kniftykat · 2 years
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A quiet magical forest containing playful butterflies who like to hang out with the deer. 🦌🦋❤️
Ya know, as we get further along into the month of October and this art challenge, I'm noticing I'm drifting to use more acryla gouache than watercolor. I enjoy both mediums but am finding it faster to work with gouache - it dries faster haha!
Day 11 - DEER for #kniftytober2022
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myramysticmoon · 2 years
Inktober Day 2 Part 1
Part 1/3. Yay for getting past the first day! Tbh I tried 2020 and 2021 to do Inktober on my own, and both times I didn't get past day 1. I think beginning things is the hardest part of the creative process to me, lmao. But now that we're past that block, things are looking pretty good! This first piece I think turned out really cute. I imagined a very lighthearted and playful scene with a little bit of spookiness. At least from the puppies' perspective.
Prompts: Scurry, Puppers, Frog
Lists: Official list, kniftykat's list, november-joy's list
A small band of puppies appear to be running about! One is a floppy-eared dachshund, another is a bold german shepard, and the third is a sweet labrador. All three stumble and scurry over each other, having fun playing outside in the soft grass of someone’s backyard. It has recently rained, so the cool dew on the lawn is exactly what the puppies needed to have a cool day. A tail wag here, a playful paw pull there, a cute sight for sure.
Oh? What’s this? The dachshund appears to have spotted something lurking in the grass! It jumps closer and closer, and by now the other two have noticed as well. The german shepard places themself heroically between the beast and the other two dogs, while the labrador tries to bark. Suddenly, out leaps the terrifying bea-! Oh, wait. The dogs all sit and stare in confusion. This creature seems to be quite small to be worried about, and too jumpy for it to be that fast. Is this a frog? Can this be a friend? The german shepherd carefully pads forward to investigate, gently leaning their snout down to the frog.
The frog, on the other hand, looks just as curious and cautious as the puppies. With a ribbit, they hop to the side of the german shepherd. This jumpscares the dogs a bit, but they ultimately decide their curiosity outweighs their fright. The frog then continues along their merry way back into the grass, but not before regarding all three puppies and giving a goodbye ribbit. The puppies also give a slight yip in response, look between each other, and then continue on playing in the cool yard. I suppose this makes them acquaintances with the newly found frog friend? They certainly hope so!
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daysofauldlangsyne · 2 years
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ii. nostalgia Idk why but when the sunrays light my room at dawn I can get very nostalgic with the decorated walls that surround me ever since I was a teenager.
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kniftykat · 2 years
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What better way to get back into the swing of doing art everyday and challenging yourself to work with new supplies and prompts than inktober or in this case #kniftytober2022 !
For more details on this challenge, please check out my Instagram post!
I'm so excited - expect some daily content (posts and videos!)
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kniftykat · 2 years
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Halloween Skull Moth ☠️🎃🦋
Day 14 - REFLECTION for #kniftytober
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kniftykat · 2 years
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Fall season means warm scarves and hot cocoa while watching colorful leaves fall to the ground outside.
I've said this a lot already but these professional grade watercolors are super vibrant - like THESE ARE THE COLORS! Not a lot of editing happened besides increasing exposure - crazy!
Day 8 - Bear for #kniftytober2022
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kniftykat · 2 years
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It's been a while since I drew a fox! I'm not sure if this photo captures the neat spiral texture in the background but really happy with how that turned out!
Day 6 - BRIGHT for #kniftytober2022
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kniftykat · 2 years
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You know how you watch a certain movie and then feel the, 'I need to paint this' passion light up inside you? That's how I feel EVERY TIME I watch Howl's Moving Castle when the beautiful valley scenes pop up. They're only on screen for a few seconds but oh my word - so stunning! Inspired by those scenes I wanted to try painting my own valley!
Day 7 - VALLEY for #kniftytober2022
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kniftykat · 2 years
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Day 3 - Drop for #kniftytober2022
It has just finished raining and now Mr. Snail has come out of hiding! I love this vibrant color green - it’s so happy and refreshing!
So far this piece has taken the longest because of the amount of time invested in creating DEPTH! So many layers of green watercolor were used to create darker leaves in the background. Thank goodness for blow dryers haha - helped so much with the drying process.
I have a bunch of process reels on my instagram feed if you’d like some more indepth look into my art process!
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kniftykat · 2 years
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Fishy blub blub After painting this fish, it makes me want to go to the aquarium again which I haven't been to in at least 10 years! I hope you all have a good Monday - it's always hard waking up early for work at the beginning of the week - oof! Thank goodness for coffee and green tea (and a new puppy for when ya get home lol) Day 10 - FISH for #kniftytober2022
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kniftykat · 2 years
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Sleepy Bean 😴
The prompt for this painting was inspired by Mission to Zyxx which I’ve been listening to throughout #kniftytober2022. I highly recommend this podcast if you enjoy improv, sci-fi, and comedy! oh my goodness, it’s so funny and the sound design is SO GOOD!
Day 13 - BEAN for #kniftytober2022
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kniftykat · 2 years
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Day 1 - Mountain I forgot to setup posts on tumblr so a little late on this but (mostly) starting #kniftytober2022 strong with this cute mountain illustration! Living in Colorado, I'm surrounded by beautiful mountains! In the evening you can see the sun setting behind them - when we fall back this season we'll be seeing the sun set after 5pm (eek). Cheers to the start of October and good luck to all artists taking part in the prompt challenges! If you're wanting to join kniftytober2022 this year, the prompt list and guidelines can be found in my feed!
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kniftykat · 2 years
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One of the BEST animes I've ever watched and Rengoku Kyojuro is one of my favs from the show! Maybe I'll just make a longer art process youtube video and talk about the series + gush about how cool Rengoku is haha!
If you're into anime, I highly recommend watching #demonslayer - the show is SO GOOD, oh my goodness! My father and I binge watched all 3 seasons in 2 weeks. Great plot line, character development, and the animation quality is top notch. Also, UGH - the feels! You'll have to make it to season 2 of Demons Slayer to really get to know Rengoku - it's a rollercoaster season... I guess you could say that about all the different Arcs/seasons haha!
OKAY, where are my Demons Slayer fans?! Let's talk my friends - what do you like about the show and who's your fav character(s)?
DAY 12 - ANIME for #kniftytober2022
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kniftykat · 2 years
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Sing ghostie, SING! 👻🎤🎶
Day 5 - PATTERN for #kniftytober2022
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myramysticmoon · 2 years
Inktober Day 1 Part 1
Welcome to the first day! Happy October everyone! This first bit of writing I'm pretty proud of. I've always loved bits of folklore like this. Though disclaimer, this isn't an actual bit of folklore. Any similarities are coincidence. Would be funny if I predicted a new cryptid, though. Anyway, I hope you enjoy 💜.
Prompts: Gargoyle, Mountain, Legend
Lists: Official list, kniftykat's list, a-chaotically-small-lunta's list
There is a village in the mountains west of here. I’ve visited it before. It’s a beautiful place, especially in autumn when the trees are painted gold and orange and crimson. Its people are equally as beautiful and diverse, too. Though, I’ve found the best people for travelers like me to talk to are the ones who love to share their stories to those who would lend an ear. Barkeeps, friendly and long-time residents, staff at the museum or the tourist center, and people who just look like they’ve lived a lot of life. Their stories are always interesting, but one sticks out to me above the rest. Everytime, it’s mentioned at least once. This village has it’s own legend.
    The legend always starts out the same. “Have you heard of the Gothwind Gargoyle?” Most times, the answer for me is yes, but I’m not one to turn down hearing a retelling. They often proceed to provide a basic explanation. Early in the town’s history, there was a rather famous cathedral that people from around the area would visit. On this cathedral’s roof sat four gargoyles, one for each corner outlooking the rest of the town, and one major one at the base of the tallest spire. It’s this major one that was particularly ornamented. Lion’s mane, talons, bat-like wings, draped in robes and with rubies for eyes. It’s this same one that disappeared in a particularly bad storm in the late 1800s. Now of course to skeptics, it was known that it had likely just fallen and broke into pieces that were later cleaned up. The roof was never subject to much repair and refurbishment, apparently. However, to those more superstitious folks, this wasn’t just a disappearance. This was a case of storm-brought animation! Thus started a search for this gargoyle and where it had gone. Though unfortunately besides a few false leads nothing much had come of the search, and after a year the event had lost its spark.
    Fast forward to a group of young adults in the 80s who had come to stay at the village inn. One night on their visit, they had decided to go out ghost hunting. Y’know, as you do when you’re young and in a town with a lot of history. And what better place to start than the surrounding forest and mountains? At the least, it would be a nice walk. Though what they experienced was a bit more than just a walk. In fact, it was a flight. They had been messing around, not being that serious, when a huge figure came rustling out of some trees on the upper side of the mountain they were hiking on. In a moment they all had witnessed a large, winged, bipedal creature soaring over them and into more forest below and ahead. A moment of mutual silence agreed that it was time to run back to the car. After that, the group asked around the village the next day and found out about the disappearance of the statue over a hundred years earlier. The story was soon shared, and once again the village buzzed with talk of the gargoyle and the Gothwind Cathedral it came from.
    Now the story of the gargoyle is well known all across town, and many people seem to have their own experiences or have family or friends with one. People are more than ready to share what kind of fright they had or what sounds they heard or sights they saw. While there are people who brush over it when told, most take it seriously. I think it’s the want for something more to be out there that drives these kinds of legends home for people. I’m certainly no exception. Now did I personally experience anything? Nothing that couldn’t be explained. However, I do fully believe that gargoyle is still around that village in the mountains. Protecting the town and its residents for as long as it’s around.
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myramysticmoon · 2 years
Inktober Day 8
Part 1/1. I had a sudden spark of motivation today, so we definitely take those. It definitely helps that I woke up early, but I also woke up due to nightmares sooooo. Give and take I suppose? Anyway, I figured I'd try my hand at dialogue this time. I also had a prompt of "Word Generator". So I went to one, and hit it a bunch of times with my eyes closed until I stopped and it landed on "glamorize". Pretty fun word! I hope you enjoy this small interaction. I'd love to play this version of chess, tbh.
Prompts: Match, Bear, Werewolf, Chess, Word Generator (Glamorize)
Lists: Official list, kniftykat's list, thainaaraujo's list, november-joy's list, a-chaotically-small-lunta's list
“Wait a moment, what do you mean my king is in check?” A werebear sits across a werewolf, in between them a table with a game of chess set on it with quite a few more black pieces on the board. The werebear, clearly bewildered, is unfortunately playing white.
“I said what I said, your king is in check.” The werewolf says this with a sly, casual grin on his face. He looks over the board and finds the bear’s reaction all too amusing.
“Okay, there has to be a better way to do this for me. Clearly regular chess isn’t working to be a match for you.”
“Alright, what do you have in mind? Chess is just chess, really. I don’t see how you can add anything to it.”
“Easy. We glamourize it.” The wolf looks on in confusion, having no idea what this implies.
“I said what I said. We add new rules and twists, skew the existing rules, and make nonsense of it until I can win against you. Let’s start with a d20.” The bear gets up and goes over to a bookshelf the two roommates share. He picks up a huge coin bag, opens it, and rifles around for a favorite purple d20. He then sets the bag down, goes over to a bin with playing cards in it, and picks out a standard deck. He then looks the shelf over for a moment, claws on his chin in thought, and suddenly perks up at the sight of Clue. He draws out the box, carries all the items over to the table, and sets them down. The wolf, naturally, is still confused as hell.
“Here’s my thought. This d20 is used as an attack roll for any chess piece against another chess piece. The AC and attack bonus is based on the point value for each piece. Then, if it’s a tie, we play War with the cards. Alternatively with the cards, we could each get half the deck and flip over one card from the top to add that amount to the roll or the AC. Now, for Clue, I suggest we both pick a location, a weapon, and a person. In order to kill each other’s kings, we have to guess who did it, with what, and where. Every piece one person knocks out, one thing must be ruled out. Sound good?”
The werewolf sits there for a moment, gears turning as he processes the sheer amount of wild information thrown at him. He then slowly returns that sly smile to his face.
“You crazy bear, you’re on!”
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