starlights-grasp · 24 days
Hey if you're still taking headcannon requests do you have any hcs for Bdubs' from Hermitcraft as a CG? Tysm!!
Here you go!
Probably most comfortable caring for kid regressors, but is good with younger regressors too
Mostly cares for Scar or Etho (although I don’t imagine Etho regresses very frequently) and sometimes babysits Gem or Stress or Grian
Very silly, always joking around and teasing, but will be more gentle with shy littles
Definitely dad vibes I think
pretty strong, so he can carry littles around, Scar and Gem especially love being carried
Will go pretty much along with whatever the kids want him to, if they wanna dress him up pretty, sure thing! They want piggyback rides, Bdubs is on it! 
He doesn’t do strict rules, he’ll set bedtimes and stuff, but they can stay up late sometimes, he won’t tell!
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
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made a little moodboard for myself! :3 it was super funn
(paci by bellesbinkies on instagram)
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
Hello! Quarterly reminder that @hermitagereheadcanons exists, where I post age regression related headcanons about the Hermits' characters.
Hermit enjoyers are welcome to send in headcanons via the ask box or submissions feature! Anonymous is turned on.
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
Ethoslab, and Hermitcraft by extension never truly leaves my brain; here’s a Drabble @froggymarsh
No TWs :)
Etho glared at his trembling hands as thunder sounded outside the shop he was currently shopping in, and definetly not hiding in from the storm. Because that would be embarrassing.
His ears flicked out and down as the loud crashing of thunder rang out again. All this because he wanted some great deals? At least he’s in a nice shop, with beverages and books.
He curls up against one of the drink machines and eyes the rain pouring down outside. He doesn’t mind the rain, he likes it, and the mud, but! He hates the sound of thunder.
Etho gripped his hair and tugged it, huffing angrily at his own reaction. It was a stupid thing to hate- thunder, because really, it was harmless, but it’s just so loud!
Suddenly, his ears pricked up as he heard the sound of rockets. Who was flying in this weather? Were they trying to get themselves struck by lightening?
When Joel flew directly into the shop Etho was sitting in with way too much speed and tumbled into a book case, Etho had his answers.
“Joel,” Etho greeted, forcing a grin. Joel was fun, but he was also loud and Etho did not want loud at that moment. “What uh, what’s up?”
“Just came to grab some books,” Joel replied, walking further into the shop. He was dripping water everywhere and it was making soft discordant noises that made Etho twitch. Joel shook his head and fling water across the floor. Drip drip drip. “What are you doing?” Joel asked him, staring down at him with confusion. Etho brought his knees up to his chest and shrugged.
“Waiting out the storm.” Etho answered after a moment, picking at a loose thread on his pants. “You shouldn’t fly in this weather, you know.” He added, looking up at where Joel was perusing the books. Joel laughed and give him a smug look.
“You’re so obsessed with me,” Joel joked, “Making up advice so I stay here with you.” Etho laughed but still felt himself blush, as he always did when Joel did his playful flirting thing. He flustered every time.
“Right,” Etho replied, there was a slight lull, and then thunder sounded and Etho jumped up, pacing the floor. He took a few shaky breaths, and found himself facing Joel, who was staring at him. Etho blinked at him.
“Are you scared of the storm?” Joe asked, and it was just a bit too soft, too concerned. Etho stiffened.
“Psh, what? Me? Of course not,” Etho claimed, looking around anxiously. His hands were tightly fisted in the fabric of his pants, to stop them from trembling. Joel narrowed his eyes at him, and took a step forward. Their faces were close together and Joel was staring at him like he was an outlier in a data set.
Another crash of thunder and Etho found himself hiding his face in Joel’s side, ears pinned down to his head. He quickly moved away, feeling his face grow warm with embarrassment. “I- uh.” Etho swallowed. Joel gave him a smug look.
“Called it!” Joel said with a laugh. “Do you want to cuddle Etho? You could have just asked.” Etho looked at Joel and shrugged, chewing on his lip. He was feeling- small? Maybe a bit. Words were hard suddenly.
Another round of thunder and Etho had taken Joel up on his offer, jumping at him and sending them both to the floor so that he could hide in Joel’s chest. “‘m no’ scared,” Etho mumbled, flinching as the thunder continued to roar. “Is jus’ loud.” Joel gave a hum of understanding, and Etho couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped him because he could feel that, lying on Joel’s chest.
Joel pet Ethos head and nodded. “That’s fair, it is pretty loud isn’t it?” He asked softly. Etho nodded and closed his eyes. Lying like this, he could hear Joel’s heartbeat, and it was a much preferable sound to that of the thunder. Joel stayed quiet too, letting Etho get comfortable as they lay in a pile on the floor of the book and drink shop.
It was nice, and Etho could appreciate the quiet all the more due to the relief it provided from the loud.
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
Hermits calling Etho “Kitto” when he’s regressed yes yes
(Because- because little foxes are called kits, and kiddo is a common nickname :D)
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
Scar bonks into walls when little! He doens't understand glass and he'll just stare at Grian like 'J:' when he bumps into thins. He never does any real damage, apart from that one time he got a nasty concussion and was little for the entire time as Mumbo and Grian helped him get better
I love ideas like these. Leaves a lot of room for both fluff and angst.
My first thought was Grian and Mumbo not knowing that Scar regresses so when he gets a concussion they aren’t sure if it’s from the injury or something else entirely. After he’s healed no one brings it up again until Scar regresses around the two assuming that they just knew what age regression is. Meanwhile Mumbo and Grian freaking out because it seems like Scar has relapsed when they thought he was fully recovered.
Second thought was just pure fluff. Scar being super small and clingy. He doesn’t feel good and doesn’t understand why he doesn’t feel good. 90% of the time injuries can simple be kissed better and they can all move one from them. Concussions on the other hand mean a bunch of bed rest and being monitored a lot more and it can be quite overwhelming.
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
headcanons for how various hermits would act as cg’s!! (this is mostly just the people I watch, not all of them. sorry!!)
Would love to do arts and crafts with you. He keeps EVERYTHING you make - even if there are no fridges in Minecraft, he’ll hang up your pictures anywhere. All over his walls. And if it’s more of a sculpture, he’ll put it on his desk. He’ll proudly show it off to anyone interested.
Will play fun games with you! Be it more active like tag, or more indoorsy like puzzles. He’s there. He’ll follow your whims, and he’s enjoying it too! Anything is worth the smile on your face.
Will tour you around his builds! Climbing through hills, hiking the trails, walking on paths. He’ll tell you everything there is to know about his choices, various techniques, what and where he learned this all from.
The KING of bedtime. Undisputed. Will do everything in his power to help you get to sleep - warm milk, cozy bed, lullabies… it’s all locked and loaded, baby! Has a room built for it all, all the beautiful star-shaped lights and comfy pillows and blankets. It’s less of a bed and more of a fortress. Even if you have a hard time sleeping, he’ll be there to help.
Not the kind of guy to baby-talk. He just regular talks. Reading stories and poems, he’ll tell you all about the world, even if you aren’t in the headspace to understand. It’s not about “teaching,” it’s just his way of being there and interacting with you.
Plays a lot of fun music. Mostly calm and relaxing, best for bedtime, but will put on anything you like to play. You’ll often find him humming and tapping his foot along.
With his whole science schtick, he’s there to do “experiments” with you. It’s not really anything serious, just fun little games under the guise of testing how fast you can run or how loud you can clap. Sometimes you’re the subject, sometimes you’re his little helper watching along.
As of season 10, he’s a very colorful guy. With so many extra dyes, why not use them for finger painting? Plus, with all the fireworks in production, it’s quite easy to put on a special show just for you!
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
I have so many thoughts about the permit office oh my gosh
Listen listen listen, it’s like playing school isn’t it? Like Grians being the teacher and everyone is bending to his will cause he’s just a little guy and being in charge and stuff
Also!! The permit enforcers? They are playing dress up. Grian puts on a vest and now he’s super in charge, and Scar and Skizz get their own silly outfits too!! The babies causing chaos and doing rules
Also!! Grian coming up with fun stuff for littles to do?? Like here complete some quests, don’t cause chaos, there you go! Perfect babysitting technique
My sillies <3
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
Sooo whats your agere hcs about Little Doc? :3
One of mine is that he is super clingy when little!
Hiiii oh my gosh little Doc <33
Not a frequent regressor, he tends to push it off for as long as possible and then regress for like a while at once, rinse and repeat.
You think he likes goats when big? Try little Doc, he will talk about them for hours without even taking a break to breathe. He has plenty of goat plushies, and a goat onesie too.
He doesn’t tend to regress super small, like 4-10 range, and sometimes teen too but not as often. The longer he’s been pushing off regression the smaller he’ll get.
Regresses, whether he wants too or not, on trauma anniversaries, or during particularly stressful moments.
NHO + Ren tends to be his CG if he needs one, but he doesn’t really like company when small so he tends to hide and avoid people until he’s feeling big again.
Super clumsy, but still somehow a redstone pro? Like he’ll trip over his own two feet and then tell Etho that the issue is in the number of ticks of the repeater line.
Finds his own cybernetics fascinating when small, will fiddle with them and regret it when big. Sometimes he’ll forget he has them and then be shocked at the noises/look of them when he’s playing, which has brought him to tears before.
Much more emotional when small, but no more chatty. He doesn’t enjoy hearing himself talk when he’s small, it makes him feel like he’s playing pretend when he’s not.
During S8, he and Ren regressed a lot together, doing movie nights and campfires on the beach. Before S8, Ren didn’t even know Doc regressed.
In conclusion, I love one (1) goatman and he’s the best <3
Thanks for the ask!
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
jim getting overwhelmed because of the dungeon and doc babying him and taking care of him <333 dadm77 my beloved
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starlights-grasp · 24 days
All of the little hermits are crayon pals (pen pals but for little space, it’s really cute)
They can send letters, drawings, toys, puzzles, bracelets, and whatever they want to eachother. But they only send/open them when in little space.
If some of them never meet when they’re both little, it’s fine because they can show their friendship though this! :]
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starlights-grasp · 1 month
Tango likes to make himself handmade music boxes. On nights where he's having trouble sleeping or he isn't with a caregiver, music puts him right to sleep.
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starlights-grasp · 1 month
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Geminitay Stimboard
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starlights-grasp · 1 month
I have so many thoughts about the permit office oh my gosh
Listen listen listen, it’s like playing school isn’t it? Like Grians being the teacher and everyone is bending to his will cause he’s just a little guy and being in charge and stuff
Also!! The permit enforcers? They are playing dress up. Grian puts on a vest and now he’s super in charge, and Scar and Skizz get their own silly outfits too!! The babies causing chaos and doing rules
Also!! Grian coming up with fun stuff for littles to do?? Like here complete some quests, don’t cause chaos, there you go! Perfect babysitting technique
My sillies <3
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starlights-grasp · 1 month
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made some subtle agere pearl art :3 honestly its not very obvious its agere haha, but ik it is in my heart <3 she's an eepy girl!
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starlights-grasp · 1 month
petre wolf pearlo,,!!
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made this as a pfp for me because i'm a pearl fict but if you'd like alternate background versions of this piece for whatever reason LMK ;3 i'm testing out new "softer styles" to fit future agere art i make,,hope i'll manage to b more active on this account rahhh
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starlights-grasp · 1 month
Guyz pretend like I have some crazy awesome thing in here as a text cuz I can’t think anything to say hehe
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