standinggoblin · 22 minutes
So, I found out a fun fact this last weekend!
Every state has a Department of Weights and Measures. One of their jobs is to make sure that companies are actually selling you the quantities they claim they're selling. For example, this is the department which tests gas pumps and makes sure they're really pumping out a gallon of gas when they charge you for a gallon of gas.
If you happen to, just as an example, notice that your 1lb (16 ounce) box of San Giorgio spaghetti actually only has 10oz of noodles, and you weigh your other boxes of spaghetti to discover they run from 10 to 14 ounces but never the full pound they're supposed to have, and that's why you never seem to have enough pasta for leftovers the next day, then you can report that to the Department of Weights and Measures.
They will want to know where you bought the item, and then will investigate whether the store or the manufacturer is routinely shorting customers. If they do, they will issue a fine to the offending party, you will be eligible for a refund, and under some circumstances lawsuits may follow.
Now, I don't know the outcome of the complaint I just initiated, but they did not want to know specific receipts or times of purchase. Which is good for me as I didn't keep any of those things, at the time I just said "Wow, fuck San Giorgio" and switched brands. But this is still enough to get an inspector out.
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standinggoblin · 3 hours
Posting faggot and queer like 2am gunshots to keep property values on my blog low and scare away assimilationist LGBTs who want to replace my empty lot full of native wildflowers with a 5-over-1 because they're too traumatized by their upbringing to accept the reality of our diverse marginalized community
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standinggoblin · 6 hours
are you cis or trans, and if trans are you transmasc or transfem? it doesnt say in your bio anywhere so i was just wondering
Does anyone remember when you weren't supposed to tell people online your personal info and it was weird and suspicious to ask for it I miss that sometimes
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standinggoblin · 8 hours
Why do cis women act like it’s the end of the world when their trans guy friends starts T.
You’d think I’d killed somebody with the reactions I got when I told some of my fandom friends I started T.
There’s cis people on here who spend hours writing about anime men with pussies having sex that say “are you sure this is the right choice for you? T can make you really aggressive.” When a real life trans guy starts T
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standinggoblin · 11 hours
I will say it once and I’ll say it as many times as people need to hear it. Trans men face a unique type of oppression that is the result of them being a minority of men and their voices and those issues are commonly ignored by allies and the trans community. Im so tired man.
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standinggoblin · 14 hours
God I went to look up ocd on this website hoping to find a community and solidarity. And it’s mostly people complaining about people misusing “intrusive thoughts” like on one hand I get it ocd has been stigmatized, on the other man I just want nice people to share the pain with.
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standinggoblin · 19 hours
My friends who have never experienced flooding, and who are about to deal with it from this storm, please remember:
4. If you're at risk of flooding, raise up any of your belongings now. Put the legs of tall things in buckets. Know where your important documents are.
5. Stay safe.
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standinggoblin · 22 hours
This is apparently a hotter take than I thought but: hating on lawyers as a profession, calling them inherently dishonest etc. is politically reactionary. It discourages defendants from seeking legal counsel, puts forth the idea that it’s inherently suspicious to insist on seeing a lawyer before you answer police questioning (your constitutional right!) etc. which ultimately just benefits the state in making it easier for them to convict you. This is one of those things that “progressives” who were raised conservative often don’t realize is one of the parts of their parents’ worldview they should question more, but they should. Not only are lawyers not The Problem with “our system,” but having someone who is educated in the law whose job is to represent your interests in court — getting one regardless of your ability to pay, even! — is in fact one of the best parts of it.
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standinggoblin · 1 day
I think a big reason trans men do not appear in media as often as other queer identities, as well as historical erasure to a point, is because it goes against many women's experience with challenging bigotry. I cannot tell you how many pieces of media exist with "girl dresses as boy to get Privilege or Respect she wasn't given before, but has to reveal she is A Woman by the end as she has to prove women can do The Thing TM too and it's more 'honest' to her identity'". With a lot of trans masc/man historical figures there is constant fighting over whether it was really a women fighting the patriarchy and not a guy struggling with being trans. There is a book about "female husbands and the women that love them" for Christ's sake. We are constantly interpreted as on the border of being super hurt/proactive women for the sake of that class's conscience, and anything else is "taking away" from women's more important issues, supposedly. I'm just tired of all afab people having trouble with their identity being funneled into the "women good, patriarchy/men bad" pipeline or else. It feels like me talking about being a man, even in a trans context, is unacceptable because it *might affect a women at some point
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standinggoblin · 1 day
I think a big reason trans men do not appear in media as often as other queer identities, as well as historical erasure to a point, is because it goes against many women's experience with challenging bigotry. I cannot tell you how many pieces of media exist with "girl dresses as boy to get Privilege or Respect she wasn't given before, but has to reveal she is A Woman by the end as she has to prove women can do The Thing TM too and it's more 'honest' to her identity'". With a lot of trans masc/man historical figures there is constant fighting over whether it was really a women fighting the patriarchy and not a guy struggling with being trans. There is a book about "female husbands and the women that love them" for Christ's sake. We are constantly interpreted as on the border of being super hurt/proactive women for the sake of that class's conscience, and anything else is "taking away" from women's more important issues, supposedly. I'm just tired of all afab people having trouble with their identity being funneled into the "women good, patriarchy/men bad" pipeline or else. It feels like me talking about being a man, even in a trans context, is unacceptable because it *might affect a women at some point
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standinggoblin · 2 days
You can identify a fake redneck by their passionate support of “blue lives matter.” Real rednecks have been in at least one physical fight and/or high-speed chase with police officers and would do it again
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standinggoblin · 3 days
i hate it when customers get mad about policy and go “well i’ve always thought it worked differently” like ok. when i was a kid i thought the drains in sinks and bathtubs lead to Hell and i would pour things down them for the dead people. it turns out that you can think things that aren’t true
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standinggoblin · 3 days
It’s weird being a “smart kid” and people bully you for being smart but also teachers and adults praise you for being smart so you like make being smart your entire personality to separate you out from the other kids even if they do bully you quite badly for it but then you grow up and learn that being “smart” doesn’t exist and also doesn’t mean much in the real world and you start spiraling especially as you go into college and everything is hard it’s so hard everyone around you seems to be doing so well you feel so stupid and then one day after graduation you’re lying down on the floor of your dad’s living room unemployed and wondering if you’re not smart what are you then and you don’t quite know because all of that reading never really got you anywhere in the end because you’re right back in your dad’s living room still having feelings about how people bullied you for reading adult level history books when you were ten years old
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standinggoblin · 4 days
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standinggoblin · 4 days
idk guys i have 5 transfem friends irl and all of them wholeheartedly believe transadrophobia is real… maybe it’s because they aren’t in anti-transmasculinity rad fem echo chambers… maybe it’s because they actually are friends with multiple transmasc irl and see their struggles… guess we’ll never know though…
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standinggoblin · 4 days
Saw a post on Twitter that was like "I think it's entirely possible to be trans without dysphoria, but a lot of you are severely underestimating how much dysphoria you actually feel and how much you’ve let fade into background noise" and honestly? Yeah lol.
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standinggoblin · 4 days
If you feel the need to “call out”/flame/harass a disabled person because they are posting about themselves & their own bodies & not about you, you don’t actually care about ableism or “being inclusive”. you literally just want other disabled people to shut up so you can make everything about you. that’s the polar opposite of inclusivity. not everything is about you or for you and you need to get over it
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