rosiethered · 10 years
I think Mum will be fine. I already know that Dad is less fine... it'll be hard but I think I can convince him. I'm sure something will come around. Maybe we can hang out a bit. I know I'm not necessarily fun but I can certainly try.
Well I doubt Aunt Hermione will. She’s at least fair her in judgment. Your dad though… [She trailed off, mock wincing at the whole prospect. Lily was just glad Ron was Rose’s father and not hers. Though she supposed she got stuck with James and Albus instead.] Good luck with that. 
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Thanks, though I doubt anything interesting will come ‘round. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
[Shakes her head, chuckling slightly] I have certainly tried to prep him. But Alex is convinced they're going to hate him regardless, so he refuses to really try. [Nods understanding] I know that I love studying, but it definitely does get boring after a while. I hope you find something exciting soon, Lil.
[Her eyes widen at the mention of her aunt and uncle meeting Rose’s boyfriend.] I hope you’ve prepped him for Uncle Ron. [She gave her cousin a knowing look and sighed at her query.] Not a thing. I’m dying for some excitement. Studying doesn’t really do it for me. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
[Shrugs] Whatever. I don't think so.
Something might be easy to you but hard to other people. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
You should smack them with a big stick. They've been extremely rowdy in the Gryffindor common room as well.
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The first years are running around the common room flinging curses at each other again.
Someone should probably do something before they burn the tower down. You know, I could’ve sworn we had a prefect
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rosiethered · 10 years
[Shrugs] They just don't try hard enough.
Have you not seen the state some of the people around here get into when it comes to exams?
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rosiethered · 10 years
That's just something people say so that they don't have to study.
Some don’t test well. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
They would do better if they studied.
Not everyone does well. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
It's so hard to relax. I just want everyone to do well.
Relax Rose. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
Good. It stresses me out when people haven't started studying yet.
I started studying a while ago. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
You've started studying, right?
I’m well aware of the exams *smirks*
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rosiethered · 10 years
Of course I have. Exams are just around the corner, you know and NEWTs are only a year away.
*nods* Baby steps. Anyway, have you been burying yourself under your books again?
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rosiethered · 10 years
Little steps, little steps. 
Exactly. Baby steps.
It’s less egotistical than usual. I’m working on it.
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rosiethered · 10 years
It's less egotistical than usual. I'm working on it.
*rolls his eyes and crosses his arms*
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rosiethered · 10 years
Fine. I'm right at least 85% of the time.
You also stated that you were always right. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
Hey, I agreed that I was alright. That's not super egotistical.
And there’s the little ego. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
Regardless, they're both true about me.
I said alright, not that you’re right. 
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rosiethered · 10 years
[rolls her eyes] I'm always right.
*smirks and shrugs* You’re alright 
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