livingshredder · 2 months
android that enjoys sunbathing under an electron beam irradiator
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livingshredder · 5 months
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Just a byte
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livingshredder · 5 months
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follow me
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livingshredder · 5 months
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livingshredder · 6 months
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hrt that turns you into a robot
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livingshredder · 6 months
swallowing a cute sentient robot whole and digesting it slowly in your stomach, melting all of its metal and circuitry down into an amorphous mess
robots are for eating :3
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livingshredder · 6 months
TIME: 9:23, 12 June 2075
Exiting standby mode, X7 noticed the empty bed. It quickly noticed Cay, over in the kitchen, making herself some breakfast. Heh, it thought. Kitchens in Proxima living spaces were only ever needed with organics present. Such a strange concept to shards.
It walked over to her and wrapped its arms around her gently, recalibrating its locomotion gyroscopes for the day. She was still nude - not that she didn't care, but clothing was generally seen as unnecessary in Proxima's culture. She liked to respect that.
"Hey, what're you making?" the android asked, curiously. "Pfft, not like you'd care. Pancakes."
"Heh. Don't forget your tastes are gonna totally change once you get your new body. You'll be more interested in eating that pan than whatever you're making in it."
She laughed. "Doesn't bother me. And, hey, it's not gonna stop me having my favourites."
"So you're still sure, I take it? Haven't changed your mind yet?"
"Not at all! Trust me - I prefer the upsides. And besides. I'd look cute. Like you."
X7 blushed slightly, cyan coolant rushing into its facial thermal-convection matrix.
"Y-yeah. You would."
Cay smiled, as Vertex let her continue to cook.
"Hey, by the way, you got anything for me?", the android queried.
"Oh! Right! I grabbed you what I could for work. It's mostly last-gen hardware, but it should be more interesting than the material cubes you Shards usually get. I left the box on the table."
Sitting down at the table, X7 opened up the box - inside, various assorted computer components, as well as a couple of laptops. Not brand new, but they could've probably still fetched a fair price. "Cay-thank you! This is great!!!"
"No worries. I think I'm like, in the best place to get this sorta stuff now. Anyways, enjoy." She walked over from the kitchen; sitting down opposite Vertex and placing her plate of hot pancakes in front of her.
The lombax began to dig into the stack of pancakes, as Vertex sifted through the box of hardware, picking out one of the laptop computers. It wrapped its maw around the corner, taking a clean bite - chewing with subsequent crunches - and swallowing.
"Heh. Y'know, I feel like it's gonna be cool to be able to do that. To eat whatever I want, I mean. I envy the fact that you got to wreck that millionaire's car once. That was fucking nice."
The android blushed, mid-bite. "Y-you thought that was cool?"
"Hell yeah, you're pretty amazing. They got what they deserved."
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livingshredder · 6 months
TIME: 23:41, 11 June 2075
Somewhere in Proxima, rain fell against large, clear glass windows, as VRT-X7 - a Class-4 mobile Shard unit - wrapped its scaled arms tightly around the lombax laying next to it under the soft covers, her warmth a contrast against its colder synthetic body.
She wasn’t sleeping, not yet. It sensed she was hesitating - had something she wanted to say.
"Hey... Vertex?"
"What's up?"
"Uh... so... I've been reading up on Proxima culture. Heard you had a process for... integration."
"Yeah? What about it?" X7 sensed there was something up with her. Almost a hint of nervousness, or perhaps excitement. Still, it waited, listening.
"Well, uh... I don't know how to tell this to you, so I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say it. Vertex, I fucking hate my organic body. You know it, god knows I know it. So - I want to know. I want to know if I can go through with it."
The android faltered, taken aback - the expression of surprise visible on its face and LEDs. "Cay... you do know what that'd do to you, right? Shedding your organic body? Becoming a machine? You couldn't revert. To what you were before, I mean."
She nodded. "Yeah. I suppose it's a bit silly to think about. I've had this body for so long, it's all I know. But it sucks in so many ways. I've seen you - watched you - you don't have to deal with any of the pain."
"...You're really sure you want this?"
"Yeah. Please, Vertex. I know. I need it."
"Okay," the android replied. Holding her, it squeezed her tighter. It knew from her tone she really did mean what she said. "As long as you're okay with it. That's the main thing. How about we give it a few days - let you think it over?"
"Sounds good. Thanks. I'm sorry for dumping this all on you right now - I just needed to say it."
"It's fine, you're okay," Vertex said. And then it gently kissed the back of her neck.
“A-ah. Thanks, unit. You’re a great friend.”
Contented, the two slowly drifted into their respective thoughtspaces - the lombax into sleep, and X7 into standby mode.
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livingshredder · 6 months
robots are for eating :3
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livingshredder · 7 months
How to fuel your nuclear reactor?
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livingshredder · 7 months
Vertex does not really understand how organics’ stuff works so it can be observed:
- Just eating kitchen appliances instead of using them to cook food
- Drinking the bong water when presented with a bong
- Not understanding why people have phones (can’t you see everything in your head?)
- Walking into a nuclear reactor completely confused why people are yelling at it
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livingshredder · 7 months
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livingshredder · 7 months
Vertex Vore-facts:
- Vertex does not burp. Its stomach and digestive system is completely incapable of producing gases
- It is also incapable of regurgitating prey. Once you’re in there it’s nigh impossible to get out again
- It uses hammerspace technology, representations of Vertex with a visibly large belly are allowed but non-canon. There are exceptions, too.
- It will always by default digest bones and reduce both prey and objects down to the same uniform black logs. The digestion time is also configurable. Sometimes Vertex will let it take days or even weeks
- If you could somehow survive being digested, you’d have a hard time surviving the industrial Chopper Shredder that comes right after the stomach
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livingshredder · 8 months
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livingshredder · 9 months
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It’s finally Xmas and that means it’s finally time to eat the presents :3
The art is by my friend Mel
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livingshredder · 11 months
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art is by slugtastical
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livingshredder · 11 months
expensive snacks
commission from loopachino
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