QTVW Chapter 25
Showbiz* Sexy Queen (XII)
After Mei Mu Lan was thrown out of the room by Ling Yi Yao, she turned around and looked at the closed door with a dark look in her eyes and said,
 “Then I'll come back tomorrow and we'll go to the set together. Ling Yi Yao, good night.”
 With that, she turned around and walked towards her villa.
 She came home and made some food for herself. After she had eaten, she was about to take a shower when she received a phone call from the old Mei family home, from the family's butler.
 The butler first exchanged pleasantries with her and chatted for a while about the recent daily routine, then said that the weather was turning warm and that it was easy to catch a cold and fever at the turn of the year, so she should take care of her health.
 When Mei Mu Lan heard this, her heart warmed and she replied to him, saying,
 “Butler Mei, you too, although you are still suave and elegant, but for the sake of your health, you should pay attention to the temperature and not the manners ah.”
 The butler on the other end of the phone smiled and talked about many more things before inadvertently mentioning one thing, he said,
 “Master went to an auction abroad a few days ago to make arrangements for the work of the relevant person in charge, he has returned home by plane this afternoon, if you are free, you can come home to see.”
 Mei Mu Lan had already had the intention of going home to meet Father Mei, and hearing this, she nodded and spoke into the phone,
 “I'll be back tonight, it'll take me about two or three hours, you tell them to eat first, don't wait for me.”
 It seemed that the butler didn't expect her to agree, and it took a moment for the caller to say,
 “That's right, there's no such thing as a bad blood between father and daughter, you're right to think so, miss,”
 Then with a relieved smile he hung up the phone.
 Mei Mu Lan's gaze fell on the phone, but her eyes were unfocused, she was just dazed and lost in thought.
 After a quick flash of the original owner's memories in her mind, she got up, went to her room to change into something more modest and drove back to the house.
 When she arrived home, Father Mei was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, while his stepmother was sitting beside him, sipping slowly from a cup of tea. Although Father Mei was sitting upright at the moment, it was clear from his absent-minded expression and the way he looked towards the door from time to time that he was waiting for someone, and at this moment, the only one who could arrive home was Mei Mu Lan.
 When Mei Mu Lan saw this scene, no matter what, her heart was still warmed, she thought for a moment then walked up to Father Mei and said in a soft voice,
 “Father, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you well these days?”
 When Father Mei heard this, he stared at her in a daze, he hadn't heard Mu Lan call him father for a long time, and it had been a long time since they had been this close to each other.
 So he rose to his feet and said excitedly,
 “Mu Lan, come with me, I have something to tell you.”
 With that he turned and walked forward, not even bothering to put down the newspaper in his hand.
 When her stepmother heard him speak in this way, her face immediately stiffened and the cup of tea she was holding in her hand began to shake unsteadily.
 Her gaze looked at Mei Mu Lan with hatred, then after a cold look from Mei Mu Lan, she lowered her head again, not daring to meet her eyes again. That previous period of living with Mei Mu Lan for a few months was a living hell for her for so many years, and she never wanted to deal with Mei Mu Lan again.
 So she turned her head away, silent and angry, and when Mei Mu Lan saw her act so childishly, she shook her head in some amusement, then turned to follow Father Mei's silhouette and went after him.
 Father Mei's emotions were unstable at this time, he had actually wanted to find an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart communication with his daughter for a long time, but he had never been able to find the opportunity before.
 He poured a lot of care and love into her, and after his wife's death, he always wanted a chance to talk to his daughter, but after he was forced to marry his current wife, now her stepmother, the relationship between him and his daughter was completely severed.
 His daughter moved out of the house and never came back to the place, and every time he saw her, she had an angry and hateful look on her face that made it completely impossible for him to look her in the eye.
 And just today, his daughter's attitude had clearly eased up, so he wanted to take this opportunity to tell her what he had been thinking all these years.
 He led Mei Mu Lan back to his study and then the two just sat face to face on the sofa, talking together in an equal manner.
 Father Mei said slowly, how much he had noticed and missed her over the years, and how supportive he was of her choice to enter the film industry, as well as some of his opinions. And finally,
 “The reason I married your stepmother before was not for love reasons, but for cooperation. After your mother's death, I had to deal with the oppression of the clan, and for some internal reasons, we as a family could not do without a matriarch, and after I had considered it for a long time, it occurred to me that, instead of looking for a shrewd and unknown woman, I should look for a woman, whom I knew the details of, and who was not very clever and who is not too smart.
 I heard from the butler that you have been living at home for a long time, and during this time, you have also been working against your stepmother. I believe that after this period of time, you should have a comprehensive understanding of your stepmother, she is actually a big-breasted and relatively simple person, very easy to control, that's why I, choose her as my wife. I hope you don't blame your father, it was a choice that had to be made.”
 Mei Mu Lan then knew that there was such a □□□□□, which was not in the original owner's memory, because the original owner had died long ago, and before her death, indeed, as Father Mei had said, their relationship was not very good, and the original owner was very hateful towards her father.
 She could feel that Father Mei had treated the original owner with sincerity, and since the original owner had long since passed away, it was she who now occupied this body, so she should also take on the responsibilities that come with this identity, including returning Father Mei's fatherly love.
 So she said to Father Mei,
 “I was young and ignorant and caused you a lot of trouble. Now that I know the truth, I hope you can forgive me for being so rash and ignorant.”
 After hearing this, Father Mei was very happy and he said with a smile,
 “As long as we can make up as father and daughter.”
 The relationship between father and daughter improved completely after this conversation.
 The father and daughter continued to talk about their latest situation and it was only after two hours or so, with a sleepy look on her father's face, that Mei Mu Lan got up to say goodbye and left.
 When she left her father's room, Mei Mu Lan took out her mobile phone to check the time and found that it was already after twelve o'clock at night, it was so late in the day that it would take another hour or two to drive back to the villa.
 So she chose to stay at home, after all, there was a room of her own here too, so she stopped walking outside and turned in the direction of her own room.
 Some distance into the walk, on approaching her room, she heard a muffled voice.
 The voice was familiar, but the tone was unmistakably eerie.
 Curiosity rose and she slowly walked towards the origin of the sound. When she got there, she saw a public washroom, a place reserved for the guests of the Mei family, and how could anyone be here at this late hour?
 She was puzzled and went to the corner, looked there and saw Bai Jieying in a white dress in front of the mirror, she was facing the mirror at the moment, the mirror showed a condensed and gloomy face, the face belonged to Bai Jieying, but the expression was indescribably strange, full of resentment and hatred, completely different from the usual Bai Jieying.
 It's like - a different person.
 With a shock in her heart, Mei Mu Lan busily pushed herself into the shadow area and hid in a corner where Bai Jieying could not see her, and waited until after a while, that eerie accent reappeared.
 From where Mei Mu Lan was standing, she could only see Bai Jieying in the mirror, and seeing the strange woman in the mirror, she slowly spoke,
 “We had previously agreed that I would help you achieve your heart's desire and in return you would offer me your soul and life, what, now you regret it?”
 Mei Mu Lan frowned as a bold guess came to her mind, the woman who was speaking now, couldn't be the one who had crossed over, could she?
 After her words fell to the ground, another voice sounded, still the same tone in fact, but with a world of difference in emphasis.
 Bai Jieying's voice was tinged with urgency and anxiety as she said,
 “I regret it, I don't want to give my body to you just to a scum and bitchy woman who has wronged me. I can't accept your methods, I don't want to breathe under different men and women, get out of this body for me.”
 The woman in the mirror suddenly smiled again, and she said,
 “The agreement has been made, don't you think it's too late to regret it now? Even if you regret it now, it's too late. I'm the one who uses this body most of the time now, so feel free to let your soul dissipate, and I will do what I promise, I swear by my name, Shu Yinge.”
 Bai Jieying's eyes snapped open after hearing these words, she lost the use of her body before she could speak again, after half a minute the traveler entered Bai Jieying's body again, she straightened her clothes in the mirror and then walked towards the front door with a light smile, she had to meet Miss S tonight and it would not be good to be late.
 Only when Bai Jieying's footsteps were far away did Mei Mu Lan turn around with a frown, return to her room and dart to **.
 After what happened this evening, she was enlightened.
 The traveler was given the right to use the body by agreement, so if she killed Bai Jieying directly, it would only be the original Bai Jieying who would die, while the soul of the traveler in question could not say whether it would die or leave this body and go inside another body.
 In that case, it seems that the traveler will only be truly resolved if the soul consciousness of the traveler is crushed.
  【"Ding", congratulations to host Mu Lan for understanding the true meaning of "solving the travelers", as a reward, the system opens the traveler identification device and starts to use it immediately.】
 【Identification system in effect, identification content: The traveler of this world, named Shu Yinge, is a third-grade film actor from the Blue Star of the Galactic Plane, famous for making third-grade films and enjoying a high reputation on the Blue Star. Midway through her career as a film star, she quit the tertiary film industry and turned to film, appearing in a number of blockbusters and becoming the new queen of Blue Star.】
 【Shu Yinge was a superb actress, but was in trouble because after she became famous for making films, she was approached by more and more big bosses who threw money at her, and was eventually chopped up and killed by her own boss's wife. After death, the soul's resentment could not dissipate, and after the accidental breakage of the virtual space-time, it took advantage of the broken passage and entered the virtual space-time, becoming Bai Jieying.】
 【The reason why the system was solving her: she killed Ling Yi Yao at the late stage of becoming the Shadow Queen, causing the space-time to be disturbed and the world to collapse after three years, killing thousands of living beings, breaking the laws of virtual space-time and being disposed of by the virtual space-time administrator with soul destruction.】
 【Host Mu Lan has received a new mission, the mission content: destroy the traveler Shu Yinge. May host Mu Lan complete the mission soon.】
  After listening to the voice in her head, Mei Mu Lan immediately frowned, puzzled in her heart: why would the traveler killing Ling Yi Yao cause the virtual space-time to collapse? Who the hell is Ling Yi Yao? What does it have to do with virtual time and space?
 Why, in virtual time and space, is it necessary to formulate tasks for system administrators to raid villainous bosses?
 There were too many doubts, and Mei Mu Lan could not think of a reason even if she thought about it, so she stopped dwelling on it and turned to thinking about how to destroy the souls of the traveler.
 After she became a movie queen, she didn't really want to go back to her old life, but in order to continue on this path in the acting world, she had to commit herself to doing what she didn't want to do under the bosses of various acting companies.
 This traveler's soul is not considered a complete Shu Yinge, but only an amalgamation of Shu Yinge's grievances.
 To resolve a cloud of resentment, one would be to impress her with good thoughts, which are not suitable for one's own use;
 And the other simple and brutal way is to defeat her completely.
 Mei Mu Lan does not know how to defeat her completely, but she knows how to make Bai Jieying return to her body, that is to hinder the progress of the travelers' mission. One of her agreements with Bai Jieying is to help her, to stand at the top of the entertainment industry and become the queen of all movies.
 The other agreement is to take revenge on the scum and the best friend and make them regret it.
 After thinking about it, Mei Mu Lan planned to throw the scum and her best friend to a corner first, where Bai Jieying couldn't find them. The world was so big, it wasn't an easy thing to find two people, let alone someone deliberately obstructing her.
 The other way to thwart Bai Jieying is to take her time in planning. Fortunately, she has collected a lot of videos and pictures of Bai Jieying before, and they are all pictures of her walking out of the hotel with different men in the middle of the night.
 However, releasing it just like that would not achieve a shocking effect, and she would have to wait patiently for a suitable time to do so.
 The next day, after reporting to the set of 《Love in a Fallen City》, Mei Mu Lan went to ask Miss S to help her out.
 She told Miss S about the original owner's conflict with Bai Jieying, but Miss S, after learning about it, instead smiled badly and said,
 “I've spent so many nights with her, and she's made me so comfortable, I couldn't let her go, if……”
 She paused and looked teasingly at Mei Mu Lan.
 Mei Mu Lan looked at her coldly and said,
 “Then I'll get Aunt Wen and ask her to talk to you.”
 Miss S's face turned hard as she grunted when she heard the words,
 “I really don't know if I owe you mother and daughter in a previous life, one or two of you are using Wen Xueluo to threaten me, all right, hurry up and get out of my sight or I'll regret it.”
 Mei Mu Lan was originally only thinking about it, but she didn't expect it to work so well, she smiled cheekily and said,
 “Thank you so much Auntie, you are so kind!”
 With that, she left with a cheerful smile.
 Leaving Miss S, stamping her feet in place and gritting her teeth.
 Sure enough, on the third day, after the casting results for 《Love in a Fallen City》came out, there was no Bai Jieying's name on it. After reading the display board, Mei Mu Lan glanced at Bai Jieying and saw her pale face and stiff expression at that moment, and sighed in her heart: I sympathise with you too, but if the task is not completed, it will be me who dies.
 Given the option of either you die or I die, she had to choose her.
 After the casting results came out, Mei Mu Lan had one less thing on her mind and a sigh of relief in her heart. Instead, with a flourish, she took out five million from the bank and gave it to the scum and her best friend, using threats and enticements to force them out of the country and out of sight.
 During that time, Aunt Wen returned from abroad and gave Mei Mu Lan a call. The two of them talked for more than three hours, and Mei Mu Lan incidentally told Aunt Wen about Miss S's return to China to make a film.
 After listening, Aunt Wen was silent for a long time, and only when Mei Mu Lan asked worriedly did she say,
 “Miss S, was a friend of your mother and I. The three of us grew up together, and your mother was the oldest and gentle in nature, so she was our big sister.
 Miss S, on the other hand, is the youngest and the most arrogant and capricious, so she is our little sister. We had a good relationship back then, but something happened in the middle of it, so ...... your mother married your father and Miss S went abroad.
 But since she's back home, it means that she's forgotten about what happened back then, which is a good thing. Miss S is very serious about her work, so you have to listen to her, okay?”
 Mei Mu Lan replied,
 “O, I know, I'll do as she asks, thank you Auntie Wen.”
 “It's fine.”
 Aunt Wen hung up the phone and searched for Miss S's phone number from eight years back, and then, after a long, long hesitation, dialed the number there.
 This number, which is seven or eight years old, was inadvertently given to her at the time and she never thought she would actually be able to dial it.
 After a phone tone, the call was answered and a familiar voice came through, in a tone that had never been colder, and she said,
 “Who is it?”
 When the call was answered, Aunt Wen was silent, she didn't know what she wanted to say and was about to hang up when a scolding voice came from the other side, saying,
 “Damn, Wen Xueluo, you psycho, calling and not making a sound, you're dumb, right? I'm telling you, ......”
 Aunt Wen couldn't help but laugh when she heard the familiar scolding accent, then said,
 “Cheapskate, I'm Wen Xueluo ......”
 Miss S on the other end of the phone was choking in general, unable to say a word, she deflated her mouth and secretly cut out a cry of contempt!
Sorry if I haven’t uploaded this pass days. School is keeping me busy and really stressed so I decided to upload chapters every Tuesday and Friday. Thank you for reading!
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