lot of the Lylatians would believe that Ruby is a purebred bunny until they realize that Bill who'd obviously be a General in the next gen storyline is her biological father. Then there will be some slight differences that Ruby were to have that you wouldn't see from a rabbit. First off, are the ears, they look like rabbit ears that are floppy like a bulldog's. Secondly, she has dog claws for her hands. Third, she has canine feet. Fourth, Ruby was born with canine-shaped eyes except they are crimson red like Lucy's. & Finally, her fluffy cottontail that wags like all tails of canines, & actually looks like a shape of a Q-tip(you know the ones you use to clean your ears). So Peppy's hybrid granddaughter looks mostly like a rabbit with some features from half of her bulldog genes. She also has her mother's bunny face(I changed my mind about her having her father's doggy face). I think Ruby, Ruby Grey(middle name: Vivian) should be her official name. & For her age, 18 years old.
路& Now for what she wears when working in Team Star Fox, instead of that bodysuit that she wore in one of the non-canon endings in Command, why not Ruby just wears the exact jumpsuit as any members of the Star Fox team? Ruby's jumpsuit can be cherry blossom pink especially to match her hair. Put a red bandana around her neck. (Yeah I think it's a tradition for members of StarFox to wear the red neckerchief.) Give her French pink gloves that have a yellow-cuffed style for the wrists, & a crimson red dog paw print on the front of the gloves. & Embellish the top of Ruby's metal boots with a red heart-shaped stone.
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sweetness-pop 4 years
I headcanon that the names of Marcus McCloud's two BFFs are:
Tripp Toad & Ruby Grey
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sweetness-pop 3 years
Someday in the future, Falco and Katt will have a daughter who will be the one hybrid girl to not FUCK with unless anybody in the Lylat System wants to get severely HURT!!!! 馃槧馃拃馃挗馃敟馃槇馃惁馃悎馃憡馃挜馃が
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sweetness-pop 3 years
I came up with a second kit for Fox McCloud and Krystal McCloud, also a little sibling for their son Marcus James McCloud.
Fox and Krystal talked about having another kit when Marcus was around 3. They wanted to have a bigger family. Actually, when Violett Lombardi, the hybrid daughter of their two best friends, Falco Lombardi and Katt Monroe-Lombardi was born, Fox and Krystal were chosen to be the little violet gryphon's godparents, which also makes Marcus her big godbrother. This also made Fox and Krystal wanting to have more kits.
So 5 months after Marcus turned 3, Krystal became pregnant for the second time. It was a sweet joy for the McCloud family......
However, that happiness was cut short when only 1 month later, Krystal started feeling severe pain in her stomach. It turned out that she had suffered from a............miscarriage. She and Fox had lost that kit. The kit that would have been Marcus' little brother or sister. This was a devastating moment for the McClouds, but the loss of the kit devastated Krystal the most. Fox goes to the family room only to find his wife sitting on the couch, all heartbroken and embraces their 3 1/2 year old Marcus as she bursts into tears. The scenery had saddened Fox as he hated to see his wife hurt like that.
It had to be taken time for Krystal to heal emotionally from that miscarriage, but with the help of her loved ones, she manages to get over that loss. Fox was of course, hurt as well, but he was doing his best to stay strong for both his wife and son. And little Marcus was always doing his best to comfort his mommy and daddy especially by being a very good and attentive son despite being so young when that loss happened.
However, whenever she sees her girlfriends getting pregnant again, Krystal couldn't help but feel inferior(and slightly jealous) because she couldn't get pregnant again after that one miscarriage and even after what happened, Fox and Krystal were trying to conceive again, but would always have failed attempts. They both hated having to always see their pregnancy tests as "Negative".
Despite all of this, Fox and Krystal were still enjoying their little family with their small pup Marcus for the time being.
And even though she can't get pregnant again yet and while the other ladies have more babies, which would sometimes make her feel a slight inferiority, Krystal does all of her best to be happy for her friends as they bring new additions into their owns families. This includes Katt who gets pregnant for the second time 3 years after Violett's birth, and Amanda Toad gets pregnant 5 times with her and Slippy Toad's two youngest tadpoles from their 5th pregnancy being twins.
There was also that one time when Fox and Krystal with 5 year old Marcus has made a visit to the Greys, Bill Grey and Lucy Hare-Grey, Peppy Hare's daughter, with their 4 year old daughter Ruby Grey. During that visit as Fox and Bill have a friendly guy to guy chat while Marcus and Ruby play with each other, Krystal has gently asked Lucy on why she and Bill have not given their daughter Ruby, Peppy's only granddaughter, a sibling. Lucy responded with her honest answer by saying that she and Bill have not actually thought about having another hybrid child, and that they are actually perfectly fine with having Ruby as their only "bunpup". Lucy also shares to Krystal that little Ruby totally enjoys having her mommy and daddy and granddaddy all to her herself, and that she can sometimes be quite a handful for an only child. Although Ruby doesn't mind sharing grandpa Peppy to the other kids like Marcus, Violett and Tripp Toad, Slippy and Amanda's 1st son, as he's a surrogate grandpa to them. There are some parents who decide to have just one child while there are others who have multiples. It would be their decision together despite what others would say.
Lucy does encourage Krystal to not give up hope on trying again for another kit, but also tells her that if she and Fox one day feel that Marcus is enough for them then they should still be happy and grateful that they'll always have him as their son. Because no matter how many children you have, 1, 2, 3 or more, they will always be a blessing. Krystal really appreciates what her close friend tells her, and the two wives hug each other. She and Fox will still plan on having another kit.
Around 2 years later in that warm autumn season when she and Fox waited a few more years to heal and try again, Krystal becomes pregnant for the third time. The couple were so happy that they were able to get pregnant again and that Marcus who was 7 1/2 years old at that time will finally become a big brother.
Things were going so well with Krystal being around 4 months pregnant. But again....something tragic happened. A week after Marcus' 8th birthday, there was an attack on Corneria. And during that attack, Krystal was unfortunate as she used her telepathy, but was instantly knocked out and her body gets pushed down to the stairs. She was laying unconsciously on the stairs with the side of her head bleeding. Krystal was then taken to the hospital, and before the doctor gives her the news that she never wanted to hear again, she had used her telepathy as she places her paw on her stomach and sensed that her kit......was no longer there.... She knew, and what made it worse for her was when hearing the doctor telling her that she has lost her and Fox's kit. When Fox rushed to the hospital, he sees Katt, Lucy and Amanda all hugging Krystal who was crying her eyes out. Krystal then looks up at Fox in an apologetic look with shame and devastation. That was when Fox realized what has happened and is now hurt by that same suffering that he never wanted his family to go through again. 8 Year old Marcus was standing there seeing his father down to his knees on the floor looking down as tears start to stream down his face while Falco, Slippy and Bill try to comfort him. The young pup then sees his mother still crying nonstop while Katt, Amanda and Lucy were also trying their best to comfort her. Marcus realizes that he had lost his other little sibling and looks down at the floor in tears. Peppy puts his hand on the blue pup's shoulder as the old rabbit is hurt of what had happened to Fox, Krystal and Marcus, and in his mind, he says James' name as James McCloud, his best friend and Fox's father pops into his mind.
To make things worse, Fox and Krystal were told by the doctor that after two failed pregnancies that ended in a miscarriage and then death of their other unborn kit, the couple may not have another chance of conceiving again. And this broke Krystal's heart too much as much as it broke Fox's too. Fox couldn't forgiven himself for not being there for Krystal because that kit would have still had the chance to be born.
After that day, Krystal was too sad and distraught to do anything. She stayed in her and Fox's master bedroom just sitting or laying on her bed. The pupils in her eyes were gone as the eyes were looking lifeless. Fox would hide his emotional pain from others, but he knows that Marcus would already sense it with telepathy. There were sometimes when Fox had to take Marcus to stay over at Falco and Katt's home just for things to clear up and heal as Fox decided to take Krystal for counseling, so that they can take heal together over the loss of their unborn kit. While he was still saddened by the death of the sibling that should have been born, Marcus was feeling better on the days that he would stay with the Lombardis. The Toads, the Greys, Peppy and other friends/allies would help out as much as they need to too. During his stay at his godparents', Marcus would smile when he plays with 5 year old Violett who would put him at ease like a little sister would do, and he would offered to help Katt take care of her and Falco's baby son especially with diaper-changing. Falco would always give young Marcus advice too on how to stay strong for his parents.......while playing video games and Marcus always beating Falco who still sucks at video games!
Fox, Krystal and Marcus were all taking their time to heal and get through this together as a family. And despite learning that they may never have that big family that they have always wanted. Fox and Krystal tell Marcus that he is their blessing, that they will always have him for their kit even if he's their only, and that they will always love him. They also thank him for choosing them as his parents and for being born as their son. Marcus tears up and hugs his parents who return the warm embrace. They will always be a family....
The McClouds get on with their lives together as time goes by. They were even becoming closer than ever as they were staying strong and happy together like a true family.
But then about 2 1/2 years later........something unexpected has happened for the McCloud family. Krystal discovers that she is PREGNANT! It was a miracle! When Krystal shared her husband and son the news, they were all so excited and overjoyed! A miracle that she, Fox and Marcus will never forget.
Krystal's 4th pregnancy was going extremely great. And it was during the 2nd trimester when she was 5 1/2 months pregnant, she learns that she's carrying another tiny kit boy! She and Fox were going to have a second son while Marcus was going to have a little brother. Around a month later in that warm spring season, Katt, Lucy and Amanda threw a baby shower for Krystal. (Of course the three women had to drag their husbands into it along with Peppy's help) The baby shower was one of the best moments that Fox and Krystal will never forget. The couple and their preteen Marcus were all preparing for the arrival of their baby son/brother and can't wait to finally meet the newest addition into their family. This was a moment that they were all waiting for.
And finally, 3 months later, on the 7th of July, Fox at 40 years old, Krystal at 33 years old and Marcus at 11 years old all welcomed him into the Lylat System. A beautiful, handsome, amazing and healthy kit boy. Orange fur like his father while also having pale blue fur like his mother under his orange fur. Blue hair and turquoise eyes like his mother as well. He is their rainbow kit. Their miracle kit that they have all been waiting for these years, and now he's finally here with his daddy, mommy and big brother. And his name is:
Jaxon "Jax" Astro McCloud
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