hoeforgrant · 24 days
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likes and reblogs appreciated ! ⏲️
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hoeforgrant · 24 days
I remember when I was like 8 y/o I claimed my favorite movie was Tron: The legacy based on the aesthetic of the cover, I've never watched Tron
Is it good tho?
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hoeforgrant · 24 days
today called for a job vacant and I got an interview right away, but my brother called for the same vacancy and they rejected him incredibly harsh because they're only hiring women, should I be concerned?
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hoeforgrant · 1 month
Do you have a list of words for "dark"? I feel like I rotate through the same five. Ty!
Thanks for the request, because I'm guilty of this as well!
Dark—devoid or partially devoid of light; not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light
Adumbrate - overshadow, obscure
Aphotic - being the deep zone of an ocean or lake receiving too little light to permit photosynthesis
Atramentous - black as ink; inky
Becloud - to obscure with or as if with a cloud
Blackout - to become enveloped in darkness
Brumous - misty, foggy
Caliginous - misty, dark
Cavernous - dark and gloomy, as of a cavern
Chiaroscuro - the quality of being veiled or partly in shadow
Cimmerian - very dark or gloomy
Crepuscular - of, relating to, or resembling twilight; dim
Darkling - dark
Darksome - gloomily somber; dark
Dim - emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light
Dislimn - dim
Dull - cloudy; low in saturation and lightness
Dusky - somewhat dark in color; marked by slight or deficient light; shadowy
Ebony - black, dark
Fuliginous - sooty; obscure, murky; having a dark or dusky color
Gloaming - twilight, dusk
Gloomy - partially or totally dark
Inky - as dark as ink
Lightless - receiving no light; dark
Lowery - gloomy
Midnight - deep or extended darkness or gloom
Moonless - lacking the light of the moon
Murky - characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke
Obfuscate - to throw into shadow; darken
Obnubilate - becloud, obscure
Obscurant - tending to make obscure (i.e., dark, dim; shrouded in or hidden by darkness)
Overcast - darken, overshadow; clouded over
Pitch-black - extremely dark or black
Rayless - having, admitting, or emitting no rays, especially: dark
Riley - turbid
Sable - of the color black; dark, gloomy
Shadowy - being in or obscured by shadow; shady
Shroud - as in to obscure: to make dark, dim, or indistinct
Smoky - made dark or black by or as if by smoke
Somber - (or sombre) so shaded as to be dark and gloomy
Stygian - extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding
Subfusc - (chiefly British) drab, dusky
Sunless - lacking sunshine; dark
Swarthy - of a dark color, complexion, or cast; swart
Tartarean - of, relating to, or resembling Tartarus; infernal
Tenebrous - shut off from the light; dark, murky
Turbid - heavy with smoke or mist
Umbrageous - spotted with shadows
Umbral - of little or no light
Unlit - not lighted, such as: not illuminated with light
Wane - to become less brilliant or powerful; dim
Hope this helps (I feel like this is one of the word lists I'll be referring back to a lot). Do tag me, or send me a link if it does. I'd love to read your work!
More: Word Lists
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hoeforgrant · 1 month
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Bookshelf and coffee ☕
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hoeforgrant · 1 month
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hoeforgrant · 1 month
Everyone's talking about how funny it was to see Hannibal pining so much after Will didn't show up for his therapy, but may I also draw your attention to the fact that literally the second Hannibal saw Will wasn't there, Requiem started playing? This is the most melodramatic thing I've ever seen. Will didn't show one (1) time and Hannibal was already channelling a widow in mourning. This show is pure comedy gold.
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hoeforgrant · 1 month
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hoeforgrant · 1 month
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
me🤝the excruciating feeling of being weird enough to never be properly loved
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
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spot the difference challenge guys.. this is a tough one
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. U might have the strength and size but I have pure, unfiltered rage.
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
whenever you think Hannibal isn't the elected baby girl, just remember THIS is one of the official posters for the show
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
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Gucci RTW Fall ‘16
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
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The Late Riser   -    Robert Schiff ,  before 1935.
Austrian , 1869 - 1935
oil on canvas
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hoeforgrant · 2 months
*Hannibal season one*
Hannibal: omg this crime is sooo horrible, I can’t believe someone could do this. Dearest Will, my pookie bear, my honeyfly, my boo boo bear, what do you think of monster who did this? Tell me what you think of him my lovely dove.
Will: *minecraft zombie noise* uhhraggg
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