knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Drawing is hard. Usually I'm good at copying by hand, but this is a bit of a challenge. That's good, though, right? Means I'm learning
Wip (day 2)
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I edited this to replace the day 1 image, since the changes are subtle.
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Random update on the 200KnacksChallenge:
(I just made up that name now; for any who read this, I intended to draw many Little Knacks using screenshots from the first game as reference, and collected about 100 screenshots. Now I'm adding the second game to the project and am going to collect 100 more presumably. Give or take a few tens. Sounds scary, but I know those are rookie numbers for what I wish I could cook up. The goal is to Get Good and Have Fun)
So it turns out, my settings for DaVinci Resolve made it so stills were saved in ultraHD, 2160p, rather than 1080p. You might hear Ultra High Definition and be like hey that sounds cool, more resolution gets you clearer images, right? Wrong.
Because 1. Most people are going to view anything I make via a computer or phone, which don't exceed 1080p. Things like UltraHD and 4K are for big screens that have more pixels. And 2. I downloaded the videos in 1080p, so making them 2160p blows them up to 4x their original size, but it doesn't add more detail.
The result is files that are bloated for no reason. It is late at the moment, so I have not the brainpower to know what that means for the images I already shared online. Probably not worth redoing them; they're fine for the most part but might be kinda big, depending. The PSN message stickers are unbothered since they never went into DaVinci Resolve, just GIMP for cropping, so that's nice.
Anyway, with how stills work in DaVinci, I sort of have to go back and retake them. This wouldn't be such a big deal, just some tedium, except I have to do everything the hard way for reasons. But now I have space on the laptop, so I can do thing! Yay!
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Going slightly mad; I'm on a family trip but couldn't bring the laptop because it dies within an hour. So I have too much time on my hands with fewer distractions, but can’t continue sorting stills until I get back.
At least I had the foresight to arrange and print some of them into reference sheets. And I brought my sketchbook.
Now I will ramble about what I'm doing/planning for various projects:
I'm rethinking how I have collected the stills so far. Rather than arrange the stills into a page according to scene, I should instead categorize them by action. That way, I can cut out lots of duplicate content and view the many ways Knack does something in both games.
Working with all this stuff kind of overlaps with other projects?
I'm trying to get practice in and make a Knack design I like the most, which I can reference for future projects.
I need to go through both games and categorize whole scenes based on characters and events, so I can do the same thing I'm doing with Knack with other characters, and also Knack again at different sizes, hopefully much quicker.
Still considering going whole reboot, given that I have complained about much. I dunno how respectful it would be to the source material. Or I guess they're called alternate universes? I call it a reboot because I really wish I could stick as close to canon as possible, but it is broken.
And if I do, then it might be good to do that role-play thing to get a vague sense of how exchanges of blows will go. But do I want to do that for the second game? And how relevant would it be, really, since I'll also be attempting to establish a more consistent power-set that may not exactly fit either game perfectly? Anything is better than nothing, I suppose, but is it worth the time sink? Oh well! Any excuse to play video game!
Then there's the matter of "I'm not so great at writing." Going through the games and categorizing scenes can help me go back and check the characters and lore details, so I might be able to come up with a more complete interpretation.
Mom called me out when I told her some of my plans, saying it sounds like a chore and I'm making work for myself. Which, yeah, probably. But it consumes my waking thoughts, so what else can I do? I probably should take more breaks to avoid burnout.
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