#And I hope you like it
vii-doodles · 2 days
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DTIYS prize for @micahthemoon ❤️
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My gift to you @earth-fan :)
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weirdlybeans · 1 year
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My favorite autistic trio <3
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sluttyhenley · 11 months
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been around a time or two
The thought of Maverick had her opening up their text thread. It was painfully short; he wasn’t a fan of texting. Too slow, he said. Still, she could use someone to talk to right now. She wasn’t even sure how it fit into whatever it was that they were doing, but he always answered her if he wasn’t busy. Phoenix: i just had the longest goddamn day Phoenix: i never want to hear the words heavy metal ever again She set her phone down and went back to contemplating the contents of her refrigerator. She really wanted to avoid spending money on take out. Maybe she had something in her freezer she could throw in the microwave.  Phoenix’s phone buzzed and a text notification from Maverick lit up her screen. A wave of delight beat back at the crush of exhaustion that had been weighing her down ever since she let herself into her apartment.  Mav ✈️: Everything okay?
Sometimes, after a long day, the only person Phoenix wants to talk to is Maverick.
for @natashatrace
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endless-swords · 1 year
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based on something my friend @hanolliver said, and memories of church camp.
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Oh my darling dear @scarlettriot I do apologize once more for losing your note, and therefore losing what was needed to make your potion! I do hope it was something along this vein, and I do hope you can forgive a simple peddler like myself.
Please, take this as a token of my good faith. I had sensed that this man, Kirishima, had been on your mind quite a bit lately and I think I have just the thing for that
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You lived a simple life; one that dealt with cloth and sewing needlings as you carefully combined them to make an assortment of gloves and handwear. To be a glove maker was not one of glamour or boasting, but you would not have it any other way. You took pride in the perfectly constructed creations and the serenity of the mind it gave you while making them.
Well, most of the time.
You cannot lie and say that the few times you pricked your hand didn’t make you hiss in pain, eyes staring daggers at the offending piece of metal, didn’t make you huff in anger. Or when a patron came to you demanding you create gloves made of material that was nearly impossible to do, didn’t make you curse under your breath as worked tirelessly to fulfill the request. Or those that came to you to with a request on a short deadline, you would certainly stay up all night red in the face with anger over the ordeal.
There was good that always went hand in hand with the bad in your line of work, and Kirishima Eijirou was the perfect example of that. A generous and kind man, who always paid you more than what was needed, and always came to you at the last possible second for replacements. Whether that be for formal gloves, to those he uses in his gardens, there was always a strict timeline he had you under.
It certainly made things very interesting for you. You would always sigh in defeat whenever he would request a favour from you, knowing you could never say no to a man as sweet as he was - especially not when he looked at you the way he did. You were a sucker for a handsome man with sad eyes after all, and though Kirishima didn’t know he was, he was taking full advantage of that.
Time and time again you spend many a sleepless night huffing and puffing to finish his purchases; and every morning after, when you would go to give him a piece of your mind, his smile would make you melt and all would suddenly be forgiven.
You seemed to be a fool in love, and you wished you weren’t. There were more important things to do with your time than be lovesick over that sweet man; things like gardening, preparing a meal, reading a good book, or even working on your other passions.
And yet here you were, daydreaming about him at all hours of the day. Over what meal is favorite, what he likes to do on a rainy day, what is his favorite outfit to wear, how he starts his morning and does he eat enough in the day. All them riddle your brain until you couldn’t even focus on your work - gloves being stitched wrong, fingers being pocked and pinched until they were sore, and days blending into one another to the point you became behind on your orders.
All this over foolish redhead.
Well, enough was enough. That was kept playing in your mind as you marched your way through the market and to the small run-down cart of a peddler that would frequent the square every now and then. If anyone could help you with your little problem it was her - or so many within your town had said.
She gave you a coy smile at your request, one you couldn’t tell was playful or mischievous due to the brim of her hat covering her eyes. Nonetheless, she handed over a vial of crimson, with golden detailing, for you to keep. She claimed it would help with all the pesky thoughts.
“Don’t get it on your skin.” she warned, hands folding in her lap as she leaned back in her chair “It might burn you if you’re not careful.”
Her warning sent the hairs on your arm to stand, eyes the small vial with caution as you wondered what it may do to your body if you were it ingest it. But she merely disregarded your question, your trepidation of taking it, with a wave goodbye and the hope to see you again soon.
And really, you were desperate. You were more than willing to take the risk of your insides going aflame if it meant all the puppy-love thoughts could be quelled even for a moment - not that you hated them entirely, you quite enjoyed the fantasies they brought you on, but you couldn’t live in fantasy; you had to face reality at some point and you hoped this would help. And besides, everyone else who was lucky to get a potion ended up fine…. For the most part.
You knew he had pair of gardening gloves to pick up that evening, you had spent all night working with the burlap after all, and perhaps then would be a good time to test the peddler’s craft; to help bring reality to your rose coloured world that revolved around him.
You took a deep breath, mentally taking a leap of faith, as you took a swig from the vial; keeping your eyes closed to keep you in tune with your body. After a moment you sighed in relief over the complete unchange that happened; your body not set ablaze. And at a perfect time too, as the gentle rapt at your door meant Kirishima was here; ready to pick up his order.
And yet, when you went to open the door, to hand him the gloves, those thoughts never ceased. In fact, they ran more ramped then ever, like your mind was leaping from you with all the thoughts and possibilities you could have with the man standing but a few feet away.
“I wonder what perfume she’s wearing, it smells so pretty, much like her. Suits her well.’ was the last thought you had, or at least the last one you focused on. It made your eyes go wide as it repeated over and over, thoughts about you. The potion didn’t grant you the ability to silence your thoughts, merely gave you the chance to read his.
And with that bit of courage, of knowing he thought of you as much as you did him, made you swing open the door - gloves being tossed aside as you greeted him warmly.
“So, you like my perfume?”
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I hope my potion met your standards, but please make sure you handle that vial carefully - it really can burn your skin if you are not paying attention
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lividdreamz · 2 years
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therealjammy · 1 year
Have a tiny, slightly angsty oneshot that takes place in a 1x06 vacuum. It was fun to write! Posting here for the Tumblr crowd xx
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ripleywrites · 11 months
Got a RedBubble store for my non-handmade goods! All original designs, and working on more! Let me know what you'd like to see!
Adding my Etsy shop, might as well! Will be doing a stock update soonish!
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balmacedapascal · 2 years
julie, hii!! idk if you're still accepting prompts but I've had this sudden urge of rhae and the boys in the single dad!harwin verse 🥺🥴✨ so, if you're feeling like it, "pinky promise" between the three of them? 🧡 i just need rhae, jace and luke being the bestestestests of best friends 🥴🥺🧡😭
(I am ALWAYS accepting prompts. Just sometimes I'm slower writing them is all.)
Sitting on the well worn couch in Harwin's living room, it was hard for Rhaenyra to think that it had only been a few weeks that they'd been doing this. It was the third time that week that she'd wound at his house after work, changing into comfy clothes that she'd started keeping in a little gym bag in her car and enjoying a simple meal fish and chips he made for them and the boys. She'd sipped a cider through dinner, listening as Jace told a story about how he finally managed to hang upside down from the monkey bars at recess and leaning over to inspect Luke's first loose tooth that was bound to fall out any day now. She'd slipped up twice, using adult language that had both boys shouting for a dollar to the swear jar kept on the kitchen counter and hiding her own smile as they giggled away at the funds being added. At least ten dollars had been added since she first started coming over as she worked on making herself a bit more kid friendly but Harwin was never upset with her. After all, the jar had been two-thirds full before she'd ever set foot inside.
And now she was sitting comfortably on the middle cushion, Harwin to her right and Jace laying with his head in her lap. The television was playing one of the Marvel movies, although she hadn't been paying much attention. The early morning at her office had left her as sleepy as the boys seemed to be as the night went on but she was happy to enjoy the time with them nevertheless.
It wasn't until Harwin moved to stand up that she realized Luke was fast asleep in his lap, the little boy drooling down the front of his dad's shirt. "I'm gonna put him down, I'll be right back," he mumbled softly, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek before disappearing down to the boys' bedroom.
Looking down at Jace, she was sure the older boy wouldn't be too far behind his brother, eyes drooping as he watched the action sequences on screen. Her fingers dragged gently through his mess curls, an affectionate touch that she'd quickly learned both father and sons enjoyed and she had found herself doing more often than not. Seeming to sense her eyes on him, Jace shifted on her lap, looking up at her with sleepy eyes.
"You should come over more often, Nyra," he mumbled softly, eyes closing for a moment as he seemed to struggle with the sleep creeping up. Her heart warmed at the words, knowing how important it was that they like her if this was going to continue on in any form. "Dad laughs more when you're here. And we get more ice cream. It's pretty nice."
She couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped at his explanation, thinking back to the sundaes that had been eaten once dinner was finished two nights earlier. "I think it's pretty nice too."
There was a lull, muffled sounds of Harwin most likely telling Luke a quick bedtime story filtering down the hall. She smiled at the sound before glancing back down at Jace. His expression was serious, or as serious as six year old could be. "Promise not to make him sad? He was sad after mom left. We don't want him to be sad anymore."
There hadn't been much talk about his ex-wife since they'd reconnected, just that she'd left him with the boys and hadn't shown her face since the paperwork was finalized. But it was clear Jace had noticed his father's moods and she couldn't help but think back to the things her own father had tried to hide from her after her mother's death, about the way he'd wanted to hide his grief from her. But she'd seen it all the same and it seemed Jace had experienced something similar.
"I promise," she told him softly. "Pinky promise, even. Your dad is a very good man and I don't want to see him sad anymore than you do."
He smiled at that, hooking his pinky through hers before settling back down. As predicted, by the time Harwin had returned from putting Luke to bed, Jace had fallen asleep on her lap and was quietly snoring away. She waved him off as he bent to pick up the boy, taking his hand and telling him to leave the boy be for a bit. She was perfectly happy to keep carding fingers through his hair as he dreamed for a while longer.
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tireironmybeloved · 1 year
soundtrack 🙏🎵
send "soundtrack" for a song that plays when our muses are on screen. add + for the first five songs of the soundtrack to a plotted verse
Roots - In This Moment Raise Hell - Dorathy Blood in the Cut - K. Flay Black Sheep - Metric, Brie Larson vocals Every You, Every Me - Placebo
Bonus song: Brain by BANKS
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nerdsbianhokie · 2 years
Generic prompt: What happens when the hero shows up to a villain's invite, expecting a trap - and it's a date?
Sanvers/Director Sanvers/Any pairing you like prompt: Why Alex isn't allowed to buy rubber ducks anymore
"I'm really not sure about this."
"it'll be fine. It's a good plan."
Lucy poked one of the rubber ducks sitting on her desk, then turned to another. "It's a stupid plan," she murmured. "Should have knocked her out when she told me her plan."
"and what is her plan?"
Lucy jumped at the new voice. "How do you do that every time?"
The hero grinned at Lucy, that easy going grin that both enamored and annoyed Lucy.
"that wasn't an answer," the hero pushed. "What is her big plan to trap me this time?"
"a question," Alex cut in.
"and a lot of ducks," Lucy huffed.
"she has animal powers!" Alex argued.
The hero's grin deepened. "You two are cute."
"so you'll stay for dinner?" Alex asked.
The hero laughed. Dimples appeared under her domino mask.
"maybe next time."
The lights flickered and the hero was gone, along with the rubber ducky from Lucy's desk.
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koobiie · 4 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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spineless-lobster · 9 months
I am not the divine masculine or the divine feminine I am the divine comedy and you will address me as such
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youthofpandas · 3 months
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What’s up with how the dunmeshi fandom just lies about this kind of stuff all the time. It is easily confirmable information that it was a monthly series, something incredibly common in the industry.
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A not weekly magazine schedule is literally common !! Especially in the seinen shoujo and josei demographics, sometimes monthly, sometimes biweekly, sometimes every two months, sometimes seasonal! Please stop lying about how Dunmeshi was some special unique creation that defies all standards of manga just to hype it up because it is so clear that every single one of these comparisons is centered around Weekly Shonen Jump (and understand that SJ has many magazines under its brand that are monthly or semimonthly). Not everything is WSJ and it needs to stop being the only point of reference in conversations like this 🤧
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