saltymog · 1 year
Oh heavens check out this beautiful depiction of Penumbral Chapter 13! @jiveyuncle captured the intensity and surrealism of this scene a lot better than I could write it, that's for sure.
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So I started reading this fic, and I’m drinking it down.
Fanfic: Penumbral by Salty_Mog on Ao3 (art of a scene in Ch13: Shell Shock)
[Noctis had told his friends he remembered very little of his decade in the crystal.]
[Noctis had lied.]
Trapped in Reflection, Noct discovers Bahamut isn’t quite the benevolent deity he’s made himself out to be. Feeding on death, the Draconian waits in anticipation for Noct’s final sacrifice. And as the sun rises at last, Umbra offers Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto an alternative—but with a catch.
Now, back in a world of light, the four of them discover that behind every happily ever after is a big flaming mess of new problems—from angry gods, to relentless Niffs, to the fallout of a decade spent in darkness, to trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with Noct.
And, as each man battles his daemons, Noct himself finally learns—once and for all—that no one is an island.
Read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37358029/chapters/93220192
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saltymog · 1 year
@theresistanceneverquits made some Penumbral art! <3 <3 <3
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A scene from the fic Penumbral by @saltymog
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saltymog · 1 year
I spent a solid weekend binging penumbral, and then two updates later it concluded. it feels like the end of an era which is weird for being a newcomer to the story, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thankyou for sharing!!
I am soooo late addressing this comment... ...but thank you, Anonymous! It makes me so happy and honored to hear that you felt as deeply invested in the Penumbral journey as I did. :)
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saltymog · 1 year
Nothing proves the characterizations in the remake are spot-on quite like the gif of Barret and Cloud kicking and stabbing a locked door.
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saltymog · 1 year
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hell yeah buddy
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saltymog · 1 year
Chapters: 30/30 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Iris Amicitia, Aranea Highwind Additional Tags: Drama, Action, Angst, Friendship/Love, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Game, Time Travel, Thirty-Something Chocobros In Their Twenty-Something Bodies, Because they called Umbra, Evil Bahamut, PTSD, Noct acting like this is fine, big bro gladio, Ignis and Prompto just trying to fix things, roadtripping, bros being bros, boattripping, Plot With the Occasional Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort
Noctis lay in the sand, the bill of his hat pulled low over his eyes. A fishing pole rested in his hand—one of his humbler models, its simple hook and bait dragging lazily in the shallow estuary that cut across the beach. To anybody who didn’t know him well, he would have looked as if he were sleeping. But he was, in fact, staring reflectively out into the cloudless blue of another summer morning, a square of paper tucked beneath his hand.
Someone who did know him well approached from across the beach, the man’s unobtrusive tread indicating he had recognized all the signs.
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saltymog · 1 year
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Patreon | Redbubble
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saltymog · 2 years
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A premature visit
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saltymog · 2 years
Chapters: 28/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Iris Amicitia, Aranea Highwind Additional Tags: Drama, Action, Angst, Friendship/Love, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Game, Time Travel, Thirty-Something Chocobros In Their Twenty-Something Bodies, Because they called Umbra, Evil Bahamut, PTSD, Noct acting like this is fine, big bro gladio, Ignis and Prompto just trying to fix things, roadtripping, bros being bros, boattripping, Plot With the Occasional Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort So here he was again. Come full circle. 
The Sword of the Father in his hands. Again. 
Offering himself up to die. Again.
Noctis stood in the center of the throne room, staring up at the dais. It looked much as he remembered it from the final hours of the Night. Even more like what Bahamut had shown him of his father’s and Clarus’ last moments, before entropy had had its way. That gaping hole in the corner still opened straight out into the sky—repairing it had obviously never been very high on the Imperial to-do list, even in this new, daemon-reduced timeline. 
The throne rose above it all, as empty and distant and aloof as it had always been. As a child, Noctis had hardly recognized his father in that seat—had never been able to find the warm, playful man he thought he knew in the stiffly formal demeanor of the king who occupied it. And here it waited, vacant, poised to accept a king once more, now for the very last time.
He didn’t want to do this. 
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saltymog · 2 years
Chapters: 27/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Iris Amicitia, Aranea Highwind Additional Tags: Drama, Action, Angst, Friendship/Love, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Game, Time Travel, Thirty-Something Chocobros In Their Twenty-Something Bodies, Because they called Umbra, Evil Bahamut, PTSD, Noct acting like this is fine, big bro gladio, Ignis and Prompto just trying to fix things, roadtripping, bros being bros, boattripping, Plot With the Occasional Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort Ignis woke with a gasp. "Noct!" The desert didn't reply. Brisk, desiccated winds blew hollowly through the rocks. High clouds had drifted in at some point during the night, dulling the stars. The fire was nothing but embers, and there was no moon. Loneliness and desolation sat heavily among the darkened hills. Far across the wastes, a car pulled away from the black-on-black silhouette that was Cindy's garage. Its lights didn’t switch on until it had turned out onto the highway, pointed toward Insomnia. It could have been any vehicle, really; the sound of its engine wouldn't carry this far, and the distance made details hard to distinguish. But Ignis knew anyway. And he knew who sat behind the wheel. 
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saltymog · 2 years
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saltymog · 2 years
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saltymog · 2 years
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Final Fantasy VI
Art by Crystal Fae
Buy print: https://etsy.me/3kmuHm
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saltymog · 2 years
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Chibi is an underrated character in this game. Also, I adore slice of life pictures and had so much fun painting this one up <3 The best boy deserves all the doggy cuddles.
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saltymog · 2 years
Chapters: 26/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Iris Amicitia, Aranea Highwind Additional Tags: Drama, Action, Angst, Friendship/Love, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Game, Time Travel, Thirty-Something Chocobros In Their Twenty-Something Bodies, Because they called Umbra, Evil Bahamut, PTSD, Noct acting like this is fine, big bro gladio, Ignis and Prompto just trying to fix things, roadtripping, bros being bros, boattripping, Plot With the Occasional Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort "It wasn't a book club; we were simply engaging in animated discussion regarding which works may be considered true classics and which are mere popular trash masquerading as such," Ignis said, vaguely recalling the instance Prompto was referencing and feeling it important to clarify. "As I was saying. You two were in the middle of your 'which of us has read the smartest things' pissing contest, and Noct is sitting there trying to land this fish, but now there's a sahagin on the end of his line too. But instead of just letting go, he hangs on for all he's worth. The thing drags him off into the water, rod and all, and I'm left there on the dock, holding onto his ankle while the rest of him's bumping around in the rapids."  Looking askance at the growing intensity of Noct's evil eye, Prompto plunged on. "Meanwhile, this other sahagin comes after me. Noct totally sees the danger, but he still doesn't let go, just kind of yell-gurgles that I 'still have a free hand, just punch it in the eye.' Long story short, we eventually stagger back to camp with one less potion, no fish, and sahagin marks in my favorite jeans." "It wasn't about the fish," Noct grumbled through Gladio's loud guffawing. "It had my lure." "I rather think Prompto is somewhat less replaceable than a lure," Ignis remarked, poorly disguising his own amusement. "Though I do believe I saw a passable substitute in the Souvenir Emporium once." "Yeah," Gladio added. "Our Prompto's getting a little scruffy. Might be time for one with a few less dents and bangs." "I hate you guys so much," Prompto cheerfully replied. 
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saltymog · 2 years
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Final Fantasy XV: Petting Zoo Simulator
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saltymog · 2 years
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'Kay, I'm not much about pairings and romance in general, but for all you Ignoct fans out there...I've gotta admit the photographic evidence is rather compelling.
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