QTVW Chapter 11
The Future* President's Fiancee (XI)
The scene fell silent for a moment, and no one spoke again.
An Mu Lan lowered her head and her gaze fell on Father An. At that moment, Father An was holding a black jade walking stick in his hand, his hand was rubbing on the top of the stick, and the veins on his hand were clearly visible, so you could see that he was very angry now.
An Mu Lan's eyes rolled, she knew that what Father An had said earlier were just words of anger, he definitely did not mean to hand over the An family to her.
He is probably saying this now because he is under pressure from the family clan to let himself go out and be a shield for a while, and once he waits until the pressure from the family side diminishes, he will definitely take away these rights immediately.
An Mu Lan snorted disdainfully, in fact she had no intention of taking over the An family power, but seeing this attitude of Father An, she had the bad intention to sit this matter out and give him a blow.
With that in mind, she thought to herself: It looks like she needs to plan something in secret.
Her thoughts were dark in her mind when Father An, sitting beside her, let out a wrenching cough that interrupted her thoughts.
She hurriedly took a few steps forward, bent down and patted Father An's back, and said in a soft tone,
"Father, no matter what, good health is the most important thing. I think this matter, the brothers didn't mean it, this Miss Ye Zixuan, after all, hasn't come back for a long time, the brothers are understandably a bit excited to see her now and said some angry words. Father, you'd better go back and rest first, I will talk to my brothers, just don't worry."
When Father An heard these words, a hundred different feelings came to his mind.
He looked at the meek An Mu Lan with a complicated expression and then at his four indifferent sons before finally letting out a long sigh and saying,
"That's all, let's stop here for today, Mu Lan, you can stay tonight, the clan elders are coming over tomorrow and you haven't seen them for a long time, stay and meet them tomorrow and exchange pleasantries with the elders."
With that, without waiting for An Mu Lan to answer, he stood up himself and, with An Mu Lan's help, left the living room, never again paying attention to the people sitting in the living room with different expressions.
After An Mu Lan helped Father An upstairs to his bedroom on the first floor, Father An sat**, silently looking out the window, and said in an emotional tone,
"In fact, I have long forgotten about that incident back then, and you are not entirely to blame for that incident with your mother. I now love you as my own daughter, your four brothers are not fighting for their lives, I hope that between you siblings, there will not be a divide, you are after all blood dissolved in water."
An Mu Lan knew that he was now playing the affection card, saying nice things, but in reality, he was doing something completely different.
Father An coughed, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and continued breathlessly,
"When you meet the clan elders tomorrow, I want you to put in a good word for your brothers in front of them, they are still young and sometimes it is human to do the wrong thing. If you do as I say, I will share some of the shares of the An family with you, but ......"
His eyes grew stern as he said,
"Don't think about what doesn't belong to you, let alone touch it, or I'll break off the father-daughter relationship with you."
An Mu Lan cursed in her heart: after warmth, the threats began, it seemed that the original owner had definitely picked up the pieces, ah. Giving a candy and a whip, completely domesticating a pet, how could this be the attitude a father should have towards his own daughter?!
She hated it in her heart, but smiled warmly on her face and said,
"What are you saying, father? My brothers and I are from the same mother, so if I don't help them, who will? Don't worry. Father, rest for a while, until dinner time, Mu Lan will come and wake you up for dinner."
With that, she covered Father An with a thin blanket, then turned and walked out.
An Mu Lan returned to her room, which was still clean and tidy as she still had servants to tidy it up.
She opened her personal terminal and checked the time, noticing that it was only six in the afternoon, while at this time on weekdays, when she was still staying in Ling Xihan's physical exercise room, she was practicing the use of gun machinery, and Ling Xihan would teach her herself when she had free time. She had seen the indifference between relatives at this moment, and now missed Ling Xihan a million times over.
An Mu Lan thought of this, then clicked on the address book, found the top column, pressed the button to dial, and after only three seconds of waiting, the other side was connected, and the figure of Ling Xihan appeared on the other side of the screen, and it could be seen that she was signing documents at this time.
An Mu Lan clicked on the "life-size" screen next to the screen and chatted face-to-face with Ling Xihan.
With a look of regret on her face, she said,
"I'm going to stay at the An family tonight, poor big CEO Ling Xihan has to stay alone, hey, how can you spend such a lonely and unbearable night?"
After hearing this, Ling Xihan raised an eyebrow indifferently and continued with the task at hand, her hands swept over one document after another and then said slowly and methodically,
"Is there anything else? If there's nothing else, I have to work."
An Mu Lan stopped her and said,
"Don't, I just want to talk to you, I won't disturb you,"
She smiled, then lay back**, her arms propped up on her chin, the softness of her body in front of her, forming a seductive curve as she smiled wickedly and said,
"How are you going to sleep tonight without me to hold you?"
The signature under Ling Xihan's hand paused, she finally lifted her head, tossed the electronic pen onto the table casually, and then moved lazily to unbutton her collar, revealing her delicate collarbone. She said,
"Then how about I meet you in your bedroom tonight?"
She smiled wickedly, her narrow eyes narrowed, looking extraordinarily seductive and alluring.
An Mu Lan couldn't help but swallow, she blushed and looked down, then pretended to be oblivious and said,
"You said it yourself, don't go back on your word, I'm opening the window right now. If you don't come, humph!"
Ling Xihan shook her head in amusement and said,
"I'll be visiting the An family this afternoon after work, how can I miss it when there's a good show on?"
She picked up her pen to work again, and in an instant regained her cold demeanour and asked blandly,
"Is there anything else?"
An Mu Lan smiled happily, with two distinct dimples at the corners of her mouth, and made a kissing face at the screen before saying,
"I'm looking forward to it."
And turned off the video.
After the room had quieted down, An Mu Lan began to think about tomorrow, after letting the four brothers of the An family go for so long, it was time to kill them all. As for Ye Zixuan, she was now nothing more than a pale woman, and it would be easy to deal with her.
A more difficult one to deal with is Zhang Yao. This woman was already vicious and ruthless, and now that she is in charge of the Zhang family, she is afraid that she will be even more difficult to deal with. In the past few years, although the Zhang family had endured many blows, it was still the number one triad force in the future world and its strength should not be underestimated.
An Mu Lan lay on her **thinking for a long time, but still had no clue, her thoughts turned to the wedding in a month's time, her cheeks couldn't help but blush, she remembered once when she and Ling Xihan were **touching each other, Ling Xihan whispered in her ear, she said to take things further on the wedding night.
Although Ling Xihan grew up in the future world, some of her ideas about love are still very primitive and retro. She respects** and doesn't mess around with relationships, and after spending all these years together, An Mu Lan has learned something about Ling Xihan.
Ling Xihan grew up in the slums; she had no father, only a mother who was in the brothel business.
It is said that her mother, also a member of the slums, was beautiful in her youth and had many suitors, but was once deceived by a handsome young man and they married and had a child, but it was not long before the man disappeared completely and her mother then realized that she had been deceived.
After this incident, her mother, who was already neurotic, became even more hysterical and incoherent, she regularly beat Ling Xihan and denied her food.
Growing up in such an environment, Ling Xihan has seen so much of the dark side of s**t that she has become vindictive and ruthless, but even so, she is still a person of principle who wants a home of her own and an intimate and pure lover.
An Mu Lan knew that they were getting along well now, but it wasn't enough, she needed to do something to make Ling Xihan give her heart, otherwise she would die if the mission failed.
An Mu Lan thought silently, but did not have the slightest clue.
When it was time for dinner, she sat on the sofa and said to Father An,
"Father, Xihan is coming over tonight, she says she hasn't seen you for a long time and wants to come and visit you this time."
Father An nodded, indicating that he knew, and then twirled the cane in his hand without saying a word.
A short while later, the doorbell rang and she smiled as she stood up and walked to the door to open it, to see that the visitor was indeed Ling Xihan, who nodded at her and walked in.
At that moment, Ling Xihan had a gentle smile on her face as she handed the butler the gift she had brought and then politely said,
"Greetings, Father, it has been a long time. Hello to the four brothers."
The four men of the An family nodded their heads in response, their eyes still on Ye Zixuan.
Father An's face sank at this, but he still smiled lovingly and said,
"Yes, it has indeed been a long time, how has Xihan been doing lately? Did Mu Lan give you any trouble?"
Ling Xihan smiled at his words and looked at An Mulan, who was standing to one side with a good little daughter-in-law look on her face, and said,
"Mu Lan is well, and her father has been very successful in educating her."
During this time, An Mu Lan was busy serving dishes to Ling Xihan and Father An, while Zhang Yao, who was also a guest, was looking at Ling Xihan's face, her eyes greedy and deep.
After eating, Father An led Ling Xihan to the study to talk while Zhang Yao looked at An Mu Lan with a look that was about to eat her, and then made mouth movements and said,
"I want you dead."
An Mu Lan raised an eyebrow and smiled, a sudden flash of light came to her mind and she shrugged without moving her shoulders and went to the kitchen to make dessert.
She made a lot of cakes and took them out to give one to each of her brothers, and took two more trays to Father An's study. She stood outside the door and waited for a short while before Ling Xihan came out.
An Mu Lan handed one of the plates to the housekeeper and asked him to give it to Father An, while the other plate was in her own hands, talking to Ling Xihan while walking towards her room.
Sitting on the couch where she had initially sat when she came to An Mu Lan's room, Ling Xihan tasted the slightly bitter dessert and narrowed her eyes in satisfaction that it was her preferred taste.
An Mu Lan laid on her back**, supporting her chin and looking at her with a smile, deep love and laughter in her eyes, while she recounted the events of the day completely.
Ling Xihan nodded occasionally to show that she was listening, and after she had finished her dessert, she drank some tea to moisten her lips and said,
"It's a great opportunity, I'll arrange it, just wait and see what tomorrow brings."
An Mu Lan looked at her suspiciously, she knew Ling Xihan's usual style, if she didn't want to talk about it, even if she was pampered, she didn't think she would tell her.
In short, once Ling Xihan strikes, she will definitely achieve the best result, just like the Li family banquet three years ago.
An Mu Lan nodded in understanding and said,
"Our Xihan is the smartest, I'm waiting for a good show."
The two continued to talk for a while, reading the news of the day and communicating. When night fell, the two washed and bathed, kissed and touched before going to sleep.
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