#Percy and Tyson on their way to being the token white kids
theymademesignup08 23 hours
The child of divorce:
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The parents:
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punkeropercyjackson 8 months
Percy Jackson headcanons megamasterpost
Monoracial black but mixed etchnicity since Poseidon is black-greek and Sally is an afro-dominican third gen inmigrant.Darkskin,big nose that adorns his face,thick lips and 4c type hair.His iconic sea green eyes remain unchanged because black people with green eyes >>>>>>
6'4 by his 20s thanks to demigod genes and a realistic tank-As in,dosen't have rippling muscles because ew but instead a healthy mix of fat and muscle that gives him a thick build.Stops shaving the lower half of his face too but not his upper lip because he thinks mustaches are ugly
Lots of hairstyle changes through the saga.Baby dreads in TLT,wicks by TTC,twists by TLO,afro for most of SON due to not remembering anything so he dosen't know his old styles but decides on dreads near the end and keeps them until he's 19 when he's let his hair grow out so much he's decided on past the shoulder locs instead.Starts wearing beads by MOA and they're usually blue or used because they remind him of his loved ones
His gray streak naturally faded to white instead of completely and he hates the Jason Todd jokes because he's his least favorite Robin(His favorites are of course Dick Grayson,Duke Thomas,Stephanie Brown and Maps Mizoguchi)
Transfem bigender and femme-leaning.Was on estrogen but light dosages and for a short amount of time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries
Crustpunk with some kidcore and a bit of seapunk going on(Purely a Sally influence).She has a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears,wears makeup in y2k black woman and punk styles,her battle jacket is dark sea blue with silverish blue spikes on the shoulders and pockets and frills around the collar and the patches are the dominican and trans flags,the anarchy and autism symbols and ones that represent his most important people:A black mermaid for Sally,a skull for Nico,a yellow diamond for Hazel,a stallion for Tyson,a gupie for Estelle and you can choose one for whoever you most ship him with too,she values comfort and nonconformity over looking hot but does like glam and she looks scary as shit to normies but like a super ultra cool potential friend to weirdkids and other trans people
These presentation things were either all bought from thrift stores,homemade/done or given to her by Rachel with her dad's money as reperations
Retractable shark teeth after being given Poseidon's blessing in BOO
Her canon rbf inhereted from Poseidon and cocky troublemaker smirk but also has what her friends call her 'angelshark smile' that's one of the most beautiful and genuine one's ever and extra rare to see because she rarely does it
A significant amount of scars for realism and rep but nothing too bad
Blue and black-coded but with pink elements
Their durags and bonnets are all blue
From Pjo to Tales of Dead Seas(My fansequel that happens instead of Toa),she goes from severely insecure in her looks to knowing she's god-level hot but not caring unless it's for jokes or getting complimented by those closest to her
Same sense of humor,poor social skills,anger issues and merciless tendencies as canon and will always be that way but her emotional regulation has gotten so much better
Sally being the mom of all time made her turn into a Team Mom and Poseidon's neglect made him decide to be a better father than he could ever be so he's a Team Dad too and these are canon like above but they're amped up to explicitly parental habits like platonic kisses for his pseudo-kids and cooking for them and getting into their interests with them even if they're out of his age range
And one last canon adjusted thing is that he still hates the gods but it's kicked up several notches by him actually managing to kill Zeus like he did Luke in TLO because she was who the Great Prophecy was about and thus making the remaining ones so scared of her they can't stop her and the other demigods and non-god greco-roman beings with a few token deity allies from revolutionizing the system in Tods.They're titled 'The Hero and Destroyer of Olympus' because thanks to him their world is finally good
Autistic(actually canon regardless of Rick's intentions)but went largely undiagnosed despite very obviously having every single symptom because he dosen't fall under any stereotypes
Stans Riot Grrrl,Mcr,All Time Low,Rihanna,Lo-Fi Beats,The Front Bottoms,She/Her/Hers and Megan Thee Stallion
Exclusively buys his video games and legos secondhand due to being anti-capitalism,knows how to DIY so many things it's a running gag,goes to protests does charity work and graffitis with Rachel,is a straightedge and thinks Taylor Swift and Hot Topic are so sucks forever
Total cat lover and even has meowing as a vocal stim,perfers to eat with his hands,does paw hands like he does raptor,has a few cat based items and Hazel and Nico made him cat themed communication cards as a thank you for all he's done for them.And his favorite aquatic life is sharks so Sally calls him 'Tibur贸nsito'
Likes her everything as weird as possible-Her drips,her affection,her media,her food,her GENDER-She's a weirdo and proud
Socialist king
Her specific favorite foods are pancakes,flan,burgers,latino style cupcakes,hot chocolate and Bang energies and she's an extremely good chef even if she's not on Sally's level,her special interests are blue,kidcore,cats,horses(Mlp >>>>>>),video games and anarchy,glitter and water are big visual stims,her comfort items are Riptide,her CHB necklace and her battle jacket,her hyposensitivity is high even for a demigod and his meltdowns were angry while his shutdowns were dangerous for him but love and healthy coping mechanisms saved the day so his emotional regulation improvement covers this
I just realized i forgot the pins on his jacket馃槶He has tons but the most important ones are the 'i listen to punk with my mom','i killed god and all i got was this stupid button','i 鉂わ笍 NY' pizza box,pastel blue and white cats cuddling,pink game heart and the Riptide one his s/o diy'd him
Is a skater but not nearly as into it as the fandom thinks he is and he dosen't identify with ska at all.His board is black with white outlines and blue cat designs at the bottom
Final Girl Fanatic and indie horror enthusiast but not much else in that genre
A bit unrelated but he radicalized Nico and Hazel as is his eldest sibling duty and they're now goth punk and pastel goth punk and think he's the coolest ever
Aroaceflux bi with trauma out the ass so he's a first love,only love kinda guy and it's canon he's not actively interest in dating and ignores advances he dosen't want because they're always from girls and he dosen't wanna accidentally be a misogynist
Strictly autistic4autistic,punk4punk amd poc4poc with a preference for black women(regardless of heritage)
His type is pastel punks
Gotta be able to match his sense of humor and drives or else he just straight up won't be attracted
Not an 'I'm mean to you because i like you' kinda guygirl,he likes it cheesy and sappy and same goes for how he's treated
Subtly romantic diy gifts,uses calling someone hardcore and odd as flirting,if he cooks blue foods for someone he wants to confess to them but is too shy to and is especially protective on the battle yet somehow also as encouraging for the other to go all out because he thinks they can take on literally anyone solo
Will offer to punk up their hair and give them piercings at least once
Learns to make mixtapes just so he can give his first crush one once the epiphany hits
It definitely takes a few years because he's got so much shit going on in every way for it to come to him but his s/o never forces their feelings on her or else they'd become one-sided for them
Best friends since the Lightning Thief and one of the eight demigods of the Second Great Prophecy is the best route for him imo
Chaos couple and his partner evolves into his co-Team Parent for Hazel and Nico wether they like or realize it or not,including having a hand in their radicalization
Godly parents and abusive mortal parents hate him!This halfblood gave their kids standards for how they're treated
Arcade,skate park,punk,sea themed and other's godly parent based dates
She definitely went to teen girl magazines for advice
Dosen't go overboard with the son of the sea god stuff and gets uncomfortable and angry if anybody else does
Battle jacket drapped over them priviliges,sometimes given for no particular reason other than he's down bad
His s/o diy's them matching figurines of whichever fictional couple they're most like and she has the cocky flirty guy thing going on but only once the relathionship actually starts
His idea of a perfect relathionship by himself is someone who he choose to date instead of feeling pressured by expectations and being able to take the lead so he can actually be in control of his life(with their consent)for once
His nickname is 'Blue' and he uses 'babe','honey','sweets','mi mar','tesoro','babygirl' nonsexually and depending on gender and 'dude' romantically without a hint of irony regardless of it
Sally loves them so much and they love her too and hate Poseidon so much
Their daughter's named after Sally but she goes by Sal because she's a tomboy and also very sweet and soft and inherents almost all of Percy's looks but their other parents eyes.Complete daddy's girl but dosen't actually play favorites
Alright this one is short and so's the last part cause that one's just what i couldn't fit into the other categories
The strongest demigod fullstop,only Hazel can compare,but neither have an ego about it
His eyes go biolumenecent when he's especially brutal
He learns how to overcome his fear of his bloodbending thanks to Amphitrite's training but saves it for a last resort
In the third Tods book,Riptide gains counciousness due to how all that he's done with it and she's certainly Percy's companion by how she acts.She grows new gear and those are the greek word for 'ultimate' and a thicker and longer blade and manipulation of liquid to a small extent herself and her hilt tints itself an oceanic blue
Dosen't bother with storms because Zeus was so annoying about them he dosen't wanna create them himself
Can soothe aching wounds with water but not really heal them
No siren abilities and he's grateful for that since they creep him out
Sea creature speech includes krakens
As it turns out,the more he loves the sea,the stronger he gets and this is why he keeps his seapunk side in moderation
Eventually,as far forward as him being married,he can create water out of thin air and he fucks around with it more than serious training
Being a demigod gets way harder to hide in Tods and it's both funny and angsty
By some miracle,none of this ever goes to his head and he's as humble as ever can be
His full name is Perseo Isadore Jackson
Runs a vlog channel about legos and their sets,both fandom based and not,with bonus shitposts,recipe videos and info on punk culture
Owns a pair of black and colbat blue demonias Beckendorf gave him that're a little tight on him now but she still wears them to remember him by
Them,Sally,Nico and Hazel open up a family bussiness-A beach shack called just 'Jackson Familia Beach Shack' because 3/4 of them are autistic
In addition to he/she/they,she also has a hoard of neopronouns:Xe/blue/cookie/lego/meow/scale/dude/crayon
Superhero multiverse number is Earth 27 and in Marvel,he's a Spiderpunk variant who's 5 years older than Hobie and hosted Venom and in DC,he's a human-kryptonian hybrid who's got a parent-child relathionship with Clark and a second mom figure in addition to Lois in Sally and his Bats,Wonder,Flashes,Arrow and Aqua are Stephanie,Duke,Jason too depending on the verse,Yara,the Thawne cousins and Meloni,Emiko and Jacqui
His Pokemon variant is a multitype gym leader but his childhood partner and ace is an unevolved Piplup named Cookie and he runs his system in a way that makes it so he's always helping out kids
And if he were an animal,he'd be a catshark
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