#I hate gay people x
emotoangel · 2 days
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oh they’re on a cute date again or whatever 🙄🙄
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simplelad · 9 months
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They’ve been rotting in my brain for a while so naturally this is the result
Anyways I like to think if marvel weren’t COWARDS they would 1.) make Lokius canon (obvious) and 2.) explore Lokis shapeshifting. Because I want to see him as a cat
click for better quality
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egg-on-a-legg · 7 months
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i dont know man
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funlazoid · 6 months
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I was making a comic abt em and I was thinking “well shit…this art style looks nothing like them.”
So this is me fucking around with a new art style that represents them better
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casef1les · 1 year
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Sonadow fluff can mean multiple things
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claiireluv · 8 months
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heyy sonic x shadow generations am i right
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hadesoftheabyss · 1 year
"We need more gay ships that include people of color!"
The Spiderverse Fandom: does that
"Actually no, don't do that. In fact stop touching people of color and forcing themselves into gay ships!"
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ruumirmir · 4 months
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I like the way you kiss me,
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lienspien · 4 months
Barty is provocative as fuck and James is easy to rile up. Usually, it just leads to James storming off with Barty laughing. One time, James was having his own problems, and Barty came by and started a fight. James said the most offensive personal thing ever that got Barty so mad, he got personal too. Then they both are just yelling at each other, and everyone is kind of scared to pull them apart. Eventually James just tells him to fuck off and Barty does, for the first time, storm off.
They were seen making out later that night
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soullessjack · 1 year
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hey girls
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andy4yippee · 3 months
The scene im hoping for in s5
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i love them cries
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skylie-spiderlillis · 3 months
Don't get me wrong, I love painland because they're the land of pain payneland dearly & I'm currently writing *multiple* fics about them.
But if I hear one more person saying shit about Crystal and saying she was gross for what she had with Charles I'll fucking scream.
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lamemeduturfu · 2 months
So... about that first draft...
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i hate them i will kill them myself oh wait haha someone was faster than me ^^
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coachcolby-coolest · 6 months
now I don’t like queers, but I think Kylar should hook up with Jeffery
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trashno0dle · 1 day
constantly thinking abt this exhange on the plane in dofp
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yuttikkele · 1 month
the izuocha vs bakudeku shipwar not dying off being getting STRONGER after the manga ended is SOOOO funny. I really enjoy watching it go down. I’ll scroll by a reel of one bashing the other and it’s just so entertaining. The manga ended and no one won and they’re both throwing rocks harder at each other.
and I think one of the things that makes it so absurdly funny to me is that, I’ve never seen a fandom-wide HUGE ship war, like THE ship war of the fandom, THE brawl for who gets the protagonist, be between a straight and gay ship. Talk about diversity in mainstream media, amirite? Like OF COURSE it’s bnha the fandom known for its gay shipping, but, bnha is still a shounen anime!! It has a LOT of dudebros! The bnha fandom has a lot of queers and a lot of dudebros, and you thought bnha was done? No, this is THE final battle, and they’re going head to head duking it all out.
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