#So take lil sketches I can get out of myself while I have time
utane · 3 months
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Necrontyr Zahndrekh in Yama maybe, possibly? 👀
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retromotherfuckers · 8 months
Violet Eyes, Red
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rhysand x reader (pretty sure it's gender neutral - there might be a "she" i missed while referring to you from the original draft bc second person pov is not how i write)
you and your mate reunite after feyre defeats amarantha and this is the fallout of what the bitch did to him.
aftermath of SA - i can't really tell if it's graphic which tells me it is, loose description of a panic attack, PTSD, please let me know if I missed anything. guys, please, if these topics are triggering for you, don't read this fic. i am not responsible for your media consumption, but i also don't want to throw you headfirst into your trauma.
Word Count:
literally broke my own damn heart with this one. rhys' trauma is so ignored and that needed to be rectified. rhys might be my second favorite bat boy, but he's still a lil baby who needs to be protected
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The human girl had beaten her - the woman of his nightmares - once and for all. At the first moment he could, Rhysand winnowed. After fifty years, he knew there was only one place he could go. After all, it was the last Sunday of the month, and that Sunday was the day he and his mate reserved just for themselves. The High Lord and Lady would not conduct any business on that day.
You'd spend most of your day on the balcony. You'd serenade him with the piano. You'd fly around Velaris - creating patterns in the air. You'd cradle each other in your arms. He'd sketch out a new drawing - trying and failing, in his opinion, to encapsulate your true beauty.
One day, he broke that promise, that vow you had made, and went to what he thought was a simple trade meeting. That morning was the last day he saw you, and he still couldn't live with himself.
Those memories alone kept him breathing at times. When Amarantha stole his bed, his body, his hope.
Then the human girl showed up, and he tried to help her. Wanted to give her what she needed to beat the beast he didn't think he'd ever escape. But he had lost the will to pray for it. To the cauldron, to the Mother Above. Despite his pessimism, she persevered. The girl had won. And then he was free.
He was on the balcony before he could even think about it. After a quick glance around, he realized it was empty. At first, he felt a pulse of disappointment, but with the realization of how long it'd been, he breathed deeply. How could he expect you to keep up the tradition? Fifty years of solitude on those Sundays would have made him mad if your roles were reversed.
At the thought, he allowed himself to feel the mating bond. It had gone cold the moment he winnowed away all those years ago, but now it was as beautiful as he remembered. The pull of another person at the end of a tether, forever binding them in the purest forms of fate.
But he heard your thoughts, and he almost broke down in sobs at the sound of your voice in his head. Please come home, my love. I don't know how to do this anymore. Please. The last word, you were begging. Your inner voice, the one he had to get used to living without, was broken. Pleading for him to return - despite everything you'd probably heard.
And with that, he took action, winnowing to every room in the house so he would find you as soon as possible. He knew you were close; your scent wasn't stale. It was fresh, clinging to every piece of furniture you owned together.
It was the last room he checked, his office, where he found you. You sat in his desk chair; the leather more worn than he remembered. But the sight of you stopped him from rushing to you. Nursing a bottle of wine, you slouched on your elbows, hands in your hair, as more thoughts streamed through the bond.
I'm losing myself, Rhys. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I can't let myself believe you won't come back because that- that will ruin me. What she's doing to you, what she's making you do. I don't even know a fraction of it, but I can't stop it. I- I can't protect you. And I hate myself for it. 
He was watching you as you sent the words down the bond, the bond that had been desolate for half a century. You run your hands down your face, not looking up from your wine, the third of many you planned to drown in.
Just get through it. Please just- just survive. Do what you have to do to come home. I'll be here. I love you. My mate.
You'd only allowed yourself to talk to him once a month. Initially, you would try to send him something every day. Thoughts, images, songs you'd learned, prayers for him. You never heard anything back, and it slowly started eating away at you. It shattered your hope every time you didn't get a response.
You'd heard the rumors, Amarantha's whore, he'd been called. Every time you heard it, it ate away at you more and more. As if he would choose that - choose to warm the bed of another when you were waiting for him at home. You knew him better than that, and you winced at the thought. He wouldn't choose it, but would she force him? Was she that much of a monster? 
You had to shake that thought away for the thousandth time that night, downing the rest of the glass. As you reach for the bottle, nearly empty at that point, a hand wraps around your wrist. The touch is gentle but firm - stopping you from drinking more, but not rough enough to hurt. Instead of startling at it, the wine slows your instincts. You can only stare. The tattoos on the dorsal side interweave into vines under the sleeve. Vines you know, vines that you've held, vines that have and will continue to have free rein of your body.
Faster than you thought you were capable of, your eyes flew to its owner's eyes. Violet. The most ravishing violet. Violet you'd feared you were forgetting.
With a new urgency, you pulled yourself to your feet, your hands flying up to his face without thinking. One on his cheek, the other on his neck, pushing, pulling, grabbing, unsure if it was your mind playing tricks on you.
In your desperate touch, you missed the way he flinched.
His hands. Mother Above, his beautiful hands were on your neck too, placed at the sides. When your mind would play you for a fool, it would never let you touch him, let alone allow him to reach you. But there he was, and you could feel him. You tugged at the bond, finally noticing it was warm and delicate and sweet and serene and everything you wished you knew how to describe. 
He breathed your name, barely a whisper. "I'm home, my darling. I'm home."
"You're here." The words barely escaped you, and you couldn't stop the tears. He didn't hesitate a moment, pulling you in for a frustratingly rare and fierce embrace. You clung to each other for dear life, tighter and tighter and tighter, like he'd disappear if you let him go. Frankly, you weren't convinced he wouldn't. "You're really here."
You stood like that for a while, holding each other, when he ultimately pulled away first. "Rh-Rhys, don't go-"
"I'm not," he promised, his voice raw, kissing your forehead. He took in every inch of your face. "I just wanted to look at you. My mate."
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Since Rhys had been freed by the human girl, nothing had been normal. Not that you expected it to be, but you didn't anticipate just how awful a recovery for him would be. He couldn't share your bed, and you didn't mean that in a sexual manner. He couldn't sleep with anyone else in his room - if he had even been sleeping at all. He could barely stand to be touched. You knew he wanted to be able to let you, but every time you seemed to blink, he would flinch.
You had suspicions about what went on under the mountain, but you had no idea it would be so evil.
He stood before a cabinet, staring blankly into it, lost in a memory - a memory he'd been refusing to share. You understood why, but something in you told you that you needed to see. Not just for curiosity's sake but to know how to help him. Even if it was past your pay grade.
"Rhys," You called quietly for the second time. You didn't want to touch him, shock him back to reality. The fear of that setting him off more held you back. With a harsh and sudden breath, he fearfully glanced at you and around the room, forgetting where he was for a moment. "You're at home, Rhys. You came home."
"I'm sorry," He rasped, ignoring your words. His hands pulled at his hair, and you were nervous he'd start ripping it out. He backed away from you, so far away he was caught by the wall. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Your own formed at the sight of his tears, but you couldn't conjure up what he'd have to apologize for. "It's okay, honey, you're safe. It's okay."
"I didn't- I didn't want it. I swear on my life, I didn't want to."
You shook your head, not understanding. But you knew asking what he was apologizing for was the wrong thing to do. You could see it, the shame, the regret, the blame. "I know you didn't."
He squeezed his eyes shut, buried his face in his hands, and sank to the floor. He kept murmuring apologies, pleading for your forgiveness. "I betrayed you, you have to- you have to leave me."
His words shocked you, and now you were the one that flinched. "Rhysand, look at me." He visibly shrunk at the command, pulling his hands away from his face. "As far as I'm concerned, anything that happened...there...is the furthest thing from your fault. I know there are things you can't tell me, and that's okay. I'll be here when you're ready-"
"I can't!" He bellowed. "You'll never forgive-"
"Show me the memory." You demanded, your voice quiet but assertive. But you wouldn't push too hard if he was adamant about keeping you out. You knew. You knew. Based on the way he had been acting, what had happened. But you also knew he needed to show you. So someone, fucking someone, would tell him it was out of his control. He couldn't govern everything, even if he was the High Lord of the Night Court. The words hurt as they left your lips. "Because I can promise you that I will."
You weren't a daemati, but you could see him battling with himself. Debating, if showing you what really happened, would bury him deeper under the surface or pull him back up for air.
Eventually, he released a rare sob and a barely audible "Okay."
He showed you the first time, how he just laid there like a statue as her hands took everything for herself. Then, the fifth time, when she started demanding he respond, pretend he wanted it. Then, the eleventh time, when his body started reacting. Then, by the next time, he had stopped keeping count.
He showed you, whether he meant to or not, how he prayed for it to end, prayed for someone to rescue him.
How he had been praying for you.
With the confirmation of your theory, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying and failing to hold back the tears. The angry tears, wishing you could've been the one to rip her throat out. Tears that enraged you because that was not Tamlin's kill. Furious tears because that wasn't even your kill. Devastating tears because your mate not only had to play a character for so long, but he had to endure being called her whore. Like he had any fucking say. 
Overwhelming tears because your mate was in pain and there was shit all you could do about it.
"Can I touch you?" The question shocks him, but he nods without thinking, confused at the request. You slowly lift your hands to his cheeks, brushing away his tears with your thumbs. "There is nothing for me to forgive you for. I know you didn't want to do any of it."
"But I-"
"Bodies respond to stimulation whether it's wanted or not. It's how we work." You explained slowly and carefully, keeping direct eye contact. "You forget, sweetheart. I can hear your thoughts when you show me a memory."
"I've-" His voice caught, putting his hands on your wrists, rubbing them up and down your arms until they got hot. "I've been so scared. That it's still happening. That all of this is going to go away, that she's not really gone, that I'm not really here, and this is just another tactic-"
You shake your head, finally pulling yourself together to say what you've wanted to say for weeks. "I swear on my life that I will never let anyone hurt you like that again. I will spend eternity protecting you from her and anyone like her. And if you forget that this is real, just ask me. I'll tell you."
His eyes darted between yours, furiously blinking. Violet eyes, red. Pleading craving begging praying.
"Is it?"
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doppel-doodles · 2 months
It's doodling time fellas
I wanted to give myself a bit of a challenge so I decided to draw the ocs of a few people here on tumblr, with the added challenge of doing it fast-
Minimal erasing and redoing, basically whatever is slapped on the page first sticks whether I like it or not. And there is a little time limit on how much I can spent on each character so that I don't get distracted as easily.
Just a little exercise so that hopefully it'll get easier for me to throw down a sketch using few lines and not taking literal hours-w-" I know everyone has their own pace but I would like to be a faster artist.
Anyway my yapping aside and without further delay: The girlies💚💗💜❤
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Now to who these lovely gals belong to:
Haiyang: @riptide-pools
Nawa: @auburnitzy
Suki: @peachy-puddin-cup
An he: @lumidotexe
For anyone interested I'll include some thoughts on each of these below the cut:>
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The first one I did and I think it shows>~> I was basically more focused on just figuring out how I wanted to do this so I spent less time and energy on how I wanted the character to look in my style. In the end I settled on doing the basic shapes in pencil and then switching to colored fine liners for details.
With the colors also matches the way I draw digitally just a tiny bit more! Buuuut if I end up doing this again I definitely wanna redraw her, I wanna do this gorgeous character justice after all!/'w'/
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Suuuuukiiii! I did draw her before so I decided to do this version, which I believe to be just her shadow form! While drawing I didn't actually give myself time to look it up cause ya know, no distractions which is why there is a question mark-
But my stupidity aside- here is where I started drawing a lot faster, I was in the zone if you will, so I spent what time I had left adding some variation to the line art. I do like this one and honestly she would probably be so much fun to render digitally so I'll see if I can if there is time:>
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Nawa just was such a blast honestly, probably because I was getting really comfortable at this point and let myself play around more with how I stylise the characters! I love me some funky eyes, its probably the most recognisable part of my style.
Also granted I don't know much on Nawa yet(fake fan I'm sorry-/j) I only recently followed the creator so I need to find time to just really browse through their blog and consume all the knowledge there is, but once I do I'll be unstoppable!>:D
An He
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Last but certainly not least we finish with An He, who was a just a chill and nice lil drawing perfect to round out this doodle session-w- now I have actually read ERHS(shameless plug, read it it's so good- just need to find my attention span as I haven't caught up with it SOBS) so I have more knowledge on her.
For that reason I attempted to do a slimmer face shape, i wanted her built overall to read as visibly more thin and petite. Along side that I went for rings in her eyes as an allusion to sound waves as I didnt just wanna drop in a music note and call it a day.
however maybe I'll experiment more another time because I just dont think it reads that well:'<
That concludes my silly ramblings! Thanks for sticking around and if any of the creators of these lovely ladies see this- YOU HAVE AMAZING CHARACTERS AND I HOPE I DID THEM JUSTICE!- ahem.
If I do this again I'll definitely go for some male ocs as well for the sake of variety, it was a happy accident that I only drew girls here.
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ryemackerel · 1 year
HALLO i was wondering how you get out of art block?? your art is very expressive and i absolutely adore all your colour choices and designs. ive been having trouble with art block for a very long time now so i’m just trying to ask other artists how they get outta it <3 i hope u have a niceday yesyes
OUGHH HELLO!!! holy crap, art block is the WORST. everytime i encounter it, its always hard to beat it D: theres days where i feel like i WANT to draw something so badly but my brain just. cant function
i dont have a definitive solution for art block, but whenever i do, i have a few ways to cope with it. sometimes they work, sometimes they dont? but whenever the time comes and im just sitting at a brick wall, i got some survival tips
1. come up with random silly ideas,, it could be anything: random words, phrases, scenarios. they can be as nonsensical as you want them to be. during art blocks, my mind is completely dry with ideas, so i always try to compile a list of ideas from the past so i can come back to them later on. i try to come up with random duos or something as simple as “mcdonalds date”. i might not work on these now, but maybe some random lil word can spark that creativity in me
heres my art ideas list… i have some ideas that are like 8 months old in there BGAHSGA, but i save em there till i feel like working on them
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2. STRUGGLE DOODLES!! i like to make a bunch of doodles of random scenes that i think about in my head. doodle practically anything. your favorite person, favorite animal, something you see outside your window, frogs?
heres a few of mine. most of the time, i NEVER get to finishing them. however, during art blocks sometimes i like to go back to really old, incomplete guidelines and add some new, random addition to it. sometimes i forget what my sketches were exactly meant to be? and i guess thats the fun about interpreting stuff and giving things a new spin to them. during art blocks, i HATE trying to come up with new drawings from a blank canvas (since i dont even have any ideas to begin with). but working on old wips, or completely revising them? sometimes these can be super fun :]
[and bonus tip!! and this is like, a golden tip that everyone loves: going back to super old drawings and redrawing them!! its my favorite. i absolutely love seeing the improvement ive made over the years. its also pretty easy to work with since you dont have to stress about coming up with completely new ideas from a blank slate! GAHH i should do that more often.]
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3. search up your favorite fanart, go on pinterest, anything. i love this one.
search up some really cool photos of outfits, aesthetic backgrounds?? i find myself searching up a lot of fanart of fandoms im in, any word with “aesthetic” at the end, casino aesthetic, anything! pinterest has always been my go-to platform to find ideas. i go on the app and not even a second in, im blown with all of this cool art n character designs. i have a problem saving almost everything i find into my boards, but at least i saved a chock-full of ideas i can work with. :)
a thing about me: ive never been the type to try and force my art block out. whenever im facing a block, its extremely difficult for me to come up with things on my own. sometimes i let it wait for a while, but that tends to take a REALLY long time. D: if i dont feel like drawing, or doodling, or really doing anything? i always like scrolling through really pretty photos. that tends to spark a small idea in me i can work with, and sometimes i manage to get out of art block from there. it starts out small, then over time it gets even better.
these photos especially gave me WAY more motivation than i ever had to draw wilbur during an art block moment. i started off making small random doodles of him in a neon city and over time it kinda turned into a fixation for neon cities. i LOVE imagining characters in random photos i find on pinterest.
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wishing you the bestest in your art journey!! this crap’s tough but i know you can break it yo. thank you so much for the ask!
feel free to reblog and add your own ideas below :] i was only able to come up with a few, but if youd like to add on, go right ahead! /noforce
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mintmoth · 2 years
Hi! I'm a super big fan of your art, everything is so pretty and amazing and I just wanna consume it every time I see one of your comics or illustrations. I just wanted to ask (cause I looked around a lil but didn't see anything covering this, if I missed it so sorry haha) what art program/tablet do you use to draw? Also, do you have any tips for beginning artists? I'm trying to get into drawing but I'm not too sure where to start TwT
AAAAA 😭😭 you're too sweet!! Thank you so much!
Also omg personally I use an iPad with the program/app procreate on it to draw!
I'm gonna put everything else under a read more since I got a little wordy oops
Honestly if I were to offer any beginning artist tips I think the biggest one is to just have fun. I know it sounds silly but really like just have fun and don't worry about what you're drawing being perfect or exactly what you had in mind or anything like that. As long as you're having fun and doing your best and not stressing about what you're creating you'll find yourself wanting to draw and create more- and it's within time and persistence that your skills develop
Also while it's good to draw every day since you do need to actively draw more to improve, don't stress about making sure you do! Just go at your own pace and draw when you feel like it!
I think I stress both of these points since they're things I've been working on and struggling with off and on too, realizing I don't have to be constantly drawing and that what I do draw doesn't have to be perfect, and honestly my comics have been a great exercise in letting myself make things "imperfect"
Relating to actual drawing skill sets, I do think that doing figure drawing is incredibly important since learning anatomy is crucial to drawing, even if it's not the most fun thing. Really if you see someone in a cool pose- typically real life photos- if you just try to see the shapes the human body makes and just loosely sketch a messy version of where their body shapes are can help. You don't have to break them down super basically like some tutorials do, unless that helps you! Everyone draws differently so there's no Right Way to do anything. Here's some examples from some I did a while back! I used highlighters since it made it so I couldn't erase, so I had to be more purposeful in my lines, but you can use any medium you want!
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And don't worry if it doesn't look exactly like the photo you're drawing from- you're learning!
Another thing is that references are your friend, looking at things and figuring out how to draw them is incredibly helpful so don't be afraid to look up anything you're trying to draw for help
Something I used to do specifically for learning, was looking at photos or even pieces of art I thought were cool and then trying to draw something how I saw it, to understand someone else's use of shape and form. These were things I kept in sketchbooks to just figure out how to draw things like hands and feet and legs, using real life and other's works as a reference to teach myself
Then later while drawing on my own, if I couldn't figure out how to draw something I would go back to my own references and practices to help myself by using my own referenced art as a reference- here's a whole page of hands I drew a couple years ago while looking at photos of hands and also some art (uhhh I believe it was from GinjaNinjaOwO on youtube- if you DO post anything you've referenced poses or elements from, be sure to credit the original artist you've taken reference from!)
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You can see I've got a lot of mistakes and scribbles and wonky forms- because I was just trying to understand the shapes and practice drawing hands on my own time, this wasn't anything I had ever drawn with the intention of posting lmao
But! You can do this for any kind of thing you're trying to learn, from arms to facial shapes to hands- just learning what kind of shapes and forms bodies or anything else you're trying to draw take
As far as the side of what kind of stuff to USE to draw, really I'd say to not be afraid of pencil and paper, I know digital art can have a nice and clean polish to it, but especially if you're learning it's really nice to just have a sketchbook (any kind work, just find paper you like! I've been using dot grid notebooks lately!) and a pencil or pen or really anything you feel comfortable with, that you can just loosely draw with and use whenever you like
For digital hardware while I do LOVE the iPad, I know they're pricier and not everyone jives with them, so I'd recommend drawing tablets by the brand Huion, since I've had a great time with them in the past when I used my laptop with Paint Tool Sai, which I also highly recommend as a drawing program, but keep in mind you can use anything! I have a friend who makes AMAZING works just using mspaint lmao
Honestly! In the end, like I said, just focus on having fun and drawing things that you want to without worry for being perfect or 100% anatomically accurate or anything. There's fundamentals that are the best base to build off of but never stress too much about it. Have fun creating! 💙💜
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sincerely-sofie · 11 months
Check-in for October 24, 2023
I'm planning on doing regular check-ins that peeps can read or skip as much as they please. If you want to see behind the scenes of my projects or get to know me a bit better, feel free to peek below the cut! If not, just look at this color palette I made for my web dev class and admire it:
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I know green and pink are my favorite colors, so I may be just a tad biased, but look!!! Look at how pretty it is!!!
I plan to use the palette for a website that is basically a guided tour of a fictional town that's populated by bug people, and while the colors used in the initial character sketches are still my preference, I don't think they look too bad in this proof of concept image! They definitely need some tweaking, and some details in the art itself need correcting, but all around it's not too shabby :>
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I also made the logo for the website which, while uninspired, doesn't look that bad. I'm not in a logo design course, so I can't be too upset about that. I made two versions--- a light and dark one--- so that I could have it appear on most colors of background.
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Also, I've printed off tons of art and stuck it on my walls over the past few days to inspire me. The art wall has been very successful in beautifying my space, but I've been a bit too worn out to draw much other than the start of a project where I draw individual generations of pokemon by memory. Venusaur looks exactly like I remembered it, but also nothing like that at all. Charizard's line only looks halfway decent by virtue of Twig existing.
I must say, though, that I am charmed by these drawings' doofy lil grins. Just look at Bulbasaur. He is raring to go! Charmander is ready to shake your hand! Look at these lads!!
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I've been trying to learn Clip Studio Paint by drawing a new The Present is a Gift comic in it, but I cannot begin to explain to you all how intimidating of a program it is for me. I'm a Procreate gal, y'all. I have a conniption whenever I look at the Photoshop interface. When I look at this:
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I am desperate for the cozy white space of this:
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I spent over an hour struggling to draw a simple piece for Instagram, admittedly while desperately trying to get OBS to not give out on me while I recorded my screen, but I think that I'm slowly learning how to not faint whenever the Paint window boots up.
Anyhoo--- enjoy the WIP teaser for the upcoming comic featuring a chat between Dusknoir (piloting a KO'd Twig) and Darkrai amidst a cave-in. If I am found dead, know that said comic worked alongside Clip Studio Paint to kill me.
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As an update for The Present is a Gift in terms of the fanfic, I recently broke 6,000 words for the first draft. I haven't been writing too regularly--- when I do, it's usually to just sit down for 30 minutes max to try and get a little bit of a head start on NaNoWriMo coming up--- but whenever I do, the words come in batches of 400-700+ at a time. My dudes, I used to take a week to reach the lower end of that amount. I've been beating perfectionism back with a stick while sobbing "Quantity begets quality! Quantity begets quality!", but since I've set myself a challenge to write as many garbage words as possible without editing them until the first draft is done, I've been writing--- and enjoying the process of writing--- more than I have in my entire life.
I've been trying to win NaNoWriMo, a challenge where you write 50k words in November, for the last 7 years. I resigned myself to being a NaNo rebel and trying to write just 15k words next month. But if I keep cranking out 1,500 words in under two writing sprints per day--- without properly trying to eliminate distractions--- I think I could actually win for once??? I didn't think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfiction would be what gave me a fighting chance at winning NaNoWriMo, but here I am. PMD brainrot truly is a miraculous thing, but I'll have to see exactly miraculous it is on the 1st of November.
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So... yep! I probably should have figured out a way to sign off on check-in posts before deciding to publish this. Oops. Welp. Um. Thanks for reading?
Sincerely, Sofie
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 8 months
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Right so this is Simon Lovelace! He’s 23 at the time of PostIncident!Crystal (25 by the time Crystal’s 16) He runs a nightclub (been debating with myself lately whether he owns it or is the manager)
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(As you can see his concept sketch image contradicts what I've typed out, that's because that sketch was from august of last year lol) ((also if you click on the right pic he's only holding a heart yall CHILL))
As you can guess I’ve been building his personality and lore in my head, but so far;
His personality: He’s suave, eccentric, very confident in himself, and very loving! He likes to sing, dance, and in general have fun, and make sure those around him are having a good time as well. In general, despite what you’d think with him being a years experienced heartbreaker, a very lively person!
Lore: I don’t have too much built up yet but before him getting the job as a heartbreaker, his major events go like this; He used to be in a circus performing as an acrobat with Attilio (Surprise bww oc + canon tie in! He’s Attilio’s cousin!) and he eventually quit either when the circus went down or when he just felt like it -> a distance started growing between him and his mom for an unknown reason -> he meets Madre, they talk and have a auntie and nephew relationship because 💝 -> his mom eventually cuts him off, in turn distancing him a lil from the rest of his family (still thinking this one out) -> he meets Madre once again and gets the job offer, he promptly takes it because yeah (still also thinking this one out like the reason as to why)
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this post is already long enough (I just keep yappin and yappin) so tidbits under the cut!
Tidbit time!! My favorite!!
He can drive both a car (Havent decided on what kind of car yet but it's definitely a very nice looking one +..。*゚+) and a motorcycle! Do not expect to draw EITHER of these lol I can barely draw weapons
Crystal has a sort of puppy love crush on him (ノ∀`) ehehehehehe-
Back when Crystal was still 14 and still reeling from The Incident, Simon tried his best to help her heal, even though he knew he didnt have to since like he's only her job trainer, he still wanted to because he has this innate need to help people where he can <33
-> His help came in the form of ego building and self care! He basically taught her to compliment herself more, how to take better care of herself, and indulge in things that make her happy. It worked! (obviously it didnt heal her all the way because that's not how trauma works- it just helped her to be in less mental and emotional pain)
He can SANG my boy got pipes <3 aside from that (or affiliated with idk) I havent fully decided on a voice claim for him, but so far I'm thinking the main vocals on Tears of Love by SUI UZI is pretty nice (SUI UZI GOATED SUI UZI GOATED)
I was originally debating on whether he should be hispanic, italian, or french, and then while thinking about him being italian I got this idea screaming in my head like *slams fist on table* "DUDE ATTILIO!!!1!!!1!11" So now he's italian! Hooray!
Still thinking about a final design for him graghhgggh
I got his surname from Garcia Lovelace off Black Lagoon (was on a huge Black Lagoon kick when first thinking up his name)
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cozmikvi · 5 months
D&D Saved my ability to make music
Ive been having a really rough time making pretty much anything, ADHD burnout is a real kick in the fuckin teeth, and knocked me down into a severely deep slump where I couldn't do ANYTHING, wasnt taking care of myself, wasnt doing any chores I needed done around the house, was exhausted and stressed, stopped making any music all together,... until a close friend of mine finally graduated college and told me he wanted to resume our D&D sessions. So I was PUMPED, like i got an extreme burst of energy out of nowhere. I made a character with a complex backstory and motivations in a fever rush of less than an hour, I drew up a few concept sketches, finalized and revamped my spell list and equipment to not only reflect the backstory, but also plays into the theme I was going for (A tiefling druid who is the ringmaster of their own traveling one-man circus act). Flash to about 2 days later, and I'm sitting on my couch chillin with my daughter, when out of nowhere, I fire up my DAW and start randomly programming some drums on an old project.
its amazing what a stupid lil TTRPG can do. Creative outlets save lives. So if you're reading this while doom scrolling in a bottomless search of dopamine, Play some dnd, watch some livestreams, get inspired by just doing something, even if its "silly" "stupid" or god fuckin forbid "unproductive"
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peekychu · 1 year
Hello there!!! I just wanna say I love your blogs and art a ton!!! You're a big inspiration to me and really help encourage me to be myself more!! I'd really love to commission you sometime when I can and whenever you're up for taking them! Is there anything specific I'd have to do first when you open them? Like subscribe to a Patreon or something? Or can I just simply message you?
Hi!!! Thank you so much for this 😭😭 It’s been a hard day and this made me smile 💛 I’ve had commissions closed for a while, I’m trying to figure out job stuff! I had a difficult time doing commissions full time, so I’m taking a bit of a break, but I know that won’t last forever :PP
I do have a patreon if you’re interested in supporting me! I don’t do patron sketches anymore, but I do have a fun lil discord chat with lots of kind people, and I share drawing stuff and wips I don’t post publicly! No worries if you’re not interested, but u can find my patreon account @ raystarkitty :3 It only costs $3 to join the discord server!
If I open commissions again, I’ll make sure to post updates on my art blog, and probably here too! I usually do google forms, but sometimes if I take small batches then dms are okay! It’s rly sweet how many people are still interested in getting art from me even as my art production has slowed down Drastically 🥺
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cute lil scenarios i scripted with my boyfriend (hunter):
hunter and i hang out at a 50s themed diner, but i eventually convince him to come to different italian places and other diners with me. the main one is olive garden. i love olive garden. he finds out pretty quickly that he loves it too. he actually loves every restaurant we go to because he gets to eat proper warm food.
luz often sends hunter or amity to parties to check on me to make sure i haven’t died. boscha already looks after me but luz doesn’t really trust her, kinda pegged her as a bully, which isn’t entirely incorrect. boscha thinks luz, willow, and gus are unfocused and flippant, but trusts hunter.
even while we’re just friends, hunter and i are very physically affectionate. i love hugging him. i will cling to him like a baby koala. i think i’m super obnoxious actually but he loves me and he loves my hugs.
i take hunter out for food literally as often as i possibly can. he has a scroll, so i could text him, but i don’t. i just spring it on him and we go (if he can, of course- he’s always happy to spend time with me).
i frequently just drop by hunter’s room in the castle and lie on his bed. i enter through the window. the window pane opens from the inside and the outside. it’s a bad defence plan. i break in all the time. i don’t do this to my other friends (usually), but i do it to hunter all the time because i’m clingy and i miss him and i’m worried about him.
once while he’s sleeping i come in and see his sketchbook open on his desk. there are several beautiful sketches of me. the lines are clean. he worked hard on them, even though they were just sketches. i smile to myself, but i say nothing about seeing them.
i get sick and hunter takes care of me lol
after belos is gone hunter comes to hexside with me!! he's in my same house (see this post for more info) and he's star player of the flyer derby team
when i’m an established adult and i’m finished school, my dad buys a farm lot in the middle of nowhere in the ribs and hunter and i just like. own a farm. we have chickens, and cows, and goats, and bigass crop fields. there’s a raven and crow hut nearby in the forest. we have farm cats and a german shepard and a husky. we’re happy. we have a cute little farm house.
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.26
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXIII]
EDIT 26/10/2023: Updated the drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.- Her first invitation
"(Psst!) (Hey! You there?)"
"(awaken)....? Huh?"
"G? What are you doing here?"
"Just came to invite you to hang out tonight, wanna come?"
"...What? At this time?"
"Yeah, why?"
"....It's literally midnight"
"And what's the matter about that? If anything, it's more fun this way. Just come along, promise we'll come back in due time"
"....Just hold on a sec"
"(turns to Broddy) Yo, Imma gonna go out for a while with G over here"
"....yeah, heard you guys talking 'bout it. Ya can go, you got my permission (wink)"
"What the- Broddy?!"
"Hey, let Lil B have some fun, he's a clever rascal after all. Besides, he's going off with someone he trusts, what's the worse that'd happen?"
"....fine, just be careful out there, alright boy?"
"(thumbs up)"
"(turns back to GF) Alright, I'm going with ya, just let me dress myself up and bring some stuff along"
"Cool, I'll be waiting"
A shadowing practice sketch w/ graphite variants+perspectives, bitch
"Alright! Uhm..."
"What is it now?"
"....how do I get down? The front door is locked, and I can't risk opening it"
"Simple, just drop off the window"
"Don't worry, I'll catch ya"
"....Y-you sure?"
"(arms spread forward) As long as you trust me"
"(tighten nerves) Alright, here I go..."
"Aah! (grabs onto GF)"
(...too close)
"Ah! Sorry, got a little nervous there, hehe"
"Yeah, can see so, heh"
Same with the previous one, but it's charcoal this time
Let's be fair, he was justified to be afraid there
A fall that high can turn your bones into crumbs with no hesitation
3.-Friday Midnight Escapade
"So, what'd ya wanna do first B?"
"Dunno, what're your suggestions?"
"Hm, well -there's a 24-hour store around here, I heard they got some good snacks for sale"
"Awesome! Let's go get some!"
Sanguine with graphite, probably the best of the whole bunch here
Also, from beyond this point, the rest of events (except for the firs two) sort of happen on different Fridays, hence why their clothes and GF's haircuts look different in some of them
4.-Not fresh enough
"Hm, what should we get...?"
"(points at one of the chip bags) How about this one? Looks kinda interesting"
"(face twitches in disgust) Eugh, you sure you want those?"
"Uh, yeah? Why?"
"Their smell tell me otherwise about their taste..."
"....You're kidding, right?"
"(takes one of the bags and puts it close to GF -gently might I add) Take a sniff, then come back to me"
"(sniffs and notices the odd scent from the bag) ...Oof, yeah, that's...definitely not appetizing at all"
"Bet it's made of brussel sprouts, yuck"
"Don't think so, let's just get something else"
BF showing off his strong smelling senses to GF for the sake of saving their tastepads from an unpleasant fate
And yea I headcanonize he hates brussels sprouts, fight me vegans (?)
5.-Nice shot!
"Damn, nice one!"
"Heh, thanks! Been practicing enough"
"Yeah, seem so. Here, let's see if you catch as good as you shoot! (throws B a cookie from the bag baseball pitcher style)"
"(catches it on his mouth, then falls on his back, uninjured) Got it!"
"(laughs) Hey, mind if I try it too?"
"Uh? Oh- Sure! Do you want me to teach ya on it?"
"Nah, can do it myself (takes the sling and aims towards a glass bottle) Now, focus and"
(bottle falls off and lands onto someone down there)
"Ouch! What the-?!"
"Oh shoot"
"Ah, guess we're good for tonight. Let's get outta here!"
"Yeah, sounds like a plan"
6.-Premonitive scenario??
They vibin on the dumpster yo
Silver pan as a hat, crazy dave style
He got the rhymes, she brings the rhythm
Funkin' together, at a late Friday Night
I'm sorry
7.-Oh shit, it's a rat
BF became the dog whisperer there lol
Not really a surprise though, he owned a dog before, so he knows what to do...kinda
Still, quite some balls of steel for such a little kid
8.-Healing fire
(While escaping from the dog's garden, BF wounds his knee, and despite running for a few inches, he starts to waddle, with GF noticing)
"Woah, you okay there?"
"Uh? Oh y-yeah, it's nothing, just...resting a little, y'know?"
"Uh-huh, and it's not like that rip on your pants' fabric has something to do with it, does it?"
(both sit down)
"Lemme see how bad it is"
"(roll his pant up) What are you gonna do?"
"I'll try to close the wound with my fire, just gonna ask you to hold in as much as you can"
(G puts her hand over BF's wound and starts 'burning' it)
"Hold in there, it won't last for too long"
Yeah she can heal physical damages through heat, now stfu
9.-Visiting the local skatepark
I originally wanted to draw GF on a bike -or at least sort of- but I just can't tell at this point so I'll let you guys guess if that's so or if it looks more like she's on a monoskate(?)
Also, guess you can tell what's that side of the park's theme about if you were at the right time and place ;)
10.-Highgrounds experience
"Hehe, first time on the air, I see?"
"Ahah, yeah, pretty much. The view from here's kinda cool though, I can even see my family's workshop from here!"
"Love to see you actually like it <3"
Hashtage DefectDemonThingz amirite-
11.-Sharing the Moonlight
(BF and GF staring at the moon, until BF yawns all of a sudden)
"Yo, tired already?"
"(sleepy) Yeah...been having lotsa fun tonight with ya...but guess the sandman magic's finally getting to me"
"(holds BF close) Don't worry, you can go on and drop yourself off; I'll take you home in a while, promise"
"(starts to fall asleep) Thanks, G...you're the best... (rests on G's shoulder)"
"(smiles and puts her head carefully above his) ...Anytime, my little hood boy..."
Wholesome af
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Can you make like, a watercolor tutorial? Cause I've been trying to learn watercolor since I was baby and can never figure it out ❤
Hell yeah!! This tutorial might suck so my apologies and since I’m not sure where you’re at I’m just gonna start with everything I can think to say, and in terms of materials I’m just gonna tell ya what I use, but hopefully this’ll work for whatever you’ve got as long as it’s not a crayola set (that’s what I started on so I can say will full authority those are bad)
My deepest apologies to everyone abt the length of this post djdjdj I don’t freakin know how to do the read more thingy
So! To start, these are just the materials I use:
I use this portable set from Amazon, it’s lasted a while and the paints are really quite good for it being $15, It comes with a lot of variance in colors and shades, though I mix most of my colors myself! The white in that palette isn’t too great so for fixing mistakes I use this! It works pretty well for fixing any mistakes watercolors are wont to make.
I buy my brushes at Joann Fabrics And Crafts store, though I think most art stores will have a good selection. Joann’s usually has really good thin long brushes which are super useful since I paint small, as well as large and pointed brushes for painting large swaths of paint. I recommend having one or two of each, here’s a picture of the ones I use regularly and a paint covered ruler for reference!
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Currently for all of my taz art I’ve been using this Arteza sketchbook (just in general be careful of your finger/hair oils touching the paper, that sketchbook especially will cause the watercolor to not adhere to the page if I touch it too much, so I just put a little scrap of paper under my hand while I paint and sketch and it works great) but for my professional work I use this Canson brand, if you’d like just a visual kind of reference for how I paint, albeit edited (I promise, it’s a lot less of a satisfying and fast process unedited) I do painting videos on tiktok!
So! Mixing paints. I’ll get to color theory in a second, but mixing your own colors is good to do, and most paint sets will come with a palette to use, but if they don’t any slick white surface will do! I use a big ol piece of glass from a frame and the white backing from it.
I always do little test swatches before I lie the actual color down! It helps so ya don’t mess up colors, it’s become kinda muscle memory for me but usually just lil swatches like a couple centimeters wide and an inch long is probably gonna be enough for you to know if the color is how you want it!
Just wanna say: I paint really small! The largest my paintings get is like 5 inches tall, and that’s usually only for my professional stuff, but I dunno if you’d like to do that! If you paint big, just be careful of using too much water or your paper will warp! It’s not the end of the world though, and use of water is something that definitely took me a sec to learn.
Make sure to let stuff dry! If you’re painting sections, for example like this painting I did, I let the red dry completely before painting the yellow! Or else those bois would’ve bled together, but if you wanna use that to your advantage, go ahead and mess with watercolor textures! Also If you’re using a lot of pigment, it’ll take longer, just don’t make the mistake I’ve made many a time in touching the not dry yet paint! But!! Be wary: watercolors are tricky bastards and if you want a smooth coat of paint, work fast! Or else some parts’ll dry and you’ll get a wonky coat, this isn’t all too worrisome except when you’re painting skin tones!
Okay so pigment to water ratio is a tricky thing, and I must admit it probably comes with a bit of practice as dumb as that is to hear, but I’ll try and give ya some tips on how how to implement it!! So for my fanart work on here I don’t use a lot of pigment since I don’t use that many super saturated and flat colors, unlike in my tiktok stuff where I do thick coats of paint for maximum visual asmr stuffs or whatever. It also probably depends on the paints you’re using, but I’d recommend trying to find a consistency that isn’t too thick, or else it’ll be really weird to work with, and always remember to mix enough of a color before you start painting with it!!
Colors and unifying them
Unifying your colors can be a dope trick! Basically like instead of using a bright green and a bright blue and yellow and pink for a color scheme you can change each color depending on if you want like a warm tone or a dark/blue tone! So the bright green would turn into an army green, the yellow would get orangier, the blue would be kinda greyish, and so they’ll all fit nicer with the pink or reds and the piece will be soft and nice on the eyes! Some examples of how if unified colors and stuff in my work below! Also I should say, I use a lot of edits to get it this warm toned! On my iPhone there’s a lil slider for warmth and tints and stuff
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So I’m a big fan of warm and orangey toned stuff so for mixing paint here’s the color you’d add to make one color less bright and more neutral so it doesn’t clash with the other colors! This gets into color theory which there are probably some great YouTube videos on! This mixing also goes vice versa.
Blue: add orange, green: add red, Red: add green to make a nice brown or a skin tone, yellow: add purple.
Also! Watercolors are tricky when mixing, basically you’re not always gonna get a perfectly saturated vibrant color when you mix two colors together like red and blue to make purple, so it’s usually just best to use a purple watercolor if you have it.
painting light:
This is honestly something I’ve just recently been incorporating into my work and I don’t have a great way to explain it so I’ll just give a few references. Painting light and shadow isn’t nescessary but if you wanna do it here’s a kinda easy way to:
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Painting shadow
For shadows don’t just use grey or black! This usually can make a piece desaturated (or so I have been told) so instead you can use a blue or maybe a red or pink depending on if you’re painting skin or not! Also if you wanna add just a bit of dimension to your piece but don’t wanna go overboard on the shadows, i usually just paint a lil half triangle under the chin!
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It’s not nescessary but it’s a way I’ve found fun to make the characters look more human and cute! Just on the ears, fingertips, knuckles, knees, shoulders, nose if you draw noses, elbows, and toes should do the trick!
black paint
Black is an extremely tricky color to paint with! Sometimes if you’re painting like a goth outfit for example and you have a lot of overlapping black shapes, it’s hard to differentiate them and so I usually do these weird lil lines to show distinction between things!
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Lastly, I hope you have lots of fun and tons of success in whatever form that may come in! Let me know if you have any more questions or clarifications or details! Sorry this took me so long! <3
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Good day!! I may be called fluffyyellow but another nickname you can call me by is Sky. (She/Her, 21, SCP foundation, Romantic)
Now.. something about myself, first thing is, I'm a very shy and introverted person who often keeps to herself, and when engaging in conversations, initially im very awkward and quite cautious since I often think about unintentionally making the other person uncomfortable. I'm often seen alone and it takes a few times to get a conversation going with me but once I get used to the other person, I become more and more talkative and engaging as time goes by. Being a lil chaotic, cracking a few jokes here and there, and just laughing around and talking about just anything with the other person.  I'm very understanding, empathetic and a really good listener. I'm the type of person that would gladly walk a mile for my close friends, an example would be to listen to my close friends' rants, stories, info dumps or whatever they basically have in mind that day, staying up late just for them, assisting them with academics, checking up on them and making sure they eat or sleep well, etc etc. (I'm also not afraid to use my "Savageness" as my BFF calls it, to speak up/defend them too). I usually find it hard to express my emotions and or words, but upon opening up, i tell myself "I'm not really great with my words but the people close to me deserve to be appreciated so ya know what? Screw my awkwardness".
That being said? I may not look like it due to my initial aloof or awkward vibe but My love language is Physical touch, quality time and acts of service. to be honest? I guess you could say im touch starved. Then again, due to my shy and cautious nature, I only have a few friends in my circle, but these are the people that stuck with me for years. Yeahhh I'm very emotional and sentimental too. Another thing? I'm normally a home-body and a chill at home type of person, but once in a while I enjoy a stroll or a walk here and there to get my creative juices or inspirations running
Speaking of creative juices, I'm very much an artistic person and someone who loves to draw/make sketches, take photographs,illustrate, design, etc etc.  Now..for the offering? I offer snacks (Basically an assortment of Candy/sweets plus biscuits/cookies) in a cute box I painted/designed/sketched myself. because it represents one of the ways in how I express my affection to those close to me alongside my love for art.
Sincerely Sky
I really hope I got this right and I also hope this isnt too wordy? Yep :')
[Disclaimer: The Red String of Fate event is a special event I'm running from August 12th, to whenever I feel it necessary to end - right now, I'm giving it to the first week of September! Check out rules HERE]
Yue Lao's fingers gently trace over the lovely sweets you've given him in the box you designed yourself. He admires the artistry and takes note of each little thing you've painted on it. He counts the brushstrokes as he eats the snacks, smiling that they are once again, not too sweet. His cat sniffs the treats a few times too and she purrs. It seems Bao is happy just like him.
Now, just who shall he pair you with? He strokes his beard a few times and thinks about it. It really shouldn't take that long, and in fact, the moment he read over your thoughts on who you want to be forever yours, he had a match! But it can't be that easy, can it? The God hums softly to himself before deciding that yes, it really was that easy. He looks to a man that's not too tall, and not too short that claims he goes by many names, but Alto Clef being the one he responds to the most.
It seems like such an odd match, the God things. Yue Lao never makes mistakes when he pairs people, never, but he knows you might certainly be surprised! What he wants to achieve for the two of you is balance, harmony, something that Clef lacks. He believes that you two will love true and good. He attaches the string to your pinky, and then Clef's as the man works on goading an SCP into a migraine. His cat mews softly as the string begins to glow between the two of you. Clef's expression slowly shifts from the poor skip to his pinky, where the string tugs slightly like you're on the move.
Yue Lao watches with a knowing smile as joy blooms on your face that he's answered your prayer for someone to love. He watches as you hop up from your desk, startling your coworkers before hightailing it out to find the one he's paired you with. He laughs softly, and you can hear it in your ear like something warm and paternal. Your eyes are glued on the string, watching as the light flutters brightly with the pounding of your heart.
You eventually come to a string of containment rooms, most of them for euclid, sentient skips that really pose no harm. You've been here a few times to run tests yourself. You watch the staff that pass around you, some giving you questioning glances as if to ask if you're alright as you look like a mad man searching for the person on the other end. You know that this is outside your normal behavior, but the excitement, it's almost too much! That and well, the string compels soulmates together. It's something that's unquestionable, and no force can remove it but the Gods themselves.
Clef is admittedly just as scatterbrained as you in the moment. He's a tired man. Underneath his whole façade, the things he keeps hidden are near crystal clear. He never thought he was capable of love. He never thought something good would ever come to him, or a person would ever be able to put up with him for more than what was necessary. So, when he sees you, he smiles. The string that connects the two of you glows brightly, something akin to raspberries in late summer, feels like plush grass, and smells sweeter than honey, it draws the two of you together.
Your hearts are beating in synch. All that's left is to meet in the middle.
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lanarist · 3 years
Hii, I really loved your Plug!Dabi headcanon, I was wondering if you can do a mini fic of him dating the reader or something like that.. if not that’s okay!! Also I love your writing 🥰💕
a/n: Absofuckinglutely I can. This got me so excited. Also thank you for your kind words 🥰 I did not expect my first time publishing my writing to get this much attraction but I’m grateful! I hope this is to your liking 💙
Plug! Dabi head cannon right here
Warnings: drug use, drug dealing, slight violence, guns, lil bit of foreplay, intercourse.
we got a lil bit of everything in here. smut, fluff, and angst.
Also, minors DNI✨
Tags: @bakugosbratx
Sunlight poured in through the blinds of your lover’s room as you began waking up from your slumber. Your eyes were still closed but you could hear the soft ruffling of drawers being shut and jingling of car keys.
“Baby, wake up for a sec,” Dabi cooed while rubbing your bare back, “I gotta go make a sell real quick. I’ll be back.”
“Wait,” You whisper, voice still groggy. You raise yourself on your elbows and squint your eyes. “Can I come with you?”
Dabi sighs. It’s not that he doesn’t want you to tag along with him. He loves having you in the car with him to run errands. But, this deal was sketchy to say the least.
He was going to meet the buyer at some abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. The dude was was only wanting $20 worth of doja, which was already odd to Dabi because the minimum he’s ever made was an easy $50. Not to mention the dude wasn’t a good person at all. The whole ordeal was just sketchy all around.
“I don’t know about it, doll..” He tells you with a sympathetic smile, “Maybe next time.”
“Please?” You pout and put on the best puppy dog like eyes you could muster. “I just wanna ride with you. We could get food after, my treat.”
Dabi breathes heavily through and out his nose, pinching the bridge with his thumb and pointer finger. How could he say no to you? Especially when you have that irresistible pout on your face?
“Fine, but you already know I’m not letting you pay for me.” He chuckles, “I wanna get this done so just get dressed. You can put on one of my shirts, I’ll be in the car.”
You grin sheepishly as he closes the door behind him and you get up from his bed. You hum lightly to yourself as you go through his shirts in his closet. You grab one of his plain black shirts and throw it over your body, it falling right in the middle of your thighs. Your hand reaches out to the floor and you grabs your shorts before pulling them on. You slip your shoes on while throwing your hair to an acceptable messy bun and walk out of the door.
“Doll, listen.” His tone undeniably nervous, “I need you to be quiet when he comes to the car. This dude sketches me the fuck out.”
“Okay..” You say, unsure of why he’s so spooked.
Dabi’s car comes to a smooth stop at an old abandoned warehouse. He moves one hand from the wheel and places it on the stick shift to put the car in park.
The sound of a phone ringing filled the car as you scan the area. You felt a small amount of fear forming in your stomach as you gathered that you two are in the middle of fucking nowhere.
“Yeah?” Dabi speaks as he holds the phone to his ear and turning his head in every direction, “Yeah I’m here. Where are you?”
“I’m about to pull up on you. Anyone with you?” A rough voice spoke on the other end.
Dabi hums and places his hand on your thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze, “I got my girl with me.”
“Ight, I see your car. I’ll be there in a sec.”
Dabi hangs up the phone with a heavy breath. You place your hand on top of his and caress it with your thumb.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You assure him with a gentle smile. “Just get the money, give him the stuff, then we can leave.”
“Yeah..” He sighs, letting his head fall back onto his headrest. “I just got a bad feeling about this dude, I don’t like him.”
“Then why are you selling to him?” You ask, genuinely curious.
Dabi shrugs his shoulder, “Money.”
The sound of a door being slammed shut made Dabi turn his head in that direction. He removes his hand from your thigh and breathes heavily one more time before rolling his window down.
“What’s up man?” The dude speaks joyfully when he gets to the window.
You don’t dare to look into his direction, but his voice alone made your skin crawl. His tone was full of farce friendliness. In the corner of your eye you could see that Dabi was gripping his steering wheel tightly and his chest was rising up down at a steady pace.
“Sup John.” He greets the man back, “You only wanted a couple grams, right?”
“Yeah man, that’s fine.” John waves his hand sheepishly. “Thanks for meeting me here.”
“No problem.” Dabi tells him before turning to you, “Can you get the bag out of the glove box?”
You nod and lean forward to open the glove box. When you open it you see the manual book that comes with every car, a black smith & wesson pistol, and the bag full of doja. You had to bite your tongue to keep yourself from gasping, you didn’t know he owned a gun.
Then again, why wouldn’t he? He is a drug dealer after all.
You reach into it, carefully grab the bag full of green nugs and take it out before shutting it. You lean your body back against the seat and hand the bag to Dabi.
When you turn to look in Dabi’s direction you gasp and your stomach drops. Fear consumed your body and you start to shake.
Dabi notices the expression on your face and his eyes go dark. He turns to face John again and was met with a gun pointed in his face.
Dabi chuckles darkly, clicking his teeth and laughs like a villain.
“You’re kidding, right?” Dabi taunts John. “You gonna try to rob me?”
“Cut the tough guy act, asshole.” John hisses as he cocks the pistol and has his finger over the trigger. “Give me your shit and you both can leave. I doubt your girl wants to see your head blown off.”
“Hmm, you know people will come after you, right?”
“Your friends? I’ll take my chances.” John laughs, then motions his gun to Dabi’s hand that held the bag. “Come on, get to it.”
It all happened so fast.
Dabi chuckled darkly one last time before he quickly grabbed the gun from his hand and slammed it against his head. John’s unconscious body fell backwards onto the ground as blood trickled down the side of his face.
Dabi throws the gun out of his window and reaches over you to the glove box. He grabs his gun and slams it shut.
Dabi pushes the clip all the way in with the palm of his hand and cocks his pistol before aiming out of his window. The sound of gun shots infiltrate your ears as you place your hands over them.
After the final shot, Dabi throws his gun into his lap after unloading it and speeds off. His tires squeal as he drifts onto the road.
“Did you.. Did you kill him?” You whisper breathlessly, ears still ringing.
“No.” Dabi assures you, keeping his eyes on the road to avoid your shock filled gaze. His knuckles were turning whiter than his pale skin as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.
“But he sure as hell ain’t going no where with fucked up tires.”
Not another word was spoken in the car as he drove you both back to his place, food long forgotten. Now back at his place, you laid on his bed finally calmed down as he sat on the side of his bed with his back facing you.
His white hair was an absolute mess from the many times he’s ran his hands through it with a loud sigh. His elbows rested on his knees while his head rested in his hands.
“Baby..” You cooed, hesitantly reaching a hand out to touch him. “Are you mad at me?”
“What?” He turns to face you, his blue eyes glossy and cheeks red. “Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because I begged to go with you..” You pout, letting your gaze fall down to the comforter on his bed. “You haven’t talked to me either..”
“I could never be mad at you.” He assures you before laying his body down next to yours. He takes your hand in his and raises it to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
“I’m mad at myself. I knew better than to have you there with me. I had a bad feeling even before we left. Yet, I still let you come with me..” He whispers.
You felt your heart clench inside of your chest as he spoke. You have never seen him so shaken up like this. He was never one to show anyone his vulnerable side. The way he always carried himself it was surprising to others that he had emotions at all. It was even more of a shock that he had you. According to Keigo, he never gave anyone a second glance, and he definitely didn’t let people smoke his stash like he does with you.
You were different than the rest in his eyes. No one understood him like you do. No one has ever cared or worried about him. That’s why he couldn’t lose you.
“I don’t know what I would if something had happen to you today..” he whispered again, “I can’t lose you, y/n. I love you too much.”
What did he say?
“You heard me.” His blue eyes look into yours, full of love and admiration, “I love you, so fucking much.”
Tear brim your eyes as you take his face in your hands, “I love you too, Touya.”
That was the first time ever since you’ve been together, that either of you spoke those three words.
He lets out a small laugh before pressing his lips onto yours, pulling you into a passionate kiss. His hands find purchase on your cheeks as your lips danced against his.
“Can I just say that despite being scared for my life..” You pull away to speak, “Seeing you like that, was hot as fuck.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles, moving his hands down to your throat. “Good to know, baby.”
Dabi smashes his lips back on yours and moves his body to hover over yours. Your hands reach down to the hem of his shirt and tug on it. He takes the hint and pulls it off of his body with one arm.
Your hands lay on his biceps as one of his hands traced down your body, starting at your collarbones, through the valley of your breasts, and down to the top of your shorts. His hand pushes pass your shorts and panties, then two of his fingers land on your clit, rubbing soft and smooth circles.
You whimper against his mouth and dig your nails into his arms, causing him to smirk against your lips.
You have one of your hands travel down his body and push it under the band of his boxers. Now it was your turn to smirk as he groaned into your mouth when you took his cock into your hand, pumping gently.
“Fuck doll,” He growled when you let your thumb swipe over his tip, “I need you, right now.”
“You have me.” You purred and bit his lower lip.
Dabi removes his hand from your clit and raises up off of you. As he took the rest of his clothing off, you did the same. Clothes were thrown and long forgotten on the floor of his bedroom.
His body laid back on top of your as he made himself comfortable in between your legs. Soft whimpers emitted from your lips as he started to slide his cock over your wet sex.
You both gasp against each other’s mouths when he slipped all the way into your wet cavern. He could never get over the fact of how he fit into your walls so perfectly. Like it was molded just for him.
His thrusts were much slower than usual. His hands weren’t choking you or pinning your wrist down. He wasn’t attacking your neck or breasts, leaving his mark. No degrading words were being thrown at you.
Instead, he slides his hands into yours and intertwines your fingers as his hips met yours slowly and he breathes heavily into your neck.
He was making love to you.
His name and profanities tumbled out of your lips as he hit that sensitive spot inside of you. You moved your hands out from under his and wrapped them around his neck.
“I love you,” He breathed into your neck before lifting his head to rest his forehead against yours and his hands cup your face. “So, fuckin, much.”
“I love you.” You whimper, placing your lips on his as he continues his slow and smooth thrusts.
You feel yourself clench down on him and your heart rate increases, the coil burning inside your stomach about to break.
“Baby, I’m about to-“
“I know, Doll. Me too.”
Dabi’s pace increases as he takes his final thrusts into you. His lips take yours into a searingly passionate kiss that stole the air right from your lungs.
You both moan one last time before Dabi stills and his hold on your face tightens. Pleasure struck through the both of you as you hit release. His hips move lazily as he fucks you through your orgasm. No high from any drug could compare to the one you reach together in these intimate moments.
One of your hands massage through his hair while the other does the same up and down his back as you both catch your breath. The soft sounds of his breath against your neck making you feel sleepy.
“You wanna go get some food and smoke?” He asks while lifting up to see your adorable fucked out face. That was his favorite part.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
The Things We Can’t Tell Pete About
Pete invites you to meet his friends from The Dirt and makes you promise not to flirt with any of them, which is a lot easier said than done, especially when Colson Baker acts like that.
Request: “Hey so I love all your writing and I just thought you should know that! But also I’d your requests are on still would you mind writing a youre Pete’s little sister but kells got a crush xx”
Colson x reader
Warnings: Drug use, Cursing
A/N: I know, Dom (Yungblud) wrote the song, but also I am the writer and I say that Y/N wrote it :) Anyways, enjoy. This is only part 1 of what is probably going to be a fun, cute lil series. Also thank you to the anon who sent this! You made my day(s)
Word Count: 2411
| ii | iii | iv | v |
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New York was lonely without your brother. He had been filming in New Orleans for the past three months, leaving you alone. You had some friends, but Pete was your best friend. You were only eight months younger than him and practically attached at the hip. You supposed going through trauma together would do that to people.
He facetimed you all the time from set, updating you on things in his life, showing you cool stuff from the set, and introducing you to his castmates. You had kept him updated on your music, playing him demos of songs you were writing and getting his opinion on them.
Him being away wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but it definitely sucked for you. So, when Pete texted you that he was having a few friends from the movie over the night he got back, you were ecstatic.
Before you left your apartment to walk to his, he texted you.
You’re not allowed to flirt with any of my friends
You rolled your eyes as you locked your door, preparing a response.
I’ll try my best
Your phone buzzed seconds later.
I’m serious. I don’t trust any of them with you.
And I don’t need that kind of awkwardness in my life
Like if you date one of my friends and it goes badly
I don’t wanna deal with that shit
You chuckled at his chain of texts.
Don’t flirt with your friends because they’re dicks, got it
Don’t worry bro, I know the sibling code
 You came to find out that that was a lot easier said than done. When you walked into his place, everyone in the room turned to look at you. You recognized most of them from your facetimes with Pete, but you doubted they remembered who you were. One who did remember you was Colson, Pete’s new best friend. He made eye contact with you from across the room, a sly grin on his lips. You sent him a small smile, Pete’s text running through your head briefly.
You found your brother lounging on the couch, a huge grin on his face. He was definitely tripping on mushrooms. “Y/N!” He yelled. “This is my baby sister, everyone.”
You rolled your eyes, walking further into the room, grabbing a drink from the cooler, and taking an empty seat on the opposite couch. “I’m less than a year younger than you, Pete.”
You heard a snicker from the one of the guys, looking over to see Colson covering up the smile on his face. “But you’re still younger than me so it counts.”
Everyone went back to their own conversations, which you were thankful for. “Y/N, you remember Colson, right?” Pete motioned to the blond guy.
“Yeah.” You nodded, looking him up and down. His muscle tank exposed the sleeves of tattoos, which seemed to cover every inch of his skin. “Your hair was different, but yeah I remember you.” You opened the beer on the coffee table, taking a swig.
“You’re the musician, right?” He asked you, leaning back onto the couch.
You nodded, “Aspiring musician but, yeah.”
“Oh, she’s great. You should hear her sometime.” Pete butted in, grinning like an idiot at you.
You rolled your eyes but had a smile on your face. “I work primarily as a songwriter and editor right now, but I’m trying to work on putting out some of my own stuff.”
You felt a little intimidated talking to Machine Gun Kelly about music, seeing as he was one of the best in the industry, but he seemed to be genuinely interested in your work. “Well, if you ever want some help or someone to listen to it, I’d be willing.” He flashed a smile, his bright blue eyes sparkling.
“Thanks, that’s really cool of you.” You bit your lip slightly, trying to hide the fact that you were totally breaking Pete’s rule.
Pete sent a glare your way to which you raised your eyebrow. You weren’t really flirting; you were just… making connections. “Anyways,” he cleared his throat, “I’ve been working on this sketch idea, Y/N, and I need your opinion.”
You nodded, letting him talk. “So, I was thinking like, there’s this guy with posters all over his wall. Like life size posters of a bunch of different people. And he falls asleep while doing homework and he dreams about them coming to life. And it plays out like one of those really bad commercials that encourage kids to stay in school and shit. Like the posters are telling him to study for his test, but then there’s this one poster that’s like, very sexy. And she’s just like, talking about hot dogs and everyone else gets really sick of it and one of the other posters tries to like, tear down her poster or something.”
Throughout his description, you got more and more confused. “Pete, that’s not funny that’s just fuckin weird.” His mouth hung open in shock. “Dude, seriously? The big punchline is the playboy poster girl talking about hot dogs until the other poster people get tired of it?”
“Yes.” Pete said, as if it were obvious. “That’s hilarious.” You glanced at Colson with a questioning look on your face. He seemed as unsure of the joke as you were.
“Pete, man, that’s not your best work.” Colson clapped him on the shoulder and you giggled at Pete’s disappointed expression.
“You guys are mean.” He pouted and you two laughed. “Ok, well, how would you make it funny?”
“I don’t know if you can, bro.” Colson’s laugh was contagious. When he laughed his whole body shook, his feet stomping and everything.
“What are the other posters?” You asked, trying to be supportive but knowing this wouldn’t turn out very good.
“Well, I was thinking maybe one is like a video game character. Like that lady from Wreck-It-Ralph. The mean one. And then like a snowboarder who is definitely high, and someone else, I dunno.” He shrugged, taking a hit from the joint in his hand and passing it to you.
“Okay…” You trailed off, looking at Colson for support. You brought the blunt to your lips, inhaling the smoke and bringing it down, letting the smoke leave your mouth slowly. You passed the joint to Colson, who gladly took it, a smirk on his face.
Pete looked between you two at the small interaction, a frown. “So, the posters,” he brought your attention away from the man again, “they’re all really serious about teaching this dude math. But the hotdog girl just keeps talking about hot dogs in like this really high-pitched voice.”
You watched the smoke fall from Colson’s lips, not fully paying attention to your brother.
“Yeah man, I think that sounds funny.” Colson told Pete, his eyes lingering on you for a little longer than they should have. “It could use some work but if anyone can make it funny, it’s you.” Colson punched your brother on the shoulder, but the look he sent you said the exact opposite.
You held in your giggle, taking another sip of your beer.
The rest of the night followed a similar pattern, you and Colson flirting and Pete trying to get in between you two. At one point, after a few more hits of weed and a couple more drinks, Colson brought out a guitar, insisting you play something for him. Where he got the guitar from, you had no idea, but you didn’t ask questions. Instead, you rolled your eyes, insisting that “if I have to play something, so do you.”
Everyone was too caught up in their own conversations to care about the noise, or too drunk. You started strumming, trying to remember the chords to a song you had started writing a few days ago. “There’s no lyrics yet, just a melody I came up with.” You blushed, feeling very self-conscious suddenly.
“Guess I’ll just free style to it then.” He chuckled as you started to strum, your fingers working the strings like they had your whole life.
The blond man closed his eyes, head nodding as you played and thinking of what to rap.
“Watch me, take a good thing and fuck it all up in one night. Catch me, I’m the one on the run away from the headlights.
No sleep, up all week wastin time with people I don’t like. I think, somethin’s fuckin wrong with me.
You smiled as he sang, watching his expressions change as he tried to think up the next line.
Drown myself in alcohol, that shit never helps at all
I might say some stupid things tonight when you pick up this call
I be hearin silence on the other side for way to long, I can taste it on my tongue, I can tell that somethin’s wrong.”
He opened his eyes, looking rather proud of himself. “I had some of those lyrics already, but I just changed ‘em a little. I really liked that.”
You nodded, “That was impressive.” You smiled, looking back down to the guitar when something hit you.
You began to play the same melody but pitched higher to fit your voice.
“Roll me up, and smoke me love
And we could fly into the night
You take drugs, to let go, and figure it all out on your own
Take drugs, on gravestones, to figure it all out on your own.”
You looked up to Colson, watching his expression change, his eyes wide. Pete had a proud look on his face.
“Pete, you are a sucky hype man. You did her no justice.” Colson hit Pete on the arm.
“Whaddya mean, I told you she was great.”
Colson looked over to you, a stupid smile on his face. “Seriously, that was fucking amazing. Like, we gotta write that shit out some day.”
You bit your lip, trying to stop the blush from reaching your cheeks. “Yeah, that’d be cool.” You were trying your best to keep your cool as Colson kept his gaze on you, but you were completely freaking out on the inside.
A little while later, almost everyone was gone except you, Pete, Colson, and Douglas Booth, who joined your conversation not long after your jam session. Pete let out a yawn, directing your attention to the time.
“Jesus, it’s already 4am?” You asked, a frown on your face.
“Why, you got somewhere to be, darling?” Douglas asked you, your face scrunching up from the nickname.
“I have a writing session at 11 am tomorrow. Or, today, I guess.”
Pete reached out to hit you in the head, playfully, which you dodged. “Go to bed, dummy.”
You shrugged, “I’m gonna be dead at it anyways, might as well keep the party going a little longer.”
Douglas rolled his eyes, patting your shoulder. “Be that as it may, I am ending this party and going home. Goodnight, guys. It was nice meeting you again, Y/N. Good to see you guys.” Douglas and the guys did that little hand slap and hug thing before he left.
“I love you both, but I will also be going to sleep. And you should too.” Pete stood up, stretching his arms out before giving Colson a fist bump and leaving to his bedroom.
Once your older brother left, Colson moved to the couch you were on, his arm falling over your shoulders. You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. “And how can I help you Mr. Kelly?”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m assuming Pete gave us both very similar talking to’s, given the glares you’ve been receiving all night.”
“You mean the “don’t flirt with my friends” talking to or the other one?” You tilted your head, a sly look on your face.
“That’s the one.” Colson laughed through his nose, an adorable smile on his face. You were both considerably high, but you still knew exactly what you were doing.
You moved closer to Colson’s body, “Well then I guess we’d better not do this.” You said quietly, leaning into him. “Or this,” You grabbed his jaw, inches from his face.
“Or this?” He whispered, connecting your lips. You smiled into the kiss, tasting the weed on his tongue. You adjusted your body so you were facing him, his arm that was once around your shoulder now wrapped around your waist.
His other hand grabbed your leg, pulling you up so you were straddling his lap, and your arms wrapped around his neck. His lips seemed to fit perfectly around yours, and you did all you could to keep yourself from moaning into the kiss as his hand began to travel up your leg.
Realization hit you like a brick wall, and you pulled away, your breathing heavy. “Sorry,” you muttered after a few seconds. You climbed off his lap, smoothing out your shirt. “We shouldn’t do that. I shouldn’t have done that.” You smiled awkwardly down at him.
He nodded, the same realization hitting him. “Yeah, that’s not the best idea. Sorry I wasn’t really thinking.”
You shook your head, cheeks still very red. “No, no, no don’t apologize. It was fine, it’s all fine.”
He nodded, looking down awkwardly. “I should get going.” He stood up, landing a little too close to you.
“Why don’t you just sleep here? Pete won’t mind and it’s a lot easier than going home.” You bit your lip awkwardly, taking a few steps back.
Colson scratched the back of his neck. This was a very different demeanor than he had before, and you found it very cute. “Are you sure?”
You nod. “I’ll get you some blankets and pillows.” You moved towards the guest bedroom, a guilty smile on your face. You moved your hand to your lips, feeling where Colson’s lips had graced you minutes before.
You came back to find Colson laying on the couch, one hand behind his head. “We don’t have to tell Pete about that, right?”
You shook your head, a small smile still playing on your lips. You put the pillow behind his head, watching his eyes as he watched your lips. “Stop looking at me like that or I’ll do something else we can’t tell Pete about.” You said quietly, watching him grin. You pulled the blanket over him, leaning down to be level with his face.
“I kind of like the things we can’t tell Pete about.” Colson chuckled, leaning forward to connect your lips again.
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spookierdeer · 3 years
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spike redesign!! full post, i posted the wip a few days ago. more info under the cut!
sorry if what follows seems a little haphazard, i'm still working on fully forming my thoughts so the notes might be written out messily. still all canon until i say otherwise, though!
spike's actual species of dragon is unknown, twilight recieved his egg by mistake during a school project. the eggs were supposed to be under a stasis spell to keep the mysterious species of bird from hatching while under the young ponies' care, but those type of spells don't work on dragon eggs. i may write about how she actually came to receive this egg one day, but today i want to focus on spike!
i'm not confident my sketch of freshly hatched spike really shows him at the size i wanted to go for, as i imagine dragons are curled up inside the eggs completely and there isn't much space inside there once the dragon has fully formed and is close to hatching. so, spike is a pretty chunky baby and while teenage twilight can cradle him, he's still pretty stout.
in my au, dragons don't all eat crystals or minerals! it's actually pretty rare and most species of dragons enjoy full diets not including rocks or gems at all. however the dragons that do eat minerals often have the flashiest and stunning scale patters (crystals and gems) or the most rough to the touch (usually minerals found in lava beds and other highly sulfuric areas). this isn't mutually exclusive! spike has a bright color palette and pretty smooth scaling, but a mineral eating dragon could have just as bright of colors but feel like harsh sandpaper or a rough, rough cliff face. since spike is raised by ponies and quite enjoys minerals, he's gotten used to soft and silky textures and, though he isn't fully aware of how much his preferences and diet shape his scale texture, prefers his sleek scales to the rougher dragons he's seen.
if a dragon has unwanted roughness or is having trouble shedding scales, they may rub their bodies against harsh stone! for generations, before ponies and dragons new more of each other, there were smoothed out stones found in forests and other areas with low populations. they were considered magical by earth ponies and sometimes sacred! turns out, it was just where a dragon had buffed out some rough scales before the ponies found the place.
if spike were to eat magnetized minerals, would his scales become magnetic? probably if he ate enough! decorate your fridge with his yearly shed scales?
in the image i mention that land born dragon eggs are rough and water born dragon eggs are smooth. yes! that is a thing in my au. will i describe spikes egg here? no <3
twilight is basically a teen mom in my au, though by the time my au takes place spike rarely calls her anything other than her actual name. mostly because he thought his best friend being his mom was weird so his solution was to just call her by her real name instead! briliant, obviously. spike does still have a crush on rarity in his younger years, but it's definitely not anything serious. just a kid who thinks his mom's close friend is very nice and pretty! she's basically an aunt to him (the rest of the mane 6 generally act as his aunts, even rainbow who's married to his adoptive mom) and showed him the wonders of spa days and self care. her and fluttershy would take turns babysitting him when he was too young to follow twilight to school or when she was busy doing work for celestia and she couldn't keep an eye on him. after twilight and rainbow started dating, spike basically had this internalized debate of "ok. twilight is my mom. i love her. rainbow is like family. i love her too. it's still kind of weird that they're dating. why??" and basically came to the conclusion that it is ok to not call rainbow dash "mom" after all. he very bravely confronted rainbow about it when they were alone and she was like "it's ok lil dude" but internally was like "god hes precious" and was never worried about what spike called her anyway.
when rigel wisp comes along spike is basically that meme of "i've only known them for 5 minutes, but if anything happened to them i'd kill everthing in the room and then myself" as soon as he gets to hold them for the first time. he's a little bigger than pictured here, but never gets bigger than 5ft head to tail. he's a great older brother and spoils them rotten! he's not quite as close to the other foals of the mane 6+family, but he does try to help out with babysitting and keeping the foals distracted when needed. he's great at keeping them entertained and if the parents sneak him some extra gems when no ones looking, he's definitely not complaining.
i'm still working on a concrete timeline, but i know for sure spike is around 4 years older than flurry heart. timeline for that is twilight hatches spike's egg, shining armor completes training, eventually gets assigned to princess cadence's protection detail, they fall in love and almost immediately have a love boom that produces flurry heart. not sure if cadence knew twilights family when they were all kids or not, i kind of like it better as a love at first sight thing for her and shining armor. her whole thing is love after all! plus, she's the crown princess of the crystal kingdom and twilights parents are just unicorn astronomers. not sure how they'd meet for play dates, being from two separate kingdoms lmao
i'll probably think of more later, maybe i'll eventually write a fanfic like my friends keep telling me to. maybe i'll just keep adding to my obscenely large family tree of the mane 6 instead!
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