#Bye Baby Blaine you will be missed
heartsmadeofbooks · 1 month
Undiscovered [20/20]
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Summary: All Blaine Anderson needs is a little help to put himself through school. That’s all. But he’s going to get so much more than he hoped for when he meets Kurt Hummel, the successful, sexy workaholic who in turn needs someone to make the loneliness disappear.
Wordcount: 4469.
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Gleeful Paintbox Project week 11: comeback
Anthems Glee should have covered: Taylor Swift edition
Only 2 Taylor Swift songs really? C'mon glee! My list is like 36 songs long, but I'll probably just do like 15, so this is gonna be 2 parts, only songs from albums that were out while the show was on air, and songs that I do picture them singing, cause there are songs that fits them (Like Enchanted for Klaine) but for some reason I don't see them doing it on the show...
I love Naya's version of Mine, and Mean... Well, that could've been better, but really I'm so shocked and disappointed they didn't use her that much, she was so big in any year you can think of (and still is) and being friends with Cory, Dianna and Chord, I'm sure she would've been happy, maybe even appear, also Sam loves country and therefore I believe he's a huge swiftie, everyone is, but that's for other post, anyway here are my headcanons for each song, in what context I imagine them, they're not all very creative and most are just replacing an existing song but enjoy... (this is gonna be mostly Klaine, again, sorry what can I do? I relate every song to them cause I love them bye)
Teardrops on my guitar (Sam's version)
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Context: S3, when Sam comes back and Mercedes is with Shane, I imagine him singing this carrying his guitar in the hallways sorta like in 'They long to be'... I think the lyrics say all:
She walks by me, can she tell that I can't breathe?
And there she goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
He'd better hold her tight, give her all his love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know he's lucky 'cause
She's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
She's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
(sidejoke: I know Sam has no car but you get my point lol)
Should've said no (Kurt's version)
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This hurts but you know, it's part of their story and I think it fits so, context: maybe in glease when Blaine tries to talk to him in the hallway, I always picture him singing him this:
You should've said no, you should've gone home
You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go
And I should've been there, in the back of your mind
I shouldn't be asking myself why
You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet
You should've said no
Baby, and you might still have me
You belong with me (Rachel's version)
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I feel like almost everyone in the fandom agrees with this, there's so many YouTube edits...
Clearly S1 Rachel seeing Finn and Quinn together, it even has the cheerio part, so it's perfect, I don't remember much of the S1 plot lol, but I would place this after Finn kissed Rachel in the auditorium but he still was with Quinn, so she's like 'I'm the one who understands you' 🥺
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me
The way I loved you (Kurt's version)
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Omg this is so fitting I wanna dieeee, Kurt singing about Blaine while he's with Adam in s4, I'm just gonna let the lyrics talk again cause uugghhh, but please check out this song, you won't regret it:
He says everything I need to hear
And it's like I couldn't ask for anything better
And he says, "You look beautiful tonight"
And I feel perfectly fine
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you
He can't see the smile I'm faking
And my heart's not breaking
'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all
And you were wild and crazy
Got away by some mistake and now
I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you
Forever & always (Blaine's version)
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Okay bear with me cause I have a whole concept with this and I love it so much it cuts me to the core as Miss Swift would say... In the breakup, when Kurt's not picking up, before Blaine cheats, probably instead of Barely breathing, kind of a similar scene (I don't justify Blaine's actions at all but I think this songs perfectly says what he was probably feeling):
And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low you can't feel nothing at all
And you flashback to when he said, "Forever and always"
I love this so much I'll probably make a video edit sometime, because up to this point Kurt didn't exactly said "forever and always" but he did say: 'you aren't gonna lose me'... And then Blaine felt like he was loosing him, so this whole song is like 'he lied to me', and here's where the second part of the concept comes around...
Forever & always (piano version) (Blaine's version)
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A reprise version only piano, sadder, this time when Kurt broke off the engagement in s6, I imagine this in episode 2 when Blaine explains his depression, that scene of him trying to play piano and crying, have him sing this while he remembers when Kurt literally said forever and always, in tested:
B: And one day you're gonna wake up and you're gonna realize that 'I don't love him anymore '.
K: Never, I'm always gonna love you.
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said, "Forever and always"
You didn't mean it baby.
(also it was raining when they broke up, and for me it has a double meaning, it rains when he's there, cause it was literally raining lol, but also cause they were always fighting, and it rains when he's gone, rain are Blaine's tears in his bedroom 🥺)
S6E1 breakup
B: What changed? Was it something that I did?
Now the lyrics if you may:
Cause it seems to me, this thing is breaking down
We almost never speak
I don't feel welcome anymore
Baby what happened? Please tell me
'Cause one second it was perfect, now you're halfway out the door...
Was I out of line?
Did I say some way too honest, made you run and hide...
So many sad songs it even looks like I hate them but no 😂, all of me loves all of them, even the angsty parts, but to end this on a brighter note...
Superstar (Kurt's version)
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Ugh when I heard the re-recording all I could think of was baby Dalton Klaine, Kurt pining so hard for Blaine and admiring him like he's this superstar who came to save him, and fantasizing that he feels the same way:
So dim that spotlight, tell me things like
"I can't take my eyes off of you"
I'm no one special, just another wide-eyed boy
Who's desperately in love with you
Give me a photograph to hang on my wall
So, this is it for now, I really hope to make a part 2 and I even have an Abba edition, but I have so much homework this week, I doubt I can 😔, can I post this things another week even if the prompt changed? (Again, I got the gifs from angelhummel so thanks) Anyway have a swiftastical day lol
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If Glee did a Taylor Swift Tribute Episode...
Just my opinions, feel free to add on to them. I know I have some fellow gleek swifties following me. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Obviously they have to do some of the hits but I think some people would have some out of the box picks.
*This post assumes all Taylor songs are available to choose from as of May 14th 2021 but focuses on Taylor’s first 6 albums (if you want more glee and Taylor I have fics with that; LOVER and FOLKLORE) and takes liberties with where this episode’s placement is in terms of canon. But since it’s all made up anyway who cares (but Blaine’s involved so I guess season 3 idk).*
Okay, trying to do a full plot here (completely inspired by @kurtdeservesbetter head canon posts. I hope this lives up to her fabulous posts). This will be my version of glee so everyone gets solos and Rachel can’t hog the spotlight. Also, this is about to be super long (both post wise and episode wise).
Let’s open the first episode with
...Ready For It because the New Directions are in their reputation era. Santana does the opening cough centerstage. Everyone in black and/or camo green outfits (can you just see Kurt in a dark green bedazzled snake jacket, Santana in a black leather dress, and Tina digging out some goth clothes for people to borrow?), snakes everywhere, but probably no Karyn (she just wouldn’t fit on the auditorium stage). Santana takes the first verse but we have Blaine step up for verse 2. (I just love their friendship in the Michael tribute, cute little badasses are BACK. Also him singing “Burton to this Taylor” is such a Klaine thing to do).
Everyone is still dressed in their rep outfits but we’re in the choir room now. Mr. Schue is talking about why Taylor had to disappear and clap back with rep, how rough the industry is for women and tries to uplift the ladies in the room and encourage them to not silence their voices (cue snarky comment from Santana about Rachel needing to be silent).
Then, Mr. Schue goes on about how you can only understand how Taylor got to her rep era by studying her earlier music. So we have a performance of Tim McGraw. Simple, front of the choir room performance, maybe Puck does guitar, and sitting on stools.
Everyone is surprised to find out how pumped Sam is for this assignment but he is all over it. “It's about time we did some country in this room.” Cue Sam and Quinn at her locker talking about their ‘date’ last night, Sam’s all cute and teasing and Quinn is not into it. She tells him it was fun but she was wrong, they shouldn’t do this again. In turn, he does a wonderful performance of Bye Bye Baby. He thought it was more but clearly he’s “a part of her past.”
Then, we’re in the empty choir room. Tina and Mike are there. (I love their cutesy duets) They sing Everything Has Changed and it’s utterly adorable. Can’t you hear Mike asking Tina if she’s “good to go” like Ed does? And while we’re on the subject of cute duets and RED, we flash to the courtyard to see Santana and Brittany. They turn Stay Stay Stay into a duet. “I’ve been loving you for quite some time,” “before you I only dated self-indulgent takers who took all their problems out on me,” “no one else is gonna love me when I’m mad, mad, mad,” and “it’s occurring to me that I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life” it’s perfect for them. Adorable ladies kisses are had.
Let’s toss in some boy drama for fun. Idk shit about football but somehow Puck is praised by their coach over Finn, which gets him all pissy, and Puck’s upset and jealous because Finn is back with Quinn now (this is why Quinn shut Sam now earlier, she changed her mind). Can we say duet of Bad Blood? “So if you’re coming my way...just don’t.”
After their dramatics, we have a Brittany solo in the choir room. It’s after school at this point (or whenever glee club is). Brittany does You’ll Always Find You Way Back Home.
When she finishes Mr. Schue tries to explain that it’s a Hannah Montana song. Britt injects that it’s confusing how she’s really Miley Cryus “like how can you be two people at once?”. Before Mr. Schue can continue, Kurt pipes up “you never specified that the songs had to be sung by Taylor Swift, just that they were her songs.” Mercedes adds, “yeah, Mr. Schue, Taylor wrote that song.” Mr. Schue concedes that he has once again been outwitted by Kurtcedes. The friends do their little hand shake thing.
With a sigh, Mr. Schue asks Mike if he’s ready to go and Mike asks to take things to the auditorium for some dancing room. Everyone’s on stage with him and it’s kind of a group number but Mike is the focus. It’s Shake It Off. All inspired by the music video. He’s tried to fit in elsewhere (i.e. football, with the smart kids, etc..) but he’s really himself in glee when he’s dancing.
Part 2 of Taylor Tribute Episodes
We begin with an ALL GIRL NUMBER of A Place In This World. Just because.
Glee is dismissed and we zoom in on Artie. He’s watching Tina with Mike and Brittany with Santana. Both Tina and Britt have broken his heart by this point. So, he’s rolling down the halls singing A Perfectly Good Heart. While Artie’s soloing, we cut to Rachel watching Finn and Quinn chatting. Artie’s song playing over this scene. Rachel is feeling similar to him at the moment.
She’s pretty sure Finn dumped her to be with Quinn again even though Kurt and Blaine told her they saw Quinn and Sam at the movies last night together making out in the back row. Fine, if that’s how he’s going to be, she doesn’t need him anyway. Cue Mr. Perfectly Fine. Uber dramatic solo performance walking around McKinley’s halls watching Finn and Quinn together ending in the auditorium alone. (see what I did there, both broken hearted peeps singing a song with Perfectly in it (this was not at all planned, actually, happy accident))
After some good old heartbreak, we have Kurt and Blaine on screen. Blaine walks into the auditorium to see Kurt sitting on the edge of the stage. “What’s all the fuss?” he asks from the door. Kurt had texted him “EMERGENCY.” The band starts to play and Kurt just starts singing, Enchanted. It’s time to profess their love for each other, just like they sing Perfect together in the car, this duet needs no audience. Blaine catches up and sings while walking towards his boyfriend. It’s very reminiscent of past New Directions competitions where they come in from the back and make their way to the stage. “Wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you?” Kurt and Blaine both know the answer to that question now but just a few months ago they were both wondering that exact thing.
They kiss before we cut to Kurt and Blaine walking hand in hand into the choir room where everyone else is already. Mr. Schue is praising the performances thus far and of course asks Rachel if she’s ready to solo (some practice for her completion solo). This causes an uproar from Mercedes and Santana. Another classic argument of how she gets too many solos. Mr. Schue tries to shut them both down but Santana tells Rachel to watch her back, and we get three very different reactions to this. 
All three girls storm out.
First, we visit Mercedes alone in the courtyard. This solo is all about being hurt over this great thing in her life (glee) and her being denied happiness within that club. Thus, Cold As You. (mostly to indulge myself because she’d blow us away with this song).
Next, Rachel in the auditorium. A huge bridge on stage (very Speak Now Tour of her), belting out Better Than Revenge. Santana’s dropped the last straw (the humiliation, name calling, Finn at one point and now solos,) it’s too much this time.
And finally, Santana walking around McKinley, showing us flashes of Rachel ‘outshining’ her and the rest of glee and Mr. Schue being unfair, while singing Look What You Made Me Do.
Tina walks out at the same time as Rachel, Mercedes, and Santana but no one seems to put two and two together. She feels just as underutilized as the latter two do. She ends up in an empty classroom and sings The Outside. “Nobody ever lets me in” and “on the outside looking in.”
Once the 3, err 4, divas have left the room, Finn sticks up for Rachel. Quinn, of course, has something to say about this along the lines of “you always defend her.” Finn, intimated by her ‘scary Quinn’ fumbles and blurts “because she’s my girlfriend” WHICH IS NOT TRUE AT THIS POINT. Quinn dumps him on the spot, cuts quickly to Blaine and Kurt sharing some ‘oh my god, can you believe this’ expressions, and vanishes from the room.
By this point, Rachel is long gone from the auditorium but the bridge is still there.
Here’s where we go way off script but imagine, Quinn has decided to just quit boys. They’ve all failed her anyway, she’s better off being alone. She walks up the bridge and thinks to herself “god Rachel’s so dramatic, where did this thing even come from” before it hits her “fuck, I’m as bad as Finn. I want her.” Then, she starts singing Clean to herself in the auditorium, likely tearing up throughout and ending with a good cry. (Because Dianna would DELIVER with Clean.)
While Quinn is having a sexuality crisis, the rest of glee is still happening. They’re discussing upcoming competition and debating solos and songs.
Kurt’s all: “Mr. Schue, if I may” and performs a lovely rendition of Call It What You Want. Those opening lines are too good. “My castle (ie McKinley) crumbled overnight, brought a knife to a gun fight (ie couldn’t fight off Dave Karofsky), “I’m doing better than I ever was ‘cause my baby’s fit like a daydream,” and “at least I did one thing right.” When he’s done, Blaine’s a mess in the back of the choir room, and Mr. Schue says: “not really what we’re looking for but very nice, Kurt” however, Kurt’s too busy sitting beside Blaine teasing him about blushing.  
Then, the missing girls return to the room having sung out their emotions. Quinn, having realized her feelings for Rachel, ends up soloing You Belong With Me to the New Directions in the choir room. Odd looks all around, no one knows what’s up with her and why does she keep glancing at Rachel? (Faberry just fit so well I had to add it, don’t know if I’m a shipper or not but it’s here now) (also thanks to @spicygemini for pointing out the obvious “Quinn would have ate YBWY”).
Mr. Schue wants to move the group to the audition to perform their final number of the Taylor Swift tribute well but Tina asks to sing first. He’s surprised but allows it, taking a seat with the rest of the New Directions.
Tina sings Beautiful Ghosts. “Watch from the dark, wait for my life to start” because New Directions is refusing to use her talents AGAIN. She’s singing this to Rachel and the girls who were in the Treble Tones. Because she absolutely SMASHES this number, the glee kids agree she gets solo for their next competition (and they deliver on that promise).
To conclude Part 2 of the Taylor tribute episode, we have a group performance of Long Live. “One day we will be remembered”, “all the years we stood there on the sidelines wishing for right now”, “for a moment a band of thrives in ripped up jeans got to rule the world” ie wining completions, “when they look at the pictures please tell them my name...”
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angelhummel · 3 years
I’m gonna work you hard!! Do the season 4 episodes that you haven’t answered! (And if you chose Kurt as best character, you have to pick a second fave. :) lol
alsfjskl love you for adding the fine print of not being able to only pick kurt lmao. "luckily" for me he wasn't up to a terrible lot in s4 so i probably wouldn't have picked him anyway ;P
Thanksgiving -
My favorite song: when i tell you it's "let's have a kiki/turkey lurkey time"... i am not joking even a little bit. homeward bound/home is a close second tho
My favorite quote: "It's thanksgiving and it's sectionals, and i miss you like crazy, and i can't stand not talking to you even though i'm mad at you, because you're still my best friend"
My favorite moment: Klaine's phone call! of course. and all the loft shenanigans, as usual
My least favorite moment: the stuff with the graduates is pretty boring, even tho this is the one time it makes sense for them all to be back lol. the santana/marley stuff would've been interesting if it didn't devolve into rehashing quinntana's tired high school drama. im over it lol. also unique mentions her parents wanting to send her to conversion camp and we just gloss right over that (:
My favorite character: Marley. rip
Sadie Hawkins -
My favorite song: maybeee Tell Him
My favorite quote: Conspiracy theories make my lips get all chapped
My favorite moment: all the pretty dresses this ep. the boys' and girls' respective group performances. kurt being at nyada. and getting attention from an upperclassman. even tho...
My least favorite moment: baby got back is one of the worst performances ever on the show. also kurt's best gay "as long as you're happy uwu and i have a white noise machine wocka wocka" like shut up. ummm tina thinks she can get with blaine, puck is dating a sophomore... this ep is weird. oh also another line from brittany about eating literal trash lol
My favorite character: Brody. I want to see his audition for Magic Mike The Musical
Feud -
My favorite song: there's so many good ones this ep. maybe bye bye bye/i want it that way. it slaps
My favorite quote: It doesn't matter what you see. You don't get to decide for me.
My favorite moment: uhh the performances are pretty good. it's pretty funny. love seeing blaine and jake suspended with ropes, that's cool. and obviously santana taking rachel to the doctor and then their hug afterwards
My least favorite moment: psycho finn hiding in a hotel room in order to confront and beat up brody. will acting less mature than his damn students. and ryder being transphobic for a hot minute BUT he did realize the errors of his ways and apologized so he's not the worst one here
My favorite character: is there anyone worth rooting for this ep?? maybe Blaine and Sam. They concocted that little plan of theirs. That didn't go anywhere but...
Sweet Dreams -
My favorite song: this is one of my least faves ever and the music doesn't help :P i guess outcast bc marley wrote it and it's a group number
My favorite quote: "I was thinking about my friends. How I wouldn't be the person I am today, standing in front of you, doing what I'm doing right now if they hadn't shown me that I could. If they hadn't believed in me"
My favorite moment: steampunk!tina. and unique, sam, and blaine singing marley's song with her was cute
My least favorite moment: the funny girl stuff is so boring and it's barely even started. i hate college finn he's even grosser than usual. also omg the line about "it's like everyone has ptsd or something" after the literal school shooting omg
My favorite character: Marley! I'm glad she got to show off her original songs
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kt-cant-focus · 4 years
Today, Forever
Seblainiversary 2020 @seblaineaffairs (sorry it’s a bit late.)
So while listening to Marina’s song baby (honestly forgot the music video kinda did this until I watched it to get the link XD) I was like,“This song fits into Seblaine somehow, but idk how.” One day it hit me and I messaged my idea to my friend @seblainelove. Earlier today before work I read @imogenlefay‘s work for today and thought,” Wow this is the happy version of what I thought.” Great minds think a like.
Sebastian shows up at Kurt and Blaine's wedding. Whether the canon one as Santana's guest or as Blaine's at a wedding planned by Kurt and Blaine, this one he planned to object to the marriage. Seb misses the ceremony, so he shows up at the reception. Sebastian realizes he was too late and requests Blaine for a dance. Baby plays. While they dance Seb tells Blaine his plan and how he was going to try to stop the wedding and win Blaine over like in the romcoms that Blaine loves. Blaine says it's too late for that. Thought he might have run off with Seb if he did make it in time. The song ends and Seb leaves after giving a goodbye kiss to Blaine's cheek.
 As they dance together Sebastian whispers into Blaine’s ear. “You know, I had this whole speech to get you to leave Lady Hummel and run away with me. Just like in The Princess Bride.”
 “Or Shrek.” Blaine responds, in a daze.
 “Or Shrek.” Sebastian gives a little chuckle. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles makes Blaine catch his breath. It has to be the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen. Unable to keep looking or do something he might regret, or worse, not regret, he turns his head and rests it on Sebastian’s chest.
 “Because you deserve so much more than he’ll ever give you. Sure, there is an argument to be made that Kurt loves you. But Blaine. He’ll always love himself more. He’ll always see you as an accessory and you’ll never fight for what you deserve from him.” Though Blaine can’t see his face, he can hear Sebastian’s sincerity when his voice obviously chokes up as he continues.
 “Blaine. God, Blaine I was going to tell you how I’d give you the world. I don’t deserve you more than he does, but I’d relish every second together. I was going to tell you all the ways I’d make you happy. How we would have brought out the best and worst in each other. That we would have an amazing forever together.”
 Something wet and cold hits Blaine’s cheek. Worrying, he lifts his head and beholds a sight he never could have imaged. A wet line the only evidence that one of the tears Sebastian is holding back, escaped.
 “Guess it would have been pointless. You decided to marry him.”
A heavy silence falls over them as they stare into each other’s eyes, unable to look away. The lyrics of the song they were dancing to washes over them.
Guess I had my last chance
And now this is our last dance
You fell through the cracks in my hands
ell myself be stronger
My heart's like a rubber band
And it's such a shame You'll always be the one who got away
We both know that deep down you feel the same
Hard to say it's over But I'm already someone else's
 Maybe it was the words Marina was singing, or perhaps the pain and honesty Sebastian was conveying, but words left Blaine’s mouth involuntarily.
 “I would have gone with you. If you objected and told me that speak. There has always been something between us Sebastian. And before we said ‘I do’ I had some hesitance. I believe everything you said about the life we could have had together. We really could have been happy together.“
 “Still not too late, we could burn the paperwork and pretend it never existed.” A joking with a hint of hope tone in Sebastian’s voice.
 Blaine shakes his head. “I already vowed Bas. I married Kurt.”
 A grim smile crosses Sebastian’s face, “I guess this truly is the perfect song for us then.”
 The chuckle that comes out of Blaine’s mouth is wet and could easily be mistaken for a sob. “Yeah I guess so.”
 They spend the rest of the dance quiet. Staring into each other's eyes. Knowing that this would be the last time they saw the other, they would forever be the other’s what if, and that every time this song played, it would bring them back to this moment, no matter how long into the future.
 The song comes to a close. The dance partners know their time together is officially up.
 Sebastian whispers into Blaine’s ear three words he had never said before. He takes a step back, and with a smile hiding sadness he gives a farewell.
 “Good-bye Blaine.”
A light, but meaningful kiss is placed on Blaine’s cheek before Sebastian turns and walks away leaving the newly-wed, on what should be the happiest day of his life, in choking back sobs on the dance floor.
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alittledizzy · 4 years
new horizons kurt/blaine but also ft santana, mercedes, tina, artie, and rachel 
Various conversations about the planning of Britt’s Animal Crossing isolation birthday party. Written for @likearumchocolatesouffle!
[read on ao3]
“I don't understand," Kurt says, looking at the email invitation he's got pulled up in front of him. "What even is it?"
Santana snorts. "Ask your boy Blainers. I mean, he modeled his high school wardrobe after Blathers, didn't he? The names even sound the same"
"After <i>who</i>?" Kurt's confusion just grows. "Speak English, please."
"Fatherhood is really making you dull, Kurt." Santana sighs. "Animal Crossing. Video game. Party at Britt's Island. Saturday. Be there."
"But what does that-"
Santana hangs up.
"It's just a video game, Kurt." Blaine rubs the baby's back. She lets out a sleepy half cry. "It's for the Switch. Remember, the thing you bought me for Christmas last year?"
"Oh, right. One of our 'things to do while obsessively watching the baby sleep' presents." Kurt frowns. "But why is Britt having a party? What does that even mean?"
Blaine shrugs very, very gently. "Means she wants to celebrate her birthday with her friends, but the state of proverbial lockdown isolation we all finds yourself in right now leaves her options limited. I think it's sweet that Santana's helping her do this, actually."
Kurt looks down at the stack of Burberry burp cloths he's just finished folding. "Why can't she just have a Zoom party like a normal person? Do I have to buy a video game system for this?"
Blaine shrugs again. "I mean, you can just use mine, but you'd probably enjoy having your own more."
"Blaine, have I ever been a video game person?"
"I mean..." Blaine smirks like he's pulling out a secret weapon. "You <i>can</i> make your own clothes for it, you know. There's a whole clothing shop available and a design customizer..."
"... fine, alright, I'm buying one."  
"It's hilarious, Tina." Blaine laughs, slightly out of breath from his treadmill run. He's going slower now, already anticipating the post-workout shower he's going to have. "He's had it like four days and he's already mastered the art of time traveling so he can get the Able Sisters shop in time for Britt's birthday party. He says he can't possibly show up in something off the rack."
"I would say I don't believe it, but honestly, I believe it," Tina says. "He asked if he could come to my island three times yesterday."
"He's also turnip obsessed. Not just in the game. He added turnips to our farm to table produce box order. What on earth am I supposed to make with turnips?"
"I think they're good in stir fry?" Tina suggests. "I actually got the cutest little cat mask I'm going to wear. You know her island is Lord Tubbington themed, right?"
"Yeah, I was thinking of getting her a cat tower. Does she already have one?"
"She has seven, but she's putting them everywhere so I know she'll like one more. I have a litter box for her!" Tina laughs. "I love that a litter box counts as a good present."
"It's so weird," Blaine agrees. "Kurt wants to give her a lucky gold cat. He thinks my cat tower idea is tacky."
"Kurt things everything is tacky," Tina says. "Let him live his best live."
Blaine smiles fondly, slowing his cooldown until the treadmill comes to a stop. "Couldn't stop him if I tried."
"Tee! It's Artie! I guess you're busy doing something that involves you not being able to answer your dang phone, which for the record is sarcasm because none of us are doing literally anything right now. But whatever, I see how it is, girl. Screening me. I see how it is. Anyway I just wanted to let you know I got the gift you sent me in the game.  Now I can wheel up to Britt's bee-day bash in style. It's actually cool that this game even has wheelchairs. Anyway, later!"
"'cedes, my beautiful queen, how are you doing?" Artie asks.
"Uh, wondering what kind of crack all my high school friends are smoking that they're all suddenly on my ass to play some kind of video game."
"Look, I'll be real with you, I thought the same thing," Artie said. "And then I remembered that escapism is a tool of our generation and also the world outside is a flaming pile of poop right now so what do you have to lose?"
"Damn." Mercedes sighs. "You make some points."
"Kurt designed me the cutest dress," Rachel says. "Seriously? It's like, the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen. It's definitely what I would have worn to the Tony's if they hadn't been canceled."
"Yeah," Mercedes says, sounding distracted. "You know I just needed your Switch code, right? You could have just responded to the text."
"But that's no fun!" Rachel says, dismissal in her voice. "Besides, we need a good old fashioned diva catch up, don't we?"
"Not really."
"Don't be so grumpy!"
"I'm not- look, Rachel, I appreciate this, but I've got to get back to recording."
"I still can't believe you have your own home studio." Rachel sighs heavily.
"Yeah, well... believe it! See you at Britt's, bye!" Mercedes hangs up quickly.
Rachel sighs.
Jesse's having his mandatory hour of meditation, but she's never been able to get the hang of that.
She picks up her Switch and does a little lap around her island, responding with glee to a few of the residents she sees, the puts it back down.
She misses people. She misses people so, so much. Not any specific person. Just... people.
She reaches for her phone and calls a number already high up on her contacts. "Kurt!" She barely gives him time to respond before she says, "So, do you think we can find a matching handbag in time for the party..."
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peetaparkker · 4 years
30 days of Klaine:
Day 1: favourite season: UGH THIS IS SO HARD TO PICK but probably season 2 sigh 
Day 2: favourite episode: 5x01 Love Love Love - getting back together and that engagement ooofffttt 
Day 3: favourite scene: 2x16 Original Song - oh my god this is so hard, there is so many. but yes probably this one 
Day 4: favourite hug: 4x01 The New Rachel - when Blaine sings It’s Time and Kurt says “im gonna miss you so much” ::((( 
Day 5: favourite kiss: 6x05 The Hurt Locker Part 2 - /this kiss/ 
Day 6: favourite non-lip kiss: 5x19 Old Dogs, New Tricks - i had a hard time remembering when they even non-lip kissed lmao
Day 7: favourite handhold: 3x14 On My Way -  when they are walking down the hallway after performing behind Quinn and Blaine says “hey fabray lookin good!” ugh fkn swoooon 
Day 8: favourite trio: Kurt, Blaine and Santana - she loved Blaine and they always backed each other up i swear 
Day 9: favourite related song: what is a related song 
Day 10: favourite duet: Baby It’s Cold Outside - this was hard to choose tho there is so many good ones 
Day 11: favourite song Blaine sung to Kurt: Teenage Dream in 2x06 
Day 12: favourite trio song: is this like kurt and blaine + one other???? bc i literally can’t think of one 
Day 13: favourite background moment: Kurt and Blaine hugging each other and jumping up and down after winning Nationals (3x21) 
Day 14: favourite‘I love you’: The first I love you in 2x22.
Day 15: favourite storyline: Season 6 Kurt and Blaine bc it’s a struggle and a fight but i kind of like the growth 
Day 16: favourite locker moment: these two don’t have many??? but the final locker moment in 6x13 
Day 17: favourite angsty moment: 3x17 Dance With Somebody - oh my god this /whole/ episode lmfao. the little argument in kurt’s room, when kurt gets to serenade blaine in the choir room 
Day 18: favourite funny moment: when Blaine is stressing about his curly hair for the prom after the no gel rule and Kurt is just humouring him about it 
Day 19: favourite Blaine quote: 5x01 Love Love Love - "all i’ve ever wanted to do is spend my life loving you” SWOON SWOON  
Day 20: favourite Kurt quote: 6x08 A Wedding - “you don't ask me to come out of the shadows, you help me to move away anything that's blocking the sun.” ugh so sweet. 
Day 21: favourite love of my life: 3x17 Dance With Somebody - when having a counselling session with Miss Pillsbury. it’s beautiful 
Day 22: favourite pre-relationship moment: Season 2 between 2x06 and 2x14 where they are just great friends to each other. like when Blaine goes to the football game with Kurt in 2x11 and Kurt being supportive at the Gap Attack
Day 23: favourite HS moment (while dating): 3x07 I Kissed A Girl - when they get to do their only duet together in the choir room with ‘Perfect’ 
Day 24: favourite post-break up moment: 4x08 Thanksgiving - the phone call, always the beautiful phone call. but i must admit, the elevator bits post season 6 break up is great lmao 
Day 25: favourite engaged moment: 5x14 New New York - when they sing You Make Me Feel So Young lmao its so sweet we deserved more domestic klaine 
Day 26: favourite married moment: 6x13 Dreams Come True - the locker part i think is very sweet 
Day 27: favourite wedding outfit: they both look so good tho?!?!?! 
Day 28: favourite dance: 2x20 Prom Queen - definitely when Blaine steps up to dance with Kurt 
Day 29: favourite whisper moment: 2x18 Born This Way - Kurt saying “I’ll never say good bye to you” aw maaannnnn 
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notthetoothfairy · 6 years
Alright with You
What is this... a fic?!?!?!?! Yes, you’re reading that right. I’m a bit late but it was @a-simple-rainbow‘s birthday yesterday so I had to honor tradition and do some writing! Happy birthday, my lovely fandom wife! <3 You deserve the world and more, so I apologize that this is just a silly fic and not the world and more. :P
(I’ll upload it on AO3 later, right now it’s late and I need my sleeeeeep)
Disclaimer: This is unbeta’ed and probably poorly written LOL
Inspired by this post
Kurt hates parties. If it weren’t for Quinn’s endless pestering, he probably wouldn’t have shown his face at all.
He wrinkles his nose as he watches a group of jocks start a burping competition.
Yeah, he definitely wouldn’t have come if Quinn hadn’t been so adamant – or rich, for that matter, considering that she promised to buy him lunch for the rest of the school year if he drove her to this one party. The party of the year, apparently. Kurt couldn’t care less about the ranking of this drunken slobberfest they call a party, but he’s not exactly loaded, so the prospect of free lunch was a damn good selling point. Which Quinn knew, obviously.
Also, quite obvious: She ditched him about two seconds into the party, probably to break up or create yet another Glee club love triangle… who even knows. Not Kurt, that’s for sure. But, hey, keeping him company wasn’t part of the deal. Quinn’s objective was to enjoy the party. Kurt is well aware that she won’t be able to do that when all he is likely to provide is snarky commentary.
Ugh, it’s almost like he cares, which is bizarre because this is McKinley’s resident ex-cheerleader barbie Quinn Fabray. If he continues at this rate, he’ll be befriending Rachel Berry next.
Shuddering at the thought, he turns to the drinks table, where he is immediately targeted by Santana Lopez and her signature sly grin.
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?” she asks, faking delight. “What’s your poison tonight, hm?”
With an eyeroll, Kurt makes to push past her. “Not my first rodeo, Satan, I know better than to drink one of your hellish creations.” She blocks his path. “Ugh, you have got to be kidding me. Just hand me one of those cups.”
“What’s the matter, did daddy not allow you to drink alcohol? Or did Quinn Fa-baby momma make you her designated driver?”
Kurt glares at her, and much to his chagrin, Santana’s face just lights up even more.
“Aww, she did! You skanks are just too precious. So… unskanky,” she coos.
Kurt’s growing more annoyed by the second. He hates that Santana is still as unimpressed by his act as ever. The rest of the school has learned to just leave him alone when he suddenly showed up with piercings, bright neon streaks in his hair and a new give-zero-fucks attitude. But Santana is a tougher nut to crack.
He narrows his eyes a bit more for good measure, but she waves him off and reaches behind her to retrieve a light blue solo cup. “There you go, sunshine. Pop or water?”
“Water,” Kurt gets out through gritted teeth. He hates the sugary sweetness of coke and the like, and with water he can at least pretend he’s drinking clear spirits. Or maybe he should do that and just forget about the driving, just like Quinn forgot about him.
But deep down he knows he’ll regret it if he’s not there to take her home, or if his dad figures out he was too drunk to drive. Getting upset with Kurt is way too unhealthy for his heart. Even rebellion has its limits, and Kurt will always choose his dad over his reputation.
He sips his water unenthusiastically, trying to avoid both the dancefloor and the beer pong corner, which results in him creepily staying in a corner near the drinks table, from where at least he can engage in his two favorite sports – people-watching, and, more importantly, people-judging.
He is so enthralled in watching Rachel stealing pathetic glances at Kurt’s step-brother Finn Hudson every two seconds while she’s fake-flirting with two older students that Kurt only notices after a few minutes that she is holding a cup with a very untypical color. He frowns. Bright green, really? Is she that tipsy?
The thing is, Kurt could swear he saw Mercedes Jones sport a pink cup earlier, and everyone knows that if something is available in pink, Rachel will make sure that she has it. Kurt is still traumatized from that one time he saw her bedroom.
He looks over to the drinks station and spots tags next to the towers of cups. The colors are labels. Pink apparently means “taken”, which definitely explains why this is the one time Rachel decided to forgo it. And green is – ah, yeah, “it’s complicated”. Kurt grins. Sure, Rachel. Should have gone with light blue. Single AF, the sign reads.
Kurt tenses uncomfortably as he looks down at his own cup.
Santana, that cunning, manipulative devil. Of course she’d be the one who doesn’t buy the rumors Quinn spreads about Kurt’s conquests. She knows Kurt hasn’t so much as touched another guy. Great. He’s gonna have to do something about this. Change the cup to… purple maybe? DTF – down to fuck… ugh, not the best choice but probably what an actually skanky version of Kurt would go for. It’s not like McKinley has an overflow of gay guys who would take him up on the offer. And even if there were gay guys at this party, it’s not like he’s much of a hook-up prospect. His painfully pathetic attempts to get laid at Scandals taught him that. God, maybe he should just grab a full bottle of tequila and kiss this night goodbye.
“Ready to party?” someone shouts next to Kurt. He almost scoffs at them before he realizes it’s Blondie-in-a-Bottle Sam Evans, and he is not talking to Kurt, but to someone next to him, who can only be… ah, yes, Blaine.
Blaine Anderson, the transfer student, who is a bit of a nerd with his gelled hair, dorky colorful bowties and his Star Wars lunch box. Blaine, who may be the only person at the school who doesn’t treat Kurt differently, because – well, because he didn’t know Kurt pre-skank. But also because he just doesn’t seem to mind. Kurt has been paired with him on an assignment once or twice, and if Kurt is completely honest with himself, those were the only times it actively pained him to keep up his tough act. He might have even dialed it down just for Blaine.
As much as he wants to deny it, Kurt has a bit of a crush. Which is not cool. Not cool at all. Unskanky, Santana would say.
He watches Blaine shake and nod his head simultaneously at Sam’s question as they approach the drinks table. Kurt sighs and decides to wait until after they’re done there to change his cup color. He can totally wait for his turn. It’s not like anyone is going to talk to him if he puts his bitchy face on. Which, of course, he has practiced to perfection. So, Creepy Watching and Judging Round Number Two it is.
Getting back into it, Kurt watches Artie Abrams clumsily but somehow successfully butter up to Brittany Pierce, even though they are surrounded by a bunch of very interested, suddenly very pissed off football players.
He chuckles at the way Santana tries to not look affected at all but ends up glaring at everyone attempting to talk to Brittany. Santana thinks she has Kurt figured out? Ha. He’s one step ahead of her. At least she doesn’t know about his pathetic cru-
Damn. He was so lost in thought that he missed the perfect opportunity to slip past Sam and Blaine just as they turned away. Now there’s more people at the stand and as Sam and Blaine move away from the table, they come to a halt right next to Kurt. Shit. How is he supposed to act like he didn’t notice them now?
“Hey, can you hold this?” Sam asks Blaine. “I’ll just be a sec.” He hands Blaine his cup, and Kurt can’t help how his eyes widen when he sees the color. Pink?! Since when is Sam Evans dating someone? Kurt wonders if Quinn knows about it. She usually knows what everyone and their mother are up to.
Blaine stands there awkwardly, and since his blondie sidekick is gone, Kurt dares to give him a once-over. Damn, it should be illegal to look that cute in chinos. Kurt puts his cup to his lips to hide a smile behind the rim. It would have been a smart choice if he hadn’t simultaneously spotted the other cup Blaine is holding. The color makes Kurt almost choke on his water. Audibly.
Blaine turns to him, concerned. “Woah, Kurt, are you okay?”
Damn that purple cup.
“’m fine, thanks” Kurt manages, coughing awkwardly and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Water in the wrong pipe, I guess.” He pauses, grimacing. “Tequila, I mean.”
“Right. Tequila…” Blaine smiles. “I’ll just pretend I didn’t see your Navigator parked down the street.”
Kurt feels a shiver run down his spine at the thought that Blaine might have kept an eye out for his car outside. That’s just… pathetic, Kurt. Get a grip, he tells himself.
“Whatever.” He drawls the word for good measure, trying desperately to nail the tone somewhere between not caring and playful teasing. With a nod to Blaine’s purple cup, he says, “Interesting choice.”
“Rum and coke.” Blaine shrugs. “Pretty classic, I’d say?”
Kurt bites his lip, releasing it quickly. “The color, I mean.”
With a blush, Blaine glances down at his drink. “Oh, I actually would have preferred pink.” He clears his throat. “But Sam poured them wrong by accident, and he’s driving, so I ended up with this one instead.”
Kurt’s careful to not choke on his water this time. So Sam’s not the taken one, Blaine is… what?! Then again, figures. He’s a transfer student. A cute one, at that. Fresh meat and all… McKinley’s singles must go crazy over Blaine. Kurt wonders if maybe he’s misread Blaine’s sexuality.
“Right,” he mutters. Santana couldn’t have picked his cup color any better. Single AF indeed. Fuck this party. “Well, I- I should go see what Quinn’s up to.” He clears his throat. “I’m her DD.”
Blaine blinks, seeming surprised. “Oh… sure.” He shoots Kurt a small grin. “Enjoy the party.”
Kurt scoffs. “Doubt it.”
“Oh. Okay. Uhm… bye then.”
Blaine looks taken aback, and Kurt could smack himself. His stupid temper. He makes an abrupt turn, trying to push the thought of having offended Blaine out of his mind. He shouldn’t be caring about things like dating anyhow. His reputation is on the line. He breathes, one heavy breath in and one out, weaving his way through a sea of hammered people.
He finds Quinn eventually – making out with someone from the swim team in one of the house’s upstairs bedrooms. Of course. Kurt sighs, closing the door behind him when she tells him to “get the fuck out”. As he turns back to the hallway, he almost collides with Mercedes. She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Sneaking off to be alone?” she asks. Kurt can’t decipher whether she sounds snarky or hurt. Out of all the people he’s cut off these past few months, he definitely regrets Mercedes the most.
“Not exactly.” Kurt shrugs. “Just looking for Quinn.”
Mercedes hums in reply. They both do the awkward dance of looking down at their hands and then back up, only to look back down. Kurt’s eyes zero in on the cup in Mercedes’ hands.
He clears his throat. “You’re dating someone?”
For a split second, Mercedes’ face turns red. It’s a good look on her, Kurt thinks, but before he can say anything, her face hardens.
“None of your business,” she says sharply.
“No, no, I know,” Kurt says, holding up his hands. He can’t help but sigh a little. “It’s just…”
“I know.” Mercedes gulps. “I thought you’d be the first to know, too.”
“Mercedes…” Kurt reaches out a hand but pulls it back at the last second, hugging himself instead. Well, this party sucks already, maybe he should just roll with the punches. “I miss you, you know?”
He’s met with another raised eyebrow.
“I know, I don’t show it,” he says hastily. “I never wanted it to be this way, though.”
“I just don’t think any of this is really necessary,” Mercedes says. “We had your back.”
“Well, it wasn’t… there’s- there’s things you don’t know,” Kurt mutters. Karofsky bullying him was one thing. Karofsky threatening to kill him if he told anyone he was gay… very different. “I swear I’d tell you if I could.”
Mercedes bites her lip and smiles a little.
“It’s Sam,” she whispers, leaning closer.
Kurt frowns. “What?”
She holds up her cup. “Sam and I…”
“It’s not that unlikely,” she says, defensive.
Kurt shakes his head quickly. “Uh, no, it’s just – I thought he had a purple cup earlier.”
“Nope.” Mercedes grins. “Definitely pink. I saw him with it just a second ago.”
But it was an accident, Kurt thinks. Blaine said the pink was for him.
“Oh, well… I’m happy for you,” Kurt says, shooting Mercedes his most sincere smile. “Truly.”
“Thanks, Kurt,” she says. “We could hang out sometime maybe…?”
Kurt takes a step back. “I… maybe.”
There’s that sad look again. Kurt closes his eyes to drown it out. Once he feels marginally better, he opens them, bracing himself for more sadness, but – Mercedes is gone.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Maybe he can’t openly be Mercedes’ friend anymore – but the least he can do is make sure her boyfriend isn’t being a dick to her. He almost races down the stairs back into the living room.
Even more people dancing now. Kurt scans the room for any sign of Sam or Blaine. He growls when he spots them. Of course – they are dancing. He tries not to watch Blaine shimmy his hips to the music, and promptly fails. Damn that boy.
He stomps over, pushing himself between them and staring Sam down.
“You better not hurt her,” he hisses.
Sam’s eyes go huge. “What?”
“You heard me.” Kurt narrows his eyes. “I know your cup was supposed to be purple. Blaine told me. You’re more than lucky to get a chance with someone like Mercedes. If you-”
Sam’s eyes skirt around frantically as he steps closer and tries to shut Kurt up. “Ssssh, what the fuck, don’t tell-”
“Oh, don’t want her to find out you’re on the lookout? Is that why you so conveniently switched cup colors, huh?!”
Blaine dances around Kurt and comes up next to Sam, looking confused and a little dizzy. Kurt honestly almost forgot he was behind him the entire time.
“Sam, ‘s Kurt still angry at me?” he asks, his words slurred.
Sam rolls his eyes. “No, he’s angry at me.”
“What’d chu do?”
“Switch cup colors,” Sam mutters. He turns back to Kurt. “Kurt, man, I swear this is not what you think it is.” He inches closer, and if Kurt wasn’t so focused on defending Mercedes, he’d find it cute how Blaine instinctively does the same, almost touching Kurt’s shoulder. Voice lowered, Sam continues, “Mercedes and I are keeping it on the down low for a while.”
“Yeah, right.” Kurt laughs in disbelief. “Which is why you’re both sporting pink?”
“Well, we’re not telling anyone who exactly- that’s beside the point, though.” Sam sighs. “If I was going to cheat on her, why would my cup say that I’m taken, Sherlock?”
Kurt blinks. He hadn’t thought of that.
“Where does it say that?” Blaine asks, looking down at Sam’s cup.
Kurt replays what Blaine told him earlier in his head. He wanted pink, but Sam switched them. He didn’t say anything about the meaning…
“Blaine doesn’t know about the color codes,” Kurt concludes.
Sam shoots him a grin. “I was just messing with him a little. I knew you were going to-” He blinks quickly. “Uh, forget that part.”
Kurt tries to ignore the way his heartbeat speeds up a little at that. What is Sam’s plan? And does it mean Blaine is single after all? And why does he care oh-so-much?
“Wha’s goin’ on?” Blaine asks, alternating between staring at Kurt and staring at Sam.
Kurt gives Sam the sideeye before turning to Blaine. “Blaine, your cup color means you’re DTF.”
“What’s DTF?” Blaine asks immediately.
“How much has he had to drink?” Kurt asks at the same time as Sam says, “Down to fuck.”
Blaine whips around to face Sam. “You told him I’m down to fuck?!”
Sam breaks out into laughter. “I didn’t but you just did…” He turns to Kurt and winks. “I think I’ll leave you to it. I’m gonna go find Mercedes.”
“Sam, wait!” Kurt says, cursing his helpless voice. God, what is he going to with this info now? Sam doesn’t turn around.
Blaine stares after Sam before turning to Kurt. “Kurt, if Sam leaves me here alone, can you drive me home? I could break into a car and try it myself but… I think I’m too-” He sways a little on his feet. “Tipsy.”
“Ya think?” Kurt huffs out a laugh, reaching out his hand to steady Blaine. “Okay, first things first. Have some of my water. And, uh… let’s go somewhere outside to get you sobered up, okay?”
Blaine’s face lights up at that. He reaches for Kurt’s hand, but Kurt withdraws, looking around nervously. He tries to ignore Blaine’s furrowed eyebrows and his pout, instead pushing him through the crowd by the shoulders. When he’s finally got them outside in the miraculously empty backyard, he lets himself breathe. Deep breath in, deep breath out.
Blaine watches him, surprisingly attentive in his drunken state.
“Do you hate me?” he asks timidly.
“Wh- what?” Kurt stutters.
Blaine looks down at his feet. “I never know what to think with you.”
“I don’t hate you, Blaine,” Kurt says, stepping closer. “Drink some more water.”
Kurt takes the pink cup from Blaine before he can raise it to his mouth.
“The other cup. That’s your rum and coke.”
“Oh.” Blaine nods, and gulps down the contents of Kurt’s cup, holding it with both hands like a child. Kurt bites back a smile. Why is he even cuter when he’s drunk? When he’s done, Blaine holds the cup up in Kurt’s face. “So, what does blue mean?”
Kurt rolls his eyes. “Single as fuck.”
“Are you?” Blaine asks curiously, eyes flitting between Kurt’s face and the cup.
Kurt tries to hide his blush by pushing a strand of pink hair out of his face. “I guess I am.”
“Oh, alright.” Blaine gives a slight nod. “Cool.”
Kurt can’t help but laugh at the way he tries to act nonchalant. “Yeah? That alright with you?”, he asks.
“Yeah…” Blaine drops his eyes and then shoots them back up at Kurt with an intensity that makes Kurt’s knees go weak. “Very.”
“Blaine…” he breathes out, hyperaware of how close their faces are. He clears his throat, looking around for something to do. He decides on setting their cups down on a nearby windowsill. His eyes linger on the pink one.
“Why’d you want that color?” he asks Blaine, putting his hands in his pocket now that he has nothing to hold.
“Hm?” Blaine follows Kurt’s line of sight. “Oh. Uh.” His eyes find Kurt’s again, then flicker up to Kurt’s hair. “I just really like pink.”
Kurt can’t find it in himself to hide his blush this time. “Oh… alright.”
“Yeah?” Blaine smiles. “Alright with you?”
“Oh, shut up,” Kurt laughs. Throwing all caution in the wind, he adds, “I’m not the one who admitted he’s down to fuck.”
Blaine inhales sharply. “I can’t believe Sam told you that.”
“Actually, you did,” Kurt says, tilting his head.
“Oh god, I did, didn’t I?” Blaine asks, looking like he’s trying to read Kurt’s face. “And… is that alright with you?”
Kurt wants to say something witty, or just confirm, or something – but his brain short-circuits and what he ends up blurting is, “I’m a virgin!”
“Oh, well, I mean… me too… it’s not like I meant right now…” Blaine mutters, visibly flustered. His face goes all red. It’s so. Damn. Cute. “I just…”
Kurt squeezes his eyes shut for a second, trying to focus his thoughts. “It’s alright with me,” he says. “Maybe not right now, but…”
“Gotcha.” Blaine exhales, and Kurt can feel his breath on his face. How did they get so close again? Blaine laughs nervously. “Wow, I’m feeling very sober all of a sudden.”
“Yeah?” Kurt feels a rush of heat streaming through his body. “Funny. I feel kinda drunk.”
They’re both silent for a beat, looking at each other, before they lean in at the same time. Kurt’s lips land on Blaine’s a little off-center but they adjust as Blaine pulls him in, threading his fingers through the hair at the back of Kurt’s head. Kurt makes a muffled noise, grabbing Blaine’s shirt on both sides and holding on for dear life, dragging Blaine closer, kissing him harder. He wasn’t prepared for how good this would feel. He wasn’t prepared for how much he would want to-
“Wait, wait, wait,” Kurt gasps out. “Fuck. I-”
“What’s wrong?” Blaine asks, concerned.
“I’m not… we’re not…” Kurt sighs. “This is gonna be a problem. We can’t-”
“Why not?”
“I’m… well… ugh. I have a lot to lose, let’s put it that way,” Kurt says grimly.
Blaine lets his hands fall to his sides, his body deflating.
“Don’t be mad,” Kurt pleads.
“I’m not,” Blaine says. “But I guess I kind of hoped I was a lot to gain.”
There it is again, the urge to smack his stupid head against the nearest wall. Why does he keep doing this to others? To himself? If he could just be himself…
Kurt takes in Blaine’s face, studying his eyes and those ridiculously long eyelashes and thick eyebrows that kept distracting him the first time they had to do an assignment together. He remembers how Blaine’s enthusiasm and his cute quirks pulled him in from the get-go, how he kept hoping they’d be paired together for more assignments… how kissing him just now felt like he could do anything and get away with it…
Oh, to hell with these charades.
Quinn’s eyebrows rise when she catches Sam and Mercedes kissing on the front porch, but they almost disappear beneath her hairline when she sees Kurt on the dance floor – goofing off with Blaine and smiling like an utter idiot. Of course. She should have known. He’d never tell her the truth, but it’s always been kind of obvious how soft he got around him.
“I take partial credit for that,” Santana drawls next to Quinn, leaning her elbow on Quinn’s shoulder. “He needed a bit of a push.”
“Who knew you had such match-making skills.” Quinn makes to turn towards Santana to grin at her but spots Karofsky and Azimio in the crowd, scowling. “Oh, fuck.”
“What?” Santana follows her gaze and balls her fists. “Don’t worry about them. They’re making those faces because I just twisted their nads and put them in their place. I have them under control.”
Quinn shakes her head fondly. “You’re actually a pretty good friend, Santana.”
Santana looks like she wants to disagree for a second but then she just shrugs.
“Yeah, yeah… just don’t tell Kurt.”
Kurt beams when Mercedes and Sam finally show up together, joining Blaine and him on the dance floor.
Blaine and Sam seem to be engaged in a secret conversation involving nods, winks and fist-bumping, so Kurt turns to Mercedes.
“Are we okay?” he asks her.
She smiles back at him. “We’re peachy. Or at least we’re gonna be.”
Relief floods his body. This party is turning out to be so much better than anticipated. And maybe, just maybe… everything will be alright.
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crazedlunatic · 5 years
Dinos and Hoarders
“You can’t leave him home with me! I have three meetings today, a huge trial tomorrow, and arraignment in two days. No, Sarah.”
“I can’t help it. Apparently, they got rid of my assistant—nobody listens when I tell them people steal drugs until a whole freaking bottle goes missing and then they fire the guy. I’m sorry.”
“No. You literally can’t go in. I have to go to the office.”
“He can’t stay by himself, Robbie! He’s seven! If a fifty three year old cannot control a 7 year old, there is a problem.”
“I didn’t say I can’t control him. I can’t control him while doing all of the other stuff that I have to do.”
“You’re a father first!”
“And you’re not a mother first?!”
“I can’t dispense narcotics from my living room! Turn on The Land Before Time and you won’t hear a word from him! God, you’ve been so annoying. Get over the midlife crisis.”
“I’m not having a midlife crisis!”
“If it waddles and quacks like a duck it’s usually a duck, Robbie.”
“Are you pregnant because you’re acting like a bitc— Well, bye then.” Bob scoffed as the door slammed. “Love you too, dear.”
“Daddy, if an anthropologist studies humans and the past, does that mean humans and dinosaurs were alive at the same time?”
“I don’t think so.” Bob, who was staring at a paper and squinting, said in an offhand way.
“Because they’d eat the people, right? Charlie said not all dinosaurs eat meat, though. They’re herbitarians.”
“Vegetarian or herbivores.” Bob corrected as Blaine came into the house—without knocking, of course. Anytime he knocked before 9 at night, he’d get a ‘talk’ about it being his house too and that talk just lasted too long.
“I find it hilarious that you made me leave the office to come and help you watch Miles.”
Bob mouthed help me.
“What’s the difference in an herbivore and a vegetarian?” Miles asked after running and hugging Blaine’s leg.
“Humans are vegetarians and herbivores are animals… I think?” Blaine looked confused, scooping Miles up. “I’m sorry you’re sick.”
“But humans are animals too, Blaine!” Miles said energetically. “And I’m not sick! I just have a fever and my head hurts and my tummy and my nose.”
“Uh, yeah, Blaine. He’s not sick.” Bob said and gave Blaine a look—a look of desperation. “Babies are so much easier. Can we trade? Two for one so you’re really saving in the long run.”
“Yeah until they’re 7 and you sell them back?” Blaine laughed.
“Miles will be 14 so I can handle him then.”
“Where’s Kurt?” Miles asked, eyes lighting up.
“Kurt’s Daddy can’t get him out of work and I think Kurt actually likes bossing people around more than he’ll admit.” Blaine booped his nose.
Miles giggled and then turned to face his Bob. “Daddy, Jake said you wanted to have poop thrown at you. Daddy, have you seen a monkey?”
“At least you can get away from the monkeys.” Bob said and then blinked. “Yes, I have seen monkeys. For someone who is sick, you sure do ask a lot of questions.”
“Grandma says I get it from you. She told me you never shut up when you were little and Mommy told me you never shut up now.” Miles rambled as Blaine put his own laptop on their coffee table with the hand that wasn’t holding Miles—since the twins had been born, he did tons of things at once. It was parent multitasking superpowers or something.
Blaine looked surprised at hearing Miles’ statement, seeing as Bob could be talkative but could also go ten minutes without saying anything to someone sitting right next to him.
Then again, nobody made him light up like Sarah so he shouldn’t have been surprised.
And Bob did talk more the longer they’d known each other. It was actually reassuring to hear Bob rushing so many conversations each day but having to literally walk out of Bob’s office sometimes so they could actually work and not talk about… well, everything.
It didn’t happen all the time, of course.
But still.
He wondered what living with Bob and Sarah as parents was like—parents that liked each other, that fought with each other but always made up by bedtime, parents that spent time together willingly, that were affectionate together. Because the only time Blaine’s parents were together was when they needed to look proper in public or when they needed to look like a good family to people that thought they knew the real Andersons.
His parents never argued. Unless it was a family dinner, they usually didn’t even talk.
And they definitely didn’t like each other.
Sometimes Blaine wondered if they ever had.
From what Alex had said, he hadn’t seen them act like a happy couple either.
So… were he and Alex just for show? Accessories to add to the façade?
“Daddy, what’s this one?” Miles pulled himself up on the couch, seating himself between Blaine and Bob.
“Ankylosaurus.” Bob said, barely even having to look at the picture.
“Daddy, it’s Cera from The Land Before Time! Her name is like Mommy’s!” Miles moved his legs up and down excitedly. “Were there dinosaurs in Lion King?”
“I don’t think so.” Bob, who was looking at some paperwork, didn’t look up.
“What’s this one?”
“Two names. Apatosaurus or Brontosaurus.” Bob said after glancing at the page.
“This one?”
“Daddy, you know everything.” Miles gasped.
“See? Bob knows all.” Blaine gasped too, grinning when Bob sent him a look. “What?”
“Your children will actually think I know all.” Bob sighed.
“But you do.” Blaine scrunched up his nose.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?”
“Obviously I’m interning again because you’re teaching me about dinosaurs.” Blaine smiled sweetly as Bob glared at him.
“What’s this one?!” Miles asked dramatically, shaking Bob’s arm.
Bob took the book, pointing to pictures as he said, “T Rex, velociraptor, allosaurus, Spinosaurus, deinonychus, carnotaurus, stegosaurus, ankylosaurus, iguanodon, and parasaurolophus.”
Miles clapped his hands and then turned the page. “What about these?”
Bob bent until his head was rested on his knees.
Miles, cute as ever, bent down and patted the back of Bob’s head. “Daddy, it’s okay. I won’t let the dementors get you.”
“The what?!” Bob sat up quickly.
“I dunno. Charlie told me ‘bout them when we watched Harry Potter and they’re sad and mean. But I won’t let them get you ‘cause Daddy should be happy!” Miles forced his way onto Bob’s lap and pressed a loud kiss to his cheek.
“God. I hate that you’re so cute.” Bob wrapped his arms around Miles and kissed the top of his head, prompting loud giggles. He then noticed Blaine actually on his laptop. “Wait… how can you work with him doing this?”
“Uhm, well… I lived with Wes and David for several years. We all three had to learn to block things out. It drives Kurt crazy because he’ll have had a full conversation with me before realizing I didn’t hear a word.” Blaine looked thoughtful. “Although you two are very distracting… Wait. You’ve got five kids. You can ignore everyone in the office with them thinking you’re listening. How can you not ignore your own children?”
“I try but what if I miss something important?” Bob said. “Trust me. I used to ignore them but then Charlie had said something bad and I was like ‘uh huh, that’s great’ and it led to this complete meltdown.”
“What did you say was great?”
“He dropped his grilled cheese but he was so sad and I’ve not been able to tune out a word since.”
“Uh… how old was he?” Blaine asked.
“Four but I still felt horrible.” Bob said as Miles tugged at his arm. “What, son?”
“Brady’s got a boyfriend. Isn’t that silly?”
“Miles… he’s been with the same boy since you were a baby.”
“Is Mommy mad at you?”
“No. Mommy’s just moody.”
“Mommy told Charlie you’re a dick.”
“See? Telling the truth is always a good thing because now I have ammo to make her feel bad. I love having the upper hand.” Bob said cheerfully.
Miles looked at Bob confused, blinking rapidly. He then looked at Blaine.
“I dunno.” Blaine shrugged. “I don’t understand him half of the time either. It may be a midlife crisis.”
“I am not having a midlife crisis! Blaine!” Bob exclaimed. “Miles, I’m going to put on the Land Before Time because Blaine and I have to work.”
“Jurassic Park!”
“No. You cry every time the Dilophosaurus does it’s… thing. Last time Daddy got in trouble.”
Miles pouted and left the living room.
“Should you go get him?”
“Nah. It’ll be fine.” Bob said before there was a loud clang. He then got up and headed towards the kitchen muttering, “Fuck me.”
“Whoops.” Miles said in a meek little voice.
Bob turned back around, carrying Miles into the living room.
“Aren’t you going to clean that up, Daddy?” Miles asked.
“No. This is what I like to call positive reinforcement. She’ll never make me stay home with you again.” Bob sat Miles down between he and Blaine.
“You got in biiiig trouble last time.”
Bob shrugged, turning on the Land Before Time.
Blaine pulled his laptop back onto his lap, looking down. He then reached his hand over, rubbing Miles’ little back when he started to cough.
“I’m going to go clean that. If she is pregnant, she may murder the entire family.” Bob said, mostly to himself, before leaving the room.
“Do you think she is?” Blaine called.
“God, I hope not. I haven’t seen cherry tomatoes yet but you can never be too cautious. Once I had to put a woman in jail who was pregnant and beheaded her husband. Honestly, he kind of deserved it, but… Sarah has a mean side.”
“I want to hear that story.” Blaine said. “The murder one… Sarah would have to have a mean side to put up with you.”
“I take offense to that, Blaine.”
He glanced down, seeing Miles had curled up to him and fallen asleep.
“You really don’t. Like… I’ve seen horrible photos but man. That was pure rage.” Bob came back in. His eyes then widened. “How’d you do that?!”
“Do what?” Blaine looked at him, very confused.
“He’s out.”
“Isn’t he sick?”
“Yes, but he’s a hyper sick person. How did you make him go to sleep?”
“Uhm… he coughed and I… rubbed his back? Then he just cuddled up?”
Bob came and bent, easing Miles up.
Blaine laughed when Miles mumbled something about purple elephants.
“It’s Emily 2.0 with a penis. I swear.” Bob whispered before leaving the room with Miles.
Blaine looked at his laptop, not really paying attention to it, until Bob sat next to him again.
“Well, you can work now.” Blaine said cheerfully.
“Yep… but now I don’t want to.” Bob sighed.
“Great. Me neither.” Blaine shut his laptop.
Bob closed his own and put his stack of papers on the coffee table. “Hoarders?”
“Yes! You’re the only person that will watch it with me!” Blaine said. “Everyone else judges me.”
“Judgement free zone.” Bob said, turning it on. “I’ve watched this with my dad since it first aired on TLC in 2010.”
“Oh yeah. I hadn’t seen it in a while when you’d gotten your appendix out and forgot how much I liked it.” Bob nodded.
“Do you not want to watch it?” Blaine asked hesitantly.
Bob gave him a look and pushed the start button, turning the volume up a bit.
Blaine scooted closer, resting his head on Bob’s shoulder.
“I have a feeling this one is going to make me want to puke.” Bob said when they showed a clip of a future scene.
“That means it’s going to be a good episode.” Blaine nodded in agreement.
“Yep. I judge hoarders on a wanting-to-vomit scale. Only one has made me throw up a bit in my mouth… In my defense, I was getting over a stomach bug, though. Wasn’t out wisest decision.” Bob said.
“Yeah. I’m going to need to see that episode, Bob.”
“We’ll check Netflix after this one.”
“Yeah!” Blaine said excitedly.
“Did I tell you that Brady’s boyfriend—partner, sorry— is going to propose this summer?” Bob asked excitedly. “I mean, I know it’s just his first partner but he’s been really good for Brady and I like him a lot.”
“You said yes?”
“I believe my exact words are ‘are you sure you want to do that?’” Bob admitted. “I said yes after, though. They’re a good couple and Brady’s happy so that’s all that matters.”
“You’re such a good dad.” Blaine sat up straight, looking at him.
Bob shrugged a bit.
“No.” Blaine shook his head. “You are. You care about your kids so much and all you want for them is to be happy. That’s just… you’re a really good dad and a good person… and you’re probably one of the few people who doesn’t see that. I’m grateful to have you in my life… because you aren’t even mine, you know… but you also are and it means a lot. You mean a lot to me and I appreciate you.”
Bob opened his mouth to respond as Miles hopped back onto the couch announcing, “I’m uuuuupppp! Ew-y, Daddy. Is that trash?”
“That is called Hoarders, Miles.” Bob turned the TV off and pulled Miles onto his lap, meeting Blaine’s eyes with his own. He then stood. “I think it’s time for some more medicine. Grape or strawberry?”
“Surprise me!” Miles squealed as Bob stood and sat Miles next to Blaine.
Miles cuddled right up to Blaine’s side, giggling when Bob came back in with his medicine.
“You just love Blaine, don’t you?” Bob laughed at Miles, handing him the little cup.
Blaine looked surprised when Miles took the medicine—Scarlett and Oliver had definitely never done that.
They were younger, but still.
He looked surprised again when Bob reached over, ruffling Miles’ hair and then his own.
“So… Jurassic Park?” Bob asked.
Miles shot up, the most adorable grin ever on his face, when Bob went to put the DVD in. “THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!”
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trickstersantana · 6 years
[PARA] Online shopping time!
Who: Santana, Sugar @sugarreturnsbetterthanryder and Al Motta Location:  Notos 301 Time: 9 October 2018 Summary: Santana and Sugar prepare stuff for the Barricade Triggers/Notes: Drug mention, violence mention, murder mention
Santana was in Sugar's super high quality Notos room. What a good coach. She could smell the air money in here. Now she had 3 contacts in Notos, her, Hunter and Blaine, and she was going to enjoy her Friends with Rich People perks. She keep drinking Sugar's champagne and feeling like a rich girl with her old almost broken laptop, buying things for the barricade and planning it well. But there was only one thing in her mind. But she needed Ryder for that, and Ryder was in drugworld when she most needed him. So she was distracting herself with the barricade meanwhile. "Hey, Sugar, we probably need kitchen knifes to cook and shit." She says while searching for the best knife for ritual purposes.
Sugar barely takes notice of what her best friend is saying, her mind having drifted a long time ago into the endless sea of fashion products that the internet has to offer. "Oh, sure, add what you need, Santy. Money's not a problem." After adding a couple of matching pink bows to her shopping cart, she takes the pink headphones that were lying near her feet in the pillow-covered king size bed "Do you mind if I wear these for a while? I just realised I have to catch up on a lot of new releases."
Santana says  a "Nice. Perfect. Enjoy the new music." And adds her favourite knives to the chart, alongside other cooking products so they doesn't look out of place. Other day, Santana would buy cool clothes and a new laptop. But now she has to focus on her mission. She keep preparing things for the barricade and buying all she needed. Planning it so good and pretending to care so much no one would suspect she has actually no interest in it. The perfect cover. Her cellphone rings. Unknown number. She rolled her eyes. What does my dad wants now? Anyway I have to talk to him so perfect. She picks it up. "Hey Cabrón, me llamas justo a tiempo.”
[Translation note: Hey Bastard, you call me just in time]
Al Motta remembers some of the words from his spanish lessons in college, but decides to stick to his script instead of searching his memory for their meaning. After the initial setback, he clears his throat and speaks. "Miss Lopez, correct? This is Al Motta, from the Lusus Naturae Protection Committee. Please, excuse the late hours. I take it you are a very good friend of my daughter's. She has gone missing, you see, and I was hoping that you would know where she has gone. Any information that you could provide us would be a tremendous help. We miss her dearly at home."
Santana panics on the inside. She hopes Al Motta doesn't know what cabrón means. Ok, relax. The leader of the LN committee is calling you. He has your number. And your file probably and all the power to ruin your life before it really starts. Chill. "Oh hey what's up Al?" She says too chill and regrets it inmediatly. "I didn't know the committe could do this break of privacity but honestly, I'm not surprised." A very good friend of Sugar. Yes. "Yeah, I'm her best friend, actually. So it would make a lot of sense I know things about her" Gone missing. Okay, let's play this game. "Oh yeah, why did she went away from NYADA? She was doing so well here and she loved it so much. Without warning or anything. What happened? I probably can help, but I need more information." She could sense Death but she was just dancing with her.
Al Motta regrets his approach. He should have realised that if there was one thing Sugar was not, it was independent. This girl clearly knew everything, or she would not be speaking so casually to him. "Please, forgive me, Miss Lopez-" he began, thinking it was best to give in to everything if it meant getting a chance to get his daughter back in his grip. He was no stranger to stooping low. "I am not calling on behalf of the Committee. It is just an old habit, as I do not have many personal calls these days. Sugar gave me your number on her first week of school so that I would have a classmate to call if there was an emergency. She had been taking a holiday on her grandmother's country residence, and they have just now informed me that she has gone without warning." He takes a deep breath and continues. "I am hoping it is nothing more than a little rebellious phase, as I had plenty of those in my own youth, but I would like to speak to her just to make sure she is alright."
"Oh, please, Al, you can call me by my name. We are all friends here. Friends who care a lot about Sugar." Santana super didn't know what she was doing but she was probably doing it wrong. Talking like she was talking to a friend's parent who didn't rule the committee and her life. She will have a talk with Sugar about not giving her number to people. "Why was she taking a holiday without any contact to the outside world? Isn't that like, super weird? I think people would think is really weird." She says, all very casually for a person trying to touch a cactus on fire.
"Very well, Miss Lopez." Al Motta's voice changes "Anyone would call me a fool for believing I could trick a trickster. What is it that you want? Is it money? I see no other reason why someone like you would befriend someone like my daughter." He makes a pause, trying to keep himself from losing his composure. "Her money is my money, so you can get it straight from the source now, and you wouldn't be the first to do so." What do you want in exchange for letting me talk to my daughter?" He knew he would need no more than a few sweet words to get Sugar's trust back. "Just ask, and let's get this over with."
Santana nods in Sugar's room, smiling. Thinking What The Hell is Going On. Any other day, she would ask for money. Finishing NYADA naturalization now. Getting rid of the tracking of Trickster Spirits. But she didn't need money anymore. She didn't need any of that. She would become human this month. She had to keep the ruse, though. *Ah, I see what's going on. This is a parent trap to see if I'm really friends with her daughter. Like I'm going to fall for that! "There's so many reasons for people to befriend Sugar, please! She's great, caring..." She's out of adjetives that doesn't mean She Gives Me Money. "...Funny. I mean, there's no words to describe her, actually. But she has so many qualities being her own person!" She can totally believe Al Motta bought other's friends of Sugar to control her daughter. What a controlling dick. "But sure, I can ask for some things. You know, NYADA just put some super discriminatory collars to shapeshifters, it would be nice for the committee to work to get rid of them, and..." She made a pause. "Make Dedric Fuchs face abolishement." 
The mention of Fuchs' name was enough for the façade of stability that Al Motta had managed to put up this far to shatter. He gripped the phone. "If it was up to me--” He screamed before he even realised it. “that old fucker would be under my foot and begging for mercy, believe me, Miss Lopez!" He tried his best to calm down, but he couldn't. "Y-You think that if it was up to me--" He realised that his voice was shaking and that he could barely speak. Then he realised he could use that for his advantage. "I'm- I'm sorry. My daughter- she is all I have now. I cannot lose her too. Please, Miss Lopez. I know I haven't been the best father." Truth be told, he himself couldn’t tell how much of what he was saying was true. If he hadn't been at his lowest, he would have even been proud. "Collars? We can see about that. All I'm asking is for one chance to make things right with my baby girl. Please."
Santana hears Al Motta voice getting angry. That's it. This is how I sign the petition for my murder. She thinks, smiling like one of those smirks her 'dad' always has, even in the worst situations, because when everything goes to shit you can only smile and hope the other person thinks you have a plan. "I'm glad to have your support, Al." She just says, wondering if those would be her last words. *Wait wait wait, bitch!! This is a desperate man. You have the control now. * And Santana is like, hell yeah you're my bitch now Al Motta. If I don't die. DON'T GET COCKY SANTANA YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO BE HUMAN. "Yeah, sure. When I see the collars gone for good."
Al Motta takes a moment to think. What had he just offered? He had hoped that Santana girl was not smart enough to ask for results beforehand. The whole reason he had sent Sugar away was to not let her influence his carefully calculated political game. He could not throw it away like this to get her back. "I'm... sorry, Miss Lopez. Politics are not made overnight. If you are looking for immediate satisfaction, you will have to ask for something else. Perhaps..."
Santana interrupts him. "Then I'm not interested. Sorry, gotta go, bye." She says, and hangs off the phone. Thank God she is going to become a human soon and all her problems would be gone or she would be in big trouble for this.
Sugar hears her friend saying goodbye and removes her headphones. "Oh! You're done! Great!" She turns her laptop screen so her friend can see the item on display. "Look, what do you think of these blankets? They look really warm right? I'll add a few. A bed can never have too many blankets." While she is waiting for an answer, she hears Santana's phone ringing again, and can't hide a slight look of disappointment. "Oh, it's- it's okay, you can pick up. I still have a lot of songs in the playlist. I'll wait."
Santana, probably making a big mistake she will totally regret later in the form of pain, shrug. “I prefer to keep looking at blankets.” She says, while putting her phone on silence.   
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Klaine one-shot - “Death, Love, Life, and Everything in Between” (Rated PG13)
Kurt, a Grim Reaper, has been doing his job for decades, with plenty of heartbreak but no complaints, until one day, Death tells him to reap the soul of someone he doesn’t want to take. Will Death move time and space for the only angel he’s ever loved? (2569 words)
A/N: I went with a lot of creative license with regard to Death and the Grim Reaper, playing on the idea that there is more than one angel that acts as Grim Reaper, and that Death controls them all. Also, Death is an angel that other angels seem to fear (even to the point that he appears skeletal - like the ghost of Christmas future) but he fell in love with Kurt. This is a re-write, but only because I've always wanted @sunshineoptimismandangels to read this, and I don't want her reading a pairing that makes her uncomfy :)
My Grim Reaper Kurt was fashioned after this picture.
Warning for angst, talk of the afterlife, feelings of abandonment, mention of kidnapping and assault.
Read on AO3.
Kurt stands in the shadows of the tiny bedroom – one of his favorite bedrooms. It’s in the house that was once his house when he was a child. When he was human. When he was still alive. Of course, the house was different then. It’s been renovated numerous times over the decades – plumbing added, then electricity, porchlights installed, the simple glass panes refitted with storm windows to make them energy efficient. So much has changed, time marching on, life moving forward, despite the fact that he’s no longer a part of it – as it does. As it will.
Even after tonight.
The walls in this room have been painted a bright, sunshine yellow - something he would never have done, but then, it wouldn’t have suited him. But it suits her, the little girl sitting at her honey wood desk - a desk that once belonged to her mother. She sniffles as she writes, carefully penning her good-bye letter on a sheet of Power Puff Girl stationary using her favorite pink pen, one with a fluffy yellow puff on the end, fastened with a spring so it bobs back and forth as she writes, googly eyes glued to the front shaking with every word.
Kurt can’t see over her shoulder from where he stands, but he can hear the words in his head while she writes them.
Dear Daddy and Joan and new baby Alex –
By the time you read this, I will be gone. I know that you don’t want me. And with the new baby coming, there won’t be any room for me here. I’m not angry or upset. I understand, so don’t be sad. I don’t want to tell you where I’m going, but know that I’ll be safe and happy when I get there.
Kurt shakes his head miserably, wiping at tears on his cheeks that shouldn’t be there. He’s been doing his job for longer than he was alive, and it always makes him melancholy, but he hasn’t cried in … well he can’t remember.
Kurt knows she’s planning to go to her Grandma Ethel’s house in California – the only family she has on her mother’s side since her mother passed away a few years ago. She’s only ten-years-old. She shouldn’t be making plans like this. She shouldn’t be running away. She might not realize it, but her father will miss her more than he’d miss anyone in his life, even his new wife and baby. This little girl, aside from being his first daughter and princess, is the only living link he has to her mother – a woman he loved from the first moment he set eyes on her, back when they, too, were only children.
This little girl is running away because a new baby is coming, and things around the house have been strained. Her father – working extra hours to prepare for the new arrival - hasn’t had the chance to sit for longer than five minutes and talk to her about it, about all the changes taking place, explain the stress it’s putting him under, and she thinks the problem in the house is her. She loves her father, and she thinks leaving will make things better for him.
Kurt’s there because she never makes it.
She’ll walk out her front door and get as far as the 7-11 eight blocks away, stopping for a Slushie when her backpack stuffed with clothes and toys gets too heavy to carry. That’s when a handsome young man named Peter will approach her. He’ll listen to her sad story and promise to take her to the Greyhound station. He’ll even offer to pay for her ticket so she can keep her allowance money for snacks along the way.
What happens after that is the kind of thing that people only read about in horror novels.
Kurt’s part in all of this is to do what he’s doing now – wait in the shadows until she’s gone, and then take her spirit home – but he won’t. Not this time.
But he can’t change her fate. He doesn’t have the power. If he leaves, if he refuses to stay, she might not die tonight. But eventually, she will. She won’t be able to escape it. He needs someone higher to help him.
There’s only one who can do it, and he’s not accustomed to bending the rules.
Kurt has been waiting for him long enough. He can’t wait much longer, but he won’t take his eyes off this little girl. He won’t leave her alone.
Kurt feels him when he enters the room, slinking up behind him like a serpent in the grass, icy threads trailing wherever he goes. Most angels avoid him. He’s a necessary evil. Even where they exist in the glory of the afterlife, no one speaks to him. No one goes out of their way to befriend him.
No one but Kurt.
The creature puts his hands on Kurt’s shoulders and squeezes, and Kurt silently prays for a yes.
“No,” he says simply.
“But Blaine …” Kurt starts, his voice trembling.
“I can’t impose my will on humans,” Blaine says, his chill breath touching Kurt’s skin, seeping through his clothes. “There are strict rules. I don’t make them. You know that.”
“Bullshit, Blaine!” Kurt snaps, his grief making way for anger, filling his unbeating heart and his broken soul. “You know you can if the situation requires it!”
“This situation,” Blaine hisses, “does not require it.”
“Blaine …”
“Kurt …” Blaine volleys, but he’s not toying with him. Not the way he might with others in his service. He doesn’t like seeing Kurt upset, but for as powerful as he is, this is a trap he can’t get locked in.
“Blaine, I can’t!” Kurt pleads. “I don’t want to do this! I’ve already taken her mother! I can’t take her, too!”
“What do you expect me to do, Kurt!?” Blaine growls, not angry at Kurt, but frustrated at the situation. He would do anything for Kurt, give him anything, but there are limits to what even he can do. Being Death is not a job for the sentimental. It must be done without compassion getting in the way.
Which is why Blaine gave up his own a long time ago.
This little girl is Kurt’s job. If Kurt doesn’t do what he was sent here to do, no other angel can, and that will be a problem.
Because Blaine will be forced to, and by doing so, he may lose Kurt forever.
Before Blaine’s angels brought him Kurt, being Death was a simple matter of absolutes. When someone’s time came, their soul was collected. End of story, quite literally. There was nothing in between. And, for his part, Kurt does his job, he does as he’s told, but he’s a convolution of grey areas – spectrums that bleed together and somehow, impossibly, become colors again. Colors that Blaine didn’t remember existed before Kurt. They remind him of a great many things. They remind him of what it felt like to be human, too. “Speed up time? Bend space for one little girl. I can’t!” Kurt draws his arms around his chest and pulls away from Blaine’s grasp. “You know how this plays out,” Blaine says in softer tones, hoping Kurt will let him touch him again. “It’s a big misunderstanding.”
“I know.” Kurt sniffles. “They didn’t forget about her. They didn’t leave her. Her father had to rush Joan to the hospital when she ruptured. The baby had to be delivered early. And this little girl got back from the sitter’s too late.”
“Dad won’t realize it until the deed is done,” Blaine picks up when Kurt can’t continue, hoping Kurt will see reason in the retelling. “She runs away and gets picked up by …” Kurt whimpers, looking back at Blaine – straight into his ghostly pale face and hollow gaze - with watery eyes. “I can’t fix it, Kurt,” he says. “It’s horrible and disgusting and an example of the true evil that exists on this stupid ball of dust and air, but there’s nothing I can do.”
Blaine puts his skeletal hands on Kurt’s shoulders again, trying to give him comfort, and Kurt lets his hands stay. He takes a breath in – a shuddery gulp of air to keep his voice steady.
“Her name is Elizabeth, Blaine,” Kurt says. “Just like my mother.”
“I know,” Blaine whispers. It’s dark, sinister, but Kurt can hear the affection in it.
“She’ll be scared and alone, and in agony for hours before she dies.” Kurt shakes his head. “Please. I don’t ask you for any favors. I take the lot that’s given to me. But this …” He looks back at the little girl drawing hearts on her note, a tear dropping from her chin and leaving a watermark on the paper. “I can’t, Blaine. There won’t be anything of me left if you make me do this. If I reap this little girl … I’ll truly be dead.”
Blaine feels Kurt’s fire beneath his fingertips canceling out his cold, the strength of his conviction, his need to save this girl. Blaine has met a great many quote/unquote good people in his time, people who have done admirable deeds on Earth, but never someone so genuinely good as Kurt. Blaine knows that Kurt doesn’t have the power, but he’ll find a way to move heaven and Earth to save her, even if it means losing himself in the process.
And Blaine can’t lose Kurt.
“Alright.” Blaine puts an arm around Kurt’s waist, pulling him against his bare rib cage and kissing him on the back of the head. “Just this once, and only because I love you.”
Kurt nods. He knows. He knows that of every angel he commands, all those who do his bidding and fear him, Blaine loves him.
When Kurt arrived in Blaine’s service and saw how the angels avoided him, he felt sorry for Blaine - sorry for this inhuman-looking creature, for all intents and purposes an angel, dressed in his black hood and seated on his morbid throne. And Kurt stayed. He stayed when Blaine refused to speak to him, stayed when Blaine tried to push him away. He felt compelled to stay, as if his true purpose in becoming a reaper wasn’t to bring human souls to heaven, but to bring Blaine’s soul back from wherever he’d banished it to. Slowly, after decades of time spent together, Blaine began to open up to him. He began to confide in him. He began to love him.
And, eventually, Kurt started to love him back.
Blaine raises a hand, his sleeve falling away from an arm that has begun to regrow skin, and snaps his fingers, calling up the book of Elizabeth’s life. It’s not a corporal book, but Kurt can still see it, the pages pulling back, the ink bleeding from them and the words rewritten, restarting life and time over from a few minutes ago, and a man rushes frantically in through the front door.
“Elizabeth!” he calls from the living room. “Lizzie! Baby! Where are you?”
The girl’s head pops up in amazement, and she wipes the tears off her cheeks.
“H-here!” she yells, getting up from her desk and running to her bedroom door. “Here I am! Upstairs in my room!”
“Oh, Lizzie!” her father cries, racing up the staircase to meet her, taking the steps two at a time. He grabs her in his arms and spins her around. “I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry that no one was here when you got home! You must have been so scared, being home alone.”
“No, I …” Elizabeth glances over her shoulder at the half-finished letter on her desk. “I thought that maybe you forgot me. That you took Joan and the baby and left me.”
Her father’s jaw drops, his eyes go wide, and he holds her tight in his arms.
“No, sweetheart,” he says, tears of joy and fear and sadness in his eyes. “That would never happen. Never ever. We love you, Lizzie. So much.”
Elizabeth buries her face into the crook of her father’s neck. Quietly watching, Kurt puts a hand over his still heart.
“It’s just that the baby came early,” her father explains, “and I had to get Joan to the hospital quick because …” He stops, not wanting to frighten his daughter with the details of everything that happened – the tremendous amount of blood Joan lost, the searing agony of contractions that weren’t moving the baby along, how they almost didn’t make it.
In truth, Joan was never in any danger. Kurt’s job is to this family, and he had no intention of leaving Elizabeth’s side.
“Oh, Lizzie,” her father says softly. “I guess we all just missed each other.”
She nods in agreement, then looks up, confused. “But then, how did you know I was here?”
Her father pulls away to look at her with a crinkled brow. “You texted me, darling.” He removes one hand from around his daughter and reaches in his pocket to pull out his phone. He unlocks his screen and shows Elizabeth the message – the one she had started to send, telling him that she was home and no one was there, but then canceled since she figured it didn’t matter anyway.
“But I …” Elizabeth cuts herself off. She doesn’t want to tell her father that she hadn’t sent it, that she erased it since she believed that he didn’t care. Because she thought he had chosen a new family over her and was leaving her behind. “Can we go see the baby?” she asks instead. “And Joan?”
“Of course,” her father says. “But first, I need you to promise me that no matter what happens, no matter how hard things gets around here, if we get short and tired and act unfair when we shouldn’t, that you never forget that I love you, Lizzie.” He looks into his daughter’s eyes, resting his forehead against hers. “I couldn’t go on without you.”
Lizzie smiles. “I’ll remember,” she says, clinging on tight as her father leaves the room with her in his arms. “I promise.”
Kurt watches them go, then turns in Blaine’s arms to give him a proper hug. “Thank you,” he whispers. “Thank you for doing that for them.”
“I didn’t do it for them,” Blaine says plainly, without conceit or shame. “I did it for you, because I love you.”
“You love me?” Kurt teases, but only lightly. Blaine doesn’t show feeling. For the longest time, Kurt didn’t think he had any, but he learned, when it comes to him, somehow they’re there.
“There are millions of humans,” Blaine says. “New ones come every day. They always will, like a plague upon this planet. But there’s only one of you.”
Kurt smiles. “And I love you.”
Blaine raises a questioning brow, as best he can with a face that’s only partially flesh, mostly bone. “And would I have lost you if I decided that I couldn’t save her life?”
Kurt tilts his head. He gives Blaine a gentle kiss on the lips, and Blaine, normally stoic in the face of every kind of joy and tragedy, takes an unnecessary breath.
“No,” Kurt says, placing a second kiss to Blaine’s flesh-less cheek. “I would have found a way to forgive you.”
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georgieeebennett · 5 years
Close your eyes 24
Summary: Kurt Hummel is the crown prince of the European  country Denmark. He  has a bad relationship with his father and when  Kurt crossed yet another line his father decides to get his son out of  the public eye for a  little while and he sends him to America for a  year. Also on: FF/AO3 Previous chapters
“Kurt, you have to see it from my point of view. I can accept whatever you have going on in your private life, but this is about the country." Burt said. It is 10 pm and they have been talking for 3 hours now. They even had dinner while discussing the situation. Neither of them had gave in on what they believed in. But Kurt felt that they were going to have to compromise on it soon. "But, still. This is about me being happy and being true to who I am. There are millions of people around the world like me. I will never fall in love with a woman on that level. Millions of people all around the world are not straight. I could represent them. I could be someone they could look up to. I'm ready for that. I want to represent that. I finally want to be someone. Not just a name. I want to be a person behind the name." Kurt said he was walking around and accentuating his actions with his hands. Being the dramatic person that he is. His father was sitting in the big couch. He looked exhausted.
"Okay. Kurt. I see you. But gay or straight, I expect you to be a responsible king. No sleeping around, no new boyfriend every 2 weeks. I would also appreciate it if you wouldn't talk to your ex troublemaker anymore." Burt said. Kurt looked at his father, his father's words were slowly sinking in. "Do you mean that..?" Kurt asked trying not to sound too exciting. Burt nodded. "If you are really sure that this is the path you want to go down to, then I'll have to respect that. You're an adult now after all. But, there are ground rules. No sleeping around. I do expect children and they better be yours Kurt." Burt said standing up to take a cookie from the dessert tray. Kurt nodded and crossed the room to hug his father. "Thank you, dad. Thank you so much" he said not wanting to let go.
"Kurt, I never wanted your live to be a hell. I never wished that. My life has been hard too. I'm happy that now, we're in this together. We're on the same page and working together instead of against each other." Kurt nodded still hugging his father. He let go and nodded. "So. We're even?" Kurt asked. Burt nodded. "I'm going to call my advisor now and ask him if he wants to let you do an announcement. But, don't worry about that now. Go to bed and sleep. " He said. Kurt shook his head. "I'm going to make that call and you are going to sleep. You look exhausted father." Kurt said walking over to the desk where to phone was standing. "I guess I can trust you. Ask for tomorrow." Burt said before leaving his office.
After Kurt made that phonecall he turned off the light in his father's office and he ran downstairs to the bar. Nobody was really sitting there except for their barman. "Hello prince Kurt" he said teasing him a bit. Kurt smiled, he can't lie that he missed some of the castle staff. After all, that's who he grew up with. "I think you're still too young to come here Prince" mister Peters said. Kurt shook his head. "I'm 18 now. But, I was just going to ask you for a glass of water actually" Kurt said not even bothering to sit down on a chair. "That's strange. Normally I had to make you those big cocktails and pretend there was alcohol in them" he said. Kurt smiled at the memories. "I was 14. I wanted to be cool." Kurt said taking the glass that he was offered. "I want my glass back" mister Peters said. Kurt nodded. "First thing in the morning"
"Are you ready Prince Kurt?" A camera guy said. The autocue was ready and Kurt was standing in the ballroom of the castle. He was wearing a white dress up shirt and a tartan pair of trousers. He paired it with a bowtie that Marc Jacobs had designed for him. It had a real Swiss watch inside. He spent 1 hour doing his hair. So yes. Kurt is ready. He took a deep breath and put on a smile.
"Yes, I'm ready" Kurt said fixing his bowtie one last time. The director started counting him in, the autocue started rolling "3,2,.."
"Dear people of this country
This is your crown prince Kurt. In a few days I'll take over the throne from my father. Before I do that, I would like to be honest with all of you. You might have caught on that I am a tad bit different than my father. I'm doing this announcement because I want to end the discussion about my sexuality. I want to use this moment to officially announce that I am gay. That means that I only am attracted to other men. Having said that I would like to keep my personal life and who I might or might not have relationships with, private. I also want to announce that I made a twitter and Tumblr account, so I stand closer to you guys. If you want more information. You can find it on the national website. This is everything I want to announce. Enjoy your day and I hope to see you all on 5 June" Kurt smiled at the camera and someone thumbed him up.
Kurt clapped in his hands and did a little dance. "Yeah baby" The crew all silently laughed. "How do you feel now Prince Kurt?" The director asked. Kurt smiled and let go of breath of air. "I feel relieved. It's finally out there. I'm finally truly out you know. I haven't spent that much time in the closet. Enough to pick my outfit today of course. But I never hid. It was more other people who wanted me to hide it." Kurt explained. The director nodded. "What are you wearing now Prince?" He asked. Kurt lit up from the question "H&M trousers. I bought them in America. Dior shirt. Doctor Martens boots and my bowtie is something Marc Jacobs designed for me. It's a black fabric where he fizzeled around with a Swiss watch. I really like it." Kurt said. He had no idea they were still filming him. "You should do an outfit of the day on your Tumblr" the director said.  "I'll think about it." He said. He was chatting for 2 minutes more when someone ran in with his phone that he left in the kitchen. "It's an English boy" she said.
Blaine was in his advanced English senior class when the projector stopped and started showing the live announcement of the crown prince. Quinn winked at him when he said that he was gay and Blaine just smiled. But then the announcement was over and the cameras didn't stop filming and Kurt didn't realise it. Everyone started laughing after a while and Blaine tried to understand what Kurt was saying in Danish. "He doesn't even realise it" the teacher said. Laughing at Kurt. Quinn looked at Blaine. "You have to call him" she said. Blaine nodded and looked at the teacher. "Can I?" He asked. The teacher nodded. Blaine quickly called his boyfriend. A woman answered the phone. "Can I talk to Prince Kurt? It's an emergency" She mumbled something in Danish and he heard her walking. It was a long walk. "She's getting him" Blaine said covering the microphone part of his iPhone. The walking kept going on till he heard her saying something to Kurt that he once again couldn't figure out.
"Hey. Blaine. Aren't you in school?" He asked. Blaine looked at the screen and nodded before he realised that he could see Kurt, but Kurt couldn't see him. "I am in class. I got permission to call you because someone had to tell you that you're still on live television" Kurt froze in his spot and looked at the camera or well more behind it. The whole class was looking between Blaine and Kurt although the latter was on live television. Kurt gave someone behind the camera a death glare and turned around and ran out of the ballroom where everyone could still see him till he ran around the corner. "You're out of sight and they stopped the announcement" Blaine said knowing that he would have to hang up. "I swear. I hate them now. I thought it was over" Kurt said. Blaine just hmmed. "Kurt. I would love to talk to you right now but, I'm kind of still in class." He could hear the other man sigh. "I'll just entertain myself then. I'll call when I'm free tonight. Bye Blaine" he said. "Bye Kurt" he quickly put his phone away.
"We didn't know you had royal connections Blaine" one of his fellow classmates said. But it was in Danish, so Blaine stared at him till he repeated it in English. "Yes, Blaine. Share with the class how you have the phone number of the crown prince" the teacher said. Blaine blushed a little. "We were roommates in boarding school." Blaine felt very uncomfortable talking about Kurt so he was very happy when the teacher went on with English lesson.
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thebeatgossip-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Here’s what you missed [THIS MONTH] on @thebeatapp. Please keep in mind that this is now PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE as stated on the recap submission guildelines. Don’t see your recap here? Be sure to submit your recap next week!
Look out Raelynn, boy’s coming fo’yo crown.
It looks like Raelynn Rose @raelynnrose and Cameron Anderson @camderson are in good company, meaning they both love fucking. However, it seems like Cameron’s trying to steal Raelynn’s title as the slut of Mckinley U. He’s been in and out of Kurt Hummel’s @porcelainsongbirdbed and we have reason to believe he’s been in a few others.
After Ezekiel Wilde @ezekielpwilde changed his relationship status to “Courting Hope Crawford,” Hope @hopexcrawford saw it and could not be bothered to change her status in any way. Boy, bye. She later met up with Ezekiel to discuss things, presumably the fact that he thinks that courting is the equivalent of being in a relationship. Finally, she went on a picnic date with him.
Will they, won’t they?
Deciding he didn’t feel like participating in the shenanigans of Noah Puckerman’s @thepuckerbro party, Sam Evans @bodyrollenthusiaststayed in his room and was later joined by Raelynn Rose. Who the hell knows what happened there? Later in the week, he picked her up from the bar and took her home, but refused to sleep in the same bed as her - uh oh, trouble in paradise? What’s the matter Sammy? 
Also, BREAKING NEWS: Sam has a new beau – only no one knows who the hell it is. It’s your cliche mystery man. Who do y’all think it is? He blew out his birthday candles this week as well – Happy twenty-third birthday, Sammy. Give your boyfriend a kiss for us - if he’s even real?
Our condolences.
Anthony Hummel @anthonyhummel visited his mother’s grave - we’re sending our love to you, buddy. At least he’s got Clementine Rose @nottaclementine to keep him steady on his feet.
His brother’s keeper?
Blaine Anderson @sailingwarbler spent some time on a boat with Sam Evans where the two discussed Sam’s Weekend at Bernie’s fantasy. Basically, he wants to reenact the film upon his death. Blaine promised to help him fulfill his dying wish. Can you say friendship goals? He also spent some time with Kurt Hummel - this sounds familiar. Wasn’t another Anderson just barking up the Hummel tree? #Messy!
McKinley’s Sweetheart
June Fletcher @junexxfletcher helped Ezekiel Wilde remove the graffiti that the Wilde’s nephew left on the walls. A budding vandal in our midst - lovely! The girl also moved house, which is a big deal in any young adult’s life. Later on, she hangs out with Maxim McCarthy @fckngmaxim so he can vent to her about his angsty life.
The other Rose.
Clementine Rose spent most of her time fawning over Anthony Hummel who made it pretty clear he wasn’t interested in her, but her hurt didn’t seem to last long because she was spotted out with Beckett Wilde @gonebeckwilde shortly after.
Well let’s hear it for the weirdest ship name ever. And the most surprising couple. Puck and Todd @toddravensdale spent some quality time together this week of the clothes off/dicks out variety. Honestly, we’re still not sure what to make of this…hopefully they were safe?
An Anderson by any other name…
We get it, Kurt they’re hot. But did you really have to fuck every Anderson in town? Or was this a case of mistaken identity? Maybe he just thought Cam was Blaine...or visa-verse. Good luck getting out of that six foot hole.
We were so busy drooling over the Smythe triplets that we missed the talent that is their baby sister Alex @accordingtoalexx, spotted performing at a local open mic, she blew us away with her skill. We can’t wait to see her come out of her shell!
Fucking Maxim.
They’re at it again. It’s like their back together, bickering like an old married couple. It’d almost be sweet if it wasn’t so tacky. Maxim and Raelynn breaking out into a vicious fight via social media that lasted well into the night. Can you say unresolved issues?
We caught up with Maxim later when he broke down while spending time with June. Poor girl seems to be nothing more than a clean up crew for the campus messes™.
The actual worst
We know you already know. Raelynn Rose quite the busy little girl these days, but much to our surprise a shocking number of her evenings were spent in Samuel Evans’ bed. What exactly is going on with that? Then again, we’re sure she’s used to spending nights in beds that aren’t hers. After an embarrassing public fight with her ex, Maxim she went on a date with the guy her ex is fucking, Joseph Smythe. Work it girl, the revolving door of one night stands looks good on you.
McDonalds and Chill?
Apparently it’s the lastest trend. At least according to Maxim and our favorite Smythe, Joseph @tbhjoseph. And how coincidental that Joe is also meeting up with (dating?) Raelynn - Maxim ex. Then again, who isn’t fucking one or the other have of that failed ship?
Damsel in distress
How odd that when Anastasia Clarington @anastasiaclarington for herself in trouble her first call wasn’t hope to that hunk of a brother. No. She called, Ezekiel Wilde of all people to come to her rescue, and to her rescue he did come. We wonder how Hope feels about this? Do we smell trouble in ‘paradise’ already? Thankfully Ana was left unscathed by the incident.
Out of touch?
Ezekiel surprised exactly no one when he jumped the gun and updated his relationship status, poor Hope. He continued to stir the pot when he was spotting in the middle of a bar brawl and then in several online feuds fuelled by his strong convictions. To bad the Bible doesn’t have a chapter on social media etiquette in the modern world.
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Santana’s super plan is in action and no one can stop it now || Santana & Cooper
↪ TAGGING: @trickstersantana & @thecooperanderson ↪ LOCATION/TIME: January 3rd, 2017. Cooper’s office at Justitia School. Santana and Cooper have a meeting. ↪ NOTES: Santana’s plan is so good you guys, is the best plan anyone has ever planned, so great, it’s going to work 100%, and now it’s impossible to stop it.
Santana walks as she was proud of something to the second floor of Justitia School to talk with Blaine's brother. She has no plan, she is totally not ready and she is probably  going to screw everything up. But what the hell, maybe a miracle happends and she gets some useful information. What's the worst that could happend?? Dying? Please, she got in trouble with Cardines already and she didn't die. So hell, let's improvise. She was good at pretending. She knocked at the door "Santana Lopez here, can I come in?" She ask in her best behaviour, that sadly would probably be overlooked by her distrust aura.
Cooper had to admit meeting with a Trickster was the last thing he wanted to do, but as a teacher, helping students was his duty and he couldn't just resfuse. As he waited for Santana he kept wondering if she really wanted to talk about his clases or if she wanted something else from him, Tricksters, you can't never trust them. "Come in" he simply says.
Santana opened the door and wondered if she could just start with the issue she really wanted to solve or try to pretend a little. "Good afternoon" She said, and took a seat. She smiled trying not to look fucking suspicious. "Well, first I wanted to ask you... there was certain Field Studies I failed long ago, and I was wondering if there was some way of doing some extra work to make that Fail into a passing grade?" She asked because she also wanted to ask that and asking the Boulder was too intimidating. Also she hoped that extra work sounded like really homework and nothing sexual, because guys always though she was flirting with them "Well, it was... two Field Studies, actually."
Cooper looks at Santana with a smile on his face, even if it is fake it doesn't seem like it, he always looks natural. "Well, that's a matter you shall discuss with Stan, it is continuous assessment, so maybe if you keep working hard and improving your technique and magic you will pass the class" he keeps smiling. I was weird, a question like that could be asked by email, why was she there? What else she wanted?
Santana nodded smiled. Working hard. "I don't think my technique is really the problem... but well" She tried to think about how to just adress the issue, holy shit she was so bad at this being subtle thing. "So...well...you know, that girl who was with us on the..." She hesitated on how to say it "You know, the dream thing...is she single?"
Cooper couldn't avoid to change his expression for a confused one when Santana brought up Aza "Eh... yes, she is, why do you care?" he arched an eyebrow.
Santana nodded again, trying to look like she knew what she was doing. What will Darling do, oh my god. But she wasn't Darling, so she will have to get information the Santana way, and that was the gay way. You are an akwkard lesbian trying to get a girls number and not some trickster trying to guess what the fuck happened at halloween. "Oh, good, good... can you ask her if we can like...met each other or something? Or just if she is ok with giving me her number" She added. Luckyly she didn't have to pretend because she really was an akwkard lesbian. "She really looks like an angel, doesn't she?" She wondered how she would fucking enlace the conversation later.
Cooper looked at Santana as she spoke, he wasn't sure if she was serious or not, but part of that awkwardness about the question reminded him of his brother when he was younger, what if she was struggling and needed someone to help her, but why him? Emma was the counselor. He swifted on his seat not sure what to do "I guess I could ask her" he knew Aza didn't mind gender when she dated, eventhough he selfishly wished she could be single for life. That was weird, he was a little jealous she was brave enough to ask, that she even could "Well, do you want me to ask her or should I give her your number?" that was awkward and not profesional at all, he didn't even want to do it.
Santana looked at him still pretending she know what she was doing but the fact that he didn't say 'This is very unproffesional get out of my office' caught her by surprise. And he actually say yes. Woah, the guy was actually cool on this. That was unexpected. "If you could ask her that would be ideal" She said with a genuinely happy smile. What are you doing Santana what are you doing. I don't know but if I can really get a date out of this what would be awesome . She tried to get confortable in the chair. "You are a real ally, Me Anderson" Ask about the doors Santana. THE DOORS YOU  USELESS LESBIAN.
Cooper holds himself back to not pat her in the shoulder, that'd be the ultimate unprofesional move. "Well, I think everyone deserves love and happiness, so it's fine by me to ask her on your behalf" he shrugs with a smile "Anything else?"
Santana tried to not cry from happiness because SHE COULDN'T BELIEVE IT FUCKING WORKED. She might have a chance with the angel she saw at Mr Anderson's aparment. Wait that wasn't the reason she was here. Focus, Santana, Focus. But oh my god she was so pretty can you imagine if we saw her again? "Thank you so much, really." NOW IS THE MOMENT "And...yes, a last little thing... you know what happened on Halloween, right?"
Cooper wrote something quick on a paper near him as a reminder to ask Aza even if he didn't want to. He then looked at Santana, and without flicking he just answered "My brother told me it was a blast, a very beautiful parade"
"And nothing dangerous happened, right?" Santana added. "I know what happened, Mr Anderson, you don't need to pretend." She hated that she knew she was going to get talked as a crazy person but she had to try.
"I don't think he mentioned anything out of the normal" Cooper lied very convincinly "just a common parade, which if I'm honest, I'm not very interested in, but my baby brother's interest in it is adorable"
Santana though about surrendering and go before she screw things up, but she had too much pride for that. She obviously prefered screwing things up. C'mon Santana, he knows it and you know it, there is no one more here. This is ridiculous. "Didn't the other cardines told you? There was a problem with strange doors appearing out of nowhere and kindnapping people, and then they did a memory wip, you know how it is" she said, casually, like she was just talking of momentary light problems at a high school concert. "They didn't do a flawless job" She said, shruging. "But who will believe a trickster, right?" She acted secure of what she was saying to at least pretend she knew what she was doing. "Though they really left something behind"
Even if it was a surprise for Cooper knowing that Santana had all that information, his face didn't change in surprise, he just frowned like he didn't understood anything she said "Very funny" he said with a worried look "Do you really just want to lose my time? Because I have a lot to do... I know it must be embarrassing to come ask a professor for his friend's number but you don't need to pretend something bigger happen to fill the air" he shrugged "It's alright"
"I don't. At all" Santana said, looking embarrassed. She knew how to play as to twist the truth. She only had to show more the truths the others prefered to see. And she was worried, and she let herself show that worry in her face. What she needed to be now is harmless. "The truth is that... I was kind of worried and wanted to help" She said, feeling a little dumb. Then she stopped for a moment "Mmm, maybe I was mistaken... sorry Mister Anderson, that was a silly mistake. I wanted to be sure if what I saw that night was real or an trick illusion played on me, my mistake" she looked apologetic. "I though I got this weird thing from the door but... nah, it's probably nothing to worry about. Sorry for the trouble, but thank you for listening" she said, playing her part, but inside she was thinking that if she didn't loathe time travel so bad, she would just go back, punch herself in the face, and left."I should go now , you probably are very busy"
Cooper still stares at her with confusion, like if she was talking to him in an unknown language, however there was some truth in his expression when she mentioned she received something from the door "Very imaginative... but you know I'm not the creative writing teacher, that's in other building, and actually, is a woman who teaches that class, Mary Halloran, very sweet" he explains "As a matter of fact there are some things I have to do, and if you don't require of my help any longer, I would appreciate if you left" he nodded.
Santana smiled at him like saying 'you know you actually want to talk to me about it you can do it later' but she was being terrible, Like absolutely terrible. But at least she acted like she was confident and cool and in the end that was what really mattered. "Bye bye, Mr Anderson, thanks!"
Cooper waves "Have a good day, Miss Lopez"
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Klaine one-shot - “Missing You” (Rated PG13)
While Kurt is away on a business trip, his daughter Tracy misses him terribly, especially the way he smells. So Blaine comes up with a way to help their daughter miss his husband less. (1486 words)
Okay, so any multishippers out there might recognize this as a one-shot I wrote for the Kurtbastian fandom. Well, it is and it isn't. At the time, I had been writing this for both Klaine and Kurtbastian, but I hadn't narrowed down which one I wanted to write it for. Ultimately, I had decided on Kurtbastian because I missed writing Daddies!Kurtbastian. But there were whole middle sections in this one pertaining to Tracy that I was so sad to see go bye-bye. So I decided f**k it. I'm only copying from myself, so I'll put this one up anyway. I hope you enjoy it. If that bothers you for some reason, then don't read it.
Read on AO3.
“B-but … I w-want you to come h-home, Papa!” Tracy weeps, arms wrapped around her cat’s neck, hugging the animal a little too tightly. But Brian doesn’t seem to mind. Blaine has never met such a patient creature in his life. Still, he gives Tracy’s left arm a tug as a signal to ease up.
“I know, Bun-Bun, I know. I want to come home, too. I have to wrap up a few things here, but I’ll be home to tuck you in tomorrow night.”
Blaine can hear Kurt’s voice tremble as much as their daughter’s. He looks at his phone, smiling sympathetically at his husband on the opposite end of the line, his heart breaking with every one of Tracy’s sniffles. Kurt’s a strong man. He can get emotional from time to time, but it takes a lot to make him teary-eyed.
A sad Tracy is definitely at the top of that list.
The sounds of talking and traffic become louder on Kurt’s end of the call as he leaves his hotel to reach his destination – the Vogue office in Manhattan.
“Alright, guys. I’ve gotta go.”
“Bye, Kurt. We love you. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Blaine leans toward the phone as if he’s leaning in to his husband’s ear, about to give him a kiss.
This is the first business trip that Kurt’s been on since they welcomed Tracy into their lives. The second they found out that the IVF took and Mercedes was pregnant with their first child, they made the decision to move from the heart of the city to Upstate. Both Kurt and Blaine made the decision to work from home so that their daughter could enjoy the peace and quiet of a suburban lifestyle, one that they felt might be safer for her under the circumstances. It’s not that Kurt hasn’t had the opportunity to go to the city and visit Isabelle, but, according to Kurt, it was never the right time. At six months, Tracy was too new, and Kurt was afraid that a day spent away from her would mean missing out on essential baby/father bonding opportunities. At two years, Tracy caught a horrendous case of pneumonia and Kurt outright refused to leave her side for any reason. At three, she broke her arm in a freak tricycle riding accident. Year four was plagued with bizarre nightmares featuring Egyptian mummies, which led to them adopting Brian (since cats are considered Guardians of the Underworld, and the only logical solution for keeping mummies at bay).
But recently, there had been a lull in the Tracy AnderHummel drama, so the second Isabelle invited Kurt to come down to Vogue to help consult over the spread for Fashion Week, Blaine encouraged Kurt to go. Kurt needed this. He needed to feel like part of the New York fashion scene again, and not just via Skype. But in all of the excitement of getting Kurt ready to go – along with the three nights of epic goodbye sex that preceded his trip - Blaine underestimated how much he’d miss him.
Luckily, Tracy is doing a stellar job of projecting his misery for both of them.
“B-b-bye, P-papa! I love you!”
“I love you, too, Tracy. I love you, Blaine. I miss you both so much! Taxi!”
The call cuts off, and Tracy bursts into tears.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Blaine says, watching with an aching heart as Tracy buries her head into her tortoiseshell’s neck. Blaine could watch Tracy do that a hundred times – and he thinks he has in the past few days – and it would hurt just as badly as the first. “It’s only one more day. It won’t be that bad.”
“I---I know.” Tracy sniffs. “B-but I miss P-papa so much!”
“What do you miss most about him?” Blaine asks, rescuing poor Brian from being strangled by pulling his daughter into his lap.
“I m-miss his h-hugs … and his k-kissies.”
“But Bun-Bun! I’m hugging and kissying you right now!” Blaine exclaims, snuggling Tracy tight. It earns him a giggle, but not a smile that lasts.
“It’s not the same! I miss the way Papa smells. And how soft his skin is. You don’t smell like Papa. And your skin isn’t as soft. You have all that …” Tracy pauses, makes vague hand motions around her face “… stubbly stuff on your cheeks”
“True, true,” Blaine agrees, making a remorseful face. In times like these, when he comes to a crossroads that neither he nor Kurt can navigate, he’d offer to call Tracy’s mother. But with her away on tour, he’s on his own with this one.
Suddenly, he gets an idea.
And he grins.
“I think I can do something about that.”
“Okay, guys! I’m home early!” Kurt calls, throwing open the front door and kicking his luggage over the threshold. “Guys?” He scans the empty living room, confused as to where they could be seeing as Blaine’s car is still parked outside. Any place Blaine would have taken Tracy to cheer her up is a car ride away. “I said screw it!” Kurt continues, bringing in the rest of his bags and shutting the door behind him before going on the search for his husband and daughter. “Isabelle said she could help with the wrapping up, and I got on the first train I could catch. So here I … am?”
Kurt turns the corner from the living room into the master bedroom and finds his husband, his daughter, and his daughter’s cat, all lying on his bed - Blaine and Tracy holding Wii controllers, heavy in the throes of Mario Kart, with Brian on Tracy’s left.
And they’re wearing face masks.
Specifically, Kurt’s face masks.
Expensive face masks.
“Uh, what’s going on here?” Kurt asks, bending to kiss Tracy on the top of her head, between the twin buns that earned her the nickname Bun-Bun.
“Mario Kart,” Blaine and Tracy answer in unison.
“I can see that,” Kurt says.
“I’m winning,” Tracy announces.
“Good for you. I think the question I’d like an answer to is what’s going on with your faces?”
“We’re masking,” Blaine says, biting his lower lip and veering to the left to avoid the green turtle shell Tracy’s Princess Peach just launched. “I’m wearing blue agave, and Tracy here is wearing chocolate and strawberry.”
“It smells yum, but it doesn’t taste very good,” Tracy says, nearly climbing out from underneath the covers as her car speeds towards the finish line.
“No it doesn’t,” Blaine agrees, his tone and grimace leading Kurt to believe that the two of them gave the concoction a pretty substantial lick before coming to that conclusion.
“No, well, I didn’t spend $50 on it because I thought it would taste good. But why, may I ask, did you guys decide to slather $150 worth of my best face masks on just to play video games?”
“The masks weren’t a pre-requisite for the video games,” Blaine explains. “We’re just playing to occupy the thirty minutes we need to wait for these things to dry.”
“Wonderful.” Kurt shakes his head. “But could you please answer the question.” He’s not really concerned about the wasted masks or the money. He’s been trying to instill the concept of boundaries in Tracy, who has recently taken to rummaging through their things and other kids’ cubbies at school without permission. If Blaine uses Kurt’s things without asking, it may give Tracy the impression that she can do the same.
“Well, after you got off the phone with Bun-Bun here, she couldn’t stop crying. I asked her what she missed most about you, and she said the way you smell. So I tried to remember the last smelly thing you wore before you left, but you took your cologne and your products with you. So we settled on this.”
“Ah.” Kurt sighs. He completely gets it. Whenever his mom went away for longer than a day, he would spray her perfume on his pillowcases and sheets so he could pretend she was tucking him in at night. After she passed, he doused his room in the stuff. The day his father finally got around to changing Kurt’s sheets and doing his laundry wiped the scent almost clean away, and Kurt cried himself hoarse.
He didn’t talk to his dad for a month after.
“Okay, okay, well, you guys I understand …” Kurt sits on the edge of the bed beside Brian, who’s solemnly watching Tracy play “… but why is Brian wearing a mask?”
The cat looks up at the sound of his name, face covered in a thick, green goop. It’s fairly intact, so at least he’s been polite enough not to groom it off, but Kurt can’t decide if the expression on his face is one of contentment or resignation.
Blaine side-eyes his husband and gives him a wink. “Because he missed you, too.”
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