#The Mitra Pretiosa
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stuckinuniformdevelopment · 5 months ago
After months of blood, sweat, and tears Bishop Percival’s long-awaited mitra pretiosa was finally complete. If it was any other grueling project Theodore would take a moment to admire the fruits of his labor. This accursed glorified hat, however, only heralded a flood of more blood, sweat, and tears.
After all that effort he put into delaying it he finished three days short of the final deadline. Just because Bishop Percival had managed to strike fear into him. ...Whiiiicch happened to be so intense that he could hardly sleep. But still.
The last sections were genuinely sloppy. And not by the overblown perfectionist standards he had gone by to buy time. He hated it. He couldn’t stand looking at it. Especially when he was indulging in his frustration over the quality to avoid thinking about Thomas.
...By now Thomas was probably ready to get out of that cell by any means possible, wasn’t he? A few days didn’t make a difference anyways. There was no reason to feel guilty about getting rid of that thing ASAP.
Besides, Bishop Percival would burn Theodore to death if he didn’t.
It had to be around 1am when he knocked on Bishop Percival’s door. The gentle taps likely went unheard so he gave it one loud bang before backing up to lean against the pulpit to keep himself from swaying.
Theodore couldn’t tell if he hoped he was in there or not. Maybe Mi-, no, he was asleep. Maybe Shep could do it if he was still awake. Anyone (reliable) who wasn’t him.
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bishop-percival · 10 months ago
(prev) When Bishop Percival flung his hand Teddy’s instinctively reeled out to catch it… only to be halted by a sharp stab of pain under his arm. He gritted his eye, gave that jerk an unimpressed look (which hardly differed from his default seemingly judgemental expression) and accepted them before returning to a proper upright position. Then Teddy carefully took a deep breath and pulled out his phone. Soon Bishop Percival received a pair of texts. What did you have in mind? It’ll be easier to refer back to in writing.
As Teddy typed on his phone, the bishop dragged a nearby chair closer to his bed and sat down, leisurely crossing his legs.
“Hey! Who’re ya texting when I’m in your presence?” Right after he said that, his phone went off, which the text notification sound was set as some kind of loud, horrifying, demonic scream. Percy took his phone out upon hearing the second notification. “Oh! Haha, you’re texting me!”
He began typing his response… But Percy was a very slow typer. After about two minutes of silence, he growled and set his phone in his lap.
“Bah! I’ll text you the details later so you can have it in writing.”
Percival gestured with his hands as he explained his vision. “My recent victory has me feeling deserving of a powerful-looking mitre. I’m thinking of a gorgeous Mitra Pretiosa but with a sharper gothic design rather than the rounder roman design of my past mitre. I’m not gonna change up the colors much. The fabric will still be red with gold lining and a black band. And of course, the glorious mark of Glorn will be embroidered on the gold in black. However! Instead of plain, I’m thinking of silk damask for the red… BUT! Ooh, there’re two damask patterns I can't decide between… What do you think, Bowtie?”
Percy took his phone again and leaned toward Teddy to show him the screen. On it was a floral damask pattern in which the flowing leaves and petals formed what resembled a demonic face. “Ain’t this one neat!? It looks like a bunch of Zranthars scowling at us!”
He then swiped his finger across the screen to show a different pattern, this one with jagged lightning bolts intertwining. “But this one also looks fierce and fits in with the bolt motif of Glornism…”
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ohxdios · 5 years ago
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El otro día me preguntaron ¿Porqué vas a Misa? Y respondí, “a mi encuentro con el Señor”, y añadí, para recibirlo mediante la Comunión.
¿Pero qué significa realmente esto?
La Eucaristía es la consagración del pan en el Cuerpo de Cristo y del vino en su Sangre que renueva mística y sacramentalmente el sacrificio de Jesucristo en la Cruz.
Se instituyó en la última cena pascual que Jesús celebró con sus discípulos y hay cuatro relatos que coinciden esencialmente, en la consagración del pan que precede a la del Cáliz; aunque “históricamente” ya se practicaba mucho antes de la redacción de los Evangelios.
El Cáliz está presente en varios pasajes bíblicos en los cuales Jesús se asocia a si mismo y de una nueva manera, con el uso de una copa: los discípulos ¨tomarán de la copa que Jesús tomarᨠ(Mc 10: 38). Y en la Última Cena, la copa contiene el vino que ¨es Su Sangre¨, además de que en Getsemaní Jesús ora para que si es posible, se aparte de él ¨la copa¨.
Es en la celebración de la cena judía de la Pascua que se comía cordero, el cual cumplía la función de tomar sobre sí los pecados de los comensales. En cambio, en la Pascua católica, se come la Hostia con el cuerpo y sangre de Jesucristo, que es el Cordero de Dios que toma sobre sí los pecados del mundo: "Al día siguiente Juan vio a Jesús que venía a su encuentro, y exclamó: “Ahí viene el Cordero de Dios, el que carga con el pecado del mundo." (Jn 1, 29)

Es curioso pero es Jesús quien les ordena comer su cuerpo y beber su sangre, y seguramente los judíos discutieron entre sí: “¿Cómo puede éste darnos a comer carne?” Entonces el Maestro les dijo: “En verdad les digo que si no comen la carne del Hijo del Hombre y no beben su sangre, no tienen vida en ustedes. El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre vive de vida eterna, y yo lo resucitaré el último día. Mi carne es verdadera comida y mi sangre es verdadera bebida. El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre permanece en mí y yo en él." (Jn 6, 52-55).
Total que la Eucaristía es nuestro encuentro íntimo y personal con Cristo y por ello se le llama Comunión, por ser el encuentro íntegro de dos que se aman profundamente, marcado por lo que les dijo a los Apóstoles "Con ansias he deseado comer esta Pascua con vosotros " Lc.22,15.
La palabra "Comunión", proviene del griego koinonìa, que encontramos por ejemplo en la primera carta a los Corintios, donde San Pablo nos refiere la "mesa de los demonios" (1 Co 10, 21), expresando "Los que comen de las víctimas están en comunión con el altar" (1 Co 10, 18). Entonces, al comulgar es la conexión que experimentamos con la sangre de Cristo y el pan que partimos, con el cuerpo de Cristo, participando “de un solo pan" (1 Co 10, 16-17). Siendo nuestra participación en la Eucaristía, nuestro sacramento de la nueva alianza, como nuestra asimilación de Cristo, como la fuente de "vida eterna", (Veritatis splendor, 21).
Sin duda, son San Juan y San Pablo quienes mejor exaltan la comunión del católico con Cristo mediante la Eucaristía. En el discurso en la sinagoga de Cafarnaúm, Jesús dice explícitamente: "Yo soy el pan vivo, bajado del cielo. Si uno come de este pan, vivirá para siempre" (Jn 6, 51). De esta manera, se resalta esta comunión vital con nuestra fé, entre Cristo, el pan de vida, y nosotros, que comemos de él, "El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre permanece en mí y yo en él" (Jn 6, 56; cf. 15, 4-9).
Es ahí dónde Jesús instituye el sacerdocio con sus apóstoles, y ordena celebrar la misa: "Esto es mi cuerpo, que es entregado por ustedes. Hagan esto en memoria mía.” Y acto seguido hace lo mismo con la copa después de cenar, diciendo: “Esta copa es la alianza nueva sellada con mi sangre, que es derramada por ustedes”.  (Lc 22, 19-20); cumpliéndose así la profecía de Jeremías: "Ya llega el día, dice Yahvé, en que yo pactaré con el pueblo de Israel (y con el de Judá) una nueva alianza." (Jr 31, 31)

Es por eso que la misa también es la renovación de la Alianza.
Me parece acertado profundizar en el sentido genuino de esta comunión que los católicos tenemos con Dios (aunque en realidad es al revés), con las palabras que Jesús dijo en la última Cena, refiriéndose a la "alianza" a través de nuestra conexión de la sangre de Cristo con la sangre del sacrificio derramada en el Sinaí: "Esta es mi sangre, la sangre de la alianza" (Mc 14, 24), y que Moisés había referido con: "Esta es la sangre de la alianza" (Ex 24, 8). La misma alianza que en el Sinaí unía a Israel con el Señor mediante un vínculo de sangre que anunciaba la nueva alianza, de la que deriva, para usar la expresión de los Padres griegos, una especie de consanguinidad entre Cristo y el fiel (cf. san Cirilo de Alejandría, In Johannis Evangelium, XI; san Juan Crisóstomo, In Matthaeum hom., LXXXII, 5).
Por todo esto, y en mi experiencia como ministro de Comunión, especialmente cuando mi Sacerdote y tutor evangélico me encarga la purificación, luego del hermoscísimo "Tomad y comed... bebed..." (Mt 26, 26-27) que Jesús dirigió a sus discípulos en la sala del piso superior de una casa de Jerusalén, en su última tarde de su vida con nosotros (cf. Mc 14, 15), especialmente cuando tengo en mis manos, y en mi labios el Cáliz con los restos de la Sangre y el Cuerpo de mi Señor.
Es algo de lo más mágico y maravilloso, lo que mi persona siente en esos momentos, cuando tengo contacto físico y espiritual con todos estos “artículos” de la misa que correctamente se llaman Ornamentos Litúrgicos, es decir, el Misal que es el libro que dispongo al Padre, y que colóco reposando sobre un "atril" en el altar; y que recuerda el libro judío que contiene el Seder o ritual de la pascua, que es el libro Hagadá.
Recordemos que es en la Pascua Judía (término hebreo que significa "paso"), la cual conmemora la salida de Egipto (Exodo 12), conmemorándose nuestra salvación por la muerte de Jesús en la cruz.
Por ello enciendo sobre el altar católico y durante la misa, dos cirios pascuales.
El Cáliz tiene una energía muy especial, no sólo porque es consagrado en exclusiva para el uso sagrado en la Santa Misa, sino por razones más que obvias; es el ornamento sagrado por excelencia, indispensable para el sacrificio de la Santa Misa pues contendrá el vino que se convertirá en la Sangre Preciosísima de nuestro Señor JesuCristo. Los he visto de muchas formas y materiales, pero principalmente son de Oro para que no absorba el Vino convertido en Sangre.

El Cáliz nos recuerda ciertos pasajes bíblicos en los cuales Jesús asocia a si mismo y de una nueva manera, el uso de una copa: los discípulos ¨tomarán de la copa que Jesús tomarᨠ(Mc 10: 38). En al Última Cena, la copa contenía vino que ¨es Su Sangre¨, y en Getsemaní Jesús ora para que si es posible, se aparte de él ¨la copa¨.

Sobre el Cáliz se coloca una especie de pañuelo que es el “purificador” y la Patena es el plato plano que lo tapa, y también la Hijuela que es la cuadrada.
La Hostia (porque lo tengo que mencionar), una vez consagrada por el sacerdote, se convierte el cuerpo de Cristo; y el Vino, en la sangre de Cristo, literal.
Hay una pieza cuadrada de tela que sólo puede ser de lino o cánamo, y no puede tener ningún bordado más que una pequeña cruz; En él descansará la Eucaristía, esa es el Corporal, y al guardarse debe doblarse en nueve cuadrados iguales; sobre ella se pone la Patena y ellos a su vez sobre el Cáliz durante la Misa y así tal cual, en la Sacristía al finalizar las Misas, pero el Corporal se coloca dentro de una bolsa llamada Bolsa del Corporal.
Por cierto, antiguamente la Sagrada Hostia descansaba directamente sobre el Corporal desde el ofertorio hasta la fracción. También se pone debajo de la custodia cuando la Exposición del Santísimo.
El Vaso con tapa donde se conservan las Sagradas Hostias se llama Copón y se usa también para llevar la comunión a los integrantes del coro o a los enfermos, en sus casas.
La Custodia (o ostensorium, es decir mostrar) es donde el Padre coloca la Eucaristía de manera que se pueda ver para la adoración.
Cuando es expuesto el Santísimo, se encierra en una pieza dorada, que es la Luneta.
El agua bendita se coloca en el Hisopo, es el utensilio con el que se esparce, y consiste en un mango que lleva en su extremo un manojo de cerdas o una bola metálica hueca y agujereada para sostener el agua. Se usa con el Acetre, que es el caldero de agua bendita que se usa para las aspersiones litúrgicas. Es decir, el agua se recoge del acetre y se dispersa con el hisopo.
El incienso, que tiene para mí un significado muy especial porque con él fué que inicié mi carrera apostólica, también proviene del uso Judío, ordenado por Yahvé desde los tiempos del Arca de la Alianza: "Harás también un altar para quemar el incienso." (Ex 30, 1). 
También dice el libro primero de las Crónicas: "Aarón fue separado juntamente con sus hijos para consagrar por siempre las cosas muy sagradas, para quemar incienso ante Yavé, para servirlo y para bendecir en su nombre por siempre." (1 Cr 23, 13).
No se usa cualquier Incienso, debe de ser de resinas aromáticas, ya sea en forma granulada o en polvo, y se queman en el Incensario durante las liturgias ceremoniales y obispales. Su denso humo tiene una muy grata fragancia. Su función es altamente sacramental. Pues quema incienso significa celo y fervor; mientras que su fragancia es la virtud; el humo que se eleva son las oraciones que ascienden al cielo. Además se usa en la Misa para el libro de los Evangelios, el Altar, el pueblo de Dios, los ministros y el pan y el vino. Y en la bendición con el Santísimo, así como en procesiones.
El Incienso se guarda en la Naveta la cual muchas veces es en forma de una pequeña nave.
Cuando la celebración es ante un Obispo, que es el máximo honor como apostolado, usan la Mitra, que es el símbolo del episcopado. En el "Cæremoniale Romanum" aparecen tres tipos de mitras: la "mitra pretiosa" para cuando se utiliza el Te Deum en el Oficio Divino, y es la mas ornamentada; la "auriphrygiata", que es para el Adviento y la Cuaresma; y el "simplex", para los días de ayuno y penitencia, Viernes Santo y funerales.
El paño cuadrado que ciñe el obispo durante las ceremonias litúrgicas es el Gremial, por ejemplo en el lavatorio de los pies de la Misa del Jueves Santo. El Gremial es de seda y encaje para las misas pontificas y el de lino para los obispales. El ministro se cubre los hombros cuando lleva el Santísimo, ese es el Velo Humeral.
El Cáliz se cubre con la Palia y con el Velo del Cáliz, fuera del ofertorio y el canon de la misa, y su color cambia de acuerdo a la festividad.
El Vino y el Agua se sirven en las Vinajeras, cada una marcadas con una V y una A. Generalmente son de cristal y se colocan en una bandeja pequeña. Es permitido que sean de otro material (bronce, plata, oro e incluso de cerámica bien sellada) siempre y cuando puedan dignamente contener los líquidos.
También auxilio al Padre con su vestimenta, El “alba” es la bata blanca que usa el Padre y significa la pureza, luego se le ajusta el alba con un cordón que es el "cíngulo", y representa el dominio de sí. La “Estola” que el Padre se pone al cuello, representa el poder sacerdotal y su origen es el manto de oración de los judíos; la cual se debe utilizarse cuando se administran sacramentos.
El manto que usa sobre el alba es la Casulla y así como también la Estola se usan en varios colores, durante los diferentes tiempos litúrgicos; el Blanco (que representa la alegría) en la Fiesta del Señor, María, santos y los ángeles. El Rojo (es el fuego y la sangre) se usa en Pentecostés y las fiestas de los mártires. El Verde (la esperanza) se usa los domingos luego de Pentecostés. El Morado (es la penitencia) se usa durante el Adviento, Cuaresma y en las misas de difuntos. Y el Negro (dolor) se usa únicamente el Viernes Santo.
Toda esta es la magia que rodea a la Santa Misa, y a la Eucaristía Católica que es lo que nos distingue y lo digo con mucho respeto, de otras religiones. Y mi razón más importante para asistir a misa. Si llegaste leyendo hasta aquí, estoy seguro que ahora verás la Misa y lo que le rodea de una manera muy pero muy distinta.
Que La Paz del Señor sea siempre con ustedes 🙏🏽
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stuckinuniformdevelopment · 5 months ago
(Previous) “What, you’re just leaving without a word!? Don’t you want to see my epic unboxing reaction?” Bishop Percival snapped his fingers, and the office door shut and locked. “Plus, what if I have complaints or revisions?,” he said as he made his way toward the box, then started to open it.
Theodore clenched his fists while biting back a long-suffering sigh when Bishop Percival put a wall between him and the sweet reward of slumber. All because he wanted to act like some modern e-celebrity.
As for complaints and revisions, well, they can wait until tomorrow.
He slightly stumbled as he turned around and was ready to throw himself down down in that narrow chair before he remembered how Mike reacted when he got overly dramatic and kicked the pulpit. So he gently lowered himself before slumping forward and propping his head up.
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stuckinuniformdevelopment · 5 months ago
(Previous) About five minutes of nothing passed. And then a fissure of bright red light suddenly cracked the ground a few feet away from the desk! None other than Bishop Percival came crawling out of it. He was without his robe, wearing a standard black watchdog uniform, but not for long as he stuck his arm back into the fissure and pulled it out. The fissure closed once the robe was out. Percival dusted himself off and looked at Theodore. His usual smile crept across his face. “Well if it isn’t Bowtie!” He eyed the box on the desk and started putting his robe back on. “Have something for me~?”
When the fissure appeared Theodore’s eye widened while he immediately jumped to his feet. But after a particularly ugly watchdog emerged and he somewhat relaxed. Only somewhat. This man had still threatened to kill him recently.
Theodore bowed to Bishop Percival ad he dusted himself off. Once he asked about the mitre he nodded, rubbed his eye, and warily glanced at him as he turned to leave.
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stuckinuniformdevelopment · 5 months ago
(Previous) There was a heavy silence about the chapel after Teddy had knocked. This moment was interrupted when about a minute later the clack of a lock opening could be heard from the door. The door to Bishop Percival’s office swung open. Curiously, the bishop wasn’t behind it. No one was. Looking into the room, it was empty. Even more curiously, the voice of Percival emanated from within like some sort of automated PA system announcement. “The bishop is not currently in right now! You must enter and wait for his arrival.”
Theodore walked up to the door frame and scanned the room for Bishop Percival. When he couldn’t spot him in any of the obvious spots he started to lean forward with one foot leaving the ground.
The sudden announcement made him flinch, which made him stumble, which forced him to scramble to regain his balance without dropping his precious cargo. After he managed to get both feet solidly on the ground he sighed at his jumpiness, gave the sanctuary a one-over to check that nobody saw his undignified behavior, and cautiously entered.
Theodore spent several seconds searching the room for a chair only to find it in the most obvious spot: Right in front of the desk. Across from a luxurious armchair. He narrowed his eye at said armchair as he placed the box on the desk and lowered himself into a narrow piece of crap.
...Well, at least his lanky build helped keep him from getting too cramped. Even if he had to move back to make room for his legs.
He cursed his insomnia as he waited. Anyone else could squeeze in a bit of shut-eye in this situation. But he couldn’t rest until he got this over with and grabbed his pills.
Lucky bastards. All of them. Don’t know how good they have it.
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stuckinuniformdevelopment · 8 months ago
Thread List (wip)
Teddy focused
The CAPT Project The Bowtie The Dreaded Fruit
The CAPT Project
General Tag Sample 47 The Hesomek Expedition
(best friend/crush)
General Tag The Inedible Foods -- The Motor Oil The Concerned Friend The New Robe Ant Robotics The Broken Engagement The Bet The Poor Little Baby Girl The Ant Ambrosia The Bitter Exes The Giant Rat The Misunderstanding The Birthday The Fake Betrayal The Fight of the Decade Bert's Despair The Truth The Return Bertday Thanks Sam
(Bert's lab assistant)
General Tag Bertday
General Tag The Bowtie The New Robe The Unwanted Thief
(Acquaintance via Freddy)
General Tag
Commander Peepers
(friend/boss, former parasocial nemesis & guy who thought they're friends)
General Tag The Birthday The Fight of the Decade The Commander's Plan
Bishop Percival
(Leader of the Cult Teddy Infiltrated/Most Hated/Assassination Target)
General Tag The Initiation The Summoning The Fight of the Decade The Mitre The Tragic Accountant The First Choice The Switcharoo The Mitra Pretiosa
Reverend Mike
(High Ranked Glornist Higher‐Up/Blackmailer/Reluctant Assassination Partner)
General Tag The Blackmail The Library Meeting The Summoning The Aftermath The Observatory The Assassination Plot The New Robes(?) The Murder Plot The Blade of the Dragon's Breath The Birthday The Last Resort The Material Properties of Magic The Return
Reverend Miriam
(High Ranked Intimidating Glornist higher-up)
General Tag The Library Meeting The Summoning The Blade of the Dragon's Breath The Fight of the Decade The Inside Out Organs Reverend Miriam & The Reckless Fool
Misc. Characters
Deacon Autumn Lola Amy
(Friend, “ex-boyfriend” aka adultery scheme partner, technical Glornist higher up)
General Tag The New Robe The Initiation The Adultery Plot The Fake Date The Public Confession Cornered The Inside Out Organs The Breakup The Unwanted Thief
(2nd Most Annoying Glornist, Petty Nemesis)
General Tag The Fake Betrayal The Second Choice The Tragic Accountant The First Choice The Switcharoo
(Mildly Annoying Glornist Higher-Up)
General Tag The Second Choice
(Creepy Annoying Glornist Higher-Up)
General Tag
General Tag The Hesomek Expedition
Acquaintance Once Removed via Freddy (Larry's Boyfriend)
General Tag
General Tag
Bishop Shamura and their followers
The Journey to Locedem
Young Shamura
The Laundry Room
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stuckinuniformdevelopment · 10 months ago
(Previous) As Teddy typed on his phone, the bishop dragged a nearby chair closer to his bed and sat down, leisurely crossing his legs. “Hey! Who’re ya texting when I’m in your presence?” Right after he said that, his phone went off, which the text notification sound was set as some kind of loud, horrifying, demonic scream. Percy took his phone out upon hearing the second notification. “Oh! Haha, you’re texting me!” He began typing his response… But Percy was a very slow typer. After about two minutes of silence, he growled and set his phone in his lap. “Bah! I’ll text you the details later so you can have it in writing.” Percival gestured with his hands as he explained his vision. “My recent victory has me feeling deserving of a powerful-looking mitre. I’m thinking of a gorgeous Mitra Pretiosa but with a sharper gothic design rather than the rounder roman design of my past mitre. I’m not gonna change up the colors much. The fabric will still be red with gold lining and a black band. And of course, the glorious mark of Glorn will be embroidered on the gold in black. However! Instead of plain, I’m thinking of silk damask for the red… BUT! Ooh, there’re two damask patterns I can't decide between… What do you think, Bowtie?” Percy took his phone again and leaned toward Teddy to show him the screen. On it was a floral damask pattern in which the flowing leaves and petals formed what resembled a demonic face. “Ain’t this one neat!? It looks like a bunch of Zranthars scowling at us!” He then swiped his finger across the screen to show a different pattern, this one with jagged lightning bolts intertwining. “But this one also looks fierce and fits in with the bolt motif of Glornism…”
Teddy had stiffened and looked around for the source of that atrocious noise... only to find that it was a text notification and hold back a sigh. Figures.
By the time Bishop Percival had given up on texting Teddy had returned to his notebook to lightly sketch the basic form of a mitre, ready to be modified into Bishop Percival's grand vision.
Then the instant Percival had started to ramble on Teddy switched to the opposing page to jot down every detail while nodding along. Some notes, such as the gothic shape, were written as notes on the margins of the bare bones sketch.
Teddy squinted at the damask patterns while fighting the urge to lean forward himself. Once he was sure that Bishop Percival was done talking he picked up his phone again and typed almost as fast as his leader talked.
It's as you said: The lightning pattern better suits Glorn. Looks cooler too, although I'm admittedly biased because I hold little interest towards plants. Please send me the image along with the link to where you found it.
What color should the thread be? I would suggest black so the intricate embroidery is clearly visible.
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bishop-percival · 5 months ago
There was a heavy silence about the chapel after Teddy had knocked. This moment was interrupted when about a minute later the clack of a lock opening could be heard from the door. The door to Bishop Percival’s office swung open. Curiously, the bishop wasn’t behind it. No one was. Looking into the room, it was empty. 
Even more curiously, the voice of Percival emanated from within like some sort of automated PA system announcement.
“The bishop is not currently in right now! You must enter and wait for his arrival.”
After months of blood, sweat, and tears Bishop Percival’s long-awaited mitra pretiosa was finally complete. If it was any other grueling project Theodore would take a moment to admire the fruits of his labor. This accursed glorified hat, however, only heralded a flood of more blood, sweat, and tears.
After all that effort he put into delaying it he finished three days short of the final deadline. Just because Bishop Percival had managed to strike fear into him which was so intense that he could hardly sleep.
The last sections were genuinely sloppy. And not by the overblown perfectionist standards he had gone by to buy time. He hated it. He couldn’t stand looking at it. Especially when he was indulging in his frustration over the quality to avoid thinking about Thomas.
...By now Thomas was probably ready to get out of that cell by any means possible, wasn’t he? A few days didn’t make a difference anyways. There was no reason to feel guilty about getting rid of that thing ASAP.
Besides, Bishop Percival would burn Theodore to death if he didn’t.
It had to be around 1am when he knocked on Bishop Percival’s door. The gentle taps likely went unheard so he gave it one loud bang before backing up to lean against the pulpit to keep himself from swaying.
Theodore couldn’t tell if he hoped he was in there or not. Maybe Mi-, no, he was asleep. Maybe Shep could do it if he was asleep. Anyone (reliable) who wasn’t him.
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