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I'm not sure I've ever been friends with one of y'all but heres a picture i drew - your local istp
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mbti art shit
can anyone guess what type I am 💀
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Hi Charity! I wanted to ask for some advice because I feel very stuck and don’t really know what to do with myself. I think I’m ISTP either e5 or e6 (but if what I write sounds like I’m mistyped, I’d be happy to hear your thoughts). Recently I became really sad and stressed, and I noticed that when I become stressed I start to crave human interaction more and actually want to be more around other people (but like, not to vent to them, just spending time). Which sounds great on paper, but it makes me stressed about the fact that I’m becoming too needy and too clingy. I don’t have a lot of friends, and I feel like I am annoying the crap out of my friends with invitations to spend time with them more than usual. I feel the need to distance myself because I don’t want to become dependent on someone else, and, to be honest, deep down it feels embarrassing to reach out to others so much, it’s like I’m desperate or something. And I absolutely don’t want to appear desperate, I don’t want anyone to know that I’m sad or lonely, because I feel like overtime I (not very consciously) made myself look like this confident and independent person who is really good on their own, and I don’t want anyone to know that I am not always like that, I guess. So I end up wanting to be with people more, and in result isolating myself even more in order to not be perceived and clingy and needy. I find it hard to show “vulnerable” emotions like asking for help or admitting that I don’t really feel good, and also I feel like telling people things like these will guilt-trip them into spending more time with me, since I know that both of them have trouble saying “no”, even if they really don’t want to do something. I’m scared that will start seeing me as a burden or an annoyance. At first I assumed that it was one of those “Fe meltdowns” but it’s been going for a few weeks now, but I don’t know what else I am supposed to do other than just “wait it out”. I mean, I even cried about it, and I cry very rarely. What do you think I could do? And do you think I might be mistyped and my whole approach/coping mechanisms were wrong from the beginning? Thank you so much! 
It’s not inconsistent with ITP, so there’s no need to worry about being mistyped.
So, let’s address this point by point.
It’s not wrong to crave human interaction when you feel stressed or sad, but you also need to figure out WHY you are feeling stressed and sad. ITPs struggle to pay attention to their own feelings until they become overwhelming, because they don’t value their feelings enough. So, what is happening in your life that is making you stressed or making you sad? Are you experiencing something traumatic or emotionally significant? (I don’t know… a difficult job making you realize that life isn’t what you thought it would be; a relationship falling apart; the death of a dream; not being happy with what you are doing with your career, etc.) It might be worth it to take a step back and consider what might be triggering this “neediness.” Once you know what it is, then perhaps you can take steps to resolve it through decisive action (a different job, fewer hours, trying something new, etc).
Have your friends given you any indication that you are annoying? What makes you think they aren’t enjoying spending more time with you, especially if it’s not “overpowering” (not to vent)? It’s good to be thoughtful about others’ time, but friends generally enjoy each other’s company, especially around the holidays. (For that matter, could the holidays be triggering this in some way? An unresolved issue from your past centered around Christmas, you feeling alone for some reason, etc? Think about anything that might be pertinent.)
You can be independent without being “an island.” Needing friends or companionship doesn’t make you any less strong, resourceful, or self-reliant. We all through times in our lives when we need or want people around us more or less. This is just one of those times, and there is no need to feel ashamed of it.
I understand not wanting to seem needy or admit to feeling lonely, but… you should also know that those are normal human emotions, so it’s okay to admit to feeling that way. If anything, it might even deepen your friendships, for them to know that they are valued by you.
Lastly, don’t hold yourself back from what you need. That’s not going to help you, and it may increase your depression. Maybe it would help you to decide how much socializing would be enough for you, but not be a “burden” on your friends, and set it up in advance, so you have something to look forward to. (I’m not sure what kind of socializing you mean – whether it’s in person stuff or texting or whatever.)
You could be a 5w6 based on this, leaning more into your 6 wing and feeling awkward in doing so, since you are used to doing things for yourself. But as I said, it’s fine to need people—and it may be that your need to be with your friends is your mind/body/heart telling you that to avoid a genuine, serious depression, you need support.
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so my brother has autism with a bit of ADHD, he is an intp, he dives a lot deeper into politics then I do, has a way better memory then I do, he seems to care about most things at least 60% more then me, he's a wee bit more social and is interested in many things, he is very frugal, he's less into understanding people and more understanding art (he also has like 10 different little treasure chests full up of little trinkets)
I on the other hand have severe ADHD with a bit of autism, I'm an istp, I don't really care much for politics I just vote based on whether it affects me or is a humans rights violation otherwise I don't care, I have a very shitty memory although that could be from suppressing my emotions 24/7, he doesn't do that ig. I don't care about most things, I really couldn't be bothered. I am pretty anti-social I guess, I can speak if it's a small group but big groups? forget it. I am more confrontational, I speak my mind more openly when I see an issue, I call people out more often although I try not to be an asshole about it and only when it comes to people I know and it's not personal. I don't really tend to collect things, i prefer practical things. it's also harder for things to catch my eye although I'm not frugal about it, in fact I've been known to be lavish even. I'm fascinated with understanding others and myself.
I bring this up because I've been mistyped as intp (or entp) every time I have taken mbti tests, I've only ever gotten istp once and it was the first time I took the 16personalities test, I think it's funny how similar and different me and my brother are because I didn't mention it but we have even more similarities and it's fascinating to me
there's no real point to bringing this up but I wanted to say it anyways
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someone find me an entp
or y'all just come to me
either way I want one
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the funny thing about being an istp (for me anyway) is despite the general assumption that istps are emotionless, I in fact, do feel things. I just really don’t like to.
for me when i care about anything i care deeply and sincerely and that scares me so i usually combat that issue by internalizing a lot of my emotions and/or brushing them off. i know how to disassociate myself if that makes sense…
I know it probably doesn’t seem that way from my blog since I’m always shitposting but irl I have a blank expression like 1000% of the time because I’m either zoning out or dissociating.
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ISTPS In The Wild
The virtuoso type of the MBTI world has shown a few consistencies, which when watched, they hide. We all act differently when we know people are watching. But to capture the movements of an ISTP in the midst of their “zone” is watching a National Geographic special. 16personalities shows that ISTPs only make up about 5% of the population. So how do these types behave when they’re not being watched?
The Analytical Improviser
ISTPs are difficult to predict because of the perceptive, thinking and introverted nature. Unlike their ESTP or ENTP counterparts they don’t express their thoughts or intentions out loud. Additionally, the thought process of the ISTP isn’t linear. Like the sister type of the INTP, they rely on their analytical side.
What makes ISTPs stand out from other analytical types is their ability to sense. As you watch an ISTP work through a problem, you’ll see various solutions come and go at lightning speed. When asked, an ISTP friend of mine, explained his actions change due to the predicted consequence. To many analytical types, it is difficult to identifying one consequence from another. What this means for your ISTPs out there is that you are the most valuable person in a crisis. If you have found an ISTP friend and feel the end of the world coming on, stick close to them!
Expect Things to be Taken Apart
ISTPs deconstruct everything.  The creative and very practical mind of the ISTP can be seen in full effect as they are taking apart objects. A strict pattern of taking apart, organize, piece together, and then repair. It appears well thought out, and they never seem to be in too much of a rush. Until they notice you’re watching. Then everything gets put away in a jumbled heap.
This is another superpower, which feeds into their own strengths of being rational and knowing how to prioritize . They are very fluid with their intentions. Able to switch from one task to another related task with great ease.
Perfect Balance of Reserved and Flexible
ISTPs don’t do a whole lot in any big hurry. They are relaxed, and open to changing their own plans. This doesn’t mean they’re giving up their plans, only moving them to a different time slot. Remember that as introverts ISTPs don’t need a social situation to feed on energy. While it may seem they are ready to go home when the party has started they are only operating in “power save” mode. Waiting until they are ready to bust out their social side. They keep a very smooth operating strategy which means they almost never feel as drained as other types.
Read More:
ISTPs In The Wild at Life Reaction
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All other types here
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I wish there were more ISTP blogs, if you’re an ISTP blog please reblog this! All suggestions I get are either INTP’s or general MBTI (which is fine) but I want to connect with my fellow ISTP’s as well
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MBTI Stereotypes and Descriptions vs Reality: ISTP
Part of a series with @entme
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Type Description:
“ISTPs explore ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. They enjoy having other people take an interest in their projects and sometimes don’t even mind them getting into their space. Of course, that’s on the condition that those people don’t interfere with ISTPs’ principles and freedom, and they’ll need to be open to ISTPs returning the interest in kind.”
Silently cool and dressed in leather.  Cooler than you. Magic athletic and coolness capabilities.  Your local secret agent.  Who knows what happened in their previous lives.  Emotions? What are those?
Really just wants everyone to chill and have a good time. Wanna come over sometime and do something man? Sweet. Knows like one or two categories and is pretty good at them but knows literally nothing about anything else. Style? What’s that? I guess I’ll wear these dark colored sweatpants and shirt. I guess I could do a backflip now but I broke my ankle like 4 months ago and I never gave it time to heal…
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I’ve offended people.
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the sexual tension between a healthy portrayal of emotions vs me saying “i think i am going to die” everytime i feel a strong emotion
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my Intp bsf: you're one of the coolest people I've ever met, you saved my life and you make me feel sane and confident, you make me feel comfortable and hot, I'm so glad you're in my life
me an istp: ??? wha- you're- uhh... thank you? I'm glad you're in my life too-
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Had a dream last night that I was watching Episode 1 of the Lockwood & Co series, but the first 50 minutes was just Lockwood parkouring everywhere and being an unnecessary action hero.
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