#Poor old man
immediatebreakfast · 2 days
I'll be quiet, Doctor. Tell them to take off the strait-waistcoat. I have had a terrible dream, and it has left me so weak that I cannot move. What's wrong with my face? it feels all swollen, and it smarts dreadfully.
God, these are the first words that came out of Renfield's mouth after being brutally attacked by the Count to the point of unconsciousness, then seeing Seward first after being woken up. It speaks on so many unsaid things, and actions that came before the Count, before the Harkers, even before Jonathan set a single foot in Transylvania. How much has this old man suffered at the hands of the people supposed to care for him, who use his money then discards him without thoughts on his personhood, and the man who treated him like some kind of experiment until the very end.
I can't see any kind of righteous fury, nor even pity coming from Seward or Van when they began the surgery that would let Renfield talk one last time. Only Quincey, the man who has seen everything, calls for an explanation after seeing the mangled state of the poor old man, who sacrificed his life for the sole young woman (so young that she could be his daughter) who spoke to him like a human being in who knows how many years.
Renfield is a tragic character until the very end. The representation of the vulnerable, of the mentally disabled who receive no mercy from an uncaring system set up to fail them. Even the narrative itself cares less from his state, and his suffering once the groups gets all of the information they needed from him, leaving Renfield alone while agonizing; in the dark of what happened to Mina's salvation.
Utterly manipulated by the Count, dangling his freedom in front of him while feeding lies on eternal life. Never revealing anything, and being treated like a fool without a second moment to breathe. Is Renfield destined to always end up inside those four walls, will he ever be truly free, or seen like a person?
Go long old man, go long, right over the edge of the earth, and jump to a place where there is no pain nor suffering at the hands of your fellow human beings. Maybe Renfield will find a girl in a white nightgown, waiting for someone on the other side, and they will chat about frivolous things in a way that neither could when they were alive.
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" Out of Line"
It's the person who's "out of line" who is always told to, "Get back in line!"
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I'm "out of line," and the students tell me to, "Get back in line!" But I say, "No, " and I saw a smaller line, and they all seemed happy and stood out as different. They were dressed in school uniform. So I started making my way over there. And the teacher of the line I left came and asked me to, "Get back in line" and when I replied, "No", immediately that teacher took it to the principal and now the principal and teachers from my original class started threatening me in front of the students. Who were trying to scare me to get back in place. When I started to break down and cry, my original classmates and other students of that class said, "If you would have stayed in line, this wouldn't have happened to you!" Even with that being done, I kept making my way to the other line. Now, the teachers became furious, and bullies from that school approach me, telling me to turn around. Once again, I refused, so the principal gave a "signal" to the bullies, and they said, "Fine, you could go." As I turned and walked a couple steps further, they added by yelling, "This school dressed you! So we're taking your clothes from off your back!" They started ripping the clothes off of me in front of my classmates and other students. "Hahahaha," they would all laugh as I became naked. Once, I was stripped, and the students of that class noticed the scars and bruises on my naked body. The bullies moved aside so all could see, and I saw pointing, I heard whispering and laughing, and from the laughing crowd, words came out, "How long you had that there!" followed by more laughter. I even heard the ones that had pitty for me say, "If he would have only stayed." At that exact time, I got up from off the ground and turned my back against them
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bevy-of-humanity · 5 days
The moment he says “most of these kids weren’t alive when you scored the golden goal” 😂😂😂
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andreawritesit · 7 months
My sister hasn't watched One Piece yet but she wanted to see the Live Action and so she did. One thing she asked me was that why is Garp always so angry.
I cannot tell her that the reason he's so angry all the time is because all his offsprings, blood-related as well as adopted, became notorious wanted men lmaoo. Between Monkey D. (world's most wanted man) Dragon, Portgas D. (Fire-fist) Ace, Monkey D. (Future Pirate King) Luffy, and Sabo the actual menace, I'm surprised Garp is still somewhat sane.
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exdeputysonso · 2 months
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Brad Dourif as Tom | Black Box (2012)
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mister-bibst · 2 months
putting a gun to ur head…………draw gerpan kissing………..NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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don't threaten me, i can do something irreparable to China /j
he is mentally damaged
btw, this is my first art in a clip studio tho
small announcement. im taking a short break in art here, bc im going to work on my oc's. i understand why you've gathered here, so don't worry, i won't post this here. as soon as i notify my need for oc's, i'll get back to requests (omggg there are a lot of them thank you for giving mе)
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ask-dadpleasant · 5 months
Are there any of your siblings out there who could be alive and well? You have a lot of them, is there not a slight chance one of them managed to make it like you?
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
"Some day soon the Angel of Death will sound his trumpet for me. But don't ye dooal an' greet, my deary!"—for he saw that I was crying—"if he should come this very night I'd not refuse to answer his call. For life be, after all, only a waitin' for somethin' else than what we're doin'; and death be all that we can rightly depend on. But I'm content, for it's comin' to me, my deary, and comin' quick. It may be comin' while we be lookin' and wonderin'. Maybe it's in that wind out over the sea that's bringin' with it loss and wreck, and sore distress, and sad hearts. Look! look!" he cried suddenly. "There's something in that wind and in the hoast beyont that sounds, and looks, and tastes, and smells like death. It's in the air; I feel it comin'. Lord, make me answer cheerful when my call comes!"
Oh, Mr. Swales... It was no Angel of Death that came for you, but a devil. You were right about its approach, but so wrong about its nature, and it was not a death that you could ever welcome.
There is an additional cause in that poor old Mr. Swales was found dead this morning on our seat, his neck being broken. He had evidently, as the doctor said, fallen back in the seat in some sort of fright, for there was a look of fear and horror on his face that the men said made them shudder. Poor dear old man! Perhaps he had seen Death with his dying eyes!
It really is so sad how Mr. Swales' prediction came true in the worst of ways. And the dramatic irony of his lines about how ridiculous superstitions were is fulfilled, horribly so.
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Five: need I remind you I’m over 60 years old
Diego: yeah but your body’s about 20 & you’ve got a good 60 more to go. Assuming you don’t manage to get yourself killed before then
Five: Jesus fuck, you’re right
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mekonfoy · 10 months
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radiopixelctive · 2 years
nobody: not even a single soul: Sammy Lawrence in chapter 5 (BATDR):
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k-chips · 2 years
Dadvell AU: Arven actually helping Clavell with his Clive disguise, he kept the wig though because he found it hilarious. Clavell didn't know any better, so imagine Arven's surprise that it actually worked except to Riley xD
Maybe Arven giving Clavell pants instead of those shorts instead.
Arven laughing his ass off while helping him lol
He wanted to give him pants but Clavell insisted with the shorts and so Arven thought "you know what, this is more fun"
The first time "Clive" met Riley, Arven followed them and hide behind a tree, he wanted to see how Riley would react and what kind of stupid things Clavell would say.
He almost got himself cought when Riley said "Director Clavell?" and he burst out laughing
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doinggreat · 1 year
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OLIVIER GIROUD & KINGLSEY COMAN Le message des Bleus au XV de France ! 🏟️🐓 I FFF 2023
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mikopikopon · 1 year
They are not giving this old man a break
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angelxd-3303 · 2 years
It was just a normal supply run; Porter never expected to bump into the Ink Demon himself. Nor did he expect the two demons to get along so well...
Also, I need help naming my ink demon; I can't decide on a name for her, so if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
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gearfoeging · 2 years
Alright, this is baby's first publicly posted fanfic so apologies if it's bad... also written on a phone at 5:30 AM.
Edit: I was originally gonna do all the scribes in this post but I'm so sleepy and I really wanna post this so I'll do more parts with the others if y'all want :)
The scribes deal with an S/O who subconsciously munches on miscellaneous items.
"Don't put that in your MOUTH!"
Pt. 1 (Leshy)
It was quiet at Leshy's cabin, the two of you hunched over either end of a table in dim candle light, while a storm raged and wailed against the old brittle wood of your cozy accommodations. You had been playing for a few hours now and exhaustion was starting to creep up on you. You had already made a multitude of misplays that had ended up costing you two of your candles, and nearly extinguished your third. Now more than ever you had to focus.
Leshy had noticed before your habit of chewing on your nails or biting your lip. It happened often when you where either anxious or too concentrated on what you where doing to notice. It wasn't too concerning, you usually stopped before you drew blood, which happen occasionally but not often. Today, however, Leshy was very much surprised and absolutly mortified when he had looked up from his cards and seen you, sleepy but intensely focused, gnawing on the pair of golden scissors usually kept to the side of the table with your other items. He froze for a moment, registering the situation, before he reached over the table and snatched the tool from your loose grip. You sputtered, nearly dropping the hand you had just been so closely studying, and stared wide eyed at the scribe in front of you.
Both of you sat there for a moment, in startled silence, before you looked down to see the golden scissors you had been contemplating using held in a death grip. There was a bit of drool dripping off the handle, and you realized you must have started chewing on them absentmindedly. At the realization, and the petrified look on Leshy's face, you started to grin, then a small giggle escaped you, and soon you were doubled over the table laughing. Now Leshy was acually frightened. Why were you trying to eat the scissors?? why were you laughing so hard?!? You caught your breath after a moment and sat up, whipping the tears from your eyes.
"Oh my stars I'm sorry, I didnt mean to scare you there Leshy!"
He just sat there, eyeing you cautiously, so you figured you should elaborate. After a brief explanation of your bad habit and how you weren't acually trying to eat the scissors, Leshy seemed to calm down, at least a little bit. Following that, you both decided it would be best to get some sleep, and leave your game for another night when you where less likely to try munching on any other items or even the cards in your deck.
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