#( musings && qingxuan )
deiscension · 3 months
I know 'would you still love me if I was a worm' is one of the deadest memes out there but here's the thing. SQX wouldn't ask. She knows you'd still love her if she was a worm. She'd be the cutest little worm wiggling around on the topsoil right after a nice rain. You could put a tiny bow on her tiny worm head and she'd rival any top model. She is so confident in this that she would proclaim yes you would still love her if she was a worm, how couldn't you? And then if you say 'no I wouldn't' she'd laugh because you're clearly joking. Like are you serious. Of course you'd still love her as a worm. Come on. Get with the program yes you would.
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resolutepath · 10 days
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PENACONY'S DARLING. aka Shi Qingxuan's HSR verse.
Windmaster is a strange title, but one that accompanies Shi Qingxuan often, though he usually laughs it off as a relic of an old joke. A flighty, spirited kind of individual who has come to settle within the sanctuary of Penacony's Golden Hour. There is no mention of a former life and instead he only indulges in the show of the world, changing his gender presentation on a whim, moulding himself into his ideal visage within the memoria-fuelled existence. Should one delve deeper, one might find that this younger brother is in hiding, left here by his elder to protect him after an encounter with The Antimatter Legion went horribly wrong.
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Element: Wind (obviously), Path: Harmony, Weapon: Fan Faction / Alignments: In terms of this I'm leaning more towards The Mirror Holders but I need to cook on this a little first.
can often be found centre stage, occasionally with Robin as company, taking advantage of the show. Does not mind being the centre of gossip, in fact rather enjoys what word can be created.
often flits between male and female form within the dream and is unapologetic about it. Tends to take great pleasure in watching others connect the dots and cares little for their opinions if they are unsavory.
Three words to describe at first glance: indulgent, impulsive and carefree. Longer in his company might reveal a little more though.
Cheerful even in bad circumstances but terribly prone to rambling nonsense when he himself is under pressure. Will walk dressing rooms or pace streets muttering to himself, though tries to stay away from attention.
If awoken is a poor replica of the character within the dream. The only thing that remains is his bright eyes. His arm and leg are badly damaged and he is rather more subdued, seemingly distant, like the spark's been drawn right out though if directly conversed with he makes efforts to bring it back.
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coreofgold · 3 months
@irresistiibles for Qingxuan
"Ah! You must be Shi Qingxuan." Dandelion beamed, strutting toward the other in quite the flamboyant outfit. "I'm Jaskier, or Dandelion when the poetry is at its loudest. I'll be your boss."
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irresistiibles · 1 year
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describe your character’s aesthetic in five words or less
genderless, bright, loud energy
what flower would you connect to your character? why?
after some googling i'm going to go with larkspur, which have a connection to an open heart, levity, and lightness.
pick a crystal that you feel fits your muse best and explain the connection
mtorolite. as listed from this website "mtorolite inspires you to let go of past regrets and encourages new beginnings." i think given qingxuan's ability to bounce back after everything that happened to them that's a pretty solid one for them.
out of water, fire, earth, and air, which element do you think represents your character best?
air. i don't really need to elaborate here. shi qingxuan ascended as the wind master, and elemental masters always have a strong affiliation with their element. it's just right.
what color do you most strongly associate with your muse?
definitely like an aquamarine or bright teal
is there an animal you feel fits your muse’s personality best?
probably some type of bird. pretty and free and flighty and delicate. maybe a sparrow.
are there any choices your character makes solely because it fits their aesthetic?
absolutely. qingxuan is at least a little vain and likes to fit their look to what feels fitting. qingxuan would get into hobbies just because they seem pretty and aesthetically pleasing
pick one quote that you think of when you think of your character and share it with us
"i am someone who did not die when i should have died."
list off the top three kinds of imagery that come to mind when you think of your muse
hand fans, pouring drinks for a group of friends, dancing without any music playing
describe your muse using only ao3 tags
x, x, x
pick your top three favorite memes from your character’s pinboard and share them with us
x, x, x, x
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[HIGH] Sender gets something off the high shelf for receiver (from Hua Cheng for SQX!)
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"Oh dear me" She was fanning herself with frenetic devotion, making her hair fly on that fearsome wind. A youngster clad in red was extending his hand, stretching his whole body to reach her a jug of wine. She knew who he is, but as that young man, she too was masked, wearing her feminine appearance. Often worshiped as a female, Lord Wind Master earned his other title Fēng Shī Niáng Niang. Lady Wind Master. This was his preferred form and also a form that held more power.
Once that jug of wine was in her hands, she looks up at the lad next to her, the cheeky, fearsome Ghost King himself. Idle again, wondering here and there. "San Lang was it? it's how Xie Lian his Highness is calling you. Thank you for your assistance" She falters a bit under the pressure of that gaze, fluttering her fan with renewed dedication.
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Still, funny and carefree, with a pure heart and naive head. She offers the Ghost King to have a drink with her, after all, is there any better way to say thank you than to pour him some wine. And play this illusion, this pretense to its end. After all, she is not that dense, she knew why he helped her reach her goal. The one placing that wine up and sealing it was Earth Master, always scolding her to shape up and stop drinking and pouring wine all around.
"If you will be so kind to follow me...." She leads the way without turning around, she knew he follows that jiggling sound, follows with his every nimble footstep.
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gege-of-xianle · 5 months
MXTX Roleplay Blog Masterlist!
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(Ooc: I didn't see any of these floating around yet, so I thought I'd make one to facilitate finding other roleplay blogs in MXTX fandoms!
It will be continuously updated as I find more blogs! :)
Feel free to either comment below this post or shoot me a DM if you're interested in being added or removed! ~ Mod Minie)
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Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF):
Hua Cheng/San Lang:
~ @crimson-rain-san-lang
~ @hua-cheng-ghost-king
~ @hua-cheng-silver-wrath
Lang Qianqiu:
~ @general-tai-hua
Ming Yi/He Xuan:
~ @earth-master2
Qi Rong:
~ @this-ancestor-green-ghost
Quan Yizhen:
~ @fluffily-child
Shi Qingxuan:
~ @deiscension
~ @lady-windmast3r
Xie Lian:
~ @gege-of-xianle
Yin Yu:
~ @waning-moon-officer
Multi-muse! (see individual blogs for muses)
~ @assortedsouls
~ @frexiasought
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Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (SVSSS):
Shang Qinghua:
~ @airplane-shooting-towardsthe-sky
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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS):
Lan Qiren:
~ @hetaoren
Nie Huaisang:
~ @cuckoo-among-beasts
Multi-muse! (see individual blogs for muses)
~ @assortedsouls
~ @frexiasought
Nie Kexin:
~ @h3artf3ltint3nt
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Ripples in the water
(Crossposted on Ao3)
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Fate is cruel. Or maybe not as cruel as He Xuan once thought.
Or… Heavenly officials never reincarnate, until two do.
He Xuan didnt know when it started. 
It began a few millennia ago, he thinks, when he started looking for his face in passersby. When he began to yearn of the feeling of the wind on his face, bringing him back to those days when he’d be around him.
Shi Qingxuan
He Xuan is a liar. And he knows it. He lied to himself many centuries ago when he killed Shi Wudu. He lied to himself when he turned himself away from Shi Qingxuan. And he lies to himself now, telling himself that he did the right thing. The noble thing. 
Sometimes He Xuan envies Crimson Rain Sought Flower, Hua Cheng. Because he got his happy ending. He was able to hold his love close to him, because he isn’t left alone with his thoughts at the bottom of the sea.  
Other times he hates him. He hates the look of pity he gives him when he comes to visit. He hates the way he got rid of his debt, telling him that he shouldn’t worry about it any longer. And he hates the way that he sees what he and Shi Qingxuan could’ve been in Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. 
Qi Rong the green ghost visits him too. Still the same untamed beast he used to be, but different. He Xuan thinks he’s imagined it. 
He Xuan stops going to his home years after the incident. He tells Hua Cheng that it’s because he has other things, more important things, to do. Not acknowledging the way Hua Cheng’s face contorts slightly at his lies, the way he looks at him sadly when he pulls out excuse after excuse of why he won’t go back to his manor. Stubbornly refusing to acknowledge that he wants someone to go back home to. A family. Although He Xuan would never admit it. 
Time is like the ripples in water. Or that's what He Xuan thinks at least. 
If you throw a stone into a lake, the water will part, ripples forming from the intrusion, reaching the very shores of the lake, albeit much smaller than at the center. But soon, the water will be still once more. Much like time He Xuan muses. Just as he threw a ‘stone’ into the heavenly realm those years ago, along with Crimson Rain Sought Flower and his majesty, the three realms are once again at peace. 
He Xuan doesnt know when he started returning to the sea for comfort. Something he did when he first became a ghost. Back in those days he’d relish in the way the salt water stung the wounds from enemies, using it as a reminder of what he was fighting for, who. 
After he met Shi Qingxuan, however, he stopped visiting the sea. Telling himself that he didnt have time for it, although looking back he thinks it’s because he thought that if he returned to the sea he would allow his resolve to be washed away. Allowing himself to forgive himself for his guilty conscience. 
Now, long after the Shi Qingxuans passing, he returns to the salt ridden waters. He doesnt always go to swim, Sometimes he just watches the waves. Watches how they dance with the shore, leaving and returning, rhythmically almost. 
He Xuan likes it at night, when he doesn't have to worry about the noise of humans. When he can breathe out in peace. 
He Xuan does eventually return to the sea, beckoned by its rhythmic calls. Calls only he can hear, he thinks.
It isn't until many decades of this pattern, that he sees others hear the call. 
On that day he was annoyed. He was trying to swim, but was constantly interrupted by bits of plastic flowing towards his face or the marine life dragging him to help their kin (who were bothered by a similar problem). He left the sea angry that day, wondering why humans insisted on being so wasteful. 
As he left the ocean, he noticed that the sun was out, much to his dismay. He let out a small sigh, dragging the large pile of plastics he’d gathered. Wondering why the beach was so quiet (the beaches were typically bustling with people and fairly loud during the day). Good, he thought, enjoying the quiet as he made his way to the big trash can at the meeting of the beach and road. 
Or he was, until a gruff voice called out to him, “Hey,” the voice paused as He xuan turned his head, shooting a glare to whoever dared to bother him, “The Wind and Water master College marine biology class has reserved this beach, leave.” 
He Xuan froze, not hearing the words that the man said, only seeing his face. Shi Wudu. He was confused, heavenly officials could not reincarnate, so how was he here-
His thoughts were cut off as another figure appeared in front of him, “Brother, can’t you see that he was doing what we came here to do?” A voice he could only dream of said, “He’s no doubt been at this for many hours, and I don’t think he wants you to harangue him.” ‘Shi Wudu’ gave He Xuan a glare, turning away from the two of them and walking to the rest of the class. 
He Xuan’s knight in shining armor turns around, and He Xuan sucks back a gasp, it's really them. “Are you okay?” They ask, moving to take some of the plastic, “I’m sorry about my brother, he’s really pissy in the mornings.” they said, giving him a small smile, “Shall we take these to the trash?” They asked, causing He Xuan to shake out of his trance, nodding. 
Since that day, He Xuan went to the sea in the mornings, waiting for Shi Qingxuan. He was confused at the situation, but was happy to see them (not so much Shi wudu). Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan would stay in the shallow waters gathering bits of plastic and litter while engaging in small talk. 
In those talks He Xuan gathered that Shi Qingxuan was studying to become a marine biologist, and was very passionate about the environment. He also learned that this Shi Qingxuan had a slight disdain for their brother, which he’d later find out was because this Shi Wudu didn’t accept his gender identity and sexuality, something he’d only let slip out in a moment of anger, apologizing shortly after. 
He Xuan began to look forward to those mornings, enjoying their small talk, even yearning for more. 
A month or so later Shi Qingxuan stopped showing up, along with the entire class. It wasn't until a month later that He Xuan saw them again.
He Xuan continued to drag bits of plastic out of the sea, not caring when the beach became crowded once more. Irritation ate at him, why did Shi Qingxuan leave, he wondered. 
In the weeks that followed the Shi Qingxuan’s disappearance, He Xuan ruminated about the life that they once lived, many lifetimes ago as he laid on the beach. 
Many days of this cycle went on. Swim, find plastics, help the animals, look for Shi Qingxuan, rinse, repeat. The days dragged on and one day when he laid there ruminating he fell asleep. Seeing his Shi Qingxuan in his dreams, seeing the heavenly windmaster call the winds to his beck and call, smiling at him, calling him that stupid nickname that he now longed for, “Ming Xiong.” 
When he awoke from his slumber he saw the moon high in the sky, and he let out a small curse, how could he fall asleep at a time like this. When he’s supposed to be waiting for Shi Qingxuan, he wondered before scolding himself, this Shi Qingxuan is not his Shi Qingxuan. 
With that thought he sat up, biting back a sigh, as he watched the waves in their back and forth dance with the shore. 
After the moon sank in the sky he decided that he needed to clear his mind. He needed to get in the water. He stood up, walking towards the sea, stopping where the waves met the shore, allowing the waves to brush against him. He waited there until the sun came up. 
When the sun came up he let out a sigh for the nth time that morning, and turned around, abandoning his march to the sea. Only to stop in surprise, Shi Qingxuan stood before him, not his Shi Qingxuan, but a ripple in the waters of time. Fate is a cruel thing He Xuan thinks as he looks to Shi Qingxuan sadly. 
Shi Qingxuan held out their hand to He Xuan, their dress pants quickly becoming soaked through in sea water. 
He Xuan stood their for a moment, suddenly sent back to when the two were in the heavenly court, didn’t Shi Qingxuan do something like this back then too he wondered. Remembering how Shi Qingxuan pulled him up by his hand upon their first meeting when he’d ‘fallen.’ 
He Xuan shook his head for a moment, ridding himself of such thoughts, grabbing Shi Qingxuan’s hand while refusing to make eye contact. 
Shi Qingxuan sighed, “He Xiong,” he called out, as the two walked to a bench on the beach, “Why won’t you look at me?”
He Xuan, sat there wondering, why won’t he look at them? His Shi Qingxuan is long gone, yet he clings to their ghost, oh the irony he thinks. He Xuan turns his head, finally looking Shi Qingxuan in the eyes, raising a hand to his face. 
‘Soft’ he thinks as he looks into their clear bright eyes. 
If this were him centuries ago he would have killed himself than touched his ‘enemy’ like this, but this is not then he thinks. 
He can be selfish, he thinks to himself, leaning down, pressing their lips together. 
Yeah, He Xuan can be selfish, living the life he didnt know he longed for back then now, in the modern era, with this Shi Qingxuan. 
He Xuan spent many years cursing fate as he swam at the bottom of the sea, seeing fate as a cruel being who never corrected him in his misguided thoughts. He sees now that fate isn’t quite as cruel as he once thought. 
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I love them so much
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frog-the-author · 4 months
Before the story began: The Beginning.(fixed! I just fix the grammar and spelling errors and mistakes.)
This is original posted on my Wattpad account and I’m just posting it here.
This is just me explaining some things that is in the description of the book/story.
Let me get you guys straight. This a basically Hercules x tgcf au and the owner of the au is @purplew who let me write about this story and it very happy that I'm making this and I have been looking forward for this story and some of the characters will out of character to fit or some of the characters won't have to be out of character but some will...I think.
I watched the movie for the idea and what I think it will be good for it and whole bunch of things and I'm writing this at night on my phone! So that's even more great!
Thanks again for @purplew for letting me write this! Plus this my first time wring a fanfic for someone/somebody! You can find them on Tumblr some got check them out if you want!
I'm really excited about this! It been over a month that I got permission to do this but I never a have an idea for it until now! I'm happy that I'm finally able to type it for you guys so you can all read it! I'm very grateful for this!
But anyways let begin our story!
A story about Lang Qiu qian as Hercules!
And his adventures and how he save his home and the people he loves from Jun wu! Let's the story begin!
"Long ago in the land of Ancient China there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary hero's across the lands of China. The greatest and strongest of them all was Lang Qiu Qian! But what is the measure of a true hero?  That's what our story is—." The narrator was stopped mid sentence by a muse."Will you listen to him?" Said a man with long beautiful hair that is up in the tight bun with some bangs on the side of his face and will have an annoyed face with his arms crossed over his chest. The person next to him has long hair just like him but with a high ponytail but some of his hair is out of the ponytail and has bangs across his face. There is another person as well. He has long hair that is up in a bun and the rest of it loose and he has his fan in his hand with a hand on his hip. Last but not least is another guy who has the most beautiful black hair , a very high ponytail and one long bang on the right side of his face.
"His making the story sound like some tragedy!" Said Shi Qingxuan while putting one of his hands on his hip and the other one on his forehead and let out a dramatic sigh. "Light up dude." Mu Qing said then uncrossed his arms. "We take it from here darling~." Shi Qingxuan said smiling softly and now he has his hands on his hips. "You go boys." The narrator said with his deep and monologue voice in existence. (A/N: just imagine groovy music playing in the background.) "We are the Muses." Mu Qing said while the rest of them posed next to him and while he raised his arms in a pose. "Gods of the arts and proclaimers of heroes." Feng Xin continued from Mu Qing words.
"Hero's like Lang Qiu Qian." Xuan said while removing his arms across from his chest and walked next to the rest of them. "You mean Lang-QiuQian!" Shi Qingxuan said dramatically while fanning his fan back in and forth with his left hand. Then he walked towards a painting of Lang Qiu Qian and stood next to it. "Oooo~ I would like to make some sweet music with~." He says with a smile coming from his lips. Then Feng Xin glances at him while saying. "Our story actually began long before Lang Qiu Qian." "Many eons ago.." He Xuan continued off from Feng Xin. "Ooh!" Shi Qingxuan sang in a high tone. "Back when the world was new." Mu Qing sang and went towards others and formed a line. "The plant earth was down on its luck." He Xuan sang and Shi Qingxuan followed them in the line and began to walk with them in a line and while they walked in the line there were paintings of gods and goddesses.
"And everywhere gigantic brutes called titans ran up!" Shi Qingxuan sang and the rest of them walked towards a painting of the titans and they were moving and they were throwing stones and rocks and ruining the earth. "It was a nasty place." He Xzan explained in a singing voice. "There was a mess whatever you stepped!" He Xuan continued to explain while singing. "Where chaos reigned." Mu Qing sang after He Xuan while continuing the story. "And the earthquakes and volcanoes never slept." Feng Xin continued after him while still singing. "Woo! Say it girlfriend!" Shi Qingxuan explained.
Then they were not by the painting any more; they were in a different area of the room. There is a painting of Tai Yong'an.(A/N: Not his office name because we don't know his real name yet and same thing with his wife.) "Then along came Tai Yong'an!" They all sang in unison while pointing up at a painting of Tai Yong'an who is Lang Qiu Qian's father. Then the painting begins to move and it shows him aiming at the titans with his arrows and using his spirit energy with it together. "He hurled his arrows!" They continued to sing together. "He shot! Locked those suckers in a vault! They're trapped! And on his own stopped chaos on its tracks!" And now they are lined up next to each other with spaces between them and behind them is white wall.
"And that's gospel truth!" They sang with excitement. (A/N: Imagine upbeat music in the background.) "The guy was too type a to just relax!" They continue while they dance to the music while they sing. "And that's the world's first dish." He Xuan sang. (A/N: image the upbeat is now calm and more relaxed but have some upbeat to it but not that much.)  "Yeah baby!" Shi Qingxuan sang after him. "Tai Yong'an tamed the globe while still in his youth." Feng Cin sang but more calmly. "All though, honey it may seem impossible!" They all sang together again. (A/N: Upbeat music in the background again.) "That's the gospel truth!" They sang together while putting their left hand on their chest while the other one was raised in the air. Then they put their hands and arms down, then they pointed at a painting of Heaven and they sang. "On the Heavens life was neat!" They continued to sing.
"And smooth and sweet vermouth!" They ran in circles in the same area "Although honey, it may seem impossible!"  Then they spin and continue singing. "That's the gospel truth!" (A/N: Imagine upbeat and humming in the background.) Now if the sky is clear as day there are farms with animals eating grass or hay that their owners give them to eat and small towns and a house on a hill that have a lot of grass on it then there is the Heavens where gods and goddesses and officials work and live.
This is where our hero Lang Qiu Qian story begins! This is just the beginning of our hero! He will face many things in his life but will face them like a true hero his!
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tragcdysewn · 5 months
closed starter for shi qingxuan!! ( @irresistiibles )
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"this whole thing is... really insane. i can't imagine being able to kill someone so easily, even to save yourself." chunyu muses, her lower lip worried between her teeth as she watches some of the chaos through a window. "did you... you know?"
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bluberryblurays · 6 months
BeefLeaf Drabble (4/3/24)
“MingXiong! Come quick!” He called out, Qingxuan and MingYi had descended for a day of fun,
“Hm?” The earth master mused while sauntering over, not swayed by Qingxuan’s urgency, “That bar?”
“MingXiong~ its a soup bar! Have you heard of those? It’s a human thing where you go to the counter and try all sorts of soups! Let’s go in, they probably have something with beef!”
“You don’t like soup though- you say it’s slimy…”
“Ah, haha,” Qingxuan’s nervous laughter escaping slightly, “Well I wanted to eat with you so I don’t care if the food is to my taste”
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mvsicinthedvrk · 8 months
valentines minievent masquerade ball starter call!
i'm limiting each to only a few starters but may add more slots later. i tried to include some baisc information about what everyone is doing, though this is not technically a ~plotting~ call. but if you want to plot beforehand, just send me a dm-- otherwise, if you request a starter, i'll take a look at your plotting/starter call and just come up with something that seems like it'd make sense. please only request 3-4 total starters, since i have limited characters and want to make sure i can write with everyone! thanks for your consideration!
wei wuxian-- going with lan wangji! he's going to be dragging his husband lan zhan around the museum to see absolutely everything, and he'll spend a good deal of the night on the dance floor, too. last valentines day was a disaster, so he's looking forward to having a nice time for once, without worrying. he's very naturally chatty, so if your muse needs someone to talk with, he's right there. wei wuxian starters for wen qing (kasey), jiang yanli (aria), ??-- (2/3)
xie lian-- going with hua cheng! not only does he get to spend valentines day with his memories finally intact, but the ball also falls during spring festival, which xie lian cares very much about. so he's looking forward to having a wonderful time with all the people he loves. if he separates from hua cheng at all during the evening, he'll try to find his friends, and he'll share a dance or a snack with anyone. shoutout to mu qing, who helped him choose his outfit. xie lian starters for feng xin (kasey), kieran hunter (atlas), shen qiao (june), sophie hatter (maig), ?? -- (4/5)
he xuan-- going with shi qingxuan! he xuan imagines he'll likely be here until the very end of the ball, given how enthusiastic his date is about these sorts of things. he'll basically just be going along with whatever qingxuan wants to do, and won't try to draw much attention to himself. he'll also be found near the snack table for a good portion of the evening. he xuan starters for shi qingxuan (sunny), patch (atlas), ??-- (2/3)
sha hualing-- she's neither going with a planned date nor a blind date, though she's keeping an eye out for hunter lance-sharpe at the ball. sha hualing will mostly be finding interesting places to take photos, and see if she can be a nuisance to her friends on dates. she's never opposed to causing a little trouble either. sha hualing starters for doom (atlas), zoe rivas (hali), ?? - (2/3)
liu qingge-- on a blind date with tadashi hamada (atlas's muse)! so qingge has no charisma. he has no romantic experience. he has no real understanding of what valentines day is, and his mask will barely count as a mask. but he should get points for being here at all, truly. he will do his best to stick it out for a few hours. liu qingge starters for ?? - (0/3)
dongfang qingcang-- going with xiao lanhua, with extraordinary reluctance. he will immediately look for reasons why they should head home before chaos strikes. in fact, chaos is just another name for xiao lanhua left unsupervised so it's not looking like the night will be in his favor. dongfang qingcang starters for xiao lanhua (kasey), rory gilmore (atlas), ?? -- (2/3)
chu wanning-- going with mo ran. chu wanning is very excited about this, but he'll be equally stressed about overthinking everything about the evening. he won't risk doing anything that would lead to him embarrassing himself so he'll be staying away from both the dance floor and the bar. chu wanning starters for ?? -- (0/3)
filippa kosta-- going with their girlfriend, amara! she didn't feel much like wearing a ball gown, so she'll be in a blazer of sorts. the concept of valentine's day is 'sweet,' in theory, so they'll be socializing as well as trying to show amara a good time. keeping things very chill and if your muse needs someone to vibe with in a corner of the room, they can go find filippa. filippa starters for mei nianqing (sunny), ?? -- (1/3)
qi yan-- qi yan's going with her wife, nangong jingnu! she'll also be dressed in a blazer and trousers. honestly, catch her taking in the museum sights (because she never has time to come see it otherwise) and making sure her wife doesn't get too drunk. qi yan starters for yin yu (sunny), ?? -- (1/3)
kaz brekker-- kaz is not actively anti-valentines day but he is the most apathetic about this holiday that a person could possibly be. i will send him to the ball because i think he'd use it as an opportunity to talk to business connections while they're all masked, or maybe pick some pockets, but he is not too excited about the ~valentine's~ aspect of it at all. kaz starters for zoya nazyalensky (moon), will herondale (siri), jesper fahey (june) -- (3/3. SLOTS CLOSED)
mo xi-- going solo, though he'll be keeping an eye out for gu mang. this is his first valentine's day in the city, and he doesn't really know what the day is all about, though he's slowly picking up on it the more decorations he sees. someone please take pity on him and come talk to him even though he doesn't look super welcoming. mo xi starters for bryce quinlan (kasey), ?? -- (1/3)
pei ming-- on a blind date with rebecca barnes (kow's muse)! let's just say that valentine's day is the busiest time of pei ming's year. 💀 he sees opportunities for short-lived romantic entanglements everywhere, and he thinks there's plenty of him to go around. but he's going to try to be a gentleman like rebecca seems to want, at least for now. pei ming starters for xuan ji (moon ?), shi wudu (kasey), ling wen (june), rebecca barnes (kow) -- (4/4. SLOTS CLOSED)
xiao chiye-- going solo. he's only here to make an appearance and see if he can catch sight of some of his friends. despite recently having some direct dance instruction, he probably won't be dancing. instead, he'll be taking full advantage of the open bar. xiao chiye starters for nie huaisang (sunny), shen zechuan (june), ?? -- (2/3)
lu junyi-- on a blind date with aluma ruairi (megan's muse)! junyi loves love and will be leaning fully into the valentines aesthetic, heart eyes all the way. if your muses need encouragement to get into the spirit, just look for her and she'll try to gently prod them into the holiday spirit. lu junyi starters for aluma ruairi (megan), ?? -- (1/3)
feng yu-- on a blind date with celeste kipper (sammy's muse)! he is here for just a nice, very regular time. his expectations are respectably neither high nor low, but you'll likely find him around the snack table making very mediocre small talk. or caught up reading every single plaque on every one of the smithsonian exhibitions. feng yu starters for ?? -- (0/3)
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deiscension · 4 months
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      ⌜◈⌟    ▌ ── Enthusiastically fans you. 
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resolutepath · 2 months
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coreofgold · 1 year
@irresistiibles for Shi Qingxuan
"Excuse me? I don't mean to come off as rude, but. . .I finally just got the perfect lighting for this sketch. Can you please just move to your right just a bit to get out of the way?" Lu Ten meant well with the request.
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irresistiibles · 2 years
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A BEEFLEAF PLAYLIST ( @mvsicinthedvrk ) 
the ghost of you - my chemical romance | i love you so - the walters | come into the water - mitski | that’s what you get - paramore | what if it doesn’t end well - blood bunny | black water - of monsters and men | heavy in your arms - florence + the machine | i bet on losing dogs - mitski | alien blues - vundabar | ocean eyes - billie eilish | my happy ending - avril lavigne | juliet - cavetown | ghosting - mother mother | dear friend, - dayglow | favorite crime - oivia rodrigo | atlantis - seafret | angeleyes - abba | people you know - selena gomez | mr loverman - ricky montgomery | cruel summer - taylor swift 
sunny? haven’t you already made a shi qingxuan playlist? i hear your confusion, and you see, i sure have, but unfortunately i saw a picture of manhua ming yi today and lost my whole mind. you expect me to see a picture of qingxuan holding him up the hand hovering right over the titty and be normal? absolutely not. this started as a joke this afternoon and now it’s twenty songs long with a graphic so i don’t think it can be considered a joke anymore. anyway, the vibes are mostly on post black-water arc, so my biggest joys were adding an avril lavingne song, because lord knows none of the energy or lyrics i was going for were making me happy. i don’t know what to elaborate on usually i use this paragraph to kinda ramble about the character and how i picked vibes for the playlist but i don’t know how to do that without getting into everything which would take forever. this is just based off of situational vibes, and i really did consider making yet anothr playlist for a happier sense of things, but i’ll hold myself back. honestly this playlist could have just been the “i am in misery,” part of the maroon 5 song for 10 hours and it would get my emotions across just as well.  listen here.
template from here
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riwrite · 10 days
from @deiscension. [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger + reverse (equivalent of a pomeranian trying to guard a doberman)
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before he can do anything, a whirl of white and teal robes obscures he xuan's line of sight, buffeted around the wearer's figure by a strong wind summoned by the wave of a fan. her movements are practiced, elegant even, and she seems every bit the force of nature her domain suggests in the face of danger — though that danger wasn't a threat to the one she protects.
he has no love for his fellow undead. they're something to consume, to feed to the abyss under his sunken skin and grow his power, and they're an annoyance when they can't be that. they say he is a king, but his hollow manor, in which he has naught but bones and ash for company, tells a far different story than the bustle of ghost city. and that suits him just fine — hua cheng can fill the void in him by lording himself above the fools that live there, but he xuan knows better than to pretend he's anything more than empty.
so, when shi qingxuan dissipates the opposing ghost before it can reach out to so much as touch the perceived earth master, he xuan feels nothing. a prick of irritation, maybe, if he reaches far enough, that he didn't get the satisfaction of ridding them of the nuisance himself. or perhaps it's more that shi qingxuan bothered to step between him and the unruly ghost in the first place when he could have destroyed it with hardly a finger lifted ( not that he would have done it that way with her watching. he has a mask to keep up, and he can't display power unbefitting of an elemental master. which is often to his disdain — he hates that ridiculous shovel and it seems that inasmuch as it can feel, the feeling is mutual ).
the more he thinks about it, the more that irritation bubbles up from within the cold depths of whatever's left of his emotions. why does she always insist on this ? keeping him safe ? he's the last person to need her protection. she is the vulnerable one, always baring her wrists and her neck and all the softest parts of herself with no idea that he has teeth capable of tearing her apart. and she risks it, and for what ? for an empty old thing with plans to destroy her ? for the miserable wretch who was forced to swallow her doomed fate ?
for a best friend to whom she is oblivious — he chokes on her brilliance and she can't even see it. ( that brilliance should have been his. would he wear it as well as she does ? maybe it's the allure of it that keeps him by her side. )
   " i had it, " he says darkly, a threat getting lost somewhere. " that was reckless and stupid. what would you have done if it hurt you ? "
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