#I feel like that one ‘hahaha again! hahaha again!’ meme lol
chibishortdeath · 3 months
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Yay random doodles :3 uh some explanations under a cut
I was thinking of the Miku and Cinnamoroll collab and drew Simon with Pompompurin hehe.
Pompompurin phone case based on this one meme of a tough looking guy holding up a Hello Kitty one asdfghjkl— I saw it and immediately had to draw The Guy doing that, but with the Sanrio character I’ve chosen for him lol.
Anatomy reference sketches. He’s so fun to draw, so many shapes :)
Side profile that I don’t remember posting so he’s here lol.
This one I played a picrew and the one of hand poses was really nice, so I tried to challenge myself to draw it. Very hard hand pose to get to look real, especially when it’s over someone’s face since it obscures so much (TwT ).
Waa! Blood! Yeeouchie!
I love making the ends of his headband stand up when he’s surprised or spooked hehehehe, it’s so cute X3.
I thought he would look really cute with a braid in his hair and realized that he could put his eartails back with it. I also kinda thought how funny it was considering that I started drawing him with eartails when a lot of artworks of him don’t have them 💀💀💀
He is singing something, he’s really intense about it. Idk what song do you think it is :0.
Cat gif :3 you know the one—
If I see that I’ve posted any of these before, I’ll just edit this post about it d(•w•)
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taissaswifelowkey · 29 days
Yellowjackets calling/texting you pt.ii!
a/n: DAMNN okay so i really need to figure out how to insert hyperlinks without it showing the whole thing 💀💀 also in pt i, i mistakenly added jackie TWICE instead of including lottie :(( my bad. ig it’ll be up to us to interpret who’s who 😭
i also decided to do a modern timeline for once!! proofread and as usual feedback is always welcome and enjoy 🥶💯💯
italics = texts, dialogues will be known with quotation marks
warnings: mentions of canon elements! they’re light spoilers but i’d rather be safe than sorry about ruining the show for someone. self-indulgent but you already know it yellowjackets gay propaganda 😎‼️‼️
modern timeline
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📚 with meetings, galas and interviews and both of your conflicted schedules taissa doesn’t always have time to be with you (even though you’re often her plus one!) you’re not that much at the house at the same time but she’ll always text you to check up on you, making sure you and sammy are okay. ive said this once and ill say it again, ms turner is an avid ellipses and ok user. also uses the 👍 emoji
I made pasta!!
👍 Nice.
I might come home late…
Whose body do I need to bury??
i think she’ll also send you motivational quotes, or something related to philosophy. or anything that reminds her of your relationship. she can be simultaneously romantic and so nerdy, you love it
You know what this reminds me of? A certain quote of Socrates.
You talk about that guy more than you do about me 😒😒😒
🛹 if im thinking idealistically, it would be random texting with van. anything from memes, to weird statements, to memes again. but if you want my solid truthful opinion? i think she’s not really that big on technology. will mostly call you for hours using her vintage landline. you two however do keep contact with each other in any way when you’re apart, or when she’s on yj business
This TikTok has me rolling and sobbing
TikTok as in…the clock? Why would it make you cry? Are you okay?
phone calls when you are away! she loves hearing your voice :(( and you love hearing her laugh. she swears it’s awful but you like it in a “i like that laugh, hahaha” way. but back to idealist thinking, she would honestly use a list of emojis to communicate like
What’s happening?
I’m saying yes for the groceries get with the times 🙄😒🫤
🕷️ nat will forget to answer your text messages but she’ll still answer you as soon as she remembers? or she’ll just reply to you in person. otherwise than that she’ll take pictures of anything that reminds her of you. idk why but i think she texts in all caps unintentionally. would also have a few typos
Omg are you okay?
would use all sorts of emojis in any context but according to her interpretation. it leaves you confused most of the time like what does 🦵 mean???
🎀 hear me out…same as van i feel that adult lottie doesn’t use her phone that much??? i mean sure a few texts here and there but it’s not allll the time. HOWEVERRRR if, let’s say you’re on some trip or something, she will call/text/facetime you every now and then. would also text you right after calling
Heyyy how are you 🥰🥰🥰
Good :)) and you?
Great but I just miss you
It’s only been 30 secs since we hanged up lot 😭😭
is the type of person to send you recommendations on outdoors or indoor activities like “we should do this 🥰🥰🥰”
🦉 misty is a serial texter (when she has time, being a nurse and a secondhand dexter takes up a lot of time) so, sporadically, you’ll have messages. pictures of her coffee, or to gossip with you and minion memes. im telling you your inbox are spammed with facebook memes to the point of it being slightly concerning? also uses acronyms and 😂🤣
LOL check THIS out I am ROFLING 😂😂😂
This is the 10th minion meme in a day 😭😭
will also correct you. is literally ☝️🤓 but it’s something about those asterisks and corrections that brings a smile to your face
🪵 shauna is basically your virtual reminder. you hardly even use the notes app. sends you voice messages and expects you to reply with the same format. sends you pictures of what she did throughout the day
Look at what I found in our garden today!!
Aww that’s a cute bunny can we name it Mayfield
WILL and WILL expect you to answer directly, or at least answer 10 minutes after. of course that not apply when you’re busy but if she’s doing the groceries and you’re at home you can answer, right? right???
🧸 voice messages with jackie taylor. like, podcasts. lots of tiktok memes, insta reels, just like lottie she will send you couple activities and be like we should do this omggg 😍😍😍 uses emojis, sometimes will spam you and WILL expect you to answer her too.
Hey beautifullll 🥰
Hi :)
Can you pls listen to my voice memo
Jax it’s three minutes long 😭😭
So??? It’s a signed masterpiece LISTEN TO IT
i think she’s also the type to send you playlists but also random recommendations, not just couple stuff. like clothing, jewellery, or makeup if that’s your thing. if you two are apart expect lots of 1 hour facetimes and thirty minutes of texting right after
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benjinoff13 · 2 years
Thinking about the domesticity of avatrice’s text messages while they were in Switzerland
B: “Will you be home for dinner?”
A: “YES! can you make that pasta again”
B: “Which one?”
A: “idk the one you made the other day w the sauce”
B: “?”
A: “nm”
B: “I never understand your messages.”
B: “Will you be home soon? Are you safe?”
A: “yes I’m fine! still omw I ran into michael but I’ll be home in 5”
B: “Please hurry. The ice cream is melting and we don’t have a freezer. Remember?”
B: “Don’t run and text please.”
A: “I just saw a bunch of cows crossing the street??!??”
B: “What do you want for lunch?”
A: “whatever you want is fine bea :)”
A: “where are we meeting for training?”
B: “The usual spot.”
A: “I don’t remember where it is lol I keep getting lost”
B: “Send your location I’ll come pick you up.”
A: “I got stung by a bee what am I supposed to do lol”
A: “BEA???”
A: “or should I say bee hahaha”
A: “it healed”
B: “I’m glad.”
A: “that shit hurts like bitch”
B: “Language. Please.”
A: “damn, even over text?”
B: “Yes.”
B: “I’ll probably be asleep when you get home. There’s dinner in the fridge.”
A: “ty, sweet dreams, I’ll be home soon!! <3”
B: “I bought a book I think you might like.”
A: “that’s really sweet bea but I’m not as big a fan of reading as you are…”
B: “It’s a comic book, Ava.”
A: “omg yeeeh thank you :)))”
A: “hey who was that girl you were talking to the other day?” (deleted)
A: “I lost my white tank top do you know where it is”
B: “Underneath the couch near the radiator.”
A: “you’re the best!”
A: *picture of bea sleeping* *picture of a sunset* *picture of a baby cow* *meme about nuns*
B: “What film do you want to see tonight?”
A: “it’s your turn to pick bea but nothing too complicated and nothing with subtitles or I’ll probably fall asleep on top of you again”
B: “Right. We don’t want that to happen.”
A: “don’t we?” (deleted)
A: *stupid pun*
B: “That one actually isn’t too bad.”
B: “I know you didn’t sleep well. I hope you’re feeling better today. Hans can cover your shift and we don’t have to train today if you don’t want to. I’ll bring some snacks when I get home.”
A: “thx, love you” (deleted)
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staraxiaa · 3 months
shutter-click, the afterword:
author's corner/first thoughts.
firstly, to those of you who know what it's like, and those of you who don't, i hope i did these themes justice. i'm not sure if this is an entirely accurate representation - i tried to take some of my own experiences and exaggerate it into what fit for my vision of the story. i apologize if i have trivialized any aspect of it. also there is like. negative actual romance like the tension is not there bc i imagine them to be pure balls of sweetness and fluff and like. it will probably happen? but like 5 years down the line. i called this story shutter-click partially after the sound of a camera, and partially because when i think of pictures now, i think of the importance of the memories present in them. it could be the ugliest picture you have ever seen, and yet it still means something to someone, because it reminds them of something they might have forgotten once upon a time. that's also why the reader names the first collection shutter-click - in part in reference to the title, but also the importance of these 'pictures' that are carried on throughout life. i.e. nanny's grin, the first person to ever believe in them, which also helps them overcome a great many barriers. ngl i didnt think about the rest of the art. maybe the rest should also be smile-inspired. but i am not going to call it the smile collection. this was also in no way sunflower caliber LOL sorry. genuinely have no clue i feel like the pacing was really fast. too fast. shouldve probably spent more time with the growth era. i will very likely revisit a similar concept eventually ok now that that's over - rant time. this was the brainchild of a discarded mc concept for another of my works. i couldn't quite get her character to fit with my vision, and then this was born. i wrote all of this in a day. i said i would take a break. well, i didn't. lowkey a hiatus time now <3 sorry. really wanted to get more work done on porcelain but then i was like WHAT IF and then i thought of a kiri fic. and then u know what i realized? mc is literally just katsuki like. i am in despair like now i really want to make porcelain a coming of age fic too. discovering oneself, forging yourself anew. what if it was a whole collection. oh my god. please send me some katsuki asks so i can brainrot over him instead (please) mentally i feel like the clown meme music and a thousand bouncing balls in my brain all at once. i have been listening to the same song for seven hours. this was also partially inspired off the prompt 'tragedy of a spare heir' but really reader is neither a spare nor a heir so ? ? ? dunno man i wasnt lying when i said i was tired seriously though, thank you to everyone who commented + liked shared my first work. i genuinely never expected to receive such a positive response, and i hope that this one is up to the same caliber. i still think im a god btw im genuinely on 4 hours of sleep and just churned out like. 10k? in less than 12 hours HAHAHA #if i don't laugh i am going to cry #i want to carve my brain out and examine it. these last few hours were such a blur but it's over. i feel both defeated and glorious at the same time. this was also significantly harder to write than sunflowers. that one was so nice. so easy. i miss it. im never hitting that peak again i think seriously though i think it's temp hiatus time i am emptied of thought will continue updating as i think of things i guess
unwritten scenes, headcanons, more ramble? no clue
i'm not sure if social anxiety disorder/selective mutism is necessarily something you are born with. i am aware that you can develop it as the results of past traumas, but in this case, there is very little explanation about that - it's left unexplained in the fic. could both be from hatred of cameras (ik i hate having photos taken of me lol), but again, a lot of this is entirely exaggerated and fictional. sorry. the nanny was supposed to die, but i am tired. so tired. i did not want to write an angst scene that had no relevance to the happiness of the plot. so now u guys just have the most tooth rotting fluff i have ever written in existence. she doesn't appear again in a lot of the later scenes, did i write her in alive? if i did: she actually lives forever. literally immortal idgaf more about the nanny: i imagined someone who also had difficulties in communication, and i hope that translated in the way her speech was very often broken? idk if that was accurate i wrote all of her dialogue at 3am and passed out right after. probably definitely isn't in japanese. my english was not englishing at this time. i hope it was made clear in the fic: everything that the reader that thought about herself and her relationships was wrong, with regards to the parents/sister. idk if this is accurate, but in my mind, and from my experience, my social anxiety at least is that i overthought a lot of things, misinterpreted a lot as well. soooo actually guys you DO have a loving family! i am saving the trauma for porcelain! honestly, i thought about this fic, and when i think of midoriya i just think of pure innocence lol. does it reflect ? similarly to sunflowers, the themes were childhood friendship and growth. i once again skip out on my proper kiss scene bc i think it would suit them even less than the ones in that one. but at least she kissed him on the cheek. it felt pretty ooc to me though so i think she shouldve just hugged him. at least there is also that the thing is though: you're the one to do everything first. he's really hesitant, because he still remembers you as you were, before you were out of your shell. he doesn't want to push you, overwhelm you in any way. you definitely have to be the one to initiate everything -> i just didnt think the hug + cheek kiss together was in character for me but whatever i wrote it i hope u enjoy you kiss him and hes an absolute fucking dorky mess . but honestly this is like every step in the relationship originally, the all might figurine you gift him was supposed to be a birthday present in return for the camera. this is just a fun fact. also i know both of the characters were both supposed to be insanely socially anxious but that would never have worked out so i took some liberties with it/midoriya's character. hope it still makes sense? also hope that his ramble was in-line with canon oh yeah there was supposed to be a side plot with the dead brother. i cannot tell you what it was, seeing as how i do not remember. probably some form of traumatic thing i removed from porcelain reader doesn't have a described quirk cause i am on negative brain juice and couldn't think. you can imagine that it is something art related if you'd like. but i didnt wanna yap more so.
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purplefixations · 2 years
The Best Thing We Never Planned
In honor of the most recent David audio, here is my mind started thinking after I finished listening to it. This is what I think would happen the next morning.
(in the mates gc)
Angel: *picture of David cuddled up to them, sleeping peacefully*
Angel: my fiance is the cutest😍😍😍
Baabe: aww, im saving this for future black mail
Baabe: WAIT!!!
Sweetheart: We're not gonna breeze past that like you didn't say what you just said!
Baabe: i swear to god if you're messing with us!
Baabe: angel answer your phone
Sweetheart: If this is a joke I'm gonna kill you, very slowly
Angel: what do yall want?
Angel: oh...
Baabe: "ya'll" lmao
Baabe: you're around sam too much
Sweetheart: What you mean oh?
Angel: u guys didnt know?
Baabe: NOO?!
Baabe: ash didn't either
Sweetheart: Same with milo
Angel: hold up, how do I know they that didnt know and just kept it a secret?
Baabe: look at my bf and tell me he can keep a secret :/
Baabe: also, I screeched when I saw the word "FIANCE" and he wanted to know why...
Angel: u screeched?
Sweetheart: And I thought milo was jumpy 😂
Baabe: don't pick on me sweetheart, you still havent answered the question.
Sweetheart: Oh, I asked Milo if he knew as soon as I saw the text
Angel: why...
Sweetheart: I assumed he knew and just forgot to tell me
Angel: and he didnt?!
Sweetheart: nope
Sweetheart: It seems David decided not to tell anyone, not surprising tho
Sam: Why is my phone blowing up all at once?
Baabe: scroll up
Sam: Congratulations Angel
Angel: DID U KNOW?!?
Sam: No, no one told me exactly. But Tank mentioned something a few days ago about David and serious commitments, so I'm not exactly supried
Baabe: TANKER KNEW?!????
Sam: Maybe, I can ask.
Sweetheart: I mean, David has been trying to actually include Tank in pack/friend stuff, so maybe this was one of the things.
Baabe: makes sense, tho ash and milo might feel a bit betrayed lol
Sam: They said that David asked them for help with what to say to not sound too cheesey. They also said that it was still extremely sappy in the end.
Angel: it was but it was a nice kind of sappy
Baabe: awwwww
Baabe: what'd he say?
Angel: i dont really remember the words
Angel: it was very long and i think i started crying near the beginning of it all...
Sweetheart: Haha, crybaby
Baabe: HEY! the only one aloud to call them baby is David, back off
Angel: YEAH
Sweetheart: Is this you saying that David calls you a crybaby, and you like it?
Angel: WAiT
Baabe: hahaha
Baabe: masochist
Angel: do you want me to put you on blast? cuz i have receipts
Sam: Okay, I'm going to stop this before it gets out of hand. Again, congrats Angel.
Angel: thanks sam
Sweetheart: Congratulations from me and milo
Baabe: and milo?
Sweetheart: He's been asking for live updates on this situation
Sweetheart: He has also demanded that he gets to help David pick out a suit
Angel: he has to take that up with davey, but honestly that might be a good idea
Baabe: why?
Angel: i love him very much, but he lives in clothes just nice enough to look presentable.
Angel: and dirty work clothes
Baabe: haha
Baabe: ash says congrats too
Baabe: he's been reading this over my shoulder for the last few minutes
Angel: that tracks
Angel: thx tho
Sweetheart: On a serious note, if either of you need any help with filing marriage paper work for an empowered and non-empowered through dump, let me know
Baabe: is it hard?
Sweetheart: I wouldn't say hard, but it's a bit complicated and a lot
Angel: ill keep it in mind Sweets thx
Baabe: getting off that serious note
Baabe: ash made a meme and wants me to send it to you all
Angel: GIMME!!!
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Angel: HahAhHAha
Sweetheart: Is that Aggro?
Baabe: he says yes
Angel: is he actually upset?
Baabe: nah, he's just dramatic
Sweetheart: pls tell me he sent that to David
Baabe: he did
Angel: hes still asleep so don't expect a response yet
Baabe: he's still asleep? I thought he was an early riser and shit?
Angel: normally, but i think the solstice tired him out
Sweetheart: It's probably an emotional vulnerability hangover
Angel: lmao
Baabe: haha
Sam: So it's not just Tanker who gets those.
Angel: LMFAO!!!
Angel: theyre too fucking similar
Baabe: hehehe
Baabe: oh shit, if i die pls have a picture of me at your wedding
Angel: ofc, but why r u dying?
Baabe: I didn't notice that ash left, and I smell smoke
Sweetheart: I'll make sure it's a cute picture
Baabe: bless you
Angel: oof, go make sure your mans didnt commit arson
Baabe: 👍
"Angel, why did Asher and Milo send me vaguely threatening memes?"
"Ooohh. Yeah, that's on you."
"You're the one that didn't tell your best friends that you were proposing."
"I didn't tell them because they cant keep a secret. If I told them, they'd tell their mates, which would be fine but then everyone would start dropping hints and you'd get suspicious."
"Tanker tells Sam everything and you told them."
"How do you know I told Tanker?"
"As I said, they tell Sam everything."
"What- Did you add him to your weird group chat?"
"It's not weird Davey, and besides, he enjoys it."
"I don't know why I bother at this point."
"Because you love me!"
"Yeah. I do, you snot."
Idk how it got this long, I was not planning for that. I wrote this over the span of two ten minute breaks and my lunch at work, so that's why it's kinda chaotic. Anyways, love y'all <3
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quietbluejay · 25 days
Fulgrim 2
also I should warn that this one (commentary for the book not this specific post) has more swearing than usual for me no I could not come up with a better way to express myself. I realize that it's a bit hysterical warning for swearing given everything about this book but there's the book and then there's the commentary
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Fabius: is it tho Fabius: uh you do remember what happened with the EC geneseed- Fulgrim: YES I REMEMBER OKAY Fulgrim: hmmmm guards leave us so Fabius got permission to modify the geneseed
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is it really that brilliant then also they continue to take brutal casualties i don't really have an idea of how many are in each company to know what these loss numbers mean but they're calling it brutal this is the EC version of a warrior lodge meeting which is supposed to be without rank but uh
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when the primarch is in your warrior lodge what are you gonna do ok becky pov
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also there's a lot to unpack here re going after the young she's also got writers block lol
of course she has blue hair and pronouns though I'm pretty sure this was written way before the meme
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wheeze so they decided to completely get rid of the ostensible reason for the lodges and the best part of them Fulgrim has two new dudes to introduce to everyone oh!! it's Saul!! and Lucius!!
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tarvitz: literally the sole non-dickish EC
so they're going to right away go and link up with Ferrus and the IH once they're done
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you know more people should talk to Fulgrim like that, it'd be good for him
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everyone :NooooOOOOoooo everyone: we wanna chill with the IH okay so this is Eidolon, Saul and Lucius being sent off to end up on Murder Fulgrim: food time now!
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lmao suuuure they're in a stormbird about to fly in for the final attack on the Laer solomon is also the guy who talks about fate and "god of battle" heh solomon suddenly feels like sth terrible is going to happen to his legion
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if i had a nickel for every Heresy novel that talked like this about war poetry i'd have two nickels now lmaoooo kharn, julius, shake hands Fulgrim: well this is perhaps maybe not quite going according to keikaku Fulgrim: kinda smells nice though
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you may now enjoy the mental image of Fulgrim punching the air also the laer managed to cut his face because he was too distracted thinking about cool things to do in the future well fulgrim my days of not respecting you sure aren't coming to an end actually you know what it's weird i haven't seen a single muscle description squints at McNeill this is so un-McNeill-like annnd they're going underground to the temple
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well julius: are they like dying or something fulgrim: well they seem to be enjoying themselves- ooooooh shiny
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THE RETURN OF THE UNDULATION but this time it's the snake people undulating so it makes more sense than ahriman's muscles Fulgrim has taken up the sword also huh it's weird there's been zero mention of Laer civilians or kids or i guess eggs? Fulgrim: ok let's kill them all now i mean…you were already doing that…
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they were investigating a place that should have had low resistance so these interlopers must be destroyed
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balhaan is a history nerd and is excited by this
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beautiful lmao
also you know what makes Balhaan sad about attacking the Diasporex? he's destroying a piece of history when he targets their ships
like if this was a WWII book from a Nazi POV at least 75% of everything about this guy wouldn't feel out of place (the 25% being the metal limbs)
hahaha get rekt the diasporex ships pulled a fast one on him and lead him into a trap
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it sure would be nice if i got a pov in this book of someone who wasn't a deeply unpleasant person okay i guess sculpture dude isn't that bad new POV, Santar goes to brave the primarch in his den
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this isn't too bad but what does it even mean "kept the chamber dark" are they stuck over the windows??
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AUGH MCNEILLS ROCK HARD FLESH STRIKES AGAIN im hoping that by "nearly naked" he's at least wearing a cup or something because i'm pretty sure freeballing it in power armour is uhhhh
wait don't even primarchs usually wear that suit thingy in between the armour and their skin wouldn't this be hideously uncomfortable everywhere?
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does ferrus have a single positive quality
ferrus yells at santar about them getting sloppy
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so, kind of blue-coloured then?
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lmaoooo also "eyes like silver coins" has me imagining something like coraline eyes so far in terms of attractiveness tiers we have: everyone thinks they're the hot ones: sanguinius, fulgrim creepily beautiful: lorgar "so very beautiful": horus magnus: magnus attractive but only some people can see it: russ not bad looking: dorn, guilliman ugly and/or wrecked by war: ferrus, angron, mortarion tbh i don't remember everyone else's descriptions well enough anyways santar is staring at ferrus' arms of course he is
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what a guy that ferrus
anyways santar successfully defuses him oh ferrus' eyes don't have pupils creepy Ferrus and Santar have a moment lmao, Santar feels like his soul's exposed as Ferrus stares at him and Ferrus puts his hands on Santar's shoulders and is like "you're important to me"
note to self: do separate post later re: World Eater and Iron Hands parallels and why Ferrus should have been Angron's foil
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you'd think he'd be used to it lol
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katyspersonal · 11 months
your mutual friend group is terrifying and i love it
PFFFFTTTTtttTttTT I am glad to hear this, anon xD Honestly my random morbid cannibalism jokes is not even our final form, usually it goes more like:
me, hyperexcited: GUYYYS GUYS I just realised something after playing BLORBOrne for 50th time, I am such a dumbass ahaha! Turns out that there is a very hard to see detail in the data of Boris (datamined by Russian hackers: ( x ))! The shade of his right eye is kinda white-ish which lines up with theme of losing eye color upon becoming a furry, so despite boasting about his grip he has been secretly reading furry pr0n comics more than he should have! (tagged: #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #blorborne observation #as usual I notice this kind of shit too late AAAAAAAAA #listen it is 5 AM don't @ me)
someone: Katy pls I don't even know who Boris IS 😭
me: What do you mean, he is an easy to miss summon in Horse-Plinked Village!!! By the way, there is a bunch of lore that can be concluded from his items that he never uses but they are in the game files, even though he doesn't have any dialogue!
someone: 😭😭😭
my friends FANDOMette, Wow and Chicken: *reblogging* (tagged: #this is sooooo interesting #really nice observation I never thought about that #I am NOT normal about this #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #nice to finally see more ideas about boris)
fareehaandtheitalians: Girl this is incredible I HAVE NO WORDS, I feel like I am gaining Insight points when I am reading your posts
Jara that reads like 'jara' and not like 'yara' lol: *reblogging* (tagged: #yeah nobody is really safe from corruption in this setting #just like in real life xd #no wonder that I like this game so much because it is just as hopeless as reality #xd #bloorborne)
Chicken: *reblogging from Jara that reads like 'jara'* *screenshot of the tags* GIRL ARE YOU OK 💀💀💀
me and Chicken: *start fighting in the reblogs with progressively ridiculous points about meaning of life and idiotic memes*
fareehaandtheitalians: *already started doodling a meme based on this, as if to immortalize it in a tapestry*
Boom: *reblogging the showdown at its final point when me and Chicken already obliterated one another into a bloody mess* (tagged: #ehehe #stay silly you two!)
other Elden Twink mutuals: *eat popcorn*
Jara that reads like 'jara': Lol I made everything become cursed again xd
Chicken: No, Jara (reads like 'jara'), it is not your fault! You see, none of this would have happened if SOMEONE finally admitted that they are simping for [insert a character that either has the worst haircut in the setting or is so generic-looking that it actually embarrasses me]
robertzombie: *reblogging* She WHAT? People in this fandom have the worst taste I swear
me: You see FRIEND, we will know who ACTUALLY has a bad "taste" when I try a meal out of certain "bird" if you see what I mean.....
Fandomette: KATY NO, DON'T EAT YOUR FRIENDS... You wanted to eat Mewmecolash or something stop 😭
me: WHY ABSOLUTELY EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS SO DEADSET ON OUTING MY SECRETS FOR RANDOM PEOPLE TO READ?????? (tagged: #lmao as if anyone is going to read us after shit like this)
me: I AM ENDING THIS POINTLESS FIGHT HERE BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU PUNKS I HAVE SOME REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO *spends the rest of the day napping or watching cursed Elden Twink challenges letsplays*
Wow: *messaging me in Discord* Dammit what was THAT hahaha
me: Thank you for NOT having my back as usual, well, at least you are good for finishing a dumb post with lol
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shootingstarrfish · 5 months
I swear every time I turn around you’ve posted another masterpiece I’m jealous you can draw so fast it takes me like 3 days at least for a piece lol
AHH i keep being asked this and im flattered yall think this?? ill take a bit to explain the choices that help with my speed and circumstantial stuff that helps a lot
obligatory YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THINGS FAST taking your time is good!! i just get bored easily so i like being done with things and moving on, but i'm very aware of the fact that social media rewards this and punishes inconsistency so i get it lol
long ass ramble under the cut lol
okay so things i deliberately do to draw fast-
i specifically have 2 distinct styles because i constantly have too many ideas, and most of them don't need to be several hour long illustrations so i try to pick my battles and go for a simpler more expressive style for shitposts/memes/etc and reserve my more detailed style for ideas that actually benefit from having that extra time and effort. ofc this won't work for everyone but i tend to have 50 styles at any given moment anyway so giving myself the freedom to switch between them has been really nice
not necessarily deliberate??? but theres no perfectionism in this house, which helps a lot so i don't spend ages fussing over minute details (im a perfectionist at heart but a lazy one LOL)
giving myself time deadlines is also really helpful, like "i have to finish the lineart im the next half an hour" has been really good for getting me to focus and get things done, even if i don't make the 'deadline'. i think generally being conscious of how i use my time is good
okay so circumstantial (?) things-
ALSO USE REFERENCES they help a lot!!! stumbling around trying to figure things out on your own is time consuming, don't be scared of using references!
this isn't a speed thing but i think it's important to note that i spend like ALL my free time drawing, probably to a ridiculous degree. i draw during my work break, i draw after work, on the weekend, speed is nothing in the face of time lol. im usually tired after work but im also stubborn so i try to push through and draw anyway (50/50 chance it works and i get something done or i just sit there in a daze wishing i was asleep LOL)
im also a dumbass who takes on way too much, i have a whole buncha zines and commissions constantly at all times cause i can never say no so i kinda just HAVE to be fast to keep up with everything. i don't recommend it but it's a thing ashdjfj
i also used to be on tiktok and for some god forsaken reason i spent like a solid few months consistently posting 3 times per day which burnt me out SO fast and i absolutely don't recommend but it definitely required speed lol
i will also say that as i draw more and feel more comfortable in my art it comes to me a lot more naturally, and i'm able to make decisions on the fly a lot easier
also okay so starr lore my dad used to be really against me drawing so i would have to sneak onto the computer when he was out of the house hahaha, this gave me anywhere from 30 mins to 2 hours per day to do whatever i wanted, so i had to quickly adapt to that and be super fast if i ever wanted to get anything done
again speed isnt the be all end all of anything, tbh most of this is just my brain working in weird ways that prefers the quicker pace so please don't compare yourself!!
okay long ass ramble over thanks for reading <3333
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seariii · 9 months
Hi Seari 😭 sorry to flood your ask box again lol, but I just wanted to let you know how I appreciate how appreciative you are if that makes sense? You always take the time to thank everyone frequently, you’re eloquent with your words, and you just have this air of gratitude with you where ever you go. And I really admire that about you <3 I want to strive to personally work on that because it’s difficult for my brain to comprehend those kinds of things for myself, so I wanted to let you know how you’ve inspired me to work towards that <3 ilu and thank you so much for being you
aw rose.... this made me really soft.... i love you a lot, really. and dont apologize, you can flood my ask box with more than 20 questions/messages a day and i'll be extremely happy
serious talk for a little bit hahaha... ill put it under the cut because i started rambling and got a bit long.... YOU DONT HAVE TO READ ALL THAT OKAY???? just the last paragraph, thats a message for you
tldr of the serious talk under the cut: Unknown Mother Goose by Wowaka (i also really liked this adaptation) "Even if the world were to reject me today, would i still be able to sing a song of love?"
i never really thought about that, you know? i enjoy telling people how i feel about them, especially to people i love. and im thinking for how long have i done this... when did i start... im not entirely sure... i can go far back when i barely did it, but did it every once in a while like a birthday or when i started to notice the people around me werent giving up on me... and i can go back relatively recently where this feelings landed me in a kind community during covid...
in all honesty, i believe this feelings of gratefulness, of having to express them come from being scared of losing people... come from a lonely place... when you feel cold or have felt cold for so long that you dont remember much warmth, when you find that warmth its soft, gentle, and a little overwhelming... i have many problems connecting with people, and in my own brain, sometimes i feel like im all alone in the world... but... people are warm... people are kind... you, them, make it feel like maybe the entities around me arent just faceless shadows...
i joke with my bestie about how we are that meme of "nothing in life matters" but im the happy one and hes the existential one, but a lot of time i truly feel like that. and from that, makes it easier to enjoy the little sweet stuff, the sweetness of the people around me... and its impressive when i notice that sometimes it doesnt have any reason behind it, or that the reason is just love... its like my brain cant comprehend others doing stuff out of love for the world, so i always get surprised when someone does it for me (and oh boy have i been surprised to tears with you all pretty people)... i think life is a little silly and there isnt much meaning, but that gives us freedom... and that makes everything a person does beautiful...
... you know rose? thank you. i feel like im about to cry hahahahaha /pos ... thank you for always being so kind, so sweet to me, you make me feel like things are okay, and it genuinely makes me happy to see you or interact or talk with you. it made me really happy that you wanted to include me in the conversation, in the group. im someone who feels lonely easily, and the kindness you've shown me has really made me happy and... i really appreciate it... sometimes i say i dont have the words and still try to express myself, because i want to make my message get across... like right now in this paragraph hahaha.... you are someone who i really really appreciate and i just wish to see you happy and achieve everything you want. just know that no matter what, ill be rooting for you, you truly deserve everything in this world, thats how i feel.... im thankful and moved that i inspired you... i never thought id have that effect on people... thank you
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nani-nonny · 4 months
Tbh, never thought a new chapter would be dropped and you dropped it without any hints that there may be a new chapter soon xD tho it was a great surprise.
So we start off as Leonardo begin hungry and believe me, this so canon! After begin sick and in bef for days? You gotta go hungry at one point! And it made me giggle at how Mikey and them were doing the funny stare off contest xD
The moment Mikey left to get his family i knew his sandwich is as good as gone to F!Leo's stomach 😂 if i were him i would have enough shame to apologize or ask for somebody to make for me something 😭
And baby Lou under him begging for that lettuce was just heart melting 🥺🥺 i saw it and immediately went "JUST GIVE HER THE LETTUCE DAMN IT!!" Ahahaha!✨🤍
Finally after finishing the sandwich Mikey return to see what only left which it's bread crumbs and i can imagine Mikey doing this meme
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And finally after so much prolonging things AFTER 9 chapters!!! F!Leo is gonna speak of everything and explain! (Btw, April entering the medbey with bag as her shield and pen as her weapon was silly if i were her i would have 3 pens and look like Wolforin😂)
And i wasn't wrong thinking after the explanation little Leo would be guilty (as he should/aff/p), after all he was the one who lost the key and almost get everyone in the same fate the elder had to go through. So it wasn't a surprise to see them all cry and hug each other for comfort (and for Donnie to slip out of the hug shirty because this isn't for his emotional bad boy image).
And here comes the moment "You ARE the father!!" I never thought you would use the "Maury show" as a reference 😂😂🤩 i personally love it and i also watched multiple videos of the show before.
And this... THUS shocked me
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Leo was having the... You know *ahem* love making...
Also whoever said the 'Never speak to me again' is a pure asshole! Am glad they died in the war!! >:((
Then there's the big think about draxum (lol loved how he's trying to take care of him beauty) But seeing baby Lou knowing him is making me imagine F!Draxum begin so happy to have baby lou.
I don't know if i said this before (maybe i did in the very first ask that created baby tot and peepaws) but i feel draxum created baby lou because he couldn't be in the kids's lifes or be part of fatherhood because he started bonding for like what? a year? And then BAM! Apocalypse! Surely he wanted to take care of the baby tho i feel this wasn't the real reason... Maybe creating a real warrior to help winning the war (a side plan from F!Draxum he went with).
In my defense! The “teaser” came out as snippets and vague posts about how the writing process was going hehe (I think the most recent “teaser” was a vague post about F!Leo spiraling lol) but I believe the best teaser was a vague post prior to posting the chapter about the word count going from 3.4k to 4.1k! (I don’t think you saw those hehe)
Anyways! Chapter review from sniper, yippee!!!
Poor Mikey lol all he wanted was a sandwich but instead he was shocked to see Leonardo’s awake and standing at the doorway with the baby and CJ just as surprised to see him
Baby Lou is hungry, growing little girlie! She wants what her papa is eating, especially because it must be good if he’s scarfing it down hahaha!
rip Mikey’s sandwich, it didn’t last a second with Leonardo lol
April ready to fight when the portal pops up makes me laugh, she knows hahaha! You can count on her to back you up
Poor Lil Leo, forced to realize he may be just as much as a jerk as his future self is, and maybe there wasn’t that big of a change. And maybe… just maybe… he wasn’t exactly right about Leonardo being a total assface. Lol
I thought about different ways Donnie would break it to Leonardo that the baby is indeed his, but this route was much funnier. And faster lol. And I think it’s very on brand for Donnie hahah! Maybe I’ll post a snippet of how it would have gone in a different route… i don’t know.
And I love the memes that come from the Maury show! Although, I’ve never watched an episode except for small clips. The cameramen run really fast haha!
I don’t usually include my peepaws’ love lives so blatantly like (a)paf, mainly because I don’t really see them all that sexually active. Sometimes I like to think that, despite being absolute heartthrobs and “most wanted bachelors”, them being virgins makes it all the more funny. (That and I don’t have interest in writing sexual themes with the turtles… Bruce on the other hand /hj)
But in (a)paf’s case, I didn’t want anyone thinking he truly is a deadbeat dad who got knocked up and tosses a kid aside or, vice versa where he knocks someone else up and tosses a kid aside. He simply wasn’t aware of what Draxum was doing behind closed doors.
But aside from that, I think it’s nice that he got some experience in sex. He’s a big man, he can take part in carnal pleasures.
And about the person who said not to meet again… that was Leonardo. Lol. One night stand wasn’t as good as it could have been haha! On a side note, a lot of his one night stands were understandable agreements that no relation of any sort other than business was to be expected.
Anyways, again, Draxum deserves to feel pretty :) he got a face mask from April’s mom! He definitely wasn’t expecting any Hamato-related shenanigans, he just wanted a peaceful night to himself hahaha!
And Baby Lou so delighted to see Draxum? :(((( she’s such a cutie patootie :((((
And I like your theory! Totally understandable to think that! Now the real question is whether you’re right or not mwahahahaha! I wonder….
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unfortunatelycake · 11 months
20 Questions Writer Meme
Tagged by @snarkivistfic ! Thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3? 173 across 3 pseuds
What's your total AO3 word count? 3,600846
What fandoms do you write for? At present, mostly TGCF with a little MDZS. Previously One Punch Man, boueibu, plus random other anime
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Anon One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated M Genos has feelings for his sensei, and blogs about it 100 First Kisses One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated E Like it says on the tin. This one's 100k. Found in Silence, These Things Unheard One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated M A getting together fic, based around Genos coping with temporary deafness. Foolish Pretenders Heaven Official's Blessing, Feng Xin/Mu Qing, Rated E Fake dating with added idiocy. Begin Again Tokyo Ghoul, Hide/Sasaki + others, Rated E Hide happens to see Sasaki, and is certain he's Kaneki. Set during canon and written whilst the manga was still being published; this is my 'I fucking called it' fic because certain plot points ended up actually being canon lol
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Comments bring me life! The way I see it, if someone takes a moment to leave a comment - be it an emoji, a few words, or an entire essay, in any language - there's no reason I shouldn't take the time to show my appreciation for that by replying.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Love is Over Boueibu, Akoya/Arima, Rated T It's not all that angsty in comparison to angsty scenes in other fics I've written, but it's the angstiest ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? No idea. Most of my fics have happy endings lol
Do you get hate on fics? Only once. I ignored it.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes if the plot needs it. It isn't very good smut lmao
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've only written one-- Love is Not a Subroutine! Boueibu/One Punch Man crossover, Genos/Saitama, En/Atsushi, Io/Ryuu, Rated T Genos and Saitama get zapped into the Boueibu universe, where they have to fight monsters with the power of love, rather than fists.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone asked to translate one of my fics once but I never heard anything about it after that. So no, I guess.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Started one with @anonymousedward but it kind of fell by the wayside and we both fell into different fandoms. It was a banger of an idea though!
What's your all-time favorite ship? This changes according to whatever fandom I'm in, so I'll pass on this question lol
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There are 31 files in my 'abandoned wips' folder. I would very much like to finish all of them, but that's unlikely to happen. I guess I'd most like to finish a OPM soulmate AU, it's just a huge project and I haven't found the right kind of writing mojo to continue working on it.
What are your writing strengths? No shortage of ideas, I guess?
What are your writing weaknesses? They aren't always the right ideas. Also lack of discipline. I make a plan and don't stick to it. And many one-shots have ended up as multi-chaptered fics lmao
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't do it.
First fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite fic you've written? Aaaa I don't know. I was pleased with the vibe of Nightmare for All Seasons (Lost Souls, Steve/Ghost, Post-Canon, Rated T) and I have a soft spot for a whole bunch of my MDZS and OPM fics, but I was also super proud of Love is Sung in a Minor Key (Boueibu, Io/Ryuu + Akoya/Arima, Post-Canon/Bandman AU, Rated E) because I ended up not just writing fic, but lyrics too lol ...Neither of these fics are really good examples of the shit I usually write hahaha
Tagging: @mostlikelytofangirl @anonymousedward @batneko @rayadraws @10holmes @km-birdie @butterfliesandresistance if you wish to do it, no pressure though!
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ddeongies · 2 months
Maybe she should’ve moved slower in the moment because of that, but one taste of Ryujin had made her heady with desire.
- new challenge: try not to say green flag yeji every chapter u put out --> AND I FAIL EVERY SINGLE TIME.
If she’d known she was just looking for a hookup (or two maybe, at least two would be nice) she might’ve made a move earlier.
- they're not even hooking up yet and she's already bargaining in her head lmao queen of bargaining !
Sure, it’s not really what Yeji wants, but she’s too aware of her own feelings at this point to pretend like she’s not willing to be with Ryujin in whatever capacity she wants.
- wow i want to smack both of their heads (lovingly ofc 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰)
2HWANG BFFS!!! so cute so cute ugh and god yeji all rounder in all universes like damn leave us some
yezyizhere: oh ok so you saw it once, didn’t think about it, and came back to watch it again?
yezyizhere: compliment accepted ;)
- one thing about yeji, even though she's kinda devastated that ryujin only wants casual, she will never pass up the chance to show off her yerizzma
iamfinethankyouandryu: you’re fucking hot
iamfinethankyouandryu: happy?
- SCREAAAAAAMIIIING !!!!!!! ryujin you're just like me 🫂🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Ryujin? Hoodie? Bed?
- i'm sure yeji is not the only who let out a sound around here 🙋‍♀️
ugh as u said, this chapter, short and sweet. i'm a big fan of the texting format bc of the short, flirty banters and the thrill of waiting for the replies. 🙂‍↕️ yeji this whole chapter: is this real...? such a mood. u definitely captured the awkward flirty texting stage after a life-altering event and before getting together and the phase of suddenly becoming active on social media just so ur crush could notice u. i miss those times...HAHAHA anyway, thanks for this one and choreo au update as well. i hope work and irl stuff gets manageable soon! have a great weekend ahead!
ps. omg the tropes i asked before and no worries if it took long! i love how we almost have the same favorites!! established relationships for one shots u are so right 🙂‍↕️ another one to add would be friends with benefits (a plus if it's not too angsty for no reason) and generally i'm a sucker for fluff!!
- 🌼
i have a meme i keep meaning to make about nmau yeji being a green flag but i'm lazy.... i'll do it one day tho i just need to edit an image LMAO (but yes she's the best i love her so much....)
girl knows what she wants (ryujin. she wants ryujin LOL)
they're idiots 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
yeah it's impossible to write yeji without her being good at everything (except for cooking) like i can't ignore the source material!!! (also yes 2hwang besties couldn't resist, nmau yeji has her bros)
she can't resist the rizz... it's in her blood it's in her dna (even all the way back in the cafe when she thought yunjin and ryu were dating she fucking winked at ryu she's impossible LOL)
ryu gets it yeji is fucking hot 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
girl literally short circuited like i think ryujin almost killed her???
i honestly had such a blast writing this chapter!!! it was kind of nice going for something a bit different and light after the rollercoaster of chapters 8 and 9 lol. it also ended up being really important for the relationship i think. i love the awkward flirting stage it's so fun to write. i both miss it and don't LOL it's so fun and exhilarating but also god i love being married LMAO. and thank you!! i'm gonna be on vacation this week and it's much needed 😮‍💨
okay yessss i love a good fwb when it's not like overly angsty exactly. like you can't have that without some pining and miscommunication and stuff, but i like when that leans more on the fluff than on the characters being sad (but that's just how i am in general i'm not really an angst person (ignore choreo that's out of character)) fluff is god
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rivaille-13 · 1 year
Hey Hans! I just noticed that you never really posted your new fanfic with the 1950-ish vibes here so let me be the one to promote it for ya lol
i know quite people are begging this lovely writer to update an epilogue for ATW or even asking updates of By Dawn but we never really had your answers *sad cries* until my email beeps that you actually posted another fic *holy moly*
And it’s freakin 1950’s. FOR REAL guys read it the title is “From Afar” and honestly Hans I’m kind of scared it has a cutesy vibes but at the same time it screams disaster and chaos just like the movie Edge of Love (ik ik, you’re a fan of Cillian just like moralee!)
Again, the writing is incredible im forever a fan. But pls Hans, could you please update By Dawn too? That story got me on chokehold I don’t know how I actually read that because I’m literally bawling every chapters but it’s still freaking beautiful
Ok love u
Wow, this is a long ask indeed! I don’t know what to answer first, it has been a while but please let me express my gratitude first. The amount of support I am still getting is very flattering and heart warming so thank you very much.
It has been two years since the last chapter of After The War, and I swear that I’ve tried to write an epilogue, but then tossed it right into the bin because there has been some changes I want to revise with the whole story. It feels like the story is still lacking plots, and I’m really not satisfied with the whole outcome and grammatical error…I’m still at Chapter 3 revision, and it’s taking me a long time and it’s killing me too.
While By Dawn, I’ll Leave is like the skeleton meme that was left chained at the bottom of the pool LOL I’m very kidding but yes, a year had already passed since I last updated a new chapter. To give you my answer, I have a draft of the next chapter — around 3,000 words but I definitely feel the need to drop a hell of a long chapter in regards to the POV of whom character I am writing…I think that this chapter should express the missing details (I know some of the readers are left hanging and dissatisfied with Levi and Mikasa’s choices) to give way that both of the characters suffered equally in their own way…alright no spoilers. Haha
And of course, I almost forgot! From Afar — 1950’s and stuff…I’m getting a lot of suggestions to write a 50’s one so here I tried. Tackles about the 1940-50’s, I actually don’t know how to react with that opinion of yours but it did make me laugh. The chaos and disaster, hmm…maybe? But it’s not going to land like The Edge of Love for sure, I don’t want Mikasa to be milking Levi’s military pension the way Vera did it to William (Cillian Murphy)! Hahaha, maybe the vibes, you know, I’m still head over heels towards Cillian as Levi and so on.
Thank you for promoting it again, and for the time to ask me such. I’m sorry, there’s no emoji available, my iPhone is shitty, I can’t put emoji on my text!
To everyone who wants to give From Afar a try, here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48274930
It’s not really fixed yet, like the title and tags could change but yeah, a 1950’s…enjoy and let me know what you think. (:
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nekomanager · 11 months
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For how it all began:
It was love at first sight for the both of us. Like you see a person and you just fit like missing puzzle pieces. We talked like it wasn't our first time seeing each other. The crowd just faded and it seemed like it's just the two of us. We knew we would never forget that moment but we have to part ways. Days or months passed maybe even a year and it became just a distant memory. Maybe something I drew an inspiration from for my story, until we met again at a different circumstance. This time it's no longer a one time thing and he won't allow it to be a one-time thing either. We just picked up where we left off and we both knew that this was it. It might be an ordinary story for some but it was serendipitous for us, knowing that all the heartaches, loneliness and solitude we endured are what led us to each other. Finally, we're at the right place and right time with the right person.
We're friends first, because I came off a little detached he knew it would take time but he was patient. Started with sending funny memes and reels until he gauged what I liked. Scheduled phone calls bc I dont do well in chats until it became a habit for us to call each other at that specific time and day. We talked about anything that we could expand, our theories, our day, rant abt officemates. He debated with me for fun throwing what ifs scenarios. Then he began being more physically present. Going to my office to pick me up. Taking me out on a friendly date. He wasn't flirty at first until he smoothly transitioned being INTJ x ENTP friendship to lovers bc the chemistry and the hidden tension can't be denied anyway. He made me feel secured to be with him. Like I'm free. Free to fall, to love and to be myself.
below the cut is how I ended up simping for him teheee
I was really into Oikawa. He's my first love which I learned to get over just now bc I miss Kuroo in a way I don't miss Oikawa. (Why does this sound so real?) Ngl, it's Kuroo I found to be most attractive but he seemed so unattainable for me that I did a pass. At first, I just love writing for him because a mutual loves him very much and my readers always fangirl for him in my fics and all the requests I'm getting are for Kuroo Kuroo Kuroo even if I even voluntarily write for Oikawa. Lol. I was like okaaay. Until I asked for match ups and ask games and I ended up getting him over and over again too. Tell me about it. Haha. Then I posted some selfship stuff abt Oikawa and I got nothing. I posted that I got Kuroo for an ask game and everyone just idk interacted and I was like uhmm what? Even my moots from other fandom are into the tetsurei agenda. What are these people seeing that I'm not seeing? Like yeah he's handsome and he wears suit and tie which I love but...anyway lol just lol hahaha. (Gosh, I sounded so in denial on this) It's funny that we even work in the same field. A follower even pointed it out. Tbh I still can't understand where they are coming from. As time passed by, I enjoyed our ship more than anything else. He's all I can think to write about. TBH IDK! Hahaha! This made me reread all my kuroo fics and wondered howww? I reread the oldest one back in Dec 2020. It didn't do things for me then but it gave me the feels now. I even forgot what it was but the way I wrote for him never changed. I realized that in all the Y/Ns I wrote for all the characters, I've been writing myself whenever it's with Kuroo. I just realized it now. Maybe that's why it's easier for ppl to associate him with me too bc it shows. I still dk! But whatever I love him. I'd love to have a Kuroo just for me.
I think I'm oblivious like real life oblivious. Oh well. (Good luck to all the intj simps out there: I'm talkin for Rin, Tsukki, Akaashi, Geto, Niko) We're dense af and in denial. Good luck.
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borathae · 10 months
reading duvet days after the ff is more sweet and i got the lucky pun now lol
“how’s my warrior queen doing?” he asks. she really went to war on a tree on vacation
I even stuck my head into the room a few times but you were knocked out."  sounds like my mom checking if im breathing or not when i sleep in same position for too long
“good thing I brought you a few things”, he adds with a grin. where do i get a kook myself?? is it on amazon??
I thought you’d fall down the rocks and get swallowed by the waves or something that sounds like jin level exaggeration 😭😭😭
sleep is the best medicine.” very true, sleep it off sleep everything off
oh oh??? whats going on??? 👀👀 everything alright kook??
Oh how affected he already looks. Pupils widened, cheeks rosy and breathing ragged. Also his hair is just slightly messy in the front. RAWR BARK WOOF JEINOHXUADSGOI AAAH PULLING MY HAIR GASPING
“I feel like the possibilities are endless im sorry but all i can think of is mark saying the possibilities quote ah yes got it The possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just that another possibility can possibly happen
ok gotta get back to being horny
"I feel too meh tonight, the morning shit just didn’t hit right."  thats very funny but realistic WE LOVE THAT SHIT
ok picking up my ice cream IT HITS DIFFERENT CUZ I MADE IT YUMMM (its jamoca almond fudge ice cream except there is no almond)
vanilla ice cream for a not so vanilla sex
"Ride me!” his answer is instant and loud. boi changed his answer as fast as me changing bias
“Mhm. Can I eat sushi off your butt one day?” that took a turn
SHE SAID YES BITCH ES YEEEHAW * cowboy swinging my towel
where do i get a kook myself??
this is me on a daily :( I need me a kook as well :(
HAQHAHHA THE SWITCH UP from you going "hehe dramatic babies" to SHE PULLS HIS HAIR WOOF WOOF HAHAHAH
I forgot that I included that 😶 *dies*
hahaha I don't know the Mark quote fjadjfj istfg I'm such a granny what other kpop bands is concerned I barely know the memes rip to me
Oooh damn I never heard of that ice cream flavour before but it sounds so yummy 👀👀
THE SUSHI EATING HELP I forgot again hahhah
SHE SAID YES BITCH ES YEEEHAW * cowboy swinging my towel
SHE SAID YES TICHESF *sheds herself of all skin*
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tropicalisima · 6 months
┬┴┬┴┤・ω・)ノ hello hello
I'm obsessed with coding right now, making my website very slowly but also working on two shrines at the same time (one for hina and one for naoto), that's the only thing I do right now. I've been joining some cliques and fanlistings too, this bring back memories of when I used to join fanlinstings like crazy (all about Visual Kei / J-ROCK) it's really fun! I'm glad some people keep fanlistings alive to this day.
On another news, I'm going to change accounts soon. Gonna try to make my other friends join tumblr so I can have everyone in just one place and be done with it! haha.
This probably will be on of the last posts on this blog. This is the last time I'll change accounts I BROMISE! But I feel like going back to my roots lol. I have some fan ideas and weird AUs I have been cooking so I hope I can post art about that too (really weird shit, mind you) because that's just who I am ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
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I just wanted to use this meme hahaha!!!
Anyways, hope everyone's doing well and enjoying the weather! What weather is it in your country? Here is autumn 🍂 I'm looking forward to winter season 'cos I love feeling cold haha!
I'm watching Kyou Kara Ore Wa!! live action again because I love it so so much! 💗 Also found the Tokyo Revengers 2 movie with subs. It's the second part I think, I didn't watched it but I guess the subtitles are allright.
Ok that's all for now! if there's any mistakes I apologize, I did not proofread anything haha.
Take care friends!!!
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