#Jezza C
scavengedluxury · 3 months
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flowers-by-the-bed · 3 months
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shadeops21 · 7 months
Rules/Recommendations for writing an Australian character/OC
(The following is just a list of things I personally feel should be included or considered if one makes a character of Australian nationality, descent or heritage. It by no means is a hard and fast ruleset, but just things that can be done to enhance a character’s flavour or add a little authenticity)
Shortened nicknames for fellow characters that follow Australian Shortening Conventions: multi-syllablic names are condensed down to one, and an -a/ah, -o, -zza, -y, or -sy is added, eg: McKenzie (or and Mc name) > Macca, Damien > Damo (Day-mo), Jeremy > Jezza.
Swearing. This is actually a common trap I’ve seen, with some Australian characters being less reserved in their language than others. This will depend on the specific background of your Aussie, as vulgarity is moreso a commonality in smaller cities and rural spaces, and less so in larger built-up cities. That said, we do tend to through the more vulgar words around with greater frequency than other cultures, with f### and c### being thrown around more freely.
Slang. Again another trap, especially with older “stereotypical” Australian slang that I personally hear more from my grandparents and older uncles and aunts and less so my own peers + 10 years. That said, some terms are still used very frequently and have no generational boundaries, including but not limited to: ute (pickup truck), bottle-o (liquor store), servo-o (service/petrol station), “the shops” (any centralised marketplace from your general stores to large malls), booze bus (roadside randomised breath testing/DUI checkpoints, some which do both alcohol and drug testing), hoon (reckless driver, typically young males in cars too powerful to handle at their skill level).
Weather tolerances. This varies based on a character’s geographical background, but you’ll find that most Australians have higher than normal levels of tolerance to extreme heat. However, those that live around the Brisbane latitude and north have decreased tolerances to cooler temperatures, decreasing the further north you go. (Personally I find myself pulling on long sleeves and hoodies after it hits 20 or cooler.)
There’s probably more here, but it’s approaching 10pm for me at time of writing, so for my Aussie followers/mutuals, please feel free to expand upon or add your own tips or recommendations to writing Australian characters in a believable fashion. Curious to see what they are!
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
Following on from the last post 🥰
The political parties my versions of the marauders characters would vote for in this election but I choose to not make the emeralds boys or Pete awful people because I would NOT type the words reform uk next to MY Barty's name even if you paid me. Idc if it's accurate I won't do it, these are my fanon versions not the c*non versions xxxx
James- Labour. He 'doesn't care' about politics but knows he hates the tories
Lily- GREEN 💅 she's a green girlie THROUGH AND THROUGH
Mary- Lib Dem probably? But I hc her as a cov girl so if she was a cov girl Labour because Zarah
Peter- Lib Dem's most likely. Everyone thinks he doesn't know about politics but he follows everything very closely and if someone asks a question about it, he has the spreadsheet ready to run you through everything step by step
Sirius and Regulus- they're my Islington boys so they're going independent bc Jeremy Corbyn they could never make me hate you. Sirius would have a selfie with him framed or smth. Given trans reg is my fav hc there really is no change my reg wouldn't go for Jezza, even if canon reg would hate him 🩷
Marlene- SNP.
Remus- would consider plaid but go for Lib Dems in the end bc 'they aren't that bad anymore and have a pretty good chance'
Evan- c....c....c- joking, my Evan would say he didn't want to vote because he didn't like any of them but then Dorcas yelled at him about how he had to because it's important and he just picked Labour bc everyone said they were gonna win (get a grip ev)
Barty- ...................shut up, don't say it, go away. Would vote for whoever had the hottest mp 💀
Dorcas- GREENNNNNN 💚 she has a crush on Carla denyer and watched every debate leading up to the election so she knew everything that was happening. There would be a large Labour majority in her area but she'd vote geeen to make a point. That's my girl
Pandora- spoils her ballot paper to make a point
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tristayranambrosio · 7 months
Vengeance/Satisfaction Day 4 - February 21 DWC
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(Content Warning!!!: This particular story has very sensitive content and I urge any readers to understand the severity of that. The story contains Drug Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Prostitution and addiction, Power imbalance, Closeted Queer Identity and related pressures of society, and just all around awful. This is from Trist’s perspective as we’re flipping from him to Jezza for these writing challenges but you all NEED to know what you’re getting into Jericho is a -villain- he is supposed to be horrible, please feel free to hate him I know I do.) @daily-writing-challenge )
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Jericho Archstone was a known peddler of vice in Silvermoon since far before I was born. His empire had been built on the backs of addicts, and what was worse he knew full well the horrors of what he did to those who were desperate. When they could no longer pay, he came up with increasingly creative ways to exploit his clientele, my mother was among them. He filled her veins with poison with the constant reminder that she had the choice… but she’d always make the one that got her more of the very substance that destroyed her. But my mother is dead now… I’m all that’s left, And after the thousandth time I destroyed his supply of illicit substances with their hateful effects that he expected me to use or sell, he had to resort to another way to gouge her debts from my flesh. By putting it on the market to anyone with as twisted an appetite as his. I tried to run… but unlike the guards of this wretched city his drug addled goons had more motivation than gold or the satisfaction of roughing up a bard that was better at seducing their lovers than they’d ever be… if these jerks caught me they’d get their fixes free of charge. It wasn’t as if I never tried to escape him… eventually I accepted I would simply pay my mother’s debts and give in to the monster’s satisfaction.
“Who’s the Brute then.” Jericho sneered at me fiddling with his rings counting them like he always did, “You holding out on me? I haven’t seen a cut from his visits.” “He’s not paying.” I say flatly, I’m bored, tired, long past thoughts of Vengeance for what he did to my mother, and so disassociated I don’t even register it’s for me I should be vengeful. “You’re giving it away for -free- now?!” He booms furious. “You don’t -own- me anymore Jericho. You had your money a year ago. Leave me alone.” I say and never before had I let my voice sound so dead. “That’s fucking bull shit, slut. You still sell yourself, and I want the cut I deserve for -raising- you. Out of the goodness of my HEART!” I want to scream, roar… but I don’t, I simply reply the way I’ve trained myself to, the way I learned to meet even monsters with. A soft pity in my tone, “You need to have a heart first… all that’s left in you is a cruel organ that only draws satisfaction from your golden idol and your ring of loyal addicted followers.”
“You know every once and a while I think you might be my hellspawn and then you spout some shit like that. What’s he PAYING to leave those bruises on you? It’ll spook other buyers.” He scoffs at me, giving my whole body a disgusted once over, unimpressed as always despite the small fortune he got off selling me to lonely people who just needed to hear they were wanted. That was part of why I didn’t hate what I had been for him… the junkies couldn’t afford me, so I was often thrown to people who thought the only way they could have someone like me would be to pay. A fantasy that could convince them I loved them at least as long as the gold made it into Jericho’s pockets. So many of them were just lonely, some of them I helped assure, gave them the confidence to pursue those they longed for or just… forgive themselves for the mistakes they made in their lives. Convincing them they were better than paying for me generally pissed Jericho off but the gold he made shut that up. “I told you. He’s not paying.” I remind him. Bored. “You’re fucking a Orc-Chiefling brute that would be disowned for consorting with a whore like you? If he was paying he might actually retain some dignity in their eyes, but no you’re just giving it away when you should be threatening to expose his deviance, Is that the plan? Get him in good then get the hush money out of him when he’s good and hooked? Maybe you are Daddy’s little leech, the fruit of my very loins.” He smiles at me with all teeth as he stalks after me, long strides keeping pace as I try to just get back to the Curtain. The reminder of what he took from my Mother for years and the implication that he might be my sire sticks like tar in my insides and I want to be sick.
“There’s no -plan- Jericho. I’m not exposing anyone. Leave. Me. Alone.” “No just fuckin him and risking his discovery. You know -I- don’t give a rats ass but I know that clan of uptight jackasses. They won’t like that their Chief’s son is dallying with a washed up elf Whore, no matter how pretty.” “It's none of your business or concern.” I make to storm off but he grabs my arm and sinks his nails into my skin painfully, and for a moment I’m the scared boy I was when he came for me the first time, when he demanded the gold I’d made playing and singing and took everything but Hypernia and my Rose… I feel small and afraid and know this man was the one that had killed my mother slowly while I had to watch her wither away into madness... How do you fight something so huge, that sees us like chattel that bleed gold into his coffers. “That’s where you’re wrong, little boy.” He hisses into my ear, “You -are- my business.” I find my voice but it trembles out of me, “Not. A-anymore. I paid you all my mother owed. I worked for it, you got everything, l-let me-” “No. Give me what you have. I want you to PROVE all you’ve got in your purse is the chicken scraps that your beloved DIRECTOR gives you.” He sneers at the Cabaret again… my sanctuary, my safe haven from him… and I realize he’s sizing up a target. He’d tried to buy the place but Nestor wouldn’t sell nor would he allow Jericho’s goons to peddle for him on the premises. It was by no means a dry or sober place, but Nestor didn’t want anything to do with the Archstone empire… The only reason they were in jeopardy was because of me then too, because Nestor took me in when he caught me sleeping under his tables. I tremble at the thought of those inside coming to harm because of my refusal to comply and I shove my coin purse into his chest then wrench free, “Take it. Leave me alone!” I take off but I don’t run… if I show anyone it puts them at risk… Jericho doesn’t need the meager wage in my purse… its not about that. Its about reminding me that the world doesn’t like people like me, people who refuse to lose their faith in others because of monsters like him. I will never give him the satisfaction of breaking me.   
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dynasaurrrs · 9 months
Hello, everyone. Happy New Year! 🥳💖
Module 3: Understanding Conflict and Violence
Aniora, Jezza Mae
Bendijo, Dyna Khate S.
Cabrillas, John Steve C.
Cacanog, Arjay
Sumagang, Clarice
Tangaro, Elvie
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silver9mm · 2 years
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I posted 11,344 times in 2022
109 posts created (1%)
11,235 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,193 of my posts in 2022
#gpoy - 98 posts
#circa 2008 - 65 posts
#laugh rule - 57 posts
#it's like you know me - 54 posts
#i feel this on a spiritual level - 46 posts
#my childhood looked a lot like this - 43 posts
#when it was a game - 31 posts
#accurate thing is accurate - 28 posts
#my twenties looked a lot like this - 25 posts
#schizophrenia is a helluva drug - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#sometimes as a little treat i even write out that i don't agree or whatever then i read it and am like yeah that's a great argument then i c
My Top Posts in 2022:
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mermaid at shotgun creek
10 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
@ohwhoopsok my beloved tagged me and jfc some of these WIPs have so much dust on themmmmm ))): Whoops, loved your titles, like something out of a manual my OCD and schizophrenia won’t let me read but please oh god tell me about 9. 10. and 14. Stealing your “In order of most recent edits!! (with ships in parentheses)” :D 
This, Consider This (TG: R/Ja)
A/Je (TG: Andy/Jezza)
d/r (TG/SPN Richard/Dean, Wincest)
a tiny shiver (TG: R/Je)
O!Je (TG: Je/Ja/R)
FTC REWRITE (TG: OFC/all the ships)
THD (SPN: wincest)
Inherit The Flames (SPN: weecest)
What We Deserve (SPN: Wincest/JJ from Kaleo)
Run Honey Run (SPN RPF: J2)
Behind Closed Doors (SPN: wincest)
wincestiel (SPN)
Bear It Away (SPN: wincest)
Be The One  (SPN: wincest)   
damned if i (SPN RPF: J2)
j2 robot!dream (SPN RPF)
...plus 22 pages of SPN ideas in a doc called Bunny Hutch and over 40 pages of notes and chapter(fic) ideas for TG called The Year Before, and I can’t remember how many for The Year After bc i’m trying not to get ahead of myself lol
tagging @sal-si-puedes @ymas00 @skyhighdisco @hellhoundsprey @soulless-puppy @alexa-alcantara  @zmediaoutlet @oddsocksandstuff @zoycitem @drunkgerbil @ryugarika​​​ @outpastthemoat @dickbaggins @figureofdismay and anyone else that wants to do it consider yourself tagged <3333333
11 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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14 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Get to know me meme
I was tagged by the brilliant luca-font @sal-si-puedes for fun!
Three ships: Wincest, Sastiel, CHM
Last song: idk the name of the song but it was by Roxette 
First ever ship: Hammond/May
Last film: Oh man i can’t even remember when i last watched a movie >.< The Man Who Fell to Earth maybe ???
Currently reading: And on that bombshell..., Mystical City of God, and a Sturgeon short story collection 
Currently watching: We’re quitting in the middle of Ozark, jfc is that show DULL and annoying
Currently craving: WARMTH; alternatively a nice deep cold hole in the middle of the forest.
tagging: @dreaminblue67 @lovelesscherub @skyhighdisco @sparrownatural @soulless-puppy​ @w8ing4godot
16 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
16 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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prettygoodnames · 2 years
Ok, so, I need clowncore-y names, preferably starting with a C or J, unisex or masc leaning, I've had it in my notes as "Jester :sparkle emoji:" for the last week so-- idk, i like place names and last names turned first. and the character is meant to be perceived as small and stupid (kinda like an orange cat), sorry if this isn't enough information, also thank you bec this blog is really helpful
Meaning: Christ
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: man
Origin: Germanic
Alternate spelling: Chucky
Meaning: twin
Origin: Persian
Meaning: God is gracious
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God will exalt
Origin: Hebrew
Related: Jezza
Meaning: building
Origin: Swahili
Meaning: ?
Origin: Frankish
Meaning: supplanter
Origin: Hebrew
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thebettingman · 7 months
100 Club
That’s right, my prediction is Charlie Curnow will kick 100 goals this year.
A standard year otherwise, a mix of talls and smalls leading the top 10.
Top 10 Coleman Medal
C. Curnow
Keep ‘em coming, he says
J. Cameron
His work rate up and down the ground will be the reason he finished close to the top.
C. Cameron
Legit could win the Coleman this year. Smokey.
Somehow found goal kicking form last year. Will he do it again? Probably not. But I’ve picked him.
He’s literally unstoppable.
Pre-season form looks good, I expect him to sneak a few goals per game and return to 2022 form.
Why not? He’s a machine. With Jezza up the ground, expect the Hawk to get a few more opportunities.
If they go straight, he’s on the list!
Someone has to kick some goals… don’t they?
He needs to kick more goals, he has a weapon of a leg. I think Dimma uses him more this season. I’m excited!
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alipiee · 6 years
jezza c is the real mvp 👌😩💯
he sure is 👴🏻👏🏻☀️
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space-wizadry · 7 years
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viggos-mortensen · 4 years
your jesus tag is what i need right now, it's the most useful tag i've seen in someone's blog
thank you! glad to know people are enjoying that tag because at least going to hell would not be in vain that way 😔✌️
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harryisntstraight · 5 years
Bruv can harry give me five minutes to breathe everything happens so much idk what to do with myself the country is in is political crisis mate can u chill out for a minute
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michaelgovehateblog · 3 years
My sister is a massive covid conspiracy theorist. She's been wearing masks and social distancing only because she had to. She believes that all the new variants "they're bringing out" are just fearmongering and that they're actually just common illnesses such as sickness and diarrhoea or hay-fever. She also believes they're exaggerating cases and says the "real numbers" are closer to 1000 new cases. She doesn't believe covid can actually kill you!
So im maybe a little bit worried about the current state of affairs and the fact that this mindset is scarily common. When will Jezza C come and save us all
I feel like people who sincerely believe covid conspiracies like that fundamentally misunderstand this government and what motivates them
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
Why am I seeing so many '*marauders character* would be doing this for independence day' things from yesterday
FYI, they would be celebrating Jezza C keeping his Islington seat for the 41st year with a margin of 7,000 votes or lettuce truss losing her job or Wales getting rid of the tories but okay
Wrong red white and blue flag guys
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newsorders · 7 years
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