#★ gonna run away now and never look back! // yakko // runaway verse ★
pennedbybuttercup · 3 years
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Shaking. Yakko's hands were shaking, his whole body was shaking, even. Fear took over as every awful possibility flooded his mind, horrible thoughts of what could happen if he didn't make it. Sirens blared and flashlights shone at him, shouts and demands being thrown his way as he stood, stuck in place and shaking.
...Wakko and Dot...
No, no! He had to get away, had to get back to them. At least for enough time to say sorry and leave. He couldn't abandon them, but he couldn't stay now that he'd been caught. Either way, he couldn't stay where he was, either.
The stolen goods left his arms, hitting the ground with a thud as he hit the ground running. Yakko leapt up and over the fence behind him, jumped from once car to the next, and ran as fast as he could.
Soon enough, the very cars he'd sprung across began their pursuit.
"Geez, I know I'm famous, but a car chase? That's a bit kuch, even for paparazzi!" Yakko shouted back, trying to keep calm, to be funny—he couldn't put his toon powers to use unless it was funny.
Keeping his limitations in mind, the eldest Warner reached within his hammerspace. He produced a large anvil and tossed it behind him to start, then kept up the momentum with pies, sticks of dynamite, and whatever else he could think of, slowing down his pursuers and laughing while doing it. At least, he figured, they were getting their comeuppance.
He ran, they pursued. He jumped across obstacles, they swerved around corners and found any shortcut they could. Still, eventually, it seemed that Yakko had lost them. He jumped over the gate, zoomed around the lot, and hurried in the direction of the water tower. Now he just had to climb up and—
He came to a sudden halt before he finally reached his home, nearly bumping into Dot and Wakko.
They were awake. Why were they up, and so far from the tower? Did they know what he'd been doing? But how—
Something caught his eye; the two were standing with their arms full of plastic balls, no doubt from the ballpit he'd turned into his bed. Their eyes said it all; they were confused, angry, even, but just before either could interrogate their older brother, they were cut off by the shouts and demands of the approaching officers.
Yakko didn't waste a second. He grabbed his sibs and hurried to the tower, up inside.
"Pack essentials," he'd said, giving no elaboration for once in his life. His siblings listened well, for the shouts of their pursuers and lack of words from their brother were more than enough to indicate that the situation wasn't a joke. So they packed as much as they could in time: whatever money they had, food for Wakko, and any valued possessions they had.
Just as the authorities had reached the tower, the Warners made their way out, looking down in horror at how many people surrounded them. Yakko scanned the ground for any good escape route, grasping hands of his siblings tightly as his eyes locked onto the ground. There was one spot with less people—just enough to make the jump over if they managed to distract the crowd. Eyes narrowed, he produced a stack of pies, launching them toward the faces of the officers.
He grabbed his siblings' hands once more, as he hurried over to the ideal spot, warning them to "hang on tight!" before jumping all the way down to the lot's concrete ground. Yakko gave then each a quick, worried look before leading Wakko and Dot away.
"Don't let go of me, we gotta run for it!"
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pennedbybuttercup · 3 years
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Verse tag dump;; Yakko
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