Adam's eyes widened upon hearing a familiar voice saying his name, and whispered that person's name back.
"... Lute?"
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*Adam was outside of a large, and marvelous building.*
"I... I think this is the place..."
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Adam was inside of his room sitting on a chair, and writing on a piece of paper for someone.
"Dear Lute.
Heya Dangertits... it's been awhile since we last saw each other... Yes, I'm alive and now a sinner.... how have ya been? I'm actually doing great here in Hell... especially the Hazbin Hotel which that place fucking rocks! Anyway... you're probably wondering why I'm acting so out of character, and not the Adam that you once knew. The truth is... I've completely changed, Lute. Ever since I died, I was reborn as a sinner... with no memories of who I am or even was before. it took my amnesia a few weeks or a month before I fully remembered my past and wellbeing. During those times... I started to change. I'm no longer being a dick to everyone now, and saying I'm better than anyone else but myself, Dangertits. Hell, I even stop calling myself "Dickmaster" and just stick on being called Adam instead. Hell isn't forever, and it's just only temporary for us sinners before were redeemed...I hope one day you could also change, aswell as the others up above in Heaven. Oh! One last thing before I finish writing this letter... which you'll never see, or read from me... I miss you a fuck ton alot, Lute... and I...I love you so much... although you'll never accept me now that I'm a sinner/demon... I hope that we could one day see each other again, Lute... whenever that day is..."
From the ex extermination leader, and your former boss... Adam.
Adam stops writing his letter... and slowly starts to cry after finishing it.
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After a few days later...
The unconscious sinner suddenly started moving, as he slowly opened both his eyes up.
"Ugh...fuck... what... what happened?"
The conscious Sinner carefully got up on his feet, and looked around in this familiar, yet new unknown place he's currently in.
"Where... where am I?.... What is this place?
The Sinner then looks down at his hands, and they were shaking for some unknown reason.
"And...and who am I thought? I....I can't really remember anything at all..."
*Adam had recently just woken up, and is both confused/nervous as to where or who he is/was... would you like to interact with him?*
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A familiar person turned Sinner was lying unconscious, and unmoving near an alleyway in Pentagram City...
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So uh, do you still have your wings?
"No unfortunately since I'm a demon not an Angel... but once I'm redeemed again I can get them back... although..."
Adam has something in his mind that he feels... uncertainty, doubt, and nervousness.
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What is Adam wearing? :0
"Um...what am I wearing though?"
Adam was confused at what the anon was talking about.
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What do you think of the nickname dickmaster?
"Oh! That was my former nickname when I was still an angel! Aka "The original Dickmaster"... but I don't go by that nickname anymore. I just go by Adam now."
The amnesic Dickmaster has finally returned, and Adam doesn't have amnesia anymore.
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"FUCK YEAH! I'M PART OF THE HAZBIN HOTEL! I wonder if staying here can help me remember my past, and have my old memories back?"
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First time, huh? Your best bet is probably to avoid striking deals with anyone
Hell, don’t interact with anyone in hell, especially some high ranking demons
I heard about this place called the Hazbin hotel that is fully accessible for sinners
Maybe go there?
"Hazbin...Hotel?... Why does that name sound... familiar? Ok then, thanks for the recommendation... I'll definitely go check on that place."
*Adam then started to go explore Pentagram City, and find the "Hazbin Hotel." *
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Her brows furrow as she watches the other demon run off.
"I don't know? Maybe your vibe? You've got some nasty rbf."
"Me? I have nasty vibes? No way! I'm not nasty!... I'm just confused, and lost that's all..."
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oh um hmmm well I…well I will tell this everything will be alright just project yourself and maybe something will come to you soon
"Thanks, I guess... although I wish I knew who I was before I died..."
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"Like, one of the demons born in hell?" *She says with a smirk.* "Thought that one would be pretty obvious. Must mean you're a sinner."
*She sniffs at the air.*
"That's weird, you don't smell fresh at all."
"Hell? You mean... I'm dead? How the fuck am I dead!?" I don't even remembered how I even died in the first place!"
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*Another sinner walks past the alley but backtracks a moment later to stare at the newly conscious.*
*She's of average height and build, with long muscular legs. She wears a chefs coat, unbuttoned, over a worn t-shirt and denim shorts, and her hair is long and wild down her back, curling like flames. However, most striking, are the twin fox tails that lazily sway around her legs, and the ears that stand at attention.*
"Nice horns dude." *She says after an almost awkward beat.* "Are you hellborn?"
"Huh? Uhh... thanks? Also, what do you mean Hellborn? What's that?"
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"Unfortunate in the sense that, ya know, that Adam guy leads all those angels down here every year. Real ball ache apparently, though I don't know anyone who's seen him and lived." She shrugs.
"But I guess you wouldn't know about the extermination, since you're a freshie..."
"Yeah, I guess you're right... although now that I heard it from you... angels are seriously fucked, and messed up. imagine if I was the guy commanding those evil angels, and kill everyone in Hell... wouldn't it be just a coincidence now isn't it, Eden?"
Oh, poor, unfortunate, amnesic Dickmaster...
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"I'm... I'm afraid to be redeemed..."
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