#I drew this while I was super tired I don’t wanna talk about it
gummidon · 2 days
I don’t know anymore
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rowan-mellark · 2 months
Everlark After series ✿ ִֶָ ꒰ .⚘.꒱ 🏹
18+ MDNI !!Unestablished relationship, trauma, nightmares
y’all I have no idea what I’m doing please leave suggestions/ criticism in comments
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Pairing: Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
Word count: 635
Summary: Katniss and Peeta have been in District twelve for a few weeks now, they deliver food, have dinners, and overall just try and recover from the things they experienced in the arena. In this chapter Katniss has a nightmare
Authors note: This is my first fic, if anyone has criticism please leave a comment l need it. This fix is one of my first fics on here and I’m super duper excited (and a little nervous) to finally be able to post the first chapter ! I tried my best to get their personalities and habits on par with the movies and books but my English is sort of bad sometimes so please excuse me lol, this is also a shorter chapter cus idk if this will be viewed <3
chapter two <3
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜
District twelve is quiet, not the sort of soothing and calm quiet when I hunt. The sad, lonely quiet during a burial, during visiting hours in the hospital. It was quiet like the night Peeta was rescued from the training center. I think about that night often, in fact, recently the nightmares from the arena have been replaced by the memories of the interviews when I was in District Thirteen. His malnourished body, his shaky voice, and the impact of the blow when Peeta hit the floor that was inseparable from his howls of pain. The image of his blood splattering over the camera’s lenses and white tiled floor. They drew scream after scream out of him until he was half dead.
It takes me about two minutes to pry myself out of this dream. Usually, when I have dreams like this I count, I count to distract myself. When the nightmares happen they feel real, I can feel myself move, hear myself speak, they’re so lucid, but I can’t wake up. This time I do, I wake up screaming for Peeta. My eyes snap open and I thrash my arms around, trying to fight off the imaginary peacekeepers trying to take me away.
Peeta’s voice cuts through my screams, he reaches out to grip my shoulders.
“Katniss, you’re dreaming! It’s okay, you’re okay, I’m here!” He reassures me, holding me in place tightly. I look up at him feeling my body tremble in his arms uncontrollably, a wave of relief and helplessness washing over me.
My eyes focus on him in the darkness, taking in his disheveled appearance. His hair was messy, his eyes were half-lidded and tired, and he looked overall just exhausted. Tears begin to form in the corners of my eyes, I can feel my lip quivering. Peeta’s expression shifts from worry to panic as I start to cry.
“Hey.. hey no—it’s okay I’m here.” He whispered, pulling me gently against his chest while rubbing my back.
“I’m sorry I woke you” I mumble, trying to compose myself.
He shakes his head against my shoulder, putting his hand on the back of my neck.
“You would’ve done the same for me, I get it, don’t worry.”
There’s a short pause after he says that, and then he gently pulls away from me to look at my face. He reaches up and brushes a stray tear off the corner of my eye, giving me a sleepy smile.
“Wanna talk about it?”
I shake my head quickly, suddenly feeling exhausted but not wanting to sleep, he nods in understanding, laying back down on the pillow. He opens his arms invitingly to me wanting, but not forcing me to lay down with him. I lower myself onto his chest, letting all my weight rest on him. I hope he doesn’t mind.
Peeta wraps his arm protectively around me, running his hands gently through my hair. His fingers de-tangle the strands slowly as if they might rip at the slightest tug.
“Sleep, I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
I let out a long sigh, clutching the soft fabric of his shirt between my fingers as I contemplated whether to go to sleep or not. On the one hand, I have to hunt, and make deliveries and I don’t want to deprive him of sleep. On the other hand, the idea of having another nightmare makes my skin crawl. I lift my head to look at him, weighing the options before finally deciding.
“Fine, I will.” I reluctantly agree, laying my head back down.
He smiles and rests his chin on the top of my head tenderly, the rise and fall of his chest lulling me to sleep. It takes 15 minutes for me to fall back asleep, Peeta’s presence helping calm my anxiety slowly.
3 : 0 1 am
— end of chapter 1
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itzynabi · 8 months
summary: in which eve talks with her members
set: 20 nov 2023
word count: 1.4k
warnings: mention of food and being drunk; crying
an: hi hi hi. not really cute and fun but also kinda cute and fun. this takes place after this. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
eve’s masterlist
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Eve walked into the apartment, hearing the soft voices of her members as they got ready. For duran duran. The one she initiated.
Yuna looked up when she noticed her. “You’re home early,” she commented, looking at the clock on the wall. “Doesn’t it take longer to drive here from Chuu-nim’s house?”
“That’s when there’s traffic,” Eve said, walking into the living room, “but everybody was at home tonight, so it was quick.”
Chaeryeong nodded. “Well, we’re ready for you.”
Eve hummed, picking up one of the trinkets on the kitchen counter. “Well, you see… the problem with that…”
“Since you’ve had time to think, you don’t want to do duran-duran anymore?” Yeji guessed, sitting down on one of the couches. She crossed her legs, putting a bowl of popcorn in her lap.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Eve agreed.
Ryujin patted the spot on the couch next to her. She was sitting on the one against the living room wall. “Come here, unnie,” she singsonged.
Eve dragged her feet as she walked over to Ryujin and watched as Chaeryeong and Yuna sat on the couch with Yeji.
“I don’t wanna say it now,” Eve whined, accepting the bowl of popcorn that Yuna passed her.
“Then let’s watch a movie and you can just blurt it out,” Yeji suggested, everyone agreeing with her. They debated what movie to watch, all wanting something different. Chaeryeong suggested they do the ladder game to decide who would choose the movie that they would watch.
Eve watched as Chaeryeong drew the lines for the game on a stray piece of paper she found. “I’m gonna leave the company,” she said softly.
Due to how quietly she spoke, Ryujin was the only one who heard her, the other members focused on watching to make sure Chaeryeong didn’t cheat.
“You’re leaving the company?” Ryujin exclaimed in shock, causing the other members to abandon the game and look at Eve.
Yuna was the first out of the three to speak up, “What?”
“Well, I’m not leaving, like, tomorrow,” Eve quickly clarified, “but I’m thinking about it.” The room was filled in silence as everyone registered what Eve said. “You see, this is why I had talked myself out of doing duran-duran, because I knew it would get tense, and weird, and… awkward, and… not fun,” she said. When her members still didn’t say anything she tried again, “Have you seen the goat video? It’s the most hila–”
“You want to leave the company?” Chaeryeong asked, her voice soft. She turned around fully so that she was facing her oldest member.
Eve sighed defeatedly. “Yeah. I do. I had known for a while, but… tonight was the first time I ever… said it outloud.”
“What made you…?” She trailed off, not knowing how to finish the question.
Eve fiddled with her fingers in her lap, looking down at them. “Um, I was with Jiwoo and we were talking, and then I disassociated, and then I came back, and then I just kind of… asked her about when she left her company. And how she knew it was the time, how she made that jump, how she… did it. And she asked me if I wanted to and I… admitted it. For the first time. I mean, when I did the variety show with Hyoyeon unnie, I did say that sometimes, when things were super, duper hard, I’d dream of retiring, but I didn’t want to retire. So…”
The room was still quiet, making Eve uneasy. “I don’t… I don’t hate ITZY or anything,” she explained, trying to fill the silence, “I just.. I’m tired. It isn’t a reflection of my feelings towards you guys or the group or anything like–”
“Unnie,” Yeji stopped Eve’s ramblings, “if you think leaving the company will make you happy… then you should leave the company. I’m not saying this to… I’m not saying this because I want you to leave, I just want you to be happy,” she said, tearing up. “I mean, we all know how overworked you are by the company. You’re literally preparing for a solo comeback at the same time as ours.”
“It would be selfish of us to tell you not to go,” Ryujin added, wiping a stray tear that was on Eve’s cheek. “You are so emotional lately,” she wetly chuckled.
Eve sniffled. “Yeah, I think it’s the sleep deprivation. But I don’t want to not be in ITZY.”
Yuna passed around a box of tissues to each of the members. “Just because you leave the company, doesn’t mean you’ll leave ITZY. You’ll always be our oldest maknae,” she joked, hoping to make Eve laugh.
Eve giggled, wiping her cheeks. “Thanks. I have to get a lawyer. And an apartment. And I have to tell Ari unnie that we won’t work together anymore.” She sighed. “This is not fun,” she complained.
“Unnie, we’ll be there to support you through everything,” Chaeryeong said through her tears, “the same way you support us, okay?”
Eve pouted, watching as all of her members started crying. “Thanks, guys. I love you. Thanks for always sticking by me and being so cool.”
“You’re not drunk, why are you being so sappy?” Ryujin asked, joking about how Eve voices her gratitude when drunk.
“Because I love you, guys,” she whined.
Later, when the members had calmed themselves down, they put on a movie and ate their popcorn.
“When you go apartment hunting, can we go with you?” Yuna asked.
“We have to go with unnie,” Ryujin said, “we need to make sure she picks an apartment with rooms for us,” she teased, giggling when Eve threw popcorn at her.
“You can go apartment hunting with me,” Eve said. “I’ll need a second opinion with me.”
Yeji looked away from the screen. “How will you leave? Like, what will the process be like?”
“I’m not really sure,” Eve admitted. “I guess I’ll need an angle first. Like, a reason for wanting to leave, and then I’d need evidence.”
“Would it be evidence against the company or against one person?” Chaeryeong questioned.
“I guess both. I mean, the company will have to explain why it allowed lizard to treat me the way he’s been treating me.”
Ryujin and Yeji shared a look of confusion. “Is ‘lizard’ your new nickname for PD-nim?” The former girl asked, causing Eve to blink repeatedly at her.
“‘Lizard’ is Director Park,” she simply said. “Did I forget to tell you?”
“Tell us what?”
“I think I forgot to tell you,” she muttered. “So, two months ago I found out that PD-nim isn’t the one making me do all of these schedules. Lizard is making him make me do these schedules.”
She explained how she found it odd that everytime she refused to do something, he would look wary instead of angry and would borderline-plead her to listen. After doing some sleuthing — literally just accidentally overhearing a conversation between Director Park and Jinyoung —, she came to the realisation that it wasn’t that Jinyoung wanted to make Eve have a million and one schedules, it’s that he was being forced to. She had already confronted him about it to confirm it, and was proved right.
“I could’ve sworn I told you this already.”
Yeji gasped. “You know how you sometimes talk in your sleep?” She asked Eve, waiting for her to nod before continuing, “A few weeks ago, Lia said she heard you saying ‘loser’ over and over again. Maybe you were telling us in your dream.”
“Speaking of Jisu unnie,” Yuna began, “shouldn’t we tell her?”
“Won’t it stress her out?” Chaeryeong asked.
Eve shook her head. “I know the perfect way to deliver the news.”
nabi [00:12] i’m leaving the company
nabi [00:12] not today but soon
nabi [00:13] we just had duran-duran about it
nabi [00:13] nothing to be stressed about juj :)
ryu ryu [00:14] she is not lying
jiji [00:15] i can confirm
“Because I told her not to be stressed, she won’t stress,” Eve explained, putting her phone down.
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Yeji shook her head, also putting her phone down.
Yuna threw some popcorn into her mouth. “When are you going to file to leave the company?”
“Um… I don’t know. I just decided that I’d leave, like, two seconds ago.” Eve chuckled. “I’ll need to talk about it with a lawyer, see how long everything goes, but… Yeah.”
The girls nodded, accepting that answer and focusing again on the TV. They got distracted not even five seconds later by the thought of Eve buying an apartment for herself, and spent almost an hour looking at apartments that were on sale online until they fell asleep in the living room.
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an: my family i love them so muchhhhhh
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @moongrlz
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©️ kim nabi
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honeydewdrew · 3 years
ghoulin’ around
a buzzfeed unsolved au, d.s headcanon
a/n: he’s back, baby. & he’s here to stay. live, laugh, love bfu!drew starkey au!
disclaimer: loosely based on episodes of buzzfeed unsolved :P
summary: castle in the mountains but you don’t even get there OR your car breaks down & there’s only one bed at the lodge
pairing: buzzfeed unsolved ghoul hunter!drew starkey x f!reader
warnings: swearing, nipples, a car breaking down, mad fluff
feedback and comments are super appreciated!!
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for this week’s episode, you and drew (& the crew) hit the road for a drive up to the mountains to investigate an old castle, supposedly haunted by their former residents
it’s fall and as you and drew trail the cars in front of you carrying the crew and equipment, the autumn foliage lined the seemingly endless road
intercut here a montage of you and drew doing your very own karaoke, cutting between vibing to Khruangbin, to belting Ariana Grande, to trying to catch every Baby Keem lyric (we’re gonna pretend copyright isn’t an issue LOL), & even some Hamilton
“what is that?” you ask, when you see smoke coming out from the hood of the car
drew frowns in concern, “shit.”
after shooting the crew a quick text, everyone pulls over to the side of the road, just when the car starts surrounding itself with smoke
“looks like there’s a bit of a delay in our ghost adventure tonight,” you make a face into the go pro camera you took out
drew shows up behind you and says “you think it’s an omen? like the ghosties are mad and they wanna kill us before we even get there?”
you roll your eyes
with almost an hour left to the destination, you all decided it was too much to wait for the car to get fixed and try to make it there for the night, so the decision was made to check into the nearest lodge to spend the night
the little lodge 20 mins away was quaint and newly built, just a year old. everything was fresh and new and modern and not a creepy old place off the highway, which put you at ease. it wasn’t a spacious hotel, though, so after the crew booked their rooms, there was only one room available left
“so we’re sharing a room, i guess,” you tell drew, holding up the key. “one bed.”
he scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. “i can take the floor. if you can spare a pillow.”
“i know this place looks clean, but trust me, hotels are breeding grounds for germs. especially the grimy floors.”
“it’s okay, i don’t mind.”
“you’re nasty, drew. it’s fine, we can share it, i insist.”
night falls and everyone is settling in. you’ve showered and brushed your teeth and gotten changed and are now tucked under the sheets, scrolling through instagram, replying to a meme your group chat was discussing.
you don’t even notice drew is shirtless until he pulls back the covers and slips under the covers on his respective side of the bed.
you glance over then turn your head towards your phone to hide your face and try to ignore the heat in your cheeks
“your nipples are out,” you mutter.
“free the nipple, y/n. don’t bully my nips.”
you snort in response as he unplugs his phone from the charging cable. “should we post some behind the scenes for the unsolved account?”
still trying to ignore the warmth of his body so close to you, you give him a ‘mmhmm’ and he begins to film an insta story
“pit stop in this week’s production, we’ll be back at it in the morning! y/n, you have anything to say?” he turns the camera to you.
“oh shit,” you say, “hi guys! bit of a predicament today, but nothing the ghoul kids can’t handle. love you guys!” you give a big cheesy grin, waving to the camera
he turns the camera back to him, making a funny face before ending the recording
after a while of stiffness, you decide to turn in for bed and drew does the same. the two of you lie in the dark in silence for a while before you hear, “are you still awake?”
“i’m bored.”
“what do you want to talk about?”
“i don’t know. are you cold?”
you flip over to face him. his hair is a mess and his eyes are tired. cutest thing you’ve seen all day.
“a little bit,” you respond. “i hate hotel bed sheets.”
“should we like... huddle closer?” he asks
you squint in the dark, trying to make out what his expression is. “like cuddling?”
he exhales, “yeah. i guess. i don’t want you to be uncomfortable or anything...”
“oh please it’s fine,” you scoot closer, your head almost tucked under his chin. “i’ve seen your bare butt. i can’t believe you did that by the way. they’re never letting us back there.”
“i’m telling you, the ghosts at that house won’t dare scare us if we do come back. my literal naked ass streaking through their halls should’ve spooked them enough.”
you both laugh and you melt into the soft rumble of his chest. “yeah. just keep your nipples away from me.”
“what is your problem with nipples?”
the two of you chat all night until your voices slur from sleepiness, and you’re lulled to sleep to the sound of drew talking about beavers
you wake the next morning incredibly warm. you clutch the pillow you were wrapped around closer, nuzzling into it when you realize it’s softly moving.
peeking your eyes open, you find your arms and legs around drew. as his big spoon. your face is pressed against his back and arm around his waist
you giggle a bit at the absurdity, trying to untangle yourself from him when he begins to shift and turn over, nearly crushing you.
you slip out just in time and his eyes open. “hi, sweets,” he says with a sleepy smile.
you bite back a sigh and feel heat in your cheeks again. hitting him with a pillow, you say, “rise and shine sleeping beauty! the day awaits!”
you’re the last ones to come down to the lobby and maddy, one of the producers, shoots you a look. you shoot a look back, one that suggested ‘i don’t know why you’re looking at me like that.”
the notification sounds from drew’s phone caught your attention. “what’s up with your phone?” you watch him scroll on his phone. “your phone’s been blowing up all morning? is it from all your side chicks?” you tease.
“yeah, becky and some others,” he smirks at you. “no it’s instagram. people are freaking out over the story i posted last night.”
you open your phone to a million notifications as well. if the do not disturb setting didn’t exist, there was no way you would’ve gotten any sleep.
oh my god they’re sleeping in the same bed !!!!!
does this confirm they’re dating??!
omg mom & dad 😍😍
mommy? sorry daddy? sorry mommy? sorry daddy?
he looks so good,,
“oh my god, they’re shipping us,” you say.
drew shrugs, “i mean they have been,” he looks over at you. “are you okay?”
“it’s fine,” you shut off your phone. “it’s just some comments. we’re professionals and this just feeds the fans. right?” part of you is scared. you felt like there were feelings being developed and the spotlight on the relationship between the two of you made you feel exposed.
“as professional as ghost hunters get,” drew says, forcing a chuckle, “but hey, let’s get this show on the road.”
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Can you do a part two of : wing kink w azriel x reader?!👀👀
pairing: Azriel x reader (acotar)
warnings: smut, pussy eating, edging, daddy kink, choking kink, slight size kink
a/n: this is quite short cause I have an exam tomorrow but I'm horny so don't @ me, I’m also super tired and didn’t proof read this so sorry but I hope you enjoy and pls comment and let me know what u thought!! <3
read part one here!
You were shaking. Eyes blurred from tears and mouth permanently open as you cried out, hands tugging at Azriel’s hair.
He had been between your legs for almost two hours, feasting on your cunt like a man starved. He pulled back from your clit, sucking your pussy lips between his teeth and grinning ferally as he watched you sob above him.
He had been edging you since he came, his mouth bringing you to the edge of the cliff, teetering so close to falling off, before it would pull away leaving you shaking and sensitive.
“Daddy please, I’m sorry but I need to come! I need it so badly daddy please just let me come!” you begged, whining as he moved to lay over you.
“But you teased me for so long princess, you don’t just get to tease daddy and then ask for whatever you want.” He dropped his head into the crook of your neck, sucking a dark mark into the skin there. He adored marking you up, dressing you in a necklace of his mark, showing his possession over you. The dark marks making any man who was brave enough to approach you quickly leave with his tail between his legs. The sadistic side of you secretly adoring his protective, borderline possessive, touch. The pain and sensitivity lingering the next day reminding you off his gentle touches and rough words, the aching left in your pussy.
“I promise daddy, I’ll be good now.” You begged, hips thrusting to meet his as he grinded his cock into you, his face glistening with your juices.
“Hmm we’ll see about that baby,” he said, kissing you fiercely before flipping you over, pulling your ass up and pushing your head into the mattress. He then grabbed your hands, holding them together and grabbing a ribbon, using it to tie your hands together behind your back, holding them tightly.
He dragged the tip of his cock up your slit as you arched your back into his touch, his weeping tip sliding easily in between your lips. You were aching, moaning at the briefest of contact as he teased you.
“Dadddddyyyy please.” You dragged out the name as he chuckled, slapping your ass and leaning over your body, pressing a gentle kiss into your neck.
You smiled at the affection as he drew his hips back, sheathing his cock in one deep stroke as you gasped for air, never getting used to the sudden intrusion his cock always provided.
“Shit!” you cried out with a loud moan, feeling his cock deep in his stomach.
“Fuck so tight baby, so. Fucking. Tight.” He punctuated each word with a sharp thrust, and you cried out, the pain only heightening the pleasure.
You were already on the edge and each hard thrust is pushing you closer and closer to falling. He feels you tightening around him and chuckles.
“Already going to come, such a desperate baby. Always so needy for me,” he grabs the back of your neck, pushing you further into the mattress and squeezing the sides of your neck just enough to make you gasp out his name.
“You’re one to talk!” you thrust back against him roughly, meeting his hips with every thrust as you moan his name, the two of you moving sloppily as you both neared sweet releases. He growled at your comment, smacking your ass roughly before pulling out of your tight heat roughly.
“Wanna say that again?” he asked, thrusts ceasing making you whine loudly, turning your head to catch a glimpse of his usual hazel eyes almost completely blown out with lust, wings flared behind him.
“I’m sorry daddy! I just need you so badly it hurts! Please daddy it hurts so bad,” he cooed as you begged him, hips moving on their own accord as you searched for his firm body behind you. He stilled you with a hand capturing your hips, gripping tight enough to bruise.
“I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to wait and come when I say you can okay?” he asked, voice rough and gravelly as he moved his throbbing dick back to your weeping hole.
“Yes!” you cried out, a stinging slap resonating through the air soon after,
“Yes, what?” he asked, growling in your ear.
“Yes daddy!” you squealed out quickly.
“Good girl,” was all he said as he pushed back into you. His thick cock pressed up perfectly against your walls and as he started thrusting he pressed perfectly against your g-spot, you weren’t going to last long.
His thrusts were sharp and perfunctory, hitting you in just the right places to make you see stars. You clenched around him again, nearing your release and he groaned into your neck, addicted to the personal slice of heaven he found in his body.  
He leaned down, ploughing you deeply with one hand still resting around your throat as the other worked its way beneath you, rubbing tight circles on your clit as your entire body shook from the pleasure, your walls clenching tightly around Azriel making him shudder and groan into your neck.
“C’mon baby, I need you to come. Come right now!” he bit into your shoulder, wings flaring behind him as you tightened around him, clenching around him as you came with a silent scream, your legs spasming and back arching from the powerful orgasm. Azriel followed with a groan soon after, painting your walls like canvases as he filled you, his cum leaking out around his cock as he collapsed on top of you.
You lay there in silence for a few more moments before he rolled off you, pulling out as you whimpered. He smiled down at you as you turned to lay on your back with a blissful expression before picking you up and taking you to the bathroom.
He let you sit down to pee as he got the two of you glasses of water, picking you up again and sitting you up to drink your water while he wiped you down gently with a warm washcloth.
He winced when he saw the bruises forming around your hips and neck but you dragged a hand through his hair, the soft gesture making him smile as he re-joined you in bed.
“Sorry I was so rough,” he muttered but you just laughed, snuggling into his side, and kissing his flushed chest as his arms and wings wrapped around you.
“Never apologise for that Azriel, welcome home.”
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Sweeter Than This
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!spy!Reader
Words: Mobile again ☹️
Summary: You almost miss your first Valentine’s Day with Bucky, but you have a plan to make it up to him.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex(f receiving), salad tossing, unprotected anal sex, use of butt plug), violence (standard canon stuff), SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: Happy V-Day y’all! Here’s the next entry in my Holidays With Bucky series (with so Sam sprinkled in) and it’s a fun one! Unfortunately, the power is out at my place right now due to snow and because my city sucks at preparations I’m probably not going to have power until at least Monday, so we’ll see if I’m able to deliver on my other promised Valentine’s treats for you all.
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!
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Bucky hated clubs so much.
The loud music, the overcrowding, the overpriced drinks. He was absolutely miserable.
It didn’t help that Sam was bouncing around like an idiot, enjoying the atmosphere with a stupid grin on his face. Would it kill the man to act like a professional for once?
They’d followed the target to the Cross Club here in Prague after four days of surveillance with nothing to show for it, and now they were watching him talk to some new player in a VIP booth. God he hoped this would be over soon.
“What?” Buck shouted over the music. Sam had said something, but even with his super soldier hearing, he couldn’t make it out over the thumping bass.
“I said, is Y/N pissed you’re missing Valentines Day?” Sam yelled, his hips still moving in time to the music.
Bucky did some quick mental math and cursed under his breath. He hadn’t seen you in almost 3 weeks. You had to head back to the States for some stupid debrief with Sharon and the big bosses while he and Sam kept chasing leads on Zemo here in Europe. He hadn’t even realized it was Valentines Day.
“Shit, he’s moving.” Sam said, tapping Buck on the shoulder as the mark stood up and moved towards the dance floor.
“Fuck, can’t we go around?” Bucky whined, starting to follow after Sam towards the crowd.
“Y’know, when your girlfriend’s not around, you’re such an old man.” Sam teased. “We don’t wanna lose him, so pull the stick out of your ass and try to look like you’re enjoying yourself.”
Buck just rolled his eyes and trailed after him, doing his best to avoid the writhing, sweaty bodies that kept trying to grind against him. Sam was right, it was a lot easier to enjoy these types of ops when you were with him.
He didn’t know how they managed to keep eyes on the target as he moved through the crowd, but they saw him head out one of the exits and were following after him within a few minutes.
“Hey, Wilson? Where the fuck is he?” Buck hissed as he opened the door to an empty alley.
“Shit, hold on, let me pull up Redwing.”
“I still can’t believe you named that fucking thing.” Buck said exasperatedly.
Sam didn’t have a chance to reply before a motorcycle ripped past the two of them.
“Was that him?” Bucky yelled as he whipped his head after it. “Motherfucker!”
“Calm down, I got it.” Sam said, summoning his wings.
“Oh, I guess I’ll just run after him then? I told you we should’ve brought a car!”
“I could carry you.” Sam said teasingly, giving Bucky a stupid grin.
“Oh fuck you.” Buck said, flipping Sam off as he chuckled at him. “Shit!”
The two of them dove out of the way as a Lexus tore into the alley, stopping just short of hitting them.
“Hey assholes! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!” You shouted as you rolled down the window, a massive grin splitting your face.
“Baby!? What’re you doing here?!?” Bucky asked, beaming back at you.
“I had to get the fuck out of D.C. There was no way I’d miss our first Valentine’s Day! Besides, I missed the field! Now get in, I managed to tag his bike but I don’t want him to get out of range.”
“Shotgun!” Sam called with a grin on his face, making you laugh.
“What?!? Fuck you Wilson! You’re gonna make me sit in the back when this is the first time I’ve seen my girl in weeks?” Bucky said in disbelief.
“Sorry Barnes, you should’ve called it!”
“Yeah babe, you really should’ve called it.” You teased as he crawled into the back of the vehicle with a scowl.
“I can’t believe you’re taking his side.” He pouted at you as Sam climbed after him, bringing the back of his seat up to crash against Buck’s knees.
“There’s no sides, honey, it’s shotgun rules.” You said as you peeled out of the alleyway.
“Whatever, could you move your seat up Wilson?”
“Nope.” Sam said grinning over his shoulder before cursing under his breath and bracing one hand against the ceiling as you swerved around a slow moving van. “Jesus, Y/N! Maybe take it a little slower, we’re still in the city.”
You just snorted before taking a sharp turn at an inadvisable speed, barely tapping on the brakes and sending Bucky sliding across the backseat.
“Put your seatbelts on, idiots.” You scolded as the two of them tried to find something to grab onto.
“Honey, pedestrian, pedestrian, Pedestrian!!!” Buck screamed as he buckled himself in, screwing his eyes closed.
“Yeah, I see them.” You said as you took another turn at the last second, barely missing the man who was crossing the street.
“Oh my god! This is how I’m going to die.” Sam said, his knuckles white on the dashboard as you flew up a hill, the car actually suspending in midair for a beat before crashing back to the street with a jolt. “Stuck in a car with a crazy woman and her 100 year old boyfriend.”
“You’re so fucking dramatic.” You said with an eye roll, glancing at him sideways. “It’s like you’ve never been in a high speed chase before.”
“Eyes on the road!” Bucky shouted at you as an unsuspecting couple started to step off the curb directly into your path.
You hopped onto the walkway behind them to avoid the brake lights in front of you and your two passengers started letting out a steady stream of curses as you weaved between pedestrians and carts.
“Just relax you two, we’ve almost got him.” You said exasperatedly, somehow speeding up even more.
You rounded another corner and the bike popped into view, speeding out of the city at a breakneck speed.
“Shit, gun!” Sam screamed as the biker turned around, hefting an AK-47 and pointing it directly at the windshield.
He and Bucky ducked, hands covering their heads. They flinched as they heard a series of pops, then straightened up slowly when they realized the windshield was still intact.
“Yeah, it’s bulletproof.” You said with a grin as you kept the car steady with one hand, reaching under your seat to grab something. You handed a giant pistol to Sam. “There should be a rifle under the backseat, baby.”
“And what exactly do you want us to do with these?” Sam asked warily as Bucky drew out the rifle and nodded appreciatively.
“Shoot at him.” You said, following the bike around a sharp turn that had the boys bracing themselves.
“Fuck that! If you think I’m sticking half my body out of a window while you’re driving like this you’re insane!” Sam said in disbelief. “Besides the car is bulletproof.
“Yeah, well the tires aren’t, and if he hits one of those while I’m driving this fast, we’re all gonna get shredded.”
Bucky shook his head before rolling down his window and pulling his upper body out of the car, bringing the rifle up to return fire.
“You are both fucking crazy!” Sam said, rolling his own window down and shoving his shoulders out, bringing up his pistol.
The biker turned his focus to Bucky while Sam covered him, and you took the opportunity to speed up.
“What’re you doing, babe?” Bucky shouted into the car as you started to get closer to the bike.
“I’m gonna ram him.” You yelled back. “Keep covering me!”
“Umm, isn’t he supposed to lead us to Zemo? Shit!” Sam yelled, a bullet whizzing by his ear.
“I don’t think he’s leading us anywhere Sammy.”
“Well, we could still get information out of him!”
“Yeah, these guys have proven to be pretty impervious to interrogations, Wilson.” Buck said, gripping the roof of the car with his vibranium hand as you followed the bike around another curve.
“I really just need his phone!” You yelled as you closed the distance even further, now only 25 feet from the back tire of the bike. “You might want to get back inside.”
Sam yanked his upper body back into the vehicle with a curse and Buck slid back inside easily as you pressed the gas pedal to the floor. You hit the bike in a few seconds and sent it and the rider rolling over the car with a thud. As soon as it was clear you slammed on the brakes, sending the vehicle spinning out.
“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod....” Sam was screaming as the car whipped around over and over, his eyes screwed shut and his hand braced against the roof of the vehicle while his foot braced against the dashboard.
Bucky just clenched his jaw and ripped his vibranium fingers through the back door to hold himself in place, shaking his head at Wilson.
The vehicle finally came to a stop about 200 feet away from where the bike had crashed. Sam wrenched his door open and dove out of the car, bending over and vomiting at the side of the road.
“You ok there Sammy?” You asked, rising from the driver’s seat gracefully and looking at your friend with concern as Bucky almost climbed over the front seat with a wince and joined you.
“Oh, what are you wearing?” He groaned as he finally got a good look at you. “Are you trying to kill me?”
It was a skin tight, patent leather pink dress that was pushing your tits together and up in an absolutely delicious way. The skirt barely covered your ass and he was sure there was no way you could bend over in it without flashing whoever was nearby.
“I told you, baby, it’s Valentines Day.” You sad with a grin as you stepped closer to him.
He moved to wrap his arms around you but you stepped away at the last second, moving back towards where the bike crashed with a light laugh as he let out a frustrated huff.
“What is wrong with you two?!” Sam said as he started to follow after you. “Your girlfriend almost kills me and all you want to do is jump her as soon as it’s over.”
“I mean, did you see that dress?” Bucky said teasingly as he joined your friend, walking a little faster to catch up with you.
“Got the phone!!” You said triumphantly as you straightened back up from your inspection of the dead body. “And it’s still in ok shape! I’m gonna call this in real quick and then we can head back.”
“No! I’m not going anywhere if you’re driving!” Sam said, shaking his head vehemently. “Gimme the keys.”
“C’mon Sammy!” You said with an eye roll.
“You do not get to call me Sammy right now, you psycho!” He said, snatching the keys out of your outstretched hand as you laughed at him. “And neither of you gets to sit shotgun! You sit in the back and think about what you’ve done.”
“Jesus, fine dad.” You said as you slid into the back seat, Bucky chuckling as he slid in after you and slammed the door closed.
Sam pulled the car forward a few feet, turning the wheel sharply before throwing it in reverse and spinning it in the opposite direction as he backed up.
“Uh, Sammy?” You said as he repeated the process. “Maybe just crank the wheel all the way and pull a little further forward?”
“Yeah, it’s not called a 13 point turn, Wilson.”
“Both of you shut the fuck up!! I’m not taking driving advice from you!” He shouted over his shoulder as he did the exact same thing and you lost it, laughing hysterically.
“Oh my god, there’s like 15 feet of road that you’re not using!” You said breathlessly as you cracked up Bucky grinning as he watched you fold over in laughter.
“I cannot believe the shit I have to put up with.” He muttered as he finally straightened out the vehicle and drove back towards the city, doing his best to ignore your dying laughter.
Bucky was beaming at you as you settled down, leaning back against the seat as you wiped tears from your eyes. You smiled back at him and gave him a wink.
“Did I tell you how much I love that dress?” He said as he scooted closer to you, his eyes raking over your chest before sinking lower to gaze at your thighs.
“No.” You said teasingly, biting your lip at him and leaning towards him just a little bit.
“Cuz I fucking love that dress.” He growled at you as he wrapped his hands around your waist and drew you closer, nuzzling himself into your neck.
You gave a soft sigh as he ran his teeth over your throat, flinging one leg over his lap as he moved his vibranium hand from your waist to cup your ass. He moved his mouth up to the hinge of your jaw as he pressed you into him.
“Shit, Bucky.” You moaned as he pulled you onto his lap, his hands running over your thighs to tuck under your skirt as he sucked a bruise against your neck. “I swear to god, if you ruin this dress...”
“Oh, what the fuck guys?!” Sam said as he peeked at you through the rear view mirror. “I’m two feet away from you! It’s like you’re a couple of teenagers.”
“Sorry Sammy!” You whined before letting out a gasp as Bucky nuzzled himself between your tits at the same time he bucked his hips up into you, grinding his hardening cock against you.
“Oh, I do not get paid enough for this shit.” Sam groaned as he pulled the car into the parking lot of the hotel and jolted it to a halt. “I cannot believe I have to put up with you horny idiots.”
“Bye Sam!” You called after him as he slammed the door closed, waving a dismissive hand at you as he started to head back to his room. “Mmm, Bucky!”
He drew the straps of your dress down over your arms and wrapped his lips around one of your nipples as you arched your back into his face.
“Jesus Christ, I fucking missed you.” He groaned before moving his mouth up to yours, sucking your bottom lip between his teeth as he laid you down across the backseat.
“Yeah? What’d you miss baby?” You murmured against his lips, wrapping your legs around him and ripping his shirt over his head.
“Missed the way you smell.” He murmured against your neck as he nuzzled into your hair. “Missed these fucking perfect tits and how well they fit in my hands.” He whispered into your ear as he brought his hands up to palm your breasts, making you whine.
“Fuck, baby. You’re making me so wet.” You said breathlessly as a fresh rush of arousal leaked out of you, your fingers moving to work at undoing his fly.
“Good.” He growled against your collarbone as his he dipped one hand under your ass and pressed you into his hard on. “Cuz I missed that pussy the fucking most.”
“Shit.” You hissed as his vibranium hand ripped off your panties in one quick motion before his hands moved to shove your dress up around your waist. “Don’t you dare fucking rip this dress, Barnes!”
“I’m being careful.” He said with a chuckle before lining himself up. He teased his tip against your entrance before slowly sinking into you, grinning as he watched your eyes roll back in your skull as your lids fluttered, a moan escaping from your lips.
He drew himself out halfway, really taking his time as he felt himself drag against every inch of the warm channel between your legs, then slammed his hips forward with enough force that you had to brace your hand against the door to keep your head from cracking against it. You had to bite your lip to keep from screaming as you came immediately, your back arching up off the seat as your pussy spasmed and fluttered around his cock.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you miss me too?” Bucky said with a grin as he kept fucking into you, watching your chest heave as you started to come down from your first orgasm. He hooked one hand under your knee and drew it up to your waist, spreading you apart even further.
“Shit, yes!” You moaned as his dick thrust even deeper into you, hitting a new spot that had you seeing stars. “Missed this cock so fucking much.”
“Yeah? You miss feeling me in this tight little pussy?” He said as he felt you clench around him, your hips meeting his thrusts desperately.
“Fuck, Bucky! My pussy needs you so bad. Need your big cock inside me all the time.” You let out a gasp as he brought his vibranium hand between the two of you to strum at your clit. You wrapped your hand around his wrist to keep him in place as you tossed your head back. “Need to feel you stretch me and split me open, baby.”
“Jesus, keep talking.” He murmured as he collapsed on top of you, burying his face in your neck as he started moving his hips even faster. “Love hearing you use that filthy mouth of yours.”
“Yeah, babe? You wanna hear me talk about how much this pussy needs your big cock?” Your grinned when he let out a groan against your neck. “My pussy would get so fucking wet every time I thought about that dick. Nobody fucks me like you do. Oh god, right there!”
“Damn, honey. You’re squeezing me so good. You gonna cum again?”
You just nodded before a sob ripped through your chest, your knuckles turning white as your grip on his vibranium wrist tightening and a wave a pleasure crashed over you. Your legs squeezed his hips as you thumped your fist against the door, your torso rolling underneath Bucky as your cunt clamped down on him, making him twitch.
You felt his hips stuttering as you writhed underneath him, and with just a few thrusts he was filling you up, panting against your neck as he sank on top of you, pressing his full weight into you as he came down.
“Oh my god, happy fucking Valentine’s Day.” He moaned into your hair.
“Shit, I still need to give you your present, baby!!” You said with a grin as you ran your hands over his shoulders.
“I don’t need a present, sweetheart.” He said lazily before peppering soft kisses over your throat.
“Oh, I really think you’re gonna want to open this one.” You sighed, wriggling a little underneath him.
You grabbed his flesh hand and drew it between your legs slowly, dragging it over your sex until his fingers brushed against the jewel that was nestled between your ass cheeks. He sat up with a jolt when he realized what you were suggesting, making you laugh excitedly as he gave you a massive grin.
“Oh my god, Y/N, I’ve been waiting for this.” He said as he flipped you over, smacking your ass as you giggled at him. He spread your cheeks apart and groaned when he got a look at the pink jewel of the plug you had inserted earlier in the day.
He gripped the plug and drew it out of you slowly, biting his lower lip as he watched you pussy clench at the sensation. His breath came out in a hiss once it was free, your pretty hole gaping and fluttering at the loss as you moaned underneath him, pressing your ass back into his palms.
“Fuck, I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before he was yanking your hips back and up, tossing your thighs over his shoulders. You let out a shriek when he ran his tongue over your cunt in a heavy stripe before dragging the flat of the thick muscle over your asshole.
“Fuck, oh my god!” You screamed, trying to find something to brace yourself against as he ran the tip of his tongue around your rim, teasing you and making both of your holes throb with need.
He kept teasing you with his tongue for what felt like hours, alternating between heavy drags that ran over your entire sex and tiny kitten licks that were turning you into a begging, whimpering mess, a steady stream of slick leaking out of your swollen pussy.
“Gotta make sure you’re good and ready for me, gorgeous.” He murmured, giving you a momentary reprieve before he shoved his tongue inside your puckered hole.
The sound you made was otherworldly, halfway between a moan and a cry. He almost came just from the pure wantonness of it, and he felt his cock twitching against your chest as he started to tongue-fuck you. You pressed your cheek to the leather of the seat as he took you apart, mewling like an idiot as he stretched you open, his thick muscle probing you as deep as he could.
“Bucky...” you mumbled before another orgasm shook you, your cunt fluttering around nothing as a wave of bliss traveled up your spine from deep in your core and making you whine as drool leaked from the corner of your mouth.
He pulled his face away from you suddenly and unwrapped his arms from around your thighs. Your muscles were jelly as he lowered your hips, your eyelids drooping as you moaned at the loss of him. Once he finally had you laid back down, he took a second to gaze at you.
He loved how fucked out you got. Your limbs were splayed out at random angles as your back rose and fell with deep breaths, the curves of your breasts just peeking out from where they were pressed against the seat. He brushed your hair away from your face to see you grinning up at him, your cheeks streaked with tears and mascara and your lipstick smeared all over your mouth and chin as you looked at him with lust blown pupils.
“We’re still not done.” He said softly before wrapping his hand around your throat and yanking you up until your back was flush against his chest, making you gasp. He brought his other hand between you to wrap around his cock and dragged it through the slick that had soaked your ruined pussy before teasing his tip against the rim of your tightest hole. “I think you’re ready for me.”
He didn’t wait for you to answer before shoving his hips forward and spearing into you. Your body tried to jolt forward at the intrusion but his palm on your throat kept you in place, holding you still as he bottomed out.
“Jesus Christ, you feel amazing.” He muttered into your hair, his fingers vibrating over your throat as you let out a whine.
He pressed down against your jugular as he started to move his hips, dragging in and out of you at a deliciously slow pace that had you keening. You were losing yourself in the new sensation of having him fill your tightest channel, his thick cock stretching you more than you’d ever been before. Your head dropped back on his shoulder as he started to move faster, the slick leaking from your pussy making it easier for him to slide in and out of you.
“Fuck, I love your body. You treat me so good baby.” He murmured against the shell of your ear. “Wanna fill all your your pretty holes and pump you full of my cum. Wish I could be inside you all the time, pretty girl.”
Your pussy was fluttering around nothing as his soft praises filled your ears, and when he dropped his hand to the apex of your thighs you almost came immediately with a cry.
“You didn’t think I forgot about this pretty pussy, did you baby?” He whispered as his metal fingers spread you apart, teasing over your entrance as his flesh hand increased the pressure on your airway and his hips picked up the pace. “You want me to fuck you with my fingers while my cock’s in your ass, honey?”
“Fuck, Bucky, I want you to spank it.” You moaned as he continued to tease you, your brain starting to shut down as the mixture of sensations overwhelmed you.
He let out a feral growl against the curve of your neck before wrapping his lips around your earlobe. “Shit, you gonna cum if I spank it?” He hissed in your ear as he kept his fingers running over your sex.
“Yeah, I’m gonna fucking cum! Need you to spank my pussy, Bucky, please.”
His teeth nipped at the hollow behind your ear at the same time he smacked your cunt and you let out a shriek as your body vibrated against him. Your thighs quivered with strain as your pussy spasmed uncontrollably, your asshole strangling Bucky’s cock as you shook in your bliss, his hand around your neck the only thing keeping you upright.
“Fuuuuck.” He hissed against your neck as his hips chased his own release. “I wanna fuck all your holes while I cum, sweetheart, get ready.”
You only had a second before he was shoving three fingers into your pussy at the same time he put two fingers in your mouth, choking you as he shoved them down your throat before you were able to relax. He groaned when you started sucking on him, swirling your tongue around his digits while his vibranium fingers curled inside of you against that sweet spot that made your eyes roll back in your skull.
He felt you clench around him everywhere and let out a groan into your hair, his cock twitching inside you as you both neared your ends.
He ground his palm against your clit and you were finished, sobbing around his fingers as you squirted your release all over his hands, his thighs, and the seat in what was the biggest orgasm of your life. Your body tried to lift itself off the seat as you came, your vision whiting out as your muscles stopped working and Bucky let you collapse forward as he finished.
Another few thrusts of his stuttering hips and he let out a wordless roar as he came inside you, filling you completely with his spend until it was leaking out around his cock. He collapsed on top of you as his body rolled on a wave of pleasure, his breath hitching in his chest.
The two of you laid there tangled with each other for what felt like hours. You were so utterly spent that the passage of time no longer held any meaning, and you completely forgot where you were.
“Holy fuck.” Bucky muttered after a while, still unable to move anything except his face, which he nuzzled into your hair.
“Yeah.” You muttered into the seat cushions, your brain finally resetting.
“I mean, holy fuck.” He couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“Yeah.” You said again, wiggling your toes look experimentally as your body started to come back down.
“I’ve never cum that hard before in my life.” He muttered as he drew his hands over your arms until they were pressing into your shoulders, moving your hair aside so he could pepper kisses all over your neck.
“Me either.” You whispered, turning your head over your shoulder so you could press your lips to his softly.
He pulled away once he was able, giving you a sloppy grin as he managed to sit up, pulling out of you gingerly and groaning at the sight of his cum leaking out of you. You twisted until you were able to sit up yourself, leaning back against the car door as you beamed back at him.
“Best fucking Valentine’s Day ever.” He muttered, drawing you onto his lap to kiss you deeply, and wondering if it would be too tacky to tell you he loved you after the first time you let him fuck your ass.
@buckysnumberonegirl @slothspaghettiwrites @captain-asguard @starlightcrystalline @harrysthiccthighss @quxxnxfhxll @bonkywobble @chrisevanscardigan @chubbybuckydumpling @StanAllStarks @blackestpinkworld @fistmebuckyskywalker @wandering-spiritash @khadineberry @muzzyandbusy @slytheriin2002 @isysen @WanderingAlice00 @kaleeelizabeth58 @tlcwrites @angrybirdcr @unsaltedalmonds @amerikakapitanyy @lizette50 @daughterofthenight117 @obsessivereaderchick @drabblewithfrannybarnes @stargazingfangirl18 @jack-skellingtons-stuff @chrissquares @msmarvelwrites
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honklore · 3 years
would you please consider doing maybe a soulmate au where anything you write appears on your soulmate with karl? i just love the idea of maybe doing little doodles all over your skin and it appearing on his and he likes talking about it on stream which is maybe what brought you two together? one of your friends who watches mcyt saw a clip of him talking about a specific flower they remember you drawing and this lead you to maybe writing out a small message for karl during a stream that made him super giddy? sorry if this was very confusing and i totally get it if you don’t wanna write it, thank you for your time! :)
sincerely yours | karl jacobs
(gn reader, soulmate au, chat is supportive, karl’s lil doodles like he shows on his priv but he draws them on his skin instead)
listen to: make you feel my love (cover) by jj heller
Tumblr media
karl jacobs my beloved !!!!!
the sweetest romantic when it comes to the soulmate bond
counted down the days until his eighteenth bday when he could finally communicate with you
okay i’m going to switch your request to where karl is the one constantly doodling if that’s okay !!!!
with all my heart i believe karl would doodle every single day!!! never misses a day to the point where jimmy is like. bringing cleansing wipes to mr beast filming like,,,, dude i’m sorry but you can’t have squiggly marks up your neck while we’re filming we are ~professionals~
a total romantic,,,, like. downloads reddit and reads thru r/soulmatestories before he goes to bed,,, scrolls soulmatesuggestions blogs on tumblr
he’s just so in want of that close bond that he does everything he can to get into contact with you
tries to join late bloomer groups before they tell him that 22 years old isn’t late and he’s still extremely young
he’s just v impatient okay !!!!!
once he begins streaming regularly instead of a tattoo check chat asks to see whatever doodle he drew or received that day !!!!
worries a lot bc he hears a lot of rejection stories and he’s scared of being rejected
so sometimes when he’s rlly anxious or insecure he’ll scrub all of the writing off in the shower and wear long sleeves to avoid looking for your scrawl
between school/job/life/family/friends and whatever else you do or don’t have going on, you often forget to draw notes for your soulmate
you’ve gathered a LOT of things about him tho
he writes his name w a lil smiley almost every week
(hey it’s me karl :))
writes u a Goodnight Drawing before bed
except for him goodnight is just right before whenever he goes to sleep and for you it’s like. 10pm.
so you’ll wake up to pee at 5am and find a drawing of a worm on your leg (goodnight!!)
writes lil notes about his tales ideas except you have no idea what they mean rip
(inbetween segment longer? talk to ranboo)
doodles his favorite cartoon characters (ayo!!!)
has colored markers for when he’s feeling especially creative
let’s say you have a retail job
and you can’t have drawings anywhere noticeable per company policy
so you spend most mornings scrubbing off any evidence of karl
which like,,,, makes karl extremely sad but he’s a streamer AND his friends are streamers so he forgets some people have like. jobs that require dress codes
even when jimmy makes him scrub off his drawings, it’s only if they’re extra distracting
one day you finally get tired of waking up thirty minutes early every morning (can u pls draw somewhere that’s not noticeable in a uniform? thanks.)
karl draws a lil kermit the frog on his tummy and it shows up on yours. the marks are all jagged bc he kept laughing whenever the pen tickled him
but it’s so endearing that he followed ur instructions
he keeps the drawings to stomach, thighs, and sometimes his feet which he thinks is literally the funniest thing ever to your dismay (nice to feet you !!!! haha !!!!)
you don’t have time to watch streams unfortunately, but your best friend does :))
your bsf is on quacktwt so she knows who karl is
in one of quackity’s jackbox streams they make fun of karl’s drawing skills
and your friend is like ಠ_ಠ that is the same worm that is always on my bestie’s shoulder
and you’ve never told anyone that you know your soulmate’s name
so your friend only has a stupid (endearing) worm drawing for reference
she screenshots it and sends it to you like, lol quackity’s friend karl draws worms that look just like ur soulmate’s drawings
and ur like,,,,,, karl? his name is karl?
and bless ur heart that’s how u find out ur soulmate is a minecraft twitch streamer (derogatory)
you do your best to watch his streams and try to figure him out ,,,, like who he is as a person
and he’s just the biggest sweetie pie :((
you drew a rose for him during your lunch break one day and that night he showed his chat and got so excited
“chat i think they’re romancing me 0.0”
you get so thrilled that you draw him another doodle, this one of a lil heart
and he literally squeals and shoves his wrist against the lens so quickly that it blurs and makes you audibly laugh
you continue to draw him stuff throughout the next few streams
until finally he’s doing a chill alt stream, watching some yt vids
you know when karl is wrapped up in his fuzzy blanket and yawning while he tries to focus on the video :(((((((( yeah ://///
and you get so overwhelmed with fondness that you uncap your marker
(i like you karl)
and he doesn’t see it until he takes his arm out of the blanket to grab his can of monster
chat sees it first so they’re spamming
and when he reads it he gets SO red and he literally has to call the stream bc he’s too flustered to think of anything else
like he’s finally getting somewhere with you and he’s so so excited
when the stream ends he writes on his arm this entire anxious essay basically asking if you guys can find somewhere to meet or if he can at least have your number
and you can fill in the rest, but ofc the two of you become quite literally the dynamic duo.
absolutely adorable
your bestie makes you promise you’ll help her meet quackity since she basically made the discovery but that’s another story for another time
thank you for requesting !!!
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mrs-march-ahs · 4 years
Hi! I have a request~ The Evans reactions to losing in any sort of game. Can be board games or video games 😅
The Evans Losing At Games
Headcannons for all, imagines for some!
Cute idea, thank you! I didn’t write much for Jimmy, I’m sorry Jimmy I love you<3
-Clearly a teenage boy who lets emotions build up a lot -Definitely cheats if he’s had enough -If he keeps losing in the same part of the video game and rage quits, it takes him forever to get back into the game - “Ohhhh… I forgot that’s where I let off… fuck it” (quits) -Much better and calmer at playing cards, and generally prefers games were the two of you can talk and he doesn’t have to focus too much
You laid on your bed, scrolling aimlessly through social media, and occasionally glancing at Tate playing a video game he hasn’t played in a while. When you started talking about games, and you told him you had it, he nostalgically reminisced how much he used to play it when he was alive, so you set it up for him. Every few minutes, when a red screen would pop up, Tate would sigh, and with every passing death, his sighs got louder and angrier.
After only maybe half an hour of playing, Tate clearly couldn’t take it anymore, and threw the control towards the floor, before stomping over to shut the console and TV off. The sound made you flinch, and you had never seen Tate angry before. Nor his body language nor face showed his emotions, just his actions, and when he flopped by your side, he looked fine. If somebody had come in right now, they would just see two teenagers laying next to each other.
“Uhhh… you okay?”, you ask, before rolling over to face him. You poke at his chubby cheek as he stares up at the ceiling and tease him. “Sore loser”.
“Shut up, it’s your fault. You reminded me why I wasn’t allowed to play this game for very long”.
“Wanna play something else? Together? We could play Dragon Ball Z?”, you ask quietly, before going back to your childish sing-song teasing. “Be nice, and I’ll even let you win a few times!”
Tate looks over at you and huffs, before sitting up and getting the controllers, “Good thing you’re used to begging me for mercy”
-Least sore loser out of them all -Always up for a rematch -He’s pleasant even when he does win - “Want a rematch sugar? So you can have another shot at beating me?” - “Ah you were close, you’re getting good” - “You’re a good rival” - “If I lose, you can drag me to that Rom Com you wanted to see” - “If I win, we make more babies” -Pretends to be competitive when he’s playing with the kids - “I would say Team Girls vs Team Boys… but that’s not fair, the two of you don’t even stand a chance, right Tommy?” -If one of the kids beat him, he’d act super dramatically to give them as much satisfaction of winning -Laser tag is 34 years before Kit’s time, but if he played something like that, he’d try to let the kids win
You ran around the garden and chased a giggling Julia. Because of current financial issues, the power was out, but not wanting to worry the children to much, and not wanting them to ask too many questions, you and Kit decided to make the most of the sun and tire them out before it got dark. Kit, being the big kid he is, suggested playing a tag-like game Thomas invented, where you each get three pebbles each, and try to get each other out by throwing them. Gently. Unless you were throwing them at Kit.
Julia started slowing down when she reached the corner of the house, hoping to hide from you, but you were right behind her, making her turn around and burst out in giggles. When the 5-year-old laughed, the only thing you could see was the missing tooth she donated to the tooth fairy last night. Once you circled all around the house, you come back in view of the garden, and see Julia hiding behind Kit.
“That’s cheating!”, he exclaims, trying to run away from her and toss a pebble in her direction, only for her to do it faster. The second Julia’s tiny rock hits Kit’s tummy and bounced, he put his hands over his stomach and held it like a gun wound. He dropped to the floor dramatically, leaving the two little kids to die of laughter, and you walk over to him, Kit peeping open one eye slightly to see if you were watching him, and then stuck his tongue out to play dead. You picked up a stick from the floor and poked at his chest, making Kit chuckle but quickly hide it.
“Is it dead?”, you ask.
Thomas leans in closer to look at his dad on the floor, before Kit opens his eyes and pulls Tommy to the floor with him, rolling over to be on top of him.
“I win!”, Kit announces, before kissing his son on the cheek.
Franken Kyle
-He doesn’t particularly play complicated games, but he isn’t too patient and gets frustrated with himself pretty easily -If on one of his educational games, he messes something up too many times in a row, he’ll shut off the game and throw the tablet on the bed -He’ll avoid even looking at it -If he loses a tickle fight he’ll sit and whine, straddle you and then tickle you until you beg him to stop -Whines even if he loses at rock paper scissors -He likes colouring and drawing, and because it’s good for his motor skills, the two of you made a really simple game together -You drew out a long snake shape on a big piece of paper and drew lines in between for the spaces -Kyle carefully coloured them in with pencil and with a marker you wrote occasional things like ‘Go back two spaces’ or ‘Go forward three spaces’ -Sweet little Ky would roll the dice, and take his time, pushing his little figurine, which was something like a pencil sharpener or a bottle cap, and counted out the spaces -Got super excited if he won, but wouldn’t mind losing -He would insist the two of you keep playing, and you’re only allowed to stop and go to bed if you end on him winning -Sometimes he would try to let you win so that you could keep playing -Whine and pout if you had to stop playing, and how are you meant to say no to him? -You would have to promise you’ll play tomorrow -You’d be able to slowly make more and more complicated games, until eventually he’d be able to play things like checkers or Ludo
-Lowkey a sore loser -If there were loads of different people playing, he would be a lot more friendly -If he lost, he would still be super annoyed, but just wouldn’t show it -But if it was the two of you, he’d be super competitive -The type of person to flip the board game if he was losing -But he’d apologise straight away and pout if you didn’t want to play with him again - “C’mon let’s play again, I’ll be nice this time” - “Loser gets spanked” -Loves playing games like beer pong
-Unpleasant loser but also not a pleasant winner -Bitter compliments if you win at cards - “Well done darling, who would have thought with your high school education you were such a poker master” -Only willing to play the same 5 card games, because if you teach him a new board game he is not familiar with and he loses, he’ll claim it’s only because he’s new to the game -Absolutely infuriated if he loses at Monopoly, since he built a hotel after all -Don’t even bother trying to teach him how to play a video game -And of course - “Only amateurs keep score”
“What are you doing, dear?”, James said, fascinated at your little character wandering around a shop, on the screen in front of both of you.
“I’m trying to buy this plant, but I don’t have enough money, I want to see if I can sell anything I have”, you explain, pointing at your backpack filled with items that you can exchange for spare coins.
“Nonsense, darling, why don’t you simply stab the storekeeper and steal what you desire?”
“Because this is Animal Crossing, James, there isn’t a stab button”
-Kai likes playing video games or board games with literally anybody apart from you -He likes playing with Ozzy because he’s a kid so most of the time Kai can beat him easily -Definitely not the type of person to let the kid win, even if Ozzy is sobbing and Ally asks him to let Ozzy win once in a while - “Winning fairly will feel so much better for him” - “He won’t appreciate success if he doesn’t first taste failure” -Sometimes instead of story time with his troops he’ll play some board games -At first, everybody will keep letting Kai win out of fear -But eventually someone will win, and everybody else will be fearful for them, scared Kai will be angry - “Finally somebody capable, somebody strong, not scared to show their true capabilities” -But if you ask him to play a game with you, he probably won’t -If you eventually beg enough that he will agree to play a game with you, he’ll tell you he’s only playing one -If you win, he’ll be like, “Okay, are you happy now?” - “Finally it’s over” - “I let you win, are you happy?” -But if he wins, he’ll try to get you to play a few more games - “Are you giving up already?” - “Don’t be a sore loser, rise up to the challenge” - “I assumed you wanted to win, not just to play”
- (Kai loses) “See… you have to give a humiliated man a chance to redeem himself in his own ey-”
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holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 1
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
I: Hello. Can you hear me? Good night. (t/n: He’s replying to a comment.) You can hear me? Hello. Welcome.
I: My tone sounds great today, ***-kun? (t/n: OP commented that his tone sounds great.) Of course I’ll be excited in the beginning of the stream. But only in the beginning.
C: Your voice somehow sounds young.
I: It’s because I just slept.
*Typing on twitter
I: I finally did it. This is a simultaneous worldwide stream. Do you understand it? Ah, I’m so tired. I’m tired of sleeping.
I: I’ll be drinking my coffee. Itadakimasu.
I: It was a long vacation, wasn’t it? When was the last time you guys heard from me? On September…Well, it doesn’t matter.
I: I don’t have anything particular to do for this stream. I just felt like it.
C: I’ve been listening to your streams repeatedly during holiday.
I: Thank you.
C: We last heard from you at the end of August.
I: I see. Thanks.
C: Thank you for your hard work on the manuscript!
I: I did the rough sketches first. I was brainstorming.
*Someone commented on Animal Rap.
I: Animal rap? I actually wanna try this. Actually, I’ve done recording for one video, but won’t it be scary if suddenly in the middle of the stream, animal rap video is uploaded. Without saying anything, suddenly there’s a new animal rap video being uploaded. Won’t it be scary stream?
(t/n: I’m not sure if the translations for this part is correct. He said something more but I haven’t reached this level of Japanese understanding skill. Forgive me.)
C: Animal rap itself is scary, so it’s okay.
I: What a hilarious thing to say. Are you actually afraid of animal then?
C: Have you got vaccinated?
I: Nope, since I’ve been locked up in my house. I want to though. I want to get injected a lot. Around 10 times.
C: Sensei, did you read Berserk chapter 364?
I: Is it the final chapter?
Y****: Let’s inject the head.
I: Nice one, Y****. Well, since Y**** is an introvert at school, he must be a non-popular kid. Because he doesn’t have any friends, he can’t wait to meet me. Is it like that? Hahahaha.
I: I’m not even aware of the things happening around me. I don’t even know when the exhibition in Osaka will open. I want you guys to tell me about me.
C: I’m aiming to be a mangaka, but having someone that can be a mentor for me to learn from is better, as expected?
I: I don’t think so. It depends. In some degree, it’s better to do it by yourself. If you really wanna write a manga and you wanna create an environment that allows you to do so, if there’s a chance to be an assistant, I think it’s better for you to grab it. Because you’re still not familiar with how these things work. I think it’s better to be an assistant first. You don’t have to be one for a long time though.
C: I want to diet. Where should I start?
I: Record your weight. Measure your weight and record it in calendar. Doing that makes you feel conscious about your weight. You’ll probably can lose weight that way.
C: Are you still eating oatmeal?
I: I’ve been eating Onigiri only. 
C: I wanna change job, but I’m anxious to because of the economic situation. Please encourage me!
I: It’s better for you to change job, since you said you wanted to. I think everyone is anxious. There’s no one who isn’t.
C: I’m happy that the JJ illustration that you posted on twitter will be made into goods!
I: Yeah, without my permission. Hahaha. When the illustration was made into goods without my permission, I was like “Eh? This is…”. I’ll stop talking about this. Hahaha. I won’t talk about this.
*Someone commented about Kingdom exhibition.
I: I wanna go to the Kingdom exhibition.
I: What I said just now (about JJ illustration) was a lie. Please forget about it. Are there companies like that? Of course not. I was just joking. If that’s the case, then anybody can freely turn my illustrations into goods. Though there’s a person who sent me the PugMax t-shirt.
C: I wanted to be a mangaka when I was small. As I got older, I only immersed myself in the real world. I’ll be a civil servant starting from next year. I don’t have the courage to challenge myself, so I want to give my unconditional support to those who are.
I: I don’t know how old you are, but you can still draw even if you become a civil servant. Just draw one if you really want to.
C: You have to collect royalty.
I: I do get royalty. I get 5 yen in total.
C: How old will you be this year?
I: 250,000 years old.
C: How are you?
I: Like usual. But I made progress on the manuscript, so I’m relieved. I kinda forgot how to draw it.
C: I thought you were in your 30s.
I: Nope, I’m far older.
C: You haven’t started game streaming?
I: I’m haven’t decided yet for today.
*People were discussing about his age.
I: Doesn’t matter how old I am.
C: Do you prefer women with long hair or short hair?
I: Short hair.
*People commented about Heavy Rain.
I: Oh, you want to see me playing Heavy Rain? I’m okay with that. I’m okay with playing games or anything. I’ll be a yes-man for today. Everyone’s yes-man & toy, Ishida Osushi.
*Someone commented about Animal Rap again.
I: I wanted to say something about this. I’ve done the animal rap video. I only upload videos I’ve received from the animal themselves, not me. But I was afraid to upload it, so I refrained from doing so. I wanna try uploading the video while streaming. That’s what I wanted to say. Well, it doesn’t really matter. I just upload it after I finish streaming. I don’t understand the need to upload the video and streaming at the same time.
(t/n: He said something more, but again, info on Animal rap is hard for me to decipher. I’m really sorry.)
C: What did you watch recently?
I: Movies.
C: There were people who got scared by the fact that Ishida Sui raps.
I: No, you’re wrong. Ishida Sui doesn’t rap. Ishida Sui doesn’t do streaming as well.
C: Do mangakas have the chance to meet women?
I: It depends on the person. The ones who’re locked up in the house won’t. But…That’s right. You might if the workplace has mixed genders. You also have the chance to meet people during party or some sort. I’ll always be at the corner every time I go to parties. It’d be nice if the party was fun and the staffs could enjoy themselves. I also said that I went to parties to take a break, but I hated it.
C: You’re not going to parties?
I: Nope, I won’t. The company doesn’t hold them as well because of the current situation.  Even if I did, I wouldn’t know what to do. I don’t really eat the food, and introducing myself to people is tiresome.
I: S****** is here.
S******: Ishida Osushi can become a pro mangaka.
I: I’m aiming for it.
C: Fukuoka suits you, sensei.
I: Somehow, I feel grateful. It’s like you’re telling me that it’s okay for me to live in Kyushu.
(t/n: Kyushu is an island where Fukuoka is located.)
C: Sir Osushi, what do you think of Sir Sui?
I: I have a murderous intent towards him.
C: Does the thumbnail hold any meaning?
I: It does. Look forward to it.
C: Being a streamer suits you (Osushi) better than being a mangaka.
I: Hahaha.
C: The drawings of Neji (JJ character) by Ms. Towada were wonderful!
I: That’s right. Neji drawn by Ms. Towada. I want you guys to tell me something like this. I want you guys to tell me about my current situation. Things like, “would you retweet this?”, “This is JJ’s…”, “The CD’s also…”. Let me change my twitter account. First is Ms. Towada, right? Let’s retweet Ms. Towada’s tweets. I thought of drawing something like this. She drew quite a lot. She drew him more than me. I feel bad having her to draw it. I feel grateful rather than feeling bad. She drew a lot of them. Yonaga’s illustration looks nice. I see… There’s like an incomplete rough drawing. I thought of copying and drawing that illustration. I’ll just retweet this. Tell me what should I retweet next.
C: Is Ms.Towada doing well as well?
I: I talked to her a few days ago.
I: Do read Fool Night.
C: Do you like Aespa? (t/n: Aespa is a kpop girl group. Ishida had drawn one of the members.)
I: The girl caught my attention. I thought she was beautiful.
*Someone commented about his illustration of Ano-chan. (t/n: Ano-chan is a Japanese singer. Ishida had come to her radio programme once, and he did the album cover for her latest album.)
I: Ano-chan! What happened to that? Have you seen the album cover? It’s already out?
*Someone commented about Fool Night.
I: The world in Fool Night is super amazing. It was quite a while ago, the person in charge of the Superior magazine watched one of my streams and asked me if I could write some comments. I was like “Don’t tell me that!” (referring to watching his stream). I hate being seen. But then, I was like “whatever.” I usually turned it down, but I just wrote for this one.
*Someone commented about Wooma (t/n: an illustrator.)
I: Who’s Wooma? Let me check it.
C: Sensei, I’m a good child. So, is it okay for me to sleep?
I: Yes, of course.
C: Sensei, do you smoke?
I: No.
I: Ah, Wooma is the illustrator for the song ‘Usseewa’. Sorry for the lack of knowledge.
C: Do you watch Christopher Nolan’s works?
I: I’m not that familiar with movies, but I may or may not watch it. I’ve been getting into movies lately. I searched for the movies Takahashi Kunimitsu told me about. You tend to watch anything when you’re obsessed with movies, right? I was also obsessed with history for a while after I learned how fun it was from Takahashi Kunimitsu. I’ve been reading 2-3 books on history a day lately.
C: Until what time are you gonna stream?
I: Today is infinite as well. We have another 12 minutes left. Haha. I’ll keep on streaming today. I won’t end the stream today. It may end tomorrow. (t/n: He definitely kept his words.)
C: Sensei, do you like itzy? (t/n: Itzy is another kpop girl group, and Ishida had also drawn one of the members.)
I: Yes.
I: Tomorrow is a holiday? There are people who are not working tomorrow.
C: What are you drinking?
I: Coffee.
C: You only need another 800 people to reach 30,000 subscribers.
I: Yeah. It’s gonna reach 30,000. I have to make an appreciation stream or video for 30,000 subscribers. A lot of youtubers are doing this, so I have to do it too. I wanna do it. Feels like a youtuber. Isn’t it fun? I wonder what should I do for it? What would be fun? Let’s go with this concern first. I get lost if I don’t go one-by-one. It’s one of my bad habits.
*They’re planning on what Ishida should do when he reaches 30,000 subscribers.
C: Show your nails.
I: I don’t do manicure.
C: Heavy Rain.
I: Wanna play Heavy Rain as well.
C: Please let us hear your sneeze.
I: There is such person sometimes. Creepy.
C: Why don’t you play Ghosts n Goblins for now?
I: After the stream, I felt like playing the game. They had something like magical clock, though I forgot the name. The one that double the speed of the game. I really wanted to play that, honestly. Though, it wasn’t suitable for streaming. I thought of playing it in my own time. I really like that kind of games.
C: Will you sing when you reach 30,000?
I: During the previous silent stream, Queen Bee’s song was playing. Those who watched may know. I thought of appearing for a moment and sing and then end the stream. I wouldn’t do it, but I just thought about it. At that time, I wanted to try having just an illustration stream.
C: I’m waiting for an autograph session after the Corona ends.
I: The pandemic probably won’t end for at least 2-3 years.
*Someone wanted him to sing Gaston’s song.
I: Gaston. Singing, huh? Hahaha, why am I having second thoughts? I thought I’m okay with anything.
C: how about a karaoke battle?
I: Karaoke battle, huh?
C: Do you have any piercings?
I: I’m not wearing one right now, but I do have it. (t/n: I didn’t expect him to have a piercing. He’s really different than what I imagined a mangaka to be. XD)
C: I’m hoping for JJ’s song covers!
I: JJ? JJ’s songs are difficult. It was super hard during the time I did the covers. Seriously, when I heard it back…The cover for the opening theme was scary. I thought my singing ability had increased since I recorded this one the last. A few months ago, I listened to it after a long time, it was…what should I call it? A sutra, no, a curse. Me and JJ’s opening theme. I forgot the title of the song. Jack and something. There were parts in the songs where the female and male characters had to harmonise. To convey that part, I had to cover the song multiple times. I multiplied into 7 people, since I had to record as Kisa as well. When I was recording Kisa’s part, the other version of me at the back, probably Kai, was harmonising with me. I was told to deepen my voice by Mr.Kasama. So embarrassing. The voice was really low. I was drawn by Mr. Kasama’s voice. His voice was really good when he said ‘Broccoli’ for the cm.
*Ishida imitating Mr. Kasama.
I: It’s cooler than this.
*Imitating him once again.
I: I was like “So cool!”
C: Invite the animals that appeared in Animal rap as guests.
I: That’s a good idea. But what would the guests be doing? It’s absolutely hard to do that. It’s hard to invite the animals because of corona.
C: The title is “Jack & Jeanne of Quartz”.
I: Right. Thank you.
C: Won’t you invite Hanae?
I: I won’t. That’s impossible. (t/n: I want to see him playing horror games with Hanae Natsuki.)
Part 2
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faerienextdoor · 4 years
general relationship hcs with (some) pastas
Fair warning, I'm using and hinting at mine and my friends’ writing for these creeps :) enjoy  also as soon as i figure out how to open an ask box, I’ll be accepting requests
- oh where to start with this absolute himbo
- he melts around you. like he's your bitch, and you're his.
- he's the type of boyfriend that takes you out in the snow and shoves a handful down the back of your jacket, and laughs until you shove snow in his face
- it is snow war
- it ends with you cuddling him, wrapped in a blanket and content in front of the burning fire he got started just for you <3
- but he also has some weird... habits.
- drinks pickle juice.
- gets his hand stuck in the jar.
- looks at you like 🥺 until you sigh and help him. for the fifteenth time.
- he can cook some basic breakfast foods, and happily breaks out a cookbook to prepare you something as a surprise or to learn something with you!!
- baking with him would be a mess. he forgets flour goes everywhere and now you both look like you took a bath in cocaine
- but the cupcakes are mediocre at best. they aren't absolute garbage, so... cupcake points!
- he worries about how hoodie treats you. he doesn't remember anything when he regains control, but you've reassured him hoodie is just fine.
- and he is
- hoodie is like a rottweiler or a doberman.
- protective. intimidating. energetic.
- but also a giant fucking baby.
- this large ass man lumbers over and drops to his knees. places his chin on your lap and stares at you from the fabric of his mask until you stop what you're doing and stroke his head awkwardly
- you could swear he does those happy grumbled a rottie does.
- hoodie is silent but shows he loves you just as much as brian does. He strokes your hair silently, even places a kiss to the crown of your head as you sink into his beefy arms.
- he smells nice too. surprisingly.
- but that raises the question: if hoodie showers, does he shower with that damn thing on?
- you won't get an answer if you were to ask.
- brian introduces you to his grandma julia. and she dotes on you.
- the immortal old lady remarks that you’re the best s/o brian has brought to her yet.
- a lumberjack man with biceps like a fucking tree trunk
- how'd you land him? give me your secrets (/j)
- he's such a love bug. a tired stressed love bug.
- he finds /every/ excuse to have physical contact with you. it's like a little touch from you reassures him that you're real. you're like a dream to him.
- he's the best for cuddles. He holds you to his chest
- and you get special access to his moobs
- and he gently strokes your head, traces shapes into your back, etc. it's a special intimate moment each time.
- my man's is italian-american but can't cook to save his fucken life
- he always gets your favorite microwave meals though!! he never forgets.
- not feeling good? dw baby he's making it for you <33 shitty low tier bean and cheese burrito coming up
- slowly he learns the basics and surprises you with lunch or even dinner if you're lucky!!
- he loves you so much. and wants you to feel it and know it. all the time.
- god where to start with this bitch
- he's not jeff levels of bad ofc, but he's silent and... weird. creepy, some may say. he doesn't mean to be.
- and he's a hard ass. far more strict than tim.
- he follows you around like a giant fucken puppy and will spook you by grabbing you abruptly and holding you tightly
- you can't escape him. he really utilizes his physical strength
- he loves lifting you up and just... holding you. or carrying you off.
- protective and overbearing.
- but tim keeps him under control.
- he wouldn't want to lose you like he lost his last wife.
- you find pictures of a woman laying around and a small girl that bears a striking resemblance to her and tim.
- tim goes quiet and questioned but eventually caves and tells you about his family
- or what he used to have
- his wife died and his daughter disappeared.
- it broke him and you're all he has left now
- constantly needs your affection in return to his own
- pls love him
- why the fuck would you date him
- he's the absolute worst in so many aspects. But he genuinely tries for you.
- even if his gifts are shitty, it's nice to know he thoughts of you, right? even if it's a half dead flower or a rib torn from a deer caraccas.
- but you get the butt end of his shithead antics. ranch bath, specifically. he smelt like spoiled milk for a week after and you had to cuddle that fucker.
- and don't get me started on mayo bath
- but he still loves finding himself in your arms. or finding you in his. he's demanding affection wise, and will yank you into him for some cuddles. whether you like it or not.
- he isn't one for a lot of pet names, but calls you curse words or "sweetheart" in polish.
- and you get to see the side of him that only shows when he breaks down.
(bit of angst)
- he misses his family and the life he used to have. he'll reminisce what it was like in poland with his mom and family with you, and you sometimes swear you can see his brown eyes gloss over at the memory of her.
- he never talks about his dad, you've noticed.
- don't ask.
- he brushes off heavy conversations with some dumb quip ("wanna see my renegade?")
- he sucks at cooking. god awful at it. but he really tries for you. manages a bowl of oat meal that's edible.
- but he overloads it with sugar and for some reason, salt.
- he's confused. he thinks that's normal (it isn't)
- his idea of a date is napping with you. or rather, forcing you into nap time.
- I mean it when I say this man is strong in a weird fucken way. latches onto you with that iron grip and you won't be able to leave for at least a few hours.
- ethereal wlw woman.
- could break you with her heels. or a flutter of what eyelashes she has.
- you're lucky to have her, and she's just as lucky to have you!
- she's sweet and charming. very smooth and takes good care of you.
- her love language is a mix of physical touch and acts of service.
- she'll cuddle you all night, and then make you breakfast in the morning.
- she loves showering with you when she's comfy enough around you! it's super intimate and she washes your hair.
- massages the soap into your hair, suds spilling down your neck and back as her fingers scrub circles into your scalp.
- it's heaven on earth. such a domestic life.
- it'll take a while for her to settle enough in the relationship for you to see her without her mask
- you make her feel so loved and wanted
- secure, even.
- she's protective but not controlling or overbearing. shes that type of girlfriend that's just a worrywart and relaxes as soon as you're curled up in her arms. you fit there perfectly, too. like you belong there.
- which you do. at least in her mind
- she has such a gentle touch and hold on you. like she's afraid you'll combust in her arms if she holds you too tightly.
- she loves stroking your hair and having you nap
- using her tiddies as a pillow 👌
- she needs affirmation from you when it comes to her scars.
- she thinks that jeff ruined her. permanently marking her once spotless body.
- and she thinks you'll hate her or find her disgusting.
- that's why she freezes if/when you gently slip off her mask.
- she stares at you with those teary green eyes. then leans in and kisses you
- you make all of her worries disappear.
- she's also financially comfortable, but not really rich (on that topic: eat the rich)
- she spoils you every chance she gets. gifts, a nice dinner date, you name it
- she almost spoils you as much as she does her cat Emory
- little shit has the sparkliest fucken collar and acts like he's the shit
- he's your fur baby too now
- oh my god this disaster of an art boi
- he's convinced he's the luckiest man in the world (and he might as well be!!)
- he obviously wouldn't have been the one to confess. but it was really obvious by how he painted and drew you constantly, that some feeling for you was lodged into his beating heart.
- he treats you like the finest china. with the most care a man can manage.
- he's the definition of clingy and affectionate from the very start.
- he curls around your sleeping form perfectly when y'all cuddle.
- his hand dances in your hair, soothing you into a dreamless sleep each night without fail.
- he has a magic touch and a gentle voice.
- and he cherishes you so fucken much. (like a simp /j)
- he shies away from kisses at first, but will hold your hand and melts if you hold his face in them!!!
- he's greek, and often speaks sweet things to you in it. he's so comfortable around you that he speaks in his native language to you. that's an accomplishment.
- he loves when you baby him. helen loves being cradled and loved.
- taking a nap with his head on your chest also hits different. he's so in love with you
- he's afraid of losing you. who wouldn't be? you're amazing and you love /him/ of all people
- he thinks very negatively of himself. please scold him for self deprecating.
- he always worries he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
- so he holds you extra close at night. and follows you around when you leave for any reason. Trails behind you like a lost puppy in need of a gentle kiss.
- which, is what he essentially is
- and also: pls steal his sweater and wear it. he'll cry over how cute you are.
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leejeongz · 4 years
nsfw a-z YOSHI (treasure)
🔅 for @ateezwhorez i hope you enjoy this honey 🥺❤️ dw the others should be written soon tooooo 🔅
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he just feels cuddly and swoony. he’s in love with you, even more so than before even though he didn’t think that was possible. he loves to cuddle with you, just until you catch your breath again at least. he’s still still high from the whole experience, it’s the perfect time to be open and show your vulnerability even more. it’s less about the physical things he does for you, more about how you two deepen your relationship even further. he uses this time to have deep chats that slowly fade into more light hearted conversations before drifting off to sleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his eyes are his favourite thing about him i think. he likes how you can understand what he wants just from looking into them. they’re intense and needy, oppressive even. they’re infatuating. they’re his secret weapon to make you obey him without even realising what you’re doing.
on you, he likes your lips. he likes how they feel on his own lips, on his neck, around his dick, anywhere and everywhere. he also just thinks they look pretty and are the perfect colour naturally, actually something he noticed about you first which he found really attractive.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
doesn’t like to make a mess at first… might even cum in a tissue the first few times because he thinks it’s more respectful.
but when he’s comfortable and such, he’d love to cum all over your hands after you finished him off with a handjob, he thinks it looks really hot and it’s enough to get him horny again hehe.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he often imagines how you'd look tied up in front of him. at his disposal. his fantasies are actually super kinky but he very rarely tells you them. he’d probably never tie you up to the extent that he dreams of doing because he doesn’t want to hurt you and he thinks of you as quite fragile 🥺
i wanna do another because my wild card was kinda short this time but he would l o v e to do a life drawing of you. like this isn’t even sexual but i don’t wanna get attacked if i write this on something that is fluff lol. it would be something that he’d treasure and something that he would be so proud of. to make it dirty since it’s a dirty secret 👀 he had a few intrusive thoughts while he drew you and found it super hard to stay hyperfocused on the drawing. if you tried to flirt with him while modelling, he’d just tell you to save it for later and that’s when he’d unleash the beast lol.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
1 sexual partner with whom he was in a relationship with. he doesn’t think about it much and when he’s with you, he’s very much focused on you. one look at you and he’s forgotten about them already.
he knows what he’s doing for the most part, but sometimes he just wants to learn new things with you, together.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he likes facing you: missionary and cowgirl, depending on what feels natural at the time. he likes bringing his face close to yours and hovering his lips over yours, occasionally touching with every thrust. enough to feel the other’s breath, but not enough to actually kiss.
once the pace has slowed a little, he’ll give you the kiss he’s been teasing you with for what feels like hours just so that you’ll appreciate it and enjoy it all the more.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’s quite serious in the moment. he wants to make sure that you’re enjoying yourself and that he’s doing the absolute most to exceed any expectations each and every time.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he naturally doesn’t have much hair down there. he trims what he has and keeps it tidy since he feels it’s more intimate.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
most of the time, he’s extremely romantic during sex. he’s very into slow and sensual sex that allows you two to bond physically and emotionally. it’s important to him that he understands your wants and needs as his partner and vice versa, making the whole experience super romantic.
but that’s not all the time. sometimes he just wants to rip off your clothes and have his way with you and that’s ✨totally fine✨
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i feel like he’s a typical laptop on desk, tissues besides him type of guy. he doesn’t do it too often, but when he does he has to fully commit because there is absolutely no way he’s stopping for anything/anyone that isn’t you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he’s not that kinky, he’s a vanilla man. i’ll just list some sexual things that he likes hehe
whispering- he likes when you whisper close to his ear and he likes doing it to you. the tingling down his neck is intoxicating, he can’t help but want to feel it again and again. what you say is important too. he likes receiving praise. saying things like “you make me so wet” or “you turn me on so much” makes him so happy, it’s a great way to drive him crazy.
ropes- not to an extreme level, just one rope to tie your hands together behind you or in front of you.
eye contact- he likes that his eyes intimidate you of course, but you pushing past that and maintaining eye contact makes him feel a rush to MAKE you feel intimidated. he wants you to feel like he’s in charge (even if he’s not) and if he can’t do that with his eyes, then it’s pretty much over for him, but he likes that fact that you stood up to him and it turns him tf on.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he likes sex in bed or on the floor. anywhere that he or you can lie comfortably. he likes fucking you in hotel beds. although it’s not really that dirty, it is for you two.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
gentle strokes- he likes when you trace his jawline or collarbones with your fingers, especially when you have long nails. he almost always returns the favour. he likes gently dragging his finger up and down your thigh before and between rubbing your pussy.
directness- tell him you’re turned on. tell him why you’re turned on. tell him how he turned you on. tell him how you feel and why you think he should feel the same way to. by the end of your talk, he’s gurenteed to feel the same way.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
angry sex/sex during an argument.
he wants to settle things properly first. sex isn’t a solution nor is it forgiveness. the only way he can truly be intimate with you is when you’re both happy and when you’re both on the same page. “angry” sex like that is meaningless to him, the argument mustn’t have been important if you can just forget about it so why can’t you just talk it through?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he’s naturally a giver and oral (sex in general) is no exception. he wants you to be able to allow yourself to receive instead of forcing it upon you if you’re not used to it. he introduces his tongue slowly and always asks if what he’s doing is okay. even if you are used to it, he’s always gonna build up to it. he likes when you take the lead even when he’s eating you out, he likes when you’re giving him directions or your hands are in his hair, controlling him, because then he knows that what he’s doing is right.
not too fussed about receiving head. of course he would never say no, but he’s not one to ask for one just to finish without pleasuring you. he’s eyes are closed during the whole thing and and he lets out small, quiet cusses which he knows turn you on. also says nice stuff to you (when he can get the words out) while you’re sucking his dick because 🥺 he is nice.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
as i mentioned before, he’s slow and sensual. he keeps the experience extremely romantic and memorable. it leaves you wanting more and he knows.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not his style. at all. he likes to draw out the details, take his time with you, ensure you've both been treated and pleasured sufficiently.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’d only experiment with things that you’d tried before or things you’ve researched. he doesn’t wanna try anything new to the pair of you especially early on because he doesn’t wanna hurt you or leave a bad impression or anything like that. he’d never spring anything on you that you hadn’t discusssed either.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
2-3 rounds, but it totally depends on you. how much you want, how much you turn him on after, how tired you are etc.
he usually lasts for around 20 mins but needs like a 10 second breather sometimes
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i don’t see him owning any toys but i don’t think he’d be opposed to using them. if you wanted to use them, great fantastic he’d get straight to it. he would definitely like to try them for himself at least once too.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn’t tease you much, because he’d rather just do it? but i guess if you’d consider extended foreplay to the point where you have to beg him to fuck you as teasing then he’s the master lol. oH and also doesn’t just kiss you during sex, he definitely teases with those.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
tries to hold his moans and cusses back but fails lol. they’re quiet and soft but you can still hear them. he gets kind of shy about them after sex too and he doesn’t really like it when you bring it up.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
“take it off” he orders, looking directly at your chest. you remove your tshirt on command and throw it to the ground. he walks towards you, backing you into the wall behind you. it was a harsh and sudden coldness on your back, but there was something even colder in front of you. his eyes glared at you, which subconsciously made you remove your bra.
“so fucking beautiful” he growled while taking one of your breasts in his hand. it wasn’t long before he started with his tongue. he circled your nipple with his tongue while he played with the other one in his hand. your head automatically fell back, luckily resting on the wall. he slowly began to flick your nipple with his tongue before gently kissing it and moving to the other one.
your hand found its way to his hair, grabbing it and pulling it a little. you occasionally let out small gasps, which almost always made him look up at you and smile.
after a few minutes, he stood up once again, head buried in your neck as he whispered what he wanted you to do for him next.
“please, make me cum. you've turned me on so much tonight.”
that’s when it all started making sense. you’d been bowling that night with friends. this involved a lot of bending over, a lot of casual skin touches when neither of you were bowling and a LOT of whispering closely in his ear since the music was so loud. you knew he liked it when you whispered, but you didn’t know even in that context that it would send shivers down your spine. you stored that info, maybe you’d use that against him one day after he’d been teasing you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i think average, with just a little under average thickness. i’m not sure if you can ever call a dick pretty but i feel with yoshi it would be justified, especially when it’s hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i’m pretty sure it varies depending on your type of relationship. if you are a romantic partner, 3-4 times a week. if it’s just a fling, once maybe twice a week at most. he has a naturally high sex drive, but he’s less likely to take his time with someone he has no feelings for meaning he doesn’t really crave sex as often as he would with someone he’s romantically involved with.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
as i mentioned above, yoshi wants to talk to you and connect with you even further after sex. he falls asleep when he’s ready to fall asleep, which is after he’s learnt something about you that makes his heart flutter, that he can tease you about later on.
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colormeyondublue · 3 years
Chapter 13: Welcome Back
Chapter 12 Here  Chapter 14 Here
Later that morning, after a good long snuggle session, you finish packing for your trip. You find yourself back in your office with Yondu so you can lock everything up before you leave. Kraglin is the only one with a key to anything, but the captain wants to be sure no one can get in your office to snoop around.
He wanders over to your desk to make sure the drawers are locked, and he finds something odd in the top drawer. “Whatssis?” he asks, picking up the notebook and flipping through some pages.
You gasp and quickly pull the notebook from his hands. “Nothing! It’s nothing. Just some doodles and notes. Nothing important.”
“Notes about what? Doodles? Why can’t I see it – huh?" He presses.
“It’s just nothing important. Doesn’t matter.” You turn to stuff it in your bag and hope he lets it go. You’ll never admit it, but you’re a little embarrassed. These notes and doodles were from when you first starting falling for Yondu, and they were kinda dorky. Little planets, stars, hearts and Yondu’s arrow piercing through a larger heart was scribbled all over various pages. You even started writing his name in cursive on some of the pages.
“Uh, no. Hand it over missy. No secrets 'tween us.”
You reluctantly hand him the notebook and hope like hell he won’t taunt you for it.
“I dunno what yer worried about. It’s just little shapes and planets and stars on here. And an arrow? What’s this stuff on the side?” Yondu points to the cursive writing on the page he is referring to.
Of course! Yondu can’t read English cursive handwriting!
“You mean you can’t read that?”
“Those are letters?! No, I can’t read that. It ain’t like no language I’ve ever seen.”
“Yondu, it’s called cursive, or script. It’s a form of English Terran writing. I learned it when I was really young. I love writing this way, it’s really relaxing.”
“Okay, so whatsit say?”
“That’s your name. Those are planets and stars, that’s your arrow, and those are little hearts. Your arrow is going through that heart like Cupid’s arrow. I think I actually doodled some of this the night I went to the bar with you for Geff’s birthday.”
“What’s a Cupid?” He asks.
“Oh, Cupid is…well, he’s Roman. It’s a long story involving Terran history. Basically, it’s symbolic of love. If Cupid, an ancient Roman deity, shoots you through the heart with his arrow, the first person you see after he shoots you is the one you fall in love with. It’s totally a myth, but that myth goes back thousands of years. When you fall in love with someone, people will sometimes say – ‘you must have been shot by Cupid’s arrow!’ Kinda silly when you think about it.”
“So ya drew all this ‘cause you were thinkin’ about me?” He continues to flip through the pages, and each one is a little different than the last.
“Well…yeah. I did. But this was all before I had the guts to come out about how I felt. So, I poured it all into my notes. I never thought you’d find it.”
A little smirk appears on his face as he marvels at the pages. He snaps the notebook closed and throws it back into the drawer before he locks it. “Let’s keep this safe here until we get back. Then I wanna bring it back ta our quarters so I can look at it whenever I want.”
The two of you pack up your belongings into the Warbird before you head out. Kraglin shows up in the docking bay to see you off. He greets you with a smile and a friendly hug.
“You better get back up here soon. The boys’ll miss ya too much.” Kraglin is only half joking. There is no doubt that there has been some worry among not just Yondu and Kraglin, but a few of the guys that you won’t come back, but no one has said anything. What you didn’t know, was that you really had made a big impact on the whole crew. Your outburst in the mess several weeks ago made the crew start thinking about who they are, what they stand for, and what they want out of life. Not that much has truly changed, but the seed was definitely planted thanks to you.
“Awww. What would you guys do without me?” You tease. You hug Kraglin back and Yondu tells you go ahead and get comfortable on board. He’s got something to discuss with Kraglin.
Yondu watches you step on the Warbird and he turns back to Kraglin. “Alright, so I’ve programmed our comms to have a little bit farther reach so I can still get ahold of ya if things go sour. I don’t think anything is gonna happen down there, but I wanna be careful. Terrans are s’damn touchy. Keep this on you at all times. Same goes fer me. If anythin’ fishy happens on board while I’m gone, you comm me and I’ll be up here quick as I can. I trust you and the boys to keep this place handled and I trust you to choose second in command while I’m not here.”
“Yessir. We’ve got it handled. Don’t worry about a thing. Go down there and make the most of it. We’ll be in touch if we need anything.” Kraglin pats Yondu on the back with a reassuring smirk. Yondu rolls his eyes and smirks back before boarding the ship.
Yondu sits next to you in his pilot chair and hits the ignition. Before long, you’re out of the docking bay of the Eclector, and off into open space. The two of you are silent for a few minutes until you hear Yondu speak up first.
“So – uh…I know yer really excited, and I know how much ya love yer Earth and yer family…but there’s somethin’ that’s been on my mind fer a while. I gotta just get it out there.” He hesitates for a moment while he programs the ship to auto pilot. “If we get there, and all goes well, and ya start feelin’ like ya wanna stay, I won’t hold it against ya. I know how much it all means to ya, and I won’t be mad atcha’ if you decide to stay with yer family.” He notices you start to protest, and he raises his hand so you let him finish. “Honey, you were kidnapped. You were stolen from yer home and yer family. You were sold and traded and bartered for like property. Ya got lucky when you escaped from the Skrull, and ya did pretty well fer yerself on Krylor. Yer a tough woman – you’ve proved that. I just wonder if being back home and with yer people won’t make ya wanna stay with ‘em.”
“Yondu, I understand your concern, but I am not leaving you. Ever. Yes, I love my family. Yes, I love my planet and everything that comes with it. But, after all I’ve been through I think I’ve realized that I love you more. My life has changed drastically over the past few years, and I don’t think I would change a thing that happened. Every single step I’ve taken since that morning by the river has brought me to you. Since finding you, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I don’t think anything can change that.”
Yondu just stares at you. The happiest she’s ever been? With me and that sleezy crew that calls 'emselves Ravagers? Even after what happened with Trenvik? He doesn’t say a word. Instead, he simply takes your hand and brings it to his lips. He then covers your hand with his, and sighs. You stand and walk to him. You carefully nestle yourself in his lap, snuggling your head into the crook of his neck. Yondu wraps his arms around you, and you feel him relax beneath you.
“How long until we approach the solar system?” You ask.
“It’ll be a couple hours until we reach that first little planet’s orbit, and then several more hours ‘til we close in on Terra’s atmosphere. The Warbirds thrusters are wide open, but it’s still a good distance. Gotta hand it ta ya Terran’s…ya’ll got a big solar system fer sure. Have ya even explored all of the planets here, or are they too far apart?”
“We know a lot about the other planets and their moons, but we haven’t visited them other than sending rovers to take videos and photos. They’re too far apart for what technology we have. Our rockets are super slow, and we burn through too much fuel. But, we do know a lot about the different atmospheres of each planet. We know their surface temperatures, and which ones might have had liquid water at some point. Not a single one is suitable for much life, but there is talk about the possibility of colonizing Mars.”
“Hmm.” He says simply. “Tell me somethin’ about Terra.”
“Like what?”
“Anything. What’s the first thing ya think of?”
“Hmm. Well…when I think of Earth, I think of the trees. I think about the forests, rivers, waterfalls, and wildlife. Sometimes humans forget that we aren’t the only ones who call Earth home, but I never forget. Each creature has value. From the tiniest bird in the sky, to the largest whale in the ocean. We are all connected, and we all have something to give.”
“What’s a whale?” he asks.
You simply giggle and rub his arm. “I’ll show you when we get there. Anything you wanna know, I’ll teach you. I can’t wait to show you everything.”
A few more hours go by with idle chit chat, and occasional comfortable silence. You tell him all about your home, the city you lived in, and what it was like growing up on Earth. You catch Yondu smiling at some of the stories you tell and he thinks your sister sounds annoying, but nice nonetheless. You begin to yawn and doze off a little in his lap. “Hey, why doncha’ go get some sleep in the bed back there. I’ll be fine up here – ain’t tired yet. We’ll be there before ya know it.”
“But I don’t wanna leave you all alone up here.” You say.
“It’s alright baby, I’ve flown a lot longer than this in my time. Go on now, getcha some sleep. I’ll be up here if ya need me.”
“Mmmmokay…I’m goin’, I’m goin’.” You mumble as he lifts you from his lap. He watches you make your way to the bedroom. Once you’ve closed the door, he picks up his comm off the control console and gets in touch with Kraglin to make sure all is in order back on the Eclector. Kraglin assures him that everything is fine, and the crew is content with their time off to just play games and drink as they please. Some have even taken to doing some odds and ends jobs to improve their cabins or M-Ships.
Before he knows it, he spots a little blue dot. The Warbird is closing in on your planet. He waits a few more hours before he decides to wake you. The closer the ship comes to Terra, he decides to engage the signal jammers so Terran communication systems and satellites can’t pick up any signals or sounds coming from the Warbird.
A while longer passes, and he heads back to the bedroom to wake you. There’s already a pretty good view of Earth out the front window, and he can’t wait to surprise you. You wake at the feeling of a large hand tapping you on the shoulder. You sit up and try to let your eyes adjust to the dimply lit room. Yondu has a very mischievous grin on his face.
“What’s going on? What are you up to?” You ask.
“Come here, there’s somethin’ you gotta see. But first, you gotta close yer eyes.” He insists.
“Close my eyes?”
“Do ya trust me?”
“Of course, I do!” You say with a smile.
“Well then c’mon! But keep yer eyes shut.”
You close your eyes and giggle lightly as you take his hand. Slowly, he guides you to the front of the ship where you can feel him position you in a specific spot.
“What are you up to, Yondu?”
“You’ll see, you’ll see. Okay…open.”
You open your eyes, and a gasp escapes your mouth before you have time to stifle it with your hand. Tears are immediately filling your eyes, and you can’t keep a few from falling. You shutter a little, and your breath is completely taken away. There it is. The oceans, the clouds, the beautiful green continents. Earth. After all this time, there it is. You can’t believe what you’re seeing, the beauty of your planet is stunning.
“Welcome back sweetheart.” Yondu says as he quietly presses a soft kiss to your temple.
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meruz · 4 years
Aforementioned long ask post please excuse me while i try to figure out tumblr's new text editor. I’ll get into the art meme questions first and then the rest at the end.
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Ok first of all thank you all for sending in questions! Giving me an excuse to talk hehe. I’ll address these in number order. Here’s a link to the ask meme for reference but also I’ll restate the question for ease of reading.
1. When did you get into art?
Super cliche answer but I don’t remember a time where I WASN’T the weird art kid! I started keeping a dedicated sketchbook when I was about 12? But here’s a page from my kindergarten journal about what I want to be when I grow up.
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2. What art-related sites have you ever signed up for? 
LOL this is a weird question. Not sure why so many people want to know. Anyways I definitely had a dA. more than one dA account. I used to browse oekakis when I was a kid but I think I was only signed up to some small ones that internet friends owned. What else...? Mangabullet,Tegakie, Paintberri, iscribble back when that was a thing, instagram if that COUNTs, I used to post art on livejournal and dreamwidth too. Patreon, I guess. Gumroad, inprnt, bigcartel, storenvy all for selling stuff.
In terms of resources.. I have a schoolism account that I’m sharing with friends. Used to take classes on coursera for free. I signed up to textures.com for work recently haha. I can’t remember if I ever had an account on posemaniacs. Did they have accounts...? I definitely used to visit all the time.
3. Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand.
Alright here’s me actually logging into my old deviantart account. These are from September 2008 So I was 13 years old. I don’t have a deviantart account from before then because 13 was the required age for having an account and I didn’t want to lie about my age because I wanted people to be impressed by how young yet clearly incredible at art I was LOL.
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4. What defines your artistic style?
You guys are probably more equipped to answer this than me but uh... I wanna say... Focus on colors. And... a slightly heavy hand? Like confident... not always well-considered mark making HAH...
Also I think I have a pretty healthy mix of american comics/manga influences. I feel like people who are into american comics always think my art is too manga and people who are into anime/manga always think my art is too american. And I’m taking that as a good sign.
5. Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
I like to think I switch it up a bunch! I mean, these are pretty different, right?
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I think I’ve mentioned this before but one thing I really took away from art school is that, for an illustrator at least, art style shouldn’t be consistent. Your greatest weapon is changing the aspects of your style based on the task, the emotions and message you want to illustrate etc. So depending on the project I’m working on, the fandom I’m drawing for, whether I want something to be funny or serious or dramatic, I’ll change things about my style all the time.
One thing I don’t rly post on here is really tight polished work and that’s because I do that for my day job haha. If you’re not paying me... I’m probably not gonna color in the lines.
6. What levels of artistic education have you had?
I have a whole ass diploma LOL. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration. from the Rhode Island School of Design. And I had a great college experience tbh. Besides the student loans. If any of you guys are thinking about art school feel free to e-mail or message me questions or concerns, I’ll be happy to help. Be as honest as I can be.
7. Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
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heres the wandavision kids. Uhh what else do I have...I feel like I’m rummaging for loose change here...
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assorted valentines prep doodles
8. What is your favourite piece that you have done?
Well, obviously this is gonna change all the time and generally it’s gonna be my most recent piece LOL. So yeah, why the hell not. I’ll say it’s this one. I have a pretty short memory which I count as a blessing for an artist. I don’t dwell that long on older work and it keeps me moving forward.
10. What do you like most about your art?
I like that it’s something that only I would make! I had this thought fairly recently and I wrote it down in my sketchbook, it’s pretty cheesy and rambling but it felt revolutionary at the time:
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So yeah. I like my art best when it’s the most me and for me. And I like it least when it feels like I’m just making something for social media or for other people’s expectations or whatever.
14. What do you like drawing the most?
Kids in baggy clothing are like my go-to LOL idk if that’s obvious. but also I like being challenged so lately I’ve really loved drawing multi-character compositions, environments, weird angles, etc.
oh i LOVE drawing the underside of shoes lol. And bandages. People that are kinda beat up.. I think it comes from getting a bunch of cuts all the time. I’m always patching myself up and I want to patch characters up too.
15. What do you like drawing the least?
mmm I try to find something to like in every drawing but lets see... I don’t like doing commissions of people’s dogs. Just because it’s normally like... a family friend and my mom volunteered me without my consent and I don’t even really know what they’re expecting me to draw and I don’t even get to meet the dog. Also I’m not that great at dog anatomy. Trying to learn though.
18. What is your purpose for drawing?
This could have a million answers! Uhhh to GIT GOOD??? But also to express myself... and also to make money... I mean it depends on what the drawing IS. I draw fanart mostly to connect to people in the fandom so if you ever see me drawing fanart please take it as like an open invitation to talk to me about the character haha. 
20. How would you rank your art? (poor, mediocre, good, etc.)
Good!!! I have a lot of self-confidence primarily born out of ignorance and a short attention span. If I don’t think too hard about how many other artists are mindblowingly unfathombly good... its easy to think I’m good too! LOL
In all seriousness though, I think the opinion a person has of their art is like a crazy balancing act, right? Like you have to think you suck enough to want to get better but also you have to think you’re good enough to not want to give up. I think we’re all walking that line, I know I am! But also I’m a glass half-full type of person so. Most of the time I feel good about it.
22. List at least one of your “artspirations.”
This is a good question because I’ve been trying and failing to put together one of those “influence map” memes for like a full month now. What’s giving me a hard time is I feel like none of these are actually really obvious “““influences”““ in my art? Like it’s hard to see a lot of them in the work I make...? But idk maybe you guys’ll see what I can’t.
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And these are just a couple! God there’s so many more. I could talk about other artists for ages, from all different genres of art. Daumier, Rockwell like every illustrator out there, Dana Gibson, Alex Toth, Hiroshi Yoshida, a lot of the Brandywine School. Lots of current working artists too, Karl Kerschl, frikkin Masashi Kishimoto lol, Jake Wyatt, Richie Pope, Edouard Caplain, Matt Cook, Sachin Teng, - lots of big internet artists, Sophie Li, Freddy Carrasco, Milliofish, Angela Sung... like all my friends from art school too. I could just keep going but I’ll stop for now lol.
24. Do you have a shameful art past? (recolour sprite comics, tracing art, etc.)
I mean if that’s how we’re defining shameful?? sure LOL. It’s not sprite comics but I used to do pokemon sprite recolors all the time. And I used to trace manga panels and color them... Granted this was all when I was like under 12 yrs old so it’s not even embarrassing. Can you really call it shameful when a 7 year old wets the bed or whatever? Not really. In fact some of these are cool as fuck. Look
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25. Draw a picture!
Man I’m so tired now but here.
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I used to get a lot of compliments for drawing people smiling lol but I don’t think I’ve drawn a lot of smiling lately.. here’s proof I’ve still got it.
OK MEME DONE. onto the rest.
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I read this ask first thing when i opened my computer in the morning and it made me really emotional.. I’m so glad my sketches could help you!!
I think a lot of artists on social media talk about the struggle of making art but imo not enough people talk about the joy! Like I know it’s corny but. I really meant what I said at the beginning of that sketchbook about re-contextualizing art around process and progress > product and perfection. I think its super important..! The strength of messy, unfinished, and energetic art! For the feeling of it, for the love it!
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That's crazy!!! I hope you like 'em. The whole line of x-books is really good rn imo.
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Hi! I totally have the answer for digital stuff on my faq lol. But in terms of drawing on paper.. it varies! I tend to use sketchbooking and any on-paper doodling I do as a way to loosen up/warm-up or experiment. But right now my go-to aresenal is:
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from top > bottom
- kuretake no.55 doublesided brush pen
- tombow fudenosuke
- muji 0.38 ballpoint
- medium size poscas
- grey tombow double brush pens
- good ol bic mechanical pencil
not EXACTly sure which inking you referring to from my sketchbook but if I had to take a guess it'd probably be the kuretake no55. That's been my main inker, lately. Great for sketching with the thin end too.
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You can print out and eat my art if you like. Just please don't mass produce or re-sell. <3
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Thanks! I've come to accept that my art is always gonna be sort of gestural and painty naturally. It's getting it to tighten up enough to be legible that's hard lol...
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uh yeah lol I agree actually. I think yolei is great.
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I assume these asks are related? LOL
1) Yeah totally true. I love David.
2) I don’t take requests, sorry! But if you want to commission me to draw Legion i would be MORE than happy to. Just e-mail me at [email protected].
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Stay Out of This OK? (Mal x Baby!Reader)
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Request: Sequal to Better Luck Next Time where the team tries to help Baby!Reader get with Mal. 
Authors Note: so this was super fun to write with @literaryhedgehog​. It’s in the same 3 times they didn’t and 1 they did of the other one we did! I hope you enjoy and hit me up with questions or if you just wanna say Hi!
Team bonding was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be an activity that everyone would enjoy. Instead, it had turned into a board game massacre. There weren’t enough Monopoly pieces for everyone to play, so the team got split up into pairs. “Randomly assigned” pairs. (Though you would bet your signed Mia Hamm jersey that there was nothing random about you being paired with Mal).
“I told you I need to play the shoe! It’s my lucky piece!” Emily yelled, literally trying to pull the shoe piece from your hand. 
“Chill Emily, it’s just a game,” Lindsey glared from beside her. This whole thing wasn’t even about the game, it was about getting you to talk to your crush. (Which the team was determined to get you to admit your feelings too).
“More like a crushing commentary on how consumerism works…” You mumbled with an eye roll. You fucking hated this game. The only upside was that you got to cuddle with your favorite forward. 
“Well yes, that is literally what the game is supposed to be about, but we’re here trying to have fun.” Christen eyed you as she added a hotel to Baltic Avenue. You rolled your eyes. 
“Yeah babe, just have fun with it,” Mal nudged you, causing your lips to tick up lightly. 
“Mal called Y/n babe,” Emily squealed, instantly being shushed by the flares of your teammates. The plan was to get the two Preath children together, and with your skittish and shy nature, they had to be subtle about it as to not scare you off. 
It seems to be working as you were cuddled into the older girl’s side, your chin resting comfortably on her shoulder. 
“ Maybe you should blow on the dice, Y/N.” Kelley mentioned in a forcefully offhand manner, “You know, for good luck.”
“Actually, I think it might be luckier if you just roll, you’ve been getting higher numbers anyway,” Mal said kissing your cheek and handing the dice to you, while covertly shooting Kelley a look that screamed ‘please shut up’. The team may have had good intentions, but their plans never seemed to work out well, and she really liked you. 
You forcefully threw the dice on the board, tired of the near-constant teasing from the team. Too forcefully. One of them bounced through the center, ricocheted off the hat on Electric company and flew off the table into Lindsey’s lap. The other took out the house at Park place before Christen stopped it. 
Everyone looked down at the numbers. Snake eyes, that moved you right onto the words “Go to Jail.” The room burst into laughter, and your cheeks tinted a deep shade of red. 
“I think I’m done for tonight, sorry Mal,” You said gulping, untangling yourself from the woman, and rushing to stand up. 
“No babe, you don’t have to go!” She called out, standing up as if to stop you as you made your way to the door. This had been going so well until the girls started teasing you. 
“I’ll see you in practice tomorrow,” you said, smiling quickly. You closed the door behind you then opened it again quickly, just long enough to call out “Next time, we’re playing cards against humanity.”
Mal glared at the other girls as Emily moved your piece into the game’s jail. “I love you guys, but just stay out of this, ok?”
“Sure, sure. Of course.” The other women said halfheartedly, giving Mal no reassurance whatsoever. The two of you would be so good together, they just couldn’t help themselves from meddling. 
“Okay we’re doing drills in teams of two today,” Carlie called shaking a hat with pieces of paper in it. She was in charge of the forwards and middies workouts for the day, and while you were ecstatic to get to work with one of your idols, you were also wary of your teammates and their desire to embarrass you in front of your crush. But the team captain wouldn’t get involved, would she? Carlie was like too old and too serious for the team's shenanigans right?
One by one Carlie drew a slip out and called out the names written on the paper. She paused for a second before she read your name, pairing you with Mal. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. Why were you paired with another forward? Was Vlatko going to try putting you or Mal in midfield? That didn’t make sense, you were both strikers and damn good ones at that. 
“Don’t look so excited now,” Mal joked as she approached you, eyeing your frown carefully. 
“I am excited, just nervous, and a little tired. 8 am workouts aren’t really my thing. Also, Captain hasn’t said what we’re doing yet, and I will mutiny if we have to do burpees.” You grumbled, shooting Mal a sheepish smile. 
“I don’t think you’re alone in that… I think we’re just doing some crossing drills,” Mal re
“Okay, everyone has your teammate? Great.” Carlie tossed the hat into a bag she had stowed under the bench. “Today we’re doing timed crossing drills. Focus on accuracy, but the team to finish the fastest gets to go in early and losers have to do 5 laps. Lindsey and Rose, you’re up.”
There were many things you enjoyed in life. The smell of rain, the feeling of warm sand on your toes, and Mal running chasing a ball down the pitch were 3 at the top of your list. Her control over the ball was amazing and the ease upon which she weaved between defenders was too enticing to not stare at it. One second you had been running down the field, pointedly not looking at Mal, the next you had tripped over your own feet, and nearly face-planted in the dirt by the goalpost. 
“Whoa there kiddo,” Tobin grunted as she caught you, an easy smirk planted on her face. She had seen where your eyes were but didn’t feel the need to tease you about it. 
“Thanks, Tobs,” You mumbled, your cheeks dusting a light shade of pink. She patted your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She opened her mouth to say something but was rudely interrupted.
“Hey, y/n don’t fall for Mal too hard,” Emily called with a giggle from across the field. And you felt your cheeks get even hotter. You shook your head and headed back towards Carlie. 
“Hey, stay out of this!” Mal said firmly, punching Emily on the shoulder as she ran off to chase you. 
“Whatever you say, kid,” Emily smirked back, shrinking only at Tobin’s glare. The thing that Toby understood was that you and Mal would get together when the two of you were ready. It didn’t do anyone any good to meddle in it. 
“Sorry, no room,” Ashlyn said her mouth twitching as she saw you look over the available bus seats. Or more specifically all the unavailable bus seats, since every single normally empty seat had suddenly been filled. Team members who were normally bus buddies had simultaneously decided today that they were going to split up over two rows, and several duffel bags had mysteriously appeared to fill up the rest of the empty rows. 
“Why is Alex in my normal seat?” You asked, glancing at the place that had become yours, feeling your anxiety rising. 
“Captain's orders,” Alex shrugged, fighting to keep her face neutral. If you and Mal weren’t going to buck up and ask each other out, then the team was just going to conveniently keep putting the two of you together. 
“Just sit with Mal,” Carlie waved you off, barely looking up from her phone. You didn’t move, too busy calculating the probability that the seat change was going to cause some disastrous event. You had heard the stories, and you knew the risk. But how were you supposed to tell Carlie that you were sure that if you sat in the wrong seat you were going to curse the whole team? 
Just then Mal climbed onto the bus and froze. Oh, this was ridiculous. 
“Right, well since we’ve decided this match doesn’t matter,” Mal said, pushing lightly past you to get to the seat where Kelley was sitting alone, “I’ll just sit here where I can actually hear the speaker system.”
“Alex isn’t going to like this,”
“Then Alex can sit here herself,” Mal said, dramatically lowering her bag towards the seat next to Kelley.
“What about Alex,” Alex started, turning towards the commotion, her eyes zeroing in on Mal who held her bag an inch above the seat, as though daring Alex to come prevent her from setting it down. “No. no one sits with Kelley but me,” She growled, shoving past you to get to her spot. 
Mal smirked, already walking down the aisle towards her own seat. Her eyes softened as she watched your face light up now that your usual seat was empty, smiling when you relaxed into the foam. She turned around to walk down the aisle, and leaned over to hiss at Carlie, Kelley, Alex, and Ashlyn as she passed “I told you to stay out of this.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked as Mal dragged you down the dark street. It was nearly midnight, and she had decided that it was the perfect time to go and get a snack. 
“Well, officially we are supposed to be getting extra protein in our diets for this week of practice. Technically peanut butter milkshakes have protein!” She smiled dopily at you, pulling you towards the brightly lit building in the distance. 
“But it’s midnight, and if Chris or Tobs find out, they’re going to kill us,” You whined, dragging your feet as you approached the diner. How she knew it would be open, you had no idea. You still stood by your point that wandering around this late was a bad idea. But you would go anywhere with Mal. 
“Which is exactly why we left at midnight. Chris is definitely asleep by now, and Tobin is probably too wrapped up in a painting to notice anything else,” Mal bit her lip and looked back at you. “And there are some things worth dying for. Like chocolate peanut butter milkshakes.”
“As long as you’re paying,” You grumbled, playfully tugging at her hand. 
“That would make it a date then wouldn’t it?” Mal asked with a smirk, and your steps faltered. There was no way Mal wanted to date you right? She couldn’t feel the same way you did. 
“Do you want it to be a date?” You asked softly, freezing on the spot, the ground suddenly the most interesting thing on the planet. 
Mal stopped moving and looked back at you. Her brown eyes glinted in the light of the streetlamp, as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Yes. Of course, I do. But if that bothers you it’s-”
“I would love to go on a date with you,” You interrupted her, your eyes wide. 
“Yeah?” She asked hesitantly, afraid to scare you off. 
“Absolutely. I would have asked, but I didn’t think you felt the same,” You nodded firmly. Your eyebrows suddenly furrowed. “Is this why Kelley told me to just get my shit together and grow a pair?”
That had been a very strange and scary conversation considering Kelley wouldn’t tell you what the two of you were talking about. You had been so freaked out that you only talked to Tobin, Christen, and Mal for like a week because you were afraid of saying the wrong thing. It was also why Tobin had decided to be a defender for a day and tackle Kelley every chance she got. 
Mal laughed, “That’s not even the half of it. I’m surprised you didn’t notice, I practically had to   too ‘stay out of it’ on their foreheads, they kept meddling so much. Now come on, those milkshakes won’t drink themselves. I’ll get you extra sprinkles on yours!” 
In the end, you didn’t need the team's help. You and Mal had gotten together in your own way, in your own time, and you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Secrets and Distractions [Mal Pugh x Morgan!Reader]
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requested by @laikato: Y/N Morgan is the little sister of Alex Morgan and with that she is the baby of the team that needs to be protected. when Y/N became Mal's girlfriend the team want to talk to Mal so 2 or 3 distract y/n while the rest have a talk with Mal.
You bounce your knees in anticipation, as you wait outside your girlfriend’s hotel room. It had been almost two months since you’d seen Mal, as you played in Orlando along side your sister and she played in DC. But now, as you’re both in LA for national team camp, you were looking forward to spending some quality time with your girlfriend.
Mal cracks open the door peeking her head out. “Hi.” She smiles when she sees you, pulling you into the room, quickly shutting the door behind you. Once your behind closed doors, she wraps you into her arms, and brings you in for a sweet kiss.
“Hi.” You grin, as you two separate.
“I’ve missed you.” She pouts.
“I know, babe. I missed you, too.” You whisper, leaning your forehead against hers.
“I wish we were rooming together, then we wouldn’t have to sneak around.”
“Me too. But at least we’re together now.” You give her a small smile, which she returns.
“C’mon,” Mal drags you to her bed. “I wanna catch up on my snuggles before dinner.”
You giggle, as she smothers you.
Being Alex Morgan’s younger sister came with a lot of pressure, especially because you followed her footsteps playing on the USWNT. Although you, yourself, were a midfielder, people still drew comparisons and had ginormous expectations for you.
Along with the pressure from the fans and critics came the constant babying and overprotecting from your national team teammates. It made sense when you had joined the team about four years ago, as you were only sixteen, but now that you were twenty, you were still being treated like the baby of the team, your sister probably being the one to blame.
Ever since you were little, your sister was always super protective of you, as you were the youngest of your three sisters, being almost ten years younger than Alex. Her overprotectiveness continued when you moved to Orlando to play for the Pride, and even amplified when you joined the national team. As she doted over you at every camp, your teammates shortly followed, checking up on you every hour, making sure you were eating right, and giving you piggy backs everywhere.
Although you thoroughly enjoyed cuddling with Kelley or doing yoga with Christen, you often found their babying to be annoying and frustrating. So when you and Mal started dating about three months ago, you both knew you had to keep your relationship a secret, as you knew the team, particularly your sister, would overreact and freak out.
“Mallory! Let’s go! You’re late for dinner.” Tobin yells, knocking on the door.
The two of you instantly separate, your cuddle session, which turned into a make-out session, interrupted.
Checking her phone, Mal’s eyes widen. “Shoot! We gotta go.”
Looking at the clock, you wince, noticing you were ten minutes late for dinner. You knew your sister was probably panicking a little, as you were rarely late to anything.
Grabbing your stuff, the two of you head down to dinner, intertwining your hands. Not realizing Tobin was still waiting, you and Mal jump apart when you see her leaning against the wall looking at her phone.
“Hey, you ready?” She looks up, a little surprised when she sees you. “Oh, hey (Y/N), you hanging out with Mal?”
You let out a breath of relief at Tobin’s obliviousness. “Yeah, we were just catching up.” I mean, technically, you weren’t lying.
Tobin nods, as the three of you make your way towards the elevator. “Cool. Well, you might wanna text your sister because she was worried when you weren’t answering her calls or texts, and now she’s probably going crazy that you’re not in your room.”
You grimace, almost picturing Alex pacing back and forth in your shared hotel room, one hand on her forehead the other on her hip. Pulling out your phone, you shoot her a quick text, telling her your coming down to dinner now.
At dinner, you sat next to Mal at your usual table with the youngsters, when you hear the door fly open.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) Morgan!” Alex yells, storming into the room, Kelley following not far behind.
You hunch your shoulders, trying to make yourself disappear. As you feel your sister approach you, you turn to face her, shrinking under her gaze.
“Where on earth have you been?! I’ve been calling and texting you.”
“I was hanging out in Mal’s room.” You explain.
Alex’s face softens, but you can tell she’s still upset. “Next time at least tell me where you’re going before you leave, okay?” You nod, as she places a kiss on your head before going to sit with Kelley and Allie. Though you were fed up with her constant hovering, you didn’t have the energy to bring it up, knowing it would only lead to a fight.
You turn back to your food, but you’ve suddenly lost your appetite. Noticing your shift in mood, Mal places her hand on your thigh.
“Hey, you okay?” She whispers, rubbing your leg soothingly.
You give her a slight nod and a small smile. “Mhm.” But Mal can tell you’re not telling her the whole truth, taking note to talk to you about this later. Squeezing your knee, she quickly gives you a reassuring kiss on your shoulder before returning to her dinner.
Unbeknownst to you or your girlfriend, Emily witnessed Mal’s small action, her eyes growing wide and her jaw dropping.
After dinner and after the team meeting, Pinoe announced that she was hosting team bonding in her and Tobin’s room. Not really feeling up to being smothered by your sister and your teammates, you make up an excuse to slip away.
“I think I’m just gonna go back up to my room. I’m feeling a bit tired. It’s been a long day.” That wasn’t completely a lie, given that you had gotten up at four in the morning to catch your flight to LA.
“Aw, c’mon, Pony! Don’t be a party pooper!” Ashlyn hollers. You roll your eyes at the nickname the team had created when you first joined, a play on Alex’s infamous ‘baby horse’ nickname.
Your sister furrows her brows worriedly. “You want me to come with you?” You’re tempted to say yes, knowing you’d missed her cuddles. Because despite living in Orlando and Alex’s constant begging to move into her guest room, you’d decided to get your own apartment, wanting some freedom and independence.
You shake your head. “Nah, I’m good, Al.” Before you leave, you glance over at your girlfriend, subtly nodding for her to follow.
After you’d left, the team was deciding which game to play. Kelley and Emily were currently fighting Ashlyn and Julie over playing Truth or Dare or Never Have I Ever. Before the game could start, Mal gets up from her seat on the floor.
“You guys,” She starts, “I think I’m gonna go check up on (Y/N/N).”
Despite many protests, the your girlfriend heads up to your room. After Mal leaves, the team returns to their game.
“You think there’s something going on between those two?” Kelley asks jokingly, almost rhetorically. Most of the team laughs at the idea of baby Morgan dating someone, while Emily remains quiet, remembering what she’d seen at dinner.
Noticing the stillness and quietness of the younger defender next to her, Kelley turns to her, eyes narrowing. “Do you know something, Sonny?” The entire team turns to the woman, all wanting to hear what she knows about the team baby.
Emily audibly gulps under the scrutinizing glare of twenty other women. ���I—ummm—I don’t have…I don’t know anything.”
Alex lets out a small growl, Kelley having to brace her best friend, stopping her from charging the younger woman.
Unable to keep it in any longer, Emily reveals the interaction she had seen and spills her suspicions.
The next day, Emily and Rose had stuck to your side all day, saying they’d missed spending time with you. While you were always down to spend hangout with your best friends, you also wanted to spend some time with your girlfriend, but Tobin and Christen were hogging her.
Once training was over, and you were loading the bus, Emily and Rose catch up to you.
“(Y/N/N), wanna get some lunch with us? We were planning on going to your favorite restaurant…” Rose sings, knowing your weakness for the Mexican restaurant in downtown LA that you had gone to with your sister ever since you were little.
Your eyes grow large, and you beam, nodding your head excitedly. You skip on to the bus, going to tell Mal your lunch plans, but you see Tobin is sitting in your seat. You frown, looking for a place to sit. Kelley had moved to sit next to Christen, leaving the seat next to Alex empty. You go to sit next to your sister, who is already moving her bag, inviting you next to her.
“What’s with the seat change?” You ask, tilting your head sideways.
Alex shrugs casually. “I dunno. Laura called, so Kel wanted to talk to Chris about something, and I guess Tobin just wanted to hangout with her child.”
“Oh.” You sigh, trying to hide your disappointment.
“What? You too old to sit with your sister?” Alex teases.
“No! Of course not.” You protest. “In fact, I’ve missed you.” You lean your head on your older sister’s shoulder.
“I’ve missed you too, bug.” She drops her head on top of yours, as the two of you catch up on everything from soccer to just life in general.
After showering and putting on a casual outfit, you stand outside of the hotel, waiting for Rose and Emily, so you can head out to lunch. A couple of moments later, your best friends exit the hotel and approach you.
“You ready, (Y/N/N)?” Emily loops her arm in yours, as Rose finishes typing a text and puts her phone in her pocket.
“Yup! Let’s go.”
The three of you stroll though the streets of LA, making your way to your favorite Mexican restaurant.
While you were out for lunch, the team had other plans, those being to have a little talk with your girlfriend.
Mal was laying on her bed, scrolling through Instagram, when she heard a knock on her door. Before she could reach the door, it swings open, revealing an angry Alex Morgan, who abruptly stops in front of the younger forward, followed by a couple of the other USWNT veterans.
“Sit.” She points to the chair, as the other women take their place, sitting on the beds.
Mal swallows nervously, following the other woman’s orders.
Alex takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself, obviously failing. “Are you and (Y/N) dating?”
Mal’s eyebrows rose in shock. “Uhhh…umm..I—uh..”
“Well?” Alex impatiently asks, hands on her hips.
“Yes.” Mal reveals.
Alex throws her hands up in the air. “Mallory Pugh!” Mal flinches at the older forward’s volume. “I cannot believe you. You know how I feel about my younger sister dating. How could you not tell us about this?!”
Mal panics, looking at Tobin and Christen for some help, pleading them to relieve Alex’s wrath.
“Don’t look at us, kiddo.” Tobin holds her hands up.
“Sorry, Mal, but we’re with Al on this one.” Christen looks at her with a little sympathy.
Mal tries the other women in the room, but she knows that they’re all probably feeling the same was as Alex, given that they all see (Y/N) as a little sister of their own.
“We didn’t tell you guys because we knew how you’d react.” Mal explains.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kelley scoffs. Mal gives her a ‘really’ look, causing the defender to release a small ‘oh’ under her breath.
Too frustrated to say anything, Alex plops down on the bed, running her hands through her hair. Mal hangs her head, feeling guilty, as she takes in the sight before her. These women were your family and basically her second family; the two of you shouldn’t have kept this from them, no matter how annoying their babying could be.
“I’m sorry.” Mal mumbles.
“How long have you been dating?” Megan questions.
“About three months.”
The shock is clearly written all over the veterans faces, as they let the new information sink in. Ashlyn breaks the silence, clapping her hands, rubbing them together mischievously.
“So, Mal,” She begins, “now that you’re dating our little Morgan, we have to ask: what are your intentions with (Y/N)?”
Mal shifts nervously. “I really like her, okay?” She sees Alex soften at that, and some of the other women audibly aw. “She lights up my world, and I’ve never met anyone like her. She brings out the best in me, and makes me want to be not only a better player but also a better person. I now understand why you guys are so protective her because ever since we started dating, I just wanna protect her from all the bad things in the world.” Mal huffs out a laugh before murmuring. “I think I love her.”
The veterans now sit silent and shocked, but now for a completely different reason. They had no idea that your relationship was so serious. But before anyone can say anything, someone else speaks up.
“Do you really mean that?” You whisper in disbelief. During Mal’s confession, no one noticed you slipping through the door.
Your girlfriend carefully approaches you, taking your hands in yours.
“Yes. I think I’m falling in love with you, (Y/N) Morgan.” Mal admits, ignoring your teammates, who are still intently watching the two of you.
You pull your girlfriend in for a sweet kiss, pulling away before it gets too heated. Pressing your foreheads together, you smile. “I think I’m falling in love with you, too.” Mal beams, her heart bursting with love for you.
“Alex! (Y/N)’s on her way up here! Sorry but we couldn’t stop her from——” Emily and Rose burst through the door, panting out of breath, taking in the sight of you and your girlfriend’s embrace.
You drop your head onto your girlfriend’s shoulder, laughing at your best friends’s behavior. How you ended up with the best sister, the best team, and the best girlfriend in the entire world, you didn’t know, but you were extremely grateful.
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Hi!! Thank you to everyone to who sent me 122 @alwaysin-myhead @franboos (according to you 112 = 122 shshdjkjk ly) and anon!! 🥺💕
This one is kind of sad (yes I gave you all fluff it’s time for the sadness to hit skdjjd) but I promise it’s super soft 🥺🥺🥺 they love each other a lot!
122. “Just relax, I’ll wash your hair”
Dialogue Prompts!
Under the heavy covers of sorrow, chilled and frozen, Sander heard the voices muffle. They carried all the way up the stairs just outside his room and maybe it was easier if he pretended he couldn’t hear them, or if he just closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Maybe if he closed his eyes hard enough he could fall back asleep. But he heard them all the same.
“He’s been like this for a while now. More than normal. I’ve tried to help him get out, but the usual things haven’t worked,” he heard his mother say.
The voice that spoke next shook him to the core. The one that he loved so much.
“I see,” and Sander squeezed his eyes harder. He didn’t want him to see him like this. “Does he want company right now, though?”
Sander dug his face into the pillow. Any day, any other day, he’d be overcome with such bridled joy to see the face he’d memorized like the back of his hand, drew a million times and etched it into the paper, but today, today he couldn’t handle it. Didn’t have the energy.
“Probably not, but I’m pretty sure you’re the only one he can stand right now,” his mother told him.
“I don’t know, I texted him and left him a voice message, and he hasn’t checked either. Which is understandable, but...”
Sander felt like folding into himself now. He wanted to fold and fold like an origami paper, infinitely fold until he disappeared, until he just ceased to exist. It was a horrible thought that crossed his mind, but he wished he didn’t live in this world where he knew his mother and his father, his friends or classmates, where he didn’t know...
If he could take back all the moments with all the people in his life, the good and the bad, he wouldn’t feel like they were too much and he wouldn’t have to deal with it all. Because right now, it was all far too much to deal with. He was tired. Extremely tired. He just wanted to fold and lose himself in unconsciousness.
“You can always try, Robbe. He loves you so much,” his mother’s voice still came through the crack underneath his door.
Then, he heard a muffled breath as footsteps lightly treaded away and the knob creaked as it turned and the door slowly, finally, opened.
He felt him sit on the edge of the bed and the silence was strangely comforting to him. He could maybe go back to sleep like this. He could just drift into his unconsciousness and stay there for days, maybe forever. He could-
“Sander,” he heard him. “How are you feeling?”
He didn’t mean for this question to irritate him, he really didn’t. But it annoyed him because he could see just exactly how he was feeling. And if he had enough energy he’d tell him. He’d tell him he was tired and that he felt heavy. That his limbs felt a heaviness and his brain felt a fuzziness and all he wanted was to just lay there and not do anything.
“I mean that’s a stupid question,” he heard him laugh bitterly and nervously. “But I had to start with something.”
He felt him shift even closer to him and Sander all of a sudden felt very insecure. Because whether he wanted to admit it or not, he’d been in bed for about a month now and all he’d done is sleep and sleep and barely keep his eyes open as his mother fed him soup and bread, crumbs and stains littered across his bedsheets. He hadn’t gotten out for a shower or to change his clothes, either. He’d sweat through the night under the covers, from nightmares or dreams he couldn’t really remember, the residual body odour lingering in the air. He could smell it himself as he lay there for days. But he couldn’t have been bothered to move or do anything about it. He stayed still as he felt the weight of his hand on his shoulder.
“I love you. And I’m gonna love you whether you’re the wonderful, bright and fun, lighthearted and funny Sander I know or you’re the Sander that can’t get out of bed and needs time to let all this pass.”
Sander wasn’t questioning his love until now. Because all of a sudden it felt like he was being dramatic and maybe this was nothing and he was just tired and lazy and he didn’t deserve someone loving him when he’s like this. Maybe he didn’t deserve anything at all.
“That was my voice message by the way. I was just telling you that I loved you. And that we said we’d take this minute by minute and that hasn’t changed.”
Sander listened to him breathe for a few moments. Waited for him to leave him in solitude. But when he felt the weight on the bed lighten, the warmth of his hand gone, he wanted to call out for him, scream his name pained and broken, ‘don’t leave’. His mouth felt heavy too, his tongue stuck on his palate, his jaw unwilling to move. But he mustered up all the energy he could to speak his name, his voice raspy and deep and cracked from being unused.
“Robbe,” he said.
“I’m here,” he replied. “I’m not going anywhere, just closing the door,” he clarified as he quietly shut it. Then, he came to sit next to him again. “What do you want to do this minute?”
He wanted...
He just wanted Robbe.
And Robbe seemed to sense that.
And so it went like that, them going minute my minute.
In this minute, Sander would try to keep his eyes open. He saw Robbe dressed in his dark sweatshirt and jeans.
In this minute, Sander would try to sit up.
In this minute, Sander would try to turn and let his feet touch the cool ground, soothing him almost like a balm. Sometimes it takes him more than a minute.
“I could get some fresh clothes for you,” Robbe said. “You can just change into them if you don’t wanna take a shower.”
Sander slowly nodded, the knot in his throat hard to swallow. Even harder when he knew Robbe was looking at him with warm, patient eyes. He felt him take his hand and kiss it before getting up to open his closet and fish out a grey t-shirt and new sweatpants. Sander gripped the edge of the bed, looking to the side with his jaw clenching.
He couldn’t believe Robbe was the only person that could get him out of this. That he had to come over here and get him out of this. To think that he was forced to come and be some sort of caretaker when his own mother couldn’t even get him out of bed.
But when Robbe had come over with the clothes and his fingers gripped the hem of his shirt taking it off, he felt his limbs give in to it all. He collapsed under his comforting touch, the intimate way he removed his shirt, looping his arm out through one armhole and then the other. Sander weakly took hold of Robbe’s wrist when he went to grab the clean shirt.
“Think I want that shower,” he mumbled.
Robbe nodded, leaving the fabric.
“Do you think a bath would be better?”
“Maybe,” Sander shrugged.
So, he trudged over to the bathroom while Robbe searched for a towel and carried over his clothes for him. Sander let the water run and leaned against the counter, listening to Robbe walking around outside in his room. He wasn’t sure what he was doing exactly but his mind almost felt too numb to pay attention.
Once he was in the water, he still felt a sense of emptiness, like he still couldn’t feel the warmth of it. Not without Robbe. So, he called for him. And Robbe quickly came in, surveying the sight in front of him.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Sander said softly. “Just...stay with me for a bit.”
So, he did.
Sander let his fingers trail the water, slowly moving his index finger to and fro. Then he sighed a heavy sigh, pulling his legs up to his chest, his chin resting on his knees. The silence was both reassuring and upsetting. Because Sander didn’t have the energy to really talk but he didn’t want it to be like this.
“Talk to me, Robin,” he whispered.
Robbe just crossed his arms as he leaned on the counter now, letting out a chuckling breath.
“I don’t know what to say. I’m not as good as you with talking.”
But he’d left his post at the counter and made his way over to sit on the edge of the bathtub. He ran his fingers through his wet and matted hair, bleached ends but dark roots diverging out.
“Just relax,” Robbe whispered, his voice a caress. “I’ll wash your hair.”
And Sander let him. Let him get the shampoo bottle, the fruity scent tingling his nose, albeit a little harshly, and let him lather up his hair. Robbe was careful not to get the suds in his ear, but gravity wasn’t particularly interested in letting all the soap stay out. So, he took a bit of water and gently cleansed Sander’s ear. Then he grabbed the shower-head and let the water softly trickle onto his head, washing all the shampoo off.
Sander had never felt such relaxation, his soul feeling a satisfying solace as Robbe’s fingernails scraped his scalp. He was so concentrated in the task at hand, careful and attentive. It made Sander’s heart want to burst, his eyes on the verge of tears.
“I’m sorry,” he said, barely audible.
“For what?”
“For the fact that you have to come here and take care of me. For me just shutting myself away from everyone, including you. For me bothering you.”
Robbe looked at him like there were many things wrong with those sentences, his eyes glistening in the hazy natural light coming from the window. It tinted the whole bathroom blue, fitting for how Sander felt.
“I don’t have to do anything, Sander,” Robbe said, his voice echoing through the walls. He brushed his wetted hair from his eyes, the water dripping and sliding down his nose and his parted lips. “I’m here because I want to be. And because I love you,” his hand traced his cheeks, thumb brushing over the bone. Sander instantly leaned into his touch.
“I love you,” he whispered back. “So, much,” his voice trembled.
Robbe gained closer, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, to which Sander deepened breathing him in. Their lips let loose as their foreheads touched, eyes closed.
Sander was starting to feel something like himself again. He wasn’t all the way, but he was getting there, some semblance of rejuvenation. He was grateful to have Robbe help him and to take this minute by minute like he’d said, patient and non-judgmental.
But most of all he was grateful that he was here. Just like he said. That in this universe...
He was staying with him.
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