melefim · 8 hours
my dead boy detectives family! we have gained a potential friend in our fight, in the form of one danny motta, who put out this video
go watch it, watch it several times, leave likes and comments, tell em Guy sent you, talk about your favorite parts, just talk, INTERACT!!!
this is an incredible opportunity we have, let's make the most of it!
he's on our side just one episode in! imagine how invested he'll get as the season progresses!
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melefim · 2 days
Adding Fuck to LOTR, from the Hobbits.
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melefim · 2 days
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melefim · 3 days
whenever @netflix brings up budgeting for their reasons for cancellation i want to laugh in their faces, because i promise you that Dead Boy Detectives had a small budget, and you wanna know how i know?
the fact that they have a "magic item" for detecting a spirit's presence, and it's literally fucking rocks
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they could have made anything they wanted for some kind of cool device or artifact, but nope; plain-ass grey rocks. they're not even cool gems or have any kind of engravings on them or whatever. just fucking rocks.
but please, @netflix, tell me again about how "expensive" it was to film this show. i'm ready to believe you any minute now. 🙄
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melefim · 4 days
The world's oldest story? Astronomers say global myths about 'seven sisters' stars may reach back 100,000 years https://phys.org/news/2020-12-world-oldest-story-astronomers-global.html
Holy shit, this is cool!
So many cultures call the Pleiades some variation of the "seven sisters" despite only having six visible stars. There only appear to be six because two of the stars are so close together as to appear as one.
The myths also mention one sister leaving or hiding to explain why there's only six. And based off observations and measurements, those two that are so close together used to be visibly separate. One literally has moved to hide.
And based off the similarities between the more commonly known Greek myth and the Aboriginal Australian myth, plus some other stuff, this myth could possibly even date back to when humanity still all resided in Africa!
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melefim · 4 days
this is the only context i'm giving for my swap au right now. you're welcome.
[ CW !! Flashing Lights ]
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melefim · 4 days
In Defense Of Edwin
Something that has bothered me is that there's a significant amount of people who talk about Edwin being unaware of Charles' pain as if he's oblivious, or like he did something wrong; that is simply unfair to Edwin.
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Charles is happy, friendly, and wonderful. That is his personality. That is not all forced.
People are quick to jump on the line that Charles has been hiding his pain from Edwin, but a line people are ignoring from that argument is: "He's probably been hiding it from himself!"
His behavior indicates that he doesn't talk or think about trauma or negativity unless it's relevant to the situation. I doubt Charles even realized how bad his trauma was until the Devlin Murders. His pain was so repressed that he wasn't "feeling" it anymore.
Charles’ Triggers
While I'm not going to say that Charles did not hide his pain from Edwin at all, I am going to point out that this may have been the first time, in a very long time or ever, that they encountered something this close to home for him.
The only real reason Charles discusses his trauma now is because the Devlin House triggers him, genuinely in a psychological way. It's not just the "crazy dad" that gets to him. There are so many details that fit Charles personally. That whole situation is too fucking much for him.
The song Owner Of A Lonely Heart playing in the background; a song that he says he liked enough to get the cassette tape but that it was smashed by his father.
The controlling and restrictive behaviors of the father on his daughters. The eldest daughter writing about walking on eggshells and looking forward to graduation.
The way that the father kills them; he doesn't shoot them, or poison them, or whatever, he butchers them. His attacks are physically direct. He swings an axe, so his movement is the root of the violence. If it had been a gun, it would've been his finger on the trigger, but the bullets hitting them. Charles was abused by his father through the means of a belt, which is physically direct.
The loop, having to watch it over, and over, and over again with no break, no relief, and not being able to do anything, no matter how many times he sees it happen. Charles' abuse seemed to be regular and constant, no matter what he did. It always ended the same way.
All of that is then exacerbated by the Night Nurse forcing him to reexperience his trauma the very next day. That's a lot of specific details and events that lead to his complete breakdown.
Charles hasn't been consciously choosing to hide all of that pain from Edwin. It had been buried to the point where even he couldn't see it anymore, but the Devlin House uprooted it from his subconscious.
Charles’ Parents
Now, he does hide his habit of checking on his parents from Edwin, but that's not fully about his abuse. Charles misses his family, his life, being alive.
It's worth noting that he only shows Crystal his parents because he's trying to connect with her about not being able to go home. He didn't bring that up on a whim. It was relevant to help Crystal feel understood. She's not special; if someone completely different from her did the exact same thing, Charles would've shown them too.
Now, let's talk about him not telling Edwin. Charles may not have a full comprehension of Edwin's experiences, but he knows he's different from "normal" people. Hiding his parents from him is likely just as much about not wanting to hurt Edwin as it is protecting himself.
Edwin does not show any type of longing for his life. Everything he knew about the world from his time is gone or been changed beyond recognition. He doesn't have a family to miss, not that he was close to them in the first place; even if he did have an emotional connection to them, they've been long dead.
And Edwin seems unbothered, but there’s no way for Charles to know that for certain. Watching his parents weekly would remind Edwin constantly that he does not have anyone. He’s worried about being insensitive; he feels like he would be unintentionally taunting Edwin and rubbing salt into the wound.
Edwin has been dead for over 100 years and spent 70 of those years being torn apart by a demon in Hell; how could he even remember physical sensations other than pain and exhaustion? How could he remember the taste of food while running through Gluttony, watching its inhabitants vomit profusely? He never saw the appeal of romance or sex prior to his death, and then he witnesses the bloody masses of people in Lust; how could he be anything other than repulsed?
Charles tells him that pain is not a contest, but he almost without a doubt compares his own experiences to Edwin's. It's something people with low self-esteem do more than others. He feels guilty, like he’s selfish for being upset; Edwin has it so much worse.
How does being abused by his dad compare to being dragged to Hell? He got hit with a belt; Edwin was ripped apart. Who is he to whine about his life to a boy who has died more times than days Charles has existed?
He may not have had the specific details before, but the knowledge of it being Hell was enough. When you don't put your own needs on your priority list, that's one of the first "justifications" your brain comes up with. They already have enough on their plate, and you don't need to talk about it. You're totally fine! So yes, hiding his parents from Edwin makes sense from his perspective.
But his abuse? Charles doesn't even realize how much pain he's in; how could Edwin have realized?
My point is that Charles wasn't actively choosing to hide all of his pain from Edwin for thirty years, so to blame Edwin for not noticing is like blaming a blind person for picking up a red ball instead of a blue one. He couldn't have noticed; there was nothing for him to notice. Charles wasn't wearing a full mask.
The second Charles shows any indication that something is wrong, Edwin does notice!
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Edwin may have trouble with people, but he's not oblivious, and he knows Charles. If he's ever been upset like this before, he would've noticed. He notices Charles' change in behavior after Crystal joined in only a day, and he doesn't deny it when Edwin calls him out.
Edwin also follows up on asking if he needs to talk about his father. Charles brushes him off, but Crystal and Niko show up before Edwin has a chance to press a little more, which I think he would've. I don't think Charles would've opened up, but it would've shown that Edwin is aware that all is not well. He is aware, but on top of being in the dark about it, he's got his own shit he's working out and cases to solve. His attention is divided.
I think it's important to remember this fact that has been driving me mental for months now:
Charles and Edwin’s dynamic during the show is a completely different dynamic than the one they've had for the past thirty years.
The introduction of Crystal, going to Port Townsend, meeting Niko, Monty, fighting Esther, the Cat King, etc. etc. etc. Everything about their relationship gets shaken up from the start of the show. They're both acting differently in all sorts of ways, and some they even acknowledge to each other.
What we saw of them in Port Townsend is not what Charles and Edwin were during those thirty years. It's unfair to pass judgement on something we don't actually know about.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm getting really tired of fics/posts making a commentary about Edwin not noticing being something he has failed at. Does Edwin feel guilty for not realizing it sooner? Absolutely, but please, at least acknowledge that it wasn't his fault if you're sticking to canon. If you want to twist some shit into it to make it more complicated, make it more angsty, go right ahead! I'm absolutely not stopping you!
But canonically, at least I feel after studying these characters under a microscope, Edwin could not have known sooner.
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melefim · 4 days
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Still on my soapbox about how the cancellation of queer shows is tantamount to book bans. While 1 in 4 queer-inclusive shows are cancelled, the average streaming cancellation rate is only 12%. It's part of the anti-LGBT sentiment sweeping the nation. This isn't a new phenomenon, but its impact is becoming more and more important.
When queer shows are cancelled, it sends the message that our stories are not valuable, are not wanted. It also steals away representation which not only normalizes queer people for straight audiences, but also allows queer people to feel seen and affirmed.
Queer folks still have dire mental health outcomes. It gets worse as more anti-LGBT laws are passed.
🌈 If you want to help, you can start by streaming the hell out of queer series on any platform. Get your friends and family in on it. Heartstopper, Dead Boy Detectives, and Our Flag Means Death are a solid place to start.
You can sign DBDA's petition, fill out Netflix's request form with specific queer shows you want renewed (once per day per device), and rate your favorite queer shows and episodes on IMDB. If you're on Twitter, check out the #CanceledByNetflix tag and the account @CancelNetflix. You can tweet at or message your preferred streaming platforms on most social media too (Facebook, Tiktok, Insta, Twitter, Tumblr).
And spread the word :) Our stories deserve to be told.
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melefim · 5 days
thinking about how both edwin and charles refer to edwin getting sent to hell as a technicality or a clerical error and like. it's not. that's not what happened. edwin was sacrificed. hell had a mechanism for accepting innocent souls. edwin ending up in hell wasn't a loophole or a mistake someone made along the way. it was a system that was working exactly the way it was intended.
and thinking about the idea of hell and the idea of forgiveness and the idea that you only stay in hell if you feel like you belong there. and how edwin says that he was never meant to be in hell to begin with but still building up a case for himself to prove it because him not deserving hell might not be immediately obvious
thinking about how edwin died because of a hate crime, how he died being made to feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with him and getting sent to hell right after. and thinking about how edwin saying "if you punish yourself, everywhere becomes hell" and over a century of repression and supressing the parts of himself that got him killed, that got him sent to hell in the first place. and thinking about how when the night nurse looked at edwin's file, it didn't know if he belonged in hell or somewhere else either because edwin didn't know because edwin knows that he never did anything to deserve hell but he didn't get sent to hell because of anything he did but because of what he is and maybe there's a difference and maybe he believes that he never did anything wrong but maybe some part of him believes that he, personally, is wrong
and thinking about forgiveness and salvation and how people actually get out of hell, and how edwin forgave simon because they were two queer kids in the same shitty situation both in life and in death and it didn't matter how simon hurt edwin because he still needed to understand that being gay was not a punishment, and thinking about simon getting out of hell right after
and thinking about edwin confessing his love for charles on the steps of hell and getting to leave right after and how hell is something you make for yourself and how edwin escaped the first time but he never forgave himself for what he is and not something hecdid maybe hell still had a hold on him after all those years and it wasn't until he let himself be honest about it and be gay and love boys and allowed himself to actively choose to be the person he is and deciding that that person is someone who is allowed to feel and love and that that kind of love was not a punishment and thinking about how edwin escaped hell by not just allowing himself to love but leaving behind all the ways he was punishing himself for it
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melefim · 5 days
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melefim · 6 days
Reupload of my Glitter and Gold Dead Body Detectives edit because I fixed some things that bothered me.
Tried uploading it to TikTok as well but it got muted immediately.
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melefim · 6 days
hey real quick can anybody help me find this image that I’ve seen before here on tumblr. it looks like this
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the button doesn’t necessarily say “Elucidate the Rapture” but it does say something that’s kind of lengthy and has religious connotations. the woman pushing the button has an expression of indescribable smugness. there might be other buttons on the machine (?) she is pressing.
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melefim · 7 days
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melefim · 9 days
A season 2 Sandman cameo would have been filmed before the cancellation, so that’s absolutely not good enough in my book!
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melefim · 9 days
@netflix more media outlets are baffled by your cancellation of this incredible piece of queer art:
Netflix’s recent cancellation of Dead Boy Detectives is about more than a TV show – it’s about the fight for queer art and representation. In a world of attacks on queer rights and queer folk, including rising transphobia, Dead Boy Detectives is a desperately needed piece of queer art. Created by Steve Yockey and based on DC Comics characters, the show follows ghost detectives Charles (Jayden Revri) and Edwin (George Rexstrew), psychic medium Crystal (Kassius Nelson), and friend Niko (Yuyu Kitamura) as they solve supernatural mysteries and confront their demons, literal and figurative. The show centres and celebrates queerness and tackles serious issues regarding violence, justice and accountability. It’s also an exemplar of diverse media representation and inclusion, with three of the four main characters people of colour. It captured a loyal fanbase, excellent critical reception and reviews (including a 92% approval rating and 90% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes), and good streaming metrics, staying in the top 10 shows on Netflix for three weeks. It was even submitted by Warner Bros. (one of the show’s production companies) for Emmy nominations in several categories. Still, Netflix recently cancelled the show after one season – to date with no official explanation for the decision – leaving fans, cast and crew shocked and devastated.
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melefim · 9 days
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“(…) when I tried to tell you, you just walked away. (…) I got so embarrassed thinking that we… we were the same.”
This has been living in my mind since I first saw the episode (ep. 7- The Case of the Very Long Stairway) so I am releasing it into the world so others may suffer with me. Misery loves company. You’re welcome.
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melefim · 9 days
when money takes precedence over art, your favourite shows get cancelled, and new ones get made, but your new subject of obsession is soon deemed unprofitable and disappears into the void that is greedy pockets, until a new successor emerges, itself burdened with a prophecy of success until it inherently fails, doomed by the narrative
because the idea of profits has conflated with that of worth and art is slowly crumbling under the weight of capitalistic expectations
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