#Birthday Crumbs (Deuce)
More Than Anything!
Yume Ume Birthday Vignette!
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Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover, Ace Trappola, Grim, Yume Ume, Yuuta Midori, Yuuuhi Kiiro, Guest: Elie Akane
Words: 5.8k
Summary: “IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY!?!” Ace shouted, his voice echoing through the rose garden maze. As he did, time seemed to stop, all the Heartslabyul students' Unbirthday celebrations came to a halt at the words; they stared at their table.
(This is just a little fun thing I had in mind for Yume's birthday. Since it would be their first Birthday card I wanted to focus on some of their first friends at NRC; The Heartslabyul Gang! There's references galore and I'm sure people will spot them. Thank you again for all the sweet birthday wishes! (o´▽`o))
Birthday Card Art ⭐
Birthday Card Groovy ⭐
Asked to be tagged: @bunnwich, @cherryjkj,@ruggiethethuggie,@authoruio,@nicoliharu,@kittycat0419
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“Hey what up everyone, it's ya boy CayCay! Here #live from another Heartslabyul Unbirthday party!” Cater said, flashing a wink and peace sign to his phone's camera as he went live on Magicam.
“Does he always do that?” Yuuta asked,to no one in particular, sitting next to Yume on the other side of the large round table.  
“Every unbirthday party, on the dot, for the past three years.” Trey said lightheartedly, though Yume could hear the slight edge of exasperation that could only come from knowing a person’s habitual routine for years.Trey laid down a tray of tarts to the guest table causing Ace, Yuuhi, and Grim to cheer and dig in immediately. Yume waited a few seconds before the carnage was over to grab a piece of their own and placed it gently to the side.
“You get used to it pretty fast.” Deuce smiled with a good natured shrug, grabbing two pieces of a tart and laying one on Yuuta’s plate. The two of them shared a look and a smile, before turning back to their food. Yume caught Yuuta’s eye as they gave him a smug look, Yuuta rolled their eyes, saying nothing. Yume snickered, as their brother's fair cheeks tinted a bit pink and they stuffed a forkful of tart in their mouth.
“Today is extra special because we have our honored guests, *dun dun dun dunn~!* The Ramshackle gang! Say, “hi” guys~!” Cater said, humming a fanfare noise, before turning the phone camera around to the three brothers. Yume jumped and instinctually leaned to hide behind Yuuta's shoulder. 
Yuuta gave Cater a look, before turning away from the camera as well, covering their face eating their tart. Yuuhi flashed a peace sign, as comments flooded the screen:
CayCay’s Very Merry Unbirthday!!!
🔴 [You’re live]
Chivalrousrichesse: OMG the food looks to good, #gimmie a bite
Bigcatluver69: Omg their eyes are green like their hair, its so striking!!! o///o AzzLuver89: Is that kid's hair purple? I can’t tell #weird
Carefold: are those the ppl from “another world” they look pretty normal to me… ;/
FeaturedLeo: Ugh the aesthetic of these things are always so cool! I wanna go! #NRChitmeup Bnutsquash: Happy Unbirthday everyone!! #MerryUnbrithday
FlirtyPsych: Cater plz dm!!!<3 #CayCaySimpAndProud
“Cater, don't spend the entire party on your phone.” Riddle warned, gracefully taking a sip from his rose patterned teacup. 
Cater’s shoulders hiked at being called out and he sheepishly rubbed that back of his head. 
“Yep yep, of course!” He said placatingly to Riddle, then he looked back at the camera. “That’s all for now! Gotta get back to my card soldier duty or it's off with my head~! Be sure to check my feed later for pics! Bye Bye~” He said cheerfully, giving a playful wink before ending the stream. Then, he sat in his chair, a content smile on his face as he scrolled through his feed of comments.
There was a sigh from Riddle, it seemed like he wanted to comment more about Cater’s media addiction, but decided against it. Trey laughed at his sigh.
“Well, he’s nothing if not consistent!” Trey said in good nature, coming back with the last dessert from the kitchen and finally sitting down in his own chair. “Oh here, Yume, try some of this cake!” 
Yume perked up at their name being called. “Oh no, it’s okay I already have this tart.” They said politely waving him off. Trey raised a knowing eyebrow at them.
“But, you don’t like tarts, Yume.” He said coyly.
“Mh-!” Yume’s eyebrows raised in surprise, their brothers and friends looked at them curiously.  Trey continued before they could deny it.
“You always take a piece to be polite, but you never end up eating it. You usually end up giving it to Grim afterwards.” He said, adjusting his glasses, as if he was making the observation right now.
“Uh, well I-It’s not that it tastes bad I ju-” They stumbled to get the words out.
“Hey, hey, it’s fine I’m not mad or anything. We all have different tastes here!” He said, holding his hands up in a placating motion. Yume sighed, not mad, but a little embarrassed at being called out.
“Sorry, it's not your baking skills or anything Trey, I’m just a bit picky about food is all…” Yume trailed off.
“You guys should see the way he eats popcorn.” Yuuta chimed in.
“Yuuta!” Yume slapped his arm playfully.
“Oh, it must be really weird.” Ace staged whispered teasingly.
Yume groaned dramatically, laying their head on the table as their friends had a good natured laugh at their expense.
“Like I said, I’m not mad or anything. Actually, I’ve been taking it as a bit of a challenge, to bake something you like-without getting your input, that is. So I think you’ll really like this cake.” Trey said, cutting them a slice and sliding it over to them.
It was a 3 layered cake with a light colored frosting. There was a light drizzle of red syrup and an arrangement of strawberries at the top to imitate a rose in full bloom. It looked good enough, like all the flavors Yume usually liked to eat. They gave a tentative sniff and didn’t have a problem, so they picked up their fork. They were a little on edge, it felt as though everyone was watching them and waiting for their opinion as they popped the piece of cake into their mouth. “Mmh~!” They made a noise of satisfaction as the cake touched their tongue. The frosting was sweet, but not overpowering. Letting them taste the light fluffy cake and tart tanginess of the strawberries and syrup. They closed their eyes in delight, their cheeks flushing with happiness as they smiled. Because their eyes were closed they missed Trey’s goofy fist pump in success. 
A sudden click and flash, however, did make them open their eyes.
“Ah! Me-Me is so cute, that’s definitely getting a lot of likes!” Cater said, pulling his phone down to look at his picture. He received an elbow bump and a look from Yuuta. 
“A-ah-, that is as long as Me-Me is okay with me posting it.” He amended. Yume let out a breath. Guess that “mom” title really stuck. Yume thought , looking at their brother. “I’ll want to look over it first, but then I don’t really mind.” Yume said, taking another bite of the cake. It’s not like Cater hadn’t already posted pictures of them before, so it wasn’t a huge deal. They barely went on their MagicCam for anything, except to use the messaging system. They swallowed down the tasty piece happily rocking in their chair.
“Y’know it's actually pretty nice to have some cake the day before my birthday!” They said, offhandedly.
“What!?!” Both Ace and Deuce exclaimed.
“It’s your birthday soon?” Ace asked, almost a little annoyed to only be hearing about it now. He leaned in. “You're not trying to pull a ‘Yuuta’ are you?” He sneered. 
“Hey!” Yuuta said, giving him a look but couldn’t deny their past actions. At this Riddle was confused, clearly out of the loop, but before he could ask the conversation continued.
“No no, I wanna celebrate it just…maybe something small you know?” They said, fiddling with their cardigan sleeves. “I feel like it would be a lot considering Azul’s is right before mine. Two birthday’s back to back sounds exhausting, even if it's in different dorms. Yume sighed. “Ugh, why does his have to be the day before mine, couldn’t he have been born later or something.” Yu huffed in annoyance. 
Trey faltered and paused as he poured Riddle some tea. 
“Wait…what do you mean? Azul’s birthday was yesterday. ” Trey said, placing the teapot down.
“Huh, no no it's today, we didn’t wanna go to his dumb party that's why…” Yuuta trailed off as Trey’s face became more confused. “...It's the 24th today right…?!” Yuuta said, their confidence fading the more they spoke.
“Uh, nono “DoubleYu” today is…umm…w-well not I’m not so sure now ahaha...” Cater trailed off. “Elie, date and time.” Riddle commanded, waving a hand over at the taller Rabbit beastmen. Elie jumped, dropping the plate of cake and fork in his hand as he clumsily fumbled to get his pocket watch out.
“The date is February 25th, approximately to 11:13AM on the dot, Housewarden Sir!” Elie stated, his large ears standing up straight to match the rest of his posture when addressing his dorm leader.
“So that means…” Deuce began, a look of realization coming over his features.
“IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY!?!” Ace shouted, his voice echoing through the rose garden maze. As he did, time seemed to stop, all the Heartslabyul students' Unbirthday celebrations came to a halt at the words; they stared at their table.
“Oh naur...” Yuuhi grimaced, face palming his ears flattening against his head as he ducked in his seat. All the rest of the first year's shoulders hiked.
“GRIM, YOU LITTLE FLEA BAG, YOU TOLD ME TODAY WAS THE 24TH, I ASKED YOU THIS MORNING HOW COULD YOU GET IT WRONG!?” Yuuta growled, grabbing Grim by his scruff and lifting him off his chair stacked with pillows. “NYA! DON’T YELL AT ME, YOUR THE ONE WHO WOKE ME UP ALL EARLY ON A SATURDAY GETTING READY FOR WORK! I WAS HARDLY AWAKE, YOU CAN’T BLAME ME!?” He countered, swiping his paws at Yuuta.
“It’s your birthday today?” Riddle’s eerily calm voice cut through the chaos, a dead silence came over the garden. Out of the corner of their eye they saw Elie and Cater take a practiced step back.
Yume swallowed, a nervous grin appearing on their face.
“Um….well…yeah…seems like it…ahaha…” Yu said, an anxious giggle escaping them, though some part of them did think it was a little funny. Not that they would ever admit that outloud. Riddle took a deep breath, holding his hand in a prayer like position to his lip. Then he took another deep breath, then another. All the while his brows twitched in and out of a furrow, his face getting steadily redder. It was almost cartoonish, Yume would have laughed if they didn’t know better.
“Oh shit, now you’ve done it-! How could you forget your own birthday!?” Ace said snidely. “I don’t know-I mean- it just happened-!” They shrugged in exasperation. “Everythings just been crazy lately, AS USUAL!” Yume retorted.
Ace looked back at Riddle, his voice shifted to a charismatic calm. “Ahaha, listen Housewarden, it was just a misunderstanding, I didn’t know when I invited them hehe…” Ace said, holding his hands up in a calming gesture.
“T-that’s right, just a misunderstanding!” Deuce said, holding up his arms as if an actual explosion was about to take place. Yuuta gave Yume an uncomfortable look, a silent conversation taking place between them as they soaked up all the anxiety in the air.
“Hey, Riddle, it's okay, we'll figure this out.” Trey said, placing a hand on Riddle’s shoulder.
Riddle's eyes twitched before taking one more deep calming breath. He closed his eyes, his face losing its color and shoulders suddenly relaxing. He folded his hands in front of himself on the table calmly and smiled at Yume. 
“It's alright Yume, you couldn’t have known what a big deal this is; as you do not follow the Queen of Hearts rules to the same degree that I do. It was an honest mistake.” He said calmly; a passive look of acceptance on his face.
“Oookaaay…” Yume said, somehow his calm response only freaked them out more.
“But, the rest of you DO know what a big deal this is, correct?” Riddle said with a smile, his eyes narrowing at his fellow dorm members. There were a few sheepish mutters of agreement throughout the crowd. Riddle nodded. 
“Well in that case, this entire eVENT IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE!” Riddle yelled, his tone changing to a harsh shrill tone and his expression morphing into one of complete rage. The Heartslabyul students yelped and began scrambling; following through with the orders that Riddle was now barking at them
Yume and his brothers sat dumbfounded, watching the orderly chaos unfold.
“I WANT THE TABLES REARRANGED, YESTERDAY! CATER, IF YOU CAN’T REMOVE ALL THE BOYSENBERRIES FROM THE DISHES BY HAND; JUST THROW THEM OUT! THEY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AT A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!” Riddle screamed, barely stopping to take a breath as he marched around waving his scepter and giving commands. 
“TREY GET THE BIRTHDAY FLAMINGO N O W!” Riddle demanded. Trey gave a practiced salute before running off towards the animal cages. 
“AND WHAT IS THIS, WHAT IS THIS TABLE MADE OUT OF, OAK?!” Riddle asked, tapping his finger in irritation on the table.
“Actually I think it's Walnut.” Yuuhi sheepishly piped up, raising a hand as if he was in a classroom, Yuuta without looking at him grabbed his hand and lowered it. 
“UNACCEPTABLE!” Riddle said, lifting his leg and bringing his heel down hard on the center of the table. Yume chose to believe that there was magic involved because they wouldn’t know how to deal with the fact that Riddle could break a table in half through sheer rage alone. As pieces of furniture crumpled to the ground Yume and his brothers stood up and took a step back. And Grim yelped and jumped into Yume’s arms.
“ACE, DEUCE!” Riddle called for them. And they popped up out of the crowd standing in attention. “START THROWING AWAY ALL THE WOODEN STOOLS! I WANT THIS PLACE LOOKING LIKE THE GREAT SEVEN ON ICE, IN ONE MINUTE!” He yelled, throwing one of the stools over the hedge of the Garden.
“YOU THERE-!” He said, pointing his scepter at a random student, who yelped in fear. “START PREPARING THE THRONE! WE HAVE SPAT IN THE FACE OF OUR GUEST OF HONOR BY LETTING THEM SIT ON THIS BIRCH ATROCITY.” He said, tossing another stood to the side.
“GET THE MAHOGANY THRONE FROM THE FOYER NOW, NOW PEOPLE!” He said, clapping his hands for emphasis. ”ELIE I NEED THOSE PILLOWS LOOKING PLUMPED! I MEAN FLUFFED!” He said to the rabbit beastman, who look close to a mental breakdown as he stuffed a pillow cushion full of feathers that flew everywhere.
“What the fuck is happening, I just wanted some tarts!” Grim whined, leaning into Yume’s hold. Yume gave him a little pat on the back. 
“Should we just…leave?” Yuuta whispered to Yume. To which they shrugged unsure; this wasn’t how they expected brunch to go...
“Maybe we should ju- '' Before Yuuta could finish that sentence they were snatched away by Trey.
“Quick Yuuta, I need your help!” Was the only words spoken before Yuuta was yoinked into the crowd.
“Hey, wait wh-” 
“And SOMEONE GET YUME PROPERLY DRESSED!!!” Riddle’s voice stopped Yume’s words in their throat.
“Huh?!?” They said looking at Riddle. They looked down at their outfit, then to Yuuhi, then back down. “Awh, oh mann, what’s wrong with my clothes?” They whined, feeling self conscious.
“We can’t! We have to start cooking their favorite food!” Someone yelled. 
“UGH-! Riddle groaned, "I have to do EVERYTHING AROUND HERE!” He said, pointing his wand directly at Yume.
“RIDDLE, WAIT!” Yume yelped before a flash of magic enveloped them.
Twenty minutes later it was a much more peaceful scene. Somehow, in the short amount of time the Heartslabyul students had managed to rearrange the entire garden area from an Unbirthday party to an official Queen of Hearts Birthday celebration. 
Yume now sat at the main table, in their new spiffy fresh birthday boy outfit; though their hair was a little tousled from Riddle's magic. Around the table were dishes of their favorite foods and a brand new birthday cake baked by Trey and Yuuta. All around them dorm students were finally settling down into their seats, exhausted from scrambling to fix the celebration. Next to them Riddle carefully adjusted their sash, making sure it laid correctly.
“...I…am so…fucking sorry you guys.” Yume deadpanned to their friends. Riddle looked up from his task as if to say something; but stopped short as if catching himself.
“You should be!” Ace said, dramatically slapping his hand on the table. “How could you forget your own birthday!?” He asked again, in genuine disbelief.
“It is kinda hard to believe…” Deuce agreed. Yume sighed, wanting to sink down in their chair, but opting not to so they wouldn’t mess with Riddle’s current task of fixing their outfit
“I mean- I don’t know. I guess…Well…” They looked down avoiding all the questioning eyes. 
“Things have just been so…hectic lately. I guess it just slipped my mind and I got the dates mixed up. Besides; I didn’t want to make that big of a deal out of it.” They sighed again. “Guess that ship has fucking sailed.” They said, then immediately covered their mouth realizing they cursed in front of Riddle. Yume didn’t really care, but he had asked them nicely beforehand not to swear at the dorm. Riddle gave them a look. 
“Worry not, the Queen’s rules state that “on one's birthday they can speak their mind freely, without criticism from anyone”. So you can curse as much as you like…today.” He explained, adding on the warning at the end as he finished adjusting their bolo tie and sat down in his seat.
“Oh…cool.” Yume said smiling, then subtly loosened the tie that was too tight.
“Still why didn’t you tell us? Between me and Ace one of us could have probably remembered…” Deuce said with a slight pout. Yume pursued their lips, sensing that they may have hurt his feelings a bit.
“ It just…it seems silly to keep reminding people, I didn’t wanna be that guy you know? There are other things we have to worry about….Plus! I thought the school made announcements or something? 
“Only on school days.” Trey said.
“See!!! It snuck up on me too!” Yume said, gesturing to his words.
“Well, I kind of understand what you mean, sometimes when you're trying hard to just keep everything afloat, things like this get put on the backburner.” He said, adjusting his hat.
“Ahh! But that’s so sadface; you were just gonna have a late watered down celebration for yourself! That’s so tragic, Me-me. This kind of thing is totes important!”
“And we ended up making a big fuss of it anyway…” Deuce sighed, leaning his head in exhaustion on Yuuta’s shoulder. 
“We should have kept better track of it, I knew it was coming up soon and I still…” Yuuta sighed, palming his face. Besides him Grim and Yuuhi’s ears fell on their heads.
“Geez you didn’t even think about the trouble you caused for others, keeping it to yourself… next time you could at least tell your friends.” He said a little harshly, a bit of hurt seeping through.
Each of their friends' words added another layer of guilt to their shoulders, even though they know they didn’t mean it in a genuinely mean way, it still made Yume’s chest ache.
“Ah… I’m…sorry…” They said, holding back the tears, and trying to keep their lips from wobbling. They didn’t want to cry, their friends were right and they knew all this came from a good place, but…
They swallowed hard, drooping a little in their seats.
“Enough!” Riddle's voice and hand being placed on their shoulder, started Yume out of their mini pity party. “Berating our guest of honor on their birthday is unbecoming for any student of Heartslabyul, I won’t tolerate it any more.” He said firmly, giving Yume a little pat on the shoulder. 
“Also-” Riddle’s  eyes narrowed. “Rule: #503: Any one who makes someone frown on their birthday must do a handstand while singing the alphabet backwards, until they laugh! So-” He pointed his scepter boldly across the table. 
Ace’s shoulder hiked as he squealed in indignance, around him everyone took a step away from him.
“-start singing!” Riddle demanded.
“WHAT?! Wh- why me- oh my I can’t even-!” He tried to stutter out an excuse, but the glare he received stopped him in his tracks.
“UGGHHH-! I can’t believe this bullsh…” He muttered to himself before beginning his first attempts at a handstand. Riddle cleared this throat, turning back to address Yume.
“Even so, I agree. We could have prepared a much better celebration had we known in advance… but regardless we can’t change what we did in the past, all we can do now is do better from here on. Isn’t that right?” He said.
Yume smiled, recognizing the meaningful echo of something Yume and his brothers had told Riddle before. 
“Right!” They nodded, and saw their friends and brothers grin in agreement.
“Good!” Riddle smiled and nodded back. “Happy birthday Yume!...Now let me take this time to recite the customary birthday poem!” He said, pulling out a fully typed page of custom stationary from seemingly nowhere.
“The, WHAT!?” Yume laughed, in disbelief at the absurdity of their friends' actions.
“Ah, that laugh counts right-?” Ace’s exasperated voice, could barely be heard the above rest of the birthday merriment in the Heartlabyul gardens.
“Uhmm Riddle…are you sure the animals are okay?” Yume asked, watching the strange croquet game being played from their throne seat next to Riddle’s. Apparently it was some tradition, the birthday guest always sat at the side of the “Queen” during the first half of the croquet game before joining in the second half.
“I assure you it's fine. It's standard to play with flamingos and hedgehogs. Though I did see someone try with a crane once when I was younger…” He recalled curiously, holding a finger to his chin. 
“In some parts of the Queendom of Rose’s, flamingos are bred specifically for the game.” He went on. “Actually, it's less about the skill of the player and more so on the relationship you have with your animals.” He explained, as they watched Yuuta jut his butt out at a funny angle to line up his shot. They swung hard, but at the last second his flamingo raised its head, making him completely whiff his shot; earning a big laugh from Ace and Grim at their expense.
“Okayyy, if you say so…!” Yume grinned, holding in a laugh at the absurdity of it all. The two of them watched in comfortable silence for a little longer before Riddle broke it.
“...Yume…?” He asked, quietly, pulling their attention away from the clownish spectacle.
“...How did you forget your own birthday? I mean, as scatterbrained as you can be at times-”
“Gee thanks.” They deadpanned.
“-You’re not the type to forget important dates. ” He said seriously, ignoring their snark. Yume let out a breath through their nose.
“I mean…I didn’t really…forget I just… got them mixed up...” Yume muttered, offhandedly fidgeting with their birthday boy ribbon. 
“In this case it's still one in the same, you would have missed your birthday if you hadn’t been reminded, it's almost like-” Riddle paused, and his eyes widened as if he just realized something.
“...You didn’t forget an important date…because this isn’t an important date to you… is it?” He asked carefully.
Yume turned away, avoiding his eyes, giving a non committal shrug. At this Riddle frowned.
“Yume-” Before he could start Yume sighed and interrupted him.
“That’s not it Riddle it's not that- it's not that it's not important it's just that-well…''The fumbled to find the right way to say it. “...Everything else is MORE important…y’know?” Yume gestured to him as if what they were saying was common knowledge.
Riddle did not seem to agree given the way he crossed his arms.
“Explain.” He demanded. Yume sighed again, rolling their eyes a bit.
“I mean, after everything we’ve been through.” They began listing things off on their fingers. “Getting dragged to his world, losing our memories, finding out magic is real, becoming students, the overblots, winter break and the whole gas leak.” They listed off things off the top of their head, though they knew there was much more.
 “It just…I don’t know, it seems like a waste of time to celebrate something as trivial as my birthday, I mean this is nice and all ,but I could be spending this time doing something ACTUALLY important! Like trying to find a way to get my brothers home!” They said, gripping the front of their pants in a balled fist.
“The headmage is responsible for that.” Riddle said, matter of factly.
“And I’m just supposed to take his word for it?!” They raised their voice, getting a little heated.
 Riddle leaned back, not expecting to be suddenly yelled at.
 Yume pursed their lips, not meaning to snap at their friend like that. They peeked over, seeing that the others didn’t notice their outburst.
“I just…” They began in a much quieter tone. “Ever since I got here…it feels like…time is running out Riddle.”
“...Here?” He questioned giving them a confused look.
“Here, Twisted Wonderland or Night Raven college or maybe…this world? I-I don’t know I…” Yume struggled to put it into words. They paused, closing their eyes and collecting their thoughts.
“Sometimes…” Yume bit their lip, taking a breath before continuing “...Sometimes, I think, the only time worth spending, is spent helping others…and that I’m just wasting it being self indulgent…doing things that won’t really matter in the long run…” They murmured, slipping a hand in their jacket pocket to touch the charm attached to their phone...
At the words Riddle’s whole demeanor changed, a look of familiarity shone in his eyes. He adjusted himself in his seat, needlessly fixing his already perfect uniform before folding his hands in his lap. His brows furrow uncomfortably and he took a moment before speaking. 
“I used to think similarly…” He whispered, as if admitting a secret. Yume turned to look at him in surprise, silently urging him to continue
“I used to think that time was a thief; a very sneaky one…At first I didn’t even realize it, how all day and everyday it stole my life away, as I worked and worked; preparing for a future that was already planned out down to the second; tick by tick taking everything I cared about from right under my nose…” Riddle said as he stared off into the distance; as if seeing something Yume couldn’t. 
“Then I met Trey and Chen’ya and-” He stopped, seeming to get a little choked up at the nostalgia and memories.He flinched slightly when Yume placed a gentle hand on his wrist for comfort. He gave them a grateful look and took a moment to collect himself. “They made me realize…that everyday is a gift, every minute and every second.” He said resolutely then looking at Yume. 
“So, you're not wasting your time Yume, you can’t waste a gift.” He said, shaking his head in full denial of that idea. Then he put a hand on Yume’s shoulder.
“Every second you spend with the people you care about, every minute you share in their company; making new memories or learning something new. And, even the time you spend in a peaceful solitude. That’s you! Enjoying your gift and…there's no shame in that!” He said, shaking their shoulders a bit for emphasis. He looked away. “I understand that now…” He said with solemn sincerity. 
Yume stared surprised for a moment, taking in their friend's poetic words.Their brow creased up and they gave a bittersweet smile to their friend; feeling a sudden strong kinship. Yume threw their arms around Riddle's shoulder in appreciation. Riddle didn’t seem to expect it; or maybe he just wasn’t used to such casual affection? Regardless, he relaxed a few moments later, enjoying the half hug. After a few comforting moments Riddle spoke again.
“…I…want to give you something…” He said, hesitantly, removing himself from the hold. 
Yume tilted their head, waiting curiously as he reached into his uniform pocket. 
“Consider it a birthday gift.” He said, nodding, as he pulled something out and placed it in Yume’s palm.
Yume looked down to see a pocket watch. The bronze material made it a comfortable weight in their hand. It looked antique, but well taken care of. The metal didn’t have a scratch on it and shined beautifully in the natural garden light. The centerpiece, however, was the elaborate rose design; etched into the bezel. Simple but elegant filigree surrounded the design, a few spaces artistically hollowed so you could see through to the clock.
Yume tilted the watch in their hand, taking in every detail and enjoying the feel of the smooth chain as it glided across their palm.
“Oh, it's so pretty…!” They smiled, cradling the gift gently. Riddle nodded, agreeing with them.
“This is the stopwatch my mother gave me, to keep track of my lessons, my meals…everything, that is when she didn’t do it herself…” He said sentimentally. Yume gasped, their brows pinching up.
“O-oh, Riddle, y-you don’t have to give to me, it's too important-!” They urged, trying to quickly but carefully, place it back in his hands. “You should keep it in the family or-” They stopped short as Riddle firmly pushed it back into their palm.
“No…I want you to have it, really I do.” He said resolutely, using his hand to wrap Yume’s fingers around it. Making sure they had a good hold of it before pulling away.
“...Are you sure?” Yume asked. This felt like something too…personal to just hand over.
“I’m sure, besides it's broken.” He said.
“Huh?” Yume held it close to their ear, only realizing now that the clock was not ticking. “Oh…”
“It broke after my…overblot.” He said. His jaw clenched as he gritted out the word, as if it took physical effort. The shame was still evident on his face; but he still held his head high, as if he refused to hide from the reality of the situation. 
Yume swallowed, realizing that this gift was more important than they previously thought. 
“Riddle…” They gave him a worried look, and this time fully grabbed their friend's hand. They weren’t sure if it was for their own comfort or his. Riddle gave them a strained smile, trying to put on a brave face it seemed.
“I got the glass fixed afterwards, but I couldn’t bring myself to get the mechanism fixed.” He sighed. “After years of hearing its incessant tick tock.” Riddle huffed, before ever so slightly slouching in his throne. For just a second, he looked like any fed up normal teenager.
“I kept it, all this time, as a reminder of sorts…and now I’m giving it to you.” He said, sitting up in his chair and facing them, an adamant look burning in his eyes.
“Spend your time here wisely…don’t look back and regret it…okay?” He said, giving their hand a squeeze. It almost seemed like he was pleading with Yume.  Sincerely advising his friend on a mistake he had long already made.
Yume suddenly felt choked up, the turbulent events of the past few months with their friends and loved ones replaying rapidly in their head. All the emotions bubbling up at once. Their lips wobbled, there was so much left to do and so much more to experience. They couldn’t do it all, they couldn’t. They didn’t have the time. So then…! “How do I know?!” They asked, desperate for answers. “How do I know what I should do….?” They trailed off, suddenly very fearful of regrets yet to come. He reached up, trying to wipe a stray tear that fell. But Riddle beat them to it, dabbing it away with his handkerchief.
“You’ll know…” He said simply, putting the handkerchief back in his pocket. “In fact…I think you already do…” Riddle said confidently.
“Hm?” Yume made an unsure noise.
“Right now, more than anything, what do you want?” He asked.
Yume took a second to clear their thoughts. What they wanted…? Well, They…wanted to stop crying, it was embarrassing. They wanted to appreciate all their friends' hard work at throwing a birthday party for them. They wanted to have fun and open presents and eat cake and take pictures. So that they wouldn’t forget, so that in the future they could be happy... But couldn’t they have that now…
That’s right more than anything they just…
“I just…want to be happy.” Yume admitted, their shoulders hiking up at how childish it sounded. “A-and I want it now, I…” They swallowed hard, not sure why it was so hard to say these words. “I don’t want to wait for it! I want to be happy now and enjoy things in the present! I don’t wanna look back and wish I’d done it differently! I don’t…I don’t want to waste any time!” They said, feeling a surge of confidence at the words. They took a deep breath, feeling like a weight was lifted off their shoulders. They peeked up at Riddle to see him beaming at them.
“Well said!” He agreed, squeezing their hand once more before standing up. “Then you must start immediately! Right now, this second! By enjoying today!” He said, the regality returning to his tone, but the kindness remaining as well.
Yume grinned, tucking the watch carefully into their pocket before standing to their feet as well. 
“Right!” They cheered, suddenly feeling energized.
“Heeeyyy guys!” Cater’s upbeat voice echoed across the field. 
Riddle and Yume looked over to see him waving for their attention.
“The first half's over! Time for the birthday boy to play!” He said, giving a wink and peace sign.
“We got your special flamingo right here!” Deuce said, holding the extravagantly dressed bird excitedly over his head. Next to him Yuuhi held up a cute hedgehog in a bowtie!
 Yume laughed carefreely, feeling the full mirth of the party for the first time. 
“Alright! Get ready because I’m going to win!” Yume grinned, jumping in place, before bounding over to their friends. Riddle following close behind.
Bonus scene:
“Riddle, is this super necessary…?” Yuuta started to ask, as they watched Riddle hold a pretty impressive handstand as he expertly recited the alphabet backwards!
“Yes IT IS! He made me do it for 10 minutes before Yume laughed. Ah-! Yume, I can see it on your face, don’t you dare- it hasn’t even been thirty seconds-!”
“I’m sorry, I pff- I just remembered how constipated you looked- *snort* -AHHAHA!” Yume couldn’t contain it, bursting out in laughter at the memory. As they laugh, Riddle gives a smug grin. Carefully, maneuvering out of the handstand.
“See, Ace! With practice and discipline ,you can easily follow all of the Queen's rules. Let this be a lesson to you!” Riddle said, allowing Trey to slip back on his cloak.
“Right, sure, whatever…shouldn’t we get back to the game now…!” 
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Im an ace simp unashamedly and i need to share this little detail of heartslabyul's birthday boy card that someone probably mentioned alr somewhere. In all the boys' groovy illustrations theres always someone else with them. Riddle has cater and trey, Trey has cater. Cater has ace and Deuce has someone in the corner (i cant tell who)
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cbjsvsjsjcks Where did all the Ace simps suddenly spawn from… I feel like I’ve been meeting a lot of them lately (not necessarily through this blog, but also in other discussion circles) 😂
Yes, the Birthday Boy series tends to generally showcase at least one other character in the Groovies. For Heartslabyul: Cater and Trey appear in Riddle’s, Trey appears in Cater’s, and I believe it’s Ace in Deuce’s.
That isn’t Trey because Trey wears gloves in his dorm uniform, and nor can it be Riddle because his dorm uniform looks entirely different than the standard one. That leaves us with Cater and Ace. By process of elimination and using context clues, it’s most likely Ace. Cater already appeared in two other Birthday Boy Groovies. Additionally, Deuce has a voice line where he says Ace gifted him a jack-in-the-box—and while the Groovy doesn’t depict that item, Deuce is reacting similarly shocked upon opening it. Ace has also explained (I think in a Halloween event or vignette??) that it is possible to pull off a simple trick of flashing lights and sounds using magic. He tends to use his skills for childish things like little pranks and sleights, and has the personality to be inclined towards those things too. All the circumstantial evidence points to Ace.
Anyway, I feel like Ace is one of those characters you commonly see getting shipped with Yuu because of how he is presented in official content (and especially the main story). Him and Malleus seem to be the Big Two on that regard. That’s what my observation has always been, at least.
It’s rare that TWST will put out these “looking directly at you” illustrations, and even when they do, it’s not always aimed at Yuu if you look at the context the vignettes provide. For example, the Jade Outdoor Wear Groovy has him looking back and offering a hand… but it’s not for Yuu, it’s for Cater; Floyd’s Beans Camo Groovy had him looking soft and cute… and that gaze is aimed at Epel while Floyd talks about how he wants to take on strong opponents. Ace’s Birthday Boy Groovy exists in defiance of that pattern!
I think it’s funny that his dynamic with Yuu can so easily feed into that trope of the BFF that’s crushing hard but is too afraid to fully commit, so he always frames advances/flirting/playful teasing as “just jokes” to test the waters. It almost feels like Ace was tailor-made for this 😂 It sets up a lot the potential for something as simple as a look seeming longing. I can definitely understand how someone might see that Groovy and think it’s romantic. I don’t think most people make that kind of expression while using the thumb to brush away crumbs and staring into the camera 💀 Bro would 100% catch you and then go, “I know, I know, I look so cool that you just can’t get enough of me. Well, today’s my special day so I’m feeling extra nice. Feel free to stare at me aaaaaall you like, Prefect.” And then maybe joke that you could have him all to yourself if you asked—
You Ace yumes out there must be thankful for this food www
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yuri-is-online · 17 days
(Some more bread crumbs for the Aceyuu birdies) Ace enters Ramshackle, where everyone is already gathered in the guestroom, Yuu's in the middle of talking about something when he walks in. Yuu: And I mean, I guess I feel a little guilty about it, but I'd say the one I miss the most back home is Toby!
Ace bluescreening, internally he's asking: WHO TF IS TOBY?!
Epel: Well you did say he was super affectionate with ya, Yuu
Yuu: Haha, exactly! It would be soooo annoying sometimes I'd enter a room and suddenly he's ontop of me, just whining and licking everywhere until I wrestled him of off me!
Ace shaking: Am I having a stroke? Is this what a stoke feels like? I can't feel my legs and I'm blacking out man.
Yuu, sighing defeated: Aw, but then he'd look at me with those big sad brown eyes and I end up letting him do it all over again.
Deuce, laughing: Who knew you had a weakness for puppydog eyes
Yuu, beweildered, genuinely didn't realise Ace had arrived: Who? You mean let Toby...the boxer?
Ace, momentarily doing the quick maths about his chances against a boxer: I don't care what his job is, you can't be letting guys do stuff like that to you! I don't care how good looking you think they are!
At this point, the boys begin cracking up a little, which only pisses Ace more. Even Yuu looks like their trying so hard not to laugh at him, their eyes a mix of pity and adoration (he hopes that's what he's seeing, at least) before they explain; Toby the boxer, as in the boxer breed of dog. Yuu was talking about their family pet(s) back home. Ace tries to cover for himself, saying how he totally knew that but Yuu isn't even listning to his excuses anymore because now it's Grim throwing a tantrum about how could you miss a mangey mutt when you have the Great Grim sitting on your lap?! But don't worry Ace, the guys will make sure nobody forgets this little outburst.
OR something, after we had to put our dog down a few years ago, my dad's finally in a place where he's looking for a new one so I'm just thinking about dogs now uwu
This ask is old but I hope everything went well with the search, it was my roommate's dog's birthday today so this ask as been on my mind for a hot second. Toby is such a cute name for a boxer it's literally perfect.
Listen, this is all your fault, that's going to be Ace's stance on this. If you weren't such a headache to look after, then he never would have thought that you would let someone do something like that to you and he would have automatically known it was a dog. Really now what do you take him for?
"Jealous." You're smiling as if you find the thought amusing. "It sounded like you were jelous."
"Oh please," you have him dead to rights, but he's not going to say that out loud "only Grim would get fussy about you having a dog." Because really he's not jealous of the dog. If anything he thinks it's cute, so the prefect is an animal person; just like a proper beast tamer, look at you!
No what makes him jealous is the thought he can't give you any of that back no matter how much he wants to. His family doesn't have any pets, but from the way his classmates talk about them he knows that's not a bond you can really just replace. And he wouldn't want to, Ace wants what you have to be unique to the two of you and not a replacement for what came before.
Guess that means he'll have to learn about how to take care of a dog huh. He can do that... just not when the guys are around they're already giving him a hard enough time.
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robo-milky · 9 months
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Of course whenever I promise something, I immediately work on a side thing and this is that… I give you crumbs of a Greaser AU! As fun as it would be to imagine everyone as greasers, I think it might make more sense or be interesting if I incorporate the different classes for different characters. I also think it’d be neat if I tweaked some things for a 60s vibe. Even now, Greaser! TWST still lives in my head rent free…
• I really wanted to give the Socs varsity jackets but noooo birthday union already has that, and I wanted this to be more “original” from the canon TWST outfits…
• C-Can you tell I was an “The Outsiders” kid???
• I did start this AU with thinking of Pomefiore first but I wanted to challenge myself and take it more seriously?? So I built up ADeuce. Still debating on what Grim’s role will be…
• Night Raven College is turned into a public school for the sake of this AU (but magic is still involved)
• For this particular AU, I envision Ace and Cloche to be childhood friends, comfortable enough to bicker (taking Grim’s place). How did Deuce get thrown into their little group? Cloche pitied Deuce and let him sit with her and Ace at lunch. Eventually, Ace got used to Deuce’ presence and started to help him out with fitting in with the other socs.
• Loved by the students and hated by the teachers? That’s Ace! With his brother being an alumni of Night Raven College, Ace didn’t have any troubles getting along with some of the older kids in the school. Of course his charisma and goofy personality isn’t something to be overlooked, either. Ace’ father wants him to get into an Ivy League Arcane Institution after high school, but Ace wants none of that. Sure, he could get good grades in school if he tried, but he has no interest. Maybe he should take his future seriously in a year or two, but for now, he just wants to have some fun.
• Deuce was never an official greaser during his middle school years, but more of an errand boy. …Don’t mind the fact he did get dragged into a couple of fights, has a half-used up tin of grease in the closet and his old leather jacket with recent rips. Look at the boy now and see how much he’s cleaned up over the years. Deuce’ tank tops evolved into button-ups, but he still feels uneasy with tight sleeves that cover his full arm. Deuce’ mom worked so hard to afford the school fees for Night Raven College, so he better pull his slack in turn,
• Cloche’ family owns a couple gas stations in Sage Island, allowing her easy access to cigarettes. Though she knows underage smoking (and smoking in general) is bad, she doesn’t care enough. With no allowance of her own, Cloche will gladly scrape however much she can get from willing customers who can pay up. Normally Cloche likes to stick her head out of conflicts between the different classes, but ever since she met a certain greaser— Cloche can’t help but carry a mini medkit at all times, in hopes to play his Nightingale.
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aphrogeneias · 1 year
it's been seven hours and fifteen days —
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (soulmate!au)
summary: you and eddie find each other again at the deuce. your reunion is surprisingly easy, but your past was from it.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: angst, fluff, some soulmate lore, childhood memories, small mentions of sickness and death (eddie's mom). reader is referred to by a nickname (joan).
series masterlist
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It started with a book.
At first, you weren’t sure if that’s what it meant, though you were taught to expect it ever since you were able to understand the concept of soulmates, right about the time you were taught how to read and write.
Everyone had one, or at least that's what you were taught as well. As soon as you were able to remember, you'd hear stories about people finding their other half through their lost belongings, objects traveling around the world to the hands of the ones who held their owner's heart. 
Quite a simple concept, really. Everything that is lost by someone is never really lost, only found by their soulmate, and that was how they are supposed to find their way to each other. A trail of crumbs to your final destination, your fated pair.
You didn't understand how it worked until you started school. Then, it would become a reality, and not just the stories your mother would tell as she put you to bed at night and filled your little heart with wonder. Classmates would come in with their soulmates' things in their bag, eager to show them off — toys of all kinds, notebooks written in entirely different alphabets, earrings missing one pair, blankets, teddy bears.
In the year you started middle school, there were around four billion people in the world. You'd figured you would be one of the kids who's soulmate lived on the other side of the world, rather than the ones who found their other half on the next town over, or just a state away. It would be just your luck, of course.
It turned out you didn't have to look that far. He lived in the same neighborhood.
Your mom had a friend called Jane. You remember Jane because you thought she was beautiful, with her kind brown eyes and long flowing skirts. Jane seemed to you like a fairy from your storybooks, shrouded in ethereal mystery. She was always in your mother's kitchen, both of them sitting on your dinner table, and talking for what felt like hours, and she always brought along her son. A boy your age called Edward, or just Eddie, how he always liked to be called.
You barely remember a time where Eddie wasn't in your life. His mother would bring him along and you'd spend your afternoons together, playing and building worlds of your own on the carpet of your childhood bedroom. You were knights and princesses, pirates and mermaids, aliens and astronauts, but most of all you were free to be whoever you wanted to be in those golden-tinted days of your childhoods.
One day, when you were eleven, a book appeared on the floor of your bedroom. You recalled it just like that, because it wasn't there in one moment, and all you had to do was turn your head the other way, and when you looked back to that same spot, there it was.
A 1965 edition of The Fellowship of the Rings, by Ballantine Books. It had a blue cover with red details, and you knew right away it wasn't yours. You didn't own any of the Lord of the Rings trilogy books because you had never read them, and Eddie, already your best friend by then, never let you forget it.
Upon further inspection, you found two notes written on the first page. One was a note written in red ink, addressed to Jane by someone named Al — Eddie's das, that much you knew, and you also knew he wasn't around much — and below that, a more recent note written in blue ink that said:
"To my precious son,
Happy Birthday!
May you always find your way home.
From your mother.
At first, you'd thought Eddie had forgotten it on your last playdate, though you didn't remember him carrying a book with him that day. Your answer came a few days later when Jane was visiting, and you overheard her saying to your mother that Eddie was distraught upon finding that he'd lost his favorite book. He had brought it to school with him, and when he went home, it wasn't in his backpack.
It didn't take too long for you to put two and two together.
Scared of everyone's reactions — your mom's, Jane's, Eddie's — you hid it. The book and the truth, hidden in a box under your bed. You didn't know how to react, much less how to disclose this in a way that wouldn't change everything around you. You were a child, after all. Years later, you wondered how different your lives would have been if, instead of eavesdropping on their conversation, you had just told them what had happened. 
Jane Munson died not long after that, and you couldn't stop everything from changing, then. You didn't understand much, just that it was sudden, and fatal, and in the span of less than a year, she was gone. Eddie was distraught, and for weeks after the funeral, he was not the boy you knew and loved. He was a shell of himself, after losing his mother and moving to the trailer park with his uncle, since his father was in jail — something you'd just found out too. It was too much to assimilate, and even at twelve years old, you understood.
He started losing more things in that meantime.
You stared at a blank point that was vaguely at the height of the bottom of your bed as if it hid a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any minute.
Eddie was sitting on the chair of your vanity, going on and on about the new friends he had made at Hawkins Middle School, friends that didn't include you, since you were still at that phase where hanging out with boys, boys that weren't Eddie, gave you nausea. He was starting to feel a little more like himself again, his buzzed hair growing into small curls, his dimples giving a sign of life again as he started to smile more.
Still, though you were relieved, you were nervous. More of Eddie's things were finding their way to you. An action figure, a set of dice, a plastic mug. You did not know how to approach the subject, and it got more and more difficult as time went on. You felt like you were losing your timing, like the opportunity was slipping through your fingers each time you chose to stay quiet.
"You ever thought about what you'll do when you find your soulmate's things?"
Eddie groaned at your sudden interruption. "Really? That's what you're thinking about?"
"It's just that… See, this girl in my class…" Sighing, you give up making sense. "Whatever. Just answer the question."
"I don't know. That shit isn't real." 
You were still getting used to Eddie's slight change in demeanor. He was still the sweet boy you've known, but a little rougher around the edges. Angry at the world for taking away his mother, full of resentment towards his father, confused and scared. Though that anger was never directed at you, you felt some ripples of it, like right now.
“Of course it’s real, we see it all the time.”
Unable to meet his eyes, you hear a scoff coming from his direction. “I don’t know. My parents weren’t soulmates, your parents weren’t either. What are the chances?”
“Don’t say that. There’s always a chance…” Your voice got smaller and smaller, trying to take back what you’d said. It wasn’t the right time, and it wasn’t right for you to force this conversation with the grieving boy in front of you. He didn’t need one more thing to worry about, you told yourself.
“I don’t care. I think I’d just leave them alone.”
Nodding, you moved on to a different subject. It wasn’t the right time.
It would never be.
You thought you had forgotten what he looked like.
Which was impossible, because you saw him everywhere. You saw him in the long haired, rowdy boys you saw up and down Sunset Strip. You saw him in crowds of headbangers with their fists in the air. You saw him in guitar shops, in fantasy novels, in cans of spray paint and black pencils. In tight hugs and loud laughs. In the little kids playing at the park, holding hands and exchanging vows of eternal friendship. In yourself, whenever you look in the mirror.
You wondered if he saw you too. If he looked around at every corner he turned and there you were. A missing limb he could still feel even though it had been gone a long time. Twin ghosts haunting each other.
You couldn't forget even if you wanted to, and you never did, because he was a part of you — and now he was here, in the flesh, as if no time had passed between those five years you were gone. That’s what it felt like to you, at least, although both of you had changed a lot since then. From a distance, you could see Eddie stood taller, had a more confident stance to him. His shoulders were broader, his arms filled his jacket’s sleeves a little bit more. You fought the urge to let out a dreamy sigh, almost forgetting you were on the verge of tears not two minutes before this.
The urgent phone call you were having with Robin had to be cut short when you heard a series of impatient knocks on the door of the staff room. It was Linda, asking you what you were doing there. You mumbled something about needing to make a quick call, but that went through one ear and fell out the other, as Linda was locking your arm with hers and leading you to the front of the small stage where Corroded Coffin dealt with their equipment.
Trying to disguise your trembling, a sinking feeling that took over your whole body, you held tightly onto Linda’s arm, and planted yourself firmly to the ground where you stopped. 
“Boys, boys! I want you to meet someone. This is Joan, everyone’s favorite waitress.”
He was the first one who reacted, while his friends, your old friends, only gawked. Gareth dropped his drumsticks, Jeff had opened his mouth three times before deciding not to say anything — which made you realize he didn’t have his braces anymore — and Grant, ever the expressive one, had both eyebrows raised, giving away all his surprise.
“Because I’m a runaway, like Joan… Jett.” That wasn’t the first, the second or the hundredth time you had to explain that dumb nickname. Joan was not your real name, it wasn’t even close to it, but Linda was insistent on calling you that. She thought it was funny, a runaway girl from the midwest trying to make her way through Los Angeles, and she’d been calling you that since your first week working there. “Not her most creative moment.”
“It’s so fucking good to see you!” Jeff was the first to break the silence, and then the other boys followed suit, engulfing you in tight hugs, releasing all, or at least most of, the tension inside of you. Giggling softly, you hugged them back.
“It’s good to see you too, guys. It’s been a long time.”
The only people who didn’t join were Linda, who stood confused to the side, and Eddie, who stayed in place, looking paler than he already was, like he would pass out at any moment. You felt the same, but Eddie was the one who always wore his feelings on his sleeve, not you.
“What exactly is this?” Your boss asked, pointing her red stiletto nails at the scene unfolding in front of her. “Where do you know her from?”
“From our hometown.” You explained, tucking your hands into the back pockets of your jeans, trying to make yourself smaller. “We went to the same school.”
“More like the only school in town.” Gareth laughed. “It’s a small town but an even smaller world, I guess.”
“Just wait until you get settled here. Everyone knows everyone, it’s worse than Hawkins.” You scoffed, trying to lighten up the mood. “How long have you been here?”
“Almost a month.” Eddie was the one who answered, finally finding his voice. “We’ve been bouncing from bar to bar until Linda was kind enough to take us in now.”
“You’re welcome, dear. It will be a pleasure to have you here. Now…”
As Linda started to explain some of the basic rules of operations of The Deuce — opening and closing times, where to find everything, introducing them to the other staff members — you and Eddie stayed behind, a thin veil of tension still standing between you, but then, Eddie reached out, an outstretched arm forward, beckoning you with a soft voice, “C’mere.”
And you went, with no hesitation. For a moment, you even felt silly for all that fuss you made moments before, that anxiety that threatened you to burn a hole on the ground and swallow you whole. It was just Eddie, the boy who used to hold your hand whenever you felt this exact same way, all those years ago. Ironic how he was the cause and the cure to all of your problems.
You let him wrap his arms around you, closing the gap that the red thread connecting you was pulling and pulling until you were pressed together again, bodies joined like two pieces of a puzzle. You stayed like that for a full minute, your arms around his narrow waist, his squeezing you to his chest until it hurt, but you didn’t dare let go, and for the first time in a long time, you felt right. You were home again.
“I missed you so much.” You found courage to say something in your hiding place, your head pressed to his chest. His smell of cigarettes and cheap cologne was oddly calming, making you breath in deeply. 
“I missed you too.” Eddie took a small step back, raising one hand to the back of your head, holding you in place. You were pretty sure you had the dumbest lovestruck look in your eyes while you looked at him, but you couldn’t really care at that moment. You could be embarrassed later. “How have you been?”
“I, uh…” 
“Hey, Van Halen!” Linda called out from the other side of the bar, snapping her fingers at you, “you can catch up later. Get your pretty boy ass over here.”
Untangling from each other, you’re both clearly flustered, Eddie’s face a blooming shade of pink. You’re quick to remedy it. “We can talk later, after your show. After I clock out. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sure.” 
He walked away, then, still looking back at you. Both smiling, both feeling the relief of that red string, now much less strained, but no less beaten. Far from healing, but one step closer. At least, that’s how you felt, but you knew that was only the beginning of a long and winding road to the recovery of your friendship. You didn’t dare to think of something more, crushing the seeds of hope that threatened to take root in your heart.
They were just as stubborn as you, though, and settled anyway.
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spade-of-storms · 3 months
Family crumbs
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Banner art
"We'll take it slow, probably." ...except that doesn't work out too well when you're both head over heels and healthily possessive.
Allen and Deuce get engaged during their 3rd year at NRC after Deuce proposes on Allen's 19th birthday. While Allen moves in with Deuce and his mom shortly after graduation, some more time passes until the couple actually gets married (they're roughly 21-22 at that point). Allen and Deuce have two wedding ceremonies, which I will talk about here soon, and move into an own house.
Shortly after their wedding, Deuce and Allen adopt a Shiba Inu, and fast forward some more time, they have a child named Milo.
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ackee · 11 months
HOW does Deuce celebrate his bday ‼️❗‼️❓
ERM UM. he's honestly a really simple guy! he would be touched if someone organized an elaborate birthday party for him, but it's not really his style on his own.
if single, he'll spend time with family and just relax. if with his wonderful wifey kam, they'd go out somewhere nice to eat and find things to do around miami. (with a crumb of kewchie to end the night 🫰🏾)
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Technical Information
Name: Jennifer Jester
Japanese: ジェニファー・ジェスター (Jenifā jesutā)
Quote: "Study is good but need more rest for the next morning"
Age: 16 y.o
Birthday: July 4th
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 165 cm
Race: Human
Species: None
Homeland: White Garden (the 2nd country of Dreamy City)
Aiden Jester (Father)
Vanessa Midori (Mother)
Poppy Ruskin (Aunt)
Benvolio Grey (Uncle)
Izumi Midori (Maternal Grandfather)
Nicknames / Aliases:
Jen (by her family)
Jenny (by Elise Dufour)
Mackerel (by Floyd Leech; as Jennifer always sticking around Seraphine or other 2nd / 3rd students)
Dame d'Ambre (by Rook Hunt; means "Lady of Amber" due to her eyes)
Female Deuce (by Grim; because of her hair color similarly to Deuce's)
Miss Jester (by Silver and Sebek, but oftens called "human" by Sebek if she didn't stick with Seraphine or Isabella)
Royal Lap Dog (by Silvia and the rumors)
Imposter (by the rumors)
Bad Girl (by the rumors)
School Facts and Fun Facts
Dorm: Dragonroyal
Occupations: Student
The employee and cashier of Sweet Crumbs Bakery
Best Subject: Archeology
Worst Subject: Astrology
Club: Podcast Club
Favourite Colors: All Kinds of Blue, Pale Yellow and White
Favourite Food: Lizzie's Pastries | Apple Carrot Smoothie
Least Favourite: Most Expensive Foods
Likes: Her family, commoner life, Mother Nature, pure romance novel, gardening, her mother's spade-suit brooch, rules and laws, Classical music, laughter atmosphere, imperfections, bunnies, casual clothes, peace, telling fun stories, her bestie Lizzie, visiting cafe, classical aesthetics, piano music, Impish Royals
Dislikes: Fancy things, parties (sometimes), techno pop, annoyed, teased, bullying, judged by the qualities and preferences, called as "Lap Dog", her grandaunt's strict actions, arrogant people, stalkers, isolation, luxurious life, sexual harassments, perfectionists, being late, fight, her loved ones being mistreated, Anti-Pride Embodiments League, overwork herself
Hobbies: Gardening, listening music, reading about pure love story, part-time jobs, visiting cafe
Talents: Fast identify the qualities of positive and negative, super speed, fast reflex
Jennifer, also spelled Jenifer or Jenefer, is a feminine given name, the Cornish form of Guinevere, that became popular in the English-speaking world in the 20th century. It means "Fair One", "White Wave".
Jester (English origin), the word Jester itself can be a name. The name means "someone who tells funny and amusing stories".
Character inspired
Jennifer was inspired by
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Thoren (Winx Club)
Lucifer (Obey Me!)
White Rabbit / Mr Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
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enashinonome · 2 months
AHHHH ALMOST FINISHED S2 idk what ive talked abt already but we watched the matches with johzenji wakunan and seijoh.
hinata competing with the little guy on wakunan (takeru?) was so aghh…his desire to grow and improve is really so incredible. i felt bad for takeru too as they parallel him with hinata, the desire to excell despite their height disadvantages.. and it was his last year. :(
rip daichi 💀 ENNOSHITA ARC it was really cool to see his character development. he did so good omg. it’s so nice to see them all trust each other fully. and he brought them a win!!
i forgot what match this was in but hinata spiking against the blockers’ hands to allow them another try like how he learned from bokuto <333 ugh i love those fukurodani boys i hope to see them again soon. eating up every crumb of them there is
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this. i love them
the new dateko setter awww he’s tryinf so hard. his hair is like the reverse of noya’s lol. kogane?
iwaoi’s dynamic is so satisfying btw
random but when kageyama is not scowling grumpily he is literally just a little guy. he is literally as cute as hinata im obsessed with him. so squishy.
i dont remember much abt the order MATCH AGAINST SEIJOH holy shit it was so intense. it was really cool to see karasuno adapt and evolve, able to match seijoh so closely
SETTER NOYA SETTER NOYA i absolutely love seeing him set from the back line and get it in. he worked so hard for that. the asanoya point was sooo cute i love them. i love that they’re able to do that
YAMAGUCHI SERVEEEEEEEE i was so hyped omg. he finally had his moment!!!! he entered the court without shaking!!! ugh i love him so much. he finally made it. the other side sees him as a threat. and everyone puts their complete trust into him. i love tsukishima’s little comments that are basically his equivalent of screaming encouragement lol.
karasuno and seijoh are always put at such odds like so much tension. like they’re also rivals with nekoma but it feels so much friendlier, anyway im trying to say that i wish i could see more of seijoh without them always being on the court feeling like the enemy bc im kinda obsessed with iwaoi etc and the rest of the team also has a great dynamic
idk if tjis is the right order but when oikawa set to iwaizumi from all the way across the court. it’s that trust they have in each other. theyre both silly goofy but im kinda obsessed w them
and then hinata doing takeru’s thing where he aims for the fingertips (wipe?) and wins them the set. ugh that was so awesome. he’s learning to fight in midair :’) and kageyama brings him there. honestly i thought they’d drag out the deuce again but that was truly awesome
anyway yeah they are all so squishy and i love them
Ahhhh it's always a joy to read what you have to say :'> I don't have much to add on my own but I still want you to know I love all of this. Especially your comments about iwaoi...gahhhh....
Happiest of birthdays to Oikawa ♡ technically his birthday passed in Japan but it's still the 20th here for a few more minutes. Did you know that Oikawa's birthday is that of Alexander the Great's, and that Iwaizumi's birthday parallels this as his is the death date of Alexander the Great? Makes me kind of crazy. They're everything.
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
So, basically, Deuce receiving a phone call from his mom while he's getting it on with darling 👀 and he forces her to talk to his mom while he's hitting it back ya know what I'm saying?! 😩 Like legit, Darling's just trying her best to muffle her moans as she's bent over the mattress with Deuce rearranging her guts, not even caring about what her mom's saying on the phone anymore as her eyes roll up in ecstacy and cumming hard on his dick AAAAAAA lmao hope it's okay!!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)❤️❤️❤️
Chokes omg darling YESS???
Warnings : Non-Con | Yandere
The sheer amount of P A N I C alone had almost brought you into yet another embarrassing orgasm. His phone ringing not too far from the bed, where Deuce had you pinned down in all fours with his hand on top of your head. Filled with nothing but tears and moans, your fucked-out state barely manages to keep your consciousness intact as you glanced towards the vibrating device. For a moment there, you resented such a thing for bringing you back to full-awareness, when you were just about ready to pass out from the mixture of pain and pleasure swirling down your weeping pussy. But at the same time, you saw it as a desperate opportunity to get yourself out of your current situation.
Deuce was far too engraved in getting his dick wet over and over again as he slams continuously without rest inside of you, treating your pussy more of a fleshlight at this point. With his mouth offering small apologies and compliments of how good you felt, you didn’t think he even heard the sound of his own ringtone echoing throughout the room. Not when the sound of skin slapping against each other seemed to be even more pleasing to his ear alone. You didn’t know what you were trying to do, but getting fucked for almost an hour now had your mind in complete shambles that the most logical thing you can do at this moment was to reach out for that phone. You can’t quite see who exactly was calling on the other side, but no matter who it is, if they could at least just hear what kind of predicament you’re in, surely they’ll come running...correct?
However, it was just your luck when Deuce had opened his eyes to bask in the pleasure once more, just in time to see you struggling to reach for his phone. “Ah…” He was finally aware of the current caller and you felt him flinched behind you, you don’t know whether to take that as a good or a bad sign. “...I-It’s mom...” He muttered out, groaning as his grip against your hips tightened.
With that, you widened your eyes in realization and slowly retracted your hand away from answering that call. You could ask her for help, but it’s Deuce’s mother! It’s not very likely that she would come to believe you so easily since no mother can ever truly doubt their son like this. I mean, how could she not even believe someone like you over her own sweet child, who had been such a good son up until now? You might just end up making a fool of yourself! You let out a whimper that unfortunately caught Deuce’s attention as he reached for the phone himself and looked at you, gulping.
Then, to your surprise, he bought the phone right next to your ear as he leaned in to the other. “I can’t...ignore a call from mom...” He said, face flushed but his eyes were hazy as if he had been drinking alcohol all night long. “But I can’t face her...in this state...”
“So, please…Do the talking for me...”
You let out a sharp gasp, a shriek scraping against your throat as he slammed down inside you so hard that your vision darkened for a split second. Despite being able to barely recover from such an impact though, Deuce only repeated the same brutal thrust like it was normal, his aggressive grunts had your stomach rolling and swirling full of butterflies. He wants you to talk to his mom? At this state? If he can’t do it with the way he is right now, then what makes him think that you can!?
“Deuce? Hello, it’s mom~!”
And just like that, you clasped your hand over your mouth as soon as you heard the woman’s lovely voice on the other side of the device. It was taking all your willpower to not to let out questionable noises when Deuce wasn’t even cutting you off the slack by even attempting to slow down behind you. “Deuce?” His mom called once again, worried to hear a relative pause in the line. You glanced at the guy with widened, panicked eyes, begging for help in this situation, but he was too engrossed pounding you like there’s no tomorrow. That’s when you realized that there was no way Deuce was going to help you out with this, he’s probably gets on the fact that he was forcing you to do this in the first place.
So, with no other choice, you carefully opened your trembling lips and tried to stable your voice as much as possible. “Y-Yes...? This is...(Y/N) speaking...” You replied, trying to sound as cheerful as the woman knew you to be. “G-Good evening...!”
“Oh, (Y/N)? Are you with Deuce right now?”
You resorted into slamming your face in the bed sheets to muffle your moans once in a while. “Y-Yes...! Um, he’s...He’s...” You took another glanced at the man behind you. “He’s s-sleeping right now...”
You heard the woman gave a naïve sigh of relief. “Thank god, I thought something happened since he usually picks up within the first ring of his phone.” She laughed. “Anyway, I don’t want to disturb too much! You’re with Deuce for a reason, aren’t you~? Don’t worry, mom approves and supports the two of you~!”
You faked a laugh, but it sounded awkward and nervous in your opinion as you were trying so hard not to cringe at her attempt of playful teasing. “I just wanted to wish him a happy birthday, could you say that to him in my place, dear?” She said, a sweet mother that she is, unaware of the true nature of his son. “He’s been worrying a lot about his future and trying the best I’d ever seen him do, so naturally, as his mother, I’m really proud.”
“I’m lucky to have him, but I’d say he’s also as lucky to have someone as sweet as you so early on in his life.” She continued; she’s sounds so sentimental that it makes you want to cry for her kindness alone. “So, please take care of my little Deuce for me, will you? I’m counting on you~”
You closed your eyes, gulping down the building saliva inside your mouth and lowered your head down in shame. “...Yes, o-of course...”
And with a cheerful goodbye, Deuce’s sweet precious mother had finally hanged up and you couldn’t help but to let out a sob right after. Clinging onto the sheets, finally letting all those suppressed moans and shrieks out, your vaginal walls clenching uncontrollably against his dick in guilt. “So...Tight...” Deuce sighed, he was listening in until the very end and couldn’t keep a smile from forming on his lips. “You’re...gonna take care of me...as promised, huh...”
You reacted quite abruptly as he went in deep inside, knocking against your abused cervix to cause your eyes to roll back and to blank your mind. “I can’t wait...” He said, wrapping his arms around your waist, a change of pace from constantly trying to bruise up your hips. “W-We’re perfect...for each other.”
“I love you...!”
And with that, you could barely even register the warm liquid flowing through and slowly filling you up from the inside. Your mind wasn’t able to comprehend anything he said right after, the comforting feeling of slumber pulling you down was even more tempting. Especially when combined with how warm Deuce’s hand felt on the top of your head and his lips giving your neck a gentle wet kiss.
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luminous-letters · 2 years
A belated birthday piece for Epel!
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"Happy Birthday Epel!" You chirped from across the hall, a heavy bag and a lugging Grim in tow. You excitedly waved as you practically skipped over to him.
"What? No." He deadpanned. He raised a puzzled brow at your words. "Uhm, I mean. Thank you for the greetings, but my birthday has already passed a few days ago " He looked around, his voice was soft and controlled, carefully treading. Almost like he was on a thin sheet of ice, where the slightest slip of the tongue could result in an unsightly punishment.
"Oh! Sorry about that, but hey a celebration's a celebration!" Your upbeat mood remained unfazed, the sleeping Grim still snored peacefully on your shoulder. "So come over at Ramshackle when you're done, 'kay?"
"Sure, I'll be there."
Epel arrived at the rickety dorm come sundown. He asked permission from Vil, who didn't let him of the hook before he finished his daily ballet and yoga sessions. "I'm here." He hollered in front of the barren looking double door.
The cool air whistled against the twisting dead trees and rustling dry vines. Ramshackle was still...well ramshackle. But it was in a much better condition than when he first arrived here. "They're taking too long." He sighed.
"Come in!" A muffled voice hollered from the other side. Loud footfalls creaked and sounded against the old wooden floorboards.
A scene of deep violet and gold met Epel's vision. The words 'Happy Birthday' were beautifully written on the banner in intricately detailed calligraphy.
The velvety table housed a good number of dishes. Savory lamb, roasted pork, ice cream, and a salmon carpaccio that looked like someone had already eaten some. A royal amethyst colored cake took the spotlight, the blueberries looked like polished sapphires against the light.
"Happy Birthday Epel!" Came the giddy voices of the other first years. Ace and Deuce were holding a handmade birthday boy sash sloppily written in blue marker. Sebek stood proud with a gold foil crown in hand while Jack looked to the side, looking embarrassed from his friends' silly antics.
"How....how did you guys get all of this prepared?" Epel gasped, awestruck.
"Well...we had orders placed for the foods. Trey helped us with the cake..." You trailed off, listing off everything. "For the tablecloths...hmm, where did we get that again, Sebek?" You asked.
"We took it— ehem, we borrowed it from Pomefiore's stockroom." Sebek cleared his throat. "So that's where you guys went off to." Jack scolded
"Thank you...really I mean it. Thanks a bunch pals." Epel giggled, a sweet smile made its way to his face. "Anything for you." Your reply was gentle, earning a groan of disgust from Ace.
"C'mon picture time." You called, taking the Ghost Camera off of its shelf. "Say cheese!" One of the ghosts said. The flash of the camera was quick but lasting, you rubbed your eyes a bit before your vision cleared.
"Come on, let's eat!" You happily ushered Epel towards the feast. "We're eating good tonight!" Epel excitedly exclaimed, eyes sparkling as he looked at the delicious meats and pastries.
The clamor of plates and aimless chatter filled the cracked and bleak dorm. The last rays of sunlight bid goodbye, but the celebration was very much alive.
"Thank you, for all of this." Epel gestured to the almost empty table, with only crumbs and tiny morsels of meat remained. "You're welcome." You chuckled.
"Hug?" You opened your arms, a wide smile plastered on your face.
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twistedmusings · 4 years
Library Masterlist
For the sake of tidying up everything, I made a masterlist!
Quick Reference: Adult Section [18+ Works], Short Prose [Works Under 500 words!] , Answered Note [Just asks about the chara!]
Riddle Rosehearts
Kissing Someone From Their Dorms
Baking with his Darling
AI and You
Ace Trappola
Midnight Prank [Pre-Yandere/Adult Section]
Not Being Able To Sleep Without Something Warm
Second Year Without You
That Was Hot [Short Prose/Adult Section]
Deuce Spade
Not Being Able To Sleep Without Something Warm
Second Year Without You
Cater Diamond
Reading Between The Lines [Adult Section]
Leona Kingscholar
Kissing Someone From Their Dorms
It's Nice That Your Voice Was The First Thing I Heard Today
[Short Prose]
I Do Not Like Using Violence Against You [Short Prose/ Pre-Yandere]
You Took All The Pillows So I'm Using You As One [Short Prose]
Arabesque and Plie
AI and You
Petting Dorm
Ruggie Bucchi
Petting Dorm
Jack Howl
Second Year Without You
Petting Dorm
Azul Ashengrotto
Leaving Behind Hickeys On Their Darling
Kissing Someone From Their Dorms
Doing Anything For Heat
Make Sure To Tell Me You Love Me...
[Adult Section/Yandere/Short Prose]
I Hope You Understand How Far I'm Willing To Go For You [Yandere/Short Prose]
All I Ever Wanted From You [Yandere/Short Prose]
You Work Here? [Short Prose]
How Could I Love You This Much? [Short Prose]
Jade Leech
Leaving Behind Hickeys On Their Darling
Doing Anything For Heat
Please Stay [Mild Yandere/Short Prose]
Shame On Myself For Believing You In the First Place [Short Prose]
I've Liked You Since We Were Kids... [Short Prose]
Talking About You [Short Prose/ Adult Section]
Floyd Leech
Leaving Behind Hickeys On Their Darling
Doing Anything For Heat
I'd Choose You, Always You [Short Prose]
You Came Back! [Short Prose]
Hiding Under The Blanket [Short Prose]
Cant Get You Out Of My Head [Short Prose/Adult Section]
Talking About You [Short Prose/Adult Section]
Kalim Al-Asim
Kissing Someone From Their Dorms
Jamil Viper
Begging [Overblot/Short Prose]
Vil Schoenheit
After RSA's Performance
After VDC Results
Kisses From Vil [Overblot]
The Next Time They Touch You...
[Adult Section/DubCon/Short Prose]
Look How Good You Take It [Adult Section/NonCon/Short Prose]
Aren't I Romantic? [Short Prose/Adult Section/NonCon]
Kissing Someone From Their Dorms
Rook Hunt
Mon amour... [Short Prose]
Scrapbook [Yandere/Short Prose]
Epel Felmier
Second Year Without You
Idia Shroud
Do You Want Your Underwear Back? [Short Prose]
Kissing Someone From Their Dorms
Malleus Draconia
Birthday Crumbs
My Kind Of Human [Adult Section/Dubcon]
Keep Moaning My Name Like That
[Overblot/Adult Section/Short Prose]
Arabesque and Plie
Our Love is God [Short Prose / Adult Section]
Kissing Someone From Their Dorms
Wake Up From Your Dream
Sebek Zigvolt
Second Year Without You
It's Good To Have You Here
Living with Yuu [Answered note]
Domestic Life Pt 1 / Pt 2 [Answered note]
Ace is a Bisexual Mess Pt 1 / Pt 2[Answered note]
[Works will be added as they are written!]
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squidwen · 3 years
Scenario Commission #2: 💃🏻Let the Dancing do the Talking💃🏻
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(Commissions are still open. Click here)
For the brilliant @azulsartdump
Summary: The aftermath of a Heartslabyul unbirthday party leaves you utterly exhausted. With everyone gone, it’s time for you to turn in, too.
But a chance encounter with the dorm leader makes it difficult for you to leave, especially with the music in the background commanding you to dance together.
You couldn’t recall a time when you’d eaten so many sandwiches! Getting up from the table was out of the question. The sweet smell of herbal tea wafting from discarded cups made you twice as sleepy as you already were.
It hadn’t been the plan for you to end up here tonight. Ace and Deuce had invited you to one of Heartslabyul’s unbirthday parties – and since it wasn’t your birthday either, they were sure there would be no qualms with you tagging along. The party had been joyous. Tarts, teas, sandwiches, sausage rolls, pork pies, cake; you name it, it was there. You’d even baked a blackcurrant cheesecake for the venue, and it brought you great pride to see that not a crumb of it remained after ten minutes. You hoped the host had gotten to try it, as it was supposed to be a thank you gift for throwing the party.
Sadly, you had barely glimpsed the host all afternoon. Ace and Deuce (and you), being first years, had sat near the end of the table. It had been difficult to see anything past the line of second-years, and utterly impossible to make out the features of the thirds. But perhaps that was for the best? You’d heard rumours that the dorm leader was a tyrant, completely absorbed in upholding rules and etiquette. The term had barely started and Ace had appeared in Ramshackle twice with a strange collar around his neck; claiming it was a punishment inflicted on him by his dorm leader.
Just then, something sharp scratched against your ankle. You yelped as a pink hedgehog scurried out form under the table, followed quickly by a boy. His hands shot forward to snag the little beast, cupping it with great care in his gloved palms.
You didn’t know where to look.
“I do apologise,” said the boy, sweeping his rich, red hair out of his face. “I didn’t realise anyone was still here. The hedgehogs get jittery before their bedtime.”
“It’s alright,” you said hurriedly. “I-I had no idea they were allowed to roam around so freely. Aren’t you worried someone might step on them?”
The boy sighed, a small smile peaking at the corners of his mouth. “Thank you for showing so much concern. It’s true they’re not supposed to be out here. They have an enclosure near the flamingo pond, but the oafs in charge of caring for them forgot to lock up after tending to them. As dorm leader, I can’t let such negligence persist. I’ll have to have a word with them, on top of all the other things I need to do.”
You hummed sympathetically. “I hope things sort themselves out soon- wait, you’re the dorm leader?”
Your question caught him off guard. “Of course! Everyone know who I- oh. You must be that new student.” He may not have been tall but, after he straightened up, his presence commanded respect. “Allow me to introduce myself: I am Riddle Rosehearts, second-year student at Night Raven College and Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul.”
He pocketed the hedgehog and shook your hand.
“I trust you enjoyed yourself at the unbirthday party. It’s not usually permitted to have students external to the dorm attend, but your blackcurrant cheesecake earnt you a place at our table. Are you a baker? I managed to sample some of it myself, and even Trey admitted he’d have to track you down for the recipe.”
You couldn’t hide the giddy smile on your face. “I do bake, yes. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s nice to know my skills are being recognised. I have no magic, as you may have already heard. Holding my own in a school like this isn’t going to be easy.”
Riddle shrugged. “The same can be said for those who can still wield magic. Magic, like everything, needs to be practiced and cultivated before you can be good at it.”
Just then, the gramophone changed track and graceful ballroom music started to play around the centre of the maze. The notes seemed to bounce off the rose petals and night air, trapping you and Riddle in a torrent of melodies.
“I’m also quite fond of dancing,” you told him. “I took up ballroom dancing not too long ago and developed a true passion for it. Do you dance?”
As the music continued to thrum, you got up from your chair and started swaying gently. It was as if strings had been tied to your ankles and hips. Riddle couldn’t take his eyes off you. The look he had on his face was utterly indecipherable. Was he shocked by the sudden change in you? Surprised? Intrigued? It can’t have been anything bad, right? After all, he wasn’t leaving, and he hadn’t asked you to leave either.
“I was taught a classic waltz,” he confessed. “Would a dance now be to your liking? You were a guest at my table today and it would be rude of me to walk away from you.” He offered you his hand with a bow. “Perhaps you could even teach me a few new techniques?”
All your fatigue evaporated. How could you say no? How flattering it was to be asked to dance! You slipped your hand into Riddle’s. The young man came closer and placed his other hand on your waist. From the way he was lightly gripping your clothes, you could tell he was nervous, but his face betrayed nothing but politeness.
“Don’t be so tense,” you instructed, taking a few steps backwards. “After all, you’re going to be the one leading.”
“I don’t think that’s wise. I barely know any moves.”
“Prove you want to learn them, then.” A daring glint flickered in your eye. “Dancing is just walking with emotion.” Your spare hand came to rest on his shoulder. Riddle looked at his shoes. It seemed as though he was terrified of stepping on your toes. The sight made you laugh lightly, and you tilted his head up to face you again. “Just do what the music tells you to do.”
It took a while to get going. For a few minutes, Riddle rigidly manoeuvred you around the garden in a simple waltz, his grip never wavering. You hand hurt in his hold, but you didn’t want to shatter his confidence by telling him so. The music started to pick up. Waltzing felt too slow and awkward now. Riddle seemed to sense it, too. You felt his pace quicken but he didn’t change his step.
Apparently, you were going to have to lead in you own way. Without warning, you lifted his arm and spun underneath it, coming back to rest your hand on his shoulder as if nothing had happened. Riddle’s eyes widened.
“Not so hard, is it?” you jested.
You were treading a thin and dangerous line here. Were you really foolish enough to attitude the dorm leader in his own garden? For a moment, Riddle said nothing. His expression was blank.
Then suddenly, he lifted his arm and spun you around once, twice, thrice and then caught you in a small dip. The sensation dizzied you, but not as much as your shock did. Where did such boldness come from all of a sudden?
The music continued to rise. Riddle’s body responded accordingly. He straightened you back up and started striding across the grass. You matched him without thinking. Everything clicked into place. Your moves, expressions and gestures were a cocktail – sharp yet sweet. Riddle only stood an inch taller than you, and was seemingly enthused by being able to gaze down at someone, like he was responsible for you as long as you were in his arms.
Finally, the music reached it’s climax. A cacophony of fiddles and cellos carried you onwards, and then Riddles’ hands were carrying you though the air. It only lasted for a moment. With his hands on your ribs you were lifted skyward and spun around. You were so surprised that you yelped.
The sound snapped Riddle back into himself. He quickly brought you back down and released you, turning away to hide his embarrassed blush. The gramophone cut off.
“Well,” Riddle said, still not facing you. “I’d best tend to the rest of the hedgehogs. Do enjoy the rest of your evening, (Y/N).” And with that, he disappeared round the bend of the maze.
You were starstruck. What a first impression! Your legs were so tired you thought you would collapse, and you heart swelled like a balloon in your chest.
You felt as though you could lay down and sleep right on the lawn, until a rustling came from the bushes. Was Riddle back for an encore?
To your surprise, a all man with ginger hair emerged from the behind a hedge cut into the shape of a flamingo. He had his phone in his hand and a goofy grin on his face. Cater Diamond you believed was his name.
“What a performance!” he exclaimed, tapping away on his screen fervently. “I hope Magicam will ship it as much as I do!”
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Happy birthday Carol!!!
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Trey: Happy Birthday Carol! I brought you a cake.
Carol: Oh, thank you very much, Trey! Oh it's even Apple pie.
Trey:Don't mention it. You help my dorm members as well and given how much patience they need, that is the least I can do.
Carol: *blushing smile* I'll try my best… Ace and Deuce are a handful but I manage. 
Trey: Is there a event that was your favourite here. 
Carol: I think mainly the Beans day event
… although I was quite surprised when you pinned me down, it was fun to lead the group…
Trey: Sorry about that. 
Carol: Don't worry. It was more of an emotional response than that it hurt…
Trey: So why did you choose the board game club as your club, I was curious. 
Carol: It kind of reminds me of time with my family. We used to sit together, play board games, laugh and have fun. It was some of my best nights… 
Trey: So it's mainly nostalgia…
Carol: I do miss my family a lot but the memories keep me happy and also I found lots of friends here… I feel happy here. 
Anyways enough about that, I actually still had stuff to do. 
Trey: You don't have work today, we arranged that most of the other students and teacher don't rely on you today. You need to rest or have fun on your birthday….
Carol: B-But the papers… 
Trey: Leona delivered them. 
Carol: The assignments? 
Trey: Idia send them through mails. 
Carol: I see…. 
Trey: Well thought this way we can pay you back for all the things you did for us. 
Carol: But I didn't do as much as Yuu, they were there to stop the overblots. 
Trey: But you supported them along the way. 
Carol: Maybe… but thank you…
Trey: We do have a little surprise  for you through the door. 
Carol: Another one? 
As she went through the door she got greeted by four cakes to the face in total. 
One from Malleus, one from Lilia, one form Silver, however Sebek didn't throw his.
Carol: Why so hesitant? *she smiled seeing the crumbs on her face*
Sebek: Today I will hold back, mainly cause I don't want to fight with you on your birthday… Carol. 
Carol: You didn't call me human… that is new but… I appreciate it. 
It's 6 am and the 16th of April just started so it's the birthday of Carol and myself. If you wanna send asks feel free. Happy about anything.
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its-nyakemi-nya · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland One Shot Raffle #3: Fluff! Riddle Rosehearts x Gender Neutral! Short! Reader
i-just-want-my-empanada-goddamit: I don't particularly have any scenario in mind but can you do an fluff x reader with kalim or riddle? like it's the readers birthday or something
This is our third one shot raffle nya! Won and requested by @i-just-want-my-empanada-goddamit nya! Actually, I will write the Kalim one (It’s still in progress nya) too nya! It’s a bonus one shot for I am gracious nya XD
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland nya. I only own the plot of this one shot nya.
P.S. I would like to apologise for Jade being OOC and my grammatical mistakes nya. Enjoy nya!
“Hey, [First Name]. Let’s go!” Ace said, weirdly cheerfully, as he started to drag you by your wrist. You look at Deuce who seems jumpy today. Grim looked at you with the same weirded out expression.
Suspicious, you pulled your wrist out off of Ace’s hold and crossed your arms, “You two seem more stupid than usual today.”
“Hey! We’re not stupid!” The two said simultaneously which made Grim laugh.
You continued, “Is there something wrong today?”
“Nope,” Ace answered without hesitation.
“W-we’re n-not planning anything,” Deuce answered which earned him a stomp from Ace. Deuce glared at Ace.
This confirmed your suspicion. Something is definitely up. So you started to ask more questions, “What are you guys up to?”
“Nothing,” Ace answered.
“We’re not distracting you or anything,” Deuce answered which earned him another stomp on the foot, courtesy of Ace.
“What the heck?! Dorm Head Riddle we’ll have our heads!” Ace said angrily to Deuce. Deuce immediately covered Ace’s mouth.
You raised your eyebrow, “So this has something to do with Riddle huh? I better go to your dorm and check it out then.”
Before you could even walk to the Hall of Mirrors, Ace and Deuce blocked your way, “You’re not going anywhere, [First Name]!”
“The dorm head we’ll have our heads if we don’t stop you for long,” Deuce added.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, “Grim, help me escape from them and I’ll give you twenty cans of tuna.”
“It’s a deal!” Grim said cheerfully, “So what’s the plan?”
You carried him, “Oi! Don-“
“Sorry, Grim!” You apologised as you threw him towards the duo.
The two dodged the thrown Grim as an opportunity opened up for you. Taking that opportunity, you pushed Ace and Deuce and ran towards the Hall of Mirrors.
“Almost there,” You muttered as you’ve reached the entrance way.
Suddenly two pairs of arms held you in place or your feet to be specific, “We can’t let you!”
“not my fault that you’re suspicious!” You said, trying to get the duo off of your feet.
“Don’t you dare throw the great Grim again, [First Name],” Grim said, panting.
“Hey, Grim. Will you do me another favour?” You asked.
“Nope!,” Grim already declined.
“Burn these two off of me and I’ll double the number of canned tunas you’ll receive.”
“Sorry, guys. But this is just business,” Grim said as he readied to breathe fire at them.
The two immediately let go of your feet and ran away before they even get burned.
Using that chance, you ran towards the mirror with the Heartslabyul insignia on top and got transported there.
From there, you saw a shock looking Cater, looking distressed.
“Gehh! [First Name], what are you doing here? You were supposed to be with Ace and Deuce,” Cater said as he already texted Riddle.
“You lot are suspicious. I’m going to go right in!” You said as you march your way towards the dorm.
“[First Name], you can’t!” Cater cried.
Suddenly, something covered your eyes, making you temporarily blind.
“Oh my. You came earlier than expected, [First Name],” Trey said.
You’ve touched your eyes to feel what was causing your temporary blindness and it turns out to be a handkerchief.
“We cannot prolong this anymore, shall we get going, [First Name]?”
You nodded your head, wanting to know what they’re up to already.
Trey carefully guided you to the garden where Riddle is waiting for you.
“Darn those idiots. It will be off with their heads later,” Riddle muttered, referring to Ace and Deuce, as he watched you being guided by Trey.
Soon, you were standing in front of Riddle.
“Why did we stop?” You asked Trey, “Can I take off my blind fold now?”
“Hold on,” Trey said. With a wave from his magic pen, your clothes magically transformed into a cute outfit.
Riddle blushed at how cute you look in your outfit. Today is a special day after all. Trey noticed Riddle’s blush and gave him a teasing smile. He then mouthed to Riddle “Good luck” to him as Trey removed the blind fold for you.
You’ve got blinded by the light for a second but a few moments later, your eyes started to adjust from the brightness. You mouth agape on how marvellous the garden looked and how pretty your outfit is.
You scanned the area and saw a banner that says “Happy Birthday, [First Name]”.
“Happy Birthday, [First Name],” Riddle greeted you.
“Huh?” You blushed, “How did you know that it’s my birthday today?”
“I asked two certain fools for that info,” Riddle answered, blushing.
You smiled at him then gave him a peck on his cheek. He blushed as red as a tomato can be.
Riddle shook his head as he held your hand and guided you towards your seat. He lets go of your hand to pull the chair for you. You simply giggled, “Thank you, Riddle.” He then took his seat as well.
“I never expected for you to arrive this early, [First Name],” Riddle said, starting the conversation, as he poured some tea for you.
You simply giggled and said, “Those two aren’t good at keeping secrets.”
“Darn those fools,” He muttered as he poured some for himself as well.
“Stop thinking about them and let’s enjoy our time, shall we? I’m dying to try my birthday cake,” You said.
“O-Oh right,” Riddle said as he lights the candle using fire magic.
“Once again, Happy birthday, [First Name]! Make a wish,” Riddle said.
“You forgot something, Riddle,” You said, giggling.
“Wh-What is it?” Riddle asked.
“Singing happy birthday, silly,” You said.
“I-I guess it wouldn’t be a birthday without the birthday song,” Riddle blushed as he cleared his throat and started to sing, “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear [First Name]! Happy Birthday to you!”
“Wah! You’re so adorable, Riddle,” You squealed out of delight.
“Bl-blow out your candles, [First Name],” Riddle said, flustered.
You stood up, closed your eyes and made a wish. As soon as you did, you blow the candle.
“Let’s dig in! I can’t wait to eat this cake,” You said, giddy about eating, as you sat down.
“Let me get you a slice,” Riddle said as he stood up from his seat, grabbed your plate then sliced some cake and placed it on your plate. He then placed your plate in front of you.
Your eyes sparkled and took the first bite, “Wah! It’s delicious!”
“Trey’s cakes are always the best,” Riddle said as he watched you take another bite.
You stopped taking a bite which made Riddle confused, “What’s wrong, [First Name]?”
“It’s not fun if you don’t have any yourself,” You said as you took some cake using a fork and placed it in front of Riddle, “Say “aah”.”
“You know that I’m not a baby, [First Name],” Riddle said. You gave him the puppy eyes, which is something he cannot resist if it’s you.
“Fine. I-If you insist,” He said as he took a bite out of your fork. You squealed in delight once more. He then smiled at your happy expression, “Since you’ve fed me, I’ll feed you back as well.” Riddle then took some cake using his fork.
“Of course,” You smiled.
It ended up the two of you feeding each other.
“You’ve got some crumbs on your face. Let me get that for you,” Riddle said as he wiped it off using a napkin.
“Why thank you,” You said.
Suddenly, a slow dance music was heard (Courtesy by Cater). Riddle stands up and offered you a hand, “M-May I have this dance?” He stuttered.
“Why of course,” You giggled as you accepted his hand.
Both of your arms are wrapped around his neck while his arms wrapped around your waist.
“Thank you for this party, Riddle. You’re the best,” You said as you leaned on his chest, “I love you, Riddle.”
“I lo-love you, t-too, [First Name].”
After your party ended and you left, Riddle was glaring at the two fools who accidentally blabbered in front of [First Name].
“I’m waiting for your explanation,” Riddle said in a scary tone, tapping his foot.
“We’re so sorry, Dorm Head Riddle…,” Then the two started to blabber and blame each other for the mistake which made Riddle annoyed.
“I have enough from the both of you. I’ll have your heads! Off With Your Head!”
“It sucks to be them, right, Trey?” Cater said.
“This time, I can’t bail them out,” Trey said, sweatdropping.
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Okay, so... Closet Pervert!Deuce 👀 just basically stealing anything from darling from her newly bought handkerchief, straws from drinks she sucked from, hell maybe even sneaking into her room and stealing her underwear hngg.... AAAAAA i just love the idea of him finally having the privilege of fucking darling when she finally consents(or not, i love ur non con works ughhh 😩) when it's finally his birthday, for him to fill her up a bunch of million times and going feral when he thinks about his precious best friend getting knocked up with his babies-- GAHDHFKFHAKDHAKA BARK BARK BARK--
Baby, I smell your hornii from way over here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I, too, LIVE for yandere closet perverts ♥︎
Warning : Dub-Con | Yandere | Kleptomania (?)
LOL Deuce probably doesn’t even realize this creepy-ass behavior most of the time, since I can see it starting off really innocent and sweet. Like— He loses his temper one day and got into a fight with another random mob. He won, he always do but in this particular fight, he didn’t come out unscathed and blood was shed. Maybe his nose bled or there was a cut on his lip, but it caught your attention nonetheless and offered your own handkerchief to help wipe up the blood and cover the wound until you both reach the infirmary.
The handkerchief was so potent of your scent and realized how fond he is of this smell, somehow making him feel so nostalgic and soothes him up. You basically gave him the first item in his collection, despite Deuce saying how he’ll wash and return it afterwards. Surprise, surprise,he never did return it not that you minded anyway nor ever washing the piece of cloth because he didn’t want your scent getting washed away in the process. Now, it sits at the top of his collection, still stained with his own dried blood from that day...Deuce lowkey considers it his favorite lol
AND THUS, stealing shit you probably won’t notice gone became habit little by little, even becoming a daily basis. The eraser you dropped? Nope, gone. You tried looking for it in the place it landed but for some reason, it’s not there, like it was just been swallowed by the ground...weird. Oh, and that pen you were chewing on as a way to quench your boredom during history class? You looked away one moment to watch the birds outside the window and looking back— Yup, it’s gone. Sometimes, Deuce would even offer to throw your trash for you, specifically when you just finished drinking a special limited-edition milkshake, only for him to...casually slip the straw out of the cup and pocket it in to add to his growing collection. He’s a soft boi to blush at the thought of indirect kissing if he sucks on it right after.
But the real problematic issue comes in when he starts to come into your room at every opportunity he gets. Whether it’s because you invited him in, or he sneaked his way in, it doesn’t matter if he can find a way and he always will. He begins to steal stuff that was now making you suspicious, like— you’re pretty sure you dumped your underwear in the laundry basket just a few minutes ago...huh, where did it go? Socks?You’re missing a pair. Bra? It’s not difficult to count in one hand how many you have, and you SWEAR there’s one missing in your closet. Shirt, a full-set of your daily outfit?? Okay, this is getting weird, it’s clear to you now that someone is stealing from you after denying it for so long, and that’s not good, not to mention creepy.
But you don’t know that it’s him and you don’t have to know! You’re more wary of your surroundings but that’s alright...Deuce thinks as he listens to you complain about this stalker you claim to have, a smile slowly forming on his lips and sweat dripping down his forehead...You look really cute being all pouty about your lost items here, it’s difficult to resist the urge to just...steal you away for a change.
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WHEN YOU FINALLY GIVE THIS “CONSENT”YOU SPEAK OF. Okay, maybe you developed feelings for him at some point, cool, that’s understandble— I mean, he’s a great listener, a sweetheart who’s willing to protect and provide for you, a true gentleman who wouldn’t hurt you ever. How could you not fall for this wonderful boi? So, as a birthday gift, you finally answered his call and tried quench his hornii, the thirst and give yourself to him...Well, yeah~ Maybe it’s great at first, since he’s really cute being inexperienced and wanting to learn more about pleasuring you sexually and all but...His actions surprisingly doesn’t seem to be that of an inexperienced individual at all, if you do say so yourself.
Once you give him that green light, there was no turning back as he, quite literally would pounce on you before you could even say anything else. His actions seem so practiced, like he was just waiting for this day to come, fantasizing every outcome and how to deal with it, what methods he should use. Deuce is that type of person to get lost in the moment after all, because goddamn you feel so good wrapped around his cock like this. He had been stealing from you for months without you ever considering him as a possible suspect, like a deranged kleptomaniac he is, but he could not describe the ecstasy he feels when the realization hits him of actually being able to steal your virginity away with mere words.
So, if you give consent, you can’t expect him to stop or to slow down at any moment, because— Um, you just can’t, Darling. Isn’t this supposed to be his birthday gift? Even you can’t shake him out of the goal of fucking you stupid, finding your special spots and thoroughly abusing those spots until it all goes sore that it would be difficult for you to even stand tomorrow morning. He wouldn’t be able to shut himself up too during an intense session most likely. Aggressively muttering about creating a family with you, and wanting you knocked up with his child, possibly suggesting more ones that sounded more like a threat rather than just dirty talking that you just clench against him out of instinctive fear. Unfortunately for you, it only motivates him further.
So, anyway— yeah...This happens.
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