#Songbird verse
colleenmurphy · 1 year
@aristobun just read your post about Helene and this..this is what Col and Charlie came up with. They think the world of Hel and would love to have her at The Cabin as long as she'd like to stay.
"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to fucking kill him."
Was all Colleen could mutter as she grabbed her car keys and her Afghan coat from their respective hooks. Her pack of three misfit pups that she and Charlie called The Wild Bunch, followed her every move. Except Red, her steadfast protector and wedding gift from Charlie and the most handsome bloodhound Col had ever seen. He was sitting much like a statue perched on his usual spot in the papasan chair Col usually read in the evening by the fireplace.
"C'mon Red, we've got business to tend to."
Was all she said as Red popped up by her right side. Smiling she reached down and scratched him behind the ears. Red was not only loyal but insanely smart, more so than the average hound. Given his working breed size and his ability to respond to commands his training had gone very well. He also loathed Joel Benson as much as she and Charlie did.
"Who's Mama's good boy? You are, Red, you are."
She hooked his leash up to his collar, grabbed her purse and made it out to the Plymouth just Charlie was coming back from the chicken coop as he cocked his head to the side as he spotted Red in the passenger seat of the car that Col used on rescue missions. He had painted it flat black for her and it purred low so it couldn't be detected from a block or two away. After her last run in with that Benson boy, as Charlie had often thought of his wife's best friend's boyfriend, and he had to reinforce her front and back bumpers. She'd done a heap of damage to Joel's Datsun the last time she'd seen him. She herself had done a number on the hood with a crowbar. The Datsun symbol hangs proudly in the recording studio right over the door. A few other bands had added hood ornaments of their own but didn't know the real reason why it was there.
"Georgia...what're you doin'?"
His use of her nickname almost threw from the task at hand. She was angry and it felt she was running out of time.
"I've got something to take care of, he's helping. You can come if you want to."
Charlie knew deep down in his gut what his wife was planning, it was a long time coming but if she felt that now was time, it was the time. The Plymouth roared to life, it almost sounded as if the damn car was growling. He had never seen the look in his wife's eyes, that's when he knew for certain without a doubt that Joel Benson was a marked man tonight. Shooing Red to move over in the bench seat Charlie plopped himself down. She was going to need help bugger lugging the bastard to his final resting place.
"You got a full tank of gas in this thing...right, Georgia?"
"Yes, I do. Buckle up."
She no sooner heard the click of the lap belt and gravel sprayed out behind them as they took off from their piece of paradise on the mountain.
Thirty minutes later Joel Benson was running for his life through the very same holler that they had just left. He had no way knowing that his ex girlfriend's best friend and her husband owned a literal mountain in the middle of nowhere bumblefuck. They were artists or some horseshit. Real hippy dippy pacifist type. They clearly were not, he'd been all knocked out with something heavy and shoved in a trunk. When he'd come to he was laying out in the middle of the dirt road. The only thing that got him to come to was the kick to the ribs he'd gotten from the dopey looking blonde Col was married to.
"G'on and get up, Boy."
"Who the fuck are you calling, boy?"
Church bells and stars flooded his head and vision as Col got a sound smack in with her booted foot. That bitch always seemed to be wearing cowboy boots. Bending down she was eye to eye with him. Enemy to enemy and Joel was tempted to smash her pretty little Irish face in but Col was quicker as she grabbed him by the throat, her nails digging in. Humming softly she sang in his ear
"Hope you got your things together Hope you are quite prepared to die Looks like we're in for nasty weather One eye is taken for an eye"
Goosebumps erupted across his flesh as it hit him. This crazy bitch was going to actually try and kill him.
"You're insane. You're both insane. You'll never get away with this."
"What's insane to me is beating the woman you claim to love. Repeatedly. Now, it's either you get and play by my rules or I put you down right now and leave you."
Joel studied Colleen for a moment. Helene has known her her entire life and had a million tales of how much they had stuck by one another. Maybe this crazy Irish bitch meant it. The way she stood tall and proud, her legs long and lean shoulders back and features schooled hard at him. Her long dark hair whipped by the wind and the white fur trim around her jacket clashed. He watched as she walked around the trunk of her car while her husband went to the back passenger side and grabbed the leash on something massive and red. Colleen came back around this time with a lantern tucked in the crook of her right arm and in her left was a shotgun. Charlie, or at least that's what he thought his name was, lurched forward as the impossibly red dog lunged forward snapped at him teeth barred. Inching backwards Joel got to his feet. Col was passed the leash as Charlie took the lantern and lit it with nimble fingers.
"Oh look! Joel's actually being a good sport about something for once in his life."
"Oh fuck you you crazy bitch."
A warning shot was fired just over his left shoulder, his eyes bugged as he tried to run. Somebody had tied his laces together.
"Good eye on the laces, Wilbury."
A small smile spread across Charlie's face.
"Thought it'd be funny."
"It's fucking not!"
"Is to us. Just like that time when you busted Hel's lip, right?"
Another shot this time by his feet inching him backwards.
"Get up and run like the coward you are, Benson. I feel like hunting for something."
The dog at the end of the leash bayed at the moon and lunged for him again. Teeth snapping at his pants grabbing onto it taking him down at the knees.
"Jesus Christ! Call him off!"
"Only if you run. Feel how she felt."
With a snap of her fingers the hellhound was called off and it and it's owners were back in that god forsaken Plymouth. A low growl was heard as it roared to life. It was coming right straight for him. Doing the only sensible thing his mind knew to do Joel Benson ran in a zig zag pattern but wasn't quick enough as the front bumper clipped him causing him to stumble. The crack of gunshots behind him made his heart hammer and his stomach knot up. All those times he'd come home and caused holy hell in the home he had shared with Helene had now knew. He knew what it was like to be terrified for your own life. Another gunshot, another howl from the dog with it's head hanging out the back driver's side window.
"Jesus Christ I'm sorry."
"Don't go callin' on people that don't know you, Benson!"
Was all he heard before his feet went out underneath him. Of course it just had to be Colleen fucking Murphy's voice. He went airborne for one slow sickening minute and he saw now earth or road beneath his feet.
'This must be how that stupid coyote feels when it's bested by that road runner.'
He thought to himself as he free fell over an open patch of earth and down into the embankment below. He'd no sooner made contact with the ground, excruciatingly so, as he had broken both ankles and dislocated his left knee. He was almost positive he had broken his right arm and hit a rock head first on the way down. His body went limp as it heard footsteps and growls. He was only semi conscious when Red bit down on the hand that tried in vain to strike out at him with a rock.
"You're a real piece of work ain't you?"
"F-ffkk 'oouu."
Those were Joel's last words as he parted ways with the mortal coil he had terrorized for much of his life. He was not searched for, or missed. His disappearance wasn't much of a footnote in time either. Much like his grave, Joel Benson will never be found. Charlie and Colleen made doubly sure of that, right before they donated that little stretch of land to the national park service so it wouldn't be disturbed.
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darthnell · 11 days
New THG Discord link !
We've updated the tumblr link for SYOT Verses Discord (the old one will not work anymore). Might as well make a new post too! If you're into The Hunger Games, especially OCs, this is the place for you :D
SYOT Verses is a pretty active thg fanfiction community for Submit Your Own Tribute stories and OC fics. While we welcome authors and readers of all kinds, our server and its programming are specifically geared towards Hunger Games SYOTs and OCs! If that sounds appealing to you, feel free to join ! We’re always looking to see some new faces (:
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the-butternut-tree · 10 months
if i had a nickel for every time this year i was watching a movie and had to tune out for a second while i figured out why some guy sounded so familiar and it was jason schwartzman i would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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scarymovies · 2 months
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@scarymovies' top 5 movies of 2023
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Scream VI
A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
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hotelbitches · 8 months
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post canon, when lilith's allowed to return to hell, she's very different. she's always been a social creature while in hell, almost constantly spending time with other people, even if it was with the people that worked for her. not to mention having lucifer and charlie.
the seven years in almost complete isolation apart from interacting with adam, and very rarely, lute were extremely damaging to her. since the moment she was created, she had someone. even when she was in hell, she was comforted by the fact that hell was also alive, watching her. to have all of that abruptly taken from her to be forced to only spend time with the man she'd been planning on killing is shattering. if lucifer accepts her back, she spends the first night home on the floor, holding him, and crying. it takes several months before she can go out in public, and even longer for her to get used to having all eyes on her.
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petitsdieu · 23 days
sc 𝑓𝑡. @deficd
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❛ When I was little, my governess used to bathe me in buttermilk and rose petals. ❜
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scandalouslamb · 10 days
What's your thoughts on the covey? 🤭
I think the Covey are great! I love the love that you can see and feel from the interactions we see between them! And I enjoy reading posts that explore their dynamics, both that familial love and the tension from having to grow up where they are in the world they're in/as outsiders in Twelve.
I don't have too many thoughts on them unfortunately due to severe Ravinstill-Gaul-Mentors brainrot.
I think from a thematic level, I think I was pondering for a bit whether there was some commentary on how (some) Capitol names are Greco-Roman plays/Shakespeare Plays and the Covey names come from ballads and folk music. Kind of conveys this idea that both of them are important. Both are equally valid in connecting with current and past culture, but the former is often considered "high art" in our society and folk music is often not. <- these are of course arbitrary decisions which could be comparable to the Capitol-District divide. (after all, popular culture doesn't see dick jokes as very "high brow/art" but Aristophanes' Lysistrata contains several, and Shakespeare is no stranger to them as well... so yeah, "high art" is an arbitrary descriptor imo that exists of course in our social context)
Anyway, thanks for the ask, Spark!
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colleenmurphy · 11 months
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flowersfortheghost · 9 months
two words: ghostflower coded
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melpomeneprose · 11 months
repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies all the time, italicize the ones that are circumstantial.
Eurydice, a hungry young girl, a runaway from everywhere she’d ever been, no stranger to the world, no stranger to the wind.
Eurydice-> Εὐρυδίκη (Greek) -> literally translating to -> “Wide Justice.”
Songbird vs rattlesnake.
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sparrow.     innocence, big dreamer, waking up too early, walking home, being afraid of meeting new people, slim hands, always cold, reading a book under a tree, the smell of the forest, missing your home.
eagle.   independent, caring too much for others, sharp looks, walking down the city late at night, the tallest and more spectacular building, iron, being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
swift.     falling in love easily and heavily, traveller, the infinity of the bluest sky, storms, broken smiles, forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones, feeling out of place, mistrusting people, a fleeting romance.
crow.     feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot, prejudge, tight hugs that leave you breathless, a grey sky, serenity, intelligence, being left behind, chains, smoke, the pride of someone wise.
dove.      petals, jealousy, being tired of living with the same old faces, whispered secrets, marble, sundresses, white clothes, the first sunset of winter, pride in who you are, learning to get over someone.
seagull.     family, golden light, the sea murmuring in your ear, summer afternoons, caramel ice cream, collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures, living breezy and carefree, swimming in sunlight.
canary.       artistic, getting excited easily, dancing and singing while you are alone, looking at your friends having fun, no phone, being afraid of judgement, spring, a meaningful gift, the first ray of sunlight.
Borrowed from: @honorhearted. 💕
Tagging: @audaciiae (Apollo), @lifedreamt (your choice), @curseconsumed (your choice), & @ladyseidr (Orpheus). 💕
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enterpainment · 1 month
「 @universestreasures | Ruri Kurosaki 」 issued a challenge:
Ruri falls asleep on Yuto’s shoulder. What does he do? (Nobles Of Nature AU)
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They had just been enjoying yet another peaceful day outside the manor where it was quiet for the most part. Yuto was listening to Ruri talk about this and that about anything and nothing at all, really, they were simply just enjoying each others company. 
It was moments like these that set Yuto apart from his brothers, who all seemed to never slow down. But perhaps that had been Ruri’s fault. She had something about her that just quelled the raging storm that inhabited Yuto’s very being. Ever since he found himself put at her side he hasn’t felt that unbridled rage, or need for destruction bubble up to the surface. 
He was.... at ease, by Ruri’s side, he found. 
And it seemed she was as well; as evident by the soft sound of Ruri breathing gently near his ear. He’s not sure when their conversation had dropped off, but she must have still been in the beginning stages of rest. So he sat there, still as a statue, not wishing to disturb her. She must have been exhausted to fall asleep sitting up like this... Yuto knows exactly how hard she’s been worked since being assigned to her. Ruri, like Yuto, were both still very new to this lifestyle. It wasn’t easy, that was for sure.
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❝ ......! ❞
That's when he realizes just what sort of position they were in. Like this--- Like this they looked like--
He had to fight the urge to try shaking himself clear of the thought, lest the movement startle her.
But Yuto couldn't help but feel a little anxious, as if he was doing something wrong. But... another part of him felt... happy? That someone as kind and gentle as Ruri could feel comfortable enough to fall asleep next to him.... It was almost like, for a short moment, he wasn't the destructive monster he had been painted to be.
Eventually the sensible part of him considers waking her up. to suggest resting in her chambers rather than on his shoulder. Another part of him wants to risk moving so she could lay down on the bench to rest a bit more properly at the very least, but he knows she’d refuse to make Yuto move for her alone.
His only option then was to provide her with the best rest he could provide, even if he didn’t think he could possibly be very comfortable to lay on like this. As he sat there though, he finds himself also growing increasingly tired as well... ...... .......... ................ If only........... If only the beating of his heart would calm, just a little, perhaps he would have taken the silent invitation to nap under the last light of the late afternoon sun alongside her.
But as it stood he could only just sit there; his face aflame and chest about ready to burst, for the duration of her nap before they'd eventually have to head back in as the temperature fell with the rise of the moon. -
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greetings & salutations! haven't been active here in awhile so I thought I'd make an intro.
~ artist, writer, photographer
~ '07
~ agender & queer, she/it/he
~ autism
I contain multitudes (interests)
~ taylor swift
~ lorde
~ halsey
~ neutral milk hotel
~ fiona apple
~ spotify
tv shows & movies
~ gravity falls
~ hhineas & ferb
~ avatar the last airbender
~ over the garden wall
~ my little pony
~ spiderverse
~ studio ghibli
~ bojack horseman
~ beastars
live action
~ the queen's gambit
~ the end of the f***ing world
~ the marvelous mrs. maisel
~ gossip girl
~ parks & recreation
~ the hunger games
~ heathers
~ wes anderson
~ don't hug me I'm scared
~ audrey hepburn
~ animal crossing
~ the sims
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carnivoraformes · 6 months
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@vancreux asked, "🫳  to  put  a  comforting  hand  on  my  muse's  shoulder. " sunday to robin
— ARE YOU OKAY? || Status: Accepting
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Leaving Penacony was a terrifying thought. She had thought she was ready for this until the ship to take her to her future life away from her home was waiting for her and now that she looked in her brother's eyes and felt his hand on her shoulder knowing there was no way of knowing how long until she saw him again. Now she didn't know if she was as ready as she thought.
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She wasn't delusional, she knew that there was so much more for her waiting out there. She could be free of the gilded cage the Family had her trapped in. She didn't have to sing their song and dance to their tune. She would be freer than she'd ever been.
But she would also be without the one person she knew she could always turn to.
So after a second of hesitation she moved closer, throwing her arms around her brother and holding him as tightly as she could. She tried not to sniffle as she said, "I'm going to miss you so much."
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Happy New Year! It’s time for our annual Year In Review, and we’re starting off with our favorite movies of 2023! And despite the best efforts of technical difficulties, we got all four of us in the episode! Is Cassie beating the horror fan allegations with her list? Did Barbenheimer hit our lists like it hit the box office? And is there a chance of Across the Spider-Verse not being the unanimous number one pick? Press play and find out as we talk about the best of the year! You can also find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!
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distopea · 9 months
🎶 from a like here
"I need a distraction," Nezumi knelt by the stereo and began pawing at the various CDs lined up on a shelf next to it. His hands were shaking subtly. "I've read somewhere that keeping your mind occupied after experiencing trau—." His voice cracked and faded. He bowed his head, muttering under his breath: "I won't break. I won't break," in a voice so soft it was barely audible.
Finally, he chose a CD. Apocalyptica, 1998. He huffed a chuckle through his nose and shrugged. "And why not."
The CD went in, and Nezumi skipped a few songs forward, landing on the fourth. He licked his lips and wiped his hands into his pants as he stood up and turned to Gabriele.
"Humour me, will you?" Nezumi stepped forward and placed a palm on Gabriele's shoulder; the other hand went to slide into Gabriele's if he would let him. "I'll let you lead and all. Just one song." He stared into Gabriele's face, his eyes, the line of his lips, and searched for a sign of agreement; he hoped for it—for anything that could spin his head away from what they had been through.
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Dark eyes observed Nezumi’s back while he was shuffling through the various records displayed on the floor. There was probably nothing modern in this pile of disks, but perhaps enough to be pleasing to the ears. Gabriele didn’t say much; Nezumi said it all when he talked about finding distraction. He couldn’t blame him for finding a way out; he had been there so many times before that he didn’t know anymore if he was living in an everlasting distraction himself. It was hard to tell what was real from what had happened. Sometimes, moments of his past life were as blurry as the future ahead of him. 
“Suit yourself,” Gabriele invited, while he grabbed his cup of coffee and sniffed the beverage with hesitation. Even the color was uninviting; barely brownish on the edge and probably even more bitter now that it was cold. He sighed and abandoned the idea to finish it, looking back at Nezumi putting on the CD he had picked. He skipped a few songs, and eventually landed on one he found probably more suitable for the mood. 
He didn’t recognize the notes of Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, but he was driven by the softness of the cello and first notes echoing from the old radio station. He didn’t say much when Nezumi extended his fingers, his expression matching the intentions of the violins. An invitation to dance. Gabriele felt twenty years younger, all of a sudden. He swallowed his spite, his expression perhaps as frozen as his beverage, but still he took a step forward. “Humoring you? I think you don’t understand who’s going to be the one mocked here. I’m a very poor dancer.” 
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But he wasn’t that much. It was simply a part of his existence that felt unexisting these days; hidden in the many lies and many distractions he had gone through. He grabbed Nezumi’s hand, just when the couplet started. “One song.” He said with his heavy accent and brought him against his chest, but still, stiffened as he didn’t allow him too close. It wasn’t a gesture against Nezumi, but simply a way to always leave a distance. He started to slowly dance, his dark eyes observing the faded colors and the stains against the walls. It was such a miserable place for a genuine dance, but still, Gabriele spun and didn’t move away. 
It was easy… Easy to get lost in the colored hills of Sicily that were forever printed in his retina instead of his awful place. It was easy to remember the scents of the Sunday market, and the burning sun against his face while he was strolling with his brothers of heart; the ones he would betray in a few years. He could picture the two old men arguing over the newspapers, some kids chasing a round and half flattened ball, trying to reproduce football moves they had seen on the TV screen last night. Did the AC Milan win again? Gabriele slid his fingers against Nezumi’s shoulder and placed it against the birth of his nape, his thumb mapping the curve of his spine.
He knew he liked to be held here…  
He closed his eyes for a second and forced himself to remember the miserable colors of the walls of their shelter, the smell of dust surrounding them and the bitterness of this cheap coffee. Because he knew exactly what was the journey of his brain right now, and he couldn’t live in memories either. He had made a choice, he had accepted the consequences. He couldn’t feel sorry for himself because he missed his homeland. He looked aside to observe Gino, just to be sure that he was alright and content, despite the poor motions of his body and his lack of closeness in the way he was leading the dance. 
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The sudden realization made him miss one step and he accidentally landed on Nezumi’s foot. “Fanculo!” Gabriele cursed, and he broke the contact with him, using this moment to refuse digging more into more dangerous distraction. He made sure to replace his tie properly, a deep sigh leaving his throat, his expression back to his usual composed and marble self.
“Alright.” He turned around, quite dismissing if Nezumi could ever feel bothered or hurt. He was acting out of line, and he should get a grip on himself. The policeman walked back to the table and grabbed his mug of coffee, throwing it all inside the sink. “I’ll make more coffee. This one is cold.” 
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neptuniadoesstuff · 6 months
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My part of a AT I'm taking part in with @stridesthroughashes, featuring one of their OCs that I made for them.
(I'm still waiting their part but it will take a long time bcs they have others things to do, so plz don't rush them)
Character: Peter "Songbird" Arthur (@stridesthroughashes)
Art: Mine.
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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