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Qualifying Poll!
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So this is one of those tournament blogs. This one is about gimmick blogs.
Submissions are open until July 1st.
Even if you think your favorite gimmick blog has been submitted, please submit it anyways. It might not be, and I'd hate to miss out on any that people would like.
I'm honestly shocked that it seems like nobody has done this before.
How this is going to work
So the amount of blogs in this tournament obviously hinges upon how many submissions this gets. I'm going to use the greatest power of two that you can get from the amount of valid* submissions. For instance, if there are 11 submissions, this tournament would have 8 blogs competing.
A gimmick blog can be submitted multiple times, but the ones that get removed from the tournament if the number isn't a power of 2 are the ones whose first submission happened most recently.
*When I say valid, I mean that the blog is actually a gimmick blog. If a submitted blog is debatably a gimmick blog (which is to say that it's not obviously a gimmick blog, but it isn't just someone who submitted their main and said their gimmick is being cool or whatever), then I will probably run a poll to see if you people consider it a gimmick blog or not.
Current amount of possible submissions*: 143
*a few of these are "debatable" gimmick blogs, and I will probably run polls on whether or not they will be included
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Intro thingy
Hallo this is just lil gimick side blog lol
Every Wednesday (in my time zone) I will post some variation of this meme!
My main is @theupsidedownguy i do art things there :D
You can call me by any variations of the above @ and I use he/she
Feel free to send an ask for a specific blorbo/meme/person to be made or send your own!
(More may be added)
#sparkles suggestions self explanatory i think
#sparkles premades if people send in memes that are made already
#sparkles by me/whoever suggested/made it
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