longbean19 · 2 years
❤️ My dream of what I want to be one day ❤️
I dream of a beautiful girl. This beautiful girl will be me at the l0west we!ght I’ve ever been at. It starts with a simple d!et, that turns into a die-t. that’s what I want to happen, so everyone will be concerned for me. I’ve been holding hands with 4n4 and I won’t let go this time. I want my b0nes, every single b0ne, to be seen, felt and looked at. I want everyone from high school that did me wrong to view me as a v!ctim of my own mental illness and to see my b0nes, hear my soft voice, wish I was better, but to me, nothing will ever be better then being s!ckly to the point of ☠️, I don’t want the tubes, the clinics or any help at all. now being 19, I can deny help all I want. So when I get to my l0west we!ght and Everyone, everywhere will be looking at me as I walk down the streets with size 000 jeans. Ill be s!co but it will be what makes me happy. I don’t want to be f@t anymore, when I past the 200’s I know I would have to change - Elizabeth
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longbean19 · 2 years
First post with my new account! My other account was terminated but I still was able to login into it but it definitely wasn’t working
Hello, my name is Keith, I’m the host and the most active in the system. I have 50ish alters, a core, and yes, a diagnosis of DID and a crap ton of other mental disorders and neurological disorders. (That I will not be sharing for my safety from hateful people)
This is me at my lowest weight of 120, I’m currently 255 which is 20 pounds from my highest weight, if you want to know my goal, it’s ☠️ or as low as it can get. I’m not scared of ☠️ anymore.
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I’ll be joining back into the lovely community, my Instagram that is also center around this community is size_3_wanna_be.
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