scherry-chan · 2 years
I wish I could write such beautiful notes... Not even my handwriting is at least nice xD
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Study notes for my law- went with a neutral sticker theme! 🤍
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scherry-chan · 2 years
Soo, obwohl ich erstmal zwangsweise umsteigen musste (von Vegas auf LumaFusion) mache ich erstmal recht gute Fortschritte!
Soo, even that I needed to move to another video editing software (from Vegas to LumaFusion) I made some nice progress so far!
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scherry-chan · 2 years
Probleme mit Vegas/Trouble with Vegas
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Nun, ich wollte die neue Human: Fall Flat-Episode anfangen zu bearbeiten, als ich feststelle, dass Vegas nicht mehr ordnungsgemäß funktionierte. Zunächst ist das Programm jedes Mal beim öffnen einer Medien-Datei hängengeblieben; nach einigem hin- und her hatte ich das Problem gelöst. Mein aktuelles könnt ihr auf dem Screenshot sehen. Seht ihr diese bunten Rechtecke auf dem Vorschau-Fenster? Das habe ich bei jeder einzelnen Video-Datei und ich weiß nicht, wie ich es lösen soll. Zunächst dachte ich, mein Video von Human: Fall Flat wäre beschädigt - aber nein, es ist bei jeder Datei. Aufgrund dessen habe ich mir nun auf meinem Tablet LumaFusion gekauft… Wünscht mir Glück xD
Well, I was about to start editing the new Human: Fall Flat episode when I noticed that Vegas was no longer working properly. First, the program got stuck every time I opened a media file; after some time I could solve the problem. Now I have another one, you can see it in the screenshot. Can you see those colorful rectangles on the preview window? I have that with every single video file and I don't know how to solve it. At first I thought my video from Human: Fall Flat was corrupted - but no, it's with every file. Due Wish me good luck xD
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scherry-chan · 2 years
Uhhh, nice 😍
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scherry-chan · 2 years
They look so beautiful 😍💖
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The Hanfu Story
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scherry-chan · 2 years
Soo, ich habe nunmehr mein erstes Video zusammen mit Ionrage veröffentlicht! Zusammen haben wir an unserem Jahrestag Human: Fall Flat ausprobiert. Ich hoffe ihr habt genauso Spaß an dem Spiel wie wir! Viel Spaß!
Soo, I published now my first video together with Ionrage! On our anniversary we played together Human: Fall Flat. I hope you enjoy the game like we did! Enjoy!
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scherry-chan · 2 years
So cute 💕
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scherry-chan · 2 years
I love this man, he is awesome 😍
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Keanu Reeves ..He’s precious! 
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scherry-chan · 2 years
This Outfit really suits him 😏
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Noir Leon… ~彼はハンサムでしたか ♡ ↳ : バイオハザード RESIDENT EVIL II REMAKE
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scherry-chan · 2 years
This is really cute!
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cozy pastel café
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scherry-chan · 3 years
This is so cute *-*
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Want to join the team of Redline Artists? Here’s how!
If redlining art seems like a fun and fulfilling experience for you, then you can apply to be one of the artists on the team! A Redline Artist will look at the submission box, choose an art piece that they feel comfortable redlining, draw their corrections on top of it, and then post it to the blog alongside the original. They can also reblog useful art reference posts to the blog or create tutorials and post them here!
This is a volunteer position, meaning that you will not be paid, and it means that your obligations to the blog are also voluntary. There’s no minimum-posts-per-month. If you apply and get in, you can redline whenever you have the time to do so, since you are the one offering up your advice for free.
In order to apply to be a Redline Artist, you have to have some prior experience in art. Read on if you think you might be interested!
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You must be at least 18 years old
You need to have a tumblr account
You need to have made at least 6 drawings/illustrations in the past 12 months.
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In order to see if you’re a good fit for the Redline team, it would help us if you were to send us some examples of your work in an email. Please read the below instructions carefully - although your ability to read instructions does not make you a worse or better artist, it does help us decide whether you should be trusted to politely and maturely critique someone’s work.
If this all sounds good to you, here’s how to apply!
Please send us…
A link to your tumblr where you have plenty of your drawings posted (doesn’t have to be your art tumblr, it can be personal, but make sure we can easily find your drawings)
What area of expertise you feel is your strongest point (gesture drawings, cartoony things, realistic landscapes, etc)
At least 3 ATTACHED examples of your work, including…
A full-body drawing of a human
A full-body drawing of any kind of animal
A realistic drawing/sketch or study of something (traditional or digital) to show that you have a grasp on ‘baseline’ anatomy. (Read below for details)
Your redline of ONE of the following drawings:
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Attach examples of your art AND a redline of one of the drawings above, and…
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*please write your tumblr username in the email subject!
At the moment we are also branching out into things like Twitter and YouTube, so your willingness to help out in those fields will also help out a lot! (However, this is in no way a requirement to apply, it’s just a nice thing to mention if you happen to have an interest in it.)
F. A Q.
Q: Do my example drawings all have to be realism?
A: No, not at all! They could be semi-realism or be leaning more towards an anime style or a cartoony style. However, they should show that you understand how the baseline anatomy works. So for example, drawing something like Jake from Adventure Time would NOT be good for showing us whether or not you can draw a dog. But if you wanted to draw Tramp from Lady and the Tramp, that would be adequate.
Q: Why do I have to include realism in my examples? That’s not my usual style.
A: Although we all have specific styles we fall back on, because this position requires the ability to help people with “standard” anatomy, we would like to know that you can go back to basics and give them help that is broad-range and applicable across a variety of media.
Q: Do the drawings have to be full-color?
A: No! They can be black and white or cleaned up sketches. As long as we can see it clearly, you’re good.
Q: Do all my example drawings have to be from the last 12 months?  
A: Nope! You can send us older examples. The only thing we ask is that you have drawn SOMETHING in the last 12 months. They don’t all have to match the description of the examples.
Q: Can my examples be nsfw?
A: The examples can have artistic nudity, but please don’t send us examples of porn. 
Q: Does my redline need comments?
A: Nope, just the redline is fine! We just want to see an example of how you should adjust/critique the work if you were to become a mod.
Q: What increases my chances of becoming a mod?
A: Being positive, professional, and putting your best foot forward!
Q: I sent an application email to the blog before and didn’t get accepted. Should I reapply?
So, what are you waiting for?
Send all emails to: [email protected] (emails to the old submission address will be ignored). We will review your application over the next few weeks and reply to your inquiry by our decided deadline.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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scherry-chan · 3 years
I read your updated 1890s post, my understanding of what “restricted mobility” meant with foot binding was less that one *couldn’t walk* and more that if effected gait and made it more difficult/slower because it was very painful, especially at first when bones would be broken and re-broken a lot. There are actually a good number of critiques of it for the reason of it causing that as a social issue (keeping women more confined to the home sphere as a way of enforcing patriarchy) from some early Chinese feminists like Qiu Jin, who wrote on it around the period of the post!
I also thiiink one theory of why Manchu 旗鞋 are shaped like that is because Manchu women didn’t bind their feet but because walking on platforms needs care they’d take small steps in a similar way. So the restriction is less “not walking” more like... you probably couldn’t run comfortably, for example.
If you’re interested in more info, I read part of Cinderella’s Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding by Dorothy Ko on a while back this but I no longer have the book with me; she also wrote a book on 莲履 called Every Step a Lotus which I haven’t read but might be of interest? The first one is good in terms of addressing it from a non-Western gaze while still treating it as a feminist issue.
I did have a question; when you say western shoes I’m assuming you mean that style/material, but do you know if they manufactured that style in a way that would fit bound feet? Obviously 莲履 were designed with that in mind, but what about, for example, that type of pumps that European women wore in the 1890s?
Hi, thanks a lot for the detailed ask! I’ll answer this in sections and also expand on some things I didn’t mention in the new 1890s post.
Restricted mobility
It probably wasn’t clear in my post but yes I did mean that women with bound feet wouldn’t be able to walk very fast or do sports, it’s just that many people seem to think that they couldn’t walk at all and stayed at home all day. Since the feet were very small, they were difficult to balance when walking and also pretty painful (although the pain is supposed to be reduced when you’re used to it). Women with bound feet were at least able to walk to some extent, albeit with limited movements and speed.
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1900s studio photograph of a woman with bound feet. She would have at least been able to go to the studio herself and move about there.
Feminist literature *TERFs do not interact
I didn’t include any perspectives from feminist literature on foot binding because it is super complicated and nuanced… The traditional view is that foot binding was created by the patriarchy to keep women at home and dependent on men, but recently it has come under scrutiny because a lot of earlier scholars who argue this viewed foot binding from a Eurocentric perspective.
The authors who argue this also tend to compare foot binding to corsetry in Europe to prove that women were oppressed everywhere, which strikes me as pretty odd because foot binding and corsetry are completely different practices, especially since corsetry doesn’t break any bones or cause permanent changes to the body. It’s kind of funny how scholars jump at the opportunity to compare the two just because they both involve some sort of restriction to the body, even though they were done on two different parts of the body, one which needs support and could be squished and one which doesn’t and couldn’t… (I want to write a rant about this now why do Chinese fashion historians never stop comparing foot/breast binding to corsetry when they clearly don’t have the facts about corsetry correct)
Saying that corsetry and foot binding are both created by the patriarchy to oppress women is also quite a reductive view, and it’s been talked about a lot recently in the Western historical costuming community how corsetry was not oppressive in itself but rather it’s the fact that men used it to create an acceptable window of femininity. I think foot binding has a similar issue, in that it was originally created as a fashion trend but over time men hijacked it and used it to police women’s bodies. Maybe this is less applicable to foot binding because it does permanently change a woman’s body and is extremely painful, and could be considered mutilation by some. 
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French 1900s corset ad. Don’t worry about the impossibly small waists shown here they’re just drawings.
Another issue is that the discussion around bodily autonomy can’t really be applied to foot binding because it had to start in childhood, between 4-12 years old, meaning it was often forced onto children by their older relatives, sashaying off into the realm of child abuse. 4-12 is also an age at which young girls could not give consent to something like this by 2020s standards, so even if they agreed to foot binding that would not be legitimate and it would still be child abuse. I haven’t heard of a single woman who started binding her own feet willingly in adulthood, but if that were the case I don’t think it would cause any feminism related issues because she’s exercising her bodily autonomy (ok health wise that is definitely not encouraged, but gender wise it’s fine I guess).
By the way foot binding is still technically illegal in China in 2021 so do not try this at home. A note on the importance of legally banning foot binding (it was made illegal in 1912): it was less about limiting women’s fashion choices and more about preventing parents from forcing their daughters into foot binding so they could be more suitable for marriage, which was a prevalent phenomenon back then. 
I would advise to take the writings of Chinese first wave feminists like Qiu Jin with a grain of salt because she also wrote about how in order to emancipate ourselves, women have to dress like men, reinforcing the view that men’s fashion is the norm and be all end all for human clothing while women’s fashion is a deviation from the norm. I find this pretty misogynistic, as it goes back to a long global tradition of treating masculinity as the norm and femininity as some weaker side product (like Eve and Adam’s rib), men ridiculing women’s fashion because we’re frivolous and stupid and don’t know better, and every woman who chased after fashion trends is a ho or something. I feel like this issue wasn’t so widely talked about until very recently, with people reclaiming the bimbo label and all, and before a lot of feminists still fell into the trap of treating femininity as a weakness. I have to admit the Chinese feminist community nowadays still has some trouble coming to terms with gender identity, since a lot (I mean a lot) of Chinese feminists on social media are super transphobic.
Oh yeah Qiu Jin was also pretty racist (toward Manchus), yikes. Most Chinese first wave feminists and revolutionaries at the time in general would be so cancelled if they were alive today, and for good reason. All that talk about the “revitalization of our race” and “Manchu barbarians” and whatever, super völkisch, give me a break… I think it’s very important to address the problematic parts of early revolutionaries while still acknowledging their legacy.
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Qiu Jin in men’s clothing and Western shoes, maybe 1900s. By the way some statues of her and period dramas about her show her in a mid 1910s aoqun outfit that is incorrect, and quite disrespectful to both fashion history and her crossdressing habits (she died in 1907).
I haven’t finished reading Cinderella’s Sisters but as of now I really appreciate how Dorothy Ko sheds some new light on the topic of foot binding. Thanks for recommending the other book!! I’ll check it out once I finish Cinderella’s Sisters.
Manchu shoes
Yes, like you pointed out, the consensus nowadays is that Manchu women added block heels to their shoes so they could walk slowly and elegantly like Han women, without the need to do foot binding. However, I have worn reproduction Manchu shoes before and could run in them no problem (ngl they were weirdly comfortable), although you definitely have to watch out when going up or down stairs, so maybe it was also more of a fashion thing than a mobility thing. I’m not good with Manchu fashion history so I’m not sure when exactly these shoes began to appear.
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Manchu platform shoes.
Western shoes
Western shoes were all made for unbound feet, sorry for not making that clear in the post. I don’t think I’ve seen a single example of shoes constructed in the Western method that were made for bound feet. In the 1890s and 1900s, a lot of women either weren’t bound in their childhood or had unbound their feet by themselves (yes that was possible, Qiu Jin did that too), after which they could fit into Western leather shoes. Since Western women’s feet at the time were also significantly smaller than nowadays, it was convenient for Chinese women with natural feet to wear them. Women with bound feet wore Chinese construction lotus shoes.
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Chinese Australians with natural feet wearing Western clothes and shoes, 1918.
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1900s photograph of women with bound feet wearing lotus shoes.
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scherry-chan · 3 years
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「漢服常見的九種形制」 曲/直+裾 圓領袍 齊胸/交領/對襟+衫裙 襖裙 背子 立領長衫 @w王豆腐w
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1️⃣qu/2️⃣zhi+ju 3️⃣yuanlingpao 4️⃣qixiong/5️⃣jiaoling/6️⃣duijin+shanqun 7️⃣aoqun 8️⃣beizi 9️⃣lilingchangshan
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scherry-chan · 3 years
I saw your extensive drama list and I wad wondering if maybe you could recommend some for me? As long as it isn't a bother. It's just that last year, Chef Hua was such a pretty, gentle, low-stakes non-palace series that I immediately wanted MORE but I didn't know where and how to start looking. Thank you in advance!
hello!! yes I’d be happy to! as a continuation of this previous list, the following are… I don’t really know if I’d call them recommendations? it’s more like lists of what I watched before, what I plan to watch, what I’ve heard is good, and what I’m very eagerly waiting for („• ֊ •„)
warning: very long post ahead (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧
just to have some semblance of structure, the shows are categorised according to:
Bringing These Back From The “Yet To Watch” Section On The Previous List Because I’ve Finally Watched Them And I Love Them An Unhealthy Amount
Currently Watching
On My To Watch List Meaning I’ll Probably Get To It In 1000 Years
Not On My To Watch List But That I’ve Heard Good Things About
Upcoming Dangai (i.e. Danmei Live Action Adaptations) That I Am Very Excited About
Benchmark for MDL vs Douban scores: The Untamed - 9.1/10 vs 7.7/10
Bringing These Back From The “Yet To Watch” Section On The Previous List Because I’ve Finally Watched Them And I Love Them An Unhealthy Amount
1. My Roommate is a Detective 民国奇探 (2020)
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MDL: 8.3
Douban: 7.2
Personal Rating (on MDL): 10
Genres: mystery, action, adventure, detective, romance, republican era
Set in the mid-1920s, a resourceful young police officer named Qiao Chu Sheng is on the trail of a brutal but devious killer. Realising that the police force will need some extra help with this difficult case, he decides to form an elite crime-busting detective team. He reaches out to a young man who has recently returned from studying in Great Britain, Lu Yao. Qiao Chu Sheng has learned that Lu Yao has remarkable powers of deduction and a brilliant mind – and believes he can help crack this difficult case. To round off the team, he enlists the help of Bai You Ning, a focused young female reporter for a daily newspaper. A free-thinking, independent young woman, she has a strong sense of justice – and pledges to help catch the killer. The trio form a small detective squad that specialises in solving strange and unsettling murder mysteries. (mdl)
Though from what I’ve seen on tumblr you either love it very much or you drop it
2. The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty 成化十四年 (2020)
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MDL: 8.3
Douban: 5.6
Personal Rating (on MDL): 10
Genres: historical, mystery, bromance, detective
Set during the 14th year of Chenghua Emperor’s reign, Tang Fan, a sixth rank official and Sui Zhou, a decorated uniform guard, join hands to crush a conspiracy to maintain peace and order for the people. After working together to solve the case involving the Marquis’ son, Tang Fan and Sui Zhou gain widespread fame and form a lasting friendship with each other. Although his reputation precedes him, Tang Fan remains honest and upright in his duty as a public servant and continues to rent a humble home. His landlord is found dead in her quarters presumably from suicide, but clues lead to suspicions of foul play.
After the case is resolved, Tang Fan travels to Henan to investigate the sudden disappearances of people near the tomb site of the late Northern Song Emperor. When the culprit is revealed, it seems that he is but a pawn in a much grander conspiracy. As major cases continue to plague the capital and the local offices, Tang Fan and Sui Zhou work hard to unmask the mastermind who is pulling the strings in the background. (mdl)
A really good show! Cases are much more solid than MRIAD imo (but I’m biased towards MRIAD *cough*)
Adapted from a bl novel that is apparently quite different
Currently Watching
3. Killer and Healer 恨君不似江楼月 (2021)
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MDL: 8.1
Douban: 5.9
Genres: suspense, historical, crime, drama, bromance, drugs, republican era
A story that follows two men who are polar opposites-one kills, while the other heals. One is a violent cop and the other is a compassionate doctor. Together they support and redeem each other during troubled times. Jiang Yue Lou  heads the Jingcheng Police Station and  appears neither good nor evil.  Yet smugglers tremble at the thought of him. While investigating an opium case in Hong Kong, Yue Lou encounters Yu Zhi who learns that Yue Lou suffers from  bipolar disorder. Although initially reluctant to undergo treatment, Yue Lou eventually opens up to Yu Zhi. Despite their differing values they slowly become close friends. At this time, the secrets from the past start to bubble to the surface. (mdl)
Yes I am going to use this image for this show for Reasons
Directed by sam ho!! aka the guy who directed hao yi xing (2ha)
I picked up this show because, ngl, of the republican era detective genre and because its chinese name is poetic af
I’ve heard it ends painfully though *nervous laughter*
4. The Journey 寻找前世之旅 (2017)
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MDL: 7.9
Douban: 5.1
Personal Rating (on MDL): 9
Genres: time travel, reincarnation, fantasy, magic
According to an old saying, the life you have in this lifetime is a karma of what you did in the last. What if you can go back to your past lives and change your actions? Ye Yin is a girl who can look into the past for the cause, examine the present for the adversity, and see into the future for the solution, an art she learned from her mysterious master. She has the ability to send a person back and forward in time and to any place. All she needs from the person is one sincere drop of tear. By helping others resolve their past conflicts, perhaps, she can move closer to changing her own fate. (mdl)
I can’t remember much about this show since I watched it a while back
But I remember it being extremely campy… but in a very fun way
There’s a lot of time travel involved and the female lead always gets bugged by a clingy vampire (that guy with the questionable eye make up)
There’s a second season! I think they kinda explain things there I really can’t remember
5. Detective L 绅探 (2019)
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MDL: 8.2
Douban: 6.4
Personal Rating (on MDL): 9
Genres: historical, mystery, comedy, detective, republican era
Set in the Republican Era in Shanghai in the 1930s: An intriguing crime case emerges amidst the bustling city. A beautiful new graduate of the police academy, Qin Xiao Man, joins the investigation unit. The famous detective Luo Fei becomes her colleague and neighbour. Together they solve case after case with a growing conspiracy appearing. (mdl)
Quite similar to MRIAD, in that it’s a detective show set in the republican era and is structured according to a few episodes per case (in this case - lol - it’s three episodes per case) but with an overarching plot
I feel like they didn’t really touch on the overarching plot here except for a couple of cases? the rest of the cases are unlinked to the overarching plot
Though overall the overarching plot feels better executed than MRIAD (which was just… lol)
Female lead is absolutely likeable and I’m so glad they didn’t force a romance between the male lead (bai yu) and her
Very Sherlock Holmes-ey, down to the music
6. The Birth of the Drama King 少年江湖物语 (2019)
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MDL: 7.7
Douban: 7.2
Personal Rating (on MDL): NA (dropped)
Genres: historical, comedy, wuxia
A hilarious comedy about two long lost brothers who meet again as enemies in the pugilistic world with the “righteous” hero infiltrating the “evil” dark lord’s sect as an undercover agent. Hijinks ensue when the introverted hero tries to befriend the temperamental dark lord by following his master’s self-help book on “how to make a friend in ten days.” (mdl)
Hmm I actually dropped this but… it has quite a favourable score on Douban??
Based on a bl novel, but because of censorship the cp got turned into long-lost brothers
Stars song jiyang (xiao xingchen in the untamed) in a supporting role
Super light-hearted and felt more like comedy than actual wuxia to me
Dropped it because I wasn’t that attached to the plot
7. Fog Hill of the Five Elements 雾山五行 (2020)
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MAL: 8.0
Douban: 9.0
Personal Rating (on MAL): 10
Genres: action, historical, martial arts, fantasy
A legend tells that a long time ago, monsters could give the ability to certain elected officials to master the five elements. But for that, you have to go through the dangerous foggy mountains… We follow the adventures of one of these elected officials. (mal)
Ok ok this is actually a donghua (animation) but it is so! fucking! good!
Only three episodes, but there’ll be a continuation in the future
The animation is A+++ the colouring is A+++ the action is A+++
Okay the synopsis on mal is trash but it’s basically about these five people who each represent one element (wuxing = the five chinese elements - fire, water, wood, metal, earth), focusing especially on the fire guy - okay my synopsis isn’t much better either lol
But really the animation is just. God tier.
8. Dream Detective (2020)
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MDL: 7.8
Douban: 6.8
Personal Rating (on MDL): 10
Genres: action, suspense, mystery, fantasy, supernatural, murder, serial killer, republican era
Chen Si is a righteous detective who got partnered up with Yuan Bu Jie, a dream reader with unrivaled interpreting skills as well as a dark past. They work together to find the truth behind a series of serial murders. (mdl)
I really found this quite good and I was (am??) quite bummed that not a lot of people have picked it up ahaha
Maybe it’s because it hasn’t really been subbed though?? At least when I was watching it. I’m not sure if it’s still not subbed in english
9. Word of Honour 山河令 (2021)
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MDL: 8.6
Douban: 8.4
Personal Rating (on MDL): 10
Genres: adventure, friendship, historical, mystery, wuxia, martial arts
Zhou Zi Shu, the disillusioned leader of a royal praetorian secret service, takes drastic measures to leave his former life behind and wanders the pugilist world. He unexpectedly gets involved in a conspiracy after he steps in to save a young boy.  He also meets the mysterious Wen Ke Xing, who is on a quest to avenge his parents’ deaths. They become bosom friends through a series of adventures involving a legendary treasure that is rumored to give its owner ultimate power over the pugilist world. (mdl)
This show has been absolutely on fire the past couple of months
Adapted from a bl novel (tian ya ke // faraway wanderers, by priest)
Please just watch it I’m begging you
On My To Watch List Meaning I’ll Probably Get To It In 1000 Years
10. Winter Begonia 鬓边不是海棠红 (2020)
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MDL: 8.4
Douban: 8.1
Genres: historical, business, romance, drama, republican era, chinese opera
Set in the 1930’s, it follows Shang Xirui, a Peking opera performer who relies on his exceptional talent to gain fame in Beiping. Being an outsider, he faces opposition from the locals but doesn’t relent nor give up in fulfilling his dreams to promote Peking opera. As he pours himself into mastering the art, wealthy businessman Cheng Fengtai becomes deeply captivated after watching a performance for the first time. He makes acquaintance with Shang Xirui and becomes an avid supporter. Through Cheng Fengtai’s help, Shang Xirui builds Shui Yun Lou and trains a new troupe. When the Japanese army invade Beiping in 1937 and patriotic men and women take up arms to fight, Shang Xirui and Cheng Fengtai are moved to make sacrifices for their country.
Based on a bl novel
I’ve heard good things about this!
11. Love and Redemption 琉璃 (2020)
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MDL: 8.8
Douban: 7.6
Genres: action, adventure, historical, romance, drama, fantasy, reincarnation
A thousand years following a battle between the demons and the heavens, the souls of the Star of Mosha and the God of War are sent to the mortal realm to undergo tribulation.
In the mortal realm, Chu Xuan Ji, born as the daughter of the Shaoyang Sect Leader, is deprived of her six senses. During a tournament, she meets Yu Si Feng, a skilled disciple of Lize Palace who was born on the same day as her, and the two develop a friendship. Promising to meet again, Si Feng returns to his sect where he is punished for breaking the rules and forced to wear a mask that could potentially harm his life, while Xuan Ji leaves her home to train in martial arts.
Four years later, their destinies are intertwined once again. Traveling together, they soon discover their past lives’ memories and uncovering secrets and conspiracies involving themselves and the three realms; demon, heavenly, and mortal. The revelation greatly impacts Si Feng and Xuan Ji’s relationship, and the balance of the three realms starts to shift. (mdl)
I remember seeing a few mutuals screaming about this but I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet alksdklflksdf
12. Miss S 旗袍美探 (2020)
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MDL: 8.1
Douban: 6.9
Genres: romance, crime, detective, republican era
Set in the Shanghai Bund in the 1940s, it revolves around a female detective who solves multiple cases. (dramawiki)
Oh look another republican era detective show (I may have A Type)!
Except this time the detective is the female lead
Starring venue gao (male lead in pillow book in my previous list)
13. Insect Detective 破茧 (2020)
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MDL: 7.8
Douban: 5.8
Genres: suspense, mystery, psychological, detective, investigation, murder
The police are investigating a case that involves a death directly caused by a rare bug known as the bullet ant. In order to clear his name, Tan Jingtian, an Insect toxicology graduate becomes involved in the bizarre investigation and collaborates with forensic doctor Jin Ling. As they dig deeper, they uncover the mystery behind his own identity.
Along with police captain Chen Han and the other detectives, they trace every clue as they solve one case at a time to uncover the murderer that has been in hiding for many years. (mdl)
14. Ultimate Note 终极笔记 (2020)
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MDL: 8.4
Douban: 8.5
Genres: action, suspense, adventure, tomb raiding, mystery
Curious about his uncle’s past, Wu Xie watched a mysterious videotape, only to find himself mixed up in an elaborate conspiracy. In his adventures, he encountered Zhang Qi Ling, Xie Yu Chen, and others. The 6 people with different motives decided to band together. Zhang Qi Ling lost his memory by accident. The group discovered the Zhang family’s old manor held the answers they sought. However, they were stopped in their tracks by Qiu De Kao’s forces. Later, thanks to an ancient Lei family blueprint, Wu Xie became acquainted with Madam Huo of the Jiumen Sect. At her suggestion, the group embarked on a tomb raid which the Jiumen Sect had attempted many years ago in search of the truth. Unfortunately, Wu Xie was severely injured during the journey while Zhang Qi Ling went missing, leaving the mystery unsolved. Xie Yu Chen suggested Wu Xie disguise as his uncle, but Wu Xie was hesitant. (mdl)
Another one adapted from the dmbj books!
I remember chasing the lost tomb reboot and this one started airing and I was just like ??? another one???
I haven’t gotten around to watching this yet though (I’m planning to, someday, sit down and properly read the books and watch the dmbj shows so that I can get any references they throw) so I’m not sure if this is one of the dmbj shows you can go in not knowing anything about the backstory
15. The Long Ballad (2021)
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MDL: 8.4
Douban: 6.3
Genres: action, historical, romance, war, political
The story is about a princess who must seek revenge for her family, and in doing so, her fate intertwines with a handsome tribal prince. The Long Ballad is a fictitious love story set against the backdrop of the Tang dynasty, during the reigns of Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong. Although the story features some real historical figures in Chinese history; many of the main characters and plotlines are fictional. (wiki)
I was considering chasing this when it first started airing but I think I’ll probably binge it at one shot some time… a long time… later
Mostly for dilraba
Still airing so I wouldn’t take the scores as the complete show scores
Not On My To Watch List But That I’ve Heard Good Things About
16. Scarlet Heart 步步惊心 (2011)
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MDL: 8.4
Douban: 8.4
Genres: historical, romance, drama, fantasy, tragedy, political, time travel, qing dynasty
Through a car accident, Zhang Xiao traveled back in time into a body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16 years old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, living in the Qing Dynasty. Although she knows she should not get involved in palace intrigues over the succession to the throne, she inadvertently becomes a pawn in the struggle, because she could not help but love someone, and others came to love her. (mdl)
I remember this really being on fire locally here where I am back then, like I’d see people watching it everywhere??
Inspired the korean remake (scarlet heart: ryeo) starring li joon ki and i.u.
17. Nirvana in Fire 瑯琊榜 (2015)
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MDL: 9.1
Douban: 9.4
Genres: historical, wuxia, drama, political
In sixth-century China, Emperor Xiaoxuan of Southern Liang orders the unjust execution of his brother-in-law General Lin Xie; alongside the Lin family, his 70,000 army soldiers, and Crown Prince Qi. Secretly surviving the massacre, Lin Xie’s son, Lin Shu, undergoes a medical treatment that changes his appearance entirely and leaves him in a weakened state unable to perform martial arts again. Lin Shu changes his name to Mei Chang Su and later becomes the chief of the pugilist world and establishes the Jiangzuo Alliance.
Twelve years later, Lin Shu returns to the capital with a secret plan after being sought after by Prince Yu and Prince Xian during their fight for the throne. He decides to covertly assist Prince Jing, the unfavoured son of Emperor Wu, and wisely rids the court of all scheming officials. (mdl)
I think there’s quite a healthy nif following here on tumblr *stares at a few mutuals*
18. Story of Yanxi Palace (2018)
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MDL: 8.7
Douban: 7.2
Genres: historical, psychological, comedy, romance, drama, qing dynasty
In the 18th century Beijing, during the 6th year of the Qianlong’s reign, Wei Ying Luo enters the Forbidden City as an embroiderer to investigate the truth behind her older sister’s rape and murder. Believing that Imperial Guard Fuca Fuheng to be the prime suspect, Ying Luo schemingly approaches his sister, Empress Fuca Rongyin, and is transferred to work as her maid. However, the kind-hearted Empress quickly takes a liking to Ying Luo’s streetsmart and plucky attitude, teaching her to read and write and becoming her benefactor, while Fuca Fuheng falls in love with her and supports her investigation. Realizing that the Fuca siblings are innocent of the crime, Ying Luo moves her attention to the other people in the palace in hopes of finding the perpetrator, all while protecting the Empress from the harem’s conspiracies, as she rises through the ranks. (mdl)
19. Ever Night 将夜 (2018)
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MDL: 8.4
Douban: 7.4
Genres: action, adventure, historical, romance, wuxia, drama, xianxia
When a family was unjustly massacred by a great general, a young boy named Ning Que escaped. He managed to survive in the wilds through his wits and growing fighting skills. One day he dug out from a pile of corpses a baby girl, that he named Sang Sang.  Since that day the two of them are inseparable. Ning Que joined the frontier military and eventually become part of the entourage of Princess Li Yu as she traveled back to the capital. He managed to discover the hidden school known as the Upper Storey, which leads him and Sang Sang to many wondrous adventures.
Many hostile forces are gathering around them, and people are not who they appear to be. Is Ning Que the son of the King of Underworld, or the savior of humanity against the Eternal Night? (mdl)
I reallllyyy love one of the songs in this soundtrack
20. The Longest Day in Chang’an 长安十二时辰 (2019)
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MDL: 8.2
Douban: 8.3
Genres: action, suspense, thriller, historical, crime, political
744 A.D., Chang’an, the cosmopolitan heart of the Tang Empire. The remnants of a vanquished Central Asian kingdom have infiltrated the world’s largest city for a planned attack during the Lantern Festival. Meanwhile, the court is fraught with infighting. The aging Emperor is expected to announce the regency of the Right Chancellor during the festival and retreat to the mountains with his young lover. If the Right Chancellor becomes the regent, the reformist Crown Prince risks being deposed—or worse. Intelligence chief Li Bi, a young Taoist priest, and ally of the Crown Prince has only 24 hours to prevent both the attack and the regency. After a botched attempt to capture the infiltrators, Li Bi and his team call in the services of death row prisoner Zhang Xiao Jing — a war veteran, beloved police chief, and murderer of his last direct superior. (mdl)
21. The Romance of Tiger and Rose 传闻中的陈芊芊 (2020)
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MDL: 8.6
Douban: 7.5
Genres: historical, comedy, romance, drama, fantasy, transmigration
Having finally sold her TV series script, aspiring screenwriter Chen Xiao Qian soon falls under the scrutiny of the male lead, who refuses to act out the role. Vowing to make her script successful, she starts re-writing. While napping, she is transported into her own story, becoming the Third Princess Chen Qian Qian, a side character, killed off in the third episode by the male lead, Prince Han Shuo. Armed with the knowledge of her own script, Xiao Qian is determined to stay alive and find her way back home. (mdl)
22. Rattan 司藤 (2021)
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MDL: 8.0
Douban: 7.5
Genres: mystery, romance, fantasy, supernatural
Many years ago, the plant-alien hybrid Si Teng was hunted down by a Xuanmen hunter. Chased across Shanghai, Si Teng fled for her life but escaping the relentless hunter proved impossible. In an act of cruel piety, the hunter killed Si Teng and buried her remains at the base of a great cliff. There she would have remained for all eternity, had fate not chosen to intervene. Resurrected by the unwitting actions of a young architect by the name of Qin Fang, Si Teng finds herself in a strange new world. Confused by the fragmented memories in her head, Si Teng insists Qin Fang help her regain her memories, while at the same time helping her understand life in this modern age. Despite their rocky start, Qin Fang eventually agrees to Si Teng’s demands. With Qin Fang by her side, Si Teng learns what it means to live and love but the fragmented memories of her past continue to torment her. Determined to understand the mysteries of her past, Si Teng and Qin Fang continue to search for answers, their quest drawing them ever closer. But how long will their happiness last when the demon of the past refuses to die?
I *might* just watch this for jing tian
Upcoming Dangai (i.e. Danmei Live Action Adaptations) That I Am Very Excited About
23. Immortality 皓衣行
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Genres: action, historical, mystery, romance, wuxia, fantasy, xianxia, reincarnation
Chu Wanning is an elder with immense spiritual powers. He is an upright and noble man who bears the responsibility of defending the mortal realm. Mo Ran is one of his disciples. Mo Ran is a gifted cultivator with a good heart but due to his sufferings at a young age, he is unruly and often opposes his master Chu Wanning. An accident causes Mo Ran to remember an inexplicable memory. Mo Ran begins to secretly guard against Chu Wanning and even engages in some actions.
Despite seeing a change in Mo Ran, Chu Wanning remains steadfast in leading Mo Ran to follow the right path as he continues to protect him from the shadows. (mdl)
Adapted from 2ha (the husky and his white cat shizun) by meatbun doesn’t eat meat
Um I’m not sure what to make of the mdl synopsis lololol
Okay if I’m going to be very honest, I want this to air but I don’t want this to air so soon at the same time
2ha is one of my favourite (if not the favourite) bl novels and as much as I really, really want to see it adapted for live action, I’m really scared of its sudden rise in popularity (and it’s already *super* popular) and the mega-fans and anti-fans that entails…
24. Winner is King 杀破狼
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Genres: action, historical, war, political, steampunk
The young Chang Geng was rescued by Shen Sixteen(Shen Shi Liu)  when he encountered wolves, and he recognized him as a foster father in return for his gratitude. During a surprise attack by a foreign race, Chang Geng was shocked to learn that he was actually the fourth prince of Da Xuan, and Shen Sixteen was Gu Yun, the commander of Xuan Tieying. Gu Yun repelled the alien and brought Chang Geng into Beijing. The new emperor Li Feng ascended the throne, but he was eager to make a difference without a stable foundation. King Wei coveted the throne and created a crisis. Da Xuan is weak and strong enemies are around him, Gu Yun struggles to resist foreign enemies, and Chang Geng strives to eliminate the accumulated abuses. In the end, the mountains and rivers remain the same, and the world is clear.
Adapted from she po lang by priest
I admit to dropping the novel because it’s so political and I was going ??? >_
25. Light the Darkness 深渊
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Genres: mystery, psychological, crime, investigation, detective, suspense, police
Childhood, upbringing, family background, social relations, traumatic experiences…
We keep reviewing and seeking out the motives of criminals, exploring the subtlest emotions driving them. It’s not to put ourselves in their shoes and sympathize, or even forgive them; it’s not to find some reasons to exculpate their crimes; it’s not to kneel down before the so-called “complexity of human nature”; nor to introspect social conflicts, much less to alienate ourselves into monsters. We just want to have a fair trial – for ourselves and for those who still have hope for the world. (mdl)
Adapted from mo du (silent reading) by priest
Wow I didn’t know they changed the drama name to 深渊 (“deep abyss”) but it does feel kinda relevant
The novel itself is about a police detective and a super rich very smart fuerdai with a dark past, and they kinda team up to solve various cases that pop up which are of course linked to a bigger overarching case
26. A League of Nobleman 张公案
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Genres: suspense, adventure, friendship, historical, mystery, wuxia, drama, investigation, detective
Zhang Ping is a poor scholar who wanders on the streets, who makes use of his skills in pulling noodles to make a living. Despite being unremarkable in looks, he has a meddlesome nature and likes to involve himself in the cases of the government. Using his sharp observational skills and out of the box thinking, he is able to grasp the unique points of each case. However due to his solitary nature he isn’t well liked by others.
Lan Jue, the Minister of Rites, is constantly embroiled in the political strife of the court. Possessing a gentle and elegant appearance, he appears to lead a smooth-sailing life, but actually hides a growth history that is unknown to many.
One day as Zhang Ping travels to the capital to take the National Examinations, he accidentally gets embroiled in the Lan Jue’s secret operation.
Using his genius reasoning, he managed to solve the case, but also disrupts Lan Jue’s plan, while also discovering Lan Jue’s secret and saving his life. From then on, the two people with a disparity in status and contradictory ideals became close friends, facing tough cases straight on and going through life and death situations together. Under Lan Jue’s recommendation, Zhang Ping slowly transforms from a poor scholar to a minister in the Dali Temple, solving cases and handling affairs in the court; making a name for himself as a genius detective. (mdl)
Ah yes bl/ bromance x detectives… my weakness
27. Breaking Through the Clouds 2 Swallowing the Seas
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Genres: action, mystery, psychological, crime, drama, detective, investigation, drugs, police
Um no official images of this yet because it’s got quite a long way to go so I’m making do with this image from the manhua
The synopsis on mdl is also… wrong… it’s the synopsis for po yun (see below)
It’s a sequel to another of my favourite bl novels, po yun (breaking through the clouds) by huai shang, which is slated to have its own live adaptation but probably after this one airs (??)
I haven’t read tun hai (swallowing the seas) - the book this show is based on - yet though but I can’t wait???
I learned a while back that there were rumours that hu yitian (lu yao in mriad) is gonna be one of the male leads and I was (am still) like ??????? *what*??????
and that’s it for now! this was really long but I hope it gave you some inspiration for what to watch next (*¯︶¯*)
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scherry-chan · 3 years
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I know What you are. You’re “Mama”
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scherry-chan · 3 years
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scherry-chan · 3 years
hanfu etiquette
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