#Scat mention
tummieaching · 3 months
This was just a night after I threw up recently ... I was in bed with a bit of a nauseous belly, still recovering from the night before ... I decided I wanted to feel good so I took out my toy and started to listen to some of the wonderful puking audios on here to rub myself to ... one hand to rub myself and the other to press on my achy belly ... the moaning was feeling good but I started to burp some in between from the sour feeling in my belly, and it was starting to churn around and make my tummy hurt ... I had to keep swallowing but I got a weird feeling in my belly that it was going to come out the other end ... I went to the toilet with my toy and sat on it with my arms around my sore belly trying to push ... I was panting and moaning because it hurt so much, but one very wet and sour burp told me it was going to come up instead ... I didn't want to puke it up on the floor so I just dropped down, I didn't even have much time to pull my pants back up, so I used both hands to knead my hurting belly to try to bring something up ... I burped and burped and finally I felt it start to come up so I recorded ... it felt so good, I was glad I brought my toy to rub and moan while I puked ♡
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pmak2002 · 8 months
Wonka Sickfic Chocolate won't help a upset stomach.
When Willy wakes up one morning only a couple of months after opening his first successful factory, he feels way off. His head aches and he feels super tired and warm. But what hurt the most was his belly. The past few days he had been coming up with tons of recipes with occasional help from Noodle. Her mother Dorothy allowed Noodle to help out and work with her friend 
That's right Noodle was here today her mother would be out of town for a bit.  So she was staying with Willy. He groaned as he sat up in bed his muscles aching. He tried to get out of bed but he fell right back onto the bed. "ohh I feel terrible." Willy groaned. "Noodle!" he called out. 
 He winced in pain when he spoke. Everything hurt but his stomach hurt most of all. It was starting to wake up and make a lot of sickly and painful noises. "Noodle," Willy called again. Surely she was awake and somewhere. His house wasn't big. She was probably downstairs reading knowing her. 
"Willy?" he heard her voice as she climbed the stairs to his room. "What's going on are you alright?" she asked concerned. 
Willy groaned and sat up in bed. "Noodle I don't feel good. My body aches and my stomach hurts.”
Willy whined and placed his hand protectively on his stomach where it hurt. 
 Noodle frowned and approached the sickly chocolatier. She felt his forehead and frowned. 
"you have a fever. Do you still have that first aid kit my mom got you?"
Willy nodded “In the bathroom.” he groaned and clutched his stomach can you grab the trash can? I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” 
Noodle rushed into the bathroom and returned with the trash can and thermometer. As soon as she handed him the trash can. He retched and proceeded to empty his stomach of all contents. Which were mostly partly digested chocolates.
“Willy, did you eat only chocolate yesterday?” Noodle asked worried laced in her voice. 
‘I had to make sure the new recipes came out ok.” Willy said weakly before retching over the trash can again. 
“No wonder you’re so sick then you’ve barely eaten anything.” She said.
“No I also ate the casserole your mom brought over when she dropped you off yesterday,” Willy told her. “I was starting to feel sick though I could barely eat any of it. And I love your mom’s cooking.” He said.
Noodle laughed. “Oh Willy You probably started feeling bad yesterday but didn’t think much of it correct?” she asked.
Willy nodded “It’s not unusual for my stomach to hurt after I eat too much of my chocolate but I thought it would go away by the time your mom brought you over.” 
Noodle sighed and shook her head. “Willy you are impossible. Truly impossible.”
Willy laughed and coughed harshly. 
He groaned and rubbed his stomach. 
“It hurts so bad Noodle.”
Noodle frowned and took the thermometer to check his temperature.
“Hm 102.1 Not good Willy. No wonder you don’t feel well.”
Willy nodded then quickly stood up and rushed off to the bathroom closing the door behind him. 
Noodle worriedly watched the door. She could hear Willy groaning in pain and she could hear him grumbling under his breath. 
“Willy, Are you alright?” Noodle called.
“I’ll be out in a minute Toodles,” Willy called back he sounded so sick and tired. Noodle frowned as she heard her good friend groaning and whimpering in pain. It seemed his bowels were acting up too. Which definitely wouldn’t help Willy’s condition. Noodle ran to get a tall glass of water. If she knew anything it was that all the vomiting and diarrhea would make Willy very dehydrated if he didn’t have any water in his body. 
By the time she came back with the water. Willy was out of the bathroom and back on his bed cradling his bloated and achy stomach. 
Willy whimpered at her when she came back to his room and his face contorted in pain nearly broke Noodle’s heart. No wonder he hadn’t gotten up when she had. He was probably so tired from working a lot and eating so much chocolate. 
“Here Willy let’s have some water ok? I want you to try to stay as hydrated as possible. Don’t gulp it down. Let’s try slow sips. If it comes back up that’s ok. But I want you to keep trying a little. If you can’t keep any down at all. That’s ok You’ll fast until your stomach settles yes?” Noodle explained.
 She wanted her good friend to be as comfortable as possible even with this awful stomach bug wreaking havoc on the young chocolatier’s body. 
Willy nodded and carefully took the glass and took a small sip of the water. When it hurt his stomach it hurt a bit and he flinched. He took a few more tiny sips then handed the glass to Noodle and she put it on his nightstand. 
“There we go. Now how do you feel?” she asked as she sat on the bed next to him.
“Awful I can’t remember the last time I felt this bad.” He whimpered and tightened his grip on his stomach. 
Noodle quickly went and grabbed some medicine for Willy’s stomach even though his stomach was hurting him so much and there was the risk of him puking it back up. Noodle was willing to do anything to help Willy feel better by any means necessary. 
He was supposed to help her this weekend but she didn’t mind helping him out. He was like was like a big brother to her and she’d do anything to help him. Besides they had been through so much together already. So she didn’t mind. She knew if her mother was here she would have helped too. 
“Let’s try a little medicine ok?” she said as she poured the proper dosage into the cap. 
Willy nodded he just wanted the cramps and flipping in his belly to stop. He wanted to sleep. But the pain was too great. He took the medicine despite it’s bitter flavor.
“Yuck that’s disgusting,” he whined.
“It’ll help if you can keep it in you,” she said to him.
Noodle pulled back the covers and got Willy situated under the warm heavy blankets.
Then she was just about to leave his room when Willy grabbed her hand.
“Can you stay with me Noodles please?’ he asked weakly. He looked at her with those sad and tired eyes. How could Noodle say no?
She crawled into bed next to him.
“Can I rub your stomach do you think that might help?” She asked 
He nodded and slowly Noodle started to massage his belly. Willy sighed as she gently rubbed his stomach. She could feel it moving under her hands. It felt icky and bloated. She could only imagine how much it was hurting poor Willy. 
Eventually, Willy managed to fall asleep and Noodle soon after. 
It wasn’t long though before Willy was up and vomiting again. Noodle rubbed his back.
Willy coughed and retched harshly in the trash can. 
“It hurts!” Willy cried as he held his stomach 
“Oh Willy I know I’m sorry it’s hurting so much.” Noodle said sympathetically as she rubbed his heaving back. 
Willy was shaking from fever and how hard he was throwing up. Noodle rubbed his back and soon the puking stopped and Willy was trying to catch his breath.
“Good job Willy did that help at all?” Noodle asked as she grabbed a rag to wipe his face. 
Willy coughed and whimpered. “It hurt Noodle.” 
“I bet it does Willy.” Noodle said she reached over and slowly rubbed his stomach again. Willy sighed a little at her touch and moved his hand away so she could keep rubbing the areas that hurt him. The chocolatier whined when a cramp ripped through him and he was looking close to tears. Noodle tried to keep him settled not wanting him to work himself into a fit that would inevitably turn into him violently throwing up again. 
Soon Willy needed the bathroom again and rushed off to use it. His stomach gurgling with each step he took. Noodle waited for him to finish in the bathroom and while she waited she took the water to add more to the cup. He had barely drank any but Noodle was determined to try to keep Willy hydrated. 
Once he finally emerged from the bathroom. Noodle helped him take the medicine and water again. This time Willy drank most of the cup. 
“Great Job Willy.” Noodle praised him as he took the medicine and water. She was relieved he was able to drink the water and get more meds into his system. 
Willy nodded and coughed a little. He put the cup on the nightstand and stretched his aching body.
Willy sat down on his bed and groaned.
“Why do I hurt everywhere Noodle?” he asked weakly.
Noodle sat next to him and started rubbing his stomach which was still terribly bloated like a balloon. 
“Your body is trying to feel better so you have to feel sick for a bit. Mom said that’s how it works. It’s trying to keep us healthy so our bodies fight off whatever is wrong by making us feel sick.” Noodle explained.
Willy thought for a moment and nodded. He coughed and Noodle took it as a sign that he needed another nap. She helped him get back under the covers and was going to refill his cup of water. When Willy’s hand grabbed her arm. Despite being as sick as he was. He still had a strong grip.
“Stay please Noodle?’ He whined. Willy squirmed in bed as his stomach gurgled again. 
“It hurts.” he cried.
“Oh, Willy.” Noodle immediately put the cup aside and crawled into bed next to Willy. His fever had risen as he was sweating profusely.
“Willy it’s alright I’m here.” Noodle soothed. She went to work trying to help settle the poor man’s stomach. Willy curled up next to her crying softly against her until he fell asleep. 
Noodle was sad. She hadn’t seen Willy so sick before. She had seen him sick a handful of times sure. But it was nothing like this. She hoped a few days of rest and eating better foods would help him.
Willy managed to rest for about two hours and when the medicine wore off. He was awake and sick all over again. Noodle helped him as much as she could and soon she managed to convince Willy to take a long warm bath. 
He did and when he was done she helped Willy into fresh and clean pajamas and made sure he brushed his teeth and took more medicine and water before getting him back to bed. 
After Willy was in bed and seemed settled. Noodle snuck away to feed herself and wash up. It had been a very long day and she knew she was in for an even longer night. But she knew Willy needed her. He had always been there for her. Now he needed her and she’d do anything to help him recover. 
After a long tough few days Willy finally recovered. He thanked Noodle by bringing her the chocolate she was helping him make,
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ohnomytummy · 4 months
idk what i ate last night but i just woke up rlly needing to unload on a toliet.. my stomach was making some loud gassy noises before i fell asleep but i didn’t think much of it bcs that happens pretty often.
now i’m clenching for dear life (holding it in as long as i can ofc) and letting out some nasty short bursts of gas, i wonder what you could feed me to make my belly even more of a desperate mess..
Given it’s the fresh early morning, I don’t know a better answer than a pot of coffee and a big bowl of probiotic yogurt and granola 😋
Dear, I’d have your gurgling tummy in complete upheaval in a matter of a few big gulps. It doesn’t matter what horrid, sloppy meal you’ve stuffed into your belly the night before, this breakfast will surely have you clenching your stomach on the toilet before you know it.
I’m so proud of you for holding it in so well *lowers my face to your belly for kisses and firm rubs.* But I’m interested in seeing you more desperate than you’ve ever been, completely unable to hold it in any longer. I wouldn’t want you to make a mess….but I wouldn’t be shocked if you tried holding and accidentally ruined a nice pair of sheets….*licks a line from your belly button to your waistband.*
I’d pamper you in bed until you couldn’t handle it any longer, then listen to you groan and swear and wish for death as your belly revolts against all I’ve put inside it ❤️
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imill · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering if u have any xiao hcs? :)
i did some waaaay back but here’s new ones!!
general illness:
- very allergic to anything and everything
- extremely sensitive skin and nose, sneezes a lot
- gets frequent fevers
- is never not shaking
- sweats a lot?
- can’t eat anythiiiing, gets horribly tummy aches
- gurgly af tummy. it’s so loud
- gets super gassy and has frequent indigestion
- embarrassed about burping and will try everything not to
- but goes absolutely wild when someone rubs his stomach, he will not be able to stop
- highkey emetophobic. it’s dirty, it’s gross, it shouldn’t happen to him
- super loud puker. like growling and gargling it out
- shakes a lot and needs to be held or he WILL make a huge mess
- long periods of agonizing nausea ft. his loud af tummy
- drools so much
- he is so ANGRY. why is this happening!!!!
- says he wants to be alone but needs someone there or he will panic
- refuses to talk when the nausea gets bad
- loud dry heaves, it takes a while before he actually vomits
- face gets super red and he can’t hold back tears
- hiccups afterwards
- will just. not recover. he’s miserable for the rest of the day
scat hihi:
- very frequently has diarrhea and it’s BAAAAD
- sits there with his head in his hands, just burping and farting to get rid of the pressure
- extremely ashamed and angry the entire time
- miserably rubbing his tummy and feeling the gurgles…. it’s so much….. his belly is so upset man…
- why does almond tofu betray him like this, what did he do
- will literally curl up on the floor afterwards. he is not okay. please hold him
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whumperofworlds · 6 months
I think you deserve to not be icked out by poop asks, dear. They don’t seem to have much positive to say so I recommend blocking for your peace of mind.
Thank you anon ❤️ After asking around, I blocked their last ask (they claimed that they're not a troll, just that they eat a lot of corn. Like wha???) Apparently they use my sense of humor to do their scat fantasies, and I get triggered by lying (my fucking mom abused dad and I with that!)
So don't worry, no more of that now :)
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tummyobsessed · 8 months
Oh my goodness, 12 lax is so many! After you threw up did you still need to rush to the bathroom? Is your belly still processing them? 👀
Yeah I did still need to go to the bathroom. I've only gone twice though and my poor upset belly is still so big and upset. You wanna see?
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pyro-yoshi · 1 year
I had some stomach issues. No emeto but still worth a share.
Last Friday night I drank quite a bit, more than normal. I didn't intend to drink so much, but it just happened. I thought I'd have a cocktail or two to help inspire me (I'd been struggling with some writing and was frustrated at my lack of progress) and I had way more than I intended.
Around 10pm, I was outside sitting on my bench swing while drunkenly mumbling to myself, then I abruptly laid down on my porch and fell asleep there. The neighbors thought I fell so they came to check on me, I assured them I was fine and thanked them. Later I went inside, passed out again (on my back this time, which would've been reeeeally bad if I'd gotten sick), woke up around 2:30am, brushed my teeth and slept for a few more hours.
I awoke at 6am expecting to feel like death, but strangely I didn't. My head hurt a bit and I was fatigued but I expected worse.
While I didn't drink enough to throw up, I did irritate my stomach lining. Last Saturday and Sunday I felt full, bloated, burpy and had no appetite. I had to force myself to eat, which is extremely unusual for me. My stomach was gurgling a lot and I had to poop a lot too. It wasn't quite diarrhea but it wasn't normal either. Monday my appetite came back but my stomach was still audibly gurgling and I had to poop frequently.
I'm all better now. Even though I didn't throw up, maybe you guys will enjoy my story anyways.
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Confession: They call me shitty stubble because I want to sit on Anders's face all day
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angstyaches · 9 months
if you're comfortable, can you add autumn having diarrhea in her second sick fic to make her more miserable
Hey anon, I'm not sure if you saw my new pinned post, but I'm going to be taking an indefinite hiatus from writing for this blog. But when I eventually return, sick Autumn is going to be high on my priorities list 🖤
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a-j-a-x · 2 years
So, I have a better and formal introduction for yoy. if anyone ever sees this. Questions will be answered if you have any!
Name: Ajax
Pronouns: He/Him/They/It/Its
Likes: food, genshin, honkai, roblox, more
dislikes: peanut butter (consumed and smelt), normal things like pr0sh1p and things like that.
k1nks/fetishes: eprocto, omo, (some) sc@t but not a lot, choking
my friends call me a monster fcker 😨
I can DM you my discord if you want to message me there because I use discord basically everyday. I am in school and I do take breaks and lose motivation easily. I might post my edits here and eprocto and other headcanons here.
I will also write ship scenarios: A and B or game ships :)
Bye Bye ★
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daycareretriever · 1 year
it's hard to bust out of the habit of thinking about how others would react to things......but i have to..... cuz i wanna post about !! ahhh idk. ill put it under the cut quick.
im!! so excited tonight will be myyyy first time ever wearing and USING an adult diaper.... idk what happened to me but ive been so into scat lately !???! i think i have gone insane .......
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imill · 2 years
Imagine Kaveh just recovered from a diarrhea illness, just to realise he spread it to alhaitham… also slay w ur Kaveh Diarrhea hcs
(anon wanted headcanons, specified in a second ask)
CW scat mention, but the whole thing is about diarrhea, so please no read-y if it makes you uncomfortable!
alhaitham is probably less bothered by getting sick than kaveh, who is. just so fragile man, i wanna hold him.
but yeah, it starts with a dull ache in his stomach that he blames on not eating right, he’s very aware kaveh is sick with something, but since he gets sick from anxiety so often, it doesn’t really cross alhaithams mind that it might be contagious.
but he finds out relatively quickly, later that night when he’s in bed reading, with kaveh trying to fall asleep next to him, still feverish and groaning. his stomach is making lots of noise so alhaitham thinks it’s all just coming from kaveh. some farts too bc he told kaveh he doesn’t care, as long as kaveh feels better. but the pain in his own stomach grows and he starts to feel just… unwell, ill.
he decides to lay down and falls asleep quickly, waking up just as quick, now drenched in sweat and scrambling to get up because it’s not just a stomach ache. curses as he sprints to the bathroom and doesn’t lock the door.
pulls his pants down and immediately something comes out, he rarely gets this sick but it’s bad this time. stomach rumbles loudly and it’s just. splattering into the toilet bowl. he is miserable.
has his head in his hands at first because he’s so tired but the cramps tear him to shreds, so he keeps trying to appease his abdomen and stomach by rubbing it. lots of “agh” “ow” “fuck”, etc. he’s super sweaty from fever too.
when he feels like nothing is coming out anymore, he cleans himself up and takes his temperature. yeah, he’s got a fever and a pretty bad one. spends some time with his eyes closed, holding himself up over the sink and just burping and spitting into it, then when he feels safe enough to go back to bed, he leaves the bathroom.
kaveh is awake and has probably thrown up somewhere, making a mess is his specialty. but he looks at alhaitham very concerned, asking him if he’s alright, he doesn’t look good, etc. alhaitham just goes “hmhm” and lays down again and kaveh waits a bit before whispering “you got it too, huh?” then maybe some sniffles bc he’s obviously a wreck and crying a little “i didnt mean to get you sick, im really sorry..”
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milfbro · 2 years
I'm a firm believer in using tumblr on firefox mobile. It's objectively the worst way to use this site but on the other hand, I can block almost all the new features and still use tumblr while taking a shit
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julianobungus · 2 years
Belos having an accident and trying to hide it
So like, I'm reading this in two ways, if you'll pardon my perversions:
He's been legitimately hurt and he's trying so hard to hide his obvious physical pain from his loved ones and peers.
He has to wear diapers and he had an 'accident' (regardless of whatever it exactly is) and he's so so so embarrassed and mortified. He can't change himself right now, and all he can do it wallow in his self-loathing and fear.
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william-bergers-buns · 2 months
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I watched Fasthand last night and aside from how much I was getting annoyed with it I was loving Machedo akhsjd-
By the end of it it took several minutes for him to actually show up and I was wondering what the hell he might've been doing the whole time while all the other guys were doing their thing
Then my stupid brain started thinking "what was he doing, taking a dump somewhere?"
So that's my headcanon-
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pmak2002 · 1 year
Food Poisoning at 10.000 Feet.
Dave groaned and squirmed in his seat next to you on the flight. He felt his insides twisting around and around. He reached for your hand and squeezed it.  Of course he had to get food poisoning before getting on a long haul flight to Europe for the Foo fighters Europe tour. 
"Are you sure you'll be ok David?" You asked  He shook his head. He was getting worse by the minute.  "Do you need to used to use the bathroom?" You asked. Dave nodded and quickly got up and ran into the small airplane toilet. Thankfully Dave's stomach only purged from one end and not the other. (Although Dave almost preferred vomiting over pooping lest his body ever let him.) 
You waited patiently until Dave returned. He soon came back holding his stomach and looking even worse. "Oh Dave you really don't look good." You said worriedly as he came back to his seat.  "I feel like shit." He says as he collapses into his seat. You hand him a blanket and he curls up with it and falls asleep kinda. He was mostly struggling to get comfortable and he was sweating a lot too. Clearly running a fever. You hoped he'd be better by the time you'd all land. 
Unfortunately it was a very long flight and Dave was unable to sleep. He looked miserable and he kept getting up to use the restroom. 
Each time he came back he looked worse and worse. "Oh Davey come here." You say as you open your arms to him after he returns from the bathroom for the thirtieth time. 
He curled up next to you and he grabs your hand. You wrap your arms around his bubbling middle. He groaned in pain and burped.  "You feeling any better?" You ask. He shakes his head and closes his eyes trying to sleep.
Later on. 
Dave was only getting sicker and sicker by the minute and he looked it too. His stomach hurt so much. He couldn't stay still and still had to use the bathroom a lot. By the time you landed the next day. Dave was super miserable and could barely stand. The Foo fighters manager Gus called a doctor to the hotel as soon as everyone got off the plane. 
Once at the hotel you get Dave comfy in bed and the doctor hooks him up to IV fluids, and gives him a anti-diarrheal pill. You set up the hotel room trash can as a puke bucket on the off chance Dave does throw up. Which he does only twenty minuntes after you set  up the puke bucket. Dave groans and coughs up into the trash can as you hold it under his mouth. 
"Aw Dave You poor thing." You say worriedly as you rub his back as he pukes. Dave's poor body is shaking from the fever. After wiping the puke off his face and getting him comfy again. You curl up with Dave in bed. Grateful the girls are old enough to be in a room connected to your hotel suite so they can all have privacy away from their sickly father.
Shows had to be postponed and Dave wasn't happy about that. He would have petered working through it. But you and the doctor decided it wasn't a good idea. Dave was pissed but he felt so bad and agreed. 
It was a long few days until Dave fully recovered but once he was better the Europe tour could officially begin. 
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