#I hope people have that blocked it they wanna avoid spoilers
neitherabaron · 2 years
I’m nearly through rewatching A Series of Unfortunate Events and I’d forgotten what happens to my favourite guy Larry Your-Waiter 😭
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circeyoru · 7 months
have you listened to the song "Partner in Crime" by Madilyn Mei? If not, I strongly recommend it because it makes me think of Unwanted Souls!Alastor. Specifically early days of when the reader tries to push him away
This is for {Unwanted Soul} , check MASTERLIST for the work
The one I listened to is Partners in Crime by Set it Off. But I gave this a listen and omg the lyrics are quite in sync with the story!!
Let me go on a song tangant. Stay if you wanna read.
**Heavy spoiler if you haven't caught up with this series!!!!!
You're right; this matches well in the beginning when Reader/you are trying to push Alastor away so you can go back to your little world of self-indulgence. But what happened afterwards is Alastor staying and showing you care and devotion you never had.
Now, if you keep up with everything I posted about {Unwanted Soul}, you'll know that I never planned for this oneshot to end up as a series with this much background and connections for you. So, in Part 1, it was entirely matched with the request and that long to avoid a continuation. But then you saw the results, hahahahaha~
Anyways. Part 1 never mentioned anything of a dilemma of you pushing Alastor away yet wanting him near you, the later parts did. If you piece back everything, you'll see what I mean with this song.
When you're gone I feel alone again The voices cannot hold my hand They keep me company at very best Distract me from my loneliness
Here, this is a reference to when you had that breakdown when Alastor was more than late for that grocery shopping. You hoped it work, but when it did, you just feel so lonely. Everywhere you see in the apartment, especially the living room since that's where Alastor always was. So you retreated into your room, where he barely had permission to enter. With low self-esteem and self-harming thoughts, you conjured a knife and just stabbed yourself to distract yourself from the mental pain.
Maybe I'm just an anomaly Even my demons have their families Truly something must be wrong with me To need you as much as I do
Naturally, this is a reference to your living years. You felt alienated in your life and among the people that surrounds you. Yes, you're stable and successful to the point that you don't have to worry about getting hungry or not having a house to return to. But you felt so empty with what you're doing. You wanted companionship that you can lean on. Then Alastor comes along and you tell yourself it's too good to be true and pushed him away to protect yourself from a heartache.
I was never meant to win I was never meant to win I was never meant to win Shut up!
Sidetracking, this is referring to you quitting your job as an informant for Lucifer. It's some time after you mastered the two powers you had but never used. You think it's too powerful and you're not worthy of it, so you hide it away. Then it went to thinking you're not fit to work for Lucifer, the King of Hell. Worse when you come to see him as a friend instead of your employer and superior being. It was easy to put a stop to it since Lucifer wasn't as persistent with keeping you by his side than Alastor. (haha this explained why I never put Lucifer as a love interest or show competition between him and Alastor)
Here's the reigns Take ahold of me Please don't let me go You do the talking Sew up my mouth if I can't keep it closed
This is where you basically accepted that Alastor was a yandere for you and let it progress. You know how it is with this type of character. You were just too damaged and desperate for something you longed for that you didn't care anymore. It was a good thing that Alastor saw how damaged you are by that self-harm you inflicted on yourself, better now than later when you were more firm with your feelings for him.
There's a dog barking right around the block And a big ol' whistle blow Run for it I'll keep em occupied for you Cause I love you, I love you so Left me hangin at the station But you'll be back for me soon
I'll switch the narrative here. This matches more for Alastor. This talks about the time when you sent him to the hotel to work (and leave you alone). A little interest that shouldn't be explored for or for you to personally be involved with. So Alastor does his best to keep the hotel matters at the hotel, never needing you to leave your home to investigate anything. Alastor knows you moved him out because you were caring too much and you're trying to stop it. He doesn't care, he wants you. But he'll be patient and give you time, he knows you'll be back for him. And boy was the wait worth it when he saw you fight for him.
Something tells me you aren't coming Guess that I'm truly doomed
When Alastor was nearly brought down by Adam and realized that his power wasn't enough (since it was limited by you). That moment, he was fully prepared to just teleport back to your apartment and stay there.
I'm 'bout to die Yet the only thing I find I'm worried about is you I'm 'bout to die Yet the thing on my mind seems to nearly be nothing but you
This is when, moments before your slumber, you told Alastor that you missed him and removed the rule that blocks his connection with you. You know you're not dying, maybe, but there was that slim chance. You also know that wouldn't be what Alastor thinks, and in a way, you reassure him.
I'm just a pawn in your game Not your partner in crime
You used to think that Alastor was using you for something. In fact, you looked for evidence to prove your theory. But the battles he started for you, the demons he killed for you, and the words that made up deovtion and promise to you, it all pointed against that. Isn't it all so weird?
You're slowly killing me And yet I don't mind (You were never meant to win) You're slowly killing me But please take your time
This is where you accepted that you're not gonna be able to push away Alastor anymore. So you take a back seat and let it happen. You were never meant to win against Alastor's love for you, you were never meant to push him out of your life. What Alastor's killing is the doubts and reason you have to push him away, it takes time to heal and for Alsator to find out about your past. So... You want him to take his time.
"Hey, Alastor." You smiled as you waved your hand at him to beckon him over.
"Yes, My Love?" Alastor skipped over, throwing away a demon's limb behind him comically which earned him a burst of carefree laughter from you.
In a swoft move, you pulled him to your level and gave him a butterfly kiss on the lips then stared into his eyes, "I love you, so dearly. Never leave me."
Alastor felt himself melting from your words and the plead he saw as his order to keep you forever. What ever were you thinking to suddenly say this? He won't question since you ended up demanding his attention and presence. So he smiled and nodded, "Of course. I'll never dream of leaving you. I love you too much for that to ever happen, My Beloved."
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colourful-void · 1 month
umineko descent begins.... sooon...
despite the poll having 5 days to go the umineko fans were all very nice and very compelling and out of everything it seemed the most fun so that's where I'm planning to go!
massive massive thank you to all of the wonderful people who weighed in on my inital post and subsequent ones w/ their lore and thoughts on their series!!
current plan: i will purchase umineko questions arc on steam vaguely soonish (grandfest first...), and install a mod pack to put in voices, as i have been given a helpful link/guide to.
i have both questions and answers on wishlist and will hope answers goes on sale before i finish reading questions. i have been warned this is a very long story (which, YAYYYY), and so i'm gambling it'll go on sale before i finish reading the first one. i'm ignoring golden fantasia for now i've been told not to worry about it.
i'll put up a pinned post for this too, but i wanna say here now: im planningggg to liveblog this, unless i end up getting so aborbed i forget, and my tag for it will be "Void Plays Umineko". I will also tag my posts with just "Umineko".
if you want to avoid Umineko spoilers, now's the time to block either Umineko or Void Plays Umineko. if you are an umineko fan who wants to be able to enjoy your tag without me yelling it it, please block void plays umineko. i'll also be trying to keep my blogging in reblog chains to avoid this.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
I have a burning question for you. One we all need answers to (only if you want to feel free to let this ask rot in your askbox for eternity you have my permission.)
is donut wip alive
KAT!!! i’m happy to see ya :’)
technically speaking donut wip & the entirety of the liminal space series as a whole are still alive! (i’m not a huge fan of killing off my wips i usually just shelve them indefinitely until i circle back to the idea) — couple of reasons it’s shelved rn tho
1. paramour brainrot >>>>>>>> like seriously this wip has made me insane idk what magical combination of tropes and ideas i managed to spark like 2 years ago but i have never been this abnormal about a wip ever i think lol. so a lot of my wips have been sidelined in favor of my Child.
2. i got Super Stuck. not just regular stuck where you get writers block for a bit then move on no, i mean Super Stuck as in i was stuck on donut wip chapter 15 i think for like a year and a half before i finally said “i cannot force myself to write more in this draft i have to take a break” so i stepped back from it and the series in general to figure out what was going on with me and my brain. and i think really what it came down to is at that time it wasn’t fun for me to write? it felt very much like a chore—despite all of its horror it seemed “safer” to write. it was the thing people were expecting out of me and i felt like i was writing more to fulfill expectations than to actually write this story because i enjoy it. AND I DO ENJOY IT!! that’s the crazy thing. i really like this story and the nuance i allowed to grow into it when it literally started as me being “fuck it write a horror novel just to finish something and don’t care about the characters” but i care about them so much now etc etc.
but because i don’t do well when i feel forced it just sucked the joy out of it for me. paramour in comparison, has never felt forced. it’s always exciting and stimulating to my brain because it is a wip that is so very Me all over it. and i wanted donut wip to have that same feel but i gotta give it more time. maybe i’ll try doing the outline to writing method that i’ve been doing and working for paramour so i can avoid getting stuck again.
however, i did actually rewrite donut wip’s chapter 1 proper back in may of this year—i wanted to see if i could come back to it and make myself write it Forreal and i could! i did! and i’m really happy with it! which is exciting! and as a treat you (and anyone else who reads this full nonsense ramble or remembers donut wip from eons ago) can read that revamped first chapter—first official piece of donut wip writing i’ve ever really posted. just cuz like tbh it means a lot to me that you care about that story weh ;3; and remember—
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so without any more waffling: here is chapter one, uncensored from spoilers so u get drawn into the mystery 👀
Chapter One
I groaned when my guitar string snapped again for the third time today, the discordant twang echoing in my large dorm, up to the rafters. I heard Andres laugh from Tiffany’s bed.
“Oh yeah, making faces at it will help.”
“Fuck off.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Toss me…” I waggled my pointer finger towards a stack of boxes between Tiffany’s bed and my desk. Opened and dangerously leaning was a box of replacement guitar strings, near empty and I’d only bought them a few months ago. “… Those.” Andres didn’t move though. I groaned again.
“Andre!” I snapped my finger and my voice at him. “Strings!”
“I’m not a dog. Besides, you’ve been at this for three hours. When are you finally gonna give up for the day and spend some time with your bestie?” He put emphasis on the word, but the trill of his voice was playful. “Hmm. I have been buggin‘ on this part a bit.” I pretended to think, tapping my thumb against my cheek. He seemed hopeful. I caved and laughed aloud. “Later!” I giggled at his groan. “I wanna make sure this melody’s flowin’ right before I break. Then we can play Spyro or whatever else ya wanna do.” Seeing as he couldn’t be bothered to give me my strings, I got up myself and toed my way through the mess that was steadily building up on the floor between the beds. I snatched up the box before Andres could knock it over with his outstretched foot.
“Oh, you watch it mister.”
“Sooooory.” He dragged out, but his grin told me he wasn’t sorry. I flipped him off, then flopped back down on my bed, quickly setting to work on restringing. More of them had begun snapping lately as I composed, but I chalked it up to stress. Finals wore me down this semester, more than they had in our first year, but it was bittersweet that they were over now. This year went by so fast, it’s like I blinked and it was December again. Beside me on the bed my bright yellow phone buzzed.
“Who’s that?” Andres asked. I flipped it open to look at the message.
from: vivi
Are you sure you want to stay for winter break?
from: vivi
Dad wanted me to ask again.
I tossed my phone back on the bed.
“Just my sister!” I said cheerfully. “Doing dad’s errands again. I told him I didn’t want to deal with him and Miss Borsche.” I wrinkled my nose. “He’s been buggin’ her to get me to come with them since I told him no.”
“Come with them… where?”
“Oh usually dad goes on some sorta cruise or vacation for the holidays. But, he never invites Vi. So I never go.”
“Why doesn’t he invite her?” The question was posed nonchalantly, and I looked over at Andres, who was looking down at his smartphone.
I’d venture to say that we’d become near best friends now after the past year and a half of knowing each other, yet there was still a lot we didn’t know about each other. I knew he had siblings, but not their names, and he knew about Juvia, but not anything more than that. I knew his family wasn’t rich but they worked extra to push him through school. He knew that mine was, but I had loans out the ass. We played guessing games every now and again—to get to know each other. But whenever there was some real-life line we went to cross in our blossoming friendship, he was always open and I always hesitated. It’s just how it were.
“She…” I tilted my head back and forth a bit. “It’s a bit complicated, I reckon.”
“Then take your time telling me. I’m not rushing you.” Our eyes caught, and he gave me a tiny smile that I couldn’t not return back. But things fell quiet after that, and I turned back to my strings.
Winter break was here, and the freedom that came with it curled around our slowly emptying building like the fresh blanket of snow that dusted our sleepy little college town. On the telly earlier, there were talks about a blizzard rolling in sometime between today and tomorrow. The snow for now was peaceful, and inviting. It crowned even my windowsill when I woke up this morning, and even if I wasn’t with Juvia in person, the holiday buzz still felt strong in the air.
A rap on the door drew me out of my thoughts.
”It’s open!” I called. The handle clicked then pushed open a crack, just enough for someone to poke their head in.
“Kelley.” Andres acknowledged the second I breathed out “Joaquin!” Our R.A regarded us with a lazy smile, and my eyes traced the curve of his handsome mouth. A flush of heat shivered through my body, and I darted my eyes away when they met mine.
“How are you two holding up here? Your folks coming soon?”
“Negativo.” Andres leaned back on Tiffany’s pillow, stretching one leg out into the air. I heard something pop and I made a face. “They’re back home and I don’t have enough money for a plane ticket there. So I’m staying.” Joaquin nodded easily, then he turned to me again. “Julissa?”
“Just Juls is okay!” I said quickly. I coughed. “Um, no, I’m also staying. If that’s alright?”
“No rules against it.” Joaquin flashed me a smile. “I was checking to see who’s still going to be here so I can send a final count to the director.”
“Is it just gonna be us?” Andres asked.
“No, there’s,” Joaquin paused to pop open the door a little further, and leaned against the wall. He counted on his fingers. “The three of us. Then, Daisy Kennedy, on the third floor. René Edwards, down the hall and….” He looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember. “Ah, Saul…Carson, I believe. Top floor.”
“Didn’t know you had someone named Saul on your floor.” I said, looking over to Andres. He snorted. “Me either. Aside from my roommates, I only really talk to you Juls.”
“You’re such a loner.” I teased, as though I was any better. Andres chucked Tiffany’s pillow at me.
“Actually Kelley?” Andres started. I threw the pillow back and nailed him in the torso, making him choke on his next words. Joaquin’s quiet huff of a laugh distracted me for two seconds—enough for me to let my guard down. Andres jumped from Tiffany’s bed to mine and grabbed me in a headlock.
“Andre!” I shrieked, but he was merciless. His freehand dug into my side and began to tickle at my sides. It wasn’t long before I was howling with laughter, trying to desperately shove him off me. Amused, Joaquin waited patiently with his arms folded loosely over his chest.
Andres finally relented and let me go and I kicked his shin for good measure. “God, I can’t breathe.” I wheezed. Andres laughed jovially, then turned back to Joaquin. “I was going to ask if we had to stay in our dorms while we were here?”
“Well,” He looked between Andres and I, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t think you need my permission, you’re both adults.” I felt heat swarm my dark cheeks and next to me Andres sputtered. “It’s nothing like that!” He snapped. “I just mean, I got a leak in my room and Juls offered to let me crash here. I just don’t know if the break protocol is different than during the school year.”
“A leak?” Joaquin frowned, reaching for his phone. It was similar to Andres’s, clear and sleek. He tapped a few buttons. “From the roof?”
“Yeah. I woke up this morning to snow dripping down my face.” Andres shrugged. “I don’t know how long the leak has been there, it’s been pretty dry this year. But I don’t want to deal with it, it’s literally right above my bed.”
“Like I said, you don’t really need my permission to stay wherever you’d like. But thanks for telling me, I just scheduled a maintenance request.” Joaquin tucked his phone back into his tight jeans. “Should be a few days but it should be fixed.”
“If it wasn’t snowing, I’d get up there and do it myself.” I hit Andres with my hand lightly. “That’s dangerous.”
“Wouldn’t want you falling off.” Joaquin hummed. “Now that I would be held responsible for.”
“Are you staying too, Joaquin?” I asked. Andres elbowed me. “He just said that. Earth to Juls, get your mind out of the gutter.”
“It wasn’t there in the— Oh, I hate you!” Andres and I began squabbling again and from the door Joaquin laughed. “I’ll leave you all to it!”
“Thanks for coming by!” I called after him as he moved from the doorway. Before I turned fully back to Andres, from the corner of my eye, I saw… something follow after Joaquin. I couldn’t get a good enough look at it, but what I did see looked like a cream colored tail.
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🌼Welcome to my Ask Blog!🌼
Heyo! It is I, Lonliest_muffin a (primarily) Katekyou Hitman Reborn Ao3 Author!! :3
I will use this Blog to answer various Questions, reblog writing advice and khr fics, post tumblr-exclusive short stories, announce Updates on my fanfics and (maybe) create some polls about said fanfictions.
If you want, you could also follow me on my Fandom Blog, @social-muffin! :3
And if you'd like to help me build a story, check out my second Ask Blog @ask-kyoya-hibari-and-kyo-kun!
You may ask me anything about, or relating to my many (mostly) Skull- and/or Hibari-centric khr fanfictions. You can even ask me some questions about who I am as a person. Just address your asks to Muffin and I will answer as myself! :3
Under the Read More you'll find a list of Skulls/AUs I plan to answer questions for! I am not an artist(yet I hope), I'm a hobby-writer, so I will answer these Questions with a little story to accompany them, depending on what the question is. (may be 20 words, 100 words, even 1000 words, depends on how inspiration strikes)
Answers that include spoilers for my fanfictions (stuff I haven't written/posted yet) will be tagged as 'Spoilers', for those people that wish to avoid that! But I will not Tag stuff I've already written and posted as spoilers.
Disclaimer!: Harassment and Hate of any kind has no place here, you will be blocked on sight.
Here is the current list of the Skulls I'll answer questions for(may change)! Links are included on the names of the listed fanfics. (mentioned for the Vision impaired)
This is also a really basic Guide on how I would like you to Ask Questions for specific versions of the characters I write!
These WARNINGS are different from the fanfictions's tags, so do check the tags before reading as well, just to be safe! The Tags are more elaborate, I wanted to keep this brief.
Series: Igniting Embers!
Guardian Angels (First Timeline) - Teen Skull (age 16/17) goes through a rough time, then he ends up under the protection of the Vindice! He has fun with it while it lasts.
To ask him and his mysterious pals questions, start your Asks with GA!Skull or Guardian Skull. (Guardian Bermuda, GA!Jaeger, etc.) Will be tagged '#khr Guardian Angels" in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: This story contains implied/referenced underage non-con and the resulting ptsd. This fic is incomplete.
Pathway of Sacrifice (First Timeline) - Skull (pre-curse/age 21) somehow ended up in the Mafia and he is not happy about it! Unfortunately, his teammates are as beautiful as they are cruel and stupid... Skull has to protect them.
To ask him and his tormentors questions start your Asks with PS!Skull or Sacrificed Skull. (Sacrificed Luce, PS!Verde, etc.) Will be tagged '#khr Pathway of Sacrifice' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: Skull experiences the canon typical bullying, there are several near death experiences, the Arcos have emotional constipation. This fic has been completed.
Simmering Embers (Part of the first Timeline, but a divergence) - Skull (cursed/age 40~) leaves the Hibari Clan and takes along his baby brother, Kyoya (age 3). Now Skull has to figure out how to raise children all while removing himself off the face of the earth, so the Arcos can't find him or his brother. Not to mention he has to do something about the curse!
To ask him and his sweet bro questions, start your Asks with SE!Skull or Simmered Skull! (Simmered Kyoya, SE!OCs also allowed, etc.) Will be tagged '#Simmering Embers' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: Self-mutilation (can be skipped while reading), mild suicidal ideation at times, Child Abuse, original character death, weird cloud flame things. This fic is incomplete.
Embers Underwater (First Timeline) - Skull (post-curse/age 50~/looks 20~) tells Hibari (age 17) they're half-brothers. Kyoya is surprisingly okay with this and immediately takes Skull home. They get along fine, but then the Arcobalenos start to search for Skull...
To ask him and his brother questions, start your Asks with Ember Skull, or EU!Skull! (EU!Kyoya, Ember Reborn, etc.) Will be tagged '#khr Embers Underwater' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: Ptsd, miscommunication, Skull and Kyoya are not well, bittersweet ending. This fic has been completed!
Systemic Disorder (First timeline and happens directly after Embers Underwater!) - Skull (still post-curse/age 50~/looks 20~) goes into hiding after his latest stunt causes a mafia-wide uproar. He picks up a new identity and starts living a new life in Namimori! Things won't be that simple when living with Hibari Kyoya though....
To ask him and his many friends questions, start your Asks with SD!Skull or Systemic Skull. (SD!Nana, Systemic Spitfire(OC), etc.) Will be tagged '#khr Systemic Disorder' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: Everyone needs a hug, everyone has PTSD, Skull attends his own Funeral, Arcos reach their breaking point/verbal abuse. This fic is incomplete.
A Title to Guard the Strongest (Second Timeline!) - Skull (age 20) leads a boring life as an internationally beloved Stuntman. At least until he finally meets some interesting people! Two Soldiers, a substitute teacher that moonlights as a Hitman, a trainee illusionist, an exotic dancer with an assassination hobby, a slightly unethical pediatrician and the revered Donna of the Giglio Nero Familia... Nobody seem able to resist Skull's undeniable charm!
To ask this Skull and his unconventional Family questions, start your Asks with GS!Skull or Titled Skull. (GS!Luce, Titled Reborn, etc.) Will be tagged '#khr A Title to Guard the Strongest' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: implied/referenced non-con, implied/referenced dub-con, alcohol use, Sky!Skull, explosives and injuries, Luce-appreciation (she gets cuddled here eventually). This fic is incomplete!
Accumulated Embers (Crossover of the First and Second Timeline!) - Embers Skull (age 50~/looks 20~) is having the worst time of his life. Every that could go wrong, goes wrong and he succumbs to the darkness at his core. Titled Fon(age 50~) disagrees with that sad fate, so he burns a path across timelines to protect and nurture that poor soul. As a bonus, Titled Fon also gets to gently bully the Ember Arcos into better coping mechanisms!
To send Asks for this fic, you just have to add on AE! before you write who the Ask is for. (Would look like: AE!Embers Skull, or AE!Titled Fon, or AE!GS!Reborn, etc.) Will be tagged '#khr Accumulated Embers' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: mentioned Infant death, mentioned substance abuse, mentioned child neglect, mentioned child abuse, internalized transphobia, identity crisis, poverty, bullying, ptsd, Immortality, learning to communicate, Titled Fon has his work cut out for him. This fic is incomplete.
Cirrostratus (A Divergence in the Second Timeline!) - Skull (age 20) meets Reborn (age 25) when the hitman is at his lowest and struggling. Skull has always had a kind heart and open doors. Reborn can only reject that help for so long... A civilain's life seemed a distant dream until it was suddenly at his fingertips.
To ask these two roommates questions, start your Asks with Cirro!Skull or Roommate Reborn. (Cirro!Reborn, Roommate Skull) Will be tagged '#khr Cirrostratus' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, initially bad coping mechanisms, but it will get better, Skull is a good Bro and way too trusting. This fic is incomplete!
Series: Plot Bunnies
Object Permanence (is actually slightly adjacent to the Igniting Embers Timelines, yet very much it's own thing) - The growth serum Verde developed post-canon goes wildly wrong! Their minds now match their bodies, as though they'd been plucked straight out of their messed-up childhoods. Only Skull was spared, as he regained his adult body. And well... Someone has to take care of these scared, confused children, right?
To send questions to this odd family, start your Asks with Papa!Skull or Tiny![insert Arco] (Examples: Tiny!Reborn, Tiny!Fon, etc. Tiny!Skull is also an option!!) Will be tagged '#khr Object Permanence' in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: a variety of different types of PTSD, neglect, poverty, grief, anxiety, internalized transphobia, canon-typical bullying, pls take care while reading, nobody is all okay, but it will have a very uplifting ending. This story is incomplete.
Series: Igniting Sparks
Sparking Hearth (is part of the first Igniting Embers timeline, in a different Series because it's Hibari-centric) - Hibari Kyoya (age 6) runs away from home ,only to stumble across the most beautiful town he ever did see. The herbivores are actually insane, roaming the streets as though they're prepared for war, all while a kind of grief lingers in the air... But more importantly! That school is gorgeous!!
If you'd like to send this little dear questions, just send an Ask addressed to Baby!Kyoya, or Baby!Hibari. Or Spark/Sparky if you wanna bully the child lmao. Of course, will be tagged '#khr Sparking Hearth' just in case you wanna look through this blog for Asks about this specific AU.
WARNINGS: headcanons for flame harmonization and flame sealing, the following insanities, also Death of OC via child, child abuse, homelessness, Baby!Hibari has no concept of societal rules yet. This fic is incomplete.
☁️💜Thanks for reading if you got this far! I hope to hear from you in my Ask Box! :3 💜☁️
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
hi hi bee hru doing :)) (it feels so weird not having ur notifs on... help. sooon glass sooon (also im not feeling pressured or anything dw!! i wanna read it i am just struggling to find the perfect time to LOL))
i am so excited for wilbur's stream tomorrow omgggg i have no idea if i'll be able to watch it but :D still excite frrr
what's your fav song from the nice snakes album?? if you have one, no pressure if you don't. i just got emotionally attached to it after hearing it in wilbur's streams so often. i find it so comforting and very nice to listen to while i study. my fav is "Looking for Home" WHICH I FOUND OUT IS THE YT SPECIFIC ONE IT'S NOT ON SPOTIFY RAHHSSS but . i just downloaded it onto my phone so i listen to it on spotify via my mp3 file LMAOOO
anyways 💪💪 hope ur doing well !!!! <3333 my stepmom made scones this weekend they were DELICIOUSSS
lol godspeed with continuing to avoid spoilers o777 I will continue to tag everything so you can block tags if you need to
i'm SO excited for wilbur's stream tomorrow like i just want to see everyone else's reaction to him yknow and see him interacting with all the new people it'll be so fun
ok ngl I don't actually know the track names off the top of my head so without thinking I googled nice snakes and forgot to put 'album' after it and-
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I don't know what I was expecting. but also I'm happy about my fuck up because that snake is very nice and made me smile to see he's so cute
anyway. I like the nice snakes track the most off the album but it's a very nice album overall. it's the exact kind of super relaxing lofi I used to listen to all the time when I was in uni. if you're ever looking for more lofi recs check out in love with a ghost, they've been my favorite lofi artist since I was in high school. 'don't cry kate', 'i think we should break up' and 'flowers' are my favorites by them but I listen to so much of their stuff it's so calming
AYYY FOR INNOVATION god i hate when something isn't on spotify and you gotta figure out the mp3 download and then the local files thing it never works right on my phone for some reason 😭
and ty yes i'm doing well!! made bread rolls from scratch today and broccoli cheddar soup for dinner so i'm very happy and full :))
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mindrole · 11 months
Yo, I somewhat lurk your blog because you make very fun and interesting posts!! Your takes are nice to read and your art is very nice; I simply avoid to reblog because I had this...vibe? I guess? That you wanted your posts to remain a little more hidden away.
That doesn't change the fact that I surely can't be the only one who lurks but certainly loves your work!!!
first of all, thank you for the kind words!!
tbh i kind of just rattled the post off and went to do stuff so i forgot about it, i didn't expect a response, so im super flattered!! (and a little embarassed, perhaps bashful)
its quite kind of you to send this...
the issue of reblogs: i dont mind at all!! as you may have noticed there are two or three posts i have locked reblogs for.. those are obviously NG (mostly either "my interpretation changed drastically so im disowning it" or "ill go back and fix it (<-art)") but everything else is A-OK ❤️ if i don't want something to be reblogged i will lock it. (usually i will leave in the tags or edit the post with the reason)
i love when my stuff is shared around!! and getting nice nonnies like you is always a lot of fun. to be honest i think because those dried up for a while i got a stir crazy
really i'm like, a very sociable person, i like to bounce ideas off of others even if its indirect and even i get really neurotic about stuff. so i read every tag and interaction with a big goofy smile on my face. i like feeling seen, and most people would not disagree that it's nice. so it's like this... i am... a huge geek
i want to be less sheepish about posting in the main tag too. the initial bad experience i had (and caused myself, i don't wanna deny that) can't really be helped anymore, but eventually i wanna be brave about it. i wanna shake off the weird mindset of "i've already ruined my shot so i should stop posting in the tag, everyone probably already has a big ❌️ on me anyway." (if someone doesn't want to see my stuff they probably already have me blocked... so its fine!!! or they can just scroll past. im not taking up any space i shouldn't. i have to learn this!!!)
there are a lot of things i don't tag because either i'm afraid my sense of humor is too esoteric and/or mean spirited or because it is a junk doodle (not in a self deprecating way, its just not something i wanna put in the tag). also cuz i post a lot, it is kind of spam-y. recently i got an ask asking why i hate httr... of course i don't!!! but i love making fun of that baby man so much. so im also wary of maybe, i might upset someone without that context and they think i'm openly posting character hate. that kind of thing, i worry TOO much
(don't worry, that ask was really funny, even if it scrambled my brain a bit)
i think a lot of people who might enjoy the blog also may bounce after reading my pinned and seeing that i don't tag spoilers. that's ok, i hope someone translates the interlude soon because somehow even in its short duration i love it a lot. com is coming out soon too!!! eventually the stock of those characters will rise and they will gain more fans and they will come across my blog and go, woah, this crazy person drew so much art prerelease!!!!. azuma's stock... will also rise!!!
at the end of the day my philosophy is that fan works are things we share out of love and passion, loving the works of others and making are like a symbiotic relationship, one cannot exist without the other. seeing other people's stuff makes me wanna make too. that kind of thing. this applies to both fan work and original work actually.
sorry you got subjected to my mentally ill ramble... im really thankful to have gotten this ask genuinely.. it super made my day
i hope you continue to enjoy the blog ^^
0 notes
floscaedis · 1 year
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o human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?
independent, private & 18+ sylvestre lesage of ffxvi. spoilers present but tagged. beta editor only, iconless temporarily. please read rules & about before interaction.
[ carrd ] | [ main ]
Rule. 1 . This is an independent, private & adults only rendition of sylvestre lesage from ffxvi. This portrayal will contain mild spoilers - all will be tagged. All work here is penned by me, Han - all graphics, PSDs, code, etc., you see are my own. :)
Rule 2. mun's name is han, im 29 & pretty chilled. this blog is low-activity because i work full-time & am usually preoccupied by various things. i like openness and communication but can be super slow with messages. please never take my silence as an insult or anything; always feel free to message me and i will get back. discord is available on request, ims will be slower to be answered.
Rule. 3. i do suffer with migraines so would prefer text to be minimally edited; i don't mind small-text or how you curate your experience at all and you don't, by any means, have to change things for me but i am less likely to be drawn to heavily edited text, purely due to the headaches. i hope that this makes sense.
Rule 4. as stated, everything made on this blog is made by myself - i do have a commission blog where i create things for people - that can be found at beargraphs. my other main blog is cwarscars & a multimuse @ mencnfire.
Rule. 5. i am open to shipping and love all kinds of shipping from romantic to friends to enemies, comrades, colleagues, forced friends, rivals~ i love exploring them all! however, i don't like being forced into shipping and i do ask for a degree of realism when it comes to shipping. i write sylvestre as (of course) married, but a man with a wandering eye! i am entirely open to shipping romantically with him.
Rule 6. i enjoy plotted threads the most but also enjoy threads made from ask/ rp memes just fine too! sometimes i'll post little cracky things on the dash. if it's tagged 'open', anybody can reply~
Rule 7. i am open to darker themes & do not shy away from the darker sides of fiction. on this blog - themes of violence, sex, coloniolism & general adult themes will be present. if you are easily upset or prefer to avoid darker content - it's best you don't follow. it should go without saying but i will not write sexual scenarios with minor muns/muses.
Rule 8. you can approach me whenever for whatever! im very laid-back and generally quite chilled out; i like a nice, casual zone. you wanna send an ask? do it. you wanna write with me? go for it. if i don't follow you back it's more than likely you don't have a rules page or you don't cut posts / post excessively - please understand. you're more than welcome to approach me if you wanna chat or rp.
Rule 9. do not block evade or pretend to be someone else on another blog when talking / communicating with me. it's concerning behaviour and i don't like it; if you want to talk to me after a block, do so on anon - i'll unblock and speak to you. but no block evading, that unsettles me.
Rule 10. finally - just to stress again - i am low activity; i usually have a million and one things going on (as well as a bunch of blogs) - never take my silence personally; thank you~.
0 notes
hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
c!multiple x god!reader
notes: the reader will be the god of death to make it a little bit more spicy :). c!punz’s pronouns are he/they, i’m not sure about the others, but i know theirs. also why does ranboo take away my gender? /j
word count: 1,672
warnings: arson, violence, cursing, yelling, mention of death, voices in technos part, spoilers for wilbur if you haven’t watch tommy’s lore stream, revival for wilbur, making a religion, time travel, egg, prison, stealing, anarchy, playful name calling
so obviously y’all would be a great match :)
you have creative mode, so when sap would ask you to give him a lighter and tnt, you would GLADLY give it
also, can we talk about him being a nether hybrid
fire squared
like fires left and right, hide your mom and your children in your house lol /j
but besides the whole arson thing, you favor him above anyone else on the server
like if he asks for diamond blocks, well here’s a whole inventory of it, also, here’s some ancient debris and some netherite
if someone asked, you would probably grant them with poison and curses, just because you can’t be “unloyal” to snapchat 
wouldn’t be lonely anymore
this duo is less chaotic, but chaotic enough where people avoid you
he still asks you for stuff, but most of the time, you don’t give him it because he annoys you too much about giving stuff
“hey y/n/n, can i pretty please get some emerald blocks.”
“nope bitch, get it yourself.”
but sometimes, you grant him some op shit, when it’s your good day
“because i’m being nice, here’s some diamond, now, don’t ask me again you little piss baby.”
“shut your trap y/n.”
“or what homeless teletubby, what are you going to do to a god like me?”
“you hang out with technoblade to much.”
maybe the least chaotic duo
you guys keep on relaxing and relaxing until the point where you don’t do anything
he barely asks you for anything, but only when it’s really really important, like a house or build
especially when he was building his little cottagecore house, he needed your godly presence to help
“y/n, what should the roof be made of?”
“i suggest brick, it makes it more aestheticy if that makes any sense.”
also barely any drama or tea with you guys
never arguing and never betraying each other is a must
also another least chaotic duo
literally help him with his bee farm, he will (platonically) love you forever
gotta be close to ranboo, that’s the rule
gives him SO much stuff, he’s a precious boi 🙄
also gotta be close to tommy, but not as much unfortunately
you help him pick out things for builds, like what material clashes with another, etc
“do you think that the wool and the netherite blocks look good together y/n?”
“nah, what i suggest is the wool with the gold, it looks perfect.”
sometiems, gotta put him in check because he gets a little ego built up
you definitely yank his horn a little too hard because of your IMMENSE STRENGTH
“calm down sunny, you were just getting a bit over your head a little.”
chaotic duo like sapnap
snaps at anyone who annoys you and vice versa
you give him EVERYTHING, obviously except op and creative
he tries to persuade you to do something, but dreamxd wouldn’t allow it, since he is the main boss
“come on y/n, give me op.”
“no tommy, xd will kick my ass.”
you would DEFINITELY help him with the Big Innit Hotel, making the whole layout and color palette.
both of you have an intense hatred for ranboo, since he “stole” tubbo away from tommy
least involved in everything
just stay in the tundra and drink some tea, and you’re good for all of your life
helps him get netherite all the time so your boii can get the good stuff 😬
when he mines to get diamonds, he literally prays to you
“y/n, if you’re listening, please give me a 6 vein, i desperately need it for my collection of diamond blocks.”
more than a 6 vein actually, a 12 vein
guess he needs to pray to you more
daily tea sessions, to talk about the good stuff, and NO, and i repeat NO skipping
threatening to flick water on him check ✅
Wilbur Soot
literally you spoil him
not to be angsty, but when he died and lost his last canon life, you revived him instead of Dream
now he’s practically at your knees
like he’s thinks that he owes you, but actually that’s the opposite
he was revived because you were lonely, and wanted your best friend back :(
prays to you when he goes to bed
“hey y/n, hope you’re having a great day, (platonically) love you.”
“love you too mortal.”
sometimes, to be at the peak of godness, you shower upon wilbur as gold to symbolize blessings, like zeus did before
“omg y/n, what are you doing?”
“i’m trying to bless you, shut up bitch.”
just saying, he would make a religion about you :/
Karl Jacobs
omg don’t get me started on this
first, you wouldn’t codone him going back in time
he would definitely forget your name a lot, so that’s why you hated it
“hey karl, how are you doing?”
“i’m sorry, but do i know you?”
you were definitely the one to push him towards sapnap and quackity
this is also another spoiled boi
give him the entire world while you’re at it pwease
he wants a few diamonds, nope, give him a chest full of them
why are there so much chaotic duos in here?
literally chaos times infinity
energy to the max
literally, did you take an energy drink
grants him every wish he can randomly think off
“can i get a bucket with lava and a fish in it?”
“weird choice, but ok man.”
gotta be close to sap and karl or he isn’t your friend anymore /j
helps with las nevadas a lot, and definitely tries to rig the machines so you get money
“hey big q, i got 10,000 dollars.”
“that’s impossible... y/n, did you cheat?”
“nooo 😊”
help him preen his wings, and he goes “I LOVE YOU, MWAH MWAH.” obviously in his mind 🙄
definitely helps him maintain the prison
you both love setting up red stone contraptions and pistons and all that giz
“hey sam, do you know where the redstone torches are?”
“yeah, there behind the pistons in the back.”
also you helped build the prison, since he could do that by himself
“are you sure that lava wall will work y/n, your calculations seem inaccurate.”
“i’m sure sam, this will add some more security to this goddamn server.”
nerd squared lol
wouldn’t condone the egg
you warned him multiple times to get away from its grasp, but most of the times he’ll decline
“i won’t y/n, the egg is the future.”
he still, even after all the advancements, even after everything, he tries to ask you to join the eggpire
“come on y/n, you’ll like being with us.”
“i don’t wanna be on a stupid egg side, like let me crack the egg, i wanna eat it and turn it into a omelette.”
he doesn’t like that joke :(
but before he discovered the egg, both of you were joint at the hip
sight seeing was a must
languages being thrown around everywhere, since you were the little language muffin
steals stuff from everyone
hide your stuff, because the punzo-y/n team is unstoppable
definitely they can be really stubborn and indecisive
like one day, he will be like, “i need gold blocks.” and the next, “nevermind, i need netherite actually.”
like hon, stop switching
also anarchy buddies
burning down forests and buildings are your guys’s specialty
when you give him gold when they doesn’t ask, his heart goes brrr and his brain goes, “pog pog, they’re so cool, lets hug them.”
now this is the most deadly duo in the entire Dream Smp
better not piss you guys off 😐
he’s the Blood God, and you’re the God/Goddess/God being of Death
so if some occasion where you need to battle someone, like Techno’s enemies, *clears throat and murmurs Quackity*, you will obviously back your boy up :)
help him with enchanting and potions and he’s set for life
also you got have to be close to the great Philza Minecraft since him and Techno are buddy buddy
anarchy squared
helps with the voices since you have some of your own
“so what you’re saying is that i need to pay attention to them?”
“yeah, when i first learned that the voices were in my head, i tried to ignore them, but that sucked. so what i did was try to distract myself with various tasks, and that sucked.”
“so what do i do, you’re saying that i should listen to them, but how do i do that when they literally shout at me.”
“just embrace it, obviously when they do their little chant of blood for the blood god, you have to ignore them.”
“you suck at advice.”
Philza Minecraft
so since both of you resemble death, him being the Angel of Death and you being the God/Goddess/God being of Death, y’all are fucking best friends, platonic soulmates if you will
death squared
watch out, because if you piss them off, prepare to d-
gotta be close to Ranboo and Techno, and obviously others who he platonically likes
he doesn’t need to ask you for stuff, he’s the fricking Angel of Death, but he will ask you to preen his wings :D
“ow, not there y/n.”
“oh shut up grandpa, let me do it.”
Dream XD
two gods at once, damn there is so much chaos
left and right, you guys are noticed by everyone, like purrrr
y’all would be in some fancy shit, to show your power
you would get jealous of him hanging out with george
“why are you jealous y/n?”
“you’re hanging out with george to much, hang out with me please :(.”
gifts are a must, even though both of you have access to creative
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shijiujun · 4 years
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Bear with me I have... I think 3 more recs to go before the year ends! Hahaha in the meantime yes I know I’ve done some passing recs (残次品 Imperfection, 一级律师 The Lawyer & 鲜满宫堂 Palace Full of Delicacies) but I’ll leave those to maybe end of Jan hahahaha lest y’all get sick and tired of my posts! If you don’t wanna see these anymore feel free to block the ‘min’s why you should read’ tag!
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
16 year old Chen Xing is the last exorcist in the world with any sort of powers after a time when exorcists were at their peaks came to pass, all exorcists turning back into regular mortals. Guided by his now-deceased shifu, the novel starts with him trying to find his Protector, a partner that all exorcists are fated to have, and is led to the prison of this army camp where his supposed Protector is held captive, about to die. 
He saves an unkempt and weak Xiang Shu, who then turns on him the moment he’s free, unwilling to be this ‘Protector’ that Chen Xing is talking about, and leaves. Chen Xing thinks this is the last of it, but he meets Xiang Shu again by chance in another town, and Xiang Shu saves him from zombie corpses. 
They head into Chang An together as they are on the way as Chen Xing tries to convince Xiang Shu to be his ‘Protector’ in his mission to restore magic and keep demons/evil from people, but Chen Xing only has four years left to complete his mission before he’s fated to die at the age of 20, as prophesized by his shifu. They are also supposed to look for the Dinghai Pearl, which is supposed to bring the bearer great powers and help them in their task.
Xiang Shu turns out to be the Great Chanyu and leader of the Tiele tribe, and after a misunderstanding with the current emperor, he heads back to his tribe with his loyal soldiers/followers and also Chen Xing, where they have to solve the mystery of the dead moving zombie corpses, people being revived from the dead by an unknown mysterious force, and also political strife as Chen Xing and Xiang Shu figure out their feelings for each other as well. 
Set in historical China where the Hans (Chinese) and the Hus are at war and constantly fighting for territory from each other. Chen Xing would be considered a Han, while Xiang Shu is a Hu.
*Also features time-travel and second chances in the latter half of the book! There’s a tad bit of spoilers below as well, so do skip if you wanna avoid them!
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) | Novel Translations | Upcoming Donghua | Manhua | Audio Drama
1. 陈星 Chen Xing - A young, wide-eyed 16 year old teen who has the powers of a Heart Lamp, which is a light emitted from his palm that can purify evil spirits/energy. When he was younger, his family was slaughtered due to sabotage from the Yuwen family, not that he knows about it until much later.
Look on the printed novels:
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He’s the last exorcist with powers when the novel starts, and he fails to get Xiang Shu to become his Protector, but while he carries hope that his mission will be completed, he does not force Xiang Shu to become his Protector after the man rejects him twice, even though he knows he only has four years left to live. Because of his Heart Lamp, Chen Xing also has great luck and no matter what danger he falls into, there’s always a path of escape to safety laid out for him.
Younger look in the manhua:
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He heads into Chang An city with Xiang Shu and Feng Qian Jun, and then split because he thinks he can find his old friend who’s from the Yuwen family, a boy who was his childhood friend and moved away shortly before the Chen family was massacred. He does not know that this boy, now a man, was complicit in the deaths of his family members and is thus not eager to see Chen Xing. Instead, when Chen Xing is escorted to the Yuwen manor by Xiang Shu, he’s crestfallen to see that the man is not at all happy to see him. Later he finds out that Xiang Shu is the Great Chanyu and has considerable status in the palace, and is also single. Once news of Xiang Shu’s return spreads, Chen Xing’s supposed childhood friend becomes one of the potential suitors looking to marry Xiang Shu.
Chen Xing is brought to the Tiele tribe shortly after hell breaks loose, and there he’s met with hostility also by the tribe, of which members are wary at seeing a Han, and also Xiang Shu’s sworn brother, who also has the hots for Xiang Shu. At that moment, Chen Xing realizes that he does not belong anywhere, has no real friends, no family, and is fated to die alone in four years time.
Of course he has feelings for Xiang Shu as the days pass, even though Xiang Shu displays his concern for him in brash ways. He tries to flee and fulfil his mission on his own, but Xiang Shu chases after him every single time, pissed off that Chen Xing keeps leaving him behind. Chen Xing, however, cannot reciprocate his feelings knowing that he’s about to die eventually.
2. 项述 Xiang Shu - Leader of the Tiele tribe and the Great Chanyu, wields considerable military might and commands respect amongst several neighbouring tribes as well. He’s reluctant to be Chen Xing’s Protector despite seeing his powers, because he has a duty first and foremost to his people in these chaotic, uncertain times, especially when war is imminent anytime. He’s also pissed off that Chen Xing keeps trying to impose this role of ‘Protector’ on him without asking him if he wants to be in the first place, and when Chen Xing realizes this, he stops asking Xiang Shu, and is determined to finish his mission without a Protector. 
Him as a Chanyu/Leader of Tiele tribe look from the printed novel art:
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A great warrior who is looked up to by his tribe members, his past is also shrouded in mystery as he begins to find out just who his mother was, and how he himself contributes to Chen Xing’s mission. He’s unable to leave Chen Xing alone, always following after him. He always seems to be angry and annoyed at Chen Xing, and in the beginning Chen Xing thinks that Xiang Shu hates him because of the way Xiang Shu interacts with him. 
Him in Han-style outfit in the manhua:
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Xiang Shu finds out early on that Chen Xing doesn’t have much longer to live, and is conflicted about it. When they finally find the Dinghai Pearl, he sacrifices himself so Chen Xing can obtain it, confessing to Chen Xing at the very last moment. This is before realizing that the Dinghai Pearl can help Chen Xing to time travel, and after the calamitous current timeline leading to Xiang Shu’s sacrifice, Chen Xing then goes back in time and this time, befriends Xiang Shu properly as he’s given a chance for a do-over to complete his mission.
3. 冯千均 Feng Qian Jun - A swordsman claiming to be an assassin that Chen Xing meets by chance after he’s duped by Xiang Shu in the beginning, and they travel together as they’re headed in the same direction towards Chang An city. Ends up being a good older bro to Chen Xing and also a helpful ally for Xiang Shu later.
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Other Things I Like in the Novel:
Chen Xing picks up a dog after Xiang Shu betrays him in the beginning, after he saves him from deathrow in prison, and in a fit of anger, names the dog Xiang Shu as well, and when he meets human Xiang Shu again, the man keeps glaring at him whenever Chen Xing calls for dog Xiang Shu
Xiang Shu treats Chen Xing very differently, and even though he wasn’t sure that he liked Chen Xing, he trusted him, much to the displeasure of other Hus, and some of the other tribes’ members - He’s not so good at being nice on the surface to Chen Xing given their first impression (and he’s still unhappy about how Chen Xing decided to force the role of the Protector on him, also doesn’t have the energy or time to care about Chen Xing’s mission fully considering the trouble his tribe is in), but he does care about Chen Xing and his safety, always finding ways to choose to follow Chen Xing rather than stay to further defend his tribe in times of crisis
The novel also depicts Chen Xing’s loneliness and optimism very well - He keeps the secret of his soon-to-come death to himself, not wanting to make anyone sad when the time comes, and he’s quite open-minded about his death, but at times when he sees the warmth and communal ties of the Tiele tribe, it hurts him to realize that he doesn’t have anyone and doesn’t belong anywhere
I also like Xiang Shu’s ‘Hu’ look a lot! With the braids and furs and everything!
Chen Xing finds other exorcists (legendary ones that are supposed to be dead apparently) and also exorcist wannabes, who do not have the power but are eager to learn, having heard of the legend of exorcists from before, and they manage to set up an exorcists’ headquarters of sorts to train more exorcists, which also fulfils Chen Xing’s mission partially
Everyone wants to get into Xiang Shu’s pants. Everyone, I swear
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lydiannettelizabeth · 3 years
I don’t even use tumblr that much but damn,, that last ep. There is just so much there and I wanna scream from the rooftops abt how I feel so like uh I think this is how u put a break in, spoilers below
GOD the memory with Rogue was heartbreaking. I feel like one of the reasons Ron became a rogue in the forgotten realms was Bc of the huge impact his childhood dog had on him (and I think he probably hid around a lot to avoid Willy, so he became super stealthy)
And like. Willy trying to kill Ron was u expected for me, even though I really should’ve expected it. What a terrible, shitty person. I hope the dads and also Terry talk to Ron next ep and just like keep supporting him. I have a feeling that the knowledge that his dad tried to kill him will affect Ron even more than so many of his other memories, like this one event was so traumatic he blocked it from his memory & just thought a fish took Willy under.
UFHENFKSK this episode was so good. I was NOT ready to see Ron‘s past laid out like this and I’m so excited to see what everyone will do after this. Idk if Ron will break the anchor immediately but I wonder what will happen if he breaks it. Will all his memories of Willy be erased, making it so he can’t care about Willy anymore? Or will it erase his emotions pertaining to Willy. Will breaking it erase his trauma, or just make him not care about the person who caused it all?
There are so many interesting ways this could go. OH ALSO quick thoughts abt ep 60. IK the Ron is a clone theory was pretty popular (and really cool honestly) but I like how Ron is just a normal guy. He was just made by accident and there’s no reason Willy doesn’t care about him, he just does. It shows like Ron’s existence was the “issue” for Willy and with people like Willy, you can’t do anything “right” for them because nothing you do will be good enough on the principle that you’re the one doing it. It’s absolutely heartbreaking that Ron was raised by such a horrible person and I’m glad he’s getting the support and love he deserves :)))
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Oblivious - Part 1 // Draco Malfoy
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A/N: This took several days to write, I wrote one and a half other imagines before finishing this. And it’s only the first part of three! I hope you enjoy it and yes I know Fred and George would’ve left Hogwarts by now, but let’s pretend they didn’t ;) Also, to the people who’ve requested imagines, please know I’m working diligently to get them completed, I’ve been very busy lately with school as well as redoing my bedroom. But keep looking forward to them, they’re coming I promise.
Summary: Half Blood Prince era. Draco’s been sneaking away to work on fixing the vanishing cabinet. But his muggle-born Gryffindor girlfriend Y/N has been picking up on his suspicious disappearances. During their trip to Hogsmeade, something unexpected occurs.
Warning(s): SPOILERS!! Swearing, making out
Word Count: 4.2k
Part 2
Y/N skipped through the entrance to the courtyard, singing, “He was a skater boy, she said see you later, boy. He wasn’t good enough for her,” at the top of her lungs, drawing quite a few puzzled stares her way. Draco, her boyfriend, reluctantly followed behind her, his face turning crimson.
“Y/N! Y/N, please stop, people are looking,” he pleaded with her.
“Tough crowd, tough crowd,” Y/N mused, “How about, life is a highwaayy, and I wanna ride it all night long!”
People began to laugh at the Gryffindor’s performance. Draco, however, was becoming more embarrassed by the second. “Love, please, enough with the muggle songs.”
“What? You don’t like my singing, is that it?” Y/N asked while she sat down at the base of their favorite tree.
“You know I adore everything about you, just not the muggle music. What is a highway anyway?”
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously? Do you ever pay any attention in muggle studies?”
Draco gave her a sheepish grin while he rubbed the back of his neck. Y/N swatted his arm lightly with her roll of parchment she’d taken out of her school bag. “Speaking of muggle studies, I have a 25-inch essay to write. Professor Burbage wants us to compare and contrast an average muggle’s day and an average wizard’s.”
“Well, that ought to be easy, your mum and dad are muggles.”
“It’s still 25 inches, Draco, that’s quite a lot,” Y/N said exasperatedly. She huffed as she unrolled her parchment and got to work; she already had 18 inches done.
Draco admired her as she wrote. The fluffy red quill in her hand bounced with the movements of her wrist as she jotted down a sentence. She was squinting her eyes, trying to block out the sun. Her little nose was scrunched up as well as her forehead.
She was so effortlessly beautiful. The littlest things about her were the things Draco liked the most, like the way her hair framed her face, some loose strands falling from behind her ear, and shining in the sun. Or the way she rubs her eyes with both fists after yawning.
“You’re cute when you’re focused,” Draco said.
Y/N gave him a fake annoyed glare. “Well, you’re making it hard for me to focus,” she mumbled under her breath, turning her attention back to her essay while biting her lip to keep from smiling.
Draco smirked, some of his teeth showing, “Hard to focus, huh? Am I that sexy?” he asked while wiggling his eyebrows. He received a quick slap on his chest.
“Shut up! Oh my god,” Y/N said. Draco complied with her wishes and simply gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before rising to his feet.
Y/N looked up at him, puzzled. “Where are you going?”
“I just want to get to class a bit early today. I’ll see you in Dark Arts class.” 
Y/N watched as the blonde boy walked away. She thought it was quite peculiar for him to want to get to class early. Usually, he was begging her to stay with him and be a few minutes late. She tried to shrug it off; perhaps he just wanted to ask his professor a question. Y/N picked up her quill and once again began to write, pushing away the thoughts of what her boyfriend was up to.
“Perhaps Draco is just putting forth more effort into learning Herbology. The whomping willow is quite a fascinating plant.”
“Luna, I love you but come on. You can’t blame me for being a little suspicious. I mean, Herbology and Draco are like Filch and magic,” Y/N said as she and Luna walked to their next class, “it’s never going to work.” 
Luna nodded softly. “It’s a shame Filch can’t do magic. It’s so wonderful.”
“He doesn’t deserve it, he would use an unforgivable curse on a student in a heartbeat, he would.”
Y/N spared a quick glance behind her. She felt as though she was being watched. Sure enough, when her head spun around, she saw Draco. He smiled as he briskly caught up to her and Luna. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek. Y/N squirmed; she didn’t like people touching her neck.
Before she left to go to her own class, Luna asked, “Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, Y/N?”
Y/N had barely remembered that tomorrow was a Hogsmeade weekend. She tilted her head to look at Draco. “Are you going?”
Draco avoided eye contact with Y/N, but he nodded nonetheless. She turned back to Luna. “I wouldn’t miss our trip to Honeydukes now, would I?”
Luna smiled, “I don’t know, you might one day.” She shifted her bag onto her shoulder. “See you then. Goodbye, Y/N. Goodbye, Draco.” 
When Luna was out of earshot, Y/N wiggled out of Draco’s arms. 
“Do you not want to go to Hogsmeade? You don’t have to if you wouldn’t like to.”
Draco shook his head vehemently. “No, no, I’ll go. We can get butterbeer together like we always do. Now let’s get going, I suspect Snape will take 10 points from Gryffindor if you’re late.” The pair headed off to class. 
Draco woke up the next morning with an uneasy feeling in his gut. Usually, his trips to Hogsmeade were enjoyable, but he knew this one would be anything but. 
He’d been given the dreadful task of murdering his headmaster, Dumbledore. He knew he was never gonna be able to do it face to face, so he’d opted for a more indirect option. He and his mother made a trip to Borgin and Burkes early that year and purchased the Opal Necklace. It was reported to have killed nineteen muggles to date. 
He glanced over to his nightstand. The necklace was wrapped in packing paper inside the bottom drawer. His stomach churned when he remembered his plan. He’d have to execute it right under Y/N’s nose. He felt so vile. Since this school year had started, he’d been keeping secrets from her. 
They loved to sit in the courtyard under their tree, often Y/N would fall asleep on his shoulder, and Draco always felt terrible when he had to maneuver her to the grass so he could sneak away to the Room of Requirement. But there’d be consequences if he failed to fix the vanishing cabinet, and he wasn’t about to waste any free time he had. And if that meant keeping secrets and slipping away from his girlfriend, then that’s what he had to do. 
“Goyle, what time is it?” Draco asked.
“Uhh bout half-past nine. Why?” 
“Shit,” he muttered. He was already thirty minutes late for breakfast. Y/N would start to worry if he didn’t show up soon. Mentally preparing himself for the day ahead, he shoved his blanket off and swung his legs to the side of his bed. He opted for his classic black suit. He made sure to stuff the necklace, still wrapped, into the inner pocket of his jacket.
“What’s that, Malfoy?”
Draco snapped his head to glare at Crabbe. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he spat with an aggrieved look upon his face. He put on his shoes and strode out of the Slytherin dorms. Soon enough, he arrived at the Great Hall. His eyes located Y/N’s instantly. They were filled with worry, but relief overtook them when they met Dracos. She beckoned him over with a wave of her hand.
Once he sat down, he was engulfed in a tight hug. 
“Whoa there darling, is everything alright?” he asked.
“I’m just excited, it’s been a while since the last Hogsmeade weekend. I’m craving butterbeer, aren’t you?” she asked, her eyes danced animatedly with anticipation. 
Draco smiled, “You’re too cute, you are,” he said before he kissed her rosy cheek.
“Are you going out dressed like that? You know it’ll be snowy in Hogsmeade,” Y/N asked. She was dressed in a maroon sweater and black jeans; to her left, she had laid her coat and her Gryffindor scarf and hat. 
“I’ll be sure to fetch my coat before we leave,” he assured her. 
“You’d better go now, we leave for Hogsmeade in fifteen minutes,” said Luna, making Draco aware of her presence. He heeded her words and stood up from the table. 
“Aren’t you going to eat?”
Draco bit his lip. He really didn’t think he could stomach anything at the moment, but he didn’t want to upset Y/N. 
“I’ll save room for butterbeer. Meet me outside?” he asked. She nodded despite the reluctant look on her face. Draco didn’t stay for a moment longer. He turned on his heel and hurried off to his common room. 
“He seems troubled,” Luna stated. 
“I’m glad you’ve noticed it as well. The bags under his eyes get darker every day, it seems.”
“Perhaps he should brew a sleeping draught potion.”
“I don’t think he’d like the idea of sleeping for so long. He’s definitely racing the clock, trying to complete something. The question is what,” Y/N wondered aloud, her face twisted in thought.
"I've seen him coming out of the Room of Requirement. Maybe he's been doing something in there," Luna suggested.
"You have? When? Did he look-," Y/N was interrupted by a voice behind her.
“You coming to Hogsmeade, Y/N?” When she turned around, Hermione was standing there, eyebrows raised. 
“Yeah, I am. Why?”
“Is Draco coming with you?” she asked.
“Yes, but why does that matter to you? I thought you didn’t like him,” Y/N said in a bit of an accusatory tone. What did it matter to Hermione whether or not Draco was going to Hogsmeade?
Hermione looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Oh, uh, no reason. Just curious is all. See you there then.” Then she ran off, presumably to find Ron and Harry.
“What is going on around here?” Y/N asked nobody in particular. 
“There are so many things taking place at once, but I think we all find out about them one way or another,” Luna said. 
“I hope so.”
Draco did his best to smile while he and Y/N strolled through Hogsmeade. It hardly worked, though. She was beaming with joy, and he was melancholy. All he could think about was the task ahead of him. His plan was to sneak away from Y/N in the Three Broomsticks and find Madam Rosmerta. He would then imperio her to deliver the necklace to Dumbledore. 
It wasn’t like he wanted to cast an unforgivable curse, but there wouldn’t be any other way to get the package to Dumbledore without raising suspicion. He had to do this.
“Where do you want to go first?” Y/N asked, pulling Draco out of his thoughts. 
“Wherever you’d like to go, love,” he replied, not missing a beat.
She sighed, “I asked you where you want to go. Pick a place.”
Draco smirked, “How about the Shrieking Shack,” he said in a naughty tone.
“Draco,” she said in a condescending tone. “You know we’re not allowed in there.”
“Yes, but we could sneak in.”
Y/N shook her head, “Draco, do you really want to have detention tomorrow?”
“Oh, don’t be such a party pooper. Don’t you wonder what’s inside it?”
“Nope,” she said matter of factly.
“You’re telling me you’re not even the slightest bit curious?”
“Not at all.”
“Oh, I see now, you’re scared of it. You’re scared of a shack.”
“I am not.”
“You are.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too. End of discussion,” Draco said. 
“End of discussion? You don’t just get to end our conversation,” Y/N yelled. But before she could give her boyfriend a flick on the head, he began to run. “Hey! Don’t you run from me, Malfoy!”
He turned his head to see her start to chase after him. She was giggling as she was jogging, her smile brighter than the fresh snow on the ground. Draco loved her smile.
He led her through twists and turns, nearly running into several people before he found his destination. He slowly came to a stop and waited for Y/N to catch up. He grabbed her hand and yanked her to his chest when she caught up. She squealed when he did this. 
“How are you so fit? I nearly died just then,” Y/N said, bent over and panting.
Draco laughed, “You alright there, darling?”
She glared at him, “Where did you take us, anyway?” She answered her own question when she took her hands off her knees and looked around. She spotted the shack instantly.
“Draco, I don't know what you’re thinking, but I’m not going in there.”
“Oh come on, don’t be such a wuss,” he said while grabbing her hand. She reluctantly followed him as he went over to the fence. He put his hands on the top rail and lifted his right leg to plant his foot on the middle one. He gathered his strength and pushed himself up and over the fence. Once on the other side, he brushed himself off and turned to face Y/N.
“Right. Your turn now, love.”
“You made it look so easy,” she grumbled. But she put her hands on the fence anyway. She tried to copy what she’d seen Draco do, but when she tried, she found she didn’t have the strength. 
“You got it, just swing your legs over,” Draco instructed. 
Y/N nodded and attempted to do what he said. She stood on the bottom rail and grasped the top in her hands. Unsure of herself, she looked at Draco.
“Come on, hop on over.”
She nodded and climbed to the top of the fence. She bent her arms and launched herself over the wooden rails. Y/N realized halfway through the jump that things were about to end badly. Draco wasn’t able to move fast enough and could only watch as her right foot twisted when she landed. 
She let out a yelp and fell to the snowy ground. Draco rushed over to her and began to take off her boot. 
“I’ve sprained it. I know I have,” she said, gritting her teeth in pain. 
Draco ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Y/N. I should’ve just taken you to get butterbeer.”
“We still can, I think you’ll need to carry me though,” she said while chuckling. 
Draco momentarily looked away from her swollen ankle to look at her face. Somehow, despite the pain she must’ve been in, she was smiling at him.
“You never fail to amaze me, you know that?” he asked her.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “How so?” 
Before Draco could answer, his attention was stolen by two redheads.
“Y/N? Is that you? What’s Malfoy done to you?” Fred Weasley called out.
“Yeah, Malfoy, what’d you do to her?” George chimed in. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “What do you think they’re doing here?” she asked her boyfriend.
“I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care.”
Fred and George had made their way to the couple. “What’s happened?” George asked.
“Well, I tried to jump the fence, and it didn’t go so well,” Y/N chuckled. 
The twins laughed along with her. “That does sound like something you’d do,” Fred remarked.
“Yes, yes, it’s all very funny, but she’s got a sprained ankle by the looks of it,” Draco said, interrupting the laughter to remind them of the situation at hand. He reached under Y/N’s arms and gently helped her to her feet. She winced when she had to put pressure on her ankle. Draco felt guilt pool in his stomach. He went to jump back over the fence but was stopped short. 
“Malfoy, why don’t you lift her up from that side,” said Fred.
 “And then we can help her over,” George finished.
“Yeah, that’ll be easier,” Y/N agreed. She looked at Draco to see if he, too, thought the same. He nodded and gripped her hips. 
“1...2...3!” He lifted her up and sat her atop the highest rail. He held her steady as the twins helped maneuver her legs to the other side. They then helped her down, being careful not to let her put pressure on her injured foot.
Draco hastily climbed up the fence and hopped down, “I can take it from here,” he said sternly. He crouched down in front of Y/N, allowing her to climb onto his back. Once he knew she was secure, he straightened his legs and started walking. 
Y/N turned her head, “Thank you guys!” she called to the twins. 
“You could’ve thanked them, you know, you would’ve had a hell of a time getting me over that fence without them.”
Draco scoffed. “I would’ve managed just fine without the Weasleys.”
His girlfriend sighed. “I know you don’t like them, but geez, can’t you swallow your pride for one second?”
Draco didn’t reply, opting to remain silent as he trudged back to Hogsmeade.
The pair sat inside the Three Broomsticks, now toasty warm and anxiously awaiting what was to come. For Y/N, it was butterbeer, but for Draco, it was something much less enticing. 
The feeling of the package against his breast made his heart race. He wished he could’ve just enjoyed a drink with his lover, but bigger things were expected of him that day. His eyes hardly left Madam Rosmerta. He was tracking her movements, waiting for the perfect moment to present itself.
“And so I told her that I had no idea what she was talking about. I mean, did she seriously expect me to confess to that? But anyway after that she-,” Y/N stopped talking when she realized the boy sitting across from her was paying absolutely no attention to her story. 
She reached for his hand. “Draco, what’s wrong? Something’s bothering you, I can see it on your face.”
He shook his head, dismissively. “I’m fine, what were you saying?”
Y/N frowned. “Nothing important. But uhm, anyway, what are you doing tomorrow? Maybe we could borrow some broomsticks from Madam Hooch and fly around the pitch,” she suggested. But Draco still wasn’t attentive to her words. He wasn’t even looking at her.
“I’ll be right back, don’t move,” he said, suddenly jumping to his feet. He strode away from their table without looking back. Y/N felt her heart sink. Why wasn’t he paying attention to her?
She decided to pass the time by tracing her finger on the cracks and lines embedded in the wooden table. She grew increasingly bored the longer Draco was absent. Until she heard a familiar voice. Upon raising her head, she saw the trio. Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They sat at the table behind her. She decided to turn around and make conversation as Draco still hadn’t returned.
“Hi, guys, what’s up?”
“Oh, hey Y/N. Nothing much, how about you?” Ron asked.
“Oh, you know, not much, just spraining ankles,” she said sarcastically. 
Ron looked at her with a puzzled expression. His eyes drifted to her foot. “Blimey, Y/N, what did you do?”
Hermione took notice as well. “Are you alright? Should I fetch a professor?”
“No, no, that’s alright, it’s only a sprain. Madam Pomfrey will be able to fix it right up when I return. Thank you, though,” she smiled.
“How’d you manage to sprain it, though?” Harry inquired.
“Oh well, long story short, I tried to jump a fence, and it didn’t end so well,” Y/N said with a slight chuckle. “Actually, Ron, your brothers helped Draco get me back over the fence.”
Ron smiled, “Glad to hear it,” after he spoke, his facial expression changed to one of confusion. 
“You mentioned Draco, where is he?”
Y/N sighed and did a once-over of the pub. “He ran off a little while ago, I’ve got no idea where he is. He said he’d be right back.”
Hermione looked at her sympathetically. “He’ll be back...probably.”
“Oh! There he is,” Ron said. Y/N turned her head back around to see Draco emerging from around the corner. He and Harry made eye contact. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Draco rushed over to Y/N.
“Let’s go, I want to stop at Dervish and Banges,” he said while reaching behind her back and underneath her knees. 
“What? We haven’t even gotten our butterbeer. Draco put me down. Put me down!”
Draco glared at her, fury in his eyes. “Don’t make a scene,” he snapped. This shut Y/N right up. She didn’t protest when he carried her out of the pub. He didn’t stop walking until he reached a bench in an empty passageway. He sat her down first and then took the spot next to her.
“What was that about? What’s going on, Draco?” Y/N asked; she was fed up.
Draco panicked. He didn’t have a lie prepared, but he knew he couldn’t get away with not answering her. Not anymore. 
He said the first thing that came to mind. “It’s my dad. He’s been bothering me a lot lately.”
This was true. Draco’s dad had been pestering him with multiple owls a day, always asking for updates on the cabinet. It was quite frankly driving him mad.
“He keeps sending me owls, he won’t leave me alone,” Y/N held his hand and ran her thumb up and down the top of it. “I left you at the table so I could apparate home. He was expecting me.”
She stopped her soothing motion. “You can apparate that far!? Successfully?” she asked, shocked at her boyfriend’s abilities.
He nodded. “My father requested Professor Twycross give me private lessons. That’s where I’ve been running off to lately.”
Draco felt bile rise in his throat. He hated lying to Y/N, but it had to be done. He couldn’t get her involved in his death eater business. It would be better for both of them if she remained oblivious.
“Well, I’m glad you finally told me. I’ll be here if you ever want to rant about him. He sure has been causing you a lot of stress lately, hasn’t he?”
He nodded and pressed a soft kiss to her temple. Oh, how he wished he could tell her. “Thank you, love. I appreciate that.”
She smiled and went in for a kiss. He passionately kissed her back. He wanted to focus his energy on her now, to try to make up for all the times he’d neglected her.
Draco held her face with one hand while the other traveled to her hip. Without warning, he squeezed it, causing Y/N to yelp and thus open her mouth, which allowed Draco to sneak his tongue inside. He let out a groan, running his fingers through her hair and gripping it slightly.
They were interrupted by the sound of nearby laughter. Draco reluctantly pulled away; he knew how Y/N felt about kissing in public. She gave him a soft smile, her face flushed, and her lips swollen.
“I can’t believe you,” she giggled. He grinned and gave her another kiss, this one just a quick peck.
“I love you, you know,” he said.
She hummed happily. “I do know. And I love you too, Mr. Malfoy.”
Draco laughed and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, prompting Y/N to push him away playfully. “Stopppp,” she whined.
“Alright, alright. I think it’s about time we head back to Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey needs to fix my angel’s ankle.”
“That she does,” Y/N said. She raised her arms and made grabby hands at Draco as he stood up. He laughed at her antics. 
“Up,” she demanded. He complied and lifted her into his arms. She immediately nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck and sighed contently. 
He carried her all the way out of Hogsmeade and halfway through the path to Hogwarts before it happened. About ten yards in front of them, Katie Bell rose into the air. Her mouth was wide open as if something was sucking the breath out of her. Draco felt his heart stop. Y/N noticed he’d stopped walking, and she lifted her head to look at him. He looked terrified. She followed his gaze just in time to see Katie fall to the ground. She gasped, and her eyes widened; she didn’t believe what she saw. 
“Draco, we have to see what’s going on, take us over there,” she said.
But Draco had already seen what had caused Katie to float twenty feet in the air. The necklace. It was on the snow, its wrappings flapping in the freezing wind. 
He ignored his girlfriend’s wishes and instead hurried down the path to his left. It was the long way back to Hogwarts.
“Draco! What are you doing?” Y/N asked. She began to struggle in his grip, Draco wasn’t expecting this, and he dropped her. She screamed in pain; he’d dropped her on her bad ankle. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m sorry Y/N, please just let me take you back to Hogwarts, it’s not safe here,” he pleaded with her.
She glared at him and then looked behind her. Hagrid was now holding Katie in his arms. Y/N knew she’d be safe with Hagrid.
Draco let out a sigh of relief when she raised her arms, signaling she wished to be picked up again. “Thank you, love,” he said as he brought her back into his arms. “Thank you.”
220 notes · View notes
lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Steve Rogers, Peggy, Loki, OC Vera
Warnings: SMUT 18+, Fluff, Violence, we’re officially in Captain America the First Avenger now... So I guess spoilers?
Note: When I am writing and particularly writing about Bucky and y/n meeting again or them just being in love I always listen to Pirates of the Caribbean to the theme or Will and Elizabeth and I thought it would be good to share that with you guys. To get in the feels. Right now it jumps from POTC One day and the last minute or so from Drink up me hearties yo ho. I know it is so random, but I cannot get it out of my head.
Series masterlist
Part 11
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""Are you ok?" I asked Bucky with hopeful eyes. "I-... I uh.. I'm ok. What happened?" He asked me as he sat up. Steve had caught up and dropped down next to us. "Are you ok! I saw you get shot!" Steve said. Bucky looked down at his shoulder. It was still covered in blood, but he could definitely tell something was off. He saw the wound, but it was small, but there was a lot of blood. He pulled down his shirt from his shoulder trying to see if there were more wounds, but that was it. He looked really confused. He slowly looked up at me. He tried to search my eyes for an answer. "I thought I got shot too. But I.. must have been blown back by something." Bucky looked at me to see if I had the answer for him.
"Blown back by what? Buck I saw you! Someone pointed a gun at you.. and shot it! How are you not hurt?!" Steve asked confused. I tried to avoid both their gazes. I wanted to explain, but I didn't know how. I startled a bit when Bucky put his hand on my leg all of a sudden. My leg was already completely healed. "I don't know.. Lets just get outta here before more Hydra agents decide to jump out." Bucky said as he stood up. He put his hand out to me and I took it to stand up. You could see Steve was at a loss for words. He was looking around him to see if there was a logical answer, but there was non.
"Com on, Bucky is right. We gotta go." I told Steve. He seemed to shake off whatever thought he had and started walking.
"Alright. Are you ready for today?" I asked Bucky as I jumped in bed next to him. I was already dressed for today. I was going to teach him how to work my knifes, or any knifes really. "I guess so." Bucky said a bit unsure as he turned around in bed to face me. "You know, usually I'm the one to wake you up." He told me as he pulled me over on his chest and gave me a kiss on my lips. I smiled in our kiss. No matter what thought or worry I had before the kiss it always seemed to go away when I was with Bucky. It gave me some sort of peace. Like nothing mattered what was happening around us. "I love you." I said as I slowly pulled back and hovered above him. "Now, tomorrow and forever." Bucky said with a big smile on his face and pulled me in tighter before letting me go and getting out of bed.
He was not wearing any clothes and I couldn't help myself but wander down. His back was turned to me which gave me a nice opportunity to look at his ass. So firm, I just wanted to smack it. I laid down and put my head on my hand. But as soon as I got comfortable he had found his underwire and put it on. Bucky noticed that I was looking so I gave him a big pout. He laughed and turned back getting his clothes. "You can see me naked again tonight." I snorted at that. Always so confidant.
After a moment of quiet Bucky spoke up. "So we're not gonna talk about what happened yesterday?" I looked at his back confused. "What do you mean?" I asked him, not understanding what he was talking about. As he got finished getting dressed he sat in front of me. He looked at his hands for a moment before looking at me again. Looking for the right words. "I got shot yesterday." That made me sit up right straight away.
I opened my mouth but no words came out. "I know there are some things you can't explain, but this one... I don't know how and I don't know what, but somehow you did something and now I just have a scratch on my shoulder. I need some kind of logical explanation for this.. Because I can't think of one." Bucky continued on. I owed him an explanation, that was for sure. "I-.." I closed my eyes, like that would give me the answer. "There is no logical explanation.. You did get shot, but..." I opened my eyes and looked at him. "There are things I can do the involve healing and.. I healed you.." I stammered on. Of course Bucky looked very confused, but he was trying to understand.
"That's how you healed yourself." He stated as he put his hand on my leg. I nodded at that. I didn't have to try technically, like with Bucky, but I still healed myself. "Alright. So you're a witch. Like in books and movies." He told himself more than me. "Not like in the Hobbit though." I laughed at him. I was ore relieved that he didn't make a big deal out of this. "Those are wizards." He tried to say serious, but failed as he started laughing.
After a moment of laughing I put my hand on his left shoulder. "Thank you." I told him. "For what? I should be thanking you." Bucky said as he smirked. "Thank you for not making a big deal out of this." That made his smirk turn into a smile. He put his left hand over the hand I had put on his shoulder and squeezed it. "You told me you would tell me when you're ready. And besides.. How amazing is it?! I am engaged with a witch! Not many people can say that." I laughed at that relieved. "You're a dork." He smirked and leaned forward for a quick kiss. "Your dork. And you gotta teach this dork how to fight with knifes... Soo lets go." He said as he stood up and pulled me with him with my hand.
We were at the base in London. I was strapping in my knifes and Bucky was looking at knifes he wanted to train with. There was so much to choose from and Bucky was taking it very serious into finding the right knifes. "You almost ready?" I asked him putting my hands on my hips. "Yeah I'm just trying to see..." He trailed off. I huffed at that. Then I'll choose. I walked over to the table of knifes. "These will do." I said as I picked up two knifes and flipped them around in my hands. The were very light and should be easy for him to handle.
"You gotta teach me how to do that." Bucky said in wonder which made me flip them around in my hands again before I handed the knifes to Bucky.
"Ok, so first of all.. Try not to stab yourself. Second try not to stab me." He scoffed at that. And I rolled my eyes. "Alright come here." I said as I walked towards the middle of the room and we stood slightly apart. "Besides wanting to know the tricks you need to know where to stab." I walked around him and took my knife from my holster.
"You want to avoid the ribs, because it can get stuck sometimes. If you go for the stomach it can get ugly. But there are two places that if you want to kill someone it will be the easiest." I grabbed his shoulder and pretended to almost stab him in the back. This made him startle and that made me smirk. "If you go for the lower back and hit up for the kidneys they usually won't come back up. And the neck." I said as I moved my knife up to his throat, but not putting any pressure on him. "If you go for the neck I assure you they will not come back up."
"This is nice and all, but I wanna see you in action." I could hear the smirk through his voice. And again I rolled my eyes. I removed my knife and put it in my holster again. Then I gave him a push forward. "Not so fast. You know where to hit, but you also need to know how to defend yourself if you ever get in a situation like this."
"To start, it is better to fight with one knife at a time. So if for what ever reason you lose one you'll have a backup." Bucky nodded taking it a little more seriously now. "Then obviously you don't want to be an open target. Keep your arms close to your body. And even though you have a knife in one hand and nothing in the other you can still hit them.. or kick them. Alright.. I'll show you now. Lets see how you can defend yourself Sargent." He nodded at that and got ready.
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I took my knife out and flipped it in my hand. I charged forward and tried to go for his head, but Bucky was able to duck away which made me miss. He's fast, that's good. I went to kick him with my left leg which made him stumble back. I advanced forward again flipping my knife and went for his torso. If this was a real fight I would have hit him. "This would hurt." I said as I pushed him back. "I thought you said go for the kidneys and neck." Bucky said as he got back in his stance. "Yes, but if this is life or death I will try to hurt you no matter what to make you slow down. Now try to fight back." I charged forward again but faster. With my right hand I went for his neck but he blocked me and pushed me back. "Good... But you can do better." I charged at him again, but I quickly flipped the knife in my left hand and went for his neck again. This time he wasn't fast enough. "Dead." I told him. "You gotta teach me that one." Bucky said with a smile on his face.
"And you gotta fight back if you want to live." I told him a little serious but half joking. "I don't wanna hurt you doll." He told me seriously. "I promise you, you won't hurt me. Now try and get a grip on that knife and see how it feels." He did as he was told and swung it in front of him a few times to see how it feels.
"Hey! There you are." Steve said as he came walking in the room we were training at. "Hey Steve." I said as I turned towards him. "We got another mission. Tomorrow were going to Austria. Hydra is going to be shipping weapons on a train there and Zola should be there as well." I nodded at Steve. Maybe they would also be moving the Tesserect on the train. This could be a great opportunity. "What are you guys doing?" Steve asked looking over at Bucky who was still swinging his knife around and trying to flip it every now and then. "I'm teaching him how to fight with a knife.. But he's not very good." I said the last part a little quieter. "I heard that." Bucky said which made me and Steve laugh.
"I'm gonna head back up. Try not to hurt yourself." Steve said the last part to Bucky before turning to me. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He said jokingly before walking away.
"Ok, dork, lets get back to it." I said as I clapped my hands and turning towards Bucky.
"Doll.. I don't even think they are as cruel as you in the army." Bucky said as we came back in out apartment. I'll be honest I kinda gave him hell while we were training, but I want him to become good. I want him to defend himself. "So you rather have training from them then from me?" I asked smiling already knowing the answer. "Never." He said as he put his arms around me from behind and kissed me on my cheek. "I need a shower." He said sniffing himself. "Or we.." He started. I shook my head. "I don't think so." I said as I pushed him in the bathroom. "You go get that shower and after that I will. Then we need sleep, cause we're going to Austria tomorrow." Bucky gave me a big pout. "But.." "No." I interrupted before shutting the door in his face.
I smirked as I heard the shower turning on. I went to lay down on the bed and wait for my turn. It only took about ten minutes before Bucky came out of the bathroom with his towel sitting low on his hips. I gave him a quick up and down look which earned me a smirk from him before going into the bathroom myself to take a shower.
For some reason Loki popped in my head. I hadn't seen him in a while now. I hadn't seen anyone from Asgard in a while. They all knew I preferred being on Earth, but at least once a year I would visit them. I hadn't done that in a couple of years now. I missed Thor being his proud self and his stupid jokes, even though sometimes I'm not sure if he's joking. I missed Frigga, she would always teach me an new spell or practice some magic with me. Sif is the best drinking buddy anybody could ask for. Odin is.. Odin. Heimdall is basically my father, he has taught me how to fight with a sword and just taught me many lessons. I am honestly always happy that he is the first one I see as I go to Asgard. Then Loki, as annoying as he can be.. He has been my friend for so long. He had taught me a lot about fighting as well, but what I like the most about him that he was always up for an adventure. He had shown me many other planets and different realms. I know it was just an opportunity for him to get away from his family, but we always had fun doing it.. or usually we did. This had been the first time we had actually been in a fight like this.. And now I can't see him at all. Maybe after I tell Bucky what I am I could take him to Asgard. Most likely not a lot of people will be happy with that, but I'll deal with that after. Bucky wouldn't believe his eyes if he went to Asgard. I thought smiling to myself.
I turned the shower off and dried myself. I looked in the foggy mirror and looked at the dog tags hanging around my neck. I took them in my hand looking at them. Barnes. It is a nice name. Y/n Barnes. I thought to myself. "Y/n Barnes." I said now softly smiling. I like the sound of it. My name had been Y/n Ironside or Ævi for so long now, but I would love nothing more than to take his name. "Y/n Barnes." I said again. It sounded perfect. It made me even more excited for the war to be over and marry him. I let go of my dog tags and walked out of the bathroom with my towel around me.
As soon as I stepped out I heard Bucky whistle. "Wow! So beautiful, Doll!" He said with a smirk plastered on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully. "How about now?" I said as I dropped my towel. He bit his lip. "There is nothing more beautiful in the entire universe."
I walked over to his side of the bed, swinging my hips as I did. Bucky's eyes never lost sight of my body. He was trying to take all of me in. Through the sheets I could already see something growing. I straddled his lap and he tried to sit up, but I pushed him down. "You did enough exercise for today." I told him as I grinded down on him which made him inhale sharply.
I moved closer and planted my lips on his. His hands went for my hips helping me move on his length as there were still sheets in between us. I felt him getting harder and myself getting wetter. Our want for each other growing. "I want you." Bucky said between kisses as he tried to go for my folds but I grabbed his hand, stopping him. "I said you did enough exercise for today." Bucky snorted. I moved his hand back on my hip and moved the sheets out of the way. His length sprung and I started grinding him again. Hitting my sensitive bud as I did.
I started moving my hips faster and felt a knot form. I started to moan in the kisses, which made Bucky grab my hips tighter. I pressed down harder which started to make me see stars. "Cum for me baby." He whispered in my ear. And I did, my hips losing it's pace. My vision clouded with stars and it slowly went away.
Bucky tried to sit up to flip me over. "I said, you did enough exercise today." I told him with a smile as I pushed him back. I grabbed his length and pumped him a few times before lining myself up. I slowly sat down, his length stretching my walls. When I was ready I started moving slowly. His whole length almost out before taking it all in again. Bucky was a moaning mess underneath me.
When the suspense was almost killing us both I started to move faster. His length filling me perfectly with every thrust. Both out moans became louder and Bucky's hips started to twitch. His hands were grabbing my hips tighter with every thrust. I put one of my hands on his chest and one in his hair. I went down to trail kisses under his ears. This earned me a growl and Bucky started to thrust up in to me. Every thrust went faster and harder, hitting all the right spots. Soon I felt another knot building up quickly. My moans became even louder and I was almost afraid the neighbors would complain tomorrow. Bucky took this as his que to now move his hand and rub it over my still sensitive bud. "Oh-.. Oh God-..Bucky." I said softly as I came undone.
Bucky started to quicken his pace before letting out a groan. Snapping his hips up irregularly and slowing down. He put his arms around me, trying to pull me closer, if that was even possible. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you." He said in my hair. "I love you too." I told him as I moved, his length slipping out of me, giving me an empty feeling.
I sighed after a moment. "What's wrong?" Bucky asked sleepily. "I can't wait for this war to be over so we can marry." That made him pull me closer to his chest. "Me neither." Again it was like I could hear the smirk in his voice. "I'll be Mrs. Barnes." I told him. "I like that. Y/n Barnes." Hearing him say it made me even more excited. "Bucky and Y/n Barnes." Soon. Soon that would be real.
Let me know what you think :)
If you wanna be tagged let me know! :)
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is-nini · 4 years
Zhongli x reader
I'm.. changing some of the flow in the story a bit.. i hope you don't mind ☺️
You and Zhongli are very close, he would tell you about his day and you would tell him about yours. You both are stuck with eachother basically that's how close the both of you are, Childe and you is close too and Childe does care for Zhongli and you but he is busy with his "stuff" so you and Zhongli is so much closer than he is.. doesn't mean that Childe like Zhongli any less though.
Being with Zhongli is amazing and you could say that you... Have a crush on him either.. how can you not? He is such a gentleman. Sure, he is lacking in terms of mora but that doesn't mean he cannot get one.. he is a manipulative person, he can get anything that he want and he didn't even have to beg. He is kind and calm towards you despite you being a very.. active person he still care for you.. that's what makes you love him..
After you found out that Aether fight Childe at the golden house and was injured, you can't help but feel bad.., Childe is one of you're friend and Aether.. you care for him too.
Finding out that Childe hurt Aether is painful for you so you rushed to the golden house to meet Aether and then followed him to look for Zhongli.
Aether said once you three, alongside paimon arrived at the bank. You look around and try to process everything in the best that you could. Signora.. seems like a girl's name so you assume that it must be the woman.
Question surge through you're veins, what is she doing here? Who is she? Why does childe seems familiar with her?.. and why is Zhongli here? Does he know her?. You always thought that you know everything about Zhongli.. maybe you're just too naive huh..
Listening to their conversation that went on as if you're not there... It confuses you so much the only thing that you can take in is that Zhongli.. is A god.. rex lapis..
Everything is such a blur. Zhongli and Signora said a couple of thankyou for the "fatui" and all the people that went into this.. "play" or "stage" that they have set up. Even until now you're mind is in a blur.
Set up? Play? Are you part of the play too? Are you a doll that they control either?.
That is the thing that comes in to you're head and was confirmed to be true when Childe finally speak after what felt like ages.
"Hey! What about us? Doesn't anyone feel the least bit of remorse for deceiving me and y/n? You practically kept us in the dark".
That line.. that word coming off from Childe's mouth doesn't answer all of you're question but it does answer one thing. You ARE just a puppet.
That.. fact breaks you're heart so bad, you're mouth is trembling and you're tears is threating to fall, you don't know what yo think anymore, Childe might've played it off cooly and kind of calmly but you're sure he is sad too.
Was the relationship that you and Childe made with Zhongli doesn't mean anything more than a distraction from the reality?
"Heh, i think that thanks would be more appropriate Childe, you certainly played no small part in all of this... Wreaking havoc and turning the city upside down. The lord of Geo ought to thank you for you're performance, if anything if you hadn't created the pressure of a battle between mortals, adepti and a god, the lump of coal resting in the hands of the Geo Archon- Liyue- would never been able to become a dazzling diamond of a city".
She said, letting out a almost evil like giggle in the end, her gaze turns to you and smirk a little bit.
"As for you.. thankyou for being the puppet on the string, you have done a great job at it dear, if only Zhongli really cares for you and Childe..".
You suck a deep breath at that statement, trying you're best to not let out the tears, you're body is trembling. There HAS to be a explanation to these there has to be! Zhongli is just trying to find out the question that he is looking for- and he won't- he won't.. leave you.. would he? Surely you're.. something to him.. surely.. right?.
Aether and paimon went closer to you're side, blocking Signora's view from you're trembling body.
After Signora announced her goodbye she just walked out of the room.. just like that.. with this weird powerful gnosis thingy in her possession.
The room got silent for a while before Aether snapped out of his trance and run to look for the fatui, thinking that if the fatui know this much about something they must know at least a piece of information about his sister.. right?.
And there Aether goes, leaving you alone with Zhongli.. the man that you care and love deeply, you cannot look at him in the face, not after everything, being called a doll a puppet on a string just for this man..
His smooth voice reached you're ear as he slowly walked towards you slowly, as if not wanting to scared you away. He called you're name so softly and gently, it reminded you of the times before you know the "truth" before this chaos happens.
Zhongli keep looking at you're form in worry, you're body is trembling, he knows this is the risk of his act.. yet it still hurts to see you sad.. because of him.
Zhongli hold you're shoulder and then raised you're head by taking you're chin gently and raising you're head up slowly but you quickly moved youre head away from his touched and looked back down, avoiding his gaze.
".. let me explain? Please?".
You keep you're head low. After taking a deep breath you nod a little then Zhongli started to explain as if he read you're mind.. in the past you would be so happy that he understands you but now it scared you..
"My first intention is to used you and Childe.. but as times goes on I enjoyed the both of you're company.. especially you.".
The way he said it is so.. confident.. it makes you feel safer but at the same time it scared you, feeling comfort on Zhongli's side you're sniffle started to pour out from you're mouth.
"H-how can i trust you?".
You don't wanna trust him but part of you just.. wanted him to clarify so bad- you're scared and confused as you're sniffling and tears flows down you're red face. Zhongli hugs you and kissed your head swiftly, letting you cry on his shoulder.
"Now that i know the answer to my question.. I don't need the both of you.. I should've left you alone.. but i cannot bring myself to do so.. even though our relationship started for my purposes only but now it's hard for me to leave you alone".
He cups you're red cheek as you sob weakly on his hand, you close you're eye, trying to look away but then you felt a soft lips on your's. You're eyes widen and you try to push him away but.. alast you melt to his kiss and touched until he pulled away.
"I.. have fallen in love with you".
You're sniffling and sobbing stoped for a while until you're tears, tears of happiness, tears of unbelievable, tears of scared to loose him started to fall again. Zhongli has never been in a relationship before but the soft smile on you're lips say's that everything is going to be okay, for him and you're future.
He pecked you're lips once more as you felt him smile against you're lips and this time you kissed him back, tiptoeing you're legs a little bit and hug his neck as he hugs you're hips, pulling you closer to him.
And from then on a new relationship has bloom, you might face trouble and argument with Zhongli but everytime you both looked at eachother, it feels as though you both are in love again and that's what convinced you that everything will be okay with the both of you.
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highladyluck · 4 years
I feel like anyone reading this blog on the regular is probably at least neutral if not actually positively inclined towards Mat and Tuon's relationship (or you would have unfollowed or blocked me or my Mat/Tuon tag after the past month), but nonetheless I still feel the need to set the record straight about their last canonical interaction. On the surface, it does not look like these two crazy kids are going to make it! But I have hope, and here's why. (Essay with entire series spoilers under the cut).
Tuon frowned. The explosions reflected in her dark eyes. "I'm with child," she said. "The Doomseer has confirmed it." Mat felt a jolt, as sure as if a firework had gone off inside of his stomach. An heir. A son, no doubt! what odds that it was a boy? Mat forced a grin. "Well, I guess I'm off the hook, now. You have an heir." "I have an heir," Tuon said, “but I am the one off that hook. Now I can kill you, if I want." Mat felt his grin widen. "Well, we'll have to see what we can work out. Tell me, do you ever play dice?"
It is with deep embarrassment that I must tell you that this is how these two dumbasses flirt with each other. I'm sorry! It hurts me too.
Things that look like baldfaced threats from Tuon are not a new interaction, so we have a pattern to study. Tuon has basically been threatening to demote Mat for insubordination (with asides on his appearance) since kidnapping Day 1. She does it when she thinks he's being rude or acting inappropriately; she never strikes first, but if she thinks he's been rude to her she'll be rude right back. I think the first time she threatens to make him her cupbearer is when she's pissed off that her cover story is that she's a thieving servant. Then it's when he's a little late for their shopping trip. Interestingly, she's like 'you look good in lace', which is actually a compliment, so she covers it up with 'maybe I'll dress you in lace when you're my cupbearer'.
The other times she does it is when he has bad table manners (and doesn't apologize for it or change behavior to her satisfaction.) The time she does it in the thakan’bar ‘hell’ she changes it from 'cupbearer' to 'running groom' because 'he's good with horses'. She's increasingly sure that he's the one in the prophecy so I think these become increasingly less serious threats- they also become increasingly mixed with compliments of a sort. She's taking him down a peg, but also complimenting him half the time, which makes it somewhat of a playful insult, which is a flirting strategy used by people who don't know their own feelings or who want plausible deniability about them.
Once they're officially married, and he does something insubordinate or that puts her status in court at risk, she switches to "Please don't make me execute you" with similar additions of "I'm growing fond of you"/"It would be a shame to kill you before you gave me an heir" and so on. She's telling him to behave, but the threats are pretty much entirely empty. Mat knows by this point that while she probably would kill someone who was loyal to her if she thought she absolutely had to, she will go out of her way to avoid doing it and would absolutely not do it on a whim and without considerable soul-searching, and he also knows that she has looked out for his welfare multiple times and is possessive of 'her' people.
There's a lot of examples of Tuon protecting Mat, from her attempt to salve his infected wounds- after she takes him down a peg for being smug about the kiss by telling him he has a fever and his wounds must be infected- and the way she and Selucia pull him back from spooky doom in Shiota, and her saving him outside the Hell, and the fact that she goes to rescue him when he's beset by Grey Men in the command tent, etc. And he knows that she trusts him implicitly because she looked to see what he was aiming at when he threw a knife at the assassin behind her. Trust is extremely important to Tuon and she trusts Mat with her life. There is no way she actually wants to kill him and they both know it.
Also, her prophecy specifically said "It is him you will marry and no other" and she plans to have a bunch of children so they can all fight for the throne and the fittest will win. She *knows* she's stuck with Mat. Honestly, Mat heard her version of the prophecy and should also have done the math and figured out that she isn't going to get legitimate heirs with anyone else, and that if she says she's with him to get an heir for the Empire, that means she's stuck with him for the rest of her childbearing years at the very least, because she's got to name the heir apparent for the succession to really be finalized. But in fairness Mat was distracted at the time and I also think he doesn't want to think about the fact that his kids are going to be encouraged to murder each other, which is, you know, fair. (There are actual, major problems in store for their relationship! Obviously! But sincere death threats for spouses is, I argue, not actually one of them.)
But I think, based on how she acts more than what she says, Mat knows that she's not serious about killing him. I think he knows this is just her weird way of flirting, because he's the one starting the joke, albeit tentatively, since he’s forcing the grin- it's her joke, it's not his, he's testing the waters and trying to mimic her terms (the way she often does with his, to comedic effect- remember how she put the same swear into the wedding vows he did!) He's taking a risk, he's saying "Well I guess I've done what you said is my job, I'll go if you don't want me around...?" And her response is "Actually *I* did *my* job!" (Subtext: I am specifically not saying your job is over- just like I specifically made you not under my protection at the circus so you had to stick with me and see the whole thing through- so by extension, you are not free to go, this is not over.) "Now I can kill you if I want." (Subtext: "And if I actually wanted you to leave I'd just kill you instead. ;)" The ;) is a stand-in for even more subtext, which is "And we both know I am not actually going to kill you, dumbass.") That's why Mat reacts with an actual grin- he correctly parses that she wants him to stick around- and a reply that boils down to "Wanna bet? ;)" which is both an acknowledgment of "I'm calling your bluff about the killing me thing" and an overture of friendship, because Mat likes to play games with his friends. (He said the same thing to the Seanchan soldier he won over earlier in AMOL.)
At this point they know each other well enough to hear the stuff that's underneath the bravado and posturing, and they have figured out how to communicate well enough to  a) fake a convincing split for battle strategy purposes and b) mostly be sure that it is just a fake split. They know their relationship is weird and vulnerable in a lot of ways, but they also have a deep practical awareness that the other person values them and will keep their promises, that the other person can be trusted to protect them, and that they need things from one another. They're both people who have a lot going on under the surface, who aren't super introspective and also deliberately hide their feelings and lie about them for advantage or survival. But their actions tell the true story, and they know it.
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mejomonster · 4 years
Im trying to avoid anything too specific from WOH because I have to wait on the subs but all of the gif sets you reblog are so pretty and I am just 😭😭😭 i wanna look at them and reblog them already (and like don't feel bad about that, curating my own dash and avoiding spoilers is entirely my own responsibility xD im just impatient because WOH is so good but waiting on the subs is the worse)
if u block the ‘word of honor’ tag i am still tagging all the woh posts at least ToT 
although idk if ur like me. but i saw plenty of spoilers on my dash and still really had no idea what was going on until i finished the show this weekend. so. i don’t think the gifs really encapsulate what u are about to watch! (u could do what i did and like them but not look at any of em until the show’s done being watched ToT that’s what i did cause i didnt wanna miss the pretty gifs and lose em lol)
also: if you have android or iphone, people put out guides on how to get youku app vip if you did want to watch the whole show now. i’m guessing you know that’s an option right? vip was i think 18 dollars or less for 6 months. i ended up doing that because i was afraid the show might not finish airing. but it clearly did, and has been basically pretty secure, so i’m fairly sure it will finish airing on youtube ^-^. (i generally prefer watching on youtube so i can watch on tv). the youku app also had a 1.50 dollar special bonus 7 minute ep that is like the ‘final ending’ and i watched that too. i’m hoping it will also, at the end, be uploaded to youtube (because it will be really awful if its an ending only watchable in some places ;-; )
but like. u can watch on youku app if ur impatient... they uploaded all eps with eng subs. its all up there to watch now for youku app vip. i forgot who made the guides for getting youku vip if u wanted, but they’re pretty easy to find and floating around. 
update: here’s some guides: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/tian-ya-ke/60635-how-to-subscribe-to-youku-vip
here’s one for android users: https://three--rings.tumblr.com/post/646296467825426432/youku-vip-how-to
the iphone one i used: https://mejomonster.tumblr.com/post/645744895316918272
the tumblr android one: https://mejomonster.tumblr.com/post/645794869677293568
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